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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lidství utu? Ubinadamu baina ya tamaduni

Rettová, Alena 30 November 2012 (has links)
Taking its depature point in a translation of a play by a Czech playwright and philosopher, Václav Havel, into Swahili, the article strives at a cross-cultural comparison of a pivotal concept of Havel`s thought, lidství (`humanity´), and an equally central concept of Swahili moral and philosophical thought, utu. The basis of this copmparison is, on the Czech side, an explanation of Havel`s concept and its grounding in existentialist philosophy. The Swahili side is presented in a two-step procedure. First, the semantic field of `humanity´in the Swahili language, comprising utu and several concepts related to it (especially ubinadamu), is analyzed. Second, the concepts belonging to the semantic field of utu are traced in the development of Swahili literature, as a prominent representative of intellecual discourses in the Swahili culture.

`The best of all possible worlds´?: The creation of a world in William E. Mkufya´s Ziraili na Zirani

Rettová, Alena 30 November 2012 (has links)
The German philosopher and mathematican Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, maintained that this world god created was the best of all possible worlds. God could not have created a world that would contain a contradiction. In Descartes`opossed view, it was possible for God to create a world containing contradictions. The two philosophers`s dispute concerned the issue of what is it that is necessary, as opossed to that which is arbitrary, in a created world. Against this background, I would like to discuss William E. Mkufya`s novel, Ziraili na Zirani.

Nguo-nyingi Mkoti: Mwanzishaji wa mji wa Ngoji (Angoche)

Schadeberg, Thilo C. 30 November 2012 (has links)
The title of this paper gives three variants of what historically is the same name: Koti = the present-day indigenous name of Koti Island; Ngoji = the older form of the same name; Angoche = the official name of the town, adapted from the name of the AKoti people EKoti is the language of Angoche, a town on the coast of Nampula Province, in Mozambique. EKoti is in most respects very similar to the neighbouring coastal varieties of Makhuwa, but it also has many lexical and morphological items that are derived from Swahili. My colleague F. U. Mucanheia, co-author of our forthcoming grammar of EKoti, has recorded a story about the origin of Koti Island and its people. In the present paper, I summarize the text of this oral tradition, and I compare it to the dynastic traditions from Angoche and to those found in the Kilwa chronicle, pointing out differences but also establishing links.

Shaaban Robert in the Russian language

Zhukov, Andrei 30 November 2012 (has links)
Marehemu Shaaban Robert is well-known in Russia not only among specialists, but also in the circles of the reading public at large. It was in Russian (the only European language) in which Shaaban Robert´s prose writings were translated for the first time for the general reader. The creative work of Shaaban Robert occupies a special place in the scientific research of Russian scholars. They regard him as a philosopher, a distinguished public figure, a founder of modern literature in Kiswahili who connects centuries-old traditions of Swahili oral and written literature with the demands of modern times. Affirming new social ideals and expressing views of the new intellectual elite, Shaaban Robert, through his literary works, directly participated in the development of the political and philosophical ideas of his country.

Nafasi ya muziki uliopendwa katika fasihi ya kiswahili

Ngugi, Pamela M. Y. 30 November 2012 (has links)
Nyimbo, kama tanzu ya fasihi yeyote ile zina majukumu mbalimbali ambayo hutekeleza katika jamii. Lengo kuu la fasihi ni lile la kuielimisha na hata kuiburudisha jamii. Ndivyo ilivyo katika nyimbo kwa sababu kupitia kwazo wanajamii huburudika na kuelimishwa. Ni kwa sababu hiyo ndipo makala hii inalenga kuangalia nafasi ya nyimbo zinazopendwa katika fasihi ya Kiswahili. Huu ni utanzu ambao huwafikia watu wengi katika jamii. Kutokana na kutumia lugha ya Kiswahili, utanzu huu unaweza kueleweka na Wakenya wengi. Nchini Kenya, vyombo vya habari vimeipa fasihi hii nafasi kubwa sana na hivyo basi kuipanua hadhira yake. Hii ni kutokana na sababu kuwa fasihi hii inathaminiwa sana na wengi na ipewe nafasi kubwa katika vyombo vya habari hasa katika redio kwa muda mrefu. Ni kutokana na sababu hii ndipo tunajaribu kuonyesha nafasi yake katika fasihi ya Kiswahili.

