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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerenciamento de escopo de projeto de arquitetura em edifícios de saúde / Project scope management for architecture of healthcare buildings

Fernanda Canesin Gomes Conterato 30 November 2018 (has links)
Os hospitais possuem estruturas físicas complexas, e projetá-los não é uma tarefa fácil. A dificuldade aumenta se o profissional não tiver disponíveis ferramentas de gerenciamento de escopo as quais auxiliariam a interconexão dos inúmeros profissionais de áreas de conhecimentos distintos, das normatizações vigentes, das atividades da unidade hospitalar, dos fluxos a serem respeitados, da variedade de elementos construtivos e das constantes inovações tecnológicas e assistenciais. O problema identificado é a baixa adoção de processos de gerenciamento de escopo em projetos de arquitetura para saúde. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo modelar um processo de gerenciamento de escopo para a aplicação em projetos de arquitetura para saúde. Como metodologia, fez-se o estudo de literatura técnico-científica. Como resultado deste trabalho, apresentou-se um processo de gerenciamento de escopo para projetos de arquitetura para saúde (GEPAS), para que se torne uma ferramenta de gestão destinada a arquitetos, gestores de escopo, gerentes de projetos e administradores e, com isso, contribuir para que diminua o número de falhas decorrentes da ausência de controle das informações de projetos / Hospitals are complex physical structures and design them is not an easy task. The difficulty increases with the lack of projects scope management tools, which would help interconnect the many professionals in different areas of knowledge, current regulations, hospital unit activities, flows to be considered, variety of constructive elements and the constant technological and healthcare assistance innovations. The problem identified is the low adoption rate of project scope management processes in healthcare architecture projects. The present thesis had an objective to introduce a process of scope management for applications in healthcare architecture projects. The study of technical-scientific literature was the methodology adopted for the current thesis. As a result of this effort, a process of scope management for healthcare architecture projects (GEPAS) was introduced. It should become a management tool aimed at architects, project scope managers, project managers and administrators and with that, contribute to minimize the number of failures due to the lack of control of information in projects

A Quantitative Study on Critical Success Factors in Agile Software Development Projects; Case Study IT Company

Nasehi, Arezo January 2013 (has links)
While software play integral role in every aspect of the modern world, software development process still faces many problems. During development process in an organization, effective methodology has a crucial role in order to become accomplished. Agile approach is new methodologies which have been introduced recently as a new approach for developing software to increase productivity and efficacy of software development process compare to traditional methodologies. Whereas, accomplishment of this methodology is still anecdotal and deeper investigation in this area is scant in academic circles. The purposes of this research is to influence success of agile software development in subject factor of organization, people, process, technical and project dimensions under terms of quality, scope, timeless and cost. This study has conducted a survey in order to investigate important success factors of agile software development process using quantitative approach. Preliminary After sufficient literature an explanation and list of potential factors for agile methodology based on previous studies were introduced. Afterward, factor and reliability analysis were conducted to mix this primal list into a finalized list of potential critical success factors in four mentioned dimensions. For each agile success factors term of quality, scope, time, and cost has been investigated. In order to collect required data a questionnaire was conducted among employees in a famous software development company who are mostly working based on agile methodology. This survey will make the personnel’s feedback and analysis their ideas about the variety of factors of agile methodologies which they are usually implemented in software development projects. Dependent sample tests, independent test related to the gender and multiple regression techniques as in full regression model and the last one is an optimized regression model which is done via the stepwise screening procedure. Final result of this study proved and rejected selected hypotheses. These hypotheses were about relationship between factor in four dimensions and quality, scope, time, and cost by using agile process. This questionnaire and analysis of this case study has proved some of authors’ hypothesis like the fact that by using agile methodology organization dimension is related directly to quality of product instead of reduction of total cost or using team management techniques can affect timeless factor instead of cost reduction. Finally, researcher makes more suggestions in order to make success factors more effective and increase productivity during the development process and to have more accomplishment in agile base projects. / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik

Ganhos econômicos da Integração Lavoura-Pecuária em relação a sistemas de monocultivo / Economic gains of integrated crop-livestock systems in relation to monoculture systems

