Spelling suggestions: "subject:"c.ulture(s)"" "subject:"1culture(s)""
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Conservation science for common ground : developing the necessary tools to manage livestock grazing pressure in Bale Mountains National Park, EthiopiaVial, Flavie January 2010 (has links)
One of the greatest proximate threats facing biodiversity is habitat change as a result of the combined effects of agricultural development and livestock grazing. Extensive livestock systems are increasingly competing with wildlife for access to land and natural resources in African rangelands. Ethiopia has the highest numbers of livestock in Africa with most livestock production taking place in highland systems. The Bale Mountains contain the largest extent of afroalpine habitat in Africa and are the most important conservation area in Ethiopia as one of thirty-four Conservation International Biodiversity Hotspots. The Bale Mountains National Park was established forty years ago to protect the endemic, and rodent-specialist Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) and the afroalpine habitats upon which they depend. I use a 21 year time-series of livestock counts in the park to detect changes in the Oromo traditional livestock production system or godantu. I show that a seasonal transhumant livestock production regime, akin to godantu, only appears to persist in the Web valley today and I also find some evidence that the type of livestock is changing with smaller stock, such as sheep and goats, being more frequently kept. Despite reportedly growing numbers of households in the Web valley, I do not detect an overall increase in livestock numbers, suggesting that the area may have reached its carrying capacity in terms of livestock. In contrast, the number of livestock on the Sanetti Plateau increased over the monitoring period, including the remote and inhospitable western section of the plateau. Furthermore, I detect an increase in the risk of contact and disease transmission between Ethiopian wolves and free-roaming dogs in wolf optimal habitats. I subsequently estimate, through the use of transects, the densities of livestock in the Web valley, Morebawa and Sanetti and calculate the ratio of observed to maximum sustainable livestock density (based on rainfall and vegetation productivity). The conservative results suggest that the Web valley and Morebawa are overstocked given the rangeland predicted productivity for those areas, and that the problem of overstocking is at its worst during the dry season. I then establish critical relationships between vegetation conditions, livestock grazing pressure and rodent populations (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus, Lophuromys melanonyx and Arvicanthis blicki) in the afroalpine, under both natural and controlled experimental conditions. Rodent biomass declines as the livestock index increases along a natural grazing gradient, but rodents‟ body condition, use of the habitat or breeding ecology and most vegetation variables measured do not significantly vary across the livestock grazing gradient. Rodent populations do respond to the experimental removal of livestock inside exclosures, although this response is site and species-specific, and I find some evidence that these responses are concurrent with changes in the vegetation. Grazed plots have higher plant species richness and diversity compared to the exclosure sites which harbour reduced bareground cover and taller vegetation. Differences among rodent species in their responses to grazing may be mediated by interaction between the direct effects of grazing on habitat quality and species-specific habitat requirements, although the specific mechanism of this interaction could not be tested. Livestock may negatively affect rodents by increasing their predation risk (through removing vegetation cover), by reducing the soil suitability for maintaining burrow systems (through trampling) or, less likely, by competing for food resources. A series of simple dynamic food chain models are developed to explore the interactions between Ethiopian wolves, rodents and vegetation and how they may be affected by increasing levels of livestock grazing. I also explore how predictions made about these trophic dynamics are affected by the type of functional response linking the different levels. The models suggest that the pastures of the Web valley and Morebawa are likely to be incapable of maintaining wolves at current livestock densities, while the Sanetti plateau may be able to sustain only slight increases in livestock density before tipping into a trophic configuration unable to sustain wolves. This model is a first step in assessing the seriousness of conflict between pastoralists and wildlife in BMNP. Resource selection functions are developed and validated for cattle and sheep/goats grazing in the Bale afroalpine in an attempt to understand some of the drivers behind the heterogeneous use of the landscape by livestock. Habitat use by livestock is focused on lower-lying pastures in the vicinity of water sources (rivers or mineral springs). Only cattle strongly select for/against particular vegetation types. The probability of habitat use is also linked to the distance from the nearest villages. The models developed highlight a strong association between livestock use and rodent biomass in Morebawa and Eastern Sanetti, suggesting that livestock grazing poses a threat to Ethiopian wolves‟ persistence in marginal habitats in which rodent availability is already limited. Furthermore, the concentration of livestock around water sources has serious implications for the degradation of the park‟s hydrological system and the livelihoods and food security of the millions of people living in the dependent lowlands. Integrating research and practice is a fundamental challenge for conservation. I discuss how the methodological tools developed and the insights gained into the dynamics of the afroalpine system can contribute to the management of livestock grazing pressure in Bale Mountains National Park and highlight gaps in the knowledge of the afroalpine ecosystem where more research is needed.
