Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amazon mechanical turn"" "subject:"amazon mechanical tur""
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Beyond the Turk: Alternative platforms for crowdsourcing behavioral researchPeer, Eyal, Brandimarte, Laura, Samat, Sonam, Acquisti, Alessandro 05 1900 (has links)
The success of Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) as an online research platform has come at a price: MTurk has suffered from slowing rates of population replenishment, and growing participant non-naivety. Recently, a number of alternative platforms have emerged, offering capabilities similar to MTurk but providing access to new and more naïve populations. After surveying several options, we empirically examined two such platforms, CrowdFlower (CF) and Prolific Academic (ProA). In two studies, we found that participants on both platforms were more naïve and less dishonest compared to MTurk participants. Across the three platforms, CF provided the best response rate, but CF participants failed more attention-check questions and did not reproduce known effects replicated on ProA and MTurk. Moreover, ProA participants produced data quality that was higher than CF's and comparable to MTurk's. ProA and CF participants were also much more diverse than participants from MTurk.
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Duration of Time Spent Playing Online Video Games, Interpersonal Skills, and Introversion Personality Traits as Predictors for Social Anxiety SymptomsBender, James D 01 July 2016 (has links)
This study sought to determine if time spent engaging in online gaming, interpersonal communication skills, and introvert personality traits are predictors of an individual’s likelihood of experiencing symptoms of social anxiety. A sample of 128 participants (82 males and 46 females) completed measures of demographics, interpersonal communication skills, problematic online gaming, social anxiety, and introversion. Participants were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk. There were significant correlations among social anxiety and interpersonal communication skills, problematic online gaming, and introversion. There was no significant correlation among social anxiety and time spent playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG), a specific form of online video game. It was also found that interpersonal communication skills, problematic online gaming, and introversion were all significant predictors of social anxiety. However, time spent playing MMORPGs was not a significant predictor of social anxiety.
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Transparency of transitivity in pantomime, sign languageCharles Roger Bradley (6410666) 02 May 2020 (has links)
This dissertation investigates whether transitivity distinctions are manifest in the
phonetics of linguistic and paralinguistic manual actions, namely lexical verbs and
classifier constructions in American Sign Language (ASL) and gestures produced
by hearing non-signers without speech (i.e., pantomime). A positive result would
indicate that grammatical features are (a) transparent and (b) may thus arise from
non-linguistic sources, here the visual-praxic domain. Given previous literature, we
predict that transitivity is transparent in pantomime and classifier constructions, but
opaque in lexical verbs. <div><br></div><div>We first collected judgments from hearing non-signers who classed pantomimes,
classifier constructions, and ASL lexical verbs as unergative, unaccusative, transitive,
or ditransitive. We found that non-signers consistently judged items across all three
stimulus types, suggesting that there is transitivity-related information in the signed
signal. </div><div><br></div><div>We then asked whether non-signers’ judging ability has its roots in a top-down
or bottom-up strategy. A top-down strategy might entail guessing the meaning of
the sign or pantomime and then using the guessed meaning to assess/guess its transitivity. A bottom-up strategy entails using one or more meaningful phonetic features
available in the formation of the signal to judge an item. We predicted that both
strategies would be available in classing pantomimes and classifier constructions, but
that transitivity information would only be available top-down in lexical verbs, given
that the former are argued to be more imagistic generally than lexical verbs. Further,
each strategy makes a different prediction with respect to the internal representation
of signs and pantomimes. The top-down strategy would suggest signs and pantomimes
are unanalyzable wholes, whereas the bottom-up strategy would suggest the same are
compositional. </div><div><br></div><div>For the top-down analysis, we correlated lexical iconicity score and a measure of
the degree to which non-signers ‘agreed’ on the transitivity of an item. We found that
lexical iconicity only weakly predicts non-signer judgments of transitivity, on average
explaining 10-20% of the variance for each stimulus class. However, we note that this
is the only strategy available for lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>For the bottom-up analysis, we annotate our stimuli for phonetic and phonological
features known to be relevant to transitivity and/ or event semantics in sign languages.
