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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on ambidextrous leadership in small and medium sized firms

Oluwafemi, Tolulope January 2018 (has links)
As the growing body of literature draws on various theoretical perspectives of ambidexterity - an organization’s ability to balance both exploration and exploitation activities - an important stream has emerged that focuses on the role of leaders in the development of ambidexterity. This thesis is seeking to advance knowledge on how SME leaders engage in ambidextrous leadership to respond to the complexities of innovation and improve employee’s innovative behaviors as well as overall business performance. Using survey generated data from 98 SMEs, the first paper reveals that opening and closing leadership behaviors predicted employee explorative and exploitative innovation behaviors respectively above all control variables. The combination of both leadership behaviors also predicted employee ambidexterity. A significant revelation was that the effect of ambidextrous leadership behaviors on employee innovation behaviors is mediated by adaptive/flexible leadership behavior. The second paper investigates the association of potentially relevant antecedents: personality traits, emotional intelligence, adaptive/flexible leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership to ambidextrous leadership behaviors (including opening leadership behaviors and closing leadership behaviors). With the exception of personality traits which showed no relationship to ambidextrous leadership, the other independent variables showed varying relationships to ambidextrous leadership. Using a qualitative methodology (interviews), the third paper explores ambidextrous leadership behaviors in female entrepreneurs in relation to gender-role identity. Our findings from semi-structured interviews with 14 female entrepreneurs in Wales reveal that female leaders in our study are mostly androgynous and ambidextrous. Our results demonstrate that female entrepreneurs have little or no consideration for gender stereotypes in performing their leadership duties. Rather, greater focus is placed on demonstrating their competence using traits and leadership behaviors that drive goal accomplishment including the integration of stereotypic masculine and feminine leadership behaviors as considered necessary. Additionally, we observe that the choice of leadership behavior/trait that is emphasized at any point in time is contingent on contextual or situational demands of work as well as individual competencies of the entrepreneur. Overall, this thesis highlights theoretical and practical implications for ambidextrous leadership. Further, it provides steps towards effective understanding of ambidextrous leadership development and practical applications. This thesis indicates that ambidextrous leadership is important for SMEs seeking to enhance employee innovative work behaviors.

Ambidextrous leadership in context

Lien, Marianne January 2020 (has links)
Ambidextrous organizations are more successful as they manage to balance exploitative and explorative innovation. Organizations performance depend on the people both within the respective firm and externally, how the firm’s offerings are received. In order to stay relevant and competitive in a continuously changing environment the need for ambidextrous behavior becomes constant. The ability to handle, or at best anticipate, upcoming opportunities or set- backs to co-ordinate and combine exploitative and explorative innovations is a competitive advantage. As leadership drives performance – this puts both focus and expectations on leaders. The aim of this study was to explore ambidextrous leadership from a holistic view and more specifically; what triggers ambidextrous needs, how can ambidexterity be enabled and cultivated. Literature on ambidexterity comes in various approaches, where studies holding a holistic approach are few. Bridging the theories on ambidextrous needs with those on leadership and contrasting them to findings from this qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews. The conclusions indicated both theoretical evidence but also contradictory findings. The need for ambidexterity is unison, however, where literature focus on the paradoxical tension of managing both exploitative and explorative innovation, this is not an option for the leaders. Change is their reality having to be handled holistically. Predominantly digitalisation, globalisation and pace of change require firms’ ambidextrous initiatives in a perpetual cyclical movement through the dimensions of drive, lead and learn. Furthermore, there are additional parameters emerging as key for facilitating ambidexterity: as the impact of culture, communication and external monitoring alertness are highlighted.

Ambidextrous Leadership in Innovation : A multiple case study of innovation leaders on the alignment of opening and closing leader behaviors

Ahlers, Martina, Wilms, Maximilian January 2017 (has links)
The relatively new concept of ambidextrous leadership in innovation with the opposing yet complementary opening and closing leader behaviors has been proven to be positively related to fostering explorative and exploitative behaviors respectively among subordinates. The initiators of this concept propose that leaders in innovation need a ‘temporal flexibility to switch’ between opening and closing leader behaviors, which implies a sequential alignment of these behaviors. This proposition has yet remained theoretically and empirically unexplored and is initially questioned in this thesis with respect to related theoretical concepts. Therefore, this thesis aims to explain how innovation leaders align the recently defined opening and closing leader behaviors throughout the innovation process. By following a qualitative and inductive research approach, a multiple case study of five innovation leaders in German manufacturing companies was conducted. The data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The empirical data reveal that the initiators’ proposition of a sequential alignment is not sufficient to explain the complex alignment of opening and closing leader behaviors. Accordingly, a model which illustrates a predominantly simultaneous alignment of the two leader behaviors was developed. However, this model also considers that urgent situations or specific project phases and times of the year require innovation leaders to sequentially demonstrate one behavior at a time.