“How a state is made” – statebuilding and nationbuilding in South Sudan in the light of its African peers

Frahm, Ole 24 November 2016 (has links)
Afrikanische Staaten werden oft mit einem ideal-typischen westeuropäischen Nationalstaat verglichen und unweigerlich für unzureichend befunden. Diese Arbeit begegnet diesem theoretischen Missstand, indem sie eine neue Typologie des territorialen afrikanischen Nationalstaats in Abgrenzung vom europäischen Model entwickelt. Die Typologie fungiert als theoretisches Prisma für eine ausführliche Analyse des Südsudan für die Jahre 2005-2014. Gleichzeitig liefert der Vergleich mit dem Sonderfall Südsudan neue Erkenntnisse zum Wandel von Staat und Nation in Afrika. Ausgehend von einer historisch-philosophischen Querschau auf Staat und Nation in Europa, werden die grundverschiedenen Umstände von Nationalstaatsbildung im postkolonialen Afrika dargestellt. Der Autor schöpft aus einer umfangreichen Literatur, die fast sämtliche Staaten in Sub-Sahara Afrika abdeckt, um typisierte Aspekte von Staat und Nation herauszuarbeiten. Für den afrikanischen Staat sind dies der hybride Quasi-Staat, der illegitime Staat, der privatisierte neopatrimoniale Staat und der aufgedunsene Zentralstaat. Die Typologie der afrikanischen Nation besteht aus inklusivem Staatsnationalismus, dem Wiedererstarken politischer Ethnizität sowie dem ausgrenzenden neuen Nationalismus. Auf der Basis von Primär- und Sekundärquellen sowie Feldforschung, haben sich südsudanesischer Staat und Nation als überwiegend kongruent mit der Typologie erwiesen. Abweichungen bestehen jedoch im Ausmaß der Übernahme von Dienstleistungen durch ausländische NGOs, in der Struktur der neopatrimonialen Netzwerke sowie in der Rolle, die Sprache für die nationale Identität spielt. Zudem weist der Südsudan sämtliche Entwicklungstrends des postkolonialen Nationalismus parallel zueinander und nicht aufeinander folgend auf. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass sich die Bedingungen für Nationenbildung im heutigen Afrika dank Urbanisierung, moderner Kommunikationswege und dem Vorherrschen von Bürgerkriegen sehr von der Vergangenheit unterscheiden. / African states are often judged by comparison to an ideal-typical Western European nation-state, which inevitably finds the African state wanting. This thesis challenges this theoretical drawback by developing a novel typology of the African territorial nation-state in juxtaposition to the European model. The typology is then applied as a theoretical prism for an in-depth analysis of the case of South Sudan, the world’s newest state, for the period 2005-2014. At the same time, comparison to the anomalous case of South Sudan provides new insights into the changing nature of statehood and nationalism in Africa. Starting out from a historical-philosophical overview of state and nation in the European context, the very different circumstances of nation-state formation in postcolonial Africa are depicted. The author then draws on a large body of literature covering almost all of Sub-Saharan Africa to distil typified facets of state and nation. For the African state, these components are the hybrid quasi state, the illegitimate state, the privatized neopatrimonial state and the swollen centralized state. The typology of the African nation consists of inclusive state-nationalism, the resurgence of political ethnicity and exclusionary new nationalism and the politics of autochthony. Based on primary and secondary sources including fieldwork in South Sudan, the empirical reality of South Sudan’s nascent nation-state is shown to largely match the typology. Important divergences exist however in the degree of service delivery by foreign NGOs, in the dispersed nature of the neopatrimonial networks, and the role of language in nationbuilding. Crucially, South Sudan exhibits all three trends of postcolonial African nationalism at the same time rather than in successive periods. This indicates that in contemporary Africa rapid urbanization, modern communications and the prevalence of civil wars create very different conditions for nationbuilding than in decades past.

