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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinação da resposta de imunoglobulina G sérica contra Omp29 de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, em pacientes portadores de periodontite agressiva / Determination of serum immunoglobulin G response against Omp29 of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in patients with aggressive periodontitis

Rebeis, Estela Sanches 03 December 2018 (has links)
A Periodontite Agressiva (PA), que atualmente pertence ao grupo das Periodontites estágios 3 e 4, distingue-se dos demais tipos de doença periodontal por seu início precoce, agregação familiar dos casos e por afetar pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis. Além disso, pode ser subclassificada em duas formas, localizada (PAL) e generalizada (PAG), em função de sua extensão. Muitas vezes, os depósitos de biofilme bacteriano são desproporcionais à quantidade de destruição óssea e perda de inserção que o paciente apresenta, independente da subclassificação. O microrganismo mais relacionado à etiopatogênese da doença é o Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitans), incluindo os seus principais sorotipos a, b e c, amplamente estudados. Associado a estas condições, A. actinomycetemcomitans apresenta alguns fatores de virulência como uma leucotoxina, principalmente ligada ao sorotipo b - clone JP2 (que é altamente leucotóxico) e proteínas de membrana externa (OMPs), especialmente Omp29. A resposta de imunoglobulina G (IgG) sérica contra este patógeno foi anteriormente associada à ambas as formas de PA, porém, são escassos os estudos que avaliaram longitudinalmente a resposta sérica frente a variáveis como estas. Dessa maneira, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a resposta sérica, de 27 pacientes com PA e 10 pacientes periodontalmente saudáveis, contra Omp29 e sorotipos de A. actinomycetemcomitans, através de um ensaio ELISA, correlacionando com o número de cópias de JP2 (obtidos por qPCR em tempo real) e parâmetros clínicos, a partir de dados anteriormente coletados por nosso grupo. Todos os dados foram obtidos antes do início do tratamento e um ano após seu término. O tratamento consistiu de orientações de higiene bucal, tratamento mecânico e antibioticoterapia. Os dados resultantes do estudo mostraram que em ambas as formas de PA houve uma redução significativa na profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS)(p<0,001), nível clínico de inserção (NCI)(p<0,001) e na resposta sérica contra Omp29 e sorotipo c de A. actinomycetemcomitans(p>0,005). Após 1 ano, os valores de densidade óptica (D.O.) normalizados para Omp29 e sorotipos de A. actinomycetemcomitans, bem como o número de cópias do clone JP2 tornaram-se similares aos níveis encontrados nos controles. A redução no número de cópias do clone JP2 foi correlacionada com redução da PCS em PAL(r=0.80,p=0.0042) e valores de D.O. normalizados de Omp29 em PAG(r=0.66,p=0.005). O estudo concluiu que o tratamento periodontal foi eficaz em alterar a resposta sérica contra Omp29 e sorotipos de A. actinomycetemcomitans, além de reduzir o número de cópias do clone JP2 e melhorar os parâmetros clínicos. / Aggressive Periodontitis (AP), which currently belongs to the group of Periodontites stages 3 and 4, is distinguished from other types of periodontal disease due to its early onset, familial aggregation of cases and to affect systemically healthy patients. In addition, it can be sub classified into two forms, localized (PAL) and generalized (PAG), depending on its extent. Often, bacterial biofilm deposits are disproportionate to the amount of bone destruction and loss of insertion that the patient presents, regardless of sub classification. The most important microorganism related to the etiopathogenesis of the disease is Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitans), including its main serotypes a, b and c, widely studied. Associated with these conditions, A. actinomycetemcomitans presents some virulence factors such as leukotoxin, mainly linked to serotype b - clone JP2 (which is highly leukotoxic) and outer membrane proteins (Omp\'s), especially Omp29. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) response against this pathogen was previously associated with both forms of BP; however, there are few studies that longitudinally evaluated the serum response to variables such as these. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the serum response of 27 patients with AP and 10 periodontally healthy patients against Omp29 and A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes by an ELISA, correlating with the number of copies of JP2 (obtained by qPCR in real time) and clinical parameters, from data previously collected by our group. All data were obtained prior to initiation of treatment and one year after its completion. The treatment consisted of oral hygiene guidelines, mechanical treatment and antibiotic therapy. Data from the study showed that in both forms of BP there was a significant reduction in clinical depth of sampling (PCS) (p<0,001),, clinical level of insertion (NCI)(p<0,001) and serum response against Omp29 and serotype c of A. actinomycetemcomitans(p>0,005). After 1 year, normalized optical density (O.D.) values for Omp29 and A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes, as well as the number of copies of clone JP2 became similar to the levels found in the controls. The reduction in copy number of clone JP2 was correlated with reduction of PCS in PAL(r=0.80,p=0.0042) and O.D. normalized from Omp29 to PAG(r=0.66,p=0.005). The study concluded that periodontal treatment was effective in altering the serum response against Omp29 and A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes, in addition to reducing the number of copies of clone JP2 and improving clinical parameters.