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The implications of climate change on forage-based livestock systems in ScotlandTopp, Cairistiona Frances Elizabeth January 1999 (has links)
The thesis examined the effects of climatic change on livestock production within Scotland. In order to achieve this, a systems model of the dairy, beef and sheep enterprises was developed. Climatic change primarily affects livestock production through its effects on forage production. Under climatic change, the model predicted that the length of the growing and grazing season will increase with the extensions occurring at both ends of the season. Relative to current climatic conditions elevated CO2 concentrations coupled with the associated changes in climate resulted in an enhancement in harvestable dry-matter yield that ranged from 20% to nearly 60% and increases in the percentage of white clover in the harvestable material by up to 126% In general, global warming is predicted to increase forage and livestock production within Scotland. However, the location of the site is also important in determining the effect of climate change as the magnitude and, in some cases, the directions of the changes varied between sites. The effects of climate change were also dependent on the actual level of changes in temperature. In addition, there were interactions between CO2 concentration and both temperature and rainfall, as well as interactions between temperature and rainfall. Although the three enterprises showed similar trends in their response to climate change, there were differences in the magnitude of the response as well as differences in the factors that resulted in significant changes. There were also differences in the response of the grazed and the ungrazed swards. This underlines the complexity of the interactions and the difficulty of extrapolating the results to other locations and to other levels of climatic conditions. The advantage of developing a model is that all these complex interactions can be captured and potentially the site - specific consequences of climate change on forage and livestock production predicted.
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L’Enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère en Espagne à partir de textes autobiographiques du 20ème siècle / Teaching French as a Foreign Language in Spain with 20th century autobiographical LiteratureGonzález Izquierdo, Esmeralda 14 January 2016 (has links)
Quelle place ont la culture et la littérature dans les méthodes actuelles d’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères ? Comment transmettre ces compétences en accord avec les manuels de FLE en Espagne et remotiver ainsi les apprenants envers la langue française? Voici les questions principales auxquelles nous essaierons de répondre tout au long de ce travail. Tout d’abord, nous réfléchirons à propos de diverses problématiques constatées dans le domaine de la didactique du FLE dans notre pays.Cela sera suivi d’une réflexion sur les caractéristiques qui font de la littérature –particulièrement la littérature de l’intime– une source très riche pour enseigner la culture étrangère dans toutes ses dimensions, en établissant parallèlement des liens avec la culture maternelle de l’apprenant. Ensuite, à partir de l’analyse de plusieurs textes autobiographiques d’un corpus d’ouvrages de M. Proust, R. Queneau, G. Perec et A.Ernaux, nous proposerons une méthodologie didactique pour enseigner le FLE à partir de textes autobiographiques. Enfin, nous présenterons des propositions pratiques, sur la base de certains textes de ce corpus, qui ont été essayées dans plusieurs contextes éducatifs en Espagne. / This work fits into the broader study of languages and cultural didactics. This is the result of one Action-Research project of 6 years having taken place in several school contexts in Spain. Our main aim is to answer to the following questions: What place is offered to culture and literature by foreign languages teaching and learning methodologies for today? How could these skills be transmitted according to Spanish methods to teaching French as a foreign language? First of all the notion of culture will be considered as well as some of the several problems caused by it in the field of FFL in Spain.Secondly, we will analyse some of the reasons which make Personal literature a very rich source to teach culture in all its dimensions and in parallel with mother culture thought a corpus of M. Proust, R.Queneau, G. Perec and A. Ernaux. To finish, a few ideas so as to work around some texts of these authors will be given.
