Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda GDP"" "subject:"ando GDP""
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Från röstsedlar till rikedom: Kan demokrati förklara skillnad iBNP per capita? : En multipel regressionsanalys av paneldata / From the ballot to the bank: Can democracy explain the difference between countries in GDP per capita? : A multiple regression analysis of panel dataTallroth, Moa, Wyckman, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Det finns stora skillnader i nivån av BNP per capita mellan länder som inte går att förklara med nuvarande teorier om konvergens, det vill säga att fattiga länder kommer att komma ifatt rika länder på lång sikt. I stället verkar skillnaderna i länders inkomstnivå bestå. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om, och i så fall i vilken utsträckning, en del av skillnaden mellan BNP per capita i olika länder kan förklaras genom demokrati. Studien utgår huvudsakligen från två teorier, endogen tillväxtteori och moderniseringsteori. Som metod kommer multipel regressionsanalys av paneldata att användas med samtliga världens länder mellan 2010 och 2019. Sambandet söks för hela populationen men också uppdelat på världsdel, inkomstnivå och typ av regim. Studien visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan demokrati och BNP per capita sett till hela populationen men i olika hög grad i urval baserat på världsdel, inkomstnivå och demokratiindex. Endast för gruppen höginkomstländer var sambandet negativt, men när auktoritära höginkomstländer uteslöts fanns ett positivt samband även för den gruppen. / There are big differences in the level of GDP per capita between countries, that cannot be explained by differences in the current capital stock levels or workforce according to theories on convergence. This study aims to examine if, and to what extent, a part of the difference in GDP can be explained by democracy. The study takes its theoretical frame of reference from endogenous growth theory and modernization theory. The method used is multiple regression analysis of panel data with all countries between 2010 and 2019. The regressions analysis is performed on the whole population as well as divided based on continents, income groups and type of regime. The study shows that there is a positive correlation between democracy and GDP per capita, but to different extents in the different samples. Only for high income countries where there a negative correlation, but that turned positive when authoritarian high-income countries were excluded from the sample.
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Kan tunga transporter sia om det svenska konjunkturläget? : En ekonometrisk studie av förhållandet mellan tunga transporter och svensk BNP & IPI / Can road freight-transport predict Swedish economic growth? : An econometric study of the relationship between road freight-transport and Swedish GDP & IPIEskilsson, Anton, Wittlock, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prognoser för den framtida konjunkturutvecklingen är av värde för såväl allmänheten som beslutsfattare i många led. De förlitar sig på olika former av ekonomiska prognoser för att justera sina förväntningar på efterfrågan och prissättning därefter.Forskningen kring transportsektorn som en konjunkturindikator har visat olika resultat beroende på flera faktorer men Tyskland som har en liknande transportsektor som Sverige introducerade nyligen ett nytt konjunktursmått som var baserat på tunga transporter. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att med statistiska metoder undersöka om det finns eventuella samband mellan efterfrågan på transport genom tunga fordon och hela eller delar av den ekonomiska utvecklingen i Sverige som är av sådant slag att olika variabler kopplat till godstransport kan användas för att prognostisera ekonomisk upp- och nedgång. Genomförande: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har sekundärdata samlats in från OECD samt SCB & Trafa. Variablerna som hämtats är BNP, IPI, transportarbete & nyregistreringar. För att klargöra huruvida variablerna samspelar på kort & lång sikt så testar vi för kointegration och Granger-Kausalitet. Slutsats: Vi finner inga bevis på att transportarbete eller nyregistreringar innehåller värdefull information för att prognosticera framtida konjunkturvärden. Vi finner samband mellan BNP & IPI och nyregistreringar både på kort och lång sikt men tvärtom från vad studien syftade till visar vi att BNP och IPI föregår nyregistreringar i testet för Granger-kausalitet. / Background: Predicting economic growth is valuable for both the general public and decision makers in different parts of society. They rely on different kinds of econometric predictions to adjust their expectations related to price and demand. Studies based around the ability of transportation to predict future values of economic growth has shown differing results depending on various factors but Germany, who has a relatively similar transportation sector as Sweden, has recently implemented a new economic growth measure based on road freight. Aim: Through econometrical methods we aimed to study the relationship between the transportation sector, more specifically the road freight part, and economic growth and study road freights ability to predict future economic growth in Sweden. Completion: To fulfill the aim of the study we collected secondary data from SCB and OECD & Trafa. Our data collection consisted of four variables which was GDP and IPI as economic growth proxies and new registrations for road freight vehicles and road freight per kilometer were chosen as variables for the road freight sector. To understand how road freight could predict future economic growth for both short- and long term we tested for Granger-causality and cointegration. Conclusion: Our study shows no evidence for road freight being a valuable indicator for predicting future economic growth. Relationships were found between GDP & IPI and new registrations on short- and long term but in contradiction to our studies purpose the relationship was found to be from GDP & IPI to new registrations and not the other way around.
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International Water Quality: Global Patterns of Water Pollutants and PathogensLange, Leslie 17 June 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Water quality is an essential component of vibrant societies and ecosystems. For decades, researchers, managers, and policymakers around the world have struggled to accelerate societal progress while preserving and enhancing water quality and human health. This thesis consists of two studies that I hope will contribute to better understanding, policy, and management. In the first study, I evaluated spatial and temporal patterns in global water quality and their relationship to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, as a metric of socioeconomic development status. Using global water quality datasets containing over 2.7 million observations, I tested the Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC) hypothesis, which predicts that environmental degradation is highest at intermediate levels of socioeconomic development. I found that 46% of pollutants persisted at elevated concentrations despite GDP per capita. Because of this, high income countries experience a false sense of water security as water regulation violations are common on a global scale. In the second study, I measured waterborne pathogens in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador. With a population of over 3 million and distinct hydrology from monsoonal rains and estuarine flooding, the Guayaquil metropolitan area faces drinking water and sanitation challenges similar to much of the developing world. I found that 100% of the samples we collected had unsafe total coliform counts. Water pollution is widespread and is a result of careless action. Moving forward, chronic pollution can be prevented with proper legislation that holds governments, companies, and individuals accountable.
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Är frikoppling av ekonomin möjlig? Textanalys av Jackson & WallersteinKarlsson, Adam January 2017 (has links)
denna textanalys har författarna Jackson (2009) Prosperity without growth – economics for a finite planet och Wallerstein (2004) World system analysis – an introduction analyserats. Syftet med textanalysen är att jämföra Wallersteins och Jacksons texter utifrån deras syn på det nuvarande ekonomiska systemet och möjlighet till ekonomisk frikoppling. Resultat: Ingen av författarna anser att det finns någon möjlighet till ekonomisk frikoppling men anledningarna till detta skiljer sig mellan författarna. Jackson menar att fortsatt ekonomisk utveckling bland annat är viktigt för att finansiera välfärdsinstitutioner. Vissa former av utveckling har oundvikliga inslag av materiellt behov, exempelvis utbyggnad av infrastrukturer. Därav är ekonomisk frikoppling inte möjlig. Enligt Jackson måste mänskligheten söka mening i andra värden än det ekonomiska. Wallerstein menar att det nuvarande ekonomiska systemet är i grunden orättvist och exploaterar bland annat människor i periferin. Det här systemet kan inte repareras, det är först när det nuvarande ekonomiska systemet, som han kallar världskapitalistismen, försvinner som vi vet vilket system som reser sig ur dess aska. / In this text analysis the authors Jackson (2009) Prosperity without growth – economics for a finite planet and Wallerstein (2004) World system analysis – an introduction have been analyzed. The purpose of the text analysis was to compare Wallerstein and Jacksons texts upon their views of the current economic system and its ability to decouple. Result: Either authors believes that there exist a possibility to decouple but the reach this conclusion in different ways. Jackson claims that furtherer economic growths is important to finance welfare institutions. Some forms of development have inherent materiel need such as further development of infrastructure. This is why decoupling isn’t possible. Humankind have to seek different values other the economic ones. Wallerstein claims that the current economic system in its foundation is unfair and exploit people in the periphery and this system can’t be repaired. First when the world capitalistic economy disappears a new system will arise from the ashes.
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Factores que afectan la tasa de crecimiento de bovinos sobre verdeos de avena con diferentes estrategias de suplementaciónVásquez, María Gabriela 19 November 2010 (has links)
El verdeo de avena (VA) es un recurso forrajero de amplia difusión, asociada tanto a su adaptación a las bajas temperaturas como a su respuesta productiva. Sin
embargo, bajo ciertas circunstancias se han observado bajas ganancias diarias de peso (GDP) para bovinos a pastoreo en VA. Para superarlos, los productores utilizan alimentos con alto contenido de fibra (henos) y/o alto contenido energético
(concentrados) indistintamente. El objetivo general del presente estudio fue determinar las variaciones en la tasa de crecimiento y en parámetros ruminales y sanguíneos de
bovinos que pastorean VA cuando son suplementados. En un primer ensayo se evaluó el impacto de la suplementación con henos de alta y baja calidad (en encierre nocturno). En otro experimento se medió el efecto de la suplementación energé-tica y la adición de proteína de baja degradabilidad ruminal.
El primer ensayo se llevó a cabo en forma simultanea en las localidades de Pasman (84 días) (PAS, Partido de Cnel. Suárez) y Argerich (75 días) (ARG; Pdo. de Villarino), Provincia de Buenos Aires, utilizando vaquillonas Aberdeen Angus (AA, 36 y 30, respectivamente) que pastoreaban VA. Los trata-mientos consistieron en tres estrategias de suplementación en el encierre: grupo control o no suplementado, (C) y la suple-mentación diaria "ad libitum" de los otros dos con heno de pastura (HP) o heno de sorgo de plantas enteras (HS). Se evaluaron durante el ensayo, parámetros climáticos de suelo y disponibilidad VA, composición de VA y de henos y su consu-mo voluntario. Sobre los animales se determinó GDP, pH y N-NH3 en el rumen (a las 11 y 15 hs.) y minerales en sangre.
Las disponibilidades de MS medidas (44 y 44,3 kg/ an/ d para PAS y ARG respectivamente) no fueron consideradas limitantes para el consumo de VA. La producción de materia seca (2943 y 2717 kg /ha para PAS y ARG respectivamente) y
composición de los verdeos fue similar en ambas localidades, con niveles de proteína bruta (PB) del 11 al 13 %. Los animales consumieron más heno de HP (785 g/d) que HS (684 g/d) (p <0,05) y en promedio, en PAS consumieron 2,88 veces más heno (1090 g) que en ARG (378 g) (p<0,05). En ambas localidades HP produjo mayor GDP que C (p <0,05), mientras que HS no presentó diferencias con C y HP (p> 0,10). Los valores medios de GDP en ARG (570 g) superaron a PAS (505 g). Esto puede explicarse por una condición climá-tica más agresiva en PAS durante el ensayo. No hubo efecto de dietas, localidades u horarios (p > 0.10), en los minerales en suero sanguíneo con contenidos que se ubicaron en el umbral de suficiencia. pH y NNH3 ruminal no presentaron diferencias entre dietas, con menor pH y mayores contenidos de N-NH3 en las muestras tomadas al salir del VA (p <0.05). En ambas localidades se presentaron incrementos en N-NH3 ruminal a lo largo de las fechas, probablemente vinculado a una reducción de los carbohidratos no estructurales de los
VA (r2 de 0,54 y 0,88, p< 0.01 para horario matutino y ves-pertino, respectivamente). El segundo ensayo durante 55 días se realizó en PAS, utilizando 24 vaquillonas AA que pastorea-ban VA y con tres tratamientos de suplementación diaria: grano de maíz (M), mezcla de grano de maíz y harina de gluten de maíz (MG) y control (C) sin suplementación. Y se midió disponibilidad y composición de MS en VA, composición
de M y MG. En los animales se evaluó GDP, pH y N-NH3 en el rumen y minerales en sangre. La disponibilidad de MS del VA decreció de 1777 a 1209 kg/ ha a lo largo del ensayo. La concentración promedio de la MS fue del 29%, la PB del 9% y el contenido de CNE decreció del 30 al 14%. El MG presentó una GPD de 920g, superando a C (GDP=670, p < 0,05). El MG presentó una GPD de 920 g/ animal/ día, superando a C
(GDP=670 y p < 0,01) y M (GDP= 781 y p< 0,05) Asimismo, se verificó una tendencia a una mayor GDP en M respecto a C (p< 0.08), con valores de 781 y 670 g , respectivamente.
pH y N-NH3 ruminal no difirieron por dietas (p > 0,10), mientras que sí lo hicieron por fechas (p < 0,05). Los trata-mientos no mostraron desbalances de minerales en sangre. La suplementación con M mejoraría la GDP. La suplementación
con MG permitió un mejor aprovechamiento del VA, asociado a un adecuado balance entre energía y amino-ácidos disponibles a nivel de rumen, logrando una GDP superior a 900 g. / Oat pasture (OP) is a widely used forage resource, associated both with its adaptation to low temperatures and with its productive response. However, under certain circumstances, low average daily weight gains (ADG) have been observed in cattle grazing on OP. Several supplementation strategies involving high-fiber (hays) or
high-energy (concentrates) feeds, or both, are used by producers in order to overcome this problem. The general aim of this research was to determine changes in the growth
rate as well as in ruminal and blood parameters of supplemented cattle grazing on OP. In a first trial, we evaluated the impact of supplementing with high and low quality hays during night penning. In a second experiment, the effect of grains with high energy density and low ruminal degradable protein was measured. The first trial was conducted jointly in the locations of Pasman (PAS; Coronel Suárez municipality) and Argerich (ARG; Villarino municipality) using Aberdeen Angus heifers (AA; 36 and 30, respectively). The treatments involved grazing on OP and three supplementation strategies in the pen: a control or non-supplemented group (CON1) and two other groups daily and ad libitum supplemented with pasture hay (PH) and
sorghum hay (SH) from whole plants. Weather conditions during the trial, soil fertility parameters, OP availa-bility-composition and voluntary intake and composition of hays were evaluated. Regarding the animals, ADG, ruminal pH and N-NH3 (at two different times of the day) and blood mineral levels were determined. Dry matter (DM)availabili-ty observed or measured was not considered a limiting
factor for OP intake. DM production and pasture composi-tion were similar in both locations, with crude protein (CP) levels of 11 to 13 %. Animals ate more PH (785 g)
than SH (684 g) (p<0.05) and, on average, they consumed 2.88 times more hay in PAS (1090 g) than in ARG (378 g), (p <0.05), no weight gain being registered. In both
locations, PH had more ADG than CON1 (p <0.05) while SH did not show any differences with CON1 and PH (p> 0.10). ADG mean values in ARG (570 g) exceeded those in PAS (505 g) for the analyzed period. This could be explained by a more severe weather condition in PAS during the trial.
Minerals in blood serum did not differ due to the effect of diets, locations or timetables (p>0.10), contents being at the sufficiency threshold. The parameters of ruminal pH and N-NH3 did not vary among diets, with lower pH and higher contents of N-NH3 in the samples taken when leaving the OP (p <0.05). Both locations exhibited increases in ruminal N-NH3 throughout the dates, probably related to a reduction of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) of OP (r2 of 0,54 y 0,88, p< 0.01 , for the morning and afternoon times, respectively). The second trial was carried out in PAS using 24 AA heifers grazing on OP and three treatments of daily supplementation: corn grain (CORN), a mixture of corn and corn gluten meal (CORN+GM) and a non-supplemented control group (CON2). Analyzed variables included DM availability and composition in OP together with
CORN and GM composition. Animals were analyzed for ADG, ruminal pH and N-NH3 and minerals in blood. DM availabi-lity in OP decreased from 1,777 to 1,209 kg/ha throughout the trial. The average concentration of DM was 29% and of CP, 9%; NSC content decreased from 30 to 14%. ADG for GM was 920 g/animal/day, surpassing CON2 (ADG=670, p<0.05). CORN (ADG= 781) showed no difference neither with CON2 nor with GM (p>0.10). Ruminal pH and N-NH3 variables did not vary with diets (p>0.10) but they did with dates (p<0.05). No mineral unbalance in blood was found for the treatments.
It seems that CORN + GM supplementation improve ADG. GM supplementation allowed a better use of OP, probably due to an adequate balance between energy and amino acids available at the rumen level, reaching an ADG >900 g.
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Between wellness and fairness: the mediating role of autonomous human choice and social capital in OECD countriesDi Martino, Salvatore, Scarpa, M.P., Prilleltensky, I. 16 February 2022 (has links)
Yes / Aims: Theoretical arguments and empirical evidence have been provided in the literature for the role of fairness in wellness. In this paper we explore the role of two potential mediating variables: autonomous human choice and social capital. Methods: Using aggregated panel data across countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) we compared the OECD Social Justice Index with data on life satisfaction to test whether fairness has direct and indirect effects on wellness. Results: Results from a series of Manifest Path Analyses with time as fixed effect, support the hypothesis that the OECD Social Justice Index is directly linked to country-level life satisfaction and also reveal that its indirect effect operates primarily through people’s autonomous choices in life and their country’s level of social capital. Conclusions: Our results contribute to two distinct bodies of knowledge. With respect to community psychology, the findings offer empirical evidence for the synergistic effect of personal, relational, and collective factors in well-being. With respect to the impact of economic inequality on wellness, we extend the literature by using social justice as a more comprehensive measure. Limitation and recommendations for future studies are discussed. / Research Development Fund Publication Prize Award winner, Jan 2022.
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Economic development and injury mortality : Studies in global trends from a health transition perspectiveMoniruzzaman, Syed January 2006 (has links)
<p>Globally, injury is a major public health problem. The extent of the problem varies considerably by demographic subgroups, regions and national income. The overall objective of this thesis is to examine the relationship between injury mortality and economic development, and to discuss its role in the changing patterns of mortality as described in health transition theory.</p><p>By cross-sectional analysis between cause-specific injury-related mortality and income per capita, studies included in this thesis indicated that while unintentional injury mortality (UIM) and homicide rates correlated negatively with GNP per capita for total populations with varying patterns for age-specific mortality, suicide rates increased slightly by nations’ income per capita, especially among women. In age- and cause-specific injury mortality differentials between low-income, middle-income and high-income countries, ageing and injury interplay mutually with regard to health transition; declining rates in child UIM by income level contributes to the ageing process, while increasing UIM among the elderly, in combination with ageing populations boosts the absolute number of injury deaths in this segment.</p><p>Between the income-based country groups, both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses show that injury mortality for all three major causes (i.e. unintentional injury, suicide and homicide) first increase and then decrease with rising income per capita, following an inverted U-shaped curve.</p><p>These results illustrate that injury is not a homogeneous public health phenomenon from a health transition perspective. While child unintentional mortality clearly agrees with ‘diseases of poverty’, unintentional injury in the elderly agrees with ‘diseases of affluence’. Patterns for homicide and suicide are more complex and uncertain. Generally, the strength and direction of injury mortality by economic development vary considerably by age, sex and type of injury.</p><p>Further research on causations, mechanisms, broader indicators and data quality, as well as theoretical developments on health transition taking new findings and parallel frameworks into account, is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between economic development and injury mortality.</p>
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En empirisk granskning av korrelationen mellan handelsliberalism och ekonomisk tillväxt : Finns ett samband mellan handelsliberalism och ekonomisk tillväxt i länder i Mellanöstern & Asien?Allan, Kadir, Gemvall, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis has been to investigate whether there is a link between trade liberalism and economic growth in the Asian countries. Previous research has pointed out that correlation exists between these variables, but there have also been other researchers who criticized such a relationship. We discovered that economic growth studies had previously been conducted where countries in Asia were included. This motivated us to carry out our study as our research hopefully helps to replenish existing knowledge gap. In the study, we have used cross-sectional regression analysis for 30 Asian countries where data were collected for 1990-2000. Our dependent variable in our regression is average GDP per capita, which also defines growth. We have used two independent variables as main variables, trade volume and economic freedom index. Our analysis shows that the majority of the variables in the study have a positive significant relation to economic growth. Keywords: economic growth, trade liberalism, trade, GDP / capita, EFI, direct investment, import, export.
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Estimating the Euro effect with Synthetic Control Method for Eastern Europe / Estimating the Euro effect with Synthetic Control Method for Eastern EuropeJanota, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Estimating the Euro effect with Synthetic Control Method for Eastern Europe Abstract This thesis estimates the effect of Euro adoption on newest Eurozone members using synthetic control method. The effect is estimated on income per capita and GDP growth. Estimates indicate overall indecisive effect for Slovakia and Malta, neutral effect for Estonia and negative effect for Slovenia and Cyprus. The cost of Euro for Cyprus is estimated to be as high as 1/3 of GDP per capita. In some cases the direction of the effect changed before and after the financial crisis. The quality of inference suffers from low number of observations. Methodological assumptions are discussed, concluding that quality of Eastern European time series likely causes substantial bias in the results.
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Vyhodnocení efektu sankcí uvalených vůči Rusku v roce 2014 pomocí metod syntetické kontroly / Evaluating the Effect of 2014 Sanctions against Russia Using Synthetic Control MethodsPchelintsev, Dmitriy January 2017 (has links)
THE ABSTRACT In the new global economy majority of the developed countries use imposition of sanctions in the case of some offences. I have applied the synthetic control methods on this particular case of political pressure to quantify the real costs of anti-Russian sanctions to the economy. Based on the results of this study it was identified, that real GDP growth rate of Russia was continuously reducing by about -1,19% per quarter on average. Reaching the highest value of sanction's effect of -2,8% in real GDP growth rate at the end of 2015. It was also revealed that sanctions had positive effect on current account balance of Russia, that indicator was increasing during the whole studied after sanction's period by about 3,15% per quarter on average. This thesis is presented as a research of interconnection the imposition of 2014 sanctions against Russia and indicators of economic development (GDP, inflation) using synthetic control methods. It was revealed that former economic and social mechanisms aren't capable to provide further development of economy of Russia, its self-sufficiency and safety. JEL Classification F12, F21, F23, H25, H71, H87 Keywords sanctions, synthetic control method, Russia, GDP growth rate, current account balance Author's e-mail 51375259@fsv.cuni.cz Supervisor's e-mail...
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