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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terapinio profilio specializuotos ambulatorinės pagalbos prieinamumas miesto poliklinikoje / Accessability of therapeutic profile specialized ambulatory care in city outpatien clinic

Kameneckaitė, Indrė 12 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų požiūrį į terapinio profilio specializuotos ambulatorinės pagalbos prieinamumą VšĮ Kauno Dainavos poliklinikoje. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas – VšĮ Kauno Dainavos poliklinikos ambulatorinio kardiologinio, endokrinologinio, neurologinio konsultacinių skyrių pacientai. Tyrimo metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Nustatytas imties tūris 293 tyrimo atvejai. Išdalinta 600 anketų, atitinkamai kiekvienos srities specialistų pacientams po 200 anketų. Atsakymų dažnis buvo 76,7 proc. Duomenų analizė atlikta SPSS 16 versijos programiniu paketu. Rezultatai. Beveik du trečdaliai respondentų (65,9 proc.) pas specialistus pateko paskirtu laiku (kardiologo – 51,7 proc., endokrinologo – 82,8 proc., neurologo – 62,5 proc.). Nepatekusiems paskirtu laiku, prie kardiologo kabineto durų didesnė dalis respondentų laukė ilgiau nei prie endokrinologo bei neurologo kabinetų durų (46,5 proc.; 17,2 proc.; 36,3 proc.). Daugiau nei du trečdaliai respondentų (76,3 proc.) buvo visada informuojami apie sveikatos būklę, tyrimus, gydymo eigą (kardiologo pacientai – 66,2 proc., endokrinologo – 86,6 proc. bei neurologo – 75,7 proc.). Daugiausiai informacijos respondentai apie specialistų darbo laiką gavo iš registratūros darbuotojų (42,6 proc.) bei paskambinus telefonu (30,9 proc.), rečiau – iš šeimos gydytojo (7,4 proc.) ir interneto (0,2 proc.). Penktadaliui respondentų (18,7 proc.) teko papildomai mokėti už paslaugas: kardiologo pacientų – 35 proc., endokrinologo – 11... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate patients‘opinion on accessability of therapeutic profile specialized ambulatory care in outpatient clinic “Dainava”. Methods. Object of the research – patients of the neurologists‘, endocrinologists‘and cardiologists‘consultative department of outpatient clinic “Dainava”. Research method – anonymous questionnaire inquiry. Stated sample size – 293 research cases. 600 questionnaires were handed to respondents, accordingly over 200 questionnaires to patients of specialists of each field. The response rate was 76.7 %. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using the SPSS v. 16 software package. Results. Two thirds of respondents (65.9 %) got to specialists on the appointed time (cardiologists’ – 51.7 %, endocrinologists’ – 82.8 %, neurologists’ – 62.5 %). These respondents who didn’t get to specialists on the appointed time, major part of cardiologists’ patients waited consultation at specialists’ door longer than endocrinologists’ and neurologists’ (46.5 %; 17.2 %; 36.3 %). More than two thirds of respondents (76.3 %) were always informed about their health condition, analysis, medical course (66.2 % patients of cardiologist, 86.6 % - of endocrinologist and 75.7 % - of neurologist). Mostly respondents got information about their consulting specialists’ work time from workers of registry (42.6 %) and by telephone call (30.9 %), more rarely – from family doctors (7.4 %) and internet (0.2 %). 1/5 of respondents (18.7 %) had to pay... [to full text]

Ambulatorinių sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kontrolės užtikrinimas / Control secure of ambulant health services

Kšivickienė, Romualda 24 January 2007 (has links)
Ambulant (secondary) health care is the chain of health care, where specialized (secondary level) consultations of doctors specialists are rendered. In Lithuanian national health system we can mark three models (types) of institutions which render ambulant health care services, depending on organization of services and type of ownership. These institutions are: municipality clinics, rendering primary and secondary health care services (mixed institutions), municipality centres of primary health care (municipality institutions of primary health care) and private institutions of primary health care (independent contractors). This research is a way to name problems, which emerge seeking to control mixed institutions, rendering (secondary level) health care services. The aim of work: to analyse control problems of rendering ambulant health care services and propose possible ways of solutions. Methodology: to analyse ambulant services, rendered by secondary level doctors otorinolaringolists in the period 2006-01-01 – 2006-01-31, equivalence of these services to law acts and validity of tender to discharge them from the budget of compulsory health insurance allocation. Informational system data SVEIDRA of State patient fund and primary medicine documentary were analysed. Research involved three institutions (mixed clinics), rendering primary and secondary ambulant health care services in Vilnius city. These clinics had contracts with State patient fund. All chosen clinics were... [to full text]

Ambulatorinių konsultacinių paslaugų teikimas Vilniaus teritorinės ligonių kasos veiklos zonos gyventojams / The provision of outpatient services to residents of the area of Vilnius territorial patient fund

Tylienė, Violeta 13 June 2006 (has links)
Enhancement of the quality of outpatient services and the problems of accessibility of services become more and more important part of the health care reform. The importance of increasing the provision of the services in outpatient institutions and developing of outpatient services of physicians-specialists are the priorities in the plan of re-structuring of health care. Aim of the study. To analyze the provision and tendencies of the secondary and tertiary level outpatient services to inhabitants of the area Vilnius Territorial Patient Fund in 2003-2005. Objectives. To evaluate the provision of the secondary level outpatient services by specialty, by municipalities and age groups. To analyze the tertiary level outpatient services by municipalities. To evaluate the changes and tendencies in providing secondary and tertiary level outpatient services. Materials and methods. Analysis was done using the data of health insurance information system SVEIDRA on inhabitants registered to primary health care institutions and outpatient services provided to inhabitants of the area of Vilnius Territorial Patient Fund in 2003-2005. In order to evaluate distribution of services by municipalities, the number of outpatient services per one inhabitant, registered to primary health care institution, was calculated. Four age groups (0-5, 5-18, 18-65, over 65 years old) were chosen to analyze distribution of services by age groups. The existence of statistically significant differences was... [to full text]

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