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Value co-creation process : reconciling S-D logic of marketing and consumer culture theory within the co-consuming groupPongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate how individual consumers negotiate in the collective community in order to co-create value. By making use of the concepts of ‘resources’ from the Service Dominant Logic of Marketing and ‘cultural lens’ from Consumer Culture Theory, this dissertation considers both individual and collective interaction in order to demonstrate the roles of individual consumers in the value creation process and how the value creation process works. A comprehensive and up to date review of literature provides a guide to the theory and a path for research. This dissertation employed netnography to understand social and cultural aspects of consumption from an online football fan community. The data collection also included participant and non-participant observations, and local fans interviewings. Hermeneutical framework of interpretation was used to analyse data. The findings show that consumers can co-create value among themselves through the roles of ‘provider’ and ‘beneficiary’. It shows the dynamic movement of individual consumers within the continuous learning process of value creation. This dissertation demonstrates that brand community plays a role as a platform of value creation. Consumers can co-create value among themselves through the process of engaging, educating and enriching. The finding demonstrates active roles of consumers in value creation process. This dissertation also discusses how inequalities between resources of consumers in brand community can cause conflicts among them and how these conflicts stimulate consumers to co-create the collective resources. Within this process, consumers have collectively balanced the power through the social interaction in order to eliminate the domination and conflicts. This dissertation extends the previous researches in value creation within brand community by demonstrating how individual consumers engage and negotiated in value creation process. It contributes to respond working consumers and double exploitation through ‘sacrifice’.
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Marcadores culturais na literatura surda : constituição de significados em produções editoriais surdasMüller, Janete Inês January 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresento uma investigação acerca dos marcadores culturais em produções editoriais de surdos, considerando obras que circulam em português escrito, destinadas ao público juvenil e adulto. Vinculada aos Estudos Culturais em Educação, discuto o problema de pesquisa: como as produções culturais surdas, que circulam em português escrito no mercado editorial brasileiro, possibilitam a construção de marcadores culturais? Assim, objetivo: mapear e investigar as produções culturais de surdos publicadas em português escrito; b) discutir marcadores culturais surdos, considerando posições identitárias, de comunidades e de usos das línguas; c) problematizar a constituição de representações surdas que circulam nas obras analisadas. Após a leitura de dez livros produzidos por surdos, a narrativa da experiência de si e a identidade surda como uma diferença sobressaem-se como marcas culturais das produções editoriais surdas. A produção da identidade/diferença surda se dá principalmente pela experiência do olhar, uso das línguas de sinais, tradução cultural através da escrita em línguas orais e a participação em comunidades e lutas, que marcam a(s) cultura(s) surda(s). Além disso, essa produção identitária se processa através de representações que circulam nas obras, inclusive constituindo outros marcadores culturais das publicações: a denúncia do silêncio e de estereótipos e, diante disso, a capacidade de superação e o sucesso dos sujeitos surdos. A produção da identidade e da diferença surda é, por sua vez, consumida pelos sujeitos, conduzindo suas condutas através da regulação que se dá através da cultura. Observa-se, ainda, que as marcas que emergem das obras surdas analisadas aproximam-se às produções de outros sujeitos culturalmente considerados ‘diferentes’. / In this dissertation I present an investigation about the cultural markers in editorial productions of deaf, considering materials written in Portuguese designated to the juvenile and adult public. Linked to Cultural Studies in Education, I discuss the research problem: how does deaf cultural production written in Portuguese and available in the Brazilian editorial market allow the construction of cultural markers? Thus, I objective: to map and investigate the cultural productions of deaf published in Portuguese written; b) to discuss deaf cultural markers, considering positions of identity, of community and of the use of languages; c) to discuss the constitution of deaf representations that circulate in the material analyzed. After reading ten books produced by deafs, the narrative of the experience of themselves and the deaf identity stand out as cultural markers of deaf editorial productions. The production of deaf identity/difference is caused, mainly, by the experience of looking, the use of sign languages, the cultural translation through the writing in oral languages, and the participation in communities and fightings that mark the deaf culture. Moreover, this identitary production takes place through representations that circulate in the materials, also constituting others cultural markers of publications: the denunciation of silence and stereotypes and, facing that, the ability to overcome and the success of deaf subjects. The production of identity and of deaf difference is consumed by the subjects, leading its conduits through the regulations given through culture. It is observed that the brands that emerge from the deaf materials analyzed approach to the production of other subjects culturally considered ´different´.
