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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishment of a clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of P. falciparum malaria in children from an endemic area using a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) model

Vinnemeier, Christof David 21 January 2015 (has links)
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO schätzte die Zahl der an Malaria erkrankten Menschen im Jahr 2009 auf weltweit 225 Millionen. Auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent betrafen 85% der durch Malaria verursachten Todesfälle Kinder unter fünf Jahren. Obwohl die Inzidenzen der P. falciparum-Malaria in einigen Teilen des subsaharischen Afrika sinken und andere Erkrankungen mit ähnlichen Symptomen wie denen der Malaria an Bedeutung gewinnen, ist eine vorsorgliche medikamentöse Behandlung im Verdachtsfall weiterhin üblich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Generierung eines auf das Lebensalter bezogenen klinischen Algorithmus, der mit einfachen klinischen Symptomen die Diagnose einer P. falciparum - Parasitämie ermöglicht. Die Studie wurde in einem ländlichen Krankenhaus in der Ashanti-Region in Ghana durchgeführt, welche über das ganze Jahr hinweg holoendemisch für Malaria ist. Insgesamt wurden 5447 ambulante Besuche von 3641 Patienten im Alter zwischen 2-60 Monaten analysiert. Alle Kinder wurden von einem Pädiater klinisch untersucht und es wurden ein kleines Blutbild sowie ein Malariaausstrich (‘Dicker Tropfen’) angefertigt. Mit Hilfe einesClassification and Regression Tree (CART) wurde ein klinischer Entscheidungsbaum für die Prädiktion einer Plasmodium-Parasitämie generiert und prädiktive Werte für alle erfassten Symptome berechnet. Eine Parasitämie wurde bei Kindern im Alter von 2-12 Monaten mit einer Prävalenz von 13.8% und bei Kindern im Alter zwischen 12 und 60 Monatenmit einer Prävalenz von 30.6% gefunden. Das CART-Modell ergab altersabhängige Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit der Variablen eine Parasitämie vorherzusagen. Während sich bei Kindern im Alter zwischen 2 und 12 Monaten die „palmare Blässe“ als das wichtigste Symptom herausstellte, gewannen die Variablen „Fieber in der Anamnese“ und „erhöhte Körpertemperatur ≥ 37.5°C“ bei Kindern im Alter zwischen 12 und 60 Monaten an Bedeutung. Die Variable „palmare Blässe“ war bei Kindern jedes Alters signifikant (p<0.001) mit niedrigeren Hämoglobinwerten assoziiert. Im Vergleich zum Algorithmus des Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) hatte das CART-Modell eine deutlich höhere Spezifität sowie einen höheren positiven prädiktiven Wert für die Vorhersage einer Parasitämie. Die Anwendung von altersbezogenen Algorithmen erhöht die Spezifität der Vorhersage einer P. falciparum - Parasitämie. Selbst in einer Population mit einer hohen Prävalenz an Anämie ermöglicht der prädiktive Wert der „palmaren Blässe“ eine Erkennung von signifikant geringeren Hb-Werten. Die Bedeutung der „palmaren Blässe“ sollte daher in der Schulung von Gesundheitshelfern hervorgehoben werden. Mangels ausreichender Sensitivität kann allerdings weder auf Basis des besten Algorithmus noch mit „palmarer Blässe“ als einzelnem klinischem Zeichen eine Therapieentscheidung getroffen werden. Sie sind daher kein Ersatz für eine vorsorgliche medikamentöse Behandlung und einen Erregernachweis.

Leierskapontwikkeling in klein landelike gemeentes van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Afrika

Du Preez, Johannes Lodewickes Christoffel 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The URCSA's synod of Northern Transvaal consists of 128 congregations of which 48 are at present without a minister. Of the 48 congregations, 23 are small rural congregations. This does not include the numerous ward churches of large rural congregations that are in essence also small congregations. The URCSA has two historical legacies; namely, material poverty and the Presbyterian form of church governance known as the tipple office-bearers' doctrine (manus triplex) with a built-in hierarchy that affords pastors a prominent leadership role in congregations. The assumption can thus be made that each congregation should have a church council and pastor. As small rural congregations cannot afford the expense of their own minister, they therefore have to cope without one. Against this background one must understand the importance of elders in small rural congregations of the URCSA where the role of pastor is assumed and performed by elders, yet without any official training. This compels the church to probe alternative ways to become a pastor. The former DRMC and DRCA subscribed to an ecclesiastical practise whereby proven church leaders could be admitted as pastors on the grounds of their unique spiritual gifts. This practise has been accepted by the general synod of the URCSA. It is clear from this empirical study that the top leadership of the URCSA should adapt this accepted practise to accommodate the situation of the rural congregations. The possible synthesis of the apprentice, in-service-training, and tent-making models as general models for ministerial training amongst Protestants in the past, could pave the way for an adapted Pauline tent-maker model that will lead to the admittance of proven local church leaders as pastors in the URCSA's rural ward churches and small congregations. The prevailing situation of the rural church necessitates this mode of ministry as a supplementary alternative to the existing training of ministers. As it addresses a critical situation, it does not stand in opposition to the full-time ministry or the thorough theological training of especially the younger people. What does emerge from the context of the rural church, is the need for both modes of ministry. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th.