Managing the Innovation Paradox of Exploitation and Exploration in R&D - : Is measurement of innovation the key to promote exploration?

Karlsson, Michélle, Vesterlund, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
Managing the paradox of exploitation and exploration symbolises the simultaneous pursuit devoting enough resources to exploitation to ensure short-term profits and, at the same time, enough resources to exploration to ensure future organisational viability. Previous research advocates that sustained organisational performance and success highly depends on the interaction of exploitation and exploration or in other words, the balancing act between change and continuity. To strategically balance these contradictory requirements is a challenging task for most organisations since exploitation and exploration require fundamentally different organisational structures, processes, strategies and capabilities. Organisations that possess the ability to balance these contradictory requirements are referred to as ambidextrous organisations, what is evident is however that different ambidextrous strategies bring several distinctive challenges that organisations explicitly must deal with. Past literature advocates that management constitute an important part in creating organisational ambidexterity, but has nevertheless due to differentiations in organisational contexts resulted in ambiguous guidance in how to practically solve the tensions between exploitation and exploration.  Scania the initiator of this thesis project, one of the world´s leading manufacturers within trucks and buses for heavy transport applications is sensing uncertainty in what undoubtedly used to be a relatively stable environment. Continues improvements has been a fundamental strategy in R&D for decades but in the face of a potentially disruptive technological shift, Scania senses urgency to leverage the innovation capability they possess, to reclaim the exploration space in order to act and seize upon these uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how management can support and sustain the exploration space in a mature R&D department.  This study builds upon a qualitative case study limited to a specific R&D department, Truck Chassis Development. To draw parallels and provide a deepened understanding of how the specific context of the organisation affect section managers at Truck Chassis Development in supporting and enabling exploration, interview data from several departments at R&D and sales & marketing is analysed.  Results from this research show that there is an overall pressure for exploitation in R&D in general, and that section management encounter several challenges in supporting and sustaining the exploration space. An overall pressure for delivery precision crowds out time for exploration and present performance measurements are found to further add to this challenge since they are, to a large extent designed to measure and follow-up the relatively more certain and superior benefits from exploitation, implying that they tend to induce and support exploitative activities. The research findings provide managerial implications in terms of directing attention towards exploration through measurements of exploration. / Att balansera innovationsparadoxen syftar till den organisatoriska förmågan att tillägna tillräckliga resurser för exekvering för att säkerställa kortsiktig vinst, och samtidigt, tillägna tillräckliga resurser till utforskande för att säkra ett strategiskt framtida läge. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationers långsiktiga överlevnad är beroende av dessa avvägningar, att leverera produkter med högt kundvärde är viktigt för dagens affär men får inte göras på bekostnad av att utforska möjligheter som kan resultera i framtida innovationer. Att strategiskt balansera dessa  två perspektiv utgör en stor utmaning för alla organisationer eftersom att exekvering och utforskande aktiviteter kräver helt olika förutsättningar när det kommer till strukturer, processer och strategier. Företag som besitter förmågan att balansera dessa två helt olika perspektiv brukar refereras som tvehänta. Tvehänta organisationer har visat sig balansera dessa två perspektiv på olika sätt, vilka alla medför utmaningar, dock av olika slag. Tidigare forskning har betonat ledarskap och chefskap som viktiga faktorer i skapandet av tvehänta organisationer men har på grund av organisatoriska differentieringar och olikheter resulterat i vaga riktlinjer angående hur man praktiskt löser de utmaningar som uppstår mellan exekverande och utforskande aktiviteter.  Scania, initiativtagare till detta arbete är ett av världens ledande tillverkare inom lastbil och buss för tunga transporter. Scania känner osäkerhet i vad som brukade vara en således stabil bransch. Ständiga förbättringar har varit en betydelsefull strategi i decennier för forskning och utveckling, FoU, men inför ett eventuellt teknikskifte inser man att en betydligt större del av arbetet måste syfta till utforskande aktiviteter.  Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur management kan möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter i en mogen FoU-avdelning. Den utförda forskningen grundar sig i en kvalitativ fallstudie som är avgränsad till en specifik FoU-avdelning, chassiutveckling för lastbil. För att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskap och det ledarskapsansvar som finns i att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter kräver vissa organisatoriska förutsättningar har ett flertal avdelningar inom FoU-organisationen samt sälj & marknad inkluderats i studien. Den utförda forskningen visar att chefer på den undersökta avdelningen möter av ett flertal utmaningar när de försöker möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter. Det grundar sig främst i ett högt focus på leveransprecision som  begränsar chefer i sin roll att stödja och främja utforskande aktiviteter, följden av detta resulterar i  begränsat med tid för utforskande eftersom dessa aktiviteter inte  prioriteras. Nuvarande prestationsmätning visar indikationer på att ytterligare bidra till dessa utmaningar eftersom de avser att mäta till den största grad, leveransprecision, kvalité och kostnad och där utforskande aktiviteter saknar prestationsmätning. Resultatet av denna studie bidrar med praktiska implikationer för den studerade avdelningen. Eftersom att uppmärksamhet är den mest begränsade resursen har mätvärden för utforskande aktiviteter föreslagits då mätning och styrning av utforskande aktiviteter kan bidra till att dessa aktiviteter uppmärksammas samtidigt som de kan utgöra ett stöd för sektionscheferna i deras roll att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter.