We then apply a text classification model to try to predict transitivity from these
features. As expected, our classifiers achieved stably high accuracy for pantomimes
and classifier constructions, but only chance accuracy for lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>Taken together, the top-down and bottom-up analyses were able to predict nonsigner transitivity judgments for the pantomimes and classifier constructions, with
the bottom-up analysis providing a stronger, more convincing result. For lexical
verbs, only the top-down analysis was relevant and it performed weakly, providing
little explanatory power. When interpreting these results, we look to the semantics
of the stimuli to explain the observed differences between classes: pantomimes and
classifier constructions both encode events of motion and manipulation (by human
hands), the transitivity of which may be encoded using a limited set of strategies.
By contrast, lexical verbs denote a multitude of event types, with properties of those
events (and not necessarily their transitivity) being preferentially encoded compared
to the encoding of transitivity. That is, the resolution of transitivity is a much more
difficult problem when looking at lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation contributes to the growing body of literature that appreciates
how linguistic and paralinguistic forms may be both (para)linguistic and iconic at
the same time. It further helps disentangle at least two different types of iconicities
(lexical vs. structural), which may be selectively active in some signs or constructions
but not others. We also argue from our results that pantomimes are not holistic units,
but instead combine elements of form and meaning in an analogous way to classifier
constructions. Finally, this work also contributes to the discussion of how Language
could have evolved in the species from a gesture-first perspective: The ‘understanding’
of others’ object-directed (i.e. transitive) manual actions becomes communicative.</div>
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Factors that Explain and Predict Organ Donation Registration: An Application of the Integrated Behavioral ModelJordan, Matthew R. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Crowdsourcing in pay-as-you-go data integrationOsorno Gutierrez, Fernando January 2016 (has links)
In pay-as-you-go data integration, feedback can inform the regeneration of different aspects of a data integration system, and as a result, helps to improve the system's quality. However, feedback could be expensive as the amount of feedback required to annotate all the possible integration artefacts is potentially big in contexts where the budget can be limited. Also, feedback could be used in different ways. Feedback of different types and in different orders could have different effects in the quality of the integration. Some feedback types could give rise to more benefit than others. There is a need to develop techniques to collect feedback effectively. Previous efforts have explored the benefit of feedback in one aspect of the integration. However, the contributions have not considered the benefit of different feedback types in a single integration task. We have investigated the annotation of mapping results using crowdsourcing, and implementing techniques for reliability. The results indicate that precision estimates derived from crowdsourcing improve rapidly, suggesting that crowdsourcing can be used as a cost-effective source of feedback. We propose an approach to maximize the improvement of data integration systems given a budget for feedback. Our approach takes into account the annotation of schema matchings, mapping results and pairs of candidate record duplicates. We define a feedback plan, which indicates the type of feedback to collect, the amount of feedback to collect and the order in which different types of feedback are collected. We defined a fitness function and a genetic algorithm to search for the most cost-effective feedback plans. We implemented a framework to test the application of feedback plans and measure the improvement of different data integration systems. In the framework, we use a greedy algorithm for the selection of mappings. We designed quality measures to estimate the quality of a dataspace after the application of a feedback plan. For the evaluation of our approach, we propose a method to generate synthetic data scenarios. We evaluate our approach in scenarios with different characteristics. The results showed that the generated feedback plans achieved higher quality values than the randomly generated feedback plans in several scenarios.
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Výkon závislé práce prostřednictvím digitálních platforem / Performance of dependent work through digital platformsHanzal, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
PERFORMANCE OF DEPENDENT WORK THROUGH DIGITAL PLATFORMS ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the issue of work performance through digital platforms, especially regarding whether it is possible to classify such activity as "dependent work", particularly with regard to the laws of the Czech Republic. The thesis responds to the current legal "vacuum" surrounding the performance of work through digital platforms and the legal status of persons who perform such activity (referred to in the thesis as workers). The mentioned legal "vacuum" stems primarily from the absence of sufficient legal regulation in the given area and the "unconventionality" of such a way of performing work. Digital platforms describe their workers as independent entrepreneurs, and this practice is quietly tolerated by the Czech Republic (e. g. administrative authorities). However, there can be more than reasonable doubts about the veracity of such proclamation. Therefore, the thesis firstly analyzes the characteristics and conditions of dependent work according to the laws of the Czech Republic, which are then applied to the reality of the performance of work through digital platforms. Due to the number of their types, as well as the various systems that the platforms implement, three representatives were chosen for the purposes of this thesis,...