Acompanhamento longitudinal de pacientes com periodontite agressiva: comparação entre localizada e generalizada / Longitudinal follow-up of patients with aggressive periodontitis: differentiation between localized and generalized

Giudicissi, Marcela 27 February 2019 (has links)
A periodontite agressiva (PA) é uma doença que acomete uma população mais jovem, com aspectos clínicos e radiográficos característicos. Possui 2 formas de apresentação: localizada (PAL) e generalizada (PAG) que apresentam padrões distintos. É uma doença que pode provocar perdas dentárias precocemente, levando ao comprometimento estético, funcional e social. É fundamental que se estabeleça um programa adequado de manutenção periodontal (MP) após o tratamento, para impedir ou retardar a progressão da doença. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar os parâmetros clínicos periodontais: profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), sangramento à sondagem (SS), mobilidade e perda dentária, de 39 pacientes, por um período de 5 anos (realizando as avaliações no início, 1 ano, 3 anos e 5 anos após a conclusão do tratamento ativo, que consistiu de tratamento mecânico - raspagem e alisamento radicular - orientação de higiene bucal e antibioticoterapia - metronidazol e amoxicilina). As consultas de MP foram feitas trimestralmente durante os 5 anos. Como conclusão verificou-se uma melhora dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais em ambos os grupos, bem como, uma pequena quantidade de dentes extraídos por motivos periodontais (5%), mostrando a efetividade do tratamento e das consultas de MP. / Aggressive periodontitis (AP) is a disease that affects a younger people, with typical clinical and radiographic aspects. It has 2 forms of presentation: localized (LAP) and generalized (GAP) which have different patterns. It is a disease which can cause early tooth loss, induce to aesthetic, functional and social impairment. It is decisive that an appropriate periodontal maintenance (PM) program be established after treatment to prevent or delay the progression of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal clinical parameters: probing of depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BoP), mobility, tooth loss, of 39 patients, for a period of 5 years ( performing evaluation on baseline, 1 year, 3 years and 5 years after the end of the active treatment, which consisted of mechanical treatment - scaling and root planning - oral hygiene orientation and antibiotic therapy - metronidazole and amoxicillin). PM appointments were made quarterly during the 5 years. As conclusion, there was an improvement in periodontal clinical parameters in both groups, as well as, a small quantity of teeth extracted by periodontal causes (5%), showing the effectiveness of the treatment and the PM appointments.

Comportements agressifs réactifs et proactifs et du jugement moral chez des enfants et adolescents présentant une déficience intellectuelle associée ou non à un trouble du spectre autistique / Reactive and proactive aggressive behaviors and moral judgment in children and adolescents with intellectual disability with or without autism spectrum disorder

Oubrahim, Leïla 11 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse invite à s’intéresser aux caractéristiques des comportements agressifs chez les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) avec ou sans trouble du spectre autistique (TSA). Pour cela, nous avons procéder à la validation de deux échelles américaines d’évaluation des comportements agressifs, « Children’s Scale of Hostility and Aggression : Reactive/Proactive » (Famer & Aman, 2009) et « Behavior Problem Inventory-S » (Rojahn et al., 2012). Les résultats ont montré de bonnes propriétés psychométriques. Cela nous a permis d’identifier des comportements hétéro et auto-agressifs différents en fonction de la présence ou non du TSA dans la DI. Enfin, l’étude du développement moral est pertinente pour mieux comprendre l'étiologie des comportements agressifs chez les personnes DI. En effet, les résultats ont mis en lumière des difficultés dans le traitement des informations (Intention – Conséquence). / This PhD work investigates the characteristics of aggressive behavior in people with intellectual disability (ID), with or without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To do this, we have validated two American Aggressive Behavior Rating Scales, "Children's Scale of Hostility and Aggression: Reactive / Proactive" (Famer & Aman, 2009) and "Behavior Problem Inventory-S". (Rojahn et al., 2012). The results showed good psychometric properties. This allowed us to identify different hetero and auto-aggressive behaviors depending on presence or absence of ASD in the ID. Finally, the study of moral development is relevant to better understand the etiology of aggressive behavior in ID people. Indeed, the results have shown difficulties in the treatment of information (Intent - Consequence) of an event.

