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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude transcriptionnelle et fonctionnelle du groupe de gènes vanGCd de C. difficile / transcriptional and functional analysis of vanGCd of C. difficile

Ammam, Fariza 30 April 2013 (has links)
C. difficile est une bactérie anaérobie du tube digestif reconnue comme l’agent responsable de 25% des diarrhées nosocomiales post antibiotiques et de la plupart des colites pseudomembraneuses. Le métronidazole et la vancomycine sont les traitements de référence pour les infections liées à ce pathogène. A ce jour, aucune souche de C. difficile résistante à la vancomycine n’a été rapportée. Paradoxalement, 85 % des souches de cette espèce hébergent dans leur génome un groupe de gènes cryptiques vanGCd homologue à l’opéron de résistance à la vancomycine vanG de E. faecalis. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié la capacité des gènes vanGCd à conférer la résistance à la vancomycine. L’étude transcriptionnelle a révélé que le groupe de gènes vanGCd est transcrit en deux opérons (i) l’un de régulation exprimé de façon constitutive et (ii) l’autre de résistance, inductible par la vancomycine. L’analyse enzymatique de VanGCd, VanXYCd et VanTCd in vitro a montré que ces protéines possèdent respectivement des activités ligase, D,D-peptidase et racémase nécessaires au pontage D-Ala-D-Ser et à l’hydrolyse des dipeptides naturels D-Ala-D-Ala. L’analyse des précurseurs du peptidoglycane par spectrométrie de masse en présence de vancomycine a permis l’identification de l’UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide [Ser] témoin de l’activité in vivo de ces protéines. L’opéron de résistance vanGcd cloné chez E. coli NR698 sensible à la vancomycine exerce un très faible effet sur la CMI de cet antibiotique. En revanche, le clonage chez E. faecalis n’a pas été obtenu en raison de mutations spontanées. Pour ces raisons, nous avons introduit l’opéron vanC de E. gallinarum chez C. difficile et observé une faible augmentation de la CMI de la vancomycine. Ce résultat indique que l’expression de la résistance à cet antibiotique chez C. difficile implique des facteurs intrinsèques liés à la bactérie. Nous avons observé que la ligase MurF possède une meilleure affinité vis-à-vis du dipeptide D-Ala-D-Ala que pour le dipeptide D-Ala-D-Ser ce qui pourrait impacter la synthèse de l’UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide[Ser]. Par ailleurs, nous avons observé qu’en présence de vancomycine, les précurseurs du peptidoglycane sont amidés. Cette modification affecte également le peptidoglycane mature. Toutefois, le rôle physiologique de l’amidation chez C. difficile reste à élucider. En conclusion, (i) l’absence d’expression de la résistance à la vancomycine de C. difficile est multifactorielle, (ii) le groupe de gènes vanGCd a peu de potentiel pour contribuer à l’émergence de la résistance à la vancomycine. / Clostridium difficile is a major enteric pathogen responsible for 25% of post antibiotics diarrhea and most cases of pseudomembranous colitis. Metronidazole and vancomycin are the standard treatments for infected patients. vanGCd, a cryptic gene cluster highly homologous to the vanG gene cluster of Enterococcus faecalis is largely spread in Clostridium difficile. Since emergence of vancomycin resistance would have dramatic clinical consequences, we have evaluated the capacity of the vanGCd cluster to confer vancomycine resistance. We showed that expression of vanGCd is inducible by vancomycin and that VanGCd, VanXYCd and VanTCd are functional, exhibiting D-Ala:D-Ser ligase, D,D-dipeptidase and D-Ser racemase activities, respectively. In other bacteria, these enzymes are sufficient to promote vancomycin resistance. Trans-complementation of C. difficile with the vanC resistance operon of Enterococcus gallinarum faintly impacted the MIC of vancomycin, but did not promote vancomycin resistance in C. difficile. Sub-lethal concentration of vancomycin led to production of UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide [D-Ser], suggesting that the vanGCd gene cluster is able to modify the peptidoglycan precursors. Our results indicated amidation of UDP-MurNAc-tetrapeptide, UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide[D-Ala] and UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide[D-Ser]. This modification is passed on the mature peptidoglycan where a muropeptide Tetra-Tetra is amidated on the meso-diaminopimelic acid. We also demostrated that the ligase MurF has a better affinity for the D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptide than for the D-Ala-D-Ser, which could impact on the synthesis of UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide [Ser].In conclusion, the lack of vancomycin resistance expression may be due to several factors that, in combinination with a gene cluster conferring a low level vancomycin resistancemay prevent the emergence of vancomycin resistance based on D-Ala- D-Ser modification of peptidoglycane precursors in C. difficile.

