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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die interne struktuur van die komplementeerdersisteem in Afrikaans

Botha, Morne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study focuses on the internal structure of the CP in Afrikaans. Rizzi’s (1997) Split-CP Hypothesis serves as the starting-point; however, careful consideration is also given to the more recent proposals of Beninca’ and Poletto (2004). The aim of the study is to determine whether the proposals of Rizzi (1997) and Beninca’ and Poletto (2004) provide an adequate framework for the description of the CP-domain in Afrikaans. The study is presented within the theoretical framework of Minimalist Syntax. Specific adaptations to the Split-CP Hypothesis are suggested throughout the course of the discussion in an attempt to make the Split-CP Hypothesis compatible with the facts of Afrikaans. Finally, attention is also given to three problematic issues in Afrikaans that require further investigation.

Stellenbosch Safari : a multimedia program based on suggestopedic principles for the teaching of Afrikaans to international students at Stellenbosch University

Tredoux, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / I developed this multimedia computer program for use by international students who want to learn specific vocabulary and sentence structures to help them when dealing with administrative and help desk personnel at Stellenbosch University. I describe the main late 20th century theories of second and foreign language acquisition, as well as the principles and methodology of Suggestopedia, which the program structure is based on. I give a detailed analysis of the program structure and its contents, as well as recommendations to enhance the program in future iterations.

Probleme wat ondervind word by die onderrig van Afrikaans as tweede taal by 'n LSEN-skool in Johannesburg : 'n gevallestudie van Hope-skool

Vorster, Martie Adriana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / When teaching Afrikaans Second Language the educator experiences certain problems. Some of these problems are commonly experienced by all Afrikaans educators. However, when teaching the subject at a LSEN school, a number of other problems occur which stand in direct relation to the disability(ies) of the learner. Formerly LSEN schools used to specialise in a specific disability but now all these schools have to accommodate most disablities, not only because of numbers but also because of the new inclusion policy. At a LSEN school where the same syllabus as all the other mainstream schools is followed, the demands made on both the learner, as well as the educator, are severe because of added problems. The learner’s problems are mostly related to his disability and the educator has to find ways and means to overcome the problem of accommodating and teaching learners with different needs and different disabilities in one class.

'n Evaluering van die semantiese inligting in die verklarende handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal

Fouche, Michele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans Language))--University of Stellenbosch, 1990. / 199 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages and numbered pages 1-187. Includes bibliography. Digitized using a Bizhub 250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An evaluation of semantic information in a dictionary must take into account all aspects of meaning of lexical items. Therefore the different homonyms and polysemous senses of lexical items and the underlying semantic relations between lexical items are accounted for. A description should be given of the lexical items which form the macrostructure of HAT. These lexical items include sublexical, multilexical and free lexical items. The treatment of multilexical items in HAT is not satisfactory at present and suggestions are made for the improvement of the situation. Possible solutions for distinguishing between homonymy and polysemy are given. Suggestions to determine the possible polysemous senses of a lexical item are also made. The ordering of polysemous senses and different homonyms are discussed. It is essential to make use of a synchronic criterion to distinguish between homonymy and polysemy. The HAT's treatment of semantic relations between lexical items is not always very succesfull. The semantic relation which receives the most substantial treatment is that of semantic inclusion between lexical items. The HAT's treatment of synonyms is not without problems. More attention should be given to semantic linking and semantic opposition between lexical items. An evaluation of the system of cross-references in HAT is given, with special reference to the function of cross-references. Sometimes indistinct typographical conventions are used and they confuse the user of the dictionary. The indistinct use of typographical conventions has a detrimental influence on the transfer of information. The cross-reference system of HAT can be improved by an informative explanation in the general introduction, focusing on ways and means to use it more specifically, unambiguously and consistently. A distinction is made between various types of definitions used to define lemmas. Well known lexicographic definitions such as definitions per genus et differentia, synonymdefinitions, example definitions, circular definitions and descriptive definitions are discussed. The usage definition and two definitions which explicate a semantic plus value, the contrast and diminutive definitions, are identified. Attention is also given to the role of the general introduction in a standard synchronic dictionary. Suggestions are made to improve the general introduction of HAT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer semantiese inligting in 'n woordeboek ondersoek word, word alle aspekte van leksikale items se betekenis in ag geneem. Dit sluit homonimiese vorme en polisemiese onderskeidinge van leksikale items in, asook die semantiese betrekkinge wat leksikale items onderling met mekaar aangaan. Die leksikale items wat die makrostruktuur van die HAT vorm, word beskryf. Dit sluit subleksikale, multileksikale en vrye leksikale items in. Verskillende tipes multileksikale en subleksikale items word onderskei. Tans word multileksikale items in HAT nie na wense hanteer nie en voorstelle word aan die hand gedoen hoe die stelsel verbeter kan word. Moontlike oplossings vir die onderskeidingsprobleem tussen homonimie en polisemie, asook maniere waarop 'n leksikale item se polisemiese onderskeidinge vasgestel kan word, word verskaf. Aandag word ook aan die ordening van polisemiese onderskeidinge en homonimiese vorme gegee. Dit is belangrik dat 'n sinchroniese maatstaf gebruik word om tussen homonimie en polisemie te onderskei. Semantiese betrekkinge tussen leksikale items word met 'n wisselende mate van sukses deur HAT hanteer. Semantiese insluiting tussen leksikale items word die meeste beskryf. Daar bestaan egter probleme by die hantering van sinonimie tussen leksikale items. Semantiese aansluiting tussen leksikale items word min deur die woordeboek aangedui. Semantiese opposisie tussen leksikale items kan ook meer deur die HAT aangedui word. Die kruisverwysingstelsel van die HAT word ondersoek. Funksies van kruisverwysings word beskryf. Kruisverwysings word wel deur die HAT redaksie gebruik, maar hulle kan nog meer gebruik word. Soms word onduidelike tipografiese konvensies gebruik en dit het swak inligtingsoordrag tot gevolg. Die kruisverwysingstelsel van die HAT kan verbeter word deur dit in die toeligtende aantekeninge te verduidelik, spesifiek en ondubbelsinnig toe te pas en deur dit konsekwent te gebruik. Verskillende tipes definisies waarmee leksikale items gedefinieer word, word onderskei. Bekende leksikografiese definisies soos genus-differentia-definisies, sinoniemdefinisies, voorbeelddefinisies, sirkeldefinisies en deskriptiewe definisies word bespreek. Die gebruiksdefinisie en twee definsies wat semantiese pluswaardes ekspliseer, naamlik die teenstellingsdefinisie en die verkleiningsdefinisie,word geidentifiseer. Die rol van toeligtende aantekeninge in 'n handwoordeboek word bespreek. Daar word gewys op die swak toeligtende aantekeninge van die HAT. Voorstelle word gedoen oor hoe die hantering van semantiese inligting in die toeligtende aantekeninge verduidelik moet.

'n Ondersoek na die taalgebruik in Son as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans

Blignaut, Joline 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kaaps is one of the oldest dialects of Afrikaans that originated in the Cape Colony during the seventeenth century and is still used today by the working class Coloured community of the Cape Peninsula. Although it is mainly used as a spoken dialect, it is also applied in the literature. It is especially the use of Kaaps in the literature by Adam Small that helped to establish Kaaps in the Afrikaans literature and to bring about a newfound interest in this dialect. Kaaps has been undervalued for a long time due to the fact that it is associated with people of colour. For this reason Kaaps has been one of the most stigmatised dialects of Afrikaans. Today academics approach language variation differently by viewing all dialects of a language as equal. For this reason Kaaps is no longer seen as inferior to the standardized form of Afrikaans. Kaaps is also no longer restricted to a spoken dialect, but is also reflected in literature, theatre, music, television, radio and the printed media. The focus of this study is to investigate the use of Kaaps in the Afrikaans tabloid, Son. Son is the first Afrikaans tabloid that appeared in South Africa and is the first Afrikaans newspaper to make use of a dialect of Afrikaans that is not the standardized form, but an informal dialect that some refer to as Kaaps. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the language used in Son is representative of Kaaps and to what extent the written language correlates with the spoken Kaaps, as it is used by its speakers. This is done by a text analysis of Son-articles as well as a questionnaire that was filled in by Kaaps speaking teenagers. Furthermore the study investigated the correlation between language and identity and to what extent the respondents could identify with Kaaps as well as the language that is used in Son. The conclusion of this study is that the language used in Son cannot be viewed as a true representation of Kaaps, but rather as an informal Afrikaans that use elements of Kaaps. Although the language in Son cannot be seen as a true reflection of Kaaps, the study concludes that the teenage speakers of Kaaps can identify with the language that is used in Son. The study also found that the negative perception of Kaaps still exists among the users of Kaaps. Regardless of this negative perception, this research showed that Kaaps can be used effectively in the media and that the success of Son can be attributed to the language used in its newspaper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaaps is een van die oudste variëteite van Afrikaans wat sedert die sewentiende eeu aan die Kaap gepraat is en vandag steeds die taal van die bruin werkersklas in die Kaapse Skiereiland is. Alhoewel dit hoofsaaklik as ʼn gesproke variëteit gebruik word, het dit ook in die letterkunde neerslag gevind. Dit is veral die gebruik daarvan in die werke van Adam Small wat Kaaps as ʼn literêre skryftaal gevestig het en ʼn nuwe belangstelling in dié variëteit van Afrikaans laat ontstaan het. As gevolg van die sterk assosiasie wat Kaaps met bruin mense het, is dit in die verlede geminag as ʼn minderwaardige taalvorm en kan Kaaps ook beskou word as een van die mees gestigmatiseerde variëteite van Afrikaans. Vandag word taalvariasie egter op ʼn gelykevlakbenadering deur akademici ondersoek en moet Kaaps beskou word as deel van Afrikaans en nie as ondergeskik aan die standaardvariëteit nie. Kaaps is ook nie meer beperk tot ʼn gesproke variëteit nie, maar vind neerslag in die letterkunde, teater, musiek, televisie, radio en die gedrukte media. Dit is dan juis die gebruik van Kaaps in die Afrikaanse poniekoerant, Son, wat in hierdie studie ondersoek word. Son is die eerste Afrikaanse poniekoerant wat in Suid-Afrika verskyn het en die eerste Afrikaanse koerant wat nie Standaardafrikaans gebruik nie, maar ʼn informele Afrikaans wat deur baie beskou word as Kaaps. Die doel van die studie is om die taalgebruik in Son te ondersoek as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans in ʼn poging om te bepaal tot watter mate die taalgebruik in Son ooreenstem met Kaaps, soos gebruik deur die sprekers van Kaaps. Dit word gedoen deur ʼn teksanalise van verskeie Son-artikels sowel as ʼn vraelys wat onder ʼn groep Kaapssprekende tieners afgeneem is. Die studie ondersoek ook die verband tussen taal en identiteit deur ʼn ondersoek na die mate waartoe die Kaapssprekende tienerleser identifiseer met Kaaps sowel as die taalgebruik in Son. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is dat die taalgebruik in Son nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, maar eerder ʼn informele Afrikaans met Kaapse elemente wat voorkom. Alhoewel die taalgebruik nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, identifiseer die Kaapssprekende tienerleser wel met die taal wat in Son gebruik word. Ongeag die negatiewe persepsie wat die sprekers van Kaaps steeds van Kaaps het, toon die navorsing dat Kaaps wel effektief in die media gebruik kan word en dat die sukses van Son ook toegeskryf kan word aan die taal wat dit gebruik.

"Mahala" by Chris Barnard, Translated from the Afrikaans

Bond, Desmond H. 12 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans, the world's youngest language, is not known to many outside South Africa. Mahala, a novel in that language by a major writer, has been translated as an example of South African literary resources yet to be made accessible to English readers. Chapter One (the Foreword) contains historical notes on the Afrikaans language and on Barnard's biography, including his publications and literary awards. Chapter Two is a complete translation (currently the only one) of Chris Barnard' s Mahala. Analysis of and comment on Mahala are reserved for Chapter Three (the Afterword), wherein the structure of the novel is discussed, selected characteristics of the book compared with those of recognized English writers, and commentary upon translation supplied. The Bibliography contains reviews of Mahala, backgrounds of South African literature, the history of Afrikaans, aspects of translation, and dictionaries.

Afrikaanse tienertaal.

