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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transplante alogênico de medula óssea x terapia de consolidação com quimioterapia em pacientes portadores de leucemia mielóide aguda de risco intermediário em 1ª remissão completa

Furlanetto, Marina de Almeida January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Transplante Alogênico de Célula Tronco Hematopoiética (TCTH alogênico) é um procedimento de alto potencial curativo para a Leucemia Mielóide Aguda (LMA), principalmente pelo efeito “graft versus leukemia” (GVL), que leva a redução do risco de recaída. Atualmente, os pacientes com LMA de risco intermediário são submetidos ao procedimento caso possuam doador aparentado. Pacientes sem doador aparentado disponível são submetidos a tratamento de consolidação com quimioterapia, com maior chance de recaída da doença. Acredita-se que os pacientes submetidos ao TCTH tenham maiores sobrevida global e livre de doença, a despeito das altas taxas de morbimortalidade. A classificação de risco é extremamente importante para escolha terapêutica pós remissão. Assim, a realização da pesquisa de marcadores moleculares, para refinar a estratificação prognóstica, tem importância especial no grupo de risco intermediário, complementando a avaliação citogenética, e auxiliando na decisão terapêutica, sendo cada vez mais necessária, apesar de não disponível em todos os centros. Material e métodos: Foram avaliados os pacientes com LMA de risco intermediário em primeira Remissão Completa (1RC) do Serviço de Hematologia e TCTH do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre do período de 01 de abril de 1999 a 01 de outubro de 2014, com pelo menos 1 ano de seguimento após o tratamento, através de revisão de prontuários. Os dados foram dispostos no programa Excel e posteriormente exportados para o programa SPSS v. 18.0 para análise estatística. Resultados: Foram avaliados 69 pacientes, sendo 45 pacientes submetidos a consolidação com quimioterapia (“QT”) e 24 submetidos a TCTH Alogênico (“TCTH Alogênico”). A média de idade do grupo “QT” foi de 47,8 anos e do grupo “TCTH Alogênico” foi de 35,5 anos, com diferença estatisticamente significativa (P<0,001). Não houve diferença na distribuição entre o sexo. A mediana de tempo de seguimento do grupo “QT” foi de 1,1 anos (intervalo interquartil de 0,4 a 2,5 ) e no grupo “TCTH Alogênico” foi de 2,7 anos (intervalo interquartil de 0,4 a 5,5), sem diferença estatisticamente significativa na distribuição dos tempos de seguimento entre os grupos (P=0,236). A sobrevida do grupo “QT” em 12 meses foi de 52,3% e no grupo “TCTH Alogênico” foi de 62,5%. Aos 24 meses, a sobrevida do grupo “QT” foi de 31,7% e no grupo “TCTH Alogênico” foi de 58,3% e em 5 anos de 21,1% e 53,8%, respectivamente. O teste do Long-Rank aponta uma diferença estatisticamente significativa nas sobrevidas entre os grupos após 5 anos, com Hazard Ratio (HR) para óbito de 2,2 (IC 95%: 1,1-4,2), P=0,027, porém ao ajustarmos a relação pela idade esta associação perde significância estatística (HR:1,6 IC95%:1 - 1,1; P=0,246) Discussão: Os dados evidenciaram melhor sobrevida no grupo submetido à TCTH alogênico, porém o grupo submetido ao procedimento apresentava média de idade menor. No entanto, apesar da perda da significância estatística, o HR corrigido para idade permanece maior para o grupo sem TCTH, o que pode dever-se ao “n” pequeno da amostra. Identificar quais pacientes terão benefício com TCTH torna-se cada vez mais um desafio. O uso de marcadores moleculares são importantes no refinamento da estratificação de risco do grupo de risco intermediário, podendo auxiliar nessa decisão. Além disso, com o advento da possibilidade de condicionamentos não mieloablativos como alternativa aos pacientes mais velhos e com escore de comorbidades pior e a melhor terapia de suporte, talvez possamos ser menos conservadores na indicação desse procedimento, identificando assim aqueles que poderão obter melhores resultados no tratamento de uma doença tão agressiva e grave. / Background: Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (allo-HSCT) is a high potentially curative procedure to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), mainly by the “graft-versus-leukemia” (GVL) effect, which leads to reduced risk of relapse. Nowadays, intermediate risk AML patients are submitted to this procedure if a matched sibling donor is available. Patients without a sibling donor are submitted to consolidation with chemotherapy, with a greater chance of relapse. It is believed that patients submitted to allo-HSCT have a greater overall survival and disease-free survival, even though it presents high morbidity and mortality rates. Risk stratification is extremely important to post-remission treatment choice. Molecular markers research is especially important in intermediate risk group, complementing cytogenetic evaluation to a better prognostic stratification and, although it is still not available in all health centers, it is more and more necessary. Materials and Methods: We evaluated intermediate risk AML patients in first Complete Remission (CR1) at the Hematology Service and Bone Marrow Transplantation from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre from April 1st 1999 to October 1st 2014, and which had, at least, a one year follow-up after treatment, by conducting a medical record review. Data was inserted in Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheets and after exported to SPSS v. 18.0 to statistical analysis. Results: Among the 69 patients analyzed, 45 were submitted to consolidation with chemotherapy (Intermediate risk AML – non allo-HSCT) and 24 of then submitted to allo-HSCT (Intermediate risk AML – allo-HSCT). The average age of Intermediate risk AML – non allo-HSCT was 47.8 years old and Intermediate risk AML – allo-HSCT was 35.5 years old, with statistically significance difference (P<0,001). There was no difference regard sex of patients. The median follow-up in the Intermediate risk AML – non allo-HSCT was 1.1 years (interquartile rage of 0.4 to 2.5) and in the Intermediate risk AML – allo-HSCT was 2.7 years (interquartile rage of 0.4 to 5.5), with no statistically significance difference in follow-up time distribution between groups (P=0.236). Intermediate risk AML – non allo-HSCT survival in 12 months was 52.3% and in the Intermediate risk AML – allo-HSCT was 62.5%. In 24 months, Intermediate risk AML – non allo-HSCT survival was 31.7% and in Intermediate risk AML – allo HSCT survival was 58.3% and in 5 years it was 21.1% and 53.8% respectively. Long- Rank test indicates a statistically significant difference in survival between groups after 5 years, with hazard ratio (HR) for death of 2.2 (IC95% 1.1 – 4.2), P=0.027, but when we adjust the relation to age, this association loses statistical significance (HR:1.6 95%CI: 1 – 1.1; P=0.246). Discussion: Data showed a better survival rate to the group submitted to allo-HSCT, but the group presented a lower average age. However, despite de loss of statistical significance, Hazard Ratio (HR), adjusted to age remains higher to the non allo-HSCT group. It can be explained by the small number of the sample. Identifying which patients will benefit from allo-HSCT becomes increasingly challenging. The use of molecular markers are important in the refinement of risk stratification in intermediate risk group, assisting in the decision. Moreover, with the advent of the possibility of nonmyeloablative conditioning as an alternative to older patients and with worst rates of comorbidity, and the better supporting therapy, we may be less conservative in indicating this procedure, identifying the patients who may obtain better results during treatment of such aggressive and serious disease.

