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O sonho de um idiota : ensaio sobre algumas adaptações cinematográficas de obras literárias, feitas por Akira Kurosawa /Lúcio Sobrinho, Alexandre. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: José Carlos Zamboni / Banca: Maria Lídia Lichtscheidl Maretti / Banca: Madalena Natsuko Hashimoto Cordaro / Resumo: Enquanto um ser sobrenatural fia numa roca uma linha transparente e frágil, um poderoso samurai, com um punho cerrado sobre sua espada, percebe que seu destino está sendo desenrolado e partir-se-á como os fios de uma teia de aranha. Outro samurai, não tão jovem, mas com a espada em riste, derrama seu sangue em terra familiar. Um menino e uma menina vestem máscaras demoníacas para sobreviver em um mundo que não admite doçura. São esses alguns dos personagens e dos temas presentes na obra de Akira Kurosawa, motivos sinistros e dolorosos demais para serem tocados pela mente comum, mas que são tomados corajosamente pelo gênio brilhante e sensível, que transforma tudo em beleza e arte. O objetivo deste ensaio é comentar o casamento da beleza e do sofrimento em seus filmes, onde também comparecem os seguintes convidados: a vida do próprio diretor, a literatura que o influenciou, a pintura e a música que admirou e que inseriu em seus filmes e, como parte essencial de qualquer trabalho científico, como Fritjoff Capra disse em O Tao da Física, minha vida também comparece aqui, como é inevitável, já que sou eu o fotógrafo deste casamento. / Abstract: While a white phantom of old-man or woman devily spins a translucent and frail thread on a distaff, a powerful samurai, with a fist strongly shut upon his sword, realizes that his destiny is being unwrapped there, and knows that will be torn as easily as a thread of a spider-web. Another samurai, not so young, but with his sword still ready, suffers the bleeding of his life in the land of his owns. A boy and a girl have to dress masks of demons in order to survive in a world that doesnþt allow sweetness at all. These are some of the characters and themes often found in the works of Akira Kurosawa; sinister and painful motives, usually refused by common peopleþs minds, but courageously taken by the brilliant and sensitive genius, who turns everything of these into art and beauty. This is what we search in this essay: the wedding of beauty and suffering in his movies, where it comes too the following guests: his own life, the books he read, the paintings he admired, the music he liked to put on his films, and, as an essential part of a scientific work, like Fritjoff Capra said in The Tao of Phisics, here comes my life too, as it is inevitable, being a photographer of this wedding as I am. / Mestre
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As influências estrangeiras e a transposição cultural na obra de Akira Kurosawa através da análise do filme Kumonosujô (蜘蛛巣城, Trono manchado de sangue, 1957)Martins, Daniela Weber Barata January 2011 (has links)
Resumo não disponível.
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Proti adaptaci: za transdisciplinaritu a menšinový film / Against adaptation: toward transdisciplinarity and minor cinemaPetříková, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Against Adaptation: Toward Transdisciplinarity and Minor Cinema Linda Petříková Abstract Over the past decades, the field adaptation studies has been trying to break new grounds and escape the confines of the predominant fidelity discourse. This thesis wants to propose new perspectives that have been widely underrepresented, at least in the Anglo-American context, drawing attention to the great relevance to adaptation of the writings of French critical thinkers, most notably Gilles Deleuze and his two-volume publication on cinema and Jacques Rancière and his continuation/reevaluation of Deleuze's film-related concepts. Without directly addressing questions of adaptation, the way both philosophers think about cinema is inseparable from their thinking about literature and indeed about other arts and media, exemplifying new transdisciplinary approaches to adaptation this thesis hopes to encourage. Even though it might seem counterintuitive, considering the efforts of adaptation studies to cut the roots it has grown within literary departments, I chose three Shakespearean adaptations for the case studies as I believe that such focus will enable us to see more clearly the significance of interstices as much as of the links the films form with the text. Jean-Luc-Godard's King Lear, Orson Welles's Chimes at...