07 December 2007 (has links)
It is a well-known fact that the speech of young people is in many respects different from the speech of older speakers. This also applies to Afrikaans as spoken by the younger generation. The difference in speech is recognized to such an extent that the media and literature aimed at teenagers make use of the same words and phrases. That creates the impression that these publications are making use of a specific variety of Afrikaans. In the present study the researcher has endeavoured to describe the specific nature of teenage language as spoken by Afrikaans teenagers in a bid to establish whether Tienerafrikaans could be considered a variety of Afrikaans. The dissertation first looks at the linguistic research on teenage language in countries like Germany,England and the Scandinavian countries as the existing sociolinguistic descriptions of the speech of teenagers in South Africa are inadequate while no study has yet been carried out on Afrikaans teenage speech. The characteristics of teenage language, such as the use of slang, the use of English words by non-English speakers and the use of pragmatic markers, as observed by researchers such as Androutsopoulos, Andersen and Stenström, served as a starting point for this study. Other characteristics of teenage speech that were emphasised, were the function of socialisation and that teenagers use speech to set them apart from adults and to indicate their membership of the peer group. In an attempt to describe the non-standard forms used in media and literature aimed at teenagers, an in-depth study was made of language forms that appear in Tienerafrikaans. The data for the study came from lists of words supplied by teenagers, questionnaires, letters to Jip, a teenage supplement to Beeld, and interviews with teenagers. The results indicated the following: • Tienerafrikaans is an informal register of Afrikaans making use of certain linguistic phenomena, like slang, code switching, borrowing and calque. • The wide range of non-Afrikaans lexical items that are used by Afrikaans teenagers are mostly derived from English. • Afrikaans teenagers are capable of creating new words and slang expressions in Afrikaans. The study also indicated that the claim by critics that authors made use of teenage language in books aimed at teenage readers, is justified. To a certain extent authors made use of the same lexical items and informal style that was identified from the data.The conclusion drawn is that the term Tienerafrikaans could be applied to the mixed language spoken by a significant number of Afrikaans teenagers and that Tienerafrikaans is a variety of Afrikaans. / Prof. A.E. Coetzee

Montagu middagskof

University of Cape Town, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies January 1985 (has links)
Op Saterdag 5 Oktober 1985 het 50 mense indie saal van die Montagu/Ashton-Gemeenskaosdiens bymekaargekom. Almal het te doen met die Lees- en-Skryfprojek : daar was 21 leerders en 15 groepleiers uit die dorp en wyk; La-La, Dawie en ander personeel en vriende van die MAG; en 5 mense van die Kaap wat die afge- lope maande gehelp het met die projek. Die leerders en groepleiers het die stories geskryf wat in hierdie boek verskyn.

Kultuurstereotipering in moedertaal-taalhandboeke in Afrikaanse, Nederlandse en Vlaamse gemeenskappe

Engelbrecht, Alta. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Education))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

'n Ondersoek na aspekte van 'n sistemiese beskrywing van Afrikaans.

van der Westhuizen, Pieter Daniel. January 1986 (has links)
Modern lingusitics consist of several schools of thought with diverse approaches. The Systemic School consists of a group of linguists who primarily study language within the social context. They thus have an interpersonal approach. This approach within British Linguistics originated in the work of Malinowski in the twenties. In the sixties it was M.A.K. Halliday in particular who gave direction to this approach by placing it within a more scientific theoretical framework. In the seventies Systemic Linguistics developed in a generative direction. This development led to several generative models, and, eventually, to Fawcett's divergence from the existing school to an intrapersonal approach which approximated some of Chomsky's views. The historical background and development of Systemic Linguistics is outlined briefly in the first three chapters of the thesis. The specific variation of the Scale and Category model that is used in chapters 4 and 5 to describe aspects of Afrikaans grammar is also explained. This description of aspects of Afrikaans grammar indicates that, in respect of surface grammar, the Scale and Category model does not contribute much to the existing descriptions of Afrikaans within other theoretical frameworks. In respect of the deep grammar, on the other hand, the systemic approach has been shown to be a gain. It illustrates interesting underlying differences between clauses, and offers a wide field of research into Afrikaans. The last chapter of the thesis is an evaluation of the advantages and weaknesses of the Scale and Category model, as well as aspects of Systemic Theory in general. Practical applications of Systemic Grammar are indicated, and research possibilities in respect of a systemic description of Afrikaans are identified. Systemic Linguistics has its strong points and weak points . Because of their specific view on the language phenomenon, the systemicists' approach is, in my opinion, a very fruitful way to study language. Because of the growing influence of Systemic Linguistics on English Linguistics, it can no longer be ignored. This thesis, amongst other things, attempts to contribute to the introduction of Systemic Theory to Afrikaans Linguistics. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Natal, Durban, 1986.

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