Time erases whiteness altogether”? ’n Ondersoek na afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo (DRK) (1912-2012)

Beer, Linde 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with abstracts in Afrikaans, English and isiZulu / Hierdie studie van Afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo (DRK) strek vanaf 1912 - toe DF Malan die eerste wit Afrikaner geword het wat ‘n reisbeskrywing oor sy besoek aan die Kongo gepubliseer het (Naar Congoland, 1913) - tot 2012 . Die navorsingsverslag ondersoek beeldvorming rondom die Kongo/(Midde-)Afrika in die korpus tekste wat opgespoor is, binne die breë teoretiese raamwerk van koloniale/postkoloniale studies, met toespitsing op “Africanism” en “Whiteness studies”. Daar is bevind dat beeldvorming in verband met die Kongo rondom twee hooftrope geskied: die Kongo as Conradiaanse “heart of darkness”, waar barbaarsheid in al sy geledinge hoogty vier; en die Kongo as “Eldorado” – die land wat as 15de-eeuse Afrika-koninkryk beskik het oor ‘n ontwikkelde beskawing en ongekende rykdom - lank voordat dit “ontdek” is deur Portugese seevaarders. Hierdie hooftrope en hul uitlopers funksioneer as ‘n kontinuum eerder as volstrekte teenoorgesteldes in die meeste Afrikaanse tekste oor die Kongo. Tekste van die koloniale era (tot die 1960’s in die Kongo) sluit aan by Eurosentriese diskoerse waarin die imperiale/koloniale tydgees weerspieël word, en tipies manifesteer in binêre opposisies (byvoorbeeld primitiwiteit versus beskawing) en trope soos “imperial eyes” (wit toeëiening van die koloniale ruimte). Malan se ideaal van ‘n Dietse invloedsfeer gebaseer op die taalverwantskap tussen Hollands/Afrikaans in Suid-Afrika, en Vlaams in die destydse Belgiese Kongo, herinner aan die ekspansionistiese ywer waarmee die Kaap-tot-Kaïro-droom van Britse imperialiste nagejaag is, maar blyk nouer verwant te wees aan die Afrikanernasionalistiese klem op die “taal as volk”. In postkoloniale tekste word die siening van die wit Afrikaner as ‘n nasaat van die geïdealiseerde Voortrekkers/Dorslandtrekkers toenemend gerelativeer deur tekste waarin die wit Afrikaner herverbeel word as “wit sangoma” of “Witboy in Afrika”; en wit vrese en vergrype word op skerp satiriese wyse aan die kaak gestel as die wrange erflating van die aartskolonialis, “Pappa in Afrika”. Die koloniale projek word in Equatoria as mislukking uitgebeeld, terwyl Horrelpoot ʼn distopiese verbastering van Afrikanerskap en Afrikaans in (Suid-)Afrika poneer. Witheid mag uiteindelik in Afrika uitgewis en vervang word met egte skakerings van aardsheid, of herdefinieer word in ʼn niehegemoniese verband (The Poisonwood Bible). Slegs die tyd sal leer. / This study of Afrikaans literary texts on the Congo (DRC) covers 100 years: 1912 – 2012. In 1912 DF Malan became the first white Afrikaner to travel to the Congo and publish a travelogue based on his travels (Naar Congoland, 1913). This thesis investigates the representation of the Congo/Central) Africa in the corpus of texts discovered, within the broad theoretical framework of colonial/postcolonial studies, and the paradigms of “Africanism” and “Whiteness Studies”. The Congo has been represented in terms of two main tropes: the Congo as the Conradian “heart of darkness”, the seat of utter savagery; and the Congo as “Eldorado” – the African kingdom that presided over a well-developed civilisation and untold wealth long before it was “discovered” by Portuguese explorers in the fifteenth century. These main tropes and their sub-tropes function in most Afrikaans texts on the Congo as a continuum and not in absolute contrast. Literary texts of the colonial era (up to the 1960’s) are characterised by Eurocentric discourses in which the imperial/colonial Zeitgeist typically manifests in binary oppositions (primitivism versus civilisation), and tropes like “imperial eyes” (white appropriation of colonial space). Malan’s dream of a Dutch sphere of influence - based on the affinity of Dutch/Flemish in the Congo with Dutch/Afrikaans in South Africa – and extending from Cape Town to the erstwhile Belgian Congo, is reminiscent of the expansionist fervour characterising the imperialist Cape-to-Cairo idea, but is based on the close link between language and nationhood in Afrikaner nationalism. In postcolonial texts the view of the white Afrikaner as ‘n descendant of the idealised Voortrekkers/Angolan trekkers is increasingly deconstructed by re-imagining the Afrikaner as a “white sangoma” or “whiteboy in Africa”, while white fright and guilt are revealed - in a sharply satirical fashion – as the bitter legacy of the white arch-colonialist “Pappa in Afrika”. The colonial project is portrayed as a disaster in Equatoria, while Horrelpoot poses a dystopic vision of the degeneration of Afrikanerdom and Afrikaans in (South) Africa. Whiteness may eventually be erased and replaced by authentic, earthy African colours, or be redefined within a non-hegemonic context (The Poisonwood Bible). Time alone will tell. / Lolu cwaningo olumayelana nemibhalo yesiBhunu ezincwadini zaseCongo (eDRC) lubheka isikhathi esingangeminyaka eyi-100: 1912 – 2012. Ngo-1912, uDF Malan waba yiBhunu lokuqala elimhlophe elaya eCongo laqopha umbiko omayelana nohambo lwakhe (Naar Congoland, 1913). Lo mbiko wocwaningo ucubungula indlela okwethulwa ngayo iCongo kanye nezinye izindawo eziMaphakathi Ne-Afrika eqoqweni lwemibhalo etholakale ohlakeni lwemibhalo eyimihlahlandlela emayelana nezifundo zangezikhathi zombuso wamakoloni/ nezikhathi zangemva kombuso wamakoloni, kanye nokuhleleka kwezifundo ngaBomdabu nangaBamhlophe. Izwe laseCongo lethulwa ngokufanekiswa ngezindlela ezimbili: ICongo njengesizinda sobumnyama (“heart of darkness”), nanjengesihlalo sobulwane bokungaphucuzeki (seat of utter savagery) njengoba kufanekisa umbhali uJoseph Conrad, kanti futhi ibuye ifanekiswe njengeCongo eyi-“Eldorado” – ubukhosi base-Afrika obabubusa endaweni ephucuzeke ngokuphelele nenothe ngendlela emangalisayo, ngaphambi kokuba itholwe ngabasingimazwe baMaputukezi ngekhuluminyaka leshumi-nanhlanu. Lokhu kufanekisa kanye nemifanekiso ehambisana nako evela emibhalweni eminingi engesiBhunu maqondana neCongo isetshenziswa ukuveza okubili okubonakala sengathi kuyefana yize kungafani kunoba ikuveze obala njengezinto ezingafani nhlobo. Imibhalo esezincwadini yangesikhathi sombuso wamakoloni (kuze kufinyelele esikhathini sangeminyaka ye-1960) iphawula kakhulu ngezindaba ezincike emasikweni nasemilandweni yamazwe aseYurophu nokuyilapho umoya wobukhosi obubusa ngaphezu kwamanye amakhosi/ nombuso wamakoloni uziveza njengokulindelekile ngezindlela ezimbili eziphikisanayo (ukubambelela endleleni yokwenza yasendulo kuqhathaniswa nempucuko), kanye nemifanekiso enjenge-“imperial eyes” (ukuzithathela kwabamhlophe umhlaba ezweni ababusa kulona okungelabanye abantu). Iphupho likaMalan lokuba kube nendawo eyenza ngokwemfundiso yamaDashi – okwakuncike ekuhlanganyeleni kwamaDashi/namaFlemishi eCongo kanye namaDashi/namaBhunu eNgingizimu Afrika – nokwakuzohamba kusuke eKapa kuze kufinyelele eCongo eyayaziwa ngokuthi yiBelgian Congo, kudala, ikhumbuzana uthando olukhulu lokwandisa indawo noma umnotho olwaluvela kumqondombono walabo abasekela umbuso wobukhosi bamazwe amaningi weCape-to-Cairo, kodwa-ke lokhu kwakuncike ekusondelaneni kolimi kanye nothando lobuzwe ebuzweni bamaBhunu. Emibhalweni yangemva kwesikhathi sombuso wamakoloni, ukuthathwa komuntu oyiBhunu elimhlophe njengoyisizukulwane saBafuduki (amaVoortrekker)/ saBafuduki base-Angola kuyaqhubeka nokuhlakazwa ngokudweba kabusha isithombe seBhunu emqondweni, liyi“sangoma esimhlophe” noma lingu“mfana omhlophe e-Afrika”, kodwa kube kugqama ukwesaba nokushawa ngunembeza – ngendlela ebhuqa kakhulu – njengegalelolifa elinganambitheki lomeseki wombuso wamakoloni oqavile u-“Papa in Afrika”. Umsebenzinhloso wezindaba eziphathelene nombuso wamakoloni uvezwa ngengowonakala wangaphumelela nhlobo ku-Equatoria, kanti uHorrelpoot yena uveza umbono wokuphela kobuBhunu kanye neSibhunu eNingizimu Afrika. Ubumhlophe bungagcina buphelile bese esikhundleni sako kungene imibala yoqobo ezothile esamvelo yomhlaba edabuka e-Afrika, kumbe buchazwe kabusha ngaphansi kwengqikithi engahambisani nokuphatha (The Poisonwood Bible). Sekobonakala phambili. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