Mendonça, Gabriela Geraldi 10 July 2018 (has links)
O monocultivo, delineamento da produção agropecuária mais tradicional, desde a Revolução Verde, têm sido relacionado ao desequilíbrio ambiental de ecossistemas, e escassez de recursos naturais. Neste contexto, sistemas integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) tem se mostrado promissores em relação à benefícios ambientais e produtivos, quando comparada a sistemas de monocultivo. Existe, todavia, poucos trabalhos que abordam os benefícios econômicos potenciais dos sistemas ILP. O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver análise econômica e financeira da produção de milho grão e bovinos de corte em sistemas de monocultivo e ILP. A primeira etapa para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a coleta de dados do projeto intitulado Impacto ambiental, produtividade e viabilidade econômica de sistemas de monocultivo e integrado de lavoura pecuária, financiado pela Fapesp (Processo Nº 2014/24514-6) delineado a partir de seis tratamentos experimentais: T1) Monocultivo de milho grão; T2) Monocultivo Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu; T3) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente; T4) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, com aplicação de herbicida; T5) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, tendo sido o capim semeado na adubação de cobertura do milho; T6) Integração entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, semeados simultaneamente, na linha e entrelinha do milho, com aplicação de herbicida. A segunda etapa foi a cálculo dos custos variáveis dos tratamentos experimentais. A terceira etapa consistiu no cálculo do custo total de produção de sistemas de produção representativos comerciais, que replicassem os manejos e tecnologias utilizados nos tratamentos experimentais. A quarta etapa consistiu na análise financeira, tendo sido o valor presente líquido (VPL), a taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e o PayBack os indicadores de tomada de decisão. O software Microsoft Excel® foi utilizado para o cálculo dos custos de produção, construção do fluxos de caixa e estimativa dos indicadores de viabilidade. Os resultados indicaram ganhos econômicos da ILP, em relação ao monocultivo, explicados pela teoria da economia de escopo. As fontes da economia de escopo identificadas nessa pesquisa foram: diluição de custos fixos e complementariedades técnicas compartilhadas. Os custos de produção unitários da lavoura e da pecuária foram menores na ILP do que nos sistemas de monocultivo. Os sistemas ILP e o monocultivo de milho grão foram considerados economicamente viáveis, com base no VPL, TIR e PayBack. O VPL do sistema ILP foi maior do que do sistema de monocultivo de milho, o que demonstrou outro benefício econômico dos sistemas integrados, se comparados ao monocultivo. A pecuária monocultivo foi economicamente inviável, baseado nos mesmos indicadores de viabilidade econômica. / Monoculture farming, the traditional agriculture approach since the Green Revolution, has been associated with the environmental imbalance of ecosystems and with the scarcity of natural resources. Within this context, integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems have shown to be promising in terms of environmental and productive benefits when compared to monoculture systems. However, few studies have addressed the potential economic benefits of ICL systems. The objective of this dissertation was to perform an economic and financial analysis of corn grain and beef cattle production in monoculture and ICL systems. The first phase of the study consisted of the collection of data from the project entitled Environmental impact, productivity and economic viability of monoculture and integrated crop-livestock systems, financed by Fapesp (2014/24514-6) and designed in six experimental treatments: T1) corn monoculture; T2) Palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) monoculture; T3) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously; T4) corn plus Palisade Grass sown simultaneously plus herbicide; T5) Palisade grass sown at topdressing corn; T6) Palisade Grass sown at the line and inter-line of corn. In the second phase, the variable costs of the experimental treatments were calculated. The third phase consisted of calculating the total production cost of representative commercial production systems that replicate the managements and technologies used in the experimental treatments. The fourth phase consisted of financial analysis using the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback as indicators for decision making. The Microsoft Office Excel software was used for the calculation of production costs, cash flow definition, and estimation of viability indicators. The results indicated economic gains of the ICL system compared to monoculture, explained by the theory of economies of scope. The sources of economies of scope identified in this study were the dilution of fixed costs and shared technical complementarities (fertilizers for example). The unit production costs of livestock and crop were lower in the ICL than in the monoculture system. The ICL systems and corn grain monoculture were considered economically viable based on NPV, IRR, and PayBack. The NPV of ICL systems was bigger than the NPV of corn grain monoculture, which has shown another economic benefit of the integrated systems compared to monoculture. The livestock monoculture system proved to be economically unviable because of the negative NPV and IRR below the minimum attractive rate considered.

An investigation into the project scope of work role and characteristics, and its development process enablers and barriers in the Oil and Gas Sector : a comparative case study, Saudi Arabia