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Marcadores culturais na literatura surda : constituição de significados em produções editoriais surdasMüller, Janete Inês January 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresento uma investigação acerca dos marcadores culturais em produções editoriais de surdos, considerando obras que circulam em português escrito, destinadas ao público juvenil e adulto. Vinculada aos Estudos Culturais em Educação, discuto o problema de pesquisa: como as produções culturais surdas, que circulam em português escrito no mercado editorial brasileiro, possibilitam a construção de marcadores culturais? Assim, objetivo: mapear e investigar as produções culturais de surdos publicadas em português escrito; b) discutir marcadores culturais surdos, considerando posições identitárias, de comunidades e de usos das línguas; c) problematizar a constituição de representações surdas que circulam nas obras analisadas. Após a leitura de dez livros produzidos por surdos, a narrativa da experiência de si e a identidade surda como uma diferença sobressaem-se como marcas culturais das produções editoriais surdas. A produção da identidade/diferença surda se dá principalmente pela experiência do olhar, uso das línguas de sinais, tradução cultural através da escrita em línguas orais e a participação em comunidades e lutas, que marcam a(s) cultura(s) surda(s). Além disso, essa produção identitária se processa através de representações que circulam nas obras, inclusive constituindo outros marcadores culturais das publicações: a denúncia do silêncio e de estereótipos e, diante disso, a capacidade de superação e o sucesso dos sujeitos surdos. A produção da identidade e da diferença surda é, por sua vez, consumida pelos sujeitos, conduzindo suas condutas através da regulação que se dá através da cultura. Observa-se, ainda, que as marcas que emergem das obras surdas analisadas aproximam-se às produções de outros sujeitos culturalmente considerados ‘diferentes’. / In this dissertation I present an investigation about the cultural markers in editorial productions of deaf, considering materials written in Portuguese designated to the juvenile and adult public. Linked to Cultural Studies in Education, I discuss the research problem: how does deaf cultural production written in Portuguese and available in the Brazilian editorial market allow the construction of cultural markers? Thus, I objective: to map and investigate the cultural productions of deaf published in Portuguese written; b) to discuss deaf cultural markers, considering positions of identity, of community and of the use of languages; c) to discuss the constitution of deaf representations that circulate in the material analyzed. After reading ten books produced by deafs, the narrative of the experience of themselves and the deaf identity stand out as cultural markers of deaf editorial productions. The production of deaf identity/difference is caused, mainly, by the experience of looking, the use of sign languages, the cultural translation through the writing in oral languages, and the participation in communities and fightings that mark the deaf culture. Moreover, this identitary production takes place through representations that circulate in the materials, also constituting others cultural markers of publications: the denunciation of silence and stereotypes and, facing that, the ability to overcome and the success of deaf subjects. The production of identity and of deaf difference is consumed by the subjects, leading its conduits through the regulations given through culture. It is observed that the brands that emerge from the deaf materials analyzed approach to the production of other subjects culturally considered ´different´.
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Marcadores culturais na literatura surda : constituição de significados em produções editoriais surdasMüller, Janete Inês January 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresento uma investigação acerca dos marcadores culturais em produções editoriais de surdos, considerando obras que circulam em português escrito, destinadas ao público juvenil e adulto. Vinculada aos Estudos Culturais em Educação, discuto o problema de pesquisa: como as produções culturais surdas, que circulam em português escrito no mercado editorial brasileiro, possibilitam a construção de marcadores culturais? Assim, objetivo: mapear e investigar as produções culturais de surdos publicadas em português escrito; b) discutir marcadores culturais surdos, considerando posições identitárias, de comunidades e de usos das línguas; c) problematizar a constituição de representações surdas que circulam nas obras analisadas. Após a leitura de dez livros produzidos por surdos, a narrativa da experiência de si e a identidade surda como uma diferença sobressaem-se como marcas culturais das produções editoriais surdas. A produção da identidade/diferença surda se dá principalmente pela experiência do olhar, uso das línguas de sinais, tradução cultural através da escrita em línguas orais e a participação em comunidades e lutas, que marcam a(s) cultura(s) surda(s). Além disso, essa produção identitária se processa através de representações que circulam nas obras, inclusive constituindo outros marcadores culturais das publicações: a denúncia do silêncio e de estereótipos e, diante disso, a capacidade de superação e o sucesso dos sujeitos surdos. A produção da identidade e da diferença surda é, por sua vez, consumida pelos