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A High-quality Digital Library Supporting Computing Education: The Ensemble ApproachChen, Yinlin 28 August 2017 (has links)
Educational Digital Libraries (DLs) are complex information systems which are designed to support individuals' information needs and information seeking behavior. To have a broad impact on the communities in education and to serve for a long period, DLs need to structure and organize the resources in a way that facilitates the dissemination and the reuse of resources. Such a digital library should meet defined quality dimensions in the 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, Streams) framework - including completeness, consistency, efficiency, extensibility, and reliability - to ensure that a good quality DL is built.
In this research, we addressed both external and internal quality aspects of DLs. For internal qualities, we focused on completeness and consistency of the collection, catalog, and repository. We developed an application pipeline to acquire user-generated computing-related resources from YouTube and SlideShare for an educational DL. We applied machine learning techniques to transfer what we learned from the ACM Digital Library dataset. We built classifiers to catalog resources according to the ACM Computing Classification System from the two new domains that were evaluated using Amazon Mechanical Turk. For external qualities, we focused on efficiency, scalability, and reliability in DL services. We proposed cloud-based designs and applications to ensure and improve these qualities in DL services using cloud computing. The experimental results show that our proposed methods are promising for enhancing and enriching an educational digital library.
This work received support from ACM, as well as the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers DUE-0836940, DUE-0937863, and DUE-0840719, and IMLS LG-71-16-0037-16. / Ph. D. / Educational Digital Libraries (DLs) are designed to serve users finding educational materials. To have a broad impact on the communities in education for a long period, DLs need to structure and organize the resources in a way that facilitates their dissemination and reuse. Such a digital library should be built on a well-defined framework to ensure that the services it provides are of good quality.
In this research, we focused on the quality aspects of DLs. We developed an application pipeline to acquire resources contributed by the users from YouTube and SlideShare for an educational DL. We applied machine learning techniques to build classifiers in order to catalog DL collections using a uniform classification system: the ACM Computing Classification System. We also used Amazon Mechanical Turk to evaluate the classifier’s prediction result and used the outcome to improve classifier performance. To ensure efficiency, scalability, and reliability in DL services, we proposed cloud-based designs and applications to enhance DL services. The experimental results show that our proposed methods are promising for enhancing and enriching an educational digital library.
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Plattformarbeit als neuer Kooperationsmodus der Erwerbsarbeit – eine einkommensteuerrechtliche HerausforderungHeinrichs, Christian 13 October 2021 (has links)
Essenslieferungen, Fahrdienste oder etwa die Erledigung von Kleinstaufträgen sog. „Microjobs“, besonders seit der COVID-19-Pandemie erfolgt diese Arbeit immer häufiger unter Vermittlung digitaler Plattformen. Diese Untersuchung eröffnet den Blick auf eine in der Vergangenheit gänzlich unbekannte Form der Arbeitsorganisation, bei der einer vermeintlichen Autonomie der Plattformarbeiter ein Intermediär gegenübersteht, der seine zentrale Position zur Steuerung und Kontrolle ebendieser Plattformarbeiter nutzt und dennoch das Vorliegen eines Arbeitsverhältnisses in der Regel vehement bestreitet. Die Dissertation arbeitet zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen und wirtschaftlichen Hintergründe derartiger Plattformarbeit heraus. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt auf Basis von Fallbeispielen – Clickworker, Deliveroo, Upwork – erstmals eine umfassende steuerrechtliche Einordnung des Phänomens Plattformarbeit. Hierbei werden die wesentlichen Besonderheiten im Vergleich zu tradierten Arbeitsverhältnissen, insbesondere die Steuerung der Plattformarbeiter mittels algorithmusbasierter Methoden der Verhaltensökonomie, und deren Auswirkungen auf die steuerliche Einordnung ausführlich beleuchtet. Es kann nachgewiesen werden, dass abhängig von der Art der zu erledigenden Aufgaben vom Intermediär ein Anreizsystem geschaffen werden muss, welches eine indirekte Steuerung des Plattformarbeiters zum Ziel und den Bezug von Einkünften aus nichtselbständiger Arbeit zur Folge hat. Abschließend werden für die ermittelten Unzulänglichkeiten der tradierten steuerlichen Abgrenzungskriterien Lösungsvorschläge entwickelt, etwa eine Beweislastregelung zu Gunsten der Plattformarbeiter. Auf Grund des Querschnittcharakters des Themas schafft die Arbeit zugleich interessante Ansatzpunkte für andere Rechtsgebiete, beispielsweise das Arbeits- oder Vertragsrecht. Stand des Werkes ist Juli 2020.
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