The church's ministry to the sick in a black South African context

Manala, Matsobane Jacob 30 November 2006 (has links)
The high value of good health in Africa and the serious threat to life posed by diseases that plague the African continent including South Africa, are highlighted in this thesis. The question whether the church in South Africa as a stakeholder in human development in Africa, contributes meaningfully to the continental and national vision of "a better life for all" or "good health for all" is posed and an attempt made to answer it. Operating from the Western world-view, the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika (HKSA) is found not to be contributing meaningfully to the realisation of the African vision of "good health for all". Resistance to cure and healing by means of Western medicine and pastoral care and counselling as well as a lack of spiritual and numerical growth in the HKSA are identified as consequences of the imposition of exclusively Western Christian theological formulations on the African church. The assumption underlying this thesis is that ministry to the sick in the African mainline churches should recognise the role played by supernatural forces in the belief systems of Africans regarding health and illness. This assumption is based on the fact that theological formulations are socially influenced and constructed. Following Zerfass' methodological model, this research examines the principles underlying the ministry to the sick in the HKSA and the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA); highlights the core African beliefs with regard to the health and illness discourse and practice; points out the shortcomings of the current ministry to the sick in the HKSA. The findings of the investigation into the theological tradition and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context are brought into the critical dialogue. On the strength of findings of the critical dialogue between the church's traditional theological theory and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context, the church's healing ministry is recommended as a necessary part of the church's official task in a black South African context. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

The status of environmental literacy and Christian environmental stewardship in selected training institutions of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa

Tshenye, Rantshabo Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the fact that the Bible as the inspired Word of God deals primarily with the relationship between God and humankind and the way to salvation and eternal life, the Bible also presents tenets that entreat the protection of the natural and biophysical world. Consequently, since the environment is a foremost aspect of God’s creation it is appropriate to establish the Biblical perspective on creation as a whole and Christians’ subsequent position and duty to creation. Humankind has been ecologically irresponsible. Greed, inadequate knowledge and negligence have led to exploitation, degradation, and disregard for the natural environment. Unfortunately, there appears to be a “deep silence” within the Christian Church worldwide as well as in South Africa on believers’ role and duty towards the natural created environment. The premise underpinning this thesis is that God’s redemptive care applies not only to people, but also to the whole of creation and that believers have a Biblical mandate to care for the natural environment and afford it its concomitant value. The Bible provides believers with directives regarding environmental care summarised in God’s requirement for man to “work [the earth] and take care of it” (Gen. 2: 15). The anticipated outcomes of this research were to establish the status of Environmental Stewardship as a dimension Christian Stewardship and the level of Environmental Literacy provided for in the curricula of theological seminaries of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa. The study further attempted to determine the level of understanding and stance of ministers, lecturers, elders and students towards these issues. Believers have a duty of care in relation to God’s creation in totality – both humanity and the natural environment. There is a great need for Christian discussion on and improvement in the appropriate use and protection of the environment. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Social media and mobile money adoption: comparative evidence from South Africa and Zimbabwe