Einfluss CD4+CD25+ regulatorischer T-Zellen auf die hämatopoetische Rekonstitution nach syngener und allogener Stammzelltransplantation in einem dreifach transgenen Mausmodell

Rothe, Katherina 05 April 2011 (has links)
Regulatorische CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen (Tregs) stellen eine kleine Zellpopulation dar (1-5% der peripheren Blutzellen), die hauptsächlich für die Regulierung von Immunreaktionen verantwortlich ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden diese Zellen gemeinsam mit Stammzellen syngen und allogen kotransplantiert, um ihren Effekt auf das Anwachsen der Spenderzellen und die Rekonstitution der Hämatopoese nach Ganzkörperbestrahlung zu untersuchen. Es wurden humanisierte dreifach transgene Empfängermäuse (C57Bl/6-TTG) verwendet (human CD4+, murin CD4-, human HLA-DR+), wodurch sowohl bei syngener als auch bei allogener Transplantation eine Unterscheidung zwischen Spender- und Empfängerzellen möglich ist. Zunächst wurden CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen durch Separation aus Milzzellen bzw. Buffy Coats gewonnen und in vitro mittels Durchflusszytometrie und ELISpot charakterisiert. Anschließend fanden syngene und allogene Transplantationen mit einer Laufzeit von 61 Tagen statt. Überleben und Gewicht wurden täglich ermittelt und außerdem wurden wöchentlich Blutbilder erstellt und durchflusszytometrische Chimärismusanalysen (murines und humanes CD4, CD8, MHC (H2Db, H2Kd)) durchgeführt. Durch die magnetische Separation konnte die FoxP3-Expression der murinen Zellen (Transplantat) von 1,6% in der Ausgangspopulation auf 68,5% in der CD4+CD25+ Population gesteigert werden. In den ELISpot-Assays zeigten diese separierten Zellen, wie für Tregs typisch, keine Produktion von Interleukin-2. Nach syngener Transplantation (Spender: wildtyp C57Bl/6) von 2x106 Knochenmarkzellen und 1x106 CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen überlebten 100% der Tiere, wie zu erwarten war. Dabei setzte bei Tregs-kotransplantierten Tieren die Blutbildung nach bestrahlungsbedingter Leukozytopenie aufgrund bisher nicht bekannter Mechanismen früher wieder ein und der Donor-Zell-Chimärismus war an Tag 19 nach Transplantation signifikant höher als in der Kontrollgruppe. Dies zeigt, dass regulatorische T-Zellen im syngenen Transplantationsmodell einen positiven Effekt auf die Akzeptanz bzw. das Anwachsen des Transplantats haben. Dieses Modell entspricht klinisch einer autologen Transplantation. Nach einer knochenmarkzerstörenden Therapie werden dem Patienten eigene Stammzellen reinfundiert, um die Blutbildung und das Immunsystem wieder in Gang zu bringen. Der Zusatz von regulatorischen T-Zellen zum autologen Stammzelltransplantat könnte das Anwachsen der Zellen beschleunigen und die gefährliche Phase der Immunsuppression, in der es häufig zu Sekundärinfektionen kommt, verkürzen. Die Transplantation der gleichen Zahl von allogenen Spenderzellen (wildtyp Balb/c) führte überraschend zum Tod aller dreifach transgenen Empfängertiere. Der Vergleich zu Experimenten mit wildtyp C57Bl/6-Empfängertieren zeigte, dass dreifach transgene Mäuse sehr viel höhere Zellzahlen im Transplantat zum Überleben benötigen (Daten nicht gezeigt). Das Ausbleiben der Blutbildung nach der Bestrahlung führte zu vermindertem Allgemeinbefinden, gestörter Futter- und Wassseraufnahme und Exsikkose bis zum Tod bzw. aus Tierschutzgründen zur Euthanasie. Durch Erhöhung der Zellzahl im Transplantat auf 1x107 Knochenmark + 5x106 Milzzellen überlebten 25% der Mäuse, bei 3x107 Knochenmark + 5x106 Milzzellen waren es 50%. Anders als im syngenen Modell führte die Kotransplantation 1,5x106 allogener CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen zu 3x107 Knochenmark + 5x106 Milzzellen zum Versterben der Tiere. Dies verdeutlicht, dass regulatorische T-Zellen in diesem allogenen Transplantationsmodell das Anwachsen des Transplantats behindern (Transplantatversagen). Hier gilt es zu klären, ob dieser Effekt spezifisch für die gewählten Mausstämme ist und welche Mechanismen für das Transplantatversagen verantwortlich sind. In einem dreifach transgenen Mausmodell konnte ein positiver Effekt von regulatorischen T-Zellen auf die Rekonstitution der Hämatopoese bei syngener Kotransplantation nachgewiesen werden. Im allogenen Transplantationsmodell hingegen führte die Kotransplantation CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen zum Versterben der Empfänger. Der beschriebene und schon publizierte positive Effekt spenderspezifischer Tregs zur Behandlung von Graft versus Host Disease nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation widerspricht diesen Ergebnissen nicht, da es bei diesen Patienten schon zum Engraftment von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen gekommen ist. Dies hat weitreichende Konsequenzen für die therapeutische Anwendung regulatorischer T-Zellen bei hämatologischen Erkrankungen in der Human- und Veterinärmedizin. / Regulatory CD4+CD25+ T cells (Tregs) represent a small cell population (1-5% of peripheral blood cells) mainly responsible for the regulation of the immune system. In the present work, these cells were cotransplanted with syngeneic and allogeneic stem cells in order to analyze the effect of Tregs on the reconstitution of hematopoiesis after total body irradiation. Humanized triple transgenic hosts (C57Bl/6-TTG) (human CD4+, murine CD4-, human HLA-DR+) were applied allowing differentiation of donor and host cells in syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation settings. Murine and human CD4+CD25+ T cells were magnetically separated out of splenocytes or buffy-coats and characterized in vitro by means of flow cytometry and ELISpot. Afterwards syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation experiments were performed for a period of 61 days. Survival and weight were assessed daily and once a week blood parameters and chimerism analyses (murine and human CD4, CD8, MHC (H2Db/ H2Kd)) were carried out. FoxP3 expression increased from 1,6% in the initial murine cell fraction to 68,5% in the separated CD4+CD25+ T cells. ELISpot assays showed the typical lack of interleukin 2 production of Tregs. After syngeneic transplantation (donor: wildtype C57Bl/6) of 2x106 bone marrow cells and 1x106 CD4+CD25+ T cells, 100% of mice survived what was to be expected. Cotransplanted animals showed earlier reconstitution of hematopoiesis after leukocytopenia and significant higher donor-cell-chimerism on day 19 after transplantation. The mechanisms for this positive effect of Tregs in syngeneic transplantation on the engraftment have to be investigated. This model clinically correspond an autologous transplantation where patients are treated with their own stem cells after a myeloablative treatment (chemotherapy or irradiation). The addition of regulatory T cells to the transplant could accelerate the engraftment and shorten the risky period of immunosuppression. Injection of the same numbers of allogeneic cells (donor: wildtype Balb/c) did not preserve hosts from mortality. Compared to experiments with wildtype recipients, results showed that triple transgenic mice need much higher cell numbers in the transplant for survival (data not shown). The failure of hematopoiesis after irradiation led to reduced general condition, disordered ingestion and exsikkosis leading to death respectively to euthanasia for reasons of protection of animals. By scaling up the cell number in the inoculum to 1x107 bone marrow cells + 5x106 splenocytes 25% of mice survived, with 3x107 bone marrow cells + 5x106 splenocytes survival was 50%. In contrast to syngeneic experiments, cotransplantation of 1,5x106 allogeneic CD4+CD25+ T cells and 3x107 bone marrow cells + 5x106 splenocytes did not prevent animals from mortality. In this allogeneic transplantation model Tregs restrain engraftment (graft failure). It has to be clarified if this effect is specific for the utilized mouse strains and which mechanisms are responsible for the graft failure. In the syngeneic triple transgenic mouse model cotransplantation of CD4+CD25+ T cells showed a positive effect on reconstitution of hematopoiesis after irradiation. In the allogeneic setting however cotransplantation of allogeneic regulatory T cells avoided the engraftment of transplanted cells. The described and published effect of donor-specific Tregs for treatment of graft versus host disease after allogeneic transplantation does not contradict the presented results because treated patients already possessed engrafted hematopoietic stem cells. The results have wide consequences for the therapeutic appliance of regulatory T cells in hematological diseases in human and veterinary medicine.

