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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv revolucí v arabských zemích na azylovou a imigrační politiku Evropské unie / Impact of the revolutions in the Arab countries on the immigration and asylum policy of the European Union.

Strolená, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The content of the thesis is an analysis of the impact of the revolutions in the countries of North Africa during the year 2011 on the immigration and asylum policy of the European Union. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the response of the European Union and its member states to the migration situation. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one describes the situation and migration during revolutions in the North Africa, the second chapter deals with the migration into the European Union. The third chapter analyzes the reaction of chosen member states and the institutions of the European Union. The last chapter finally evaluates the situation and identifies the opportunities and threats for the immigration and asylum policy of the European Union that emerged from the previous analysis.

Přechody k demokracii a jejich problémové aspekty v geopolitické perspektivě / The Transition Towards Democracy and its Problematic Aspects in Geo-Politic Perspektive

Hozáková, Michala January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Transition Towards Democracy and its Problematic Aspects in Geo-Politic Perspective " deals with the theory of democracy, the transition towards democracy and the political development in specific regions. The aim of this thesis is to summarize both general thoeretical concepts about the topic and current studies about illiberal democracies in the 21st century. My thesis starts with the analysis of the meaning of the term liberal democracy as well as the term modern nation state, whereas the emphasis is given on the conditions to be found beyond both. This is followed by the introduction to main transition concepts. Within the logic of my topic it is stressed especially the nature of removed political regime which could be crucial for the outcome of the transition. My diploma thesis deals also with an institutional engineering which is often overlooked but of high importance. The question of hybrid regimes is closely linked to previous topic because it can help us to undestand all problematic aspects of transition. Last chapter is dedicated to specific African regimes which are usually hidden in a shadow of interest of politican science. I will argue that the very analysis of their nature can prove the importance of functional political institutions as a base for succesfull...

Nový regionalismus a subsaharská Afrika / New Regionalism and Sub-Saharan Africa

Řehák, Vilém January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis "New Regionalism and Sub-Saharan Africa" deals with the question of economic integration in Africa and its theoretical reflexion. First chapter deals with the question whether different integration theories are applicable to African reality or not. Author subsequently analyzes Pan-Africanism as a specifically African ideology, classical economic integration theories, classical theories of political science on integration and modern theories of political science, with the conclusion that neither of these theories provides explanation of speeding up African integration in recent years. Chapter two deals with the phenomenon of so-called "new regionalism" as a process in world economy, second part deals with different theoretical conceptions and theories trying to describe and theorize about this process. Chapter three briefly describes evolution of African integration from its colonial starts to the newest initiatives connected with the transformation of Organization of African Unity into African Union. Chapter four offers five case studies of integration in different regional organizations. Each case study outlines starting position in 1991 in the sense of creation of organization, its aims and evolution of integration up to signing of the Abuja Treaty creating African Economic...

Totalitární tendence v německé koloniální politice / Totalitarian tendencies of German colonial policies

Weiser, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis Totalitarian tendencies of German colonial policies deals with German colonial policies towards Africans in the period between 1884-1914. The main focus is placed on the characteristics and analysis of German native policy in the most important of German colonies - German South West Africa. This piece attempts to pinpoint the relationship between the colonizers and the colonized, to illustrate the racist prejudice of the Germans and to describe the impact of these ideas on the colonial reality. Furthermore, this work reflects upon the Herero war, with particular interest being paid to the German war strategy, and tries to identify the reasons behind its radicalization as well as to resolve the query concerning the genocidal intent. The totalitarianism section of this thesis explores the totalitarian aspects of German native policy in German South West Africa and their development following the Herero war. A comparison of German colonial policies towards the natives with colonial policies of the other major powers active on the African continent follows. The final chapter endeavours to answer the question regarding the continuity of German history and continuity between German colonialism and National Socialism.

'Im Nebel der Kulturbegriffe': Ist es möglich innerhalb einer aufgezeichneten Musikunterrichtsstunde - vor dem Hintergrund eines bedeutungsorientierten Kulturbegriffs - Momente einer intuitiv getätigten Anwendung von sprachlichen Elementen festzustellen, welche in Bezug auf die im Kommunikationsprozess entstehenden Bedeutungen Problematiken aufwerfen?

Bababoutilabo, Vincent 21 April 2016 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der intuitiven Verwendung sprachlicher Elemente, welche hinsichtlich der im Kommunikationsprozess entstehenden Bedeutungen problematisch sein können. Hierfür wurde eine gefilmte Musikunterrichtsstunde analysiert. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Lehrkraft durch eine unbewusste Verwendung des Begriffs “afrikanische Sachen” die Kategorien “afrikanisch” und “nicht-afrikanisch” etabliert. Diese werden von den Schüler*innen adaptiert und ihnen nach einer individuellen, subjektiven Selektion im Unterricht vorkommende Elemente untergeordnet, welche dann innerhalb einer hegemonialen Struktur positioniert werden, wobei ebenso Hierarchisierungsprozesse möglich sind. Ferner besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die Stilisierung kultureller Unterschiede seitens der Schüler*innen zur Folge hat, dass Kulturen an sich von ihnen als hermetische und unanfechtbare Einheiten wahrgenommen werden. In den Worten einer an der Musikunterrichtsstunde teilnehmenden Person: “afrikanisch singen [ist] anders.”

Vlyv environmentálních faktorů na charakter zpěvu jihoafrických ptáků / Environment and avian song: case of South African birds

Mikula, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Relationship between animal signalization and environmental conditions, where these species are living, is one of crucial topics of ecology. Using two complementary statistical approaches (fourth-corner and RLQ analyzes) I investigated geographical variation in parameters of bird vocalization in South Africa (RSA) and Lesotho. Altogether, I used nine quantitative and five qualitative acoustic traits for 472 bird species and nine environmental variables which could significantly influence parameters of their vocalization. My results supported findings of previous studies about the important effect of body size on species-specific vocal characteristics. In passerines, analyzes corrected for body size showed that the number of elements and element types were increasing with variability of natural conditions and were highest in very arid and climatically unpredictable areas. Element and element type rate were positively associated with altitude. Minimal song frequency in passerines and frequency range of vocalization in other birds were negatively correlated with average temperature of warmest and coldest month of the year, respectively. Similarly, environmental variables significantly influenced distribution of several qualitative song traits in passerines. Passerines, where female song and...

Transculturation: Mission and Modernity in Africa

Wirz, Albert, Hock, Klaus, Loimeier, Roman, Abun-Nasr, Sonia, Alsheimer, Rainer, Bredekamp, Henry C. Jatti, Schultze, Andrea 08 July 2019 (has links)
This volume is a collection of papers dealing with cultural interaction between Europe and Africa resulting from missionary activity in Africa. The main focus is on the premises and impact of Protestant missionary work, both in Africa and in Europe, but one paper deals with similar processes in Islam.

Analýza stereotypů v cestovatelských pořadech vybraných států subsaharské Afriky / Analysis of stereotypes in tv travel shows of selected states of sub-Saharan Africa

Ferreira de Sousa, Natalie January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze stereotypes in Czech TV travel shows with a focus on the region of sub-Saharan Africa. The chosen form of research is a content analysis, divided into three parts: thematic, visual, and textual. Thematic analysis focuses on the selection of topics. Visual on how the camera processes the story and the text part analyzes the keywords. Selected programs that were used for this research are three TV travel shows of Czech production: Objektiv, Cestománie, and Koření. All three programs show that the tendency to portray sub-Saharan Africa outside of the news is rather stereotypical, and Africa's unified media presentation highlights recurring themes: political instability, poverty, or a beauty of African nature.

The role of price sensitivity and pricing in the demand for accommodation of local visitors to the Kruger National Park

Schutte, Ignatius Christian 11 June 2013 (has links)
The need for the study was prompted by discussions with my fellow photographers and friends that fewer people visited the Kruger National Park the last few years. Various reasons were given for it. I discussed it with Professors G. Puth and A. N. Schreuder, and members of the National Parks Board. Initially it was decided that a study should be done of why there was a decrease in the demand for accommodation in the Park, and how it could possibly be improved. Mr. P. Fearnhead and Professor A. N. Schreuder suggested that it would be better if a price sensitivity study should be done with a new computer program, namely conjoint analysis. This type of study has not been done in South Africa before. One of the major purposes of a conjoint analysis is to measure consumer preferences among competitive products and services. Basically it measures preferences of tourists by making trade-offs between five attributes and seventeen levels, and that consumers make complex decisions not on one factor alone but on several factors "jointly". Thus it was named conjoint analysis. Ranking a number of different combinations of attribute levels on a nine-point rating scale indicated their preferences. The results were then processed by a computer program, Conjoint Value Analysis (CVA), Version 2.0 system. They indicated their preferences by ranking a number of different combinations of attribute levels to give utility values for the attributes. Six representative camps (three large and three small ones) were used for a stratified sample of 428 respondents. The findings will give recommendations that can be used. AFRIKAANS : Die behoefte vir die studie is aangespoor deur gesprekke met my medefotograwe en vriende dat minder mense die Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin die laaste aantal jare besoek het. Veskeie redes is daarvoor gegee. Ek het dit met Professore G. Puth en A. N. Schreuder, en lede van die Nasionale Parkeraad bespreek. Oorspronklik is besluit dat 'n studie gedoen behoort te word oar hoekom daar 'n afname in die vraag vir akkommodasie in die Wildtuin was, en hoe dit moontlik verbeter kon word. Mnr. P. Fearnhead en Professor A. N. Schreuder het voorgestel dat dit beter sou wees indien 'n prysssensitiwiteit-studie met 'n nuwe rekenaarprogram, nl. gesamentlike analise ("conjoint analysis"), gedoen sou word. Hierdie tipe studie was nag nie voorheen in Suid-Afrika gedoen nie. Een van die hoof oogmerke van 'n gesamentlike analise is om verbruiksvoorkeure tussen mededingende produkte en dienste te meet. Basies meet dit voorkeure van toeriste deur kompromiee ("trade-offs") tussen vyf eienskappe en sewentien vlakke te maak, en dat verbruikers komplekse besluite maak nie oar een eienskap aileen nie, maar verskeie eienskappe gesamentlik ("jointly"). Daarom is dit gesamentlike analise ("conjoint analysis") genoem. Hulle voorkeure word gewys deur die toekenning van 'n rangorde aan 'n aantal veskillende kombinasies van eienskap-vlakke op 'n nege-punt skattingskaal. Die resultate is daarna deur 'n rekenaarprogram, Conjoint Value Analysis (CVA), Version 2.0 sisteem, verwerk. Hulle wys hulle voorkeure deur die toekenning van 'n rangorde van 'n aantal van verskillende kombinasies van eienskap-vlakke om nuttigheidswaardes vir die eienskappe te gee. Ses verteenwoordigende kampe (drie grates en drie kleintjies) is gebruik vir 'n gestratifiseerde steekproef van 428 respondente. Die bevindings sal aanbevelings gee wat gebruik kan word. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 1999. / Marketing Management / MCom / Unrestricted

Fylogeografie druhového komplexu Pipistrellus pipistrellus / Phylogeography of Pipistrellus pipistrellus species complex

Chudárková, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
(in English) Pipistrellus pipistrellus species complex contains two sympatric species inhabiting Europe and part of West and Central Asia (Pipistrellus pipistrellus s. str, Pipistrellus pygmaeus s. str) and several other lines, isolated in the Mediterranean (North Africa, islands and peninsulas of the Mediterranean Sea). This taxon is a part of the extensive radiation within the genus Pipistrellus, which in today's concept includes about 30 species. Mosaic line of P. pipistrellus complex, located at different stages of diversification and secondary contacts in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot, is a suitable model for research on speciation. In this thesis we focused on analyses of distribution, phylogeography, population structure and demography based on mitochondrial data from 323 individuals, representing almost the entire range. Control region of mitochondrial DNA was chosen as a genetic marker. Variability in the 378 pb long fragment acknowledged the existence of several genetically distinct lines whose species status is discussed. Observed fylogeografic pattern confirms the existence of groups of radiation centers in the Mediterranean region. An allopatric speciation was there, two of the lines (P. pipistrellus s. str and P. pygmaeus s. str.) later expanded into Europe and their ranges...

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