sujeitos, conduzindo suas condutas através da regulação que se dá através da cultura. Observa-se, ainda, que as marcas que emergem das obras surdas analisadas aproximam-se às produções de outros sujeitos culturalmente considerados ‘diferentes’. / In this dissertation I present an investigation about the cultural markers in editorial productions of deaf, considering materials written in Portuguese designated to the juvenile and adult public. Linked to Cultural Studies in Education, I discuss the research problem: how does deaf cultural production written in Portuguese and available in the Brazilian editorial market allow the construction of cultural markers? Thus, I objective: to map and investigate the cultural productions of deaf published in Portuguese written; b) to discuss deaf cultural markers, considering positions of identity, of community and of the use of languages; c) to discuss the constitution of deaf representations that circulate in the material analyzed. After reading ten books produced by deafs, the narrative of the experience of themselves and the deaf identity stand out as cultural markers of deaf editorial productions. The production of deaf identity/difference is caused, mainly, by the experience of looking, the use of sign languages, the cultural translation through the writing in oral languages, and the participation in communities and fightings that mark the deaf culture. Moreover, this identitary production takes place through representations that circulate in the materials, also constituting others cultural markers of publications: the denunciation of silence and stereotypes and, facing that, the ability to overcome and the success of deaf subjects. The production of identity and of deaf difference is consumed by the subjects, leading its conduits through the regulations given through culture. It is observed that the brands that emerge from the deaf materials analyzed approach to the production of other subjects culturally considered ´different´.
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Características peculiares a pesquisas acadêmicas em áreas de prática projetual no Brasil : abordagem da obra de Frank Lloyd WrightBeck, Turna Hortela 25 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-25 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This dissertation addresses, in its first part, the practice-based research problems in the academic research s architectural area.
The purpose is to verify in what proportion research methods, that evolve non-textual analysis process, show up and to interpret
them as academic elements of argumentation. The intention is to contribute to the reflection on academic knowledge production
and its communication in practice-based areas X required patterns in the academic context. To set a boundary to this research,
were analyzed Brazilian academic work (theses and dissertations) attended by about design methods and / or visual approach of
the architectural work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Through these studies, a gap was identified: the lack of a deeper iconographic analysis
about the influence of the Japanese art and architecture in the North American architect work. The second part of this dissertation,
therefore, presents and emphasizes the role of images when the Japanese culture resonance on Frank Lloyd Wright's work is
approached. The purpose of this effort has two-fold: the first one is to illustrate and to emphasize the importance of the visual or
non-textual material employment, in the academic argumentation construction in the architectural area, which purposes are, for
example, to detect or discuss projectual influences. The second intention is the contribution to supply the gap mentioned before,
which is, the little attention given by Brazilian academic works about Japanese art s influence on Wright s work. The analysis of the
academic works has helped to a better comprehension of which elements and resources, and how they must be employed in an
academic research that has the practice-based characteristics. The construction of the exercise in the second part of this work uses
the association of text and image, pointing, this way, to evidences that, if the use of non-textual resources, sometimes may be
essential to the substantiation of an argumentation, on the other hand, this same argumentation cannot does without the text to be
clearly enounced. / Esta pesquisa aborda, em sua primeira parte, a problemática da prática projetual na produção acadêmica na área de arquitetura. O
objetivo é verificar em que medida comparecem métodos de pesquisa ligados a processos não textuais de análise e ponderar
sobre seu papel como elementos de argumentação acadêmica. A intenção é contribuir para a reflexão sobre produção de
conhecimento acadêmico e sua comunicação nas áreas de prática projetual X padrões exigidos no contexto acadêmico. Para
limitar o âmbito da pesquisa foram analisados trabalhos acadêmicos brasileiros (teses e dissertações) que contassem com
métodos projetuais e/ou visuais na abordagem da obra arquitetônica de Frank Lloyd Wright. Ao proceder com as leituras desses
trabalhos foi identificada uma lacuna: a ausência de análises iconográficas mais aprofundadas sobre a ressonância da arte e
arquitetura japonesa na obra do arquiteto norte-americano. A segunda parte deste trabalho, portanto, apresenta e enfatiza o papel
das imagens quando se fala sobre a ressonância da cultura japonesa na obra de Wright. O objetivo deste esforço tem dupla
