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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processo participativo da popula??o na constru??o da agenda 21 local:o caso de Parnamirim

Macedo, J?lio C?sar de 30 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulioCM.pdf: 1291551 bytes, checksum: e23908cfc95215d20450eedf07222838 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-30 / One of the agreements assumed at the conference of the United Nations for the Environments and Development which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992; through Global Agenda 21, was that the signatory countries would create a national Politics of sustainable development, by means of their national Agenda 21. Demonstrating the relevance of municipal districts and the local communities, during the definitions of new development standards compromised to the transformation of the society, socia1ly and environmentally well-balanced world, it was also agreed on that places under the responsibilities of the municipal districts would promote their own local Agenda 21. We need to point out though that the government has the prerogative and the responsibly of facilitating the population participation process in the construction of national and local Agenda. This made it possible again, to plan the scheming process directly towards the insertion of population participation at the different levels, involving the entire local sectors while establishing a new local partnership through the local municipal government. Thus, we decide to verify the participation of the population in the construction of their local Agenda 21, choosing for the study case Parnamirim municipality from RN. The question which originated the objectives and analysis was formulated on the following terms: Up to which stage was the process of population participation effective in the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21? Based on this uneasiness, it was defined as the general objective, the verification of population participation process during the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21, aiming at its effectiveness as well as specific objectives; to identify the population representivity, the construction of the local AG 21 in order to identify on which level is the participation based, to verify the strategies used in order to promote the process participation, to identify the motives guiding those involved in the construction of the local Agenda 21. This case study at Parnamirim municipal district demonstrated that there was effective population participation as far as the local Agenda 21 is concerned / Um dos pactos assumidos na Confer?ncia das Na??es Unidas para o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, realizada no Rio de Janeiro em 1992, atrav?s da Agenda 21Global foi que os pa?ses signat?rios gerariam pol?ticas nacionais de desenvolvimento sustent?vel, por meio de suas Agendas 21 nacionais. Frente ? relev?ncia dos munic?pios e das comunidades locais, na defini??o de novos padr?es de desenvolvimento comprometido com a transforma??o da sociedade para um mundo mais equilibrado social e ambientalmente, tamb?m foi acordado que as localidades sob responsabilidades dos governos municipais promoveriam a constru??o de suas Agendas 21 Locais. Destacando que os governos t?m a prerrogativa e a responsabilidade de facilitar os processos participativos da popula??o na constru??o das Agendas nacionais e locais. O que se tornou poss?vel (re) pensar um planejamento voltado diretamente para a inser??o da participa??o da popula??o nos diferentes n?veis, envolvendo todos os setores sociais no estabelecimento de uma nova parceria local por meio do governo municipal. Assim sendo, resolvemos verificar a participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da Agenda 21Local, tendo como estudo de caso o munic?pio de Parnamirim, situado no RN. A quest?o que fundamentou os objetivos e a an?lise empreendida foi formulada nos seguintes termos: em que medida o processo de participa??o da popula??o foi efetivo na elabora??o da Agenda 21 Local de Parnamirim? A partir desta inquieta??o, foi definido como objetivo geral verificar o processo de participa??o da popula??o na elabora??o da AG21L de Parnamirim, visando sua efetividade e, como objetivos espec?ficos, identificar as representatividades que participaram da constru??o da AG21L; apreender o tipo de participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L, visando identificar em que n?vel se deu essa participa??o; verificar as estrat?gias de mobiliza??es utilizadas para promover o processo participativo da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L; identificar os motivos que nortearam os envolvidos a participarem na constru??o da AG21L e identificar a concep??o de DS compreendida para constru??o da AG21L. O estudo de caso, no munic?pio de Parnamirim, demonstrou que efetivamente ocorreu a participa??o da popula??o na constru??o da AG21L

From war economies to peace economies : the challenge of post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone

Du Rand, Amelia Elizabeth 21 September 2010 (has links)
The difficulty of transforming war economies into peace economies has become increasingly problematic in the search for long-term peace and stability in Africa. In many African countries such as Sierra Leone, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, conflict actors have created distinct war economies in order to maintain the conflict in these countries. The enduring nature of the war economies presents a unique challenge to actors involved in ensuring that peace returns to a country by applying a peacebuilding strategy. The economic environment during a conflict has a vast influence on a post-conflict economy and a post-conflict reconstruction strategy. Although post-war rebuilding occurred during the reconstruction of Europe and Japan after the Second World War, the terms "post-conflict peacebuilding" and "post-conflict reconstruction" have only came to prominence during the mid-1990s. Using the case study of Sierra Leone, this study explores the challenge of war economies and its impact on post-conflict reconstruction. Sierra Leone presents an appealing case study as the country experienced a very profitable war economy during the armed conflict in the country between 1991 and 2002, and continues to struggle to transform this war economy into a peace economy. The case study of Sierra Leone is well researched, however, most studies focus on the conflict period, and only briefly look at the post-conflict period. In addition, discussions of post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone have failed to adequately address the challenges presented by the war economy. This study uses existing analyses about the war economy in Sierra Leone, and links these to the current post-conflict reconstruction strategy, focusing specifically on the economic dimension. Therefore, this study represents a departure from traditional approaches to exploring war economies because it considers the direct impact these economic systems have on the process of post-conflict reconstruction. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Le sommeil des enfants : questions méthodologiques, développementales et familiales

Tétreault, Émilie 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de la thèse était d’accroitre les connaissances empiriques sur le sommeil des enfants mesuré par actigraphie au sein de la population générale. Le premier article visait à étudier la possibilité d’utiliser dans les études des données d’actigraphie pour lesquelles un agenda de sommeil ne serait pas disponible pour guider la cotation des données. L’échantillon était formé de 60 enfants âgés entre 6 et 10 ans qui ont porté un actigraphe pendant 3 à 7 jours et dont leurs mères ont complété un agenda de sommeil pour la même période. Les données d’actigraphie ont été analysées en utilisant deux conditions de cotation (avec et sans agenda). Les résultats suggèrent que les deux conditions mènent à des résultats similaires, pratiquement identiques au niveau de groupe, quoi que pas interchangeables au niveau intra-individuel. L’article permet de recommander une utilisation parcimonieuse des données d’actigraphie analysées sans agenda de sommeil auprès d’enfants d’âge scolaire. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif d’étudier les patrons développementaux de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire. L’échantillon était composé de 128 enfants qui ont porté un actigraphe à 2, 3 et 4 ans et pour qui les courbes de croissance de cinq indices de sommeil ont été modélisées à l’aide d’analyses multi-niveaux. Les résultats ont démontré une diminution linéaire de la durée de sommeil de nuit, de jour et de la durée totale sur 24 heures, ainsi qu’une augmentation linéaire du pourcentage de sommeil ayant lieu durant la nuit et de l’efficacité du sommeil. Cette étude permet de confirmer que des changements développementaux se produisent au niveau de plusieurs indices de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire et de fournir des repères quantitatifs quant à ce qui est attendu au niveau de ces changements. Le troisième article visait à étudier la relation père-enfant en tant que potentiel prédicteur des différences interindividuelles dans les courbes de croissance de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire. Pour 67 enfants, les courbes de croissance de sommeil entre 2 et 4 ans ont été estimées et la qualité des interactions père-enfant ainsi que l’orientation mentale paternelle (tendance du père à commenter les états mentaux présumés de l'enfant) ont été mesurées par observation à 18 mois. Le père a aussi complété un questionnaire évaluant son niveau d’implication auprès de son enfant lorsque celui-ci avait 2 ans. Les résultats n’ont démontré aucune association significative entre les paramètres des courbes de croissance de sommeil et le degré d’implication paternelle ou la qualité des interactions père-enfant. Cependant, les enfants dont le père émettait plus de commentaires appropriés sur leurs états mentaux à 18 mois avaient une plus grande proportion de sommeil durant la nuit ainsi qu’une plus courte durée de sommeil de jour et totale sur 24 heures à 2 ans. Par ailleurs, ces enfants présentaient par la suite des changements moins rapides sur ces variables de sommeil entre 2 et 4 ans. Ainsi, l’article 3 permet de conclure que les enfants exposés à un plus haut niveau d’orientation mentale paternelle semblent atteindre des patrons de sommeil plus matures plus tôt dans leur développement. / The overall objective of this thesis was to contribute new empirical knowledge on children's sleep assessed using actigraphy among typically-developing children. The first article aimed to investigate the possibility for studies to use actigraphic data for which a sleep diary would not be available to guide the scoring of the data. The sample was composed of 60 children aged 6 to 10 years who wore an actigraph for 3 to 7 days and whose mothers completed a sleep diary for the same period. Actigraphic data were analyzed using two scoring conditions (with and without diary). The results suggest that the two conditions lead to similar results, virtually identical at the group level, but not interchangeable at the intra-individual level. This paper leads to the recommendation of parsimonious use of actigraphic data analyzed without a sleep diary. The second article aimed to study the developmental patterns of sleep in the preschool period. The sample included 128 children who wore an actigraph at 2, 3, and 4 years of age and for which the growth curves of five sleep indices were modeled using multi-level analyses. The results demonstrated a linear decrease in nighttime, daytime and 24-hour total sleep duration as well as a linear increase in the proportion of sleep taking place during the night and in sleep efficiency. This study confirms that developmental changes occur in several sleep variables during the preschool period and helps to provide quantitative points of reference regarding these changes. The third article aimed to examine different aspects of the father-child relationship as potential predictors of inter-individual differences in sleep growth curves during the preschool period. For 67 children, sleep growth curves between 2 and 4 years were estimated and the quality of father-child interactions as well as paternal mind-mindedness (fathers’ tendency to comment on child’s presumed mental states) were assessed by observation at 18 months. Fathers also completed a questionnaire assessing their involvement with their child at the age of 2 years. The results showed no significant association between sleep growth curves parameters and the degree of father involvement or the quality of father-child interactions. However, children whose fathers made more appropriate comments about their mental states at 18 months had a higher proportion of nighttime sleep as well as shorter daytime sleep duration and shorter 24-hour total duration at 2 years. In addition, these children subsequently exhibited less rapid changes in these sleep variables between 2 and 4 years. This paper suggests that children exposed to higher levels of paternal mind-mindedness appear to achieve more mature sleep patterns earlier in their development.

Essays on corporate social responsibility in Germany and Spain

Zindler, Karin 13 January 2012 (has links)
Since the mid 1990s, the momentum behind Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has increased. CSR has become an important issue at political, academic and business level. Already since the beginning of the last decade, commentators have suggested that CSR seems to differ between European countries and that said differences appear to be shaped by the country context. Nevertheless, in general, so far, only few empirical cross-country studies have been conducted. In addition, said studies focused mainly on the comparison between Europe as a region and the US. The latter are biased by the selection of only few specific European countries, which are regarded as a proxy for Europe as a whole. Hence, said studies deliver partially contradictory results, since they do not consider that CRS is supposed to be Non-Pan-European. Moreover, cross-country studies of international character, going beyond that regional comparison, have been rather superficial in view of CSR issues to be investigated. And finally, only recently, cross-country research in CSR has started to establish a systematic link between CSR patterns and the country specific institutional context. Also in view of the latter, the focus has been set on the comparison between countries of Anglo American/Saxon tradition and Europe, considering again some specific European countries as a proxy for the region as a whole. <p>Given that lack in the literature, the following explicit calls for empirical cross-country research of CSR in Europe have been formulated: First, to explore differences in view of CSR; and second, to find out if country specific institutional mechanisms are influential in shaping said differences. <p><p>Hence, the dissertation aims at filling this gap and to answer said calls for research by presenting a cross-country research involving two European countries, Germany and Spain. The research aims at exploring differences in view of a variety of CSR issues and at finding out if the national institutional contexts are influential in shaping said differences. <p><p>The dissertation consists of five main parts. In part one, the introductory part, the following is pointed out: motivation, main theoretical frameworks of CSR and main CSR issues in CSR literature. Moreover, a detailed overview on the research design of the three papers, which form part two, three and four, is provided. <p><p>In part two, which is composed of one paper, differences in view of CSR concepts and CSR drivers (analytical framework) between Germany and Spain are explored. The methodology applied was a questionnaire-based postal survey among the 500 largest companies in both, Germany and Spain. <p>The results of the study suggest important differences between the two countries over the analytical framework. In comparison to Spanish companies, the German ones seem to be more attached to the "sustainability" concept of CSR, whereas the Spanish companies favour to a major extent the CSR concept, formulated by the EC and the "Triple Bottom Line" concept. In view of CSR drivers, the results imply that German corporations are to a major extent than their Spanish counterparts driven by secondary stakeholders, whereas corporations in both countries seem to be equally pressured by primary stakeholders to become engaged in CSR. In addition, the findings suggest that CSR in Spain seems to be more "voluntary", whereas, in Germany, it seems to be more "regulated". The analysis of the results with regard to "expectations on positive internal" and "positive external effects" as drivers to CSR suggests a "more competitive advantage centred" approach to CSR among Spanish companies than among German ones, where the corresponding approach is "less competitive advantage centred". And finally, the findungs further suggest, that the country context seems to be influential in shaping most of said differences. <p><p>Part three, which consists of one paper, deals with CSR reporting, which is assumed to deliver insights into the institutionalization of the leading reporting guidelines in CSR, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, CSR agendas and the communicated rationale behind CSR. The methodology applied was quantitative contents analysis of CSR reports. As sample served companies of the utility industry, listed in the main stock indexes in Germany and Spain. <p>The findings of the study suggest that the institutionalisation of the GRI indicators is low in the corporations investigated in both countries. But, it is especially low in German firms. With regard to CSR agendas, the focus of corporate activities appears to lie among German corporations on those attached to environmental responsibilities, whereas Spanish corporations appear to have in this regard a mixed approach, related to their economic, environmental and social responsibilities. But, in contrast to their German counterparts the economic responsibilities are more emphasized. With regard to the communicated rationale behind CSR, German corporations seem to be driven by normative reasons, the Spanish to a major extent by instrumental ones. And finally, the findings imply that the country context seems to be influential in shaping most of said differences. <p><p>In part four, which contains one paper, differences in the understanding of CG in view of its links to CSR are explored. Currently, scholars discuss the link between CG and CSR and their relational models in the theoretical literature. Hence, to explore the understanding of CG and its links to CSR ,an analytical framework was elaborated, based upon said current theoretical debate. The methodology applied was qualitative contents analysis, conducted in the framework of a web site research. The sample consisted of corporations listed in the main stock indexes in both countries. <p>The findings suggest differences between the two countries with regard to the understanding of CG and its links to CSR and the corresponding relational models. In Spain the understanding of CG seems to be to a major extent linked to the "narrow view" of CG, implied by a major focus on shareholders only in view of corporate responsibilities. In contrast, among German corporations the view appears to be "broad", including other stakeholders than exclusively shareholders in this regard. In addition, the results suggest, that the relational model favoured by German corporations consists of CSR being considered as a part of CG, whereas the Spanish companies seem to relate CG to CSR or at least consider both, CG and CSR, as complementary constituents. And finally, the findings suggest that most of the exposed differences seem to be shaped by mechanisms of the traditional national CG systems. <p><p>In the final main part, part five, the overall conclusions of the dissertation have been formulated. These can be summarized as follows. From an overall perspective the three essays contribute to fill the lack in the literature as already pointed out. They constitute an original answer to the calls for research expressed in this regard. Moreover, they contribute to increase the knowledge on differences in CSR between European countries. And furthermore, through paying attention to country specific institutional mechanisms, they enhance the understanding of said differences induced by the country context or country specificity of CSR. In addition, the three essays have raised important implications for managerial practice, public policies, international and (supra) national institutions and for further research. In view of the implications for managerial practice, the findings suggest to sensitize practitioners with regard to the country specificity of CSR and to undertake corresponding measures in e.g. corporate communication, product and market strategies, employer marketing and organizational and management development terms. With regard to the implications for public policies, international and (supra) national organizations, those with regulatory power should increasingly bear in mind to handle more carefully the outsourcing of said power to private institutions, including NGOs, which play an important role in the "oluntary" regulation of CSR. In addition, those institutions, without regulatory power, which issue e.g. voluntary guidelines, should consider the country specificity of CSR and the "one size does not fit all" problem. Concerning the implications of the findings for further research these are the following: 1) to expand the CSR issues to be investigated in cross-country studies; 2) to intensify cross-country research in Europe in view of the number of countries involved; 3) to consider longitudinal approaches in cross-country research in Europe; 4) to expand said research (1-3) also to SMEs; 5) to increase the scope of institutional mechanisms to be investigated; and 6) to intensify cross-country linguistics research in view of CG and CSR. And finally, the findings of the three essays have delivered substantial contributions to enliven the debate, at academic and practitioner level, in view of the international management of CSR in terms of complexity vs. simplicity. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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