Managing the Innovation Paradox of Exploitation andExploration in R&D : Is measurement of innovation the key to promoteexploration?

Managing the paradox of exploitation and exploration symbolises the simultaneous pursuit devoting enough resources to exploitation to ensure short-term profits and, at the same time, enough resources to exploration to ensure future organisational viability. Previous researchadvocates that sustained organisational performance and success highly depends on the interaction of exploitation and exploration or in other words, the balancing act between change and continuity. To strategically balance these contradictory requirements is a challenging task for most organisations since exploitation and exploration require fundamentally different organisational structures, processes, strategies and capabilities. Organisations that possess the ability to balance these contradictory requirements are referred to as ambidextrous organisations, what is evident is however that different ambidextrous strategies bring several distinctive challenges that organisations explicitly must deal with. Past literature advocates that management constitute an important part in creating organisational ambidexterity, but has nevertheless due to differentiations in organisational contexts resulted in ambiguous guidance in how to practically solve the tensions between exploitation and exploration. Scania the initiator of this thesis project, one of the world´s leading manufacturers within trucksand buses for heavy transport applications is sensing uncertainty in what undoubtedly used to be a relatively stable environment. Continues improvements has been a fundamental strategy in R&D for decades but in the face of a potentially disruptive technological shift, Scania senses urgency to leverage the innovation capability they possess, to reclaim the exploration space in order to act and seize upon these uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how management can support and sustain the exploration space in a mature R&D department. This study builds upon a qualitative case study limited to a specific R&D department, Truck Chassis Development. To draw parallels and provide a deepened understanding of how the specific context of the organisation affect section managers at Truck Chassis Development in supporting and enabling exploration, interview data from several departments at R&D and sales & marketing is analysed. Results from this research show that there is an overall pressure for exploitation in R&D in general, and that section management encounter several challenges in supporting and sustaining the exploration space. An overall pressure for delivery precision crowds out time for exploration and present performance measurements are found to further add to this challenge since they are, to a large extent designed to measure and follow-up the relatively more certain and superior benefits from exploitation, implying that they tend to induce and support exploitative activities. The research findings provide managerial implications in terms of directing attention towards exploration through measurements of exploration. / Att balansera innovationsparadoxen syftar till den organisatoriska förmågan att tillägna tillräckliga resurser för exekvering för att säkerställa kortsiktig vinst, och samtidigt, tillägna tillräckliga resurser till utforskande för att säkra ett strategiskt framtida läge. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationers långsiktiga överlevnad är beroende av dessa avvägningar, att leverera produkter med högt kundvärde är viktigt för dagens affär men får inte göras på bekostnad av att utforska möjligheter som kan resultera i framtida innovationer. Att strategiskt balansera dessa två perspektiv utgör en stor utmaning för alla organisationer eftersom att exekvering och utforskande aktiviteter kräver helt olika förutsättningar när det kommer till strukturer, processer och strategier. Företag som besitter förmågan att balansera dessa två helt olika perspektiv brukar refereras som tvehänta. Tvehänta organisationer har visat sig balansera dessa två perspektiv på olika sätt, vilka alla medför utmaningar, dock av olika slag. Tidigare forskning har betonat ledarskap och chefskap som viktiga faktorer i skapandet av tvehänta organisationer men har på grund av organisatoriska differentieringar och olikheter resulterat i vaga riktlinjer angående hur man praktiskt löser de utmaningar som uppstår mellan exekverande och utforskande aktiviteter. Scania, initiativtagare till detta arbete är ett av världens ledande tillverkare inom lastbil och buss för tunga transporter. Scania känner osäkerhet i vad som brukade vara en således stabil bransch. Ständiga förbättringar har varit en betydelsefull strategi i decennier för forskning och utveckling, FoU, men inför ett eventuellt teknikskifte inser man att en betydligt större del av arbetet måste syfta till utforskande aktiviteter. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur management kan möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter i en mogen FoU-avdelning. Den utförda forskningen grundar sig i en kvalitativ fallstudie som är avgränsad till en specifik FoUavdelning, chassiutveckling för lastbil. För att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskap och det ledarskapsansvar som finns i att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter kräver vissa organisatoriska förutsättningar har ett flertal avdelningar inom FoU-organisationen samt sälj & marknad inkluderats i studien. Den utförda forskningen visar att chefer på den undersökta avdelningen möter av ett flertal utmaningar när de försöker möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter. Det grundar sig främst i ett högt focus på leveransprecision som begränsar chefer i sin roll att stödja och främja utforskande aktiviteter, följden av detta resulterar i begränsat med tid för utforskande eftersom dessa aktiviteter inte prioriteras. Nuvarande prestationsmätning visar indikationer på att ytterligare bidra till dessa utmaningar eftersom de avser att mäta till den största grad, leveransprecision, kvalité och kostnad och där utforskande aktiviteter saknar prestationsmätning. Resultatet av denna studie bidrar med praktiska implikationer för den studerade avdelningen. Eftersom att uppmärksamhet är den mest begränsade resursen har mätvärden för utforskande aktiviteter föreslagits då mätning och styrning av utforskande aktiviteter kan bidra till att dessa aktiviteter uppmärksammas samtidigt som de kan utgöra ett stöd för sektionscheferna i deras roll att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter.

