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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensembles of Single Image Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks / Ensembler av generative adversarial networks för superupplösning av bilder

Castillo Araújo, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Generative Adversarial Networks have been used to obtain state-of-the-art results for low-level computer vision tasks like single image super-resolution, however, they are notoriously difficult to train due to the instability related to the competing minimax framework. Additionally, traditional ensembling mechanisms cannot be effectively applied with these types of networks due to the resources they require at inference time and the complexity of their architectures. In this thesis an alternative method to create ensembles of individual, more stable and easier to train, models by using interpolations in the parameter space of the models is found to produce better results than those of the initial individual models when evaluated using perceptual metrics as a proxy of human judges. This method can be used as a framework to train GANs with competitive perceptual results in comparison to state-of-the-art alternatives. / Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) har använts för att uppnå state-of-the- art resultat för grundläggande bildanalys uppgifter, som generering av högupplösta bilder från bilder med låg upplösning, men de är notoriskt svåra att träna på grund av instabiliteten relaterad till det konkurrerande minimax-ramverket. Dessutom kan traditionella mekanismer för att generera ensembler inte tillämpas effektivt med dessa typer av nätverk på grund av de resurser de behöver vid inferenstid och deras arkitekturs komplexitet. I det här projektet har en alternativ metod för att samla enskilda, mer stabila och modeller som är lättare att träna genom interpolation i parameterrymden visat sig ge bättre perceptuella resultat än de ursprungliga enskilda modellerna och denna metod kan användas som ett ramverk för att träna GAN med konkurrenskraftig perceptuell prestanda jämfört med toppmodern teknik.

Generation of layouts for living spaces using conditional generative adversarial networks : Designing floor plans that respect both a boundary and high-level requirements / Generering av layouts för boendeytor med conditional generative adversarial networks : Design av planritningar som respekterar både en gräns och krav på hög nivå

Chen, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Architectural design is a complex subject involving many different aspects that need to be considered. Drafting a floor plan from a blank slate can require iterating over several designs in the early phases of planning, and it is likely an even more daunting task for non-architects to tackle. This thesis investigates the opportunities of using conditional generative adversarial networks to generate floor plans for living spaces. The pix2pixHD method is used to learn a mapping between building boundaries and color-mapped floor plan layouts from the RPLAN dataset consisting of over 80k images. Previous work has mainly focused on either preserving an input boundary or generating layouts based on a set of conditions. To give potential users more control over the generation process, it would be useful to generate floor plans that respect both an input boundary and some high-level client requirements. By encoding requirements about desired room types and their locations in colored centroids, and stacking this image with the boundary input, we are able to train a model to synthesize visually plausible floor plan images that adapt to the given conditions. This model is compared to another model trained on only the building boundary images that acts as a baseline. Results from visual inspection, image properties, and expert evaluation show that the model trained with centroid conditions generates samples with superior image quality to the baseline model. Feeding additional information to the networks is therefore not only a way to involve the user in the design process, but it also has positive effects on the model training. The results from this thesis demonstrate that floor plan generation with generative adversarial networks can respect different kinds of conditions simultaneously, and can be a source of inspiration for future work seeking to make computer-aided design a more collaborative process between users and models. / Arkitektur och design är komplexa områden som behöver ta hänsyn till ett flertal olika aspekter. Att skissera en planritning helt från början kan kräva flera iterationer av olika idéer i de tidiga stadierna av planering, och det är troligtvis en ännu mer utmanande uppgift för en icke-arkitekt att angripa. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka möjligheterna till att använda conditional generative adversarial networks för att generera planritningar för boendeytor. Pix2pixHD-metoden används för att lära en modell ett samband mellan gränsen av en byggnad och en färgkodad planritning från datasamlingen RPLAN bestående av över 80 tusen bilder. Tidigare arbeten har främst fokuserat på att antingen bevara en given byggnadsgräns eller att generera layouts baserat på en mängd av villkor. För att ge potentiella slutanvändare mer kontroll över genereringsprocessen skulle det vara användbart att generera planritningar som respekterar både en given byggnadsgräns och några klientbehov på en hög nivå. Genom att koda krav relaterade till önskade rumstyper och deras placering som färgade centroider, och sedan kombinera denna bild med byggnadsgränsen, kan vi träna en modell som kan framställa visuellt rimliga bilder på planritningar som kan anpassa sig till de givna villkoren. Denna modell jämförs med en annan modell som tränas endast på byggnadsgränser och som kan agera som en baslinje. Resultat från inspektion av genererade bilder och deras egenskaper, samt expertevaluering visar att modellen som tränas med centroidvillkor genererar bilder med högre bildkvalitet jämfört med baslinjen. Att ge mer information till modellen kan därmed både involvera användaren mer i designprocessen och bidra till positiva effekter på träningen av modellen. Resultaten från detta examensarbete visar att generering av planritningar med generative adversarial networks kan respektera olika typer av villkor samtidigt, och kan vara en källa till inspiration för framtida arbete som syftar till att göra datorstödd design en mer kollaborativ process mellan användare och modeller.

