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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and Biological Studies of Amphiphilic Compounds Derived from Saccharides and Aminoglycosides

Alfindee, Madher N. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Adjacent cells communicate through gap junctions (GJs). These GJs are formed by head to head docking of two hemichannels (HCs) from two adjacent cells. HCs are connexin hexamer proteins. Connexin mutation is the most frequent cause of childhood hearing loss. This hearing impairment affects 2 in every 2000 children. Inhibition of the HCs might be the key factor to treat such disorders. A library of amphiphilic kanamycins was synthesized to be tested as HC inhibitors. These compounds showed excellent inhibition activity in comparison with the parent compound (kanamycin A) with less toxicity. A library of monosaccharide esters with varying carbon chain lengths (acetyl (C2) to hexadecyl (C16)) were synthesized, characterized, and tested for bioactivity. Carbohydrate esters showed low toxicity while remaining active against bacteria and fungi. The compound 6-O-tetradecanoyl-D-mannopyranose (MAN014), a mannose ester with a fourteen-carbon chain, showed the greatest antibacterial and antifungal properties. A mode of action study was tested against Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria) and Fusarium graminearum (fungus) and found the compound perturbed the cell membrum.

Elektrostatické zvlákňování modifikovaných biopolymerů pro medicínské aplikace / Electrospinning of Modified Biopolymers for Medical Applications

Pavliňáková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá přípravou a charakterizací nových biokompatibilních nanovláken s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. V této práci byl výběr jednotlivých složek pro přípravu nanovlákenného materiálu zvolen tak, aby vyhovoval nárokům tkáňového inženýrství. Literární rešerše shrnuje poznatky o elektrostatickém zvlákňování a o jeho parametrech. Dále se věnuje možnostem elektrostatického zvlákňování proteinů kolagenu a želatiny a jejich směsmi se syntetickými polymery a biopolymery a anorganickými plnivy. Teoretická část řeší také různé postupy síťování nanovláken vedoucí ke zlepšení jejich hydrolytické stability a mechanických vlastností. Poslední část je zaměřena na anorganické nanotrubky halloysitu (HNT), které získaly svou pozornost díky svým vynikajícím fyzikálním a biologickým vlastnostem. V experimentální části byly zpracovány dvě případové studie, z nichž každá se zabývá přípravou nanovlákenných biomateriálů s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. První studie je zaměřena na přípravu a charakterizaci nových hydrolyticky stabilních antibakteriálních želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných pomocí oxidované celulózy. Unikátní inhibiční účinky nanovláken byly testovány na kmenu bakterie Escherichia coli pomocí metody chemické bioluminiscence. Kultivované buňky lidského papilárního adenokacinomu plic prokázaly dobrou adhezi a proliferaci k povrchu nanovláken. Druhá část popisuje vliv zdroje a množství anorganických halloysitových nanotrubek na strukturu a vlastnosti amfifilních nanovláken ze směsi želatiny a syntetického polykaprolaktonu. Přídavek HNT zlepšil tepelnou stabilitu, mechanické vlastnosti (jak tuhost, tak prodloužení) a snížil krystalinitu nanovláken. HNT z různých zdrojů neměl vliv na chování buněk, ale mírně ovlivnil proliferaci a životaschopnost buněk na povrchu nanovláken.

Oligopeptide-functionalized Graft Copolymers: Synthesis and Applications in Nucleic Acid Delivery

Breitenkamp, Rebecca Boudreaux 01 February 2009 (has links)
Utilizing the diverse functionality of amino acids, a new class of amphiphilic graft copolymers has been synthesized, characterized, and explored for applications in biomaterials and nucleic acid delivery. This thesis research focused on the syntheses of oligopeptide-functionalized polyesters and polyolefins. Polyester functionalization was geared towards applications in biomaterials, tissue engineering, and drug delivery by incorporating sequences that promote cell-adhesion. These polyester- graft -oligopeptide materials were prepared by a 1,3-Huisgen cycloaddition reaction, "click" chemistry, of an azide-terminated oligopeptide (prepared by Fmoc-based solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS)) and alkyne-containing polyester (synthesized by ring-opening polymerization). Following the syntheses of these materials, they were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and organic gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The oligopeptide-functionalized polyolefins were designed for nucleic acid complexation, and therefore the oligopeptide sequences were intended to incorporate positively-charged moieties ( e.g. , oligolysine) for DNA and short interfering RNA (siRNA) complexation. These graft copolymers, prepared by SPPS followed by ring-opening metathesis polymerization, have highly tunable structures that enable control over charge density and polymer backbone rigidity. Moreover, non-ionic hydrophilic grafts such as polyethylene glycol were integrated into these polyelectrolytes such that the charges along the polymer backbone are spaced accordingly while maintaining the hydrophilicity of the polymer. While numerous applications for such charged, "bio-tailored" materials can be envisioned, this work is geared towards positively-charged polyelectrolytes for their potential application in nucleic acid therapy, specifically the delivery of plasmid DNA and siRNA. These graft copolymers were characterized ( 1 H, 13 C NMR, organic and aqueous GPC), studied for their solution properties (static and dynamic light scattering), and investigated as polyplexes with plasmid DNA.