Munongo, Shallone 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study investigated the effects of social media on mobile money adoption in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The main gap identified in empirical literature is the omission of social media use in technology adoption models and social networking theories. While some theories acknowledge the role of social influences in technology adoption, the social interactions considered therein are not mediated through the internet as is social media. Furthermore, no empirical study has to date focused on how social media influences mobile money technology adoption. Thus, this study deviates from the offline social network analysis approach which is restricted to the neighbourhood effects, physical contact, cell phone calls and text messages where information on mobile money technology is disseminated to an individual’s limited social circle. The secondary data used for the study were obtained from individual responses in the cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys South Africa 2015 and Zimbabwe 2014 which were conducted and reported by FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). The study employed the binary logistic regression model to estimate the nature of effect. The results of the study indicated that use of social media had a positive and statistically significant impact on mobile money adoption in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. The results also revealed that despite there being a lower internet penetration and social media usage rate in Zimbabwe than South Africa, the use of social media in the former led to a higher rate of mobile money adoption. The study also established that mere use of social media and availability of mobile money technology did not translate to a high adoption rate; instead, availability had to be matched by a demand for the financial services. Additionally, the study found that the interaction of mobile money adoption and use of social media increased the overall mobile money adoption in both countries. The study recommended the implementation of collective policies that increase internet penetration to facilitate increased use of social media platforms and promote mobile money adoption to foster improved financial inclusion in developing countries. / Hierdie studie het die gevolge van sosiale media op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe ondersoek. Die belangrikste leemte wat in empiriese literatuur geïdentifiseer is, is die weglating van die gebruik van sosiale media in tegnologieaanvaardingsmodelle en sosialenetwerkvorming-teorieë. Hoewel sommige teorieë (teorie van beredeneerde handeling; teorie van beplande gedrag; diffusie van innovasie) die rol van sosiale invloede op tegnologieaanvaarding erken, word die sosiale interaksies wat daarin oorweeg word nie deur middel van die internet bemiddel nie, soos wel in die geval van sosiale media. Boonop het geen empiriese studie tot op hede gefokus op hoe sosiale media die ingebruikneming van mobielegeld-tegnologie beïnvloed nie. Hierdie studie wyk dus af van die niegekoppelde sosialenetwerkontleding-benadering, wat beperk is tot die omgewingsgevolge, fisieke kontak, selfoonoproepe en teksboodskappe, waar inligting oor mobielegeld-tegnologie aan ʼn individu se beperkte sosiale kring versprei word. Die sekondêre data wat vir die studie gebruik is, is verkry uit afsonderlike response in die deursnee- FinScope-verbruikersopnames (Suid-Afrika 2015 en Zimbabwe 2014), wat onderneem en bekendgemaak is deur FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). Die studie maak gebruik van die binêre logistiese regressiemodel om die aard van effek te skat. Studiebevindings dui daarop dat die gebruik van sosiale media ’n positiewe en statisties beduidende uitwerking op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in sowel Suid-Afrika as Zimbabwe het. Die resultate wys ook dat, ondanks ’n laer internetpenetrasie en sosialemedia-gebruikskoers in Zimbabwe, die gebruik van sosiale media in Zimbabwe tot ’n hoër koers van ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in dié land as in Suid-Afrika tot gevolg het. Daar word verder waargeneem dat die blote gebruik van sosiale media en die beskikbaarheid van mobielegeld-tegnologie nie geredelik omgesit kan word in ’n hoë ingebruiknemingskoers nie; beskikbaarheid moet met ’n vraag na die finansiële dienste gepaard gaan. Daarbenewens toon die studie dat die interaksie tussen mobielegeld-ingebruikneming en die gebruik van sosiale media die oorkoepelende ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in albei lande versterk. Die studie beveel die implementering van beleide aan wat internetpenetrasie verhoog om wydverspreide gebruik van sosiale media te fasiliteer, wat op sy beurt die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld sal bevorder, wat finansiële insluiting sal bevorder. / Ucwaningo luphenyisise imiphumela ye-social media ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money eNingizimu Afrika naseZimbabwe. Igebe elikhulu eliphawuliwe kwimibhalo yobufakazi ukweqiwa kokussetshenziswa kwe-social media ekwamukelweni kwama-technology adoption models kanye namathiyori e-social networking. Kodwa amanye amathiyori (i-theory of reasoned action; i-theory of planned behaviour; i-diffusion of innovation) amukela indima yemithelela ye-social influences ekwamukelweni kwetheknoloji, ngokusebenzisana kwama-social interactions abonelelwe lapha, awaxhunyaniswa nge-inthanethi, njenge-social media. Kanti-ke futhi okunye, akukho bufakazi bocwaningo kuze kubemanje obugxile kwindlela i-social media enomthelela ngayo kwi-mobile money technology adoption. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo luyehluka kwizinqubo ze-offline social network analysis approach, enezihibe kwimiphumela esondelene nayo, ukuxhumana ngokubamba, ukushayelana izingcingo nge-cellphone, kanye nemilayezo ebhaliwe, lapho ulwazi kwi-mobile money technology lusatshalaliswa kumuntu ngamunye nalabo asondelene nabo. I-secondary data esetshenzisiwe kucwaningo itholakale kwizimpendulo zabantu ngamunye kwi-cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys (iNingizimu Afrika 2015 kanye neZimbabwe 2014), olwenziwa nokubikwa nge-FinMark Trust (2015:2014). Ucwaningo lusebenzisa i-binary logistic regression model ukulinganisa inhlobo yomphumela. Imiphumela yocwaningo ikhombisa ukuthi i-social media inomphumela omuhle futhi ngomphumela wezibalo ezibalulekile ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money okwamukelwe kuwo womabili amazwe iNingizimu Afrika kanye neZimbabwe. Imiphumela ikhombise nokuthi, ngisho noma i-inthanethi ingakangeneleli kangako kwezinye izindawo, kodwa izinga lokusetshenziswa kwe-social media eZimbabwe kungaphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika, ukusetshenziswa eZimbabwe kuhola phambili ngezinga eliphezulu ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money kunaseNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi kuphawulwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwe-social media kanye nokutholakala kwe-mobile money technology, akuhambelani ngezinga lokwamukelwa kakhulu; ukutholakala kumele kuhambelane nesidingeko samasevisi ezezimali. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi ukusebenzisana kokwamukelwa kwe-mobile money nokusetshenziswa kwe-social media kuphakamisa ukwamukelwa kakhulu kwe-mobile money kuwo womabili amazwe. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukwamukelwa kwemigomo enyusa ukungenelela kakhulu kwe-inthanethi ukulekelela ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-social media, kanti futhi lokhu okuzophakamisa kakhulu ukwamukelwa kwe-mobile money okusiza ukubandakanya wonke kwezezimali. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Sciences)