Autonomous Driving: Traffic Sign Classification

Tirumaladasu, Sai Subhakar, Adigarla, Shirdi Manjunath January 2019 (has links)
Autonomous Driving and Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are revolutionizing the way we drive and the future of mobility. Among ADAS, Traffic Sign Classification is an important technique which assists the driver to easily interpret traffic signs on the road. In this thesis, we used the powerful combination of Image Processing and Deep Learning to pre-process and classify the traffic signs. Recent studies in Deep Learning show us how good a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is for image classification and there are several state-of-the-art models with classification accuracies over 99 % existing out there. This shaped our thesis to focus more on tackling the current challenges and some open-research cases. We focussed more on performance tuning by modifying the existing architectures with a trade-off between computations and accuracies. Our research areas include enhancement in low light/noisy conditions by adding Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) connections, and contribution to a universal-regional dataset with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The results obtained on the test data are comparable to the state-of-the-art models and we reached accuracies above 98% after performance evaluation in different frameworks

Image-based Process Monitoring via Generative Adversarial Autoencoder with Applications to Rolling Defect Detection

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Image-based process monitoring has recently attracted increasing attention due to the advancement of the sensing technologies. However, existing process monitoring methods fail to fully utilize the spatial information of images due to their complex characteristics including the high dimensionality and complex spatial structures. Recent advancement of the unsupervised deep models such as a generative adversarial network (GAN) and generative adversarial autoencoder (AAE) has enabled to learn the complex spatial structures automatically. Inspired by this advancement, we propose an anomaly detection framework based on the AAE for unsupervised anomaly detection for images. AAE combines the power of GAN with the variational autoencoder, which serves as a nonlinear dimension reduction technique with regularization from the discriminator. Based on this, we propose a monitoring statistic efficiently capturing the change of the image data. The performance of the proposed AAE-based anomaly detection algorithm is validated through a simulation study and real case study for rolling defect detection. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Industrial Engineering 2019

Odstraňování šumu pomocí neuronových sítí s cyklickou konzistencí / Speech Enhancement with Cycle-Consistent Neural Networks

Karlík, Pavol January 2020 (has links)
Hlboké neurónové siete sa bežne používajú v oblasti odstraňovania šumu. Trénovací proces neurónovej siete je možné rožšíriť využitím druhej neurónovej siete, ktorej cieľom je vložiť šum do čistej rečovej nahrávky. Tieto dve siete sa môžu spolu využiť k rekonštrukcii pôvodných čistých a zašumených nahrávok. Táto práca skúma efektivitu tejto techniky, zvanej cyklická konzistencia. Cyklická konzistencia zlepšuje robustnosť neurónovej siete bez toho, aby sa daná sieť akokoľvek modifikovala, nakoľko vystavuje sieť na odstraňovanie šumu rôznorodejšiemu množstvu zašumených dát. Avšak, táto technika vyžaduje trénovacie dáta skladajúce sa z párov vstupných a referenčných nahrávok. Tieto dáta niesu vždy dostupné. Na trénovanie modelov s nepárovanými dátami využívame generatívne neurónové siete s cyklickou konzistenciou. V tejto práci sme vykonali veľké množstvo experimentov s modelmi trénovanými na párovaných a nepárovaných dátach. Naše výsledky ukazujú, že využitie cyklickej konzistencie výrazne zlepšuje výkonnosť modelov.

Generativní adversarialní neuronové sítě využity na ochranu soukromí při biometrické autentifikaci a identifikaci / Generative Adversarial Networks Applied for Privacy Preservation in Bio-Metric-Based Authentication and Identification

Mjachky, Ľuboš January 2021 (has links)
Systémy založené na biometrickej autentizácii sa stávajú súčasťou nášho každodenného bytia. Tieto systémy však nedovoľujú používateľom priamo alebo nepriamo meniť spôsob, akým sa k ich dátam pristupuje a ako sa s nimi bude zaobchádzať ďalej v budúcnosti. Dôsledkom tohto môžu vyplynúť riziká spojené s uniknutím identity jedinca. Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom systému, ktorý zachováva privátnosť a zároveň umožňuje autentizáciu na základe biometrických čŕt používateľov, a to za pomoci generatívnej neurónovej siete (GAN). V práci sa konkrétne uvažuje o tom, že GAN je použitá na transformáciu obrázkov tvárí napríklad na obrázky kvetov. Autentizačný systém sídliaci na serveri je v konečnom dôsledku učený rozlišovať používateľov podľa obrázkov kvetov a nie tvárí. Na základe vykonaných experimentov môžeme potvrdiť, že navrhovaná metóda je robustná voči útokom, pričom stále vykazuje kvalitatívne požiadavky kladené na štandardný autentizačný systém.