Al-Saffar, Ali January 2018 (has links)
A critical issue that faces the Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas Sector (OGS)'s projects is the high level of uncertainty in the successful delivery of those projects. That high level of uncertainty makes it vital to monitor and control project performance for limiting financial losses, avoiding cost overruns, and improving predictability. One of the fundamental tools that sets the framework for project performance is the project Scope of Work (SOW). Having an effective project SOW at the front end the project is challenging for project practitioners and is an issue that needs to be addressed; as its development process and output can significantly affect the later stages of the project life cycle. The aim of this study was to develop a clearer understanding of the project SOW role in a project development and to make practical recommendations for its improvement by investigating project team members' perceptions of the SOW development process in two Saudi Arabian Oil and Gas companies. This research adopts a qualitative approach, a case study strategy and focus group discussions to collect primary data. The results suggested that the project SOW development process is the foundation for another twelve key project management processes that need to be considered in order to successfully complete a project On Scope, On Time, On Cost and On Strategy. To be considered effective, the project SOW should have the following four characteristics of: formality, usefulness, effective content elements and effective language quality. In addition, the project SOW should support effective decision making, risk management, project planning and project monitoring and control. The results show that the project SOW in Saudi Arabia OGS is developed in several phases as part of Front-End Loading (FEL) development and final project SOW is developed and approved at the end of the 2nd phase of FEL (FEL-2). It was found that there are eleven key enablers, such as clear vision, targets, and objectives; effective stakeholders' engagement; and effective assurance review process, for producing an effective project SOW. While eleven key barriers for producing an effective SOW were identified such as: absence of reward system; insufficient training programs; and insufficient budget. Therefore, enhancing the key enablers and overcoming the barriers may facilitated improvements in the project SOW development process. This study recommends that companies need to pay closer attention to the design of the temporary organisation and accordingly set their strategy, structure, process, rewards and people. The researcher details some implications, acknowledges some limitations and provides recommendations for future research in this area.

Cross-strait economic integration and the transnationalization of Taiwan

Green, Jasper Karim Dominik January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides a neo-Gramscian account of Cross-Strait economic integration (CSEI) between Taiwan and China and challenges the realist and liberal underpinnings which define the CSEI literature. I argue that rather than occurring between two separate state apparatuses which respond to an objective market-led integration process, that both the political and economic dimensions of CSEI should be understood as components of a single process. I theorize Taiwan's policy parameter as confined by a Cross-Strait historical bloc in which Taiwan's capitalist class and the Chinese Communist Party are hegemonic. I start by arguing that CSEI can only be understood in terms of social order and the social basis of Taiwan's state and develop a regionally focused neo-Gramscian framework to account for it in terms of a Cross-Strait historical bloc. To better contextualize Taiwan's contemporary social order parameters, I first examine the social basis which enabled and eventually diluted the bureaucratic autonomy on which the Kuomintang's one-party rule was based between 1945 and 1988. Afterward, I examine the erosion of the KMT's elite bureaucratic autonomy and the social order parameters set by Taiwan's newly hegemonic Cross-Strait historical bloc between 1988 and 2000. I then examine the Democratic Progressive Party's CSEI openings between 2001 and 2008 in the context of both its historical bloc confined policy parameter and an increasingly populist identity politics in Taiwan which diverted the citizenry's attention from economic matters. I conclude by examining the unprecedented CSEI deepening which occurred since the KMT's return to power in 2008 and argue that this is a culmination of the historical bloc's long-term policy parameter. But, I also examine to what extent a capital-defined CSEI has spurred forth an increased contestation process and to what extent this may signal that a counter historical bloc is coming into shape in Taiwan.

The making of modern Indian diplomacy : a critique of Eurocentrism

Datta-Ray, Deep Kisor January 2010 (has links)
Diplomacy is conventionally understood as an authentic European invention which was internationalized during colonialism. For Indians, the moment of colonial liberation was a false-dawn because the colonized had internalized a European logic and performed a European practice. Implicit in such a reading is the enduring centrality of Europe to understanding the logics of Indian diplomacy. The only contribution to diplomacy permitted of India is restricted to practice, to Indians adulterating pure, European, diplomacy. This Eurocentric discourse renders two possibilities impossible: that diplomacy may have Indian origins and that they offer un-theorised potentialities. These potentialities are the subject because combined they suggest that Indian diplomacy might move to a logic unknown to conventional approaches. However, what is first required is a conceptual space for this possibility, something, it is argued, civilizational analysis provides because its focus on continuities does not devalue transformational changes. Populating this conceptual space requires ascertaining empirically whether Indian diplomacy is indeed extra- European? It is why current practices are exposed and then placed in the context of the literature to reveal ruptures, what are termed controversies. The most significant, arguably, is the question of what is Indian diplomatic modernity? Resolving this controversy requires exploring not only the history of the revealed practices but also excavating the conceptual categories which produce them. The investigation therefore is not a history, but a genealogy for it identifies the present and then moves along two axes: tracing the origins of the bureaucratic apparatus and the rationales underpinning them. The genealogical moves made are dictated by the practitioners and practices themselves because the aim is not to theorize about the literature but to expose the rationalities which animate the practitioners of international politics today. The only means to actually verify if the identified mentalities do animate international politics is to demonstrate their impact on practice. It is why the project is argued empirically, in terms of the ‘stuff' of IR.