Ambidexterity and Innovation in Chief Nursing Officers in the Healthcare Setting

Wasilewski, Jennifer 01 January 2019 (has links)
Leaders in the healthcare setting are challenged with competing responsibilities as they seek to provide high-quality services, ensure the implementation of safety measures, and engage in workforce maintenance. Many researchers have described innovation as a strategic approach to organizational concerns and have noted a failure to implement innovative measures in healthcare. This study was an investigation of the impact of ambidexterity in healthcare leaders on innovation. The purpose of this quantitative study, guided by the ambidexterity theory of leadership for innovation, was to analyze the extent to which ambidextrous leadership characteristics of healthcare executives and chief nursing officers (CNOs) influence the innovative performance of CNOs in the healthcare setting. The research question addressed which ambidextrous leadership behaviors or combination of behaviors, including open and closed behaviors of healthcare executives and exploration and exploitation actions of CNOs in healthcare settings, explain a statistically significant portion of the variance in innovative performance of CNOs. The research design involved the administration of a cross-sectional quantitative survey to 126 CNOs from across the nation. Each participant was employed by an acute-care hospital, held an active nursing license in the state employed, and had been in the role of CNO or chief nursing executive (CNE) for over a year, reporting directly to executive leadership. A linear multiple regression analyzed the correlation between ambidextrous factors and the effect on performance innovation. Findings suggest that a combination of ambidextrous behaviors had more impact on innovation performance than each set of behaviors alone. The results of the study may be used for the development of nursing leadership and supporting efforts for overall improvement in healthcare.