Champ de tension entre littérature africaine et surréalisme

Amor, Anis Ben 02 February 2011 (has links)
Die surrealistische Idee hatte einen starken Einfluss auf die Begründer der Négritude-Bewegung Aimé Césaire, Léopold Sédar Senghor und Léon-Gontran Damas. Diese Beziehung ist vielfach untersucht worden. Weitgehend unberücksichtigt ist bisher die jüngere Generation afrikanischer Schiftsteller geblieben. In dieser Studie wird daher besonders exemplarisch Dambudzo Marechera behandelt, dessen Werk noch nicht unter surrealistischen Aspekten untersucht wurde. Es geht darum, die Formen der literarischen Avantgarde in Afrika südlich der Sahara in ihren surrealistischen Prägungen anhand der Poetik und Lyrik des postkolonialen simbabwischen Schriftstellers Marechera zu analysieren. Es wird das Verhältnis zwischen dem europäischen Surrealismus und den afrikanischen Literaten, insbesondere der späteren Generation untersucht und die Art der Rezeption analysiert. Der Surrealismus ist eine bedeutende Tendenz in der afrikanischen Literatur, die sich unmittelbar auf die postkolonialen Realitäten bezieht und verdient es daher, in weit stärkerem Maße als bisher, beachtet zu werden. / The surrealistic idea has surely had a great influence on the founders of the Négritude-Movement. We are able to find it in the works and poetics of Césaire, Senghor and Damas, and especially in the surrealistically orientated review Tropiques as well as in the critical reception of the African literature. The first alliance of the representatives of the first generation of African poets with Surrealism is due to some of their shared objectives such as the questioning of the colonial system, the critic of colonialism and the recovery and revalorization of the African cultural heritage. The first African poets like Senghor, Césaire and Damas tried to incorporate and apply the surrealistic program to their proper context in order to achieve their own targets, such as: poetically, like Rimbaud declared, to change life and politically, like Marx stated, to change the world. The relationship between Surrealism and African literature presents the main subject of this paper. The dissertation treats particularly authors, who have not yet been examined from a surrealistic point of view. Concerning this thesis, Dambudzo Marechera is regarded above all as an exemplary representative for new literary avant-garde writing from Africa. The area of research for this study is limited most notably on forms of literary Avant-gardes in Africa south of the Sahara and most of all on surrealistic forms. This will be examined by the means of artistic conceptions and philosophy as well as poetic extracts of the postcolonial Zimbabwean writer, which will demonstrate the tendencies of a new trend of writing. The dissertation examines the relationship between European Surrealism and African poetry stemmed from the first and later generations of African writers through Césaire and Marechera. Additionally, it presents a pleadge for pushing the boundaries of research in the field of Surrealisms of African literature and awakening the interest for more research concerning the topic of this paper.

Intertextuality in the contemporary Swahili novel: Euphrase Kezilahabi`s Nagona and William E. Mkufya`s Ziraili na Zirani

Diegner, Lutz 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper deals with intertextuality in two contemporary Swahili novels: Euphrase Kezilahabi`s Nagona (1987/1990) and William E. Mkufya`s Ziraili na Zirani (1999). It is a first approach to intertextual relations between these two novels. My aim is to show how the contemporary Swahili novel has further opened up its scope to universal questions of mankind. Nagona describes the journey of an unnamed protagonist through strangely abandoned landscapes and his surrealistic experience. It is written in a puzzling style between realism and hallucination. The second work, Ziraili na Zirani, is a novel written in the style of an epic. Dwelling on its literary role models, which are Dante`s Divina Commedia (1312-1321) and Milton`s Paradise Lost (1658-1665), it describes the battle over religion. It takes the reader on a fantastic journey between heaven, paradise and hell, with several excursions to the historical and contemporary malices and catastrophes on earth.

Translating a Swahili novel into `Kizungu`: Seperazione, the Italian edition of Said Ahmad Mohamed`s Utengano

Traoré, Flavia Aiello 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This article deals with the translation into Italian of the Swahili novel Utengano by Said Ahmad Mohamed, which was published in March 2005 under the title `Seperazione`by an Italian Publishing House, Rubbettino Editiore. Translation is a very important form of intercultural communication, which can provide contact with new readers, expected and unexpected ones. In the following pages I will decribe the main features of my translation of the novel Utengano, highlighting the main differences between the first version, that I produced as an appendix to the M.A. thesis, and the manuscript that I submitted to the publishing house.

Investigating topics and style in Vuta N`Kuvute by Shafi Adam Shafi

Traoré, Flavia Aiello 13 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decades many literary critics have appraised the works of Zanzibarian writers; referring to the prose of Mohamed Suleiman Mohamed, Said Ahmed Mohamed and Shafi Adam Shafi, M M. Mulokozi wrote in 1985: \"The most significant, and certainly most spectacular, development in the Swahili fiction of the Seventies and Eighties has been the emergence of Zanzibar as the producer of the best Swahili fiction to date, and the apparent torch bearer for the Kiswahili novel of the near future\" (Arnold 1985: 174). The same enthusiasm was shared by R. Ohly who, confronting the novels written by Zanzibarian writers and those by Tanzanian and Kenyan writers in a time span going from 1975 to 1981, has defined the Zanzibarian prose a challenge to the artistic competence of other Swahili writers (cf. Ohly 1990). Although I found the comparative pattern used by Ohly debatable, having concentrated for the up-country literary production only on popular short novels - to be better evaluated not following negative, contrastive cliches but within the context of that particular trend -, obscuring moreover other talented writers like Euphrase Kezilahabi or Claude Mung`ong`o, his criticism has nevertheless the merit of having highlighted the main qualities of Zanzibarian novels, namely a deep interest for historical and social matters, along with an extremely rich and colourful language and a serious concern for stylistic features. These attributes of Zanzibarian literary style fit very well to the last novel by Shafi Adam Shafi, Vuta n`kuvute, published in 1999; in the following pages my aim is to explore the way the author of this work artistically manipulates themes, literary suggestions and stylistic devices, re-elaborating thus the experience of Kiswahili and Zanzibarian prose in a creative way.

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