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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate payout policy: a study on multinationality and legal origin

Hop, K.G. January 2019 (has links)
This paper investigates determinants of payout levels and payout composition in multinational corporations and domestic corporations and how payout differs between the two, as well as the effect of a country’s legal tradition on payout, on a worldwide sample. My main findings are that multinational corporations’ total payout is slightly lower than domestic corporations’ payout when taking into account a country’s legal tradition affects. No support is found that multinationals and domestic corporations differ in payout composition and payout composition is not changing over time, according to my results. My findings are partly consistent with theories on how ownership structures and agency problems affect payout policy. Still, the puzzle in unsolved.

A fronteira negociada: índios e espanhóis nos confins meridionais do império (século XVIII)

Silva, Juliana Aparecida Camilo da 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-11-17T14:35:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Aparecida Camilo da Silva.pdf: 3285194 bytes, checksum: 2099519df95afcc3f76bdfbfabdd388f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-17T14:35:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Aparecida Camilo da Silva.pdf: 3285194 bytes, checksum: 2099519df95afcc3f76bdfbfabdd388f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho busca compreender as relações que se estabeleceram entre os índios da Pampa sul bonaerense e os “espanhóis” em meados do século XVIII. Os índios “pampas e serranos” se encontravam fora da jurisdição das autoridades de Buenos Aires, mas os séculos de contato anteriores com os ocidentais, bem como com os grupos “transcordilheiranos”, haviam transformado a pauta cultural, social e econômica destes nativos. O Rio Salado tinha se constituído, neste período, em uma fronteira natural entre estes indígenas e os ocidentais de Buenos Aires e suas hinterlands. Em 1740, as relações que eram relativamente pacíficas entre esses dois mundos, mudaram radicalmente. Os criollos passaram a buscar expandir suas propriedades nesta “tierra adentro”. Para viabilizar tal expansão, eles utilizaram diferentes políticas com as populações indígenas da área, como as missões, os tratados e a militarização da fronteira. Assim, ao analisar este microcosmo do império espanhol procuramos apreender como os índios se posicionaram diante da conjuntura assim aberta, principalmente com relação às três reduções implantadas pelos jesuítas na área. Essas missões são consideradas aqui como parte de uma realidade maior, que é a da fronteira. Para a construção da narrativa que comporá este trabalho, acompanharemos a trajetória de um cacique serrano, “Cangapol”, também conhecido pelos espanhóis como o “Bravo”, que foi protagonista de importantes eventos neste espaço nos Setecentos. O cacique “Bravo” aparece como um dos agentes motivadores para a constituição das reduções, assim como, após o estabelecimento das mesmas, ele surge novamente impondo condições para que elas se mantenham e, finalmente, seus ataques acabam destruindo os pueblos. Através deste personagem, que nos servirá de argumento narrativo, examinaremos este panorama fronteiriço de forma a pensar os índios como sujeitos históricos deste processo. A metodologia para este trabalho será de leitura da literatura de referência e da pesquisa em fontes primárias. Elas serão analisadas a partir de aportes teóricos atuais que sugerem a pertinência de darmos relevância à agência indígena. / This work proposes to understand the relationships that native groups from the southern Pampa bonaerense and the "Spanish" stablished during the Eighteenth century. The natives groups called "pampas" and "serranos" were outside the jurisdiction of the Buenos Ayres' authorities, but centuries of previous contacts with westerners, as well as with groups "transcodilleranos", had already transformed the cultural, social and economical agenda of those natives. The Salado River was turned into a natural border, on that period, between the natives and the westerners from Buenos Ayres and its hinterlands. In 1740, the so far pacific relationships between those two worlds changed radically. The criollos started to expand their properties in the tierra adientro. In order to make such expasion feasible, they used different policies towards the native population of the area, such as Jesuit missions, treaties and the militarization of the border. Thus, by analyzing this microcosmos inside the Spanish empire, we intend to uncover how the natives positioned themselves in face of such an open conjuncture, especially regarding the three Missions settled by the Jesuits in the area. These missions are considered here as part of a wider reality, which is the border's reality. To build the narrative that will structure this work, we will follow the trajectory of a serrano chief, "Cangapol", also known by the Spanish as "Bravo", who was a leading figure in important events that took place on that space during the Eighteenth century. The chief "Bravo" appears as one of the agents that motivated the constitution of the reductions, and on the other hand, after they are already settled, he once again becomes a leading character, now having the role of making demands, until, eventually, his attacks ended up destroying the pueblos. It is through this character - that shall work as our narrative point - that we will examine this border panorama in order to think of the natives as historical subjects of this process. The metodology for this work is going to be the reading of the reference literature and the research of primary sources. They will be analyzed using theoretical contributions that suggest the relevance of giving importance to the native agency.