Die militêre betrokkenheid van die Verenigde State van Amerika in Sub-Sahara Afrika : 1993-2001 (Afrikaans)

Esterhuyse, Abel Jacobus 12 February 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and analyse the military involvement of the USA in the security of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) during the era of the Clinton administration (1993-2001). The study is based on the assumption that the US did not have that much interest in the security of SSA during the Clinton era and that it did not want to become militarily involved in SSA. Its position as the only remaining superpower in the post-Cold War era, however placed a responsibility on the US to be militarily involved in the creation of a more secure SSA. The study relies on two theoretical constructs. On the one hand the changing nature of security in the post-Cold War world in general, but specifically in SSA, serves as a theoretical starting point. This is, on the other hand, supported by a theoretical focus on the nature of military involvement globally, but also specifically in SSA in the era after the Cold War. The latter is to a large extent related to the changing nature of military force and the use thereof in the post-Cold War era. The military involvement of the US in the management of the security of SSA during the Clinton era is analysed against the background of the US interests, policy, and strategy – specifically its security strategy – in SSA. The reality of the absence of concrete US interests in SSA is highlighted. This lack of interest led to a situation whereby SSA could not be a priority in US foreign policy. The US policy objectives in SSA were nevertheless aimed at the promotion of democracy, the improvement of the security situation and the support of economic progress. The reluctance of the US to deploy military forces in SSA underpins its security strategy and military involvement in SSA. The security strategy of the US was in essence preventive in nature since it aimed at preventing the manifestation of threats from SSA against the US by promoting the stability of SSA. However, the US was still militarily involved in SSA in a variety of ways, from the provision of military training and the conduct of military exercises to military operations. Military involvement centred around the empowerment of armed forces in SSA. It was argued that the capacity of the armed forces of SSA should be developed to support democratic governance and economic progress. The capacity building programmes of the US armed forces in SSA concentrated on defence reform, military professionalism, the creation of indigenous conflict resolution and peace support capabilities, the provision of equipment, and the improvement of health and environmental conditions. / Dissertation (MA (Security Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

