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\'Più famoso che conosciuto\': panorama da recepção de I promessi sposi no Brasil (1843-2012) / Più famoso che conosciuto: panorama of reception of I Promessi Sposi in Brazil(1843 2012)Ataide, Antonio Marcio 18 April 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo principal organizar a recepção do romance I Promessi Sposi (Os Noivos), de autoria de Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), no Brasil. A narrativa tem como protagonistas os jovens Renzo e Lucia que enfrentam as maiores dificuldades de seu tempo (a carestia, a fome, o domínio estrangeiro, as guerras e a peste no norte da Itália durante o século XVII) para realizar seu matrimonio e é uma das obras-primas da literatura italiana e mundial. Este trabalho estuda as maneiras pelas quais o romance manzoniano aporta em terras brasileiras, é acolhido e permanece como argumento de debates críticos, desde o primeiro registro encontrado por esta investigação até o ano de 2012, data da publicação da última tradução brasileira. Neste sentido, estudaram-se as diversas traduções, edições e adaptações publicadas deste romance no Brasil, atentando seja para a forma como se dá o transporte do texto original italiano para a língua portuguesa, seja para as questões relacionadas ao paratexto, isto é, o cuidado editorial empregado nesses textos. Organizou-se a também a recepção da crítica brasileira a I Promessi Sposi que se deu em forma de livros, capítulos, artigos em jornais, revistas e periódicos científicos, verbetes de enciclopédias e nos Boletins do Instituto Brasileiro Estudos Manzonianos. Da coleta e análise desse material buscou-se traçar o perfil que a recepção a I Promessi Sposi conferiu a Manzoni e sua obra-prima no Brasil. / The present research has as the main objective of organizing the reception of the novel The Betrothed, from Alessandro Manzonis authorship (1785-1873), in Brazil. The narrative presents as protagonists the young Renzo and Lucia who encounter the greatest difficulties of their time (inflation, hunger, the foreigner domination, the wars and the plague in the north of Italy during the XVII century) to make their wedding happen and it is one of the masterpieces of the world and Italian Literature. This thesis studies the manners by which the Manzonian novel arrives in Brazilian lands, is accepted and remains as argument of critic debates, since the first record found by this investigation until the year 2012, the publishing date of the last Brazilian translation. In this sense, diverse translations, editions and adaptations published of this novel in Brazil were studied, noticing the way the original Italian text was transferred into the Portuguese language, and the issue related to the paratext, namely, the editorial care used in these texts. The Brazilian critic reception of the Betrothed that happened in book form, chapters, newspaper articles, magazines and scientific journals, encyclopedia entries and the newsletters of the Manzonian Studies Brazilian Institute were also organized. From the gathering and analysis of these materials we searched to outline the profile that the reception of The Betrothed granted Manzoni and his masterpiece in Brazil.
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\'Più famoso che conosciuto\': panorama da recepção de I promessi sposi no Brasil (1843-2012) / Più famoso che conosciuto: panorama of reception of I Promessi Sposi in Brazil(1843 2012)Antonio Marcio Ataide 18 April 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo principal organizar a recepção do romance I Promessi Sposi (Os Noivos), de autoria de Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), no Brasil. A narrativa tem como protagonistas os jovens Renzo e Lucia que enfrentam as maiores dificuldades de seu tempo (a carestia, a fome, o domínio estrangeiro, as guerras e a peste no norte da Itália durante o século XVII) para realizar seu matrimonio e é uma das obras-primas da literatura italiana e mundial. Este trabalho estuda as maneiras pelas quais o romance manzoniano aporta em terras brasileiras, é acolhido e permanece como argumento de debates críticos, desde o primeiro registro encontrado por esta investigação até o ano de 2012, data da publicação da última tradução brasileira. Neste sentido, estudaram-se as diversas traduções, edições e adaptações publicadas deste romance no Brasil, atentando seja para a forma como se dá o transporte do texto original italiano para a língua portuguesa, seja para as questões relacionadas ao paratexto, isto é, o cuidado editorial empregado nesses textos. Organizou-se a também a recepção da crítica brasileira a I Promessi Sposi que se deu em forma de livros, capítulos, artigos em jornais, revistas e periódicos científicos, verbetes de enciclopédias e nos Boletins do Instituto Brasileiro Estudos Manzonianos. Da coleta e análise desse material buscou-se traçar o perfil que a recepção a I Promessi Sposi conferiu a Manzoni e sua obra-prima no Brasil. / The present research has as the main objective of organizing the reception of the novel The Betrothed, from Alessandro Manzonis authorship (1785-1873), in Brazil. The narrative presents as protagonists the young Renzo and Lucia who encounter the greatest difficulties of their time (inflation, hunger, the foreigner domination, the wars and the plague in the north of Italy during the XVII century) to make their wedding happen and it is one of the masterpieces of the world and Italian Literature. This thesis studies the manners by which the Manzonian novel arrives in Brazilian lands, is accepted and remains as argument of critic debates, since the first record found by this investigation until the year 2012, the publishing date of the last Brazilian translation. In this sense, diverse translations, editions and adaptations published of this novel in Brazil were studied, noticing the way the original Italian text was transferred into the Portuguese language, and the issue related to the paratext, namely, the editorial care used in these texts. The Brazilian critic reception of the Betrothed that happened in book form, chapters, newspaper articles, magazines and scientific journals, encyclopedia entries and the newsletters of the Manzonian Studies Brazilian Institute were also organized. From the gathering and analysis of these materials we searched to outline the profile that the reception of The Betrothed granted Manzoni and his masterpiece in Brazil.