Le bortezomib après l’allogreffe diminue l’incidence et la sévérité de la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte chronique chez les patients avec un myélome multiple

Claveau, Jean-Sébastien 09 1900 (has links)
Introduction L’allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques est un traitement avec un potentiel curatif chez une minorité de patients ayant un diagnostic myélome multiple. Malheureusement, ce traitement est associé à un taux élevé de complications, incluant une probabilité élevée de rechute et/ou de GVH chronique limitant. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de déterminer si un entretien au bortezomib (BTZ) post-allogreffe permet de diminuer l’incidence et la sévérité de la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte (GVH) chronique. Les objectifs secondaires étaient d’évaluer la prise d’immunosuppresseur, de déterminer l’atteinte d’organe et la survie (OS et PFS) chez les patients ayant reçu ou pas du BTZ en entretien. Méthodes Dans cette étude rétrospective, nous avons comparé 46 patients ayant reçu du BTZ en entretien post-allogreffe à 61 patients n’ayant pas reçu d’entretien. Nous avons étudié l’impact du BTZ sur l’incidence et la sévérité de la GVH chronique en utilisant les critères du NIH de 2014. Résultats À 2 ans, l’incidence globale (61.2% vs 83.6%, p=0.001) et modérée/sévère (44.5% vs 77.0%, p=0.001) de GVH chronique était significativement inférieure chez les patients ayant reçu du BTZ en entretien. Les atteintes buccale (43% vs 67%, p=0.018) et ophtalmique (9% vs 41%, p=0.001) étaient diminuées de manière significative lors du diagnostic initial de la GVH chronique chez ces patients ayant reçu un entretien post-allogreffe. Une diminution de l’usage des immunosuppresseurs, dont les corticostéroïdes systémiques (45.1% vs 76.4%, p<0.001), du mycophenolate mofetil (15.5% vs 28.2%, p=0.031) et du tacrolimus (34.5% vs 70.6%, p<0.001) a été observée chez les patients ayant reçu le BTZ. La probabilité d’être vivant et sans immunosuppresseur à 3 ans post-allogreffe était de 77% chez les patients de la cohorte BTZ et 56% dans la cohorte contrôle (p=0.046). Conclusion En conclusion, un entretien avec du BTZ post-allogreffe permet de diminuer l’incidence et la sévérité de la GVH chronique. Ceci devrait donc être considéré comme une option valide chez les patients avec un myélome multiple traités avec une allogreffe. / Background Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) has curative potential in myeloma but remains hampered by high rates of relapse and chronic GVHD. The primary endpoint of this study was to determine if BTZ maintenance decreases the incidence and severity of chronic GVHD using NIH criteria. The secondary endpoints were to determine the immunosuppression burden, organ involvement and survival (OS, PFS) in patients receiving or not BTZ. Study Design In this retrospective study, we compared the outcome of 46 myeloma patients who received BTZ after upfront tandem auto-allo HCT to 61 patients without maintenance. We explored the impact of bortezomib (BTZ) maintenance on incidence and severity of chronic GVHD using the 2014 NIH criteria. Results At 2 years, incidences of overall (61.2% vs 83.6%, p=0.001) and moderate/severe chronic GVHD (44.5% vs 77.0%, p=0.001) were significantly lower in BTZ recipients who had less mouth (43% vs 67%, p=0.018) and eyes (9% vs 41%, p=0.001) involvement at initial diagnosis. We report a lower use of systemic steroids (45.1% vs 76.4%, p<0.001), mycophenolate mofetil (15.5% vs 28.2%, p=0.031) and tacrolimus (34.5% vs 70.6%, p<0.001) in BTZ recipients. Probability of being alive and off systemic immunosuppressants at 3 years was 77% in BTZ recipients and 56% in controls (p=0.046). Conclusion In summary, BTZ maintenance improved incidence and severity of chronic GVHD and should be considered as a valid option in myeloma patients receiving upfront tandem auto-allo HCT.