The impact of credit risk on financial performance of South African banks

Munangi, Ephias 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The banking sector is an important industry that needs to be safeguarded because its failure is bound to have a negative knock-on effect on the economy at large. The 2007-2009 financial crises were occasioned by banks assuming disproportionate levels of risk resulting in a high incidence of non-performing loans on their books. As such, this study examined the impact of credit risk on the financial performance of 18 South African banks for the period 2008 to 2018. Panel data techniques, namely the pooled ordinary least squares (pooled OLS), fixed effects and random effects estimators were employed to test the relationship between credit risk and financial performance proxied by non-performing loans (NPLs) and by return on assets (ROA) or return on equity (ROE) respectively. The results of the study documented that credit risk is negatively related to financial performance. Thus, the higher the incidence of non-performing loans, the lower the profitability of the bank. Secondly, the study documented that growth has a positive effect on financial performance. This indicates that productivity capacity is ameliorated through bank development. Thirdly, it was found that capital adequacy is positively related to financial performance. While a greater capital adequacy ratio may instil confidence of stakeholders in a bank, making it competitive, a high capital base may be perceived as a lack of initiative and tying up resources which could have yielded better returns in alternative investments. Fourthly, the study did not find any conclusive relationship between size and financial performance. Lastly, the study found that bank leverage and financial performance are negatively related. The implications of the findings are that at a micro level, banks should observe prudent and stringent credit policies in order to limit the incidence of non-performing loans. At a macro level, regulators must enforce supervision in order to ensure that banks manage their credit risk according to the regulations to minimise the risk of bank failure. / Umkhakha wezamabhanga kulibubulo eliqakathekileko eliding ukobana litjhejwe ngombana ukwehluleka kwalo kuqaleka kungaba nomthelela omumbi kezomnotho ngokubanzi bawo. Umraro wezomnotho weminyaka ephakathi kuka -2007-2009 yayikhambisana nesikhathi lapho amabhanga athoma ukuzifaka engozini ekulukazi, kanti lokho kwarholela ebujameni besehlakalo esikhulu seenkolodo ezingenzi inzuzo encwadini zamabhanga. Yeke-ke, leli rhubhululo belihlola umthintela wesikolodo mayelana nobujamo beemali bamabhanga weSewula Afrika ali-18 ukusukela ngomnyaka ka 2008 ukufika ku 2018. Amano wephanele yedatha, wona ngilawa pooled ordinary least squares (pooled OLS), fixed effects kanye namatshwayo ameda alinganisa imithintela kusetjenzisiwe ngehloso yokuhlola itjhebiswano eliphakathi kobungozi besikolodo kanye nobujamo beemali obukhambisana neenkolodo ezingananzuzo (non-performing loans )(NPLs) begodu lokhu kukhambisana nenzuzo elethwa msebenzi wepahla eligugu (return on assets) (ROA) nanyana inzuzo elethwa magugu womnotho anjengemali/matjhezi (return on equity) (ROE) ngaleyo ndlela.. Imiphumela yerhubhululo itlolwe bona ubungozi bokulodisa buhlobene ngendlela embi nobujamo beemali. Yeke-ke, kutjho bona lokha izinga lezehlakalo zeenkolodo ezingangenisi inzuzo naliya phezulu, kutjho bona izinga lokwenza inzuzo ezincani nalo liya phasi emabhangeni. Kwesibili, irhubhululo litlolwe bona ukuhluma komnotho kunomthelela omuhle ebujameni beemali. Lokhu kutjengisa bona amandla wokukhiqiza asekelwa kuthuthukiswa kwamabhanga. Kwesithathu, kuye kwatholakala bona iimali ezaneleko zikhambisana kuhle nobujamo beemali. Kanti godu, isilinganiso esikhulu seemali ezaneleko singaletha ukuzethemba kwabadlalindima ebhangeni, lokhu kwenze ibhanga bona ibe sezingeni lokuphalisana, isisekelo esiphezulu sezeemali singathathwa njengokutlhogeka komzamo wokuhlanganisa imithombo ebeyingaletha iinzuzo ezincono kwamanye amahlelo wokutjalwa kweemali. . Kwesine, irhubhululo akhange lithole nginanyana ngiliphi itjhebiswano phakathi kobukhulu kanye nobujamo beemali. Kokugcina, irhubhululo lithole bonyana ukuqiniswa kwebhanga ngeemali kanye nobujamo beemali kuzizinto ezingahlobani kuhle. Ilwazi elitholiweko lihlathulula bona ezingeni lamabhizinisi amancani, amabhanga kufanele aqale imigomo eqinileko yokukolodisa ukobana akwazi ukwehlisa izehlakalo zeenkolodo ezingangenisi inzuzo. Ezingeni lamabhizinisi amakhulu, iimbethamthetho kufanele ziqinise ilihlo ukobana aqinisekise ukuthi amabhanga alawula ubungozi bokukolodisa ngokwemithetho ukuphungula ubungozi bokwehluleka kwamabhanga. / Icandelo lezeebhanki lushishino olubalulekileyo olufuna ukukhuselwa kuba ukusilela kwalo ngokuqinisekileyo kunganesiphumo esigangqalanga esingasihlanga kuqoqosho ngokubanzi. Ixesha lobunzima kwezemali ngowe-2007-2009 labangelwa ziibhanki ngamazinga omngcipheko angalamananga athe agqibelela kwisehlo esiphezulu seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo kwiincwadi zazo. Kananjalo, olu phononongo luvavanye impembelelo yomngcipheko wonikezomatyala kwizinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali kwiibhaki zaseMzantsi Afrika ezili-18 kwisithuba sowe-2008 ukuya kowe-2018. Uluhlu lweenkcukachalwazi zobugcisa, olubizwa ngokuba yi-pooled ordinary least squares (i-pooled OLS), iziqikeleli zeziphumo ezizinzileyo kunye nezeziphumo zebhaqo zasetyenziswa ukuvavanya unxulumano phakathi komngcipheko wonikezomatyala kunye nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali okumelwe ngokwelungelo ziimalimboleko ezingazaliyo (ii-NPL) kunye nembuyekezo yeeasethi (i-ROA) okanye imbuyekezo yezabelo (i-ROE) ngokulandelelana. Iziphumo zophononongo zingqine ngamaxwebhu ukuba umngcipheko wonikezomatyala unonxulumano olungaluhlanga nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Ngoko ke, okona isehlo seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo siphezulu, kokona inzuzo yebhanki iphantsi. Okwesibini, uphononongo lungqine ngamaxwebhu ukuba uhlumo lunesiphumo esihle kwizinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Oku kudandalazisa ukuba isakhono sokuvelisa senziwa ngcono ngophuhliso lwebhanki. Okwesithathu, kufunyaniswe ukuba isilinganiso senkunzi sinxulumene ngokukuko nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Ngelixa umlinganiselo wesilinganiso senkunzi omkhulu unganika ukuthembeka koqoqosho kwabachaphazelekayo kwibhanki leyo, kuyenze ukuba ibe kwizinga lokukhuphisana nezinye, isiseko senkunzi ephezulu singathathwa njengokusilela kokusungula kunye nokudibanisa imithombo engeyivelise iimbuyekezo ezingcono kutyalomali olulolunye. Okwesine, uphononongo alukhange lufumanise naluphi na unxibelelwano olubonakalayo phakathi kobungakanani nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali. Okokugqibela, uphononongo lufumanise ukuba inkxasomali yebhanki kunye nezinga lokuphuma nokungena kwemali zinxulumene ngokungakuhlanga. Okubhekiselele kokufunyanisiweyo kukuba kwicandelo loshishino olunganeno, iibhanki kufuneka ziqwalasele imigaqonkqubo yamatyala enobulumko nengqongqo ngenjongo yokunciphisa isehlo seemalimboleko ezingazaliyo. Kwicandelo loshishino olubanzi, abalawuli kufuneka banyanzele ukubekwa kweliso ukuqinisekisa ukuba iibhanki zilawula umngcipheko wonikezomatyala lwazo ngokwayamene nemigaqo ukunciphisa umngcipheko wokusilela kwebhanki. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Strategic management of conservation areas: a systems thinking approach to sustaining complex multi-stakeholder organisations