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« Le langage de passions » : la visione morale di Manzoni e le sue fonti / "Le langage de passions" : Manzoni’s moral vision and his sources / « Le langage de passions » : La vision morale de Manzoni et ses sourcesMaiolini, Elena 20 February 2015 (has links)
En accusant le théâtre de familiariser les consciences avec le « langage des passions », Pierre Nicolelançait une condamnation à laquelle Manzoni a pensé pendant longtemps. Le thème de la moralitélittéraire offre un point de vue intéressant sur le rapport dynamique – et largement inexploré – deManzoni à l’égard des auteurs reconnus de philosophie morale du XVIIe siècle français. En fortesyntonie avec ces derniers sur des contenus étiques et religieux, et des questions de méthode et delangue, Manzoni mena une analyse passionnée du statut moral des lettres, dans un dialogue directavec des censeurs qu’on n’avait jamais démenti. Cette étude porte donc à démontrer que sa réponse,esquissée dans un discours critique inachevé, arriva par le biais même de son oeuvre, par laquelle ilproposait une façon de représenter les passions comme une noble fonction cognitive, avec unvocabulaire qui se réfère largement au lexique des orateurs mêmes, dont les sermons conservés danssa bibliothèque montrent d’importants signes de lecture. Cette étude, qui commence avec unevérification documentaire, est structurée en deux parties. La première se compose d’un chapitre dédiéaux positions sur la moralité de la littérature entre le XVIIe et le XIXe siècle, suivi de trois autres oùnous analysons le langage manzonien des passions par mots clés (l’orgueil, l’amour-passion et lacolère), orientés par les traités du XVIIe siècle, les tragédies de Corneille, Racine et Shakespearecommentées par Manzoni, ainsi que les textes du dramaturge et romancier. La deuxième partie secompose d’un lexique manzonien de la vie morale. / By accusing the theatre of teaching the dangerous «language of passions», Pierre Nicole gave ajudgment of which Manzoni would have thought for a long time. The subject of literary moralityoffers an interesting view of Manzoni’s relationship – dynamic and largely unexplored – with thebeloved authors of the French 17th century moral philosophy. Being in strong syntony with them inethical and religious issues, as well as in questions of method and language, Manzoni carried out apassionate analysis on the role of literature, in a direct dialogue with censors, who, according to him,hadn’t received a convincing answer to that point of time. This study shows that Manzoni’s response,outlined in an unfinished speech, proposed a concrete way of representing passions, not as futile andtoxic divertissement, but with a noble cognitive function. We attempt to show that Manzoni’slanguage owes much to the moralists themselves, «deep and keen observers of the human heart»,whose sermons, stored on the shelves of Manzoni’s library, contain various signs of reading.Concieved as a philological and documentary analysis of these texts, the thesis is structured in twoparts. The first one consist of a chapter that deals with the 17th-19th centuries positions on literarymorality, and other three chapters which are dedicated to Manzoni’s vocabulary of pride, love-passionand anger. This analysis takes into account the 17th century moral treaties, the tragedies of Corneille,Racine and Shakespeare, all commented by Manzoni, and Manzoni’s playwright and novelist’sproduction. The second part consists of an essay dealing with a Manzonian lexicon of the words ofthe moral life.