Možnosti rekonstrukce portálního řečiště v rámci chirurgického řešení pokročilého karcinomu pankreatu - experiment na velkém zvířeti / Possibilties of Portal Vein Reconstruction During Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer - Experiment on a Large Animal

Pálek, Richard January 2021 (has links)
Possibilities of Portal Vein Reconstruction during Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer - Experiment on a Large Animal Introduction: Pancreatic cancer is a fatal malignancy that is known as one of the leading causes of cancer mortality worldwide. The only potentially curative treatment is radical surgical resection. Because of the lack of early symptoms, the diagnosis is usually made in advanced stages of the disease. In the majority of patients, the tumor is already locally advanced or it has distant metastases at the time of diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer tends to infiltrate the portal vein (PV) or the superior mesenteric vein (SMV). Nowadays, resection of infiltrated parts of PV/SMV is recommended in specialized centers. There are several established techniques of PV/SMV reconstruction. The use of allogeneic venous grafts seems to be a method with minimal risk of adverse effects but there is only limited experience with these grafts. The optimal anatomical origin of allogeneic venous grafts for PV/SMV reconstruction remains unknown. Aims: The aim of this experiment was to compare two types of allogeneic venous grafts used for PV reconstruction in a large animal model of pancreatico- duodenectomy. These grafts were harvested from the systemic venous system (inferior caval vein grafts - IVC grafts) and...

Salvage Therapy With Polatuzumab Vedotin, Bendamustine, and Rituximab Prior to Allogeneic Hematopoietic Transplantation in Patients With Aggressive Lymphomas Relapsing After Therapy With Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells—Report on Two Cases

Gerhardt, Kristin, Jentzsch, Madlen, Georgi, Thomas, Sretenovi´c, Aleksandra, Cross, Michael, Bach, Enrica, Monecke, Astrid, Leiblein, Sabine, Hoffmann, Sandra, Todorovi´c, Milena, Bila, Jelena, Sabri, Osama, Schwind, Sebastian, Franke, Georg-Nikolaus, Platzbecker, Uwe, Vucˇ ini´c, Vladan 30 March 2023 (has links)
Up to 60% of patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma who receive chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy experience treatment failure and subsequently have a poor prognosis. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) remains a potentially curative approach for patients in this situation. Induction of a deep response prior to alloHSCT is crucial for long-term outcomes, but the optimal bridging strategy following relapse after CAR T-cell therapy has not yet been established. Polatuzumab vedotin, an antibody drug conjugate targeting CD79b, is a novel treatment option for use in combination with rituximab and bendamustine (Pola-BR) in relapsed or refractory disease. Patients: We report two heavily pretreated patients with primary refractory diffuse large Bcell lymphoma (DLBCL) and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) respectively who relapsed after therapy with CAR T-cells with both nodal and extranodal manifestations of the disease. After application of three courses of Pola-BR both patients achieved a complete metabolic remission. Both patients underwent alloHSCT from a human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mismatched donor following conditioning with busulfan and fludarabine and are disease free 362 days and 195 days after alloHSCT respectively. We conclude that Pola-BR can be an effective bridging therapy before alloHSCT of patients relapsing after CAR T-cell therapy. Further studies will be necessary to define the depth and durability of remission of this salvage regimen before alloHSCT.

Case Report: Graft Versus Tumor Effect After Non-Myeloablative Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation in a Patient With Brentuximab-Vedotin Refractory Sezary Syndrome