Buys, Adriaan 11 1900 (has links)
Land under conservation is critical for biodiversity. South Africa has not achieved the Aichi 11 biodiversity target, which is set to allocate 17% of terrestrial land as protected areas by 2020. South Africa has, however, been an example, globally, how private conservation can fill the gap. It is essential to optimise how conservation businesses strategically plan for long-term financial and environmental sustainability taking into account complex environmental, societal, and industry variables to keep conservation areas viable under financial pressure. An inductive qualitatively driven concurrent mixed-method research design is followed and results synthesised using a systems thinking approach. The study investigates contemporary generic strategic planning frameworks such as the Porter’s five forces model but found them to have limited use in the conservation tourism industry. The critical variables conservation area managers need to include in their strategic planning are classed in five significant categories, namely environmental, societal, economic, industrial, and business variables. The research proposes a strategic planning framework which includes a strategic planning and iterative phase, taking into account the interrelatedness of the significant variables. / Grond onder bewaring is van kritieke belang vir biodiversiteit. Suid-Afrika het nie die Aichi 11-biodiversiteitsdoelwit bereik wat daarop gemik is om teen 2020 17% van die terrestriële grond as beskermde gebiede te verklaar nie. Suid-Afrika was egter wêreldwyd ’n voorbeeld van hoe privaat bewaring die leemte kan vul. Dit is noodsaaklik om die wyse waarop bewaringsondernemings strategies beplan vir langtermyn finansiële en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid te optimaliseer, met inagname van ingewikkelde omgewings-, samelewings- en nywerheidsfaktore om bewaringsareas onder finansiële druk lewensvatbaar te hou. ’n Induktiewe kwalitatief-gedrewe gelyktydige gemengde-metode navorsingsontwerp word gevolg en resultate met behulp van 'n sisteem denkebenadering gesintetiseer. Die studie ondersoek eietydse generiese strategiese beplanningsraamwerke soos Porter se vyf-kragte-model, maar het bevind dat hulle beperkte toepassing in die bewaringstoerismebedryf het. Die kritieke veranderlikes wat bewaringsgebiedbestuurders in hulle strategiese beplanning moet insluit, word in vyf belangrike kategorieë, naamlik omgewings-, samelewings-, ekonomiese-, nywerheids- en sakefaktore, ingedeel. Die navorsing stel ’n strategiese beplanningsraamwerk voor wat ’n strategiese beplannings- en iteratiewe fase insluit en van die onderlinge verband tussen die belangrike veranderlikes in ag neem. / Umhlaba ophantsi kwenkqubo yolondolozo-ndalo ufuneka kakhulu ekwandiseni ubukho beendidi-ndidi zendalo. UMzantsi Afrika awukafikeleli kwiThagethi LaseAichi Le-11 leendidi-ndidi zendalo, lokusikwa kweendawo ezifika kwi-17% yomhlaba ongengomanzi zibe ziindawo ezikhuselweyo engadlulanga u-2020. Nakuba kunjalo, uMzantsi Afrika uye wangumzekelo, kumazwe-onke, wendlela esingavalwa ngayo esi sikhewu lulondolozo lwabucala. Kuyafuneka kakhulu ukuba ziqiniswe iindlela zamashishini olondolozo-ndalo zokucwangcisa ngobulumko esenzela ukuba imali kwaneendawo-zendalo zihlale ixesha elide. Oku kuqiniswa makwenziwe ngokuthathela ingqalelo iimeko-meko ezingelula zemo-yendalo, nezentlalo-bantu, nezalo msebenzi wolondolozo, ukuze iindawo zolondolozo-ndalo zigcineke zisebenza nakumaxesha okushokoxeka kwemali. Olu phando lwenziwe ngokohlobo-phando oluyi-inductive qualitative research kunye nomxube weemethodi, zaza iziphumo zaxelwa ngokwendlela eyisystems thinking approach. Olu phando luphicothe izikhokelo zocwangciso olunobulumko eziludidi-lunye zexesha elinye, ezinjenge Porter’s five forces. Kodwa lufumanise ukuba ziyasilela kulo msebenzi wolondolozo nokhenketho. Iimeko-meko ezingundoqo ekufanele ukuba zisetyenziswe ngoomanejala beendawo zolondolozo-ndalo kwizicwangciso ezinobulumko zabo zihlelwe zaba kwizintlu ezibalulekileyo ezintlanu, ezizezi: ezeendawo-zendalo, ezentlalo-bantu, ezoqoqosho, ezalo msebenzi, nezamashishini. Olu phando ke luphakamisa isikhokelo socwangciso olunobulumko esiquka ucwangciso ngobulumko olunesigaba sophinda-phindo, nesikuthathela ingqalelo ukuphinyelana kodlelwano lwezi meko-meko zibalulekileyo. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