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Téma rodiny v díle Natalie Ginzburg / Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's worksMacháčková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis called Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's works is analysis of the chosen prosaic works of one of the biggest writers of the twentieth century, concentrated on the topic of the family. The introduction is a short presentation of the author (her biographical and bibliographical data). After that there is an analysis of her most known prosaic works with the family topic and with the topic of the relations in general. It is followed by more detailed analysis of her most known novel Lessico famigliare. In the final part, the work is concentrated on the biography of Manzoni's family in La famiglia Manzoni.
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INTRODUZIONE ALLA CRITICA MANZONIANA IN UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA / Introduction to Manzoni critics in Università CattolicaLOMOLINO, SIMONA 04 July 2017 (has links)
La tesi verte sulla critica manzoniana effettuata dai docenti di letteratura italiana non più in ruolo dell’Università Cattolica: l’attenzione si è concentrata sugli apporti che hanno maggiormente influenzato gli sviluppi successivi, per il loro valore intrinseco, il potenziale innovativo o lo spirito polemico. Ogni capitolo è dedicato a un singolo studioso; dopo una succinta introduzione biografica, si analizzano i principali contributi, raggruppati in modo tale da mantenere una coerenza di argomentazione e armonizzare il criterio contenutistico con quello cronologico delle opere prodotte. Parallelamente si rilevano collegamenti, differenze e punti di contatto fra le diverse opinioni, ma soprattutto gli elementi di originalità di ciascuna a livello di metodologie e strumenti usati, tipologia di critica e di scrittura, orientamento su aspetti specifici dell’opera manzoniana e novità apportate, oggetto delle riflessioni conclusive in chiusura di capitolo. E’ stato anche delineato il rapporto fra i singoli e le varie correnti, ripercorrendo a grandi linee l'evoluzione del pensiero critico italiano nei sec. XIX e XX. La figura e l’opera di Manzoni sono state indagate da un punto di vista ora tematico, ora stilistico, ora linguistico e filologico, tenendo in conto sia la tradizione letteraria italiana, che la cultura europea.
Particolare accuratezza è stata riservata alla bibliografia finale. / The paper regards literary critics on Alessandro Manzoni, performed by professors of Università Cattolica: the attention is focused on the most important contributions, for their quality, innovation, polemic meaning. After an introduction, each chapter is dedicated to a single researcher: after a short biographical introduction, fundamental essays in chronological order are examined. In the same time relationships, differences and similarities are noticed, such as methodology, critic trends, writing style.
Life and works of Manzoni are investigated from a thematic, stylistic, linguistic and philological point of view, regarding both Italian literary tradition and European culture.
Relationship between each researcher and various critical currents is outlined, to range critical thinking evolution in Italy during XIX and XX centuries.
Finally, particular care was given to bibliography.
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La tesi nasce dalla riflessione su un aspetto della fruizione dei Promessi sposi che rende il romanzo un unicum nella letteratura italiana: fin dai suoi esordi, il testo è stato letto ad alta voce e ascoltato nelle più svariate occasioni. Da qui l’idea di indagare se esistano, e quali siano, aspetti del testo che lo rendono particolarmente adatto all’ascolto. Conseguenza diretta dell’ascoltabilità del romanzo può essere, poi, la sua caratteristica memorabilità, grazie alla quale episodi e intere porzioni di testo si imprimono facilmente nella mente dei lettori-ascoltatori. La tesi si compone, dunque, di due sezioni, tra loro interconnesse, ma dedicate l’una, in modo più specifico, al primo aspetto in questione, l’ascoltabilità, l’altra al secondo, la memorabilità. Nel primo capitolo si pone l’attenzione sul rapporto tra I promessi sposi e la lettura ad alta voce; nel secondo capitolo l’analisi cerca di mettere in luce l’importanza del racconto orale (e dell’ascolto di narrazioni) nel romanzo; il capitolo terzo si concentra sulla ricerca delle caratteristiche (varietà e ripetizione) che rendono il romanzo memorabile a livello della sua struttura narrativa e delle connessioni tra le sue parti; il quarto e ultimo capitolo è dedicato ancora ai medesimi concetti, ma in questo caso l’analisi si focalizza sulle dimensioni morfo-sintattica e retorica del testo. / This thesis takes his origin from the reflection about a really singular feature that makes the novel I promessi sposi a unicum in italian literature. Since his first release, the text has been read aloud and listened in many and different occasions. Therefore, it has been tried to find the existence in the novel of some features that make it so suited to be listened to. A direct consequence of the novel's “listenability” is his typical “memorability”, that makes it really easy for the reader-listener to remember episodes and entire portions of the text. Thus, the thesis is composed of two sections, connected each other, but dedicated the one, in a more specific way, to the first feature at issue (“listenability”) and the other to the second (“memorability”).
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