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Die Kunst der Deeskalation – Akira Takayamas Theaterprojekt „J Art Call Center“Krautheim, Ulrike 08 May 2023 (has links)
Akira Takayamas Theaterprojekt „J Art Call Center“ entstand im Herbst 2019 als unmittelbare Reaktion auf die temporäre Schließung der Ausstellung After ‚Freedom of Expression‘? bei der Aichi Triennale 2019. Die Ausstellung versammelte über zwanzig künstlerische Positionen, welche in staatlichen japanischen Museen nicht gezeigt werden konnten bzw. aus laufenden Ausstellungen entfernt worden waren. Aufgrund von aggressiven Protesten von Bürger*innen musste sie nach nur drei Tagen Laufzeit aus Sicherheitsgründen schließen. Eine Gruppe von Künstler*innen rief daraufhin die Kampagne „Re:Freedom Aichi“ ins Leben. Akira Takayamas J Art Call Center entstand im Kontext von „Re:Freedom Aichi“ und setzte in einer Situation der Konfrontation und Eskalation auf eine direkte Form des Dialogs. Die zentrale Idee des J Art Call Center: Beschwerdeanrufe von Bürger*innen wurden nicht mehr von Angestellten der Präfektur Aichi entgegengenommen, sondern von den beteiligten Künstler*innen und Künstlern selbst. Der Artikel reflektiert Takayamas Projekt als Antwort auf eine zunehmende Vereinnahmung der künstlerischen Sphäre durch politische Repräsentationskämpfe. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie Takayama im Rekurs auf die griechische Tragödie Strategien entwickelt, Theater vor dem Hintergrund der Radikalisierung des öffentlichen Diskurses als sozialen Raum neu zu aktivieren.
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This thesis explores the origins of the monster Godzilla as well as the link with the Atomic Bomb. Godzilla is like the metaphor of the Japanese post war and the nuclear threat. The main question of this research is: Is Godzilla a support tool to reflect the nuclear threat that humans being are living constantly?
In spite of there are a lot of publications on Godzilla phenomenon, in the West, we have a little publications from first hand on what symbolize and what's the meaning of this monster. Through of an exhaustive filmic analysis on Godzilla (1954) with a several interviews to part of the original team of the film, we will understand the magnitude cinematic of this monster.
We will see specially, the first Godzilla movie released in 1954, worked like a tool to criticize war and nuclear weapons. Is it not true that we are immersed in a monster movie after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima? / Esta tesis explora los orígenes del monstruo Godzilla así como su relación con la bomba atómica. Exponemos a Godzilla como metáfora de la posguerra japonesa y catalizador de la amenaza nuclear. La pregunta de investigación que planteamos es: ¿es Godzilla un instrumento para reflejar la amenaza nuclear que vive constantemente el ser humano?
A pesar de haberse escrito mucho sobre el fenómeno Godzilla, en Occidente, disponemos de poca información de primera mano acerca de qué simboliza y qué significados tiene. A través de un exhaustivo análisis sobre la creación del film Japón bajo el terror del monstruo (1954), y con una serie de entrevistas a los autores supervivientes a la creación de dicho film, comprenderemos la magnitud cinematográfica de este monstruo.
Observaremos como la primera película de Godzilla fue realizada tan sólo nueve años después de la guerra, y cómo sirvió de instrumento crítico a las armas atómicas. Este monstruo fue la advertencia al mundo de las consecuencias del poder nuclear. Y es que, ¿acaso no es cierto que estamos inmersos en una película de monstruos tras el desastre nuclear de Fukushima? / Aquesta tesi explora els orígens del monstre Godzilla i la seva relació amb la bomba atòmica. Exposem a Godzilla com una metàfora de la postguerra japonesa i catalitzador de la por nuclear. La qüestió d'investigació que plantem és: és Godzilla un instrument per a transmetre l'amenaça nuclear que l'ésser humà ha viscut?
Sa escrit molt sobre Godzilla però, en Occident, disposem de poca informació de primera mà sobre la simbolització i significats de Godzilla.
A través d'anàlisis sobre la creació de la pel·lícula Japó baix el terror del monstre (1954), i amb una sèrie d'entrevistes als autors de les pel·lícules del monstre, entendrem la magnitud cinematogràfica d'aquest personatge. Observarem com la primera producció de Godzilla, que va ser realitzada nou anys després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, ha sigut una pel·lícula que va servir com a instrument crític sobre les armes atòmiques. Aquest personatge ha sigut l'advertència al món sobre les conseqüències del poder nuclear. A cas no estem dins d'una pel·lícula de monstres després del desastre nuclear de Fukushima? / Bellés García, J. (2017). GODZILLA Y LA CRISTALIZACIÓN DE LA AMENAZA NUCLEAR. LA ÉPOCA DORADA DEL CINE KAIJU EIGA Y CIENCIA FICCIÓN JAPONESA (1954-1965) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86132
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Either 'Shining White or Blackest Black': Grey Morality of the Colonized Subject in Postwar Japanese Cinema and Contemporary MangaAponte, Elena M. 11 April 2017 (has links)
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