Themes of Self-Laceration Towards a Modicum of Control in Nineteenth Century Russia as Expressed by Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov

Ball, Jonathan 01 May 2015 (has links)
The majority of the academic discourse surrounding Dostoevsky and his epic, The Brothers Karamazov, has been directed toward the philosophic and religious implications of his characters. Largely overlooked, however, is the theme of laceration. In the greater scope of laceration stands the topic of self-laceration. Self-laceration refers to the practice of causing harm to the self in a premeditated and specifically emotionally destructive fashion. The cause of this experience is varied and expressed in as many ways as there are individuals. The struggle in the Russian psyche between viewing the world as fatalistic or as more of an existential experience finds resolution through self-laceration. By consciously choosing actions that will lead to an abject state, the characters take fate into their own hands. This thesis will explore the themes of self-laceration in a number of characters’ narratives and demonstrate that by utilizing emotional self-destruction they find a modicum of control.

Holding On by Letting Go: Personal Agency as Maternal Activism

Kinser, Amber E. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Despite the efforts of maternal advocates and feminists through 150 years or more, a great many mothers today feel dissatisfied, shortchanged, and/or inadequate in their own lives. Even those who have reckoned with the fact that standards for mothering are absurdly out of synch with the real lives that families are living in contemporary times, or have carved out comfortable personal and familial space for themselves just beyond, or far beyond, the margins of mainstream motherhood ideologies, often struggle nevertheless with a needling sense of unrest and lack of personal agency. Further, women who agree that maternal empowerment is an important point of focus for social justice may not feel positioned to organize on behalf of mother activism. This essay explores ways that mothers can hold on to the continued struggle for maternal empowerment by letting go of some of the psychological barriers to living fully and purposefully as mothers. Focusing on personal agency as a form of maternal activism, Kinser examines ways for forgiving and embracing the humanity of our own mothers or maternal figures, our selves, and our children that can serve as powerful catalysts for significant change on personal and political scales.

Siguiendo Las Huellas De La Chola En Bolivia: Levantamiento De Una Cartografía Cultural Alteña

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: The surge of the chola alteña in Bolivia as a woman who, after being historically discriminated, has achieved her empowerment through her practices of resistance and agency is a very particular and new phenomenon hardly studied. The contribution of this research is in principle to describe and discover the complexity of this occurrence, but at the same time to open a field of understanding the works of the chola as a preliminary input for alternative feminisms, in accordance to the particularity of each context. As a result, an eclectic perspective from different non-canonical theories stemming from the Americas has been adopted. For example, intersectionality stemming from various social, cultural, racial, and gender contexts is addressed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Dora Inés Munévar, Ann Phoenix, Breny Mendoza y Sonia Montecinos. Research from Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mignolo and María Lugones proposes the decolonization of knowledge. From a Bolivian perspective, the proposal of communitarian feminism by Julieta Paredes and the chi’xi approach by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. At the same time, the documenting of the chola practices has been obtained from non-conventional digital and oral sources. Thus, this research becomes a referent for future feminist research about the chola, but also for understanding other movements and practices of subaltern and discriminated women in similar or different contexts. The chola is characterized by her peculiar garment which was imposed by the colonizer in the XVIII century, nullifying her indigenous identity. However, this woman has continued to wear it to the present day as much as a tactic of resistance as of empowerment and agency and has transformed it into a current fashion for the valorization of her identity. She is a chi’xi subject who complements or antagonizes opposites without subsuming them. Finally, what guides her practices and strategies are her native cultural values, such as the principle of Living Well, cooperation, reciprocity, and godfatherhood. . / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2019

Flying High: The Effect of Organizational Status on CEO Perquisites

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores the determinants of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) perquisites, i.e., nonmonetary compensation offered to particular employees and not essential to the accomplishment of a CEO’s duties. While the current CEO perquisite literature has focused on understanding the economic determinants of CEO perquisites, I study the social-psychological determinants of perquisites. Specifically, I propose that organizational status is positively associated with CEO perquisites. The status literature suggests that high-status organizations derive benefits from status and status signals, while agency theory proposes that perquisites are a way for CEOs to extract private rents. Therefore, I posit that for high-status organizations, the benefits derived from certain CEO perquisites may negate the costs associated with those perquisites. I examine a specific CEO perquisite: the mandatory use of corporate aircraft for personal travel. Prior research and the popular press suggest that this perquisite is often seen not only as a status signal but also as an agency cost. Accordingly, I hypothesize that higher status organizations and organizations with higher status directors are more likely than lower status organizations or organizations with lower status directors to mandate their CEOs to use corporate aircraft for personal travel. I also propose that the effect is stronger for low- or high-status organizations than for middle-status organizations. In addition, I hypothesize five contingencies moderating the above relationships. I examine hypothesized relationships using a sample of S&P 500 organizations, and I find support for many of my hypotheses. This dissertation contributes to both status and executive compensation literature. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019

Designing For Interest: Heterogeneity as a Design Tool and a Catalyst in a Networked STEM Club

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: There has been growing interest among learning scientists in the design and study of out-of-school time (OST) learning environments to support equitable development of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) interests among youth from groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields. Most of these design studies assumed the youth came to the learning environments without well-developed STEM interests. I challenged this assumption by enacting a social design participatory study to engage youth (aged 11 to 14), from groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields, as partners in designing an OST networked club to support the youth in growing their own STEM interests. Based on longitudinal ethnographic data, I report a three-year iterative design of this networked club. I characterize the heterogeneity of STEM interests that emerged and grew across the networked club. Building on ecological theories of interest development, and leveraging the cultural assets of the nondominant community, I argue that heterogeneity of interests, resources, and practices served as a design tool and a catalyst for the development of STEM interest in the OST networked club. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Learning, Literacies and Technologies 2019