Etude du rôle fonctionnel de l'O-acétylation et de l'amidation du peptidoglycane chez les lactobacilles / Study of the functionnal role of petidoglycan O-acetylation and amidation in lactobacilli

Bernard, Elvis 30 May 2012 (has links)
Le peptidoglycane (PG) est le composé majeur de la paroi des bactéries à Gram positif. Il est constitué de chaines de sucres, formées de l’alternance de N-acétyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) et d’acide N-acétyl-muramique (MurNAc) et reliées entre elles par des chaines peptidiques. Cette structure confère à la bactérie une grande résistance mais aussi une certaine flexibilité qui lui permettent de grandir et de se diviser tout en gardant sa forme. Cette dualité entre rigidité et flexibilité est assurée par un équilibre entre l’activité des enzymes qui polymérisent le PG, les protéines liant la pénicilline (PBP), et de celles qui l’hydrolysent, les hydrolases du PG (PGH). Pendant ou après sa synthèse, la structure du PG peut subir différentes modifications, qui vont moduler l’activité des enzymes de synthèse et dégradation du PG. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons caractérisé les modifications structurales du PG chez deux espèces de lactobacilles et étudié leur rôle fonctionnel. Nous avons identifié la première amidotransférase responsable de l’amidation de l’acide méso-diaminopimélique et montré l’influence de cette modification sur l’activité d’une PGH, la L,D-carboxypeptidase DacB, ainsi que sur la synthèse du PG septal par les PBPs chez Lactobacillus plantarum. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence pour la première fois une O-acétylation des GlcNAc en plus de l’O-acétylation des MurNAc, ces deux modifications étant réalisées par deux O-acétyl-transférases distinctes, OatA et OatB, qui jouent des rôles antagonistes dans le contrôle de l’activité des PGHs chez L. plantarum. Nous avons aussi révélé l’implication de l’O-acétyl-transférase OatA dans le contrôle de la septation. Enfin, nous avons montré l’influence de l’O-acétylation des MurNAc du PG sur les propriétés anti-inflammatoires d’une souche de Lactobacillus casei. / Peptidoglycan (PG) is the major component of the gram positive cell wall. It is composed of glycan chains formed by the polymerization of the N-acetylglucosamine-N-acetyl muramic acid heterodimer, and cross-linked by peptidic stem. This structure confers high resistance to the bacterial cell wall but also some flexibility allowing growth and shape maintenance. This duality between rigidity and flexibility is the result of a steady-state between the PG polymerizing enzymes, the penicillin binding protein (PBP) and the PG hydrolases (PGH). More or less concomitantly with its synthesis, certain modifications can occur on PG structure that will modulate the activity of PG synthesis and degradation enzymes.During this work, we have characterized the PG structural modifications in two lactobacilli species and studied their functional role. We have identified the first amidotransferase involved in meso-diaminopimelic acid amidation and shown the influence of this modification on the activity of the L,D-carboxypeptidase, DacB, and also on the septal PG synthesis by the PBP in Lactobacillus plantarum. Then, we have highlighted for the first time, the presence of O-acetylation on GlcNAc in addition to O-acetylation on MurNAc. These two modifications are catalyzed by two dedicated O-acetyltransferases, OatB and OatA respectively, that control PGH activity in an antagonistic way. We have also demonstrated the implication of the OatA O-acetyltransferase in septation control. Finally, we have shown the influence of PG MurNAc O-acetylation on the anti-inflammatory properties of a Lactobacillus casei strain.