Franke, Georg-Nikolaus, Dumann, Konstantin, Jentzsch, Madlen, Monecke, Astrid, Doehring, Christine, Nehring-Vucinic, Claudia, Schwind, Sebastian, Niederwieser, Dietger, Platzbecker, Uwe, Ziemer, Mirjana, Vucinic, Vladan 30 March 2023 (has links)
Sezary Syndrome (SS) is a rare leukemic variant of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Relapsed or refractory disease is generally considered incurable by conventional therapeutic approaches, although durable responses can be achieved with novel monoclonal antibodies. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) may have potential value by inducing graft vs-lymphoma (GvL) effects, but there is currently no consensus regarding the timing of alloHSCT or type of conditioning regimen. Here we present the case of a male patient who achieved a complete remission (CR) of primary refractory SS after non-myeloablative alloHSCT. Patient: Two years prior to HSCT, the patient had been refractory to CHOEP-based chemotherapy, interferon, extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP), and bexarotene. Directly prior to alloHSCT brentuximab-vedotin (BV) was applied resulting in a partial remission of the skin compartment and overall in a stable disease. Prior to HSCT, flow cytometry of the bone marrow and peripheral blood showed an infiltration with T-cells positive for CD5, CD4, low CD3, low CD2 and negative for CD7, CD38, HLA-DR and CD8. The trephine biopsy showed a 7% infiltration of SS cells. The CD4:CD8 ratio in peripheral blood (pb) was massively increased at 76.67, with 63.5% of white blood cells expressing a SS immune phenotype. The conditioning regimen included 30 mg/m2 fludarabine on days -5, -4 and -3 and total body irradiation with 2 Gy on day -1. Immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine A from day-1 and mycophenolate mofetil from day 0. The patient received 6.55x106 CD34+ cells and 1.11x108 CD3+ cells/kg body weight. Bone marrow evaluation on day 28 still showed persistent SS cells by flow cytometry. After tapering immunosuppression until day 169, the CD4:CD8 ratio in pb normalized. CR was documented on day 169 after alloHSCT and is now ongoing for almost 3 years after alloHSCT. Conclusions: We confirm that an alloHSCT can be a curative option for refractory patients with SS. The achievement of a CR after tapering the immunosuppressive therapy indicates a significant role of the GvL effect. In present treatment algorithms for patients with SS, the timing of an alloHSCT and the intensity of conditioning should be further explored.

Impact of IDH1 and IDH2 mutational subgroups in AML patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

Kunadt, Desiree, Stasik, Sebastian, Metzeler, Klaus H., Röllig, Christoph, Schliemann, Christoph, Greif, Philipp A., Spiekermann, Karsten, Rothenberg-Thurley, Maja, Krug, Utz, Braess, Jan, Krämer, Alwin, Hochhaus, Andreas, Scholl, Sebastian, Hilgendorf, Inken, Brümmendorf, Tim H., Jost, Edgar, Steffen, Björn, Bug, Gesine, Einsele, Hermann, Görlich, Dennis, Sauerland, Cristina, Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin, Krause, Stefan W., Hänel, Mathias, Hanoun, Maher, Kaufmann, Martin, Wörmann, Bernhard, Kramer, Michael, Sockel, Katja, Egger-Heidrich, Katharina, Herold, Tobias, Ehninger, Gerhard, Burchert, Andreas, Platzbecker, Uwe, Berdel, Wolfgang E., Müller-Tidow, Carsten, Hiddemann, Wolfgang, Serve, Hubert, Stelljes, Matthias, Baldus, Claudia D., Neubauer, Andreas, Schetelig, Johannes, Thiede, Christian, Bornhäuser, Martin, Middeke, Jan M., Stölzel, Friedrich 11 June 2024 (has links)
Background The role of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with mutated IDH1/2 has not been defined. Therefore, we analyzed a large cohort of 3234 AML patients in first complete remission (CR1) undergoing alloHCT or conventional chemo-consolidation and investigated outcome in respect to IDH1/2 mutational subgroups (IDH1 R132C, R132H and IDH2 R140Q, R172K). Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from bone marrow or peripheral blood samples at diagnosis and analyzed for IDH mutations with denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, Sanger sequencing and targeted myeloid panel next-generation sequencing, respectively. Statistical as-treated analyses were performed using R and standard statistical methods (Kruskal–Wallis test for continuous variables, Chi-square test for categorical variables, Cox regression for univariate and multivariable models), incorporating alloHCT as a time-dependent covariate. Results Among 3234 patients achieving CR1, 7.8% harbored IDH1 mutations (36% R132C and 47% R132H) and 10.9% carried IDH2 mutations (77% R140Q and 19% R172K). 852 patients underwent alloHCT in CR1. Within the alloHCT group, 6.2% had an IDH1 mutation (43.4% R132C and 41.4% R132H) and 10% were characterized by an IDH2 mutation (71.8% R140Q and 24.7% R172K). Variants IDH1 R132C and IDH2 R172K showed a significant benefit from alloHCT for OS (p = .017 and p = .049) and RFS (HR = 0.42, p = .048 and p = .009) compared with chemotherapy only. AlloHCT in IDH2 R140Q mutated AML resulted in longer RFS (HR = 0.4, p = .002). Conclusion In this large as-treated analysis, we showed that alloHCT is able to overcome the negative prognostic impact of certain IDH mutational subclasses in first-line consolidation treatment and could pending prognostic validation, provide prognostic value for AML risk stratification and therapeutic decision making.