Interfacial Properties of Hybrid Lipid-Polymer Bilayers: Applications in Drug Delivery and Biosensors

Willes, Keith L. 07 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Amphiphilic block copolymers are unique macro-molecules capable of self-assembling into bilayers analogous to naturally occurring lipid membranes. When combined with lipids, these copolymers form hybrid membranes with unique and sometimes unpredictable properties, including increased chemical and mechanical stability. These synthetically enhanced biological structures represent a versatile platform suitable for a wide range of applications, from advanced biosensing devices to drug delivery systems. The realization of these advancements necessitates a deep understanding of material properties, including the ability to predict and control interfacial behaviors. It has been shown that in the case of pure lipid membranes, interfacial behaviors are dominated by electrostatic forces. The following work will demonstrate that, electrostatic forces also represent a major driving force behind hybrid vesicle adhesion events, such as the formation of supported bilayers or interactions with biological tissues. These electrostatic forces can be manipulated to a limited degree by adjusting suspension buffer pH which primarily modulates the substrate zeta potential. Protonation of silanol groups, in the case of silicate surfaces at low pH, results in slightly positive surface zeta potential. Unfortunately, hybrid vesicles containing BdxEOy polymers exhibit a slight negative zeta potential independent of buffer pH conditions. Therefore, pH mediation can only result in supported bilayer formation in limited cases and may be insufficiently robust for many demands of application. Furthermore, the zeta potential of hybrid vesicles is surprisingly difficult to predict and control, likely due to screening and steric effects of the PEO block. This investigation provides a model to tune and control the zeta potential of such vesicles, independent of other tunable properties. This technique, in combination with pH mediation, proves to be especially effective in controlling vesicle-substrate interaction. Furthermore, translating this understanding to interactions with tissues, could facilitate more targeted drug delivery, potentially avoiding sensitive tissues, thus reducing off-target effects. In summary, this work deepens our understanding of the complex relationship between surface-potential, pH conditions, and vesicle behavior, paving the way for novel applications in bio-sensing, drug delivery, and nanotechnology.