Síntese de glicosil amidas e glicoconjugação via utilização de selenocarboxilatos como reagentes traceless

Silva, Luana January 2016 (has links)
A química de carboidratos têm sido um importante link entre a síntese orgânica, a biologia e a química medicinal devido ao papel fundamental que açúcares apresentam na glicobiologia. Neste contexto, a ligação amida glicosídica é uma importante conexão encontrada na natureza, sendo uma das formas de ligar um núcleo de carboidrato a outras biomoléculas e produtos naturais, como glicopeptídeos e N-glicosil amidas. Dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de métodos sintéticos para a introdução de núcleos de carboidratos em diferentes estruturas é fundamental. Tendo em vista o interesse do nosso grupo de pesquisa em desenvolver novas estratégias utilizando a química de selênio na funcionalização de derivados de carboidratos, o presente projeto descreve uma metodologia de síntese de N-glicosil amidas e de glicoconjugação via formação de ligação amida, envolvendo a reação entre selenocarboxilatos, gerados in situ, com azidas glicosídicas. Foi possível sintetizar com sucesso uma série de derivados de carboidratos, para uma variedade de substratos que incluíram: N-glicosil amidas furanosídicas (20 exemplos), piranosídicas (13 exemplos) e também N-glicoconjugados graxos (10 exemplos). A metodologia foi baseada na geração in situ de selenocarboxilatos de lítio, a partir de Se0/ LiEt3BH e derivados de ácidos carboxílicos, e suas reações com azidas derivadas de açúcares. Um aspecto importante deste protocolo é que a reação se inicia com selênio elementar e apresenta como subprodutos N2 e Se0. O isolamento e manipulação de espécies intermediárias reativas de selênio são evitadas durante o curso reacional, conferindo ao selenocarboxilato o status de reagente traceless. / Carbohydrate chemistry has been an important link between organic synthesis, biology and medicinal chemistry due to the fundamental roles that sugars play in glycobiology. In this context, the glycosyl amide linkage is an important connection found in nature, since it is one of the ways in which a sugar unit can be found attached to other biomolecules and natural products, such as N-glycosyl amides and glycopeptides that are known for possessing a wide range of bioactivities. Therefore, the development of synthetic methods for the introduction of sugar moieties into various different scaffolds is of paramount importance. In connection with our interest on the development of new strategies using selenium chemistry for the functionalization of carbohydrate derivatives, we describe herein an efficient synthesis of glycosyl amides and glycoconjugation methodology via amide bond-formation, enabled by the reaction of in situ generated selenocarboxylates with glycosyl azides. Carbohydrate-derived amides were successfully prepared in good yields for a broad range of substrates, including: furanosyl (20 examples), pyranosyl (13 examples) N-glycosil amides derivatives and also fatty acids glycoconjugates (10 examples). The methodology relied in the in situ generation of lithium selenocarboxylates, from Se/LiEt3BH and acyl chlorides or carboxylic acids and their reaction with sugar azides. A key aspect of the present protocol is that we start from elemental selenium and as by-products we have harmless gaseous nitrogen and elemental selenium. Isolation and handling of all reactive and sensitive seleniumcontaining intermediates is avoided, therefore assigning to the selenocarboxylate the status of a traceless reagent.

Mechanistic Studies of Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Monooxygenase (PAM)

McIntyre, Neil R 26 March 2008 (has links)
Peptide hormones are responsible for cellular functions critical to the survival of an organism. Approximately 50% of all known peptide hormones are post-translationally modified at their C-terminus. Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) is a bi-functional enzyme which catalyzes the activation of peptide pro-hormones. PAM also functionalizes long chain N-acylglycines suggesting a potential role in signaling as their respective fatty acid amides. As chain length increases for N-acylglycines so does the catalytic efficiency. This effect was probed further by primary kinetic isotope effects and molecular dynamics to better resolve the mechanism for improved catalytic function. The 1°KIE showed a linear decrease with increasing chain length. Neither the minimal kinetic mechanism nor the maximal rate for substrate oxidation was observed to be altered by substrate hydrophobicity. It was concluded that KIE suppression was a function of 'Pre-organization' - more efficient degenerate wave function overlap between C-H donor and Cu(II)-superoxo acceptor with increased chain length. Substrate activation is believed to be facilitated by a Cu(II)-superoxo complex formed at CuM. Benzaldehyde imino-oxy acetic acid undergoes non-enzymatic O-dealkylation to the corresponding oxime and glyoxylate products. This phenomena was further studied using QM/MM methodology using different Cu/O species to determine which best facilitated the dealkylation event. It was determined that radical recombination between a Cu(II)-oxyl and a substrate radical to form an unstable copper-alkoxide intermediate was best suited to carry out this reaction. Structure-function analysis was used to rationalize the electronic features which made a variety of diverse imino-oxy acetic acid analogues such unexpectedly good PAM substrates (104-5 M-1s-1). To observe the effect oxygen insertion and placement had on substrates between N-benzoylglycine and benzaldehyde imino-oxy acetic acid structures, PAM activity was correlated with NBO/MEP calculations on selected PHM-docked structures. This work concluded that the imino-oxy acetic acid was a favored substrate for PAM because its oxime electronically is very similar to the amide present in glycine-extended analogues.