AI-Driven Image Manipulation : Image Outpainting Applied on Fashion Images

Mennborg, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
The e-commerce industry frequently has to deal with displaying product images in a website where the images are provided by the selling partners. The images in question can have drastically different aspect ratios and resolutions which makes it harder to present them while maintaining a coherent user experience. Manipulating images by cropping can sometimes result in parts of the foreground (i.e. product or person within the image) to be cut off. Image outpainting is a technique that allows images to be extended past its boundaries and can be used to alter the aspect ratio of images. Together with object detection for locating the foreground makes it possible to manipulate images without sacrificing parts of the foreground. For image outpainting a deep learning model was trained on product images that can extend images by at least 25%. The model achieves 8.29 FID score, 44.29 PSNR score and 39.95 BRISQUE score. For testing this solution in practice a simple image manipulation pipeline was created which uses image outpainting when needed and it shows promising results. Images can be manipulated in under a second running on ZOTAC GeForce RTX 3060 (12GB) GPU and a few seconds running on a Intel Core i7-8700K (16GB) CPU. There is also a special case of images where the background has been digitally replaced with a solid color and they can be outpainted even faster without deep learning.

Investigation of generative adversarial network training : The effect of hyperparameters on training time and stability

Gustafsson, Alexander, Linberg, Jonatan January 2021 (has links)
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is a technique used to learn the distribution of some dataset in order to generate similar data. GAN models are notoriously difficult to train, which has caused limited deployment in the industry. The results of this study can be used to accelerate the process of making GANs production ready. An experiment was conducted where multiple GAN models were trained, with the hyperparameters Leaky ReLU alpha, convolutional filters, learning rate and batch size as independent variables. A Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare the training time and training stability of each model to the others’. Except for the Leaky ReLU alpha, changes to the investigated hyperparameters had a significant effect on the training time and stability. This study is limited to a few hyperparameters and values, a single dataset and few data points, further research in the area could look at the generalisability of the results or investigate more hyperparameters.

Unsupervised Image-to-image translation : Taking inspiration from human perception / Unsupervised Image-to-image translation : Taking inspiration from human perception

Sveding, Jens Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Generative Artificial Intelligence is a field of artificial intelligence where systems can learn underlying patterns in previously seen content and generate new content. This thesis explores a generative artificial intelligence technique used for image-toimage translations called Cycle-consistent Adversarial network (CycleGAN), which can translate images from one domain into another. The CycleGAN is a stateof-the-art technique for doing unsupervised image-to-image translations. It uses the concept of cycle-consistency to learn a mapping between image distributions, where the Mean Absolute Error function is used to compare images and thereby learn an underlying mapping between the two image distributions. In this work, we propose to use the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) as an alternative to the Mean Absolute Error function. The SSIM is a metric inspired by human perception, which measures the difference in two images by comparing the difference in, contrast, luminance, and structure. We examine if using the SSIM as the cycle-consistency loss in the CycleGAN will improve the image quality of generated images as measured by the Inception Score and Fréchet Inception Distance. The inception Score and Fréchet Inception Distance are both metrics that have been proposed as methods for evaluating the quality of images generated by generative adversarial networks (GAN). We conduct a controlled experiment to collect the quantitative metrics. Our results suggest that using the SSIM in the CycleGAN as the cycle-consistency loss will, in most cases, improve the image quality of generated images as measured Inception Score and Fréchet Inception Distance.

Interpretable Superhuman Machine Learning Systems: An explorative study focusing on interpretability and detecting Unknown Knowns using GAN

Hermansson, Adam, Generalao, Stefan January 2020 (has links)
I en framtid där förutsägelser och beslut som tas av maskininlärningssystem överträffar människors förmåga behöver systemen att vara tolkbara för att vi skall kunna lita på och förstå dem. Vår studie utforskar världen av tolkbar maskininlärning genom att designa och undersöka artefakter. Vi genomför experiment för att utforska förklarbarhet, tolkbarhet samt tekniska utmaningar att skapa maskininlärningsmodeller för att identifiera liknande men unika objekt. Slutligen genomför vi ett användartest för att utvärdera toppmoderna förklaringsverktyg i ett direkt mänskligt sammanhang. Med insikter från dessa experiment diskuterar vi den potentiella framtiden för detta fält / In a future where predictions and decisions made by machine learning systems outperform humans we need the systems to be interpretable in order for us to trust and understand them. Our study explore the realm of interpretable machine learning through designing artifacts. We conduct experiments to explore explainability, interpretability as well as technical challenges of creating machine learning models to identify objects that appear similar to humans. Lastly, we conduct a user test to evaluate current state-of-the-art visual explanatory tools in a human setting. From these insights, we discuss the potential future of this field.

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