RAYLA KELLY MAGALHAES COSTA 18 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] O coeficiente de partição octanol-água do composto 1,2-dipalmitoilsn-glicero-3-fosfatidilcolina (DPPC) foi investigado utilizando os métodos de integração termodinâmica e amostragem guarda-chuva através de simulações de dinâmica molecular atomística. Os campos de força AMBER/GAFF e CHARMM/CGenFF foram usados com seis modelos de água (SPC, TIP3P, TIP4P, TIP5P, OPC3 e OPC4) amplamente utilizados em simulações de dinâmica molecular. Dentre os modelos utilizados, o modelo de água OPC4 com os dois campos de força em estudo forneceu a melhor concordância com o coeficiente de partição experimental octanol-água do DPPC. No entanto, ainda existe muito espaço para melhorias nos modelos de água que estimam a tensão superficial de forma apropriada. Usando o modelo de água OPC4, a energia livre de Gibbs de transferência do DPPC do octanol para a fase aquosa foi calculada em 19,8(mais ou menos)0,3 e 20,2(mais ou menos)0,3 kcal mol-1 , estimando um coeficiente de partição octanol-água de 14,5(mais ou menos)0,4 e 14,8(mais ou menos)0,3 para os campos de força AMBER/GAFF e CHARMM/CGenFF, respectivamente. A amostragem guarda-chuva apresentou problemas de arrastes de moléculas de uma fase para outra, gerando artefatos e consequentemente subestimando os valores de energia livre e de coeficiente de partição octanol-água. Este estudo mostra a importância do desenvolvimento de novos modelos de água que reproduzam com precisão todas as suas características experimentais. A conciliação entre medições experimentais e cálculos teóricos do coeficiente de partição de moléculas anfifílicas poderia ser resolvida através do ajuste dos parâmetros do modelo de água. Este estudo possui grande importância na simulação de propriedades moleculares de importância em muitas áreas de aplicações científicas e industriais, tais como biofísica, surfactante, coloides, membranas, medicina, nanotecnologia, e indústrias alimentícias e farmacêuticas. / [en] The octanol-water partition coefficient of the compost 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) molecule wasinvestigated using the methods of thermodynamic integration and umbrellasampling through atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. TheAMBER/GAFF and CHARMM/CGenFF force fields were used with sixwater models (SPC, TIP3P, TIP4P, TIP5P, OPC3, and OPC4) widely usedin molecular dynamics simulations. Among the models used, the OPC4water model with the two force fields provided the best agreement with theexperimental octanol-water partition coefficient of the DPPC. However,there is still much room for improvement in water models that correctlyestimate the surface tension. Using the OPC4 water model, the Gibbs freeenergy of transferring DPPC from octanol to the aqueous phase wascalculated to be 19.8(plus minus)0.3 and 20.2(plus minus)0.3 kcal mol-1, estimating an octanolwater partition coefficient of 14.5(plus minus)0.4 and 14.8(plus minus)0.3 for the AMBER/GAFFand CHARMM/CGenFF force fields, respectively. Umbrella samplingpresented issues of molecules being dragged between the two phases,generating artifacts, and consequently underestimating the values of freeenergy and octanol-water partition coefficient. This study shows theimportance of developing new models of water that accurately reproduceall its experimental characteristics. The reconciliation betweenexperimental measurements and theoretical calculations of partitioncoefficients of amphiphilic molecules. This study may have greatimportance in many areas of scientific and industrial applications, such asbiophysics, surfactant, colloids, membranes, medicine, nanotechnology,and food and pharmaceutical industries.

Synthesis and Protein Adsorption Studies of Pegylated-Polyester Nanoparticles with Different Peg Architectures

Montenegro-Galindo, Gladys Rocio January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Bimodal Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks: Structure-Property Characterization, Processing and Applications

Guzman Cardozo, Gustavo A., Guzman January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Itaconate-based Periodically Grafted Polyesters

Chanda, Sananda January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Block copolymers can self-assemble into a variety of periodic nanostructures and therefore, are promising candidates for a diverse range of applications. While self-assembly of block copolymers has been widely studied and exploited, graft copolymers have remained far less explored in this context. One of the primary reasons for this is that the most commonly used methods to prepare graft copolymers leads to polymers that do not have precisely defined structures; specifically, controlling the precise location of the grafted segments is a synthetically difficult challenge. In typical chain polymerization processes, statistically random incorporation of monomers takes place and consequently, the periodicity of the grafted segment along the backbone is very difficult to control precisely; therefore, such methods cannot be utilized to prepare periodically grafted copolymers. Some recent efforts towards the preparation of sequence regulated copolymers using controlled radical polymerization in conjunction with periodic dosing of a commoner could provide an alternative to better regulate the periodicity, although this will also not be perfectly periodic. The only approach to control the periodicity perfectly is to utilize condensation polymerization approaches, wherein one of the monomers serve as a spacer whereas the other provides the opportunity to install the graft segment, as depicted in Scheme 1. One of the earliest examples of the utilization of a condensation approach to locate desired units at periodic intervals was reported by Wagener and co-workers using Acrylic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) process.1 ]n periodicity ]n graft segment Scheme 1. Synthetic scheme for the preparation of periodically grafted copolymers using condensation polymerization. From our lab, Roy et al. developed periodically grafted amphiphilic copolymers (PGAC), based on a readily available starting material, diethyl malonate;2 melt trans-esterification between diethyl malonate, containing a pendant hexaethylene glycol monomethyl ether (HEG) segment and 1,22-docosane diol resulted in PGAC wherein the hydrophilic oligo ethylene glycol units were placed on every 27th atom along the backbone (Scheme 2). Such PGAC underwent self-segregation and adopted a folded zigzag conformation, which was driven by the intrinsic immiscibility of the alkylene and HEG segments and was reinforced by the strong tendency for long chain alkylene segments to crystallize in a paraffinic lattice. However, one of the drawbacks of the above approach was that the hydrophilic pendant unit was installed at the monomer stage and consequently, the synthetic approach does not allow easy variation of the hydrophilic grafted segment; this limits the flexibility and any structural variation of the pendant segment would be synthetically tedious. 150 oC DBTDL 5 20 DBTDL = Dibutyltin dilaurate Scheme 2. Synthesis of PGAC, based on diethyl malonate, and immiscibility-driven folding of such PGACs. Mandal et al. developed a more general strategy for the synthesis of such periodically grafted systems; they prepared periodically clickable polyesters carrying propargyl groups at regular intervals, by the solution polycondensation of 2-propargyl-1,3-propanediol or 2,2-dipropargyl-1,3-propanediol and the acid chloride of 1,20-eicosanedioic acid. Such periodically clickable polyesters were shown to react quantitatively with a fluoroalkyl azide3 and PEG 350 azide4, thus allowing them to place different kinds of functionalities precisely along the backbone, as shown in Scheme 3. The immiscibility of the alkylene and fluoroalkyl/PEG segments caused the polymer chains to fold in a zigzag fashion, thereby facilitating the segregation of these segments, as observed earlier in the study by Roy et al.2 The objective of this study was to place various desired functionalities along the polymer backbone and examine their effect on the self-assembly behaviour and morphology of such periodically clicked systems. Scheme 3. Synthetic scheme for the generation of periodically clickable polyesters and their subsequent functionalization via Cu-catalysed click chemistry. In Chapter 2, we describe an alternative general strategy for the scalable synthesis of periodically graftable polyesters and their subsequent functionalization to generate a wide variety of periodically grafted systems. The importance of our approach lies in our choice of the monomer, which is based on itaconic acid, an inexpensive and bio-sourced molecule. We demonstrated that dibutyl itaconate can be melt-condensed with aliphatic diols to generate unsaturated polyesters (Scheme 4); importantly, we showed that the double bonds in the itaconate moiety remain unaffected during the melt polymerization. A particularly useful attribute of these polyesters is that the exo-chain double bonds are conjugated to the ester carbonyl and therefore, can serve as excellent Michael acceptors. A variety of organic thiols, such as alkane thiols, MPEG thiol, thioglycerol, derivative cysteine etc., were shown to quantitatively Michael-add to the exo-chain double bonds and generate interesting functionalized polyesters; similarly, organic amines, such as N-methylbenzylamine, diallyl amine and proline also underwent Michael addition across the double bond (Scheme 4). Thus, such poly(alkylene itaconate)s could be utilized to place diverse functionalities at regular intervals along the polymer backbone. Scheme 4. Preparation of periodically graftable polyesters, based on itaconic acid, and their subsequent modification by Michael addition. In Chapter 3, we examined a series of periodically grafted polyesters carrying long crystallizable alkylene (C-20) segments along the backbone and pendant polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (MPEG) segments grafted at periodic intervals. Such periodically grafted amphiphilic copolymers (PGAC) having MPEG graft segments of varying lengths were prepared by utilizing the activated exo-chain double bonds in poly(icosyl itaconate) (PII) that carries a 20-carbon alkylene segment; MPEG thiols of varying lengths (TREG, 350, 550 and 750) were quantitatively grafted under standard Michael addition conditions to yield the required graft copolymers, as shown in Scheme 5. Scheme 5. Synthesis of a series of periodically grafted amphiphilic copolymers (PGAC) utilizing post-polymerization modification via Michael addition with MPEG thiols of varying lengths. The immiscibility of the backbone alkylene and pendant MPEG segments, and the strong propensity of the alkylene segments to crystallize in a paraffinic lattice, drive these systems to fold in a zigzag fashion and subsequently organize into a lamellar morphology, as shown in Scheme 6. Interestingly, all the graft copolymers exhibited a clear and invariant melting transition at ~44°C that suggested the crystallization of the backbone C-20 segment; the MPEG segments were, however, amorphous except in the case of polymers carrying MPEG 550/MPEG-750 segments, wherein a second melting transition corresponding to the independent crystallization of the PEG segment was also seen. SAXS studies indicated that all of the samples exhibited lamellar morphologies wherein more importantly, the inter-lamellar spacing was seen to increase linearly with the MPEG length (Scheme 6). This study provides a new design for controlling the dimensions of the microphase-separated nanostructures at significantly smaller length scales (sub-10 nm) than is typically possible using block copolymers. Scheme 6. Schematic representation of formation of lamellar morphology in PGACs and control of interlamellar spacing in such systems. In order to understand the influence of having a mixture of MPEG lengths on the self-assembled morphology, in Chapter 4 we prepared a series of PGACs by co-grafting the parent poly(icosyl itaconate) with a mixture of two different MPEG thiols, namely MPEG-350 and MPEG-750; the mole-ratios of these two PEGs were varied to generate co-grafted PGACs, carrying different amounts of the two MPEG segments randomly distributed along the chain (Scheme 7). Parallely, we also examined the behaviour of physical mixtures of two different PGACs, one bearing MPEG-350 and the other MPEG-750 grafts; keeping the total MPEG content constant, we sought to examine the differences in the behaviour of randomly co-grafted polymers and physical mixtures. Scheme 7. Preparation of co-grafted PGACs and physical mixtures of two different PGACs. The co-grafted PGACs also exhibited a lamellar morphology; interestingly, the inter- lamellar spacing increased linearly with the total volume of PEG domain. This suggested that despite the presence of MPEG segments of two different lengths in the co-grafted samples, there occurred a reorganization of the PEG chains within the amorphous domain ensuring that the condition of incompressibility is not violated, thereby giving rise to a weighted average interlamellar spacing, as shown in Scheme 8. In contrast, the SAXS patterns of the physical mixtures revealed the presence of two distinct lamellar domains in the sample; this indicated that the two homo-grafted samples do not mix and form separate lamellar domains. The self- segregation induced folding and subsequent crystallization of the central alkylene segments clearly appeared to dominate the final morphology. Scheme 8. Schematic depiction of the possible scenarios that could arise when MPEG segments of two different lengths, namely MPEG350 and MPEG750, are present in the PGACs; top panel depicts the co-grafted PGACs, whereas the bottom panel shows the case of mixtures of PGACs with two different MPEG lengths. In Chapter 5, we have dealt with the design and synthesis of chain-end functionalizable polyalkylene itaconates. Changing the monomer from dibutyl itaconate to dipropargyl itaconate and using it in controlled excess allowed us to generate chain-end functionalizable polymers containing propargyl groups at the chain ends, in addition to the exo-chain double bonds along the backbone, thereby providing the opportunity for orthogonal functionalization. In order to obtain three different telechelic polymers with target DPs (degree of polymerization) of 5, 10 and 20 respectively, 3 different mole ratios of the two monomers (dipropargyl itaconate and 1,20-eicosanediol) were used (Scheme 9). Scheme 9. Synthetic scheme for the generation of chain-end functionalizable polyalkylene itaconates. Orthogonal functionalization of the resultant polymers was carried out using thiol-Michael addition and Cu(I)-catalysed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (AAC), without interference between the functional handles present along the polymer backbone and the chain-end, respectively. Michael addition with triethylene glycol thiol and subsequent Cu-catalysed click reaction with MPEG 750 azide led to the generation of ABA type triblock copolymers where the middle block is a periodically grafted amphiphilic block and the two linear end blocks are hydrophilic in nature. Furthermore, such propargyl-terminated polyalkylene itaconates were used as macromonomers to prepare multiblock copolymers. The telechelic polymers were first treated with PEG 600 diazide, resulting in the formation of alternating multiblock copolymers; these multiblock copolymers were further reacted with thioglycerol to generate amphiphilic multiblock copolymers where one of the blocks is a periodically functionalized amphiphilc block, as depicted in Scheme 10. In both these amphiphilic block copolymer systems, a key feature is that the periodically functionalized amphiphilic block folds into a zigzag form, as evident from the presence of a nearly invariant melting peak corresponding to the crystallization of the alkylene segment. Scheme 10. Preparation of multiblock copolymers utilizing propargyl-terminated polyalkylene itaconates as a macromonomer. In summary, the thesis has demonstrated the design and synthesis of a series of novel amphiphilic copolymers using a bio-sourced monomer, wherein the driving theme is the immiscibility driven self-segregation that leads to the folding of the chain; these have been thoroughly examined using DSC, SAXS, WAXS, variable temperature FT-IR and AFM measurements. References (1) Berda, E. B.; Lande, R. E.; Wagener, K. B. Macromolecules 2007, 40, 8547. (2) Roy, R. K.; Gowd, E. B.; Ramakrishnan, S. Macromolecules 2012, 45, 3063. (3) Mandal, J.; Krishna Prasad, S.; Rao, D. S. S.; Ramakrishnan, S. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 2538. (4) Mandal, J.; Ramakrishnan, S. Langmuir 2015, 31, 6035.

Greffage irréversible de polyélectrolytes sur des substrats de silice et de mica et étude des propriétés de surface et de gonflement

Machado Romero, Vivian C. 12 1900 (has links)
Le protocole pour le greffage irréversible du copolymère amphiphile polystyrène-b-poly (acrylate de sodium) PS-b-PANa, sur un substrat de mica et de silice hydrophobe a été développé, en utilisant la méthode de greffage à partir de solution. Les propriétés de surface du bloc chargé ont été évaluées. L’effet de la force ionique sur le gonflement des chaînes a été investigué par ellipsométrie. Les forces d’interaction entre les surfaces recouvertes du copolymère ont été évaluées par la technique SFA. Les profils de force ont démontré être stables et nettement répulsifs en compression et décompression, montrant l’irréversibilité du greffage. Les forces de frottement entre les brosses de PANa sont élevées, mais aucune évidence d’endommagement de la surface n’a été observée. La comparaison entre le comportement à la surface des chaînes de l’acide polyacrylique PAA et celles du PANa, obtenues par deux méthodes de greffage différentes, est également investiguée. / A protocol for irreversibly grafting of amphiphilic copolymer polystyrene-b-poly (sodium acrylate) PS-b-PANa onto hydrophobized mica and silica was developed, using the grafting to approach. Surface properties of charge block were evaluated. The swelling of chains and force ionic effect were studied by ellipsometry. The interaction forces and frictional forces were evaluated by SFA technique. Forces profiles were stable and clearly repulsive in loading and receding, indicating an irreversible grafting. High friction forces onto PANa brushes were determinate without evidence of damage at the surface. The comparison between solution behavior of polyacrylic acid, PAA and PANa brushes, obtained via different grafting methods, was equally investigated.

Encapsulation moléculaire de molécules actives hydrophobes par des polymères amphiphiles aléatoires à base de poly(acide diméthylmalique) / Molecular encapsulation of hydrophobic active molecules thanks to random amphiphilic polymers based on poly(dimethylmalic acid)

Schott, Marc-Alexandre 30 November 2012 (has links)
Nombre de principes actifs rencontrent des problèmes liés à leur faible hydrosolubilité : mauvaise biodisponibilité, métabolisation désactivante, effets secondaires. Pour contourner ce problème, des polyélectrolytes amphiphiles aléatoires ont déjà été étudiés. S'ils ont amélioré la solubilité apparente de composés hydrophobes, ils étaient parallèlement toxiques ou non dégradables, donc non éliminables par l'organisme. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons la synthèse de différentes malolactones substituées. La copolymérisation anionique par ouverture de cycle de ces lactones a permis d'obtenir une famille de polyanions amphiphiles aléatoires avec un taux d'hydrophobisation variable et contrôlé, et des chaînes latérales, aliphatiques ou aromatique, de différentes longueurs. Ces polymères augmentent la solubilité aqueuse apparente de composés hydrophobes. Lorsque le composé est cationique, une synergie entre interactions hydrophobes et électrostatiques a été mise en évidence. La solubilité apparente de molécules anti-infectieuses a ainsi pu être améliorée de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Dans les conditions d'une administration intraveineuse (NaCl 9 g.L-1 et pH = 7,5), ces polymères forment préférentiellement des micelles intramoléculaires qui ne sont pas sensibles aux effets de dilution. Un tel système de transport de principes actifs ne produirait donc aucune libération prématurée. Ces polymères étant de plus dégradables, ils pourraient libérer le principe actif et seraient éliminables par l'organisme. Les polymères présentés dans ce manuscrit remplissent les principaux critères physico-chimiques pour former un système de transport de molécules actives. / Lots of drugs meet some problems because of their poor water-solubility : poor bioavailability, desactivating metabolization, side effects. To overcome these problems, some amphiphilic polyelectrolytes have already been studied. They increased the apparent water-solubility of hydrophobic compounds, but were toxic or not degradable, thus could not be eliminated from the body. In this work, we describe the synthesis of various substituted malolactones. Anionic ring opening copolymerization of these lactones yielded random amphiphilic polyanions with varying and controlled hydrophobization ratio and aliphatic and aromatic side chains with different lengths. These polymers increase the apparent water-solubility of hydrophobic compounds. A synergy between hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions has been demonstrated when the compound is cationic. The apparent solubility of anti-infectious drugs could thus be increased by several orders of magnitude. Under intravenous injection conditions (NaCl 9 g.L-1 and pH = 7,5), these polymers form preferentially intramolecular micelles, which are not sensitive to dilution effects. As a consequence, such a drug transport system would yield no premature release. Being also degradable, these polymers could release the drug and be eliminated from the body. They meet all main physico-chemical criteria to become a drug transport system.

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