Genealogical analysis of the dispositive of humanitarianism/trusteeship : from colonial administration to peacebuilding

Igarashi, Motomichi January 2013 (has links)
By using genealogy, this study analyzes the dispositive of humanitarianism/trusteeship, which has constituted the power relationship between trustees and target societies and fields of intervention of power in international society. This dispositive has been reproduced from the colonial period to the present. However, this study does not attempt a complete history of humanitarianism and trusteeship. Its aim is to follow the formation and reproduction of power relations in international society. In this study, ‘trusteeship' refers to a relation of inequality and a field of intervention, rather than a specific or particular historical practice. Thus, the concept of trusteeship includes various practices such as colonial administration, development assistance, and transitional administration. Equally, the category of ‘humanitarianism' also includes practices such as protection from anarchy, relief from oppression, and freedom from poverty, which are above and beyond the direct relief of suffering. Examining IR theories which employ genealogy, this study adopts sociological genealogy as a methodology. Previous studies on new trusteeship tend to presume that new trusteeship is rooted only in liberal internationalism. However, this study argues that it is underpinned not only by liberal internationalism but iii also by humanitarian discourse. Furthermore, some existing works on humanitarian intervention and new trusteeship presume that there are two kinds of humanitarianism: ‘humanitarianism separate from politics' and ‘humanitarianism abused by politics.' The former means that politics is just a tool for humanitarian purposes; and the latter means that humanitarian discourse is a convenient cloak for political interests. This dichotomy leads to the distinction between ‘good trusteeship embodying humanitarianism' and ‘bad trusteeship abusing humanitarianism.' This study aims to show that this dichotomy is highly questionable and to indicate the co-constitutive nature of trusteeship and humanitarianism. The language of trusteeship harks back to the colonial period even while the humanitarianism of today tends to reject political and colonial content. While trusteeship requires strong moral justification, humanitarianism contributes to the constitution of trusteeship when it attempts to alleviate human suffering. Although humanitarianism has represented trusteeship as universal and impartial, trusteeship has tended to expand and defend the interests of particular communities in international society. This study indicates the inherent danger of trusteeship and humanitarianism.

The Ottomans in Europe : uneven and combined development and Eurocentrism

Nisancioglu, Kerem January 2014 (has links)
This thesis challenges the Eurocentric division of international history into distinct 'Western' and 'Eastern' strands by demonstrating the intensive historical interactivity between the Ottoman Empire and Europe. Addressing Weberian, Marxian and postcolonial inspired historiography, it seeks to overcome a series of interconnected binaries- East versus West, tradition versus modernity and inside versus outside- that characterise the one-sidedness of these approaches. This thesis argues that Uneven and Combined Development (U&CD) is a theoretical framework primed to overcoming precisely such partialities, and can therefore make an original contribution to Ottoman historiography. More specifically the thesis tackles problems in Ottoman historiography across three key junctures. Through a treatment of the origins of the Empire, I demonstrate that the Ottoman tributary state was a product of international determinations- a form of combined development. Analysing the Ottoman apogee of the sixteenth century, I argue that Ottoman geopolitical pressure on Europe created sociological conditions for that emergence of capitalism. Finally, I show that Ottoman decline was inextricable from the uneven and combined development of capitalism over the course of the long nineteenth century. These historical analyses offer distinct contributions to historical sociological debates around the 'tributary mode of production', the 'Rise of the West' and 'modernisation' respectively. Theoretically, I show that any historical study from a singular spatial vantage point will always tend to be partial. Instead, multiple vantage points derived from multiple spatio-temporal origins better capture the complexity of concrete historical processes. In presenting this argument, this thesis offers a theoretical reconstruction of U&CD as the articulation of spatio-temporal multiplicity in mode of production analysis, which overcomes the fissure between international relations and historical sociology. It thus extends the theory of U&CD onto the terrain of 'big questions' surrounding pre-capitalist social relations and capitalist modernity.

Ett klimatnuetralt Ihus 2030

Wolff, Mirea, Borg, Petra, Olofsson, Emelie, Melén, Cecilia, Söderberg, Erik, Bergström Bostner, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Det kommunala fastighetsbolaget AB Uppsala kommuns Industrihus, även kallat Ihus, har som mål att bli klimatneutralt till år 2030. Definitionen av klimatneutralitet är att de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser ska vara lika med noll. Detta kan vara svårt att uppnå i praktiken med enbart organisationsomställning, miljöledningssystem och livscykelanalyser (LCA) då nästan alla delar i en verksamhet ger upphov till växthusgasutