Spelling suggestions: "subject:"allmänna"" "subject:"allmännyttan""
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What ́s in it for Karlstad : Kampen om Skutbergets vara eller icke vara / "What´s in it for Karlstad" : The struggles over Skutberget´s to be or not to beKarlsson, Rasmus, Skönnå, Erik January 2018 (has links)
För att locka till sig nya invånare och besökare framhäver städer i Sverige och likaså påmånga håll i världen idag vikten av att höja sin attraktivitet och konkurrenskraft. Det uppnåsmed hjälp av olika flashiga bebyggelser, nöjesparker, idrott och olikaformer av evenemang,med mera. För attlocka till sig nya besökare och stärka stadens konkurrenskraft gentemotandra svenska medelstora städerna,vill Karlstads politiker etablera Muminvärlden i staden.Dock är frågan om det verkligen är rätt att privatisera det offentliga rummet för att kunnakonkurrera mot andra städer? Studien syftar till attbelysa frågor om makten överrummet/platsen medutgångspunkt i privatisering av allmänningar.Muminvärlden påSkutbergets friluftsområde används som exempel på kampen om det offentligaför att belysasyftet.Studiens teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning som studien grundarsig på, behandlarfrågor om makten över rummet, platsens betydelse, demokratiska frågor och privatiseringarav det allmänna. Studiens metodutgörs av kvalitativa ansatser i form av semi-struktureradekvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med Skutbergets Wenners ordförandeThomas Martinsson, en sakkunnig aktiv debattör, samt elva stycken besökare på Skutberget.För att komplettera dekvalitativa intervjuerna har vi genomfört dokumentstudier av dokumentsom berör ämnet som exempelvis Karlstads kommuns detaljplan för skutberget från 2018.Studiens slutsats visar påattprivatisering av allmänningar får dels socialakonsekvenser,genomatt det sociala rummetpåverkas och att vissa människor undermedvetet utesluts frånatt kunna vistas på deprivata platserna.Vid privatisering av allmänningarvisade slutsatsen påenpositivkonsekvens, vilket var attom den privata etableringen ärlyckosamkandetgynnastadens ekonomi positivt. På grund av att det finns olika åsikter i om vad det offentliga rummet ska användas till kan privatisering av allmänningar leda till polariseringar i samhället.
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Kampen om allmänningarna i fyra värmländska socknar under frihetstidenHammarén, Lars January 2020 (has links)
This paper is about the dissolution and privatization of parish commons in 18:th century Sweden. The study focuses on four parishses (Hammarö, Väse, Ölme and Lungsund) all of them situated in the south of Värmland County. This is a region where ironworks were especially important for the eco-nomy of Sweden. The Ironworks required a lot of forest resources, of which there were a lot on the commons. This need resulted in a struggle for the resources between the ironworks and the peasants who needed it for their buildings, firewoods and pastures. With support of the state, the ironworks got parts of the commons for their supply of wood raw material. However, this also resulted in an increased pressure on the remaining parts of the commons which the peasants could continue to use for their individual needs. The competition among the peasants led to troubles and mismanagement of the forests in the commons. In this situation, peasants who were well - off (’skattebönder’), began to work for division and privatization of the commons. The primary aim of this study is to analyze how and why this process of privatization took place. Which were the driving forces, and which were the role of different actors – the state, the aristocracy, the industrialists and different groups among the peasants – in this process? Privatization of commonable lands in Sweden usually occurred in connection with the enclosure which in Sweden took place from the end of the 18:th century. However, In this study I have found that in at least two of the parishes, the division and privatization occurred about half a century before that enclosure, namely around 1742. In this paper I also point to the striking similarities between the problems that occurred in these parishes and problems that always arise in commons in all areas. This problem has been discussed by authors like Garret Hardin and Ellinor Ostrom, among many others. Problems that has given rise to the concept ‘the tragedy of the commons’.
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Distribuerad öppenhet : En studie av konceptualiseringen av öppenhet inom open access-rörelsen / Distributed Openness : A Study on the Conceptualization of Openness in the Open Access MovementÄngfors, Olof January 2014 (has links)
The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question. In order to provide an answer I have conducted athematically structured text analysis of the declarations. The results of this part show that openness, in relation toopen access, is part of a discourse where research is considered a public good. I claim that this indicates thatopenness is related to the larger questions of information freedom and the enclosure of intellectual commons.The purpose of openness is described within the declarations as contributing to mechanisms of decentralized controlover information, which in itself generates a greater efficiency and lower costs in regards to scholarly communication.The second part of the study is concerned with the larger, overarching network and in what way the conceptualizationof openness can be seen as a network generated effect. To answer this question I deploy the theoreticaltools provided by ANT. Focus lies on how the declarations relate to each other and on how central actors havecontributed to the conceptualizations. The results show that openness and open access has shifting meanings thathave been modified in various ways. They also show that actors through a collective negotiation process defineand shape the meaning of openness by circulating ideas on electronic dissemination and distributed processes
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”Det finns någon slags Open Access där ute”. En idé- och ideologianalys av bibliotekariers förhållningssätt till Open Access vid sex forskningsinstitut. / “There is Some Kind of Open Access Out There.” An Idea and Ideology Analysis of How Librarians at Research Institutes Relates to Open Access.Dalmalm, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
The Open Access (OA) movement came to be as a reaction against the enclosure of information resources, facilitated by new distribution technologies. The purpose of the OA movement is to make research results freely available. The aim of this master´s thesis is to increase the understanding of how libraries outside of the academic sphere and within research institutes relates to OA. As a theoretical framework I created two different ideologies, the OA ideology and the nonsharing ideology. I also conducted six interviews with librarians. Through an idea and ideology analysis I relate the materials to the two different ideologies. The theories used concern information commons and gifting economies. My study shows that the informants have different views of the OA ideas depending on what aspects that is in question. Especially when it comes to economics and copyright issues the informants express a great degree of criticism against the traditional publishing models. In some other aspects the informants relied on the traditional publishing and thereby on the nonsharing ideology. The idea to make research results freely available was positively viewed upon by many of the informants. They sometimes plan and have ideas connected to the OA ideology. In a few cases they also work with OA materials, but the context that the libraries functions within makes it complicated and sometimes less urgent than it is in the universities to adopt to OA to a larger extent.
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Upphovsrätten i det generella intellektets era / Copyright in the era of the general intellectLarsson, Rikard, Lund, Arwid January 2008 (has links)
This text examines the ideological positions, as they appear in texts of central importance, of four Swedish protagonists – Antipiratbyrån, Konstnärliga och litterära yrkesutövares samarbetsnämnd, Creative Commons i Sverige and Piratbyrån – in copyright issues. The critical analysis is focusing on three themes – economy, culture and civic rights and responsibilities – and poses the questions of how the ideology of the protagonists relates to the changing processes between culture and economy in the society of today, and which interest of classes, understood in Marxist terms, they favour. Before defining the theory and method of the inquiry the authors give their understanding of the changing processes between economy and culture. The current situation is understood in the light of historical materialism and the authors assert that the society has entered the era that Karl Marx gave the name of the general intellect. The annexation of the culture by the capitalistic logic is nevertheless counterbalanced by a production of culture among peers in gifteconomies based on the human playdrive. Ideology is understood as the worldview of an individual or social group that relates to the interests that their social life generates. The ideology has a manifest and a latent part and you can discover these through textanalysis, reading between lines, and by examining the use of naturalisation and universalisation in the text. Finally, the ideologies of the protagonists are compared and put in relation to the contemporary era of the general intellect and the protagonists ideological positions are criticised by the authors. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Den enes pryl, grannens tillgång : En studie om drivkrafter och begränsningar för att delta i kollaborativ konsumtion / Your things, your neighbours gain : A study of motivations and limitations to take part in collaborative consumptionHedqvist, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Det finns många miljömässiga och ekonomiska baksidor med de konsumtionsmönster som har utvecklats i västvärlden. Detta har lett till ökad medvetenhet kring problemen. Kollaborativ konsumtion är en företeelse som fått allt större spridning tack vare modern teknik och internet. Det innebär ett sätt att förändra konsumtionsmönstren genom att dela på materiella tillgångar. I den här pilotstudien intervjuades sju personer. Fem av dessa har valt att delta i Swinga Bazaar, en nystartad digital tjänst för kollaborativ konsumtion av föremål. De begränsningar som framkom gällande ägodelar kan delas upp i två slag: Hinder, alltså något som gör att respondenten tvekar eller avstår från att delta, och förebehåll, vilket innebär att de kan delta men på vissa villkor. Mest frekvent förekommande var förbehåll angående vem respondenterna kunde tänka sig att låna/hyra ut till. En slutsats är därför att man bör anpassa digitala tjänster för kollaborativ konsumtion till att ta detta resultat i beaktande; användarna bör ges möjlighet att välja att låna/hyra ut bara till personer de känner sedan tidigare. Ytterligare ett syfte med studien var att undersöka drivkrafter bakom valet att delta i kollaborativ konsumtion. När det gällde Swinga Bazaar var sociala relationer viktigast, men även när det gällde den generella synen på kollaborativ konsumtion angavs sociala aspekter som en av de viktigaste fördelarna. Därför är en slutsats att de aktiva användarna är viktiga som förebilder. De bör involveras i arbetet för att locka ännu fler att delta. Andra fördelar med kollaborativ konsumtion som framkom i intervjuerna var bland annat miljöskäl och möjligheten att spara pengar samt ett mer effektivt nyttjande av egna och andras ägodelar. Denna bredd av motiverande faktorer möjliggör olika tilltalssätt för att locka fler människor till att delta. / There are many social and economic downsides to the consumption patterns that have developed in the Western world. This has lead to an increased awareness·of the problem. Collaborative consumption is a phenomen that is gaining traction thanks to modern technology and the internet. It represents one way of changing consumption patterns by sharing tangible assets. In this pilot study, seven people were interviewed. Five of these have chosen to participate in Swinga Bazaar, a newly established digital service for collaborative consumption of goods. The limitations that emerged regarding belongings can be divided into two kinds: obstacles, that is, something that makes the respondent hesitate or refrain from participating, and restrictions, which means they can participate but under certain conditions. The most frequently occurring restriction concerned who the respondents were willing to lend or rent to. One conclusion is therefore that one should adapt digital servives for collaborative consumption to consider this result; the users should be given the option to lend/rent only to people with whom they are already familiar. Another aim with the study was to investigate the driving forces behind the choice to participate in collaborative consumption. In the case of Swinga Bazaar, social relations were the most important. But also concerning the general view of collaborative consumption, social aspects were identified as one of the most important benefits. Therefore, one can draw the conclusion that the active users are important as role models. They should be involved in the work to encourage even more people to participate. Other benefits of collaborative consumption emerging from the interviews were environment reasons and the possibility to save money as well as a more efficient use of their own and others belongings. This breadth of motivating factors enables different ways to attract people to take part.
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”Det finns någon slags Open Access där ute” : En idé- och ideologianalys av bibliotekariers förhållningssätt till Open Access vid sex forskningsinstitutDalmalm, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
The Open Access (OA) movement came to be as a reaction against the enclosure of information resources, facilitated by new distribution technologies. The purpose of the OA movement is to make research results freely available. The aim of this master´s thesis is to increase the understanding of how libraries outside of the academic sphere and within research institutes relates to OA. As a theoretical framework I created two different ideologies, the OA ideology and the nonsharing ideology. I also conducted six interviews with librarians. Through an idea and ideology analysis I relate the materials to the two different ideologies. The theories used concern information commons and gifting economies. My study shows that the informants have different views of the OA ideas depending on what aspects that is in question. Especially when it comes to economics and copyright issues the informants express a great degree of criticism against the traditional publishing models. In some other aspects the informants relied on the traditional publishing and thereby on the nonsharing ideology. The idea to make research results freely available was positively viewed upon by many of the informants. They sometimes plan and have ideas connected to the OA ideology. In a few cases they also work with OA materials, but the context that the libraries functions within makes it complicated and sometimes less urgent than it is in the universities to adopt to OA to a larger extent.
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Markanspråk och planering i norra Stockholms stad : Konsekvensanalys av territorialisering och samhällsplanering i urbana gröna allmänningarOkko-Olausson, Johan January 2019 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis has been to study how formal territorialization can be expressed in the study area and to study the consequences of what those territorializing processes may have in the urban green commons in the study area. The overall focus for this thesis has been the issue of territorialization and its consequences in terms of formal land claims in urban green commons when it is planned and proposed for by large-scale land use planning. Based on a case study together with field studies, literature studies, interviews and map data, the results of this thesis have highlighted the potential consequences of the city of Stockholm’s proposed land use plans in the thesis study area with formal land claims on land that today is classified, according to this thesis’s assessment, as widely appreciated the area’s residents and important urban green commons. The city of Stockholm, with it’s plans and proposals in the ”Program proposal for Spångadalen”, formally makes a territorializing claim on land that is found to be within the city's ownership, but which are also important urban green commons for the people who live in connection with them and also important for the area's flora and fauna. Three of the four sub-areas, (within the main study area), are considered sensitive to changes in the use of the land. The city's land within the study area is urban green commons with parts of it that have high nature values, are appreciated green areas among the areas residents and house habitats for endangered flora and fauna. This means that further work with regular and well-planned monitoring of the city’s urban green commons is needed in order to follow potential changes in the state of these urban green commons over time and to insert the right measures, at appropriate times and in the right places, in order for the city to successfully reach it’s sustainability goals set in the city’s Municipal Comprehensive Plan, (”översiktsplan” in Swedish).
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The interdependence of the digital and physical commons : A case study of the Stockholm Makerspace / Det ömsesidiga beroendet mellan den digitala och fysiska allmänningen : En fallstudie av Stockholm MakerspaceHellmich, Judith January 2022 (has links)
Economic downturns and the subsequent trends of privatization and marketization that follow have prompted the development and expansion of urban commons as the commoner searches for more participatory forms of governance. Modern member-driven and non-profit organizations, like makerspaces, are utilizing the digital commons to provide more accessibility and autonomy, reducing the need for external funding and providing a means to crowdsource information and manage shared resources. This research investigates how combining digital and physical forms of governance, communication and learning can enable urban commons to sustain themselves and eventually compete with the mainstream market. In this research the case study of the Stockholm Makerspace is analyzed through two theoretical lenses, firstly Ostrom’s eight design principles and secondly the community capitals framework. The research methodology involved an open-ended survey, desktop study, and a digital ethnography. I found that digital commons provide an accessible arena for conflict resolution, community planning, and informal education by facilitating interpersonal relations for urban dwellers with weak social ties. The digital infrastructure also provides a platform for group monitoring and community awareness that I think is vital to maintaining a satisfied body of members.
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Om tidens värde : En sociologisk studie av senmodernitetens temporala livsvärldar / About the value of time : A sociological study of the temporal life worlds of late modernityFuehrer, Paul January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores the relationship between people’s conceptualisation and use of time in everyday life against the background of the political economy of the late modern welfare state. The main focus lies upon their evaluation of different time-uses in order to approach a better understanding of the moral economy of time. Special consideration is given to the role of commodification of time and the experience of time scarcity. Another topic investigated is the association of time with the striving for ecological sustainability in everyday live. The study is based upon three empirical materials. The first one consists of a subset of Statistic Sweden’s time-use database for inhabitants of Stockholm. The other two materials are qualitative interview studies. One was conducted with 85 unemployed people in Sörmland and Jämtland, the other with 45 inhabitants of Stockholm. The interviewees in the latter study were asked to consider two options for the future of welfare politics in Sweden: increasing wages combined with the same work hours as today or a substantial decrease in working hours accompanied by stagnating wages. Many interviewees consider time scarcity to be an important issue that needs to be integrated into the traditional concept of welfare. Time conflicts in everyday life, also regarding the choice of sustainable options, are solved with a certain moral flexibility still dominated by work ethics. Some interviewees try to articulate counter-images to the commodified concept of time by challenging traditional conceptions of the value of time and envision an ecological sound time use. These attempts draw attention to the importance of temporal commons such as vacations and also the need for a conscious time-politics in order to strengthen temporal welfare.
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