Histopathologische Veränderungen im zentralen Nervensystem nach peripherer Stammzelltransplantation / Histopathological changes found in the central nervous system after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation

Knust, Elisabeth 03 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Alterações bucais em pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas: estudo longitudinal / Oral complications in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a longitudinal study

Luiz, Ana Cláudia 03 May 2012 (has links)
A boca é local de frequentes complicações relacionadas ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) tais como xerostomia, disgeusia, disfagia, mucosite, infecções oportunistas e doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH). Sabe-se que estas complicações podem comprometer a qualidade de vida do paciente e interferir na morbidade pós-TCTH. O dentista é o profissional da saúde que deverá intervir no momento correto para tratar e minimizar esses efeitos secundários do TCTH. Para tanto é importante conhecermos o momento em que cada complicação ocorre para que a intervenção seja pronta e eficiente. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar as alterações bucais em indivíduos submetidos ao TCTH em cinco momentos consecutivos desde antes do início do condicionamento pré-TCTH até o dia 100 pós-TCTH. Como objetivos secundários buscamos investigar possíveis relações entre a severidade da mucosite oral e a manifestação da DECH com dados demograficos (sexo, idade), com o status de saude bucal (por meio dos índices IHO-S, CPOD, número de dentes cariados) e com a realização de adequação bucal pré-TCTH, e ainda, somente para a DECH, também foi investigada a possível relação entre esta doença com infecção sistêmica por citomegalovírus e com a manifestação de mucosite oral severa. Foram incluídos no estudo 27 indivíduos com doenças hematológicas do Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), com idade 12 anos que receberam TCTH alogênico. Os indivíduos foram examinados em cinco momentos consecutivos. No primeiro momento, pré-TCTH, foi realizada a coleta de índices de saúde bucal e aplicação de questionário sobre o histórico de tratamentos odontológico prévios. Nos momentos de 10, 20, 60 e 100 dias pós-TCTH foram avaliadas as manifestações bucais presentes. A incidência de mucosite oral foi de 82,6% considerando todos os momentos avaliados. Mucosite oral severa, ou seja, graus 3 e 4 (OMS) foi observada em 57,9% dos pacientes avaliados nos momentos 2 e 3. Dez (37%) pacientes apresentaram GVHD em algum órgão, e destes, 8 (80%) apresentaram GVHD de boca. Infecção sistêmica por CMV foi diagnosticada em 6 (22,2%) pacientes. Concluímos que entre as queixas levantadas, dor bucal e disfagia foram as mais referidas. O período de maior incidência das complicações bucais foi nos segundo e terceiro momentos, ou seja, D+10 e D+20, representando deste forma, o período de maior morbidade do tratamento. Não houve associação entre a severidade de mucosite oral e idade, sexo, fonte de células, regime de condicionamento, número de dentes cariados, IHO-S, CPOD e preparo bucal pré-TCTH. Para a DECH a única relação encontrada foi para fonte de células, tendo sido observada menor chance de ocorrer DECH quando a fonte de células foi o sangue periférico. / The mouth is a well-known site of complications of the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) such as dry mouth, dysgeusia, dysphagia, mucositis, opportunistic infections and graft versus host disease (GVDH). It is known that these complications can compromise the patients quality of life and morbidity post-HSCT. The dentist is the health professional who should interfere at the right time to treat and minimize these side effects of HSCT. Thus, it is important to know the time at which each complication occurs to be dynamic and efficient. The main objective of this study was to identify and quantify the oral complications in patients treated with HSCT in five consecutive moments starting before conditioning chemotherapy until day 100 post-HSTC. As secondary objectives we seek to investigate possible relationships between the severity of oral mucositis and the manifestation of GVHD with demographic data (gender, age), with the oral health status (IHO-S, CPOD, number of decayed teeth) and dental treatment previously HSCT, and, only for GVHD, was also investigated the possible relationship between this disease with systemic cytomegalovirus infection and the manifestation of severe oral mucositis. It was included in the study 27 patients with hematologic diseases who were admitted in the Unit of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hospital of Clinics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMUSP), 12 years old whom received allogeneic HSCT. The subjects were examined in five consecutive moments. At the first moment, before HSCT, the oral health índex evaluation and a questionnaire about history of previous dental treatments were performed. Besides that, 10, 20, 60 and 100 days after HSCT they were evaluated for oral manifestations. Oral mucositis incidence was 82,6% and 57,9% of these patients presented severe mucositis. Ten (37%) patients had GVHD in any organ, and of these, 8 (80%) had oral GVHD. Infection by CMV was diagnosed in 6 (22.2%) patients. We conclude that among the complaints raised, mouth pain and dysphagia were the most mentioned. The period of increased incidence of oral complications was the second and third times (D +10 and +20), representing the increased morbidity period. There was no association between the severity of oral mucositis and age, sex, cell source, conditioning regimen, number of decayed teeth, IHO-S, CPOD and dental treatment pre-HSCT. For GVHD the only relation found was with source of cells, in which, GVHD was less likely to occur when the source of cells was peripheral blood.

Alterações bucais em pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas: estudo longitudinal / Oral complications in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a longitudinal study

Ana Cláudia Luiz 03 May 2012 (has links)
A boca é local de frequentes complicações relacionadas ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) tais como xerostomia, disgeusia, disfagia, mucosite, infecções oportunistas e doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH). Sabe-se que estas complicações podem comprometer a qualidade de vida do paciente e interferir na morbidade pós-TCTH. O dentista é o profissional da saúde que deverá intervir no momento correto para tratar e minimizar esses efeitos secundários do TCTH. Para tanto é importante conhecermos o momento em que cada complicação ocorre para que a intervenção seja pronta e eficiente. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar as alterações bucais em indivíduos submetidos ao TCTH em cinco momentos consecutivos desde antes do início do condicionamento pré-TCTH até o dia 100 pós-TCTH. Como objetivos secundários buscamos investigar possíveis relações entre a severidade da mucosite oral e a manifestação da DECH com dados demograficos (sexo, idade), com o status de saude bucal (por meio dos índices IHO-S, CPOD, número de dentes cariados) e com a realização de adequação bucal pré-TCTH, e ainda, somente para a DECH, também foi investigada a possível relação entre esta doença com infecção sistêmica por citomegalovírus e com a manifestação de mucosite oral severa. Foram incluídos no estudo 27 indivíduos com doenças hematológicas do Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), com idade 12 anos que receberam TCTH alogênico. Os indivíduos foram examinados em cinco momentos consecutivos. No primeiro momento, pré-TCTH, foi realizada a coleta de índices de saúde bucal e aplicação de questionário sobre o histórico de tratamentos odontológico prévios. Nos momentos de 10, 20, 60 e 100 dias pós-TCTH foram avaliadas as manifestações bucais presentes. A incidência de mucosite oral foi de 82,6% considerando todos os momentos avaliados. Mucosite oral severa, ou seja, graus 3 e 4 (OMS) foi observada em 57,9% dos pacientes avaliados nos momentos 2 e 3. Dez (37%) pacientes apresentaram GVHD em algum órgão, e destes, 8 (80%) apresentaram GVHD de boca. Infecção sistêmica por CMV foi diagnosticada em 6 (22,2%) pacientes. Concluímos que entre as queixas levantadas, dor bucal e disfagia foram as mais referidas. O período de maior incidência das complicações bucais foi nos segundo e terceiro momentos, ou seja, D+10 e D+20, representando deste forma, o período de maior morbidade do tratamento. Não houve associação entre a severidade de mucosite oral e idade, sexo, fonte de células, regime de condicionamento, número de dentes cariados, IHO-S, CPOD e preparo bucal pré-TCTH. Para a DECH a única relação encontrada foi para fonte de células, tendo sido observada menor chance de ocorrer DECH quando a fonte de células foi o sangue periférico. / The mouth is a well-known site of complications of the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) such as dry mouth, dysgeusia, dysphagia, mucositis, opportunistic infections and graft versus host disease (GVDH). It is known that these complications can compromise the patients quality of life and morbidity post-HSCT. The dentist is the health professional who should interfere at the right time to treat and minimize these side effects of HSCT. Thus, it is important to know the time at which each complication occurs to be dynamic and efficient. The main objective of this study was to identify and quantify the oral complications in patients treated with HSCT in five consecutive moments starting before conditioning chemotherapy until day 100 post-HSTC. As secondary objectives we seek to investigate possible relationships between the severity of oral mucositis and the manifestation of GVHD with demographic data (gender, age), with the oral health status (IHO-S, CPOD, number of decayed teeth) and dental treatment previously HSCT, and, only for GVHD, was also investigated the possible relationship between this disease with systemic cytomegalovirus infection and the manifestation of severe oral mucositis. It was included in the study 27 patients with hematologic diseases who were admitted in the Unit of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hospital of Clinics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMUSP), 12 years old whom received allogeneic HSCT. The subjects were examined in five consecutive moments. At the first moment, before HSCT, the oral health índex evaluation and a questionnaire about history of previous dental treatments were performed. Besides that, 10, 20, 60 and 100 days after HSCT they were evaluated for oral manifestations. Oral mucositis incidence was 82,6% and 57,9% of these patients presented severe mucositis. Ten (37%) patients had GVHD in any organ, and of these, 8 (80%) had oral GVHD. Infection by CMV was diagnosed in 6 (22.2%) patients. We conclude that among the complaints raised, mouth pain and dysphagia were the most mentioned. The period of increased incidence of oral complications was the second and third times (D +10 and +20), representing the increased morbidity period. There was no association between the severity of oral mucositis and age, sex, cell source, conditioning regimen, number of decayed teeth, IHO-S, CPOD and dental treatment pre-HSCT. For GVHD the only relation found was with source of cells, in which, GVHD was less likely to occur when the source of cells was peripheral blood.

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