intenção: a primeira é ilustrar e enfatizar a importância do emprego de material de natureza visual, e não-textual, na construção de
argumentações acadêmicas na área de arquitetura, que visem, por exemplo, detectar ou discutir influências projetuais. A segunda
é a contribuição para suprir a lacuna identificada acima, qual seja, a pouca atenção dada pelos trabalhos acadêmicos brasileiros
sobre Frank Lloyd Wright à ressonância da arte japonesa em sua obra. A análise dos trabalhos acadêmicos buscou contribuir para
a melhor compreensão da dinâmica entre os elementos e recursos textuais e não-textuais na elaboração da argumentação
acadêmica. A construção do exercício na segunda parte do trabalho utiliza a associação de texto e imagem, apontando assim,
para efeito desta investigação, indícios de que se a utilização de recursos não-textuais por vezes se mostra essencial na
substanciação de uma argumentação, por outro lado, esta mesma argumentação não pode prescindir do texto para ser claramente
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"Réussite" et pratiques informationnelles à l'université : entre enjeux et influences / Academic "success" and Information competencies at University : issues and influencesBellance, Thierry 30 October 2017 (has links)
La présente étude se propose d'approcher la notion de "réussite" à l'université dans une perspective critique et interdisciplinaire. Pour servir cette ambition, nous avons mobilisé un appareillage conceptuel issu de deux disciplines : les Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (SIC) et les Sciences de l'Éducation (SED). Les objectifs de notre démarche sont triples, et visent à : ÉVALUER l'influence des pratiques informationnelles des étudiants sur la validation de la première année universitaire ; MESURER l’appropriation de la formation documentaire dispensée par les bibliothécaires auprès des étudiants formés (L1) ; QUESTIONNER, d’une part la relation entre bibliothécaires et enseignants, et d’autre part leurs actions respectives pour l’acquisition des compétences informationnelles chez les étudiants. Enfin, nous nous intéresserons à la représentation de la notion de "réussite" à l'université en interrogeant les trois groupes d'acteurs étudiés (étudiants, enseignants et bibliothécaires). / This study aim to approach the notion of academic "success" to the university in a critical and interdisciplinary perspective. To serve this ambition, we mobilised a conceptual apparatus coming from two french's disciplines: Sciences of Information and of Communication (SIC) and Sciences of Education (SED). The purpose of this strcuture are triple : ASSESS the influence of informational practices of students on the validation of the first academic year; MEASURE the reception of the library-course dispense to the formed students ; QUESTION, on one hand relation between librarians and academics, and on the other hand their respective actions for the acquirement of information competencies by the students. Finally, we will be interested in the representation of academic "success" to the university by questioning the studied actors (students, academics and librarians).
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The church's ministry to the sick in a black South African contextManala, Matsobane Jacob 30 November 2006 (has links)
The high value of good health in Africa and the serious threat to life posed by diseases that plague the African continent including South Africa, are highlighted in this thesis. The question whether the church in South Africa as a stakeholder in human development in Africa, contributes meaningfully to the continental and national vision of "a better life for all" or "good health for all" is posed and an attempt made to answer it. Operating from the Western world-view, the Hervormde Kerk in Suidelike Afrika (HKSA) is found not to be contributing meaningfully to the realisation of the African vision of "good health for all".
Resistance to cure and healing by means of Western medicine and pastoral care and counselling as well as a lack of spiritual and numerical growth in the HKSA are identified as consequences of the imposition of exclusively Western Christian theological formulations on the African church.
The assumption underlying this thesis is that ministry to the sick in the African mainline churches should recognise the role played by supernatural forces in the belief systems of Africans regarding health and illness. This assumption is based on the fact that theological formulations are socially influenced and constructed.
Following Zerfass' methodological model, this research examines the principles underlying the ministry to the sick in the HKSA and the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA); highlights the core African beliefs with regard to the health and illness discourse and practice; points out the shortcomings of the current ministry to the sick in the HKSA.
The findings of the investigation into the theological tradition and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context are brought into the critical dialogue. On the strength of findings of the critical dialogue between the church's traditional theological theory and the results of the exploration of the literature on the African context, the church's healing ministry is recommended as a necessary part of the church's official task in a black South African context. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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