Avaliação da associação entre o polimorfismo dos genes IL-1A (-889) e TNFA (-308) e a periodontite agressiva / Evaluation of IL-1A (-889) and TNFA (-308) gene polymorphisms in aggressive periodontitis

Freitas, Nívea Maria de 25 August 2004 (has links)
A periodontite agressiva (PAg) compreende um grupo de doenças periodontais raras caracterizadas por rápida destruição dos tecidos periodontais, em indivíduos jovens e que geralmente não apresentam doenças sistêmicas. Estudos em populações e em famílias indicaram que fatores genéticos possuem influência na susceptibilidade a periodontite agressiva. Os polimorfismos genéticos da interleucina-1 (IL-1) e do fator de necrose tumoral-? (TNF-?) foram associados com o aumento da severidade da periodontite crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre o polimorfismo dos genes IL-1A (-889) e TNFA (-308) e a periodontite agressiva. Foram selecionados 60 indivíduos não fumantes, sendo 30 portadores de periodontite agressiva e os outros 30 sem doença periodontal. O polimorfismo genético foi analisado utilizando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase e análise do polimorfismo de comprimento dos fragmentos de restrição (PCR-RFLP). Foi observado que a freqüência do genótipo 1/1 para IL-1A foi de 63,3% no grupo controle e de 56,7% no grupo teste. A avaliação do genótipo 1/2 mostrou uma freqüência de 26,7% no grupo controle e de 40% no grupo teste. O genótipo 2/2 ocorreu com uma freqüência de 10% no grupo controle e de 3,3% no grupo teste. O genótipo 1/1 para TNFA estava presente em 73,3% do grupo controle e em 80% do grupo teste. O genótipo 1/2 ocorreu com freqüência de 20% em ambos os grupos. O genótipo 2/2 foi encontrado em 6,7% dos controles e não foi detectado no grupo teste. Em relação aos alelos, o alelo 1 apresentou freqüência de 76,7% e o alelo 2 de 23,3% para ambos os grupos, para o gene IL-1A (-889). E para o gene TNFA (- 308) o alelo 1 ocorreu com freqüência de 83,3% no grupo controle e de 90% no grupo teste e o alelo 2 de 16,7% no grupo controle e 10% no grupo teste. A análise estatística revelou que não houve diferença significativa na distribuição dos genótipos, para ambos os genes, entre os dois grupos estudados. Não foi encontrada associação entre a periodontite agressiva e o polimorfismo dos genes IL- 1A (-889) e TNFA (-308) na população estudada. / Agressive periodontitis (AgP) is a relatively uncommon form of periodontal disease characterized by a rapid destruction of the periodontal supporting tissues in young adults who are usually systemically well. The results of population and family studies indicate that genetic factors seem to have a strong influence on susceptibility to AP. Genetic polymorphism at the interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFA) were associated with the increase on the severity of chronic periodontitis. The aim of this study was to explore a possible association between IL-1A and TNFA genotypes in Brazilian white Caucasian patients with aggressive periodontitis. Sixty nonsmoking subjects, 30 patients and 30 periodontal healthy controls were included in the study. All subjects were systemically healthy. Two polymorphisms, IL-1A (-889) and TNFA (-308), were analyzed by means of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The 1/1 genotype for IL-1A was present in 63.3% of the controls and in 56.7% of the aggressive periodontitis patients. The genotype 1/2 was present in 26.7% of the controls and in 40% of the patients. The 2/2 genotype was present in 10% of the controls and in 3.3% of the diseased subjects. The 1/1 genotype for the TNFA was present in 73.3% of the controls and in 80% of the patients. The genotype 1/2 was present in the 20% of both groups. The genotype 2/2 was present in 6.7% of the controls and was not detected in the patients group. With regard to the IL-1A (-889) genotype, 76.7% of controls and patients were positive for allele 1. Allele 1 of the TNFA (-308) polymorphism was carried by 83.3% of the controls and 90% of the patients and allele 2 was carried by 16.7% of the controls and 10% of the patients. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the distribution of genotypes for both genes between the two groups. No association was found between AgP and the IL-1A (-889) and TNFA (-308) polymorphisms investigated in the population presented here.

Aggressive Behaviors Of Adult Male Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) During Intraspecific And Interspecific Aggressive Interactions

Unknown Date (has links)
Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are two sympatric species resident to the Bahamas. The visibility of the Bahamian water provided a unique opportunity to study spotted dolphin communication during aggression. This study’s main focus was to decipher any similarities or differences in the behaviors used by spotted dolphins during interspecific and intraspecific aggression. Both similarities and differences were discovered. Biting, following, and chasing behavioral events were used more during interspecific aggression, while the display behavioral class was used more than the contact behavioral class during intrabut not interspecific aggression. This study showed that spotted dolphins use more energy intensive and risky behaviors when fighting interspecifically. This could result from having to fight and defend females from a larger species, trying to avoid sexual harassment from bottlenose males, or needing to use behaviors that are more overt and easily understood during interspecies communication. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Efeito do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico em pacientes com periodontite crônica e agressiva: achados microbiológicos e imunológicos / Effect of non surgical periodontal treatment in chronic and aggressive subjects: microbiological and immunological findings

Wilson Rosalem Junior 29 March 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a expressão de IL-1&#946;, IL-4, IL-8, interferon-&#947;, atividade de elastase e a composição do perfil microbiano subgengival antes e depois do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico em pacientes com doença peridontal crônica generalizada (PC) e agressiva generalizada (PA). Vinte pacientes com PC e quatorze com PA foram avaliados. Dados clínicos, fluido gengival e biofilme subgengival foram analisados na visita inicial (VI) e 3 meses (3M) após o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico. Amostras de fluido gengival (FG) foram coletadas com tiras de papel e os níveis de: IL-1&#946;, IL-4, IL-8 e INF-&#947; foram medidos, utilizando um tipo de imunoensaio multiplexado (Luminex). Atividade da elastase foi avaliada por um ensaio enzimático. Amostras de placa subgengival foram analisadas através do checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Na avaliação de 3 meses após terapia periodontal foi encontrado melhora significativa para todos os parâmetros clínicos em ambos os grupos. Foram encontradas reduções significativas na atividade de elastase nos sítios rasos e profundos dos pacientes do grupo PA e nos sítios profundos do grupo PC, também foi achado um aumento significativo de INF-&#947; nos sítios rasos do grupo PA. Os dados microbiológicos, mostraram reduções significativas para os níveis dos membros do complexo vermelho (P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, T.denticola), e para as espécies E.nodatum e P.micra no grupo PC. No grupo PA, ocorreram reduções significativas no níveis de P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum ss polymorphum e Fusobacterium periodonticum. Quando as respostas clínica e imunológica 3M após terapia foram comparadas entre os grupos, apenas diferenças sutis foram observadas. Nenhuma diferença microbiológica foi encontrada entre os grupos após a terapia. Em conclusão, os achados suportam nossa hipótese de que as periodontites cronica e agressiva respondem de forma semelhante ao tratamento periodontal nao cirúrgico. / Our aim was to compare the expression of IL1&#946;, IL-4, IL-8, INF-&#947;, elastase activity and the composition of the subgingival microbiota profile before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment in patients with untreated generalized chronic (GCP) and aggressive periodontitis (GAgP). Twenty patients with GCP and 14 with GAgP were evaluated. Clinical data, GCF and plaque were analyzed at baseline and 3 months after non-surgical periodontal treatment. IL-1&#946;, IL-4, IL-8 and INF&#947; were analyzed in a luminex assay. Elastase activity was assessed by an enzymatic assay. Subgingival plaque samples were analyzed using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Three months after periodontal therapy significant improvement for all clinical parameters in both groups were found. We have found significant reductions in the elastase activity in shallow and deep sites from GAgP and in deep sites from GCP group. A significant increase in INF-&#947; in the shallow sites from GAgP group were also found. Microbiological data showed significant reductions in the levels of members of the red complex (P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, T. denticola), and for the species E.nodatum and P.micra on GCP group. In the GAgP group, there were significant reductions in levels of P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Fusobacterium polymorphum ss periodonticum. When the clinical and immunological responses after therapy were compared between groups, only slight differences were found. No microbiological difference was found between groups after therapy. In conclusion, the findings support our hypothesis that the chronic and aggressive periodontitis respond equally well to non-surgical periodontal treatment.

Impacto da terapia mecânica não cirúrgica em pacientes com periodontite crônica e agressiva generalizadas / Impact of non-surgical periodontal therapy on generalized chronic and aggressive periodontitis

Karina Schittine Bezerra Lomba 26 February 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico sobre a atividade de elastase e o volume de fluido gengival nos pacientes portadores de periodontite crônica e agressiva generalizadas. Foram avaliados 18 pacientes com periodontite crônica (idade média 48,6 DP 7,5 anos), e 11 com periodontite agressiva (idade média 27,9 DP 6,54 anos). Foram utilizados os parâmetros clínicos de avaliação de profundidade de bolsa à sondagem (PB) (mm), nível de inserção (NI) (mm) e sangramento à sondagem (SS). As medidas clínicas e as amostras de fluido gengival foram colhidas a partir dos cinco sítios mais profundos (P) e de cinco sítios rasos com gengivite (G) de cada paciente, antes e 90 dias após o término do tratamento. As etapas clínicas obedeceram ao seguinte cronograma: seleção e exame periodontal; coleta de fluido gengival; tratamento periodontal; reavaliação, compreendendo o exame periodontal e coleta de fluido gengival. O tratamento levou, em média, 4 sessões de 40 minutos cada por paciente, com intervalo de 1 semana entre elas. As consultas para reavaliação foram feitas 90 dias após o término do tratamento. O teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para comparar os dados antes e depois do tratamento e o teste não pareado de Mann-Whitney U-test foi utilizado para comparar os grupos de periodontite crônica e agressiva. A amostra analisada antes e após o tratamento não apresentou diferenças significativas entre o grupo com periodontite crônica e agressiva, que responderam de forma similar a todos os indicadores avaliados, exceto para a profundidade de bolsa à sondagem nos sítios rasos com gengivite (p = 0,039) e para o sangramento à sondagem (p = 0,021) nos sítios profundos, ambos mais reduzidos na periodontite crônica após o tratamento. A elastase apresentou, após o tratamento, redução significativa nos sítios profundos, para a periodontite crônica (p = 0,012) e agressiva (p = 0,02). Em relação ao volume de fluido gengival, houve significativa redução após o tratamento nos pacientes com periodontite crônica e agressiva, tanto nos sítios rasos (p = 0,03 e p = 0,03) como nos profundos (p &#706; 0,001 e p = 0,003), respectivamente. Concluindo, os grupos com periodontite crônica e agressiva generalizadas comportaram- se de maneira semelhante frente à terapia mecânica não cirúrgica. Ainda, a terapia periodontal mecânica não cirúrgica mostrou redução significativa do volume de fluido gengival em todos os sítios analisados, e da atividade neutrofílica, nos sítios profundos, associada a reduções significativas em todos os indicadores clínicos analisados após o tratamento. / The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of non-surgical mechanical treatment on elastase activity and gingival crevicular fluids (GCF) volume of patients with untreated generalized chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Eighteen patients with generalized chronic periodontitis (mean age 48,6 SD 7,5 years old) and eleven with generalized aggressive periodontitis (mean age 27,9 SD 6,54 years old) were evaluated. The clinical parameters adopted were pocket probing depth (PPD) (mm); attachment level (AL) (mm) and bleeding on probing (PB). Clinical measures and GCF were collected from the 5 deepest sites (P) and from 5 shallow sites with gingivitis (G) from each patient of each group, before and 90 days after non- surgical periodontal treatment. There were adopted the following clinical steps: patients selection and periodontal exam; GCFs collection; periodontal treatment; re- evaluations, comprising periodontal exams and GCFs collection. The periodontal treatment lasted about about 4 sections with 40 minutes each, 1 section per week. Re-evaluations were performed 90 days after completion of the treatment. Wilcoxons statistic test compared the data before and after treatment and Mann-Whitneys non parametric U-test was used to compared chronic and aggressive periodontitis groups. There were no significant differences for all clinical parameters analysed before and after treatment,except for pocket probing depth on shallow sites (p = 0,039) and for bleeding on probing (p = 0,021) on deep sites, both in lower levels in chronic periodontitis after treatment. The elastases activity showed, after treatment, a significant reduction on deep sites for chronic (p = 0,012) and aggressive (p = 0,02) periodontitis. In concern to GCFs volume, there was significant reduction on both chronic and aggressive periodontitis, in shallow (p = 0,03 e p = 0,03) and in deep pockets (p &#706; 0,001 e p = 0,003), respectively, after treatment. In conclusion, both groups responded simmilarly to the mechanical non- surgical treatment. Moreover, non- surgical periodontal treatment showed significant reductions on GCFs volume on all analysed sites and reduction on neutrophilics activity, on deep sites followed by the significant reduction on clinical indicators after treatment.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill and its Role in For-Profit University Enrollment

Paul, Irma 01 January 2019 (has links)
There is limited research on the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, known as the 9/11 GI Bill, which provides educational benefits to veterans who have served in the United States military on active duty for 90 days. While outcomes for public and nonprofit universities are well known, less is known about whether proprietary universities are successful in recruitment and enrollment of veterans under the 9/11 GI Bill. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine the experiences that veterans who were Post 9/11 Bill beneficiaries had with recruitment strategies and institutional public policy practices from for-profit institutions. Ten veterans who participated in this study received Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits and enrolled in a for-profit institution based in Florida. Data was collected using the transcripts of the responses from the face-to-face interviews. These data were inductively coded and analyzed using a modified Van Kaam analysis procedure. The findings indicated that for-profit institutions used excessive recruitment strategies and aggressive targeting to attract veterans who received Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits. The findings also suggested that for-profit universities appear to need institutional policy changes and programs to assist veterans in transitioning from academic to civilian life. Recommendations to Veterans' Affairs Offices, legislators, and leaders of proprietary institutions that support positive social change include mandatory reporting of federal funds, development of civilian transition programs, and adopting of key collaborations within departments. These recommendations may promote successful educational outcomes and sustainable employment for veterans.

AM I FUNNY NOW? : The Neurological Basis of Humor Styles

Hirche, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis will provide an overview of how the four humor styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humor, are connected to different brain areas. The thesis will also include an overview of how humor in general, and especially three factors of humor including, processing, appreciation, and comprehension is connected to different brain areas. The present study found a connection between these three factors of humor and activation in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). The four humor styles were all connected to activity in the midbrain and nucleus accumbens (NAc), though they were found to differ in other parts of the brain. Affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor are humor styles found to share activation of similar brain areas, whereas self-enhancing and aggressive humor was found to the least extent share activation of the same brain areas. No neural differences in relation to the four humor styles have been found between men and woman, or between cultures.

Driver Interaction : Informal Rules, Irritation and Aggressive Behaviour

Björklund, Gunilla January 2005 (has links)
<p>On a daily basis drivers have to share the roads with a great number of other road users. To make the driving task possible every driver has to take the intentions and behaviours of other road users into account. In other words, the road users have to interact with each other. The general aim of this thesis was to examine factors that regulate and influence the interaction between road users. To do so, three studies, applying a social psychological approach to driving, were conducted. In the first study it was investigated how the rules of priority, the design of the intersection, and the behaviour of other drivers influence yielding behaviour in intersections. The second study examined driver irritation and its relationship with aggressive behaviours. Finally, in the third study drivers’ attributions of their own and other drivers’ behaviour were investigated in relation to driver irritation. The thesis also includes a minor field study, aiming at examining to what extent informal traffic rules are used in intersections and in roundabouts, as well as measuring the validity of self-reports. The results indicate that, in addition to the formal rules, drivers rely on informal rules based on road design and on other drivers’ behaviour. Drivers also differ with respect to strategies of yielding behaviour. Irritability and aggressive behaviour on the roads appear largely to depend on drivers’ interactions and drivers’ interpretation of the behaviour of others. Some aggressive behaviour is an expression of irritation and may provoke irritation of other drivers. This means that an irritated driver might start a chain reaction, spreading irritation and aggressive behaviour from driver to driver. To diminish irritation and aggressive behaviour on the roads it is necessary to change drivers’ behaviour either by changing the road design or, which is probably a more possible remedy, by changing their general attitudes about driving. By providing drivers with insight into the cognitive biases they are subject to when judging other road users’ behaviour, both driver irritation and aggressive behaviours on the roads probably would decrease.</p>

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