Access, Gender, and Agency on Study Abroad: Four Case Studies of Female Students in Jordan

Wilson, Jordan 01 April 2015 (has links)
This qualitative study follows the experiences of four female students as they sought to gain access to native speakers and the L2, engage with the culture, and fulfill program speaking requirements (two hours of speaking the second language outside of class per weekday) in Amman, Jordan. The research explores the following questions: what challenges did female participants on BYU's intensive Arabic study abroad (SA) program face as they accessed native speakers and the L2 outside of the classroom, how were participants able to persevere through and overcome these challenges, and how were program interventions set up to help participants persevere and overcome these challenges? Data include a pre-study abroad questionnaire, daily/weekly reports, semi-structured interviews, and an exit survey. Through the lens of the Ecological Approach to Language Learning, findings reveal how students worked alongside the study abroad program to access native speakers and the L2 within the sociocultural environment.

The Relationship Between Domestic Partner Violence and Suicidal Behaviors in an Adult Community Sample: Examining Hope Agency and Pathways as Protective Factors

Chang, Edward C., Yu, Elizabeth A., Kahle, Emma R., Du, Yifeng, Chang, Olivia D., Jilani, Zunaira, Yu, Tina, Hirsch, Jameson K. 09 October 2017 (has links)
We examined an additive and interactive model involving domestic partner violence (DPV) and hope in accounting for suicidal behaviors in a sample of 98 community adults. Results showed that DPV accounted for a significant amount of variance in suicidal behaviors. Hope further augmented the prediction model and accounted for suicidal behaviors beyond DPV. Finally, we found that DPV significantly interacted with both dimensions of hope to further account for additional variance in suicidal behaviors above and beyond the independent effects of DPV and hope. Implications for the role of hope in the relationship between DPV and suicidal behaviors are discussed.

Les nations indiennes du sud-est des Etats-Unis (1815-1861) : identité, souveraineté et stratégie mimétique à l'épreuve du déplacement / The southeastern indian nations (1815-1861) : identity, sovereignty and strategic mimesis through the ordeal of removal

Habran, Augustin 09 December 2017 (has links)
Les nations indiennes du sud-est des États-Unis — les Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Séminoles et Cherokees — constituent une exception dans le paysage étatsunien du début du XlXème siècle, du fait de leur remarquable acculturation. Depuis l'ère coloniale, les Autochtones font le choix stratégique d'adopter certains traits culturels du colonisateur afin de s'imposer dans le dialogue économique et diplomatique avec ce dernier. Lorsqu'il met en place le programme de « civilisation », à un moment où l'assimilation des Indiens à la société américaine est envisagée, l'État fédéral s'appuie sur cet héritage de transformation culturelle. En prenant le concept de « mimétisme stratégique » comme point de départ, de façon à mettre en lumière le rôle des Indiens dans la redéfinition de leur propre identité, cette étude entend analyser la manière dont s'exprime l'agentivité des nations du Sud-Est dans la construction globale de la jeune république, en étudiant la place que prend cette stratégie d'imitation dans le rapport de force entre les nations indiennes et l'État fédéral, entre 1815 et 1861. Malgré les tensions internes impliquées par cette transition identitaire, il apparaît que les nations du Sud-Est se sont réinventées pendant la période, en adoptant notamment l'arsenal politique de création d'un État au sens large. Dans ce contexte, le déplacement vers l'Ouest imposé aux nations par AndrewJackson en 1830 semble impliquer un processus inédit. L'appropriation de la culture et des institutions états-uniennes fait que les nations participent à une certaine élaboration de l'Ouest, qui impose aux États-Unis de se poser la question de sa construction et de son expansion. / At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the southeastern Indian nations — the Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles and Cherokees—were an exception in the American landscape because of their outstanding acculturation. Ever since the colonial era, the Indians strategically adapted their culture to that of the colonists so they could weigh in the economic and diplomatic interplay that took place between the two communities. When the federal government implemented the so-called "civilization" program, based on the idea that Indians could be integrated to American society, it relied on this long-standing cultural adaptation. Taking the notion of "strategic mimesis" as a starting point, in order to highlight the role played by the Indians themselves in redefining their own identity, this study aims at analyzing the agency of the southeastern Indians in the making of the early American republic. More specifically, the extent to which this strategic imitation developed by the Indians had an impact on the federal Indian policy between 1815 and 1861 is here discussed. Despite the tensions that appeared within the nations, due to this phenomenon of cultural transformation, it seems that the Indian nations reinvented themselves during the period studied here, in adopting a state-making institutional apparel. In this context, Indian removal, initiated by Andrew Jackson in 1830, implied an unprecedented process. While appropriating American culture and institutions, the relocated Indian nations also partook of the making of the West, and had the United States reflect on its very construction and expansion.

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