Concilier les innovations d'exploitation et d'exploration au sein de la PME : étude de l’ambidextrie organisationnelle dans 7 PME innovantes en Bretagne / To reconcile the innovations of exploitation and of exploration within the SME : study of the organisational ambidextrie in 7 SME innovating in Bretagne

Saïbi, Mohand Amokrane 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche contribue à identifier les principaux déterminants de l’ambidextrie dans le contexte de la PME; à proposer un modèle conceptuel qui témoigne des connaissances actuelles sur cet objet d’étude et à permettre une meilleure compréhension des facteurs organisationnels et managériaux favorisant la combinaison des innovations d’exploitation et d’exploration au sein des PME.Il sera donc question du concept d’ambidextrie organisationnelle et sa teneur à part dans le cadre des PME, du rôle central de l’entrepreneur ambidextre en tant que source et facilitateur de l’ambidextrie, de l’impact de la spécificité de ce type de structure sur les formes d’ambidextrie adoptées ainsi que de l’importance du réseau externe pour assurer la poursuite simultanée des innovations d’exploitation et d’exploration. L’apport de cette recherche est de permettre, à travers l’étude approfondie de sept cas de PME innovantes en Bretagne, d’intégrer les spécificités de la PME dans la conciliation de la double exigence d’innovation et de montrer que cette ambidextrie organisationnelle est envisageable pour une PME innovante malgré la contrainte de ressources spécifiques à ces organisations. / This research contributes to identify the main determiners of the ambidextrous in the context of the SME (SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE); to propose an abstract model which shows current knowledge on this object of study and to allow a better understanding of the organizational and management factors(mailmen) favoring the combination(overall) of the innovations of exploitation(operation) and exploration within SME(small and medium-sized enterprise). It will thus be question of the concept of organizational ambidextrous and its content to share(unit) within the framework of SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE), of the central role of the ambidextrous entrepreneur as source(spring) and facilitator of the ambidextrous, the impact of the specificity of this type of structure on the forms(shapes) of ambidextrous adopted as well as the importance of the external network to assure(insure) the simultaneous pursuit(continuation) of the innovations of exploitation(operation) and of exploration. The contribution of this search(research) is to allow, through the innovative in-depth study of seven cases of SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) in Brittany, to integrate(join) the specificities of the SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) into the conciliation of the double requirement of innovation and to show that this organizational ambidextrous is possible for an innovative SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) in spite of the constraint of resources specific to these organizations.

Exploring Innovation-Driven Leadership : An Empirical Study in the Aerospace and Defense Industry

Leon Zapata, Daniel, Soto Villacampa, José Antonio January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Aerospace and Defense industry requires continuous innovation and adaptation. Ambidextrous leadership, which balances exploration and exploitation, plays a crucial role in driving innovative work behavior. Understanding this relationship is important for navigating industry complexities and staying competitive in rapidly changing market conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ambidextrous leadership on aerospace and defense firms’ innovation at the individual level. It also deepens the understanding of conditions to improve innovation by examining the moderating role of collaborative climate.  Methodology: This study uses a quantitative research design, specifically structural equation modeling (SEM). Data was collected through a survey questionnaire, with eighty-one valid responses from professionals in the industry. Results and analysis: The study found that open leadership behavior was positively related to innovative work behavior. This means that leaders who show open leadership behaviors, such as being supportive and collaborative, have a greater impact on inspiring and encouraging innovative thinking and behavior among their employees. However, the study did not find a significant relationship between closed leadership behavior and innovative work behavior. This is surprising, as closed leadership behaviors, such as being directive and controlling, have been shown to be positively related to innovation in other studies. One explanation for this finding is that the aerospace and defense industry is a highly regulated industry with strict safety standards. In this context, leaders may be more focused on ensuring that existing products and processes are safe and dependable, rather than encouraging employees to take risks and experiment with innovative ideas. The study also found that collaborative climate was positively related to innovative work behavior. This means a work environment that supports collaboration and teamwork can foster innovation by encouraging employees to share ideas and work together to solve problems. However, the study did not find that a collaborative climate moderated the relationship between open leadership behavior and innovative work behavior. This suggests open leadership behavior positively impacts innovative work behavior regardless of the level of collaborative climate in the workplace. Recommendations for future research: Future research should address the limitations of this study by employing larger samples, objective measures, and exploring additional moderating variables such as organizational size and innovative climate. Longitudinal studies are needed to understand the sustained impact of open leadership behaviors and collaborative climates on innovative work behavior over time. By doing so, we can enhance our understanding of leadership's role in promoting innovation and develop practical recommendations for organizations across diverse industries and contexts.