Síntese de glicosil amidas e glicoconjugação via utilização de selenocarboxilatos como reagentes traceless

Silva, Luana January 2016 (has links)
A química de carboidratos têm sido um importante link entre a síntese orgânica, a biologia e a química medicinal devido ao papel fundamental que açúcares apresentam na glicobiologia. Neste contexto, a ligação amida glicosídica é uma importante conexão encontrada na natureza, sendo uma das formas de ligar um núcleo de carboidrato a outras biomoléculas e produtos naturais, como glicopeptídeos e N-glicosil amidas. Dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de métodos sintéticos para a introdução de núcleos de carboidratos em diferentes estruturas é fundamental. Tendo em vista o interesse do nosso grupo de pesquisa em desenvolver novas estratégias utilizando a química de selênio na funcionalização de derivados de carboidratos, o presente projeto descreve uma metodologia de síntese de N-glicosil amidas e de glicoconjugação via formação de ligação amida, envolvendo a reação entre selenocarboxilatos, gerados in situ, com azidas glicosídicas. Foi possível sintetizar com sucesso uma série de derivados de carboidratos, para uma variedade de substratos que incluíram: N-glicosil amidas furanosídicas (20 exemplos), piranosídicas (13 exemplos) e também N-glicoconjugados graxos (10 exemplos). A metodologia foi baseada na geração in situ de selenocarboxilatos de lítio, a partir de Se0/ LiEt3BH e derivados de ácidos carboxílicos, e suas reações com azidas derivadas de açúcares. Um aspecto importante deste protocolo é que a reação se inicia com selênio elementar e apresenta como subprodutos N2 e Se0. O isolamento e manipulação de espécies intermediárias reativas de selênio são evitadas durante o curso reacional, conferindo ao selenocarboxilato o status de reagente traceless. / Carbohydrate chemistry has been an important link between organic synthesis, biology and medicinal chemistry due to the fundamental roles that sugars play in glycobiology. In this context, the glycosyl amide linkage is an important connection found in nature, since it is one of the ways in which a sugar unit can be found attached to other biomolecules and natural products, such as N-glycosyl amides and glycopeptides that are known for possessing a wide range of bioactivities. Therefore, the development of synthetic methods for the introduction of sugar moieties into various different scaffolds is of paramount importance. In connection with our interest on the development of new strategies using selenium chemistry for the functionalization of carbohydrate derivatives, we describe herein an efficient synthesis of glycosyl amides and glycoconjugation methodology via amide bond-formation, enabled by the reaction of in situ generated selenocarboxylates with glycosyl azides. Carbohydrate-derived amides were successfully prepared in good yields for a broad range of substrates, including: furanosyl (20 examples), pyranosyl (13 examples) N-glycosil amides derivatives and also fatty acids glycoconjugates (10 examples). The methodology relied in the in situ generation of lithium selenocarboxylates, from Se/LiEt3BH and acyl chlorides or carboxylic acids and their reaction with sugar azides. A key aspect of the present protocol is that we start from elemental selenium and as by-products we have harmless gaseous nitrogen and elemental selenium. Isolation and handling of all reactive and sensitive seleniumcontaining intermediates is avoided, therefore assigning to the selenocarboxylate the status of a traceless reagent.

Síntese de glicosil amidas e glicoconjugação via utilização de selenocarboxilatos como reagentes traceless

Silva, Luana January 2016 (has links)
A química de carboidratos têm sido um importante link entre a síntese orgânica, a biologia e a química medicinal devido ao papel fundamental que açúcares apresentam na glicobiologia. Neste contexto, a ligação amida glicosídica é uma importante conexão encontrada na natureza, sendo uma das formas de ligar um núcleo de carboidrato a outras biomoléculas e produtos naturais, como glicopeptídeos e N-glicosil amidas. Dessa forma, o desenvolvimento de métodos sintéticos para a introdução de núcleos de carboidratos em diferentes estruturas é fundamental. Tendo em vista o interesse do nosso grupo de pesquisa em desenvolver novas estratégias utilizando a química de selênio na funcionalização de derivados de carboidratos, o presente projeto descreve uma metodologia de síntese de N-glicosil amidas e de glicoconjugação via formação de ligação amida, envolvendo a reação entre selenocarboxilatos, gerados in situ, com azidas glicosídicas. Foi possível sintetizar com sucesso uma série de derivados de carboidratos, para uma variedade de substratos que incluíram: N-glicosil amidas furanosídicas (20 exemplos), piranosídicas (13 exemplos) e também N-glicoconjugados graxos (10 exemplos). A metodologia foi baseada na geração in situ de selenocarboxilatos de lítio, a partir de Se0/ LiEt3BH e derivados de ácidos carboxílicos, e suas reações com azidas derivadas de açúcares. Um aspecto importante deste protocolo é que a reação se inicia com selênio elementar e apresenta como subprodutos N2 e Se0. O isolamento e manipulação de espécies intermediárias reativas de selênio são evitadas durante o curso reacional, conferindo ao selenocarboxilato o status de reagente traceless. / Carbohydrate chemistry has been an important link between organic synthesis, biology and medicinal chemistry due to the fundamental roles that sugars play in glycobiology. In this context, the glycosyl amide linkage is an important connection found in nature, since it is one of the ways in which a sugar unit can be found attached to other biomolecules and natural products, such as N-glycosyl amides and glycopeptides that are known for possessing a wide range of bioactivities. Therefore, the development of synthetic methods for the introduction of sugar moieties into various different scaffolds is of paramount importance. In connection with our interest on the development of new strategies using selenium chemistry for the functionalization of carbohydrate derivatives, we describe herein an efficient synthesis of glycosyl amides and glycoconjugation methodology via amide bond-formation, enabled by the reaction of in situ generated selenocarboxylates with glycosyl azides. Carbohydrate-derived amides were successfully prepared in good yields for a broad range of substrates, including: furanosyl (20 examples), pyranosyl (13 examples) N-glycosil amides derivatives and also fatty acids glycoconjugates (10 examples). The methodology relied in the in situ generation of lithium selenocarboxylates, from Se/LiEt3BH and acyl chlorides or carboxylic acids and their reaction with sugar azides. A key aspect of the present protocol is that we start from elemental selenium and as by-products we have harmless gaseous nitrogen and elemental selenium. Isolation and handling of all reactive and sensitive seleniumcontaining intermediates is avoided, therefore assigning to the selenocarboxylate the status of a traceless reagent.

Amidação de Poli( metacrilato de metila) / Poly(methylmethacrylate) amidation

Paulo Osório de Bettencourt Pimenta 26 July 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação foram avaliadas metodologias para reação de amidação de amostras comerciais de poli (metilmetacrilato), PMMA, com alilamina e benzilamina. A reação foi executada em tubo selado sob aquecimento a 90 C por sete dias, sem que nenhuma quantidade mensurável de amida pudesse ser detectada por FTIR e RMN. A reação foi reavaliada sob catalise de DBU, 3,4% molar, sem que nenhum resultado positivo obtido. O emprego de DBU associado ao NaCN como co-catalisador mostrou-se eficaz é o PMMA pode ser derivatizado em 30 %, com alilamina, e 13 % com benzilamina, sob as mesmas condições de temperatura e tempo. A analise elementar e o RMN-1H foram conclusivos na quantificação das reações enquanto o FTIR mostrou-se pouco eficaz devido a sobreposições de bandas. A taticidade das amostras comerciais de PMMA e do material produzido pode ser avaliada por RMN. Experimentos exploratórios efetuados em forno de microondas monomodo sob as mesmas relações molares com aquecimento a 120 C por 30 minutos com 80 W de potencia não foram capazes de promover alterações na matriz polimérica / This work evaluated methodologies for amidation reaction of commercial samples of poly (methylmethacrylate), PMMA, with allylamine and benzylamine. The reaction was performed in a tube under heating at 90 C for seven days without any measurable amount of amide could be detected by FTIR and NMR. The reaction was reassessed under catalysis of DBU, 3,4 mol %, without any positive results. The use of DBU associated with NaCN as co-catalyst was effective with PMMA can be derivatized by 30%, with allylamine, and 13% with benzylamine under the same conditions of temperature and time. The elemental analysis and 1H-NMR were conclusive in quantifying the reactions while FTIR was found to be unreliable due to overlapping of bands. The tactic of commercial samples of PMMA and the material produced can be assessed by NMR. Exploratory experiments conducted in single-mode microwave oven under the same molar ratios heated at 120 C for 30 minutes with 80 W of power were not able to promote changes in the polymer matrix

Amidação de Poli( metacrilato de metila) / Poly(methylmethacrylate) amidation

Paulo Osório de Bettencourt Pimenta 26 July 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação foram avaliadas metodologias para reação de amidação de amostras comerciais de poli (metilmetacrilato), PMMA, com alilamina e benzilamina. A reação foi executada em tubo selado sob aquecimento a 90 C por sete dias, sem que nenhuma quantidade mensurável de amida pudesse ser detectada por FTIR e RMN. A reação foi reavaliada sob catalise de DBU, 3,4% molar, sem que nenhum resultado positivo obtido. O emprego de DBU associado ao NaCN como co-catalisador mostrou-se eficaz é o PMMA pode ser derivatizado em 30 %, com alilamina, e 13 % com benzilamina, sob as mesmas condições de temperatura e tempo. A analise elementar e o RMN-1H foram conclusivos na quantificação das reações enquanto o FTIR mostrou-se pouco eficaz devido a sobreposições de bandas. A taticidade das amostras comerciais de PMMA e do material produzido pode ser avaliada por RMN. Experimentos exploratórios efetuados em forno de microondas monomodo sob as mesmas relações molares com aquecimento a 120 C por 30 minutos com 80 W de potencia não foram capazes de promover alterações na matriz polimérica / This work evaluated methodologies for amidation reaction of commercial samples of poly (methylmethacrylate), PMMA, with allylamine and benzylamine. The reaction was performed in a tube under heating at 90 C for seven days without any measurable amount of amide could be detected by FTIR and NMR. The reaction was reassessed under catalysis of DBU, 3,4 mol %, without any positive results. The use of DBU associated with NaCN as co-catalyst was effective with PMMA can be derivatized by 30%, with allylamine, and 13% with benzylamine under the same conditions of temperature and time. The elemental analysis and 1H-NMR were conclusive in quantifying the reactions while FTIR was found to be unreliable due to overlapping of bands. The tactic of commercial samples of PMMA and the material produced can be assessed by NMR. Exploratory experiments conducted in single-mode microwave oven under the same molar ratios heated at 120 C for 30 minutes with 80 W of power were not able to promote changes in the polymer matrix

Conception et synthèse d'inhibiteurs de la tyrosine kinase Tyro3 / Conception and synthesis of Tyro3 inhibitors

Chevot, Franciane 17 February 2012 (has links)
Le cancer est la plus grande cause de mortalité après les maladies cardiaques. Les cellules cancéreuses sont issues des cellules saines dont les systèmes de multiplications et de régulations ont été annihilés. Elles se multiplient anarchiquement et forment des tumeurs. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés au cancer de la vessie qui en termes d’incidences dans les pays industrialisés est le quatrième cancer chez l’homme et le neuvième chez la femme. Parmi les nombreux récepteurs surexprimés dans les cellules tumorales de vessie, la kinase Tyro3 s’est révélée indispensable à la survie de ces cellules tumorales. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de synthétiser un inhibiteur sélectif de Tyro3 possédant un noyau purine. Une première stratégie est orienté vers la synthèse d’un inhibiteur de type I alors que la seconde stratégie est menée vers la synthèse d’un inhibiteur de type II. Deux composés montrent une activité intéressante à 1 µM sur Tyro3 et semblent adopter un profil d’inhibition de type II. Le second objectif de la thèse présente une approche méthodologique pour la substitution de la position 2 et 8 du noyau purine. Une première partie présente la double lithiation des positions 2 et 8 de la 6-chloro-9-(tétrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-9H-purine suivie d’une substitution avec différents électrophiles. Le dérivé 2,8-diodé obtenu est engagé dans une réaction de Sonogashira conduisant à des dérivés 2-alcynyl-8-iodo ou 2,8-dialcynyle. Une seconde partie traite de l’amidation et amination pallado-catalysées de la 8-iodo-6-(phénylsulfanyl)-9-(tétrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-9H-purine. / After heart diseases, cancer is the most important cause of death. Cancerous cells are normal cells which multiplication and regulation system have been affected. They anarchically grow and give tumors. We have investigated in bladder cancer which is fourth cancer among men and ninth cancer among women in industrial countries. Amongst overexpressed receptors in bladder cancerous cells, Tyro3 seems to be essential for the survival of bladder cancerous cells. First goal of this thesis is to synthesize a potent and selective inhibitor of Tyro3 with a purine scaffold. Two approaches have done. The first approach is the synthesis of a type I inhibitor whereas the second approach is the synthesis of a type II inhibitor. Two compounds have shown an interesting activity against Tyro3 at 1 µM and they seem to be type II inhibitors. The second part of the thesis was the functionalization of position 2 and 8 of purine scaffold. We show first the double deprotonation by lithium species of 6-chloro-9-(tétrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-9H-purine following by substitution with different electrophiles. Obtained 2,8-di-iodine compound is engaged in Sonogashira reaction which gives 2-alkyne or 2,8-di-alkyne compunds. And, we investigate in palladium catalyzed amidation and amination of 8-iodo-6-(phénylsulfanyl)-9-(tétrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-9H-purine.

Nouvelles voies de synthèses du paracétamol et de son précurseur / New synthetic routes to paracetamol and its precursor synthesis

Joncour, Roxan 11 December 2014 (has links)
Le paracétamol est un analgésique parmi les plus consommés dans le monde. Les synthèses actuelles de cette molécule induisent la formation de quantités non-négligeables de sels ou de produits secondaires non valorisables. En plus d'induire de faibles économies d'atomes, la présence de ces déchets engendre des surcoûts importants pour la synthèse du paracétamol dus aux lourds traitements des réactions. Les objectifs de la thèse étaient à la fois de proposer une synthèse plus respectueuse de l'environnement mais également économiquement viable. En ce sens, deux synthèses du paracétamol ont été étudiées. La première synthèse étudiée concerne la réduction sélective du nitrobenzène en p-aminophénol, l'intermédiaire clé du paracétamol. Cette synthèse nécessite typiquement une quantité importante d'acide sulfurique qui est corrosif et engendre la formation de sels (sulfate d'ammonium) importante. Un catalyseur acide recyclable à base d'oxyde de niobium a été utilisé et associé à l'acide sulfurique. Ainsi les sélectivités en aminophénol de 74 % sans catalyseur de niobium ont été améliorées à 82 % en présence de ce catalyseur. En outre, la quantité d'acide sulfurique a été réduite au minimum sans pertes significatives de sélectivité. La deuxième synthèse est la substitution de l'hydroquinone par l'acétate d'ammonium en milieu acide acétique. Cette synthèse innovante s'est révélée être particulièrement performante car elle induit la formation du paracétamol en une étape en partant d'un produit disponible en grande quantité, avec de très bons rendements et sélectivités. De plus, un test à large échelle a permis de montrer que le paracétamol produit est facilement récupérable par précipitation et l'acide acétique récupérable par distillation. Enfin, la réaction a été testée avec succès à d'autres polyhydroxybenzènes et aux naphtols / Paracetamol is an analgesic among the most consumed in the world. Currents syntheses of paracetamol induce a quantity of salts and non-reusable by-products. These wastes lead to both a low atom economy and a high process cost due to the work-ups. The main objectives of this thesis were to propose eco-friendly and competitive synthesis of paracetamol. Two syntheses have been studied. The first one was the selective reduction of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol, the key intermediate of paracetamol. This synthesis requires a large amount of sulphuric acid which is corrosive and induces salts formation. A reusable niobium oxide-based catalyst has been associated with sulphuric acid. This association gave better selectivities to aminophenol (82%) compare to sulphuric acid alone (74%). Moreover, the quantity of sulphuric acid has been minimized without significant loss of selectivities. The second synthesis study was the hydroquinone substitution to paracetamol with ammonium acetate in acid acetic. This new synthesis is very powerful due to the one-step synthesis of paracetamol from bulk quantity available products, with very good conversion and selectivity. Moreover, a large scale synthesis has been tested which demonstrates that paracetamol and acetic acid were easily recovered by precipitation and distillation, respectively. The reaction has been successfully extended to other polyhydroxybenzenes and naphtols

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