Exploring the nature of South African translatorial prefaces

Meier, M. 02 1900 (has links)
Text has abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Translators give us access to texts written in other languages, yet they remain mostly invisible to us. The translator’s preface therefore becomes the most important paratext where their voices are heard and where the text is identified as a translation. Research on South African paratexts is scarce and the study contributes to filling this gap. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of South African translatorial prefaces by determining the characteristics, content and functions of the prefaces and describing how translators are visible in their prefaces. A qualitative study was done where Genette’s (1997) conceptual framework was fitted into the overarching theory of Descriptive Translation Studies, making use of thematic analysis as described by Braun and Clarke (2013) to analyse the data. The data consisted of 65 South African literary texts with translatorial prefaces, published between 1945 and 2016 in the official South African languages. The study found that South African translators are mostly invisible through the absence of translatorial prefaces, but when they do write prefaces, they become highly visible and write about a wide variety of topics that make their prefaces a rich documentary source of valuable information for readers, translation studies students and scholars. The study provides a foundation for further research on South African translatorial prefaces. Translatorial prefaces should be included in the curricula for Translation Studies students and in a multilingual country like South Africa, no translation should be without a preface. Translators are encouraged to write comprehensive prefaces that will increase their visibility and situate translations in the polysystem of South African literature. / Vertalers gee ons toegang tot tekste wat in ander tale geskryf is, maar tog bly hulle meestal onsigbaar vir ons. Die vertalersvoorwoord word dus die belangrikste teks waar hul stemme gehoor kan word en waar die teks as ’n vertaling geïdentifiseer kan word. Navorsing oor Suid-Afrikaanse parateks is skaars en die studie dra daartoe by om hierdie leemte te vul. Die doel van die studie was om die aard van Suid-Afrikaanse vertalersvoorwoorde te ondersoek deur die kenmerke, inhoud en funksies van die voorwoorde te bepaal en te beskryf hoe vertalers sigbaar is in hulle voorwoorde. ’n Kwalitatiewe studie is gedoen waar die konseptuele raamwerk van Genette (1997) in die oorkoepelende teorie van Beskrywende Vertaalstudies toegepas is, met behulp van tematiese analise soos beskryf deur Braun en Clarke (2013) om die data te ontleed. Die data bestaan uit 65 Suid-Afrikaanse letterkundige tekste met vertalersvoorwoorde, wat tussen 1945 en 2016 in die amptelike Suid-Afrikaanse landstale gepubliseer is. Die studie het bevind dat Suid-Afrikaanse vertalers hoofsaaklik onsigbaar is deur die afwesigheid van vertalersvoorwoorde, maar wanneer hulle wel voorwoorde skryf, word hulle hoogs sigbaar en skryf hulle oor ’n wye verskeidenheid van onderwerpe wat hul voorwoorde ’n ryk dokumentêre bron van inligting vir lesers, studente in vertaalstudies en vakkundiges maak. Die studie bied ’n basis vir verdere navorsing oor Suid-Afrikaanse vertalersvoorwoorde. Vertalersvoorwoorde behoort opgeneem te word in die kurrikula van vertaalstudie studente en in ’n veeltalige land soos Suid-Afrika behoort geen vertaling sonder ’n vertalersvoorwoord te wees nie. Vertalers word aangemoedig om omvattende voorwoorde te skryf wat hul sigbaarheid sal verbeter en hul vertalings in die polisisteem van Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde sal plaas. / Abaguquli beelwimi basenza sikwazi ukufikelela kwiimbalo ezifumaneka ngezinye iilwimi, kodwa bahlala befihlakele kuthi. Iimbulambethe zabaguli zilwimi ngoko ke ziba yingcaciso ebaluleke kakhulu ethi ibaveze ivakalise amazwi abo, kwaye yenza iimbalo ezo zibe nokuphawulwa okanye zichazwe njengeenguqulelo. Uphando malunga neembulambethe okanye iingabulazigcawu eMzantsi Afrika lunqabile kungoko olu phando lunegalelo ekuvaleni esi sikhewu. Injongo yolu phando kukuphonononga ubume beembulambethe zeenguqulelo ezifumaneka eMzantsi Afrika ngokufumanisa iimpawu zazo, umxholo kunye nemisebenzi yeembulambethe, kwakunye nokuchaza indlela abazibonakalisa ngayo abaguquli kwiimbulambethe zabo. Kwenziwe uphando lohlobo oluchazayo (qualitative), apho kuysetyenziswe inkqubosikhokelo yengqiqo kaGenette (1997) ndawonye nethiyori esisikhokelo yeziFundo zoGuqulo loLwimi eziChazayo (Descriptive Translation Studies), nolusebenzisa uhlahlelo lwethematiki njengoko luchaziwe nguBraun noClarke (2013) ekuhlalutyeni idatha. Idatha iqulathe iimbalo zoncwadi ezingama-65 zaseMzantsi Afrika ezineembulambethe zeenguqulelo ezapapashwa phakathi konyaka ka-1945 no-2016 ngeelwimi ezisemthethweni eMzantsi Afrika. Olu phando lufumanise ukuba abaguquli beelwimi ikakhulu, ababonakali ngenxa yokungabikho kweembulambethe zezi nguqulelo, kodwa xa bathe bazibhala iimbulambethe, bayabonakala kakhulu kunjalonje batsho babhale ngenqwaba yezihloko ezahlukeneyo nezenza iimbulambethe zabo zibe ngamaxwebhu angoovimba abaqulethe ubutyebi bolwazi olubalulekileyo kubafundi zincwadi, abafundi bezifundo zoguqulo kunye nezifundiswa. Olu phando lwakha isiseko solunye uphando olunokwenziwa ngeembulambethe zeenguqulelo zaseMzantsi Afrika. Ngolu phando kuhlatyw’ ikhwelo lokuba iimbulambethe zeenguqulelo zibe yinxalenye yekharityhulam yabafundi beziFundo zoGuqulo kananjalo, kwilizwe elineelwimi ngeelwimi njengoMzantsi Afrika, makungabikho nguqulelo ingenambulambethe. Abaguquli bayakhuthazwa ukuba babhale iimbulambethe ezityebileyo eziya kubatyhila ngakumbi babonakale kubafundi neziya kubeka iinguqulelo kwisixokelelwano soluhlu loncwadi lwaseMzantsi Afrika. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

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