The Dawn of a New Era : A Case Study of an Incumbent Car Manufacturer’s Transition to Electric Cars

Modiri, Yashar, Olsson, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
How do firms tend to their current viability while remaining competitive in the long-term? This question lays out the basis for this thesis by highlighting their conflicting logics through the concept of organizational ambidexterity. Literature makes a distinction between competing in mature markets and existing technologies (exploitation) versus new markets and new technologies (exploration). The preponderance of studies shows that, as firms grow larger, they tend to form core rigidities in their culture, structure and processes that hamper their efforts to adapt to the changing environment. By overemphasizing exploitative activities, future challenges or opportunities remain unexplored which can have a devastating effect in the event of radical, external changes. The cases of Nokia and Kodak should serve as cautionary tales in this regard. The automotive industry is currently undergoing a transition to electric cars. We conduct a case study at Volvo Cars from a senior leadership perspective, to illustrate the importance of exploration and how it can be legitimized during an industry transformation. Our work points to three major findings. First, communicating the importance of the transformation with the rest of the organization is imperative to creating goal alignment. Secondly, interorganizational collaboration in R&D helps Volvo to tap into knowledge that resides outside the organization and thereby increasing the chances of a successful transition to electric cars. Thirdly, agile management contributes to knowledge diffusion and is a powerful tool to counter organizational inertia by adding to firms’ speed and responsiveness, making them act more similarly to smaller, entrepreneurial firms.

Managing transformation pressure in large organizations : A case study on a product development organization in the transport and truck industry

Timur Emre, Robert, Lindbom Byggnings, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Why do some large organizations succeed during transformations and others do not? This thesis aims to contribute and expand the discussion of how product development capabilities could enable success during transformations. To investigate the problem, a qualitative case study was performed at a large transport and truck incumbent, Scania CV AB. The transport and truck industry is currently pressured to transform, both from a competitive and sustainability perspective. In order to become more adaptable to change, the thesis identified the importance of clearly applying ambidexterity as a strategy to cope with challenges that the transformation implies. However, when applying ambidexterity, interface challenges between exploitation and exploration occur. Success during transformations is mainly dependent on the management to handle those interface challenges properly. This thesis identified two main managerial practices that could benefit incumbents in the transport and truck industry to become more adaptable during a transformation phase. Firstly, a clear strategy of how to manage innovations over time could support large incumbents to leverage innovations for optimal experimentation, scalability, and later profit. Secondly, clear organizational alignment between functions to enhance communication and prioritization especially between exploitative and explorative business activities could support large incumbents to leverage radical innovations within the organization. This thesis argues that implementing structural ambidexterity combined with a clear and streamlined innovation transfer process in three distinct horizons for mature, growth, and future businesses will increase adaptability during transformation pressure. As the main area of future research, this thesis proposes to further investigate the opportunities of an open innovation strategy that leverages partnerships for co-creation in an increasingly interconnected transport ecosystem. / Hur kommer det sig att vissa företag lyckas under industriell förändring och andra inte? Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till, och utvidga, diskussionen om hur kapabiliteter inom produktutveckling kan främja en lyckad transformation. För att undersöka problemet genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie på ett etablerat företag inom transport och lastbilsindustrin, Scania CV AB. Transportindustrin är för närvarande under stor press, både från ett konkurrens- och hållbarhetsperspektiv. Denna studie visar att, för att bli mer adaptiv och hantera förändring, är det av yttersta vikt att implementera en tydlig strategi för en tvehänt (ambidextrous) organisation. En av de största utmaningarna vid en sådan implementation är dock de starka spänningar som uppstår i gränssnitten mellan det operationella och det utforskande inom organisationen. Hur de hanterar dessa utmaningar från ett ledarskapsperspektiv, kommer därav vara en av de främsta faktorerna till om företaget lyckas anpassa sig till förändring. I studien har två grundläggande principer för ledarskap identifierats, vilka kan hjälpa etablerade företag inom transport- och lastbilsindustrin att bli mer adaptiva under förändring. För det första, en tydlig strategi för att hantera innovation över tid, kan stötta ett etablerat företag att optimera innovation, skalbarhet och vinst. För det andra, en tydlig organisations- och ledarskapsinriktning som lyfter kommunikation och underlättar prioritering mellan förvaltande och utforskande aktiviteter och avdelningar. Denna studie argumenterar för strukturell separering av organisationen, kombinerat med en process för att överföra innovationer. Detta kan åstadkommas genom en uppdelning på tre horisonter; mognad, tillväxt och framtid, vilket kommer att öka företagets anpassningsförmåga under förändring. Denna studie har avgränsats till att inte närmare undersöka hur partnerskap kan hanteras i det allt mer sammankopplade transportsystemet. Detta är dock identifierat som ett möjligt behov av att närmare undersöka hur strategier för open innovation kan främja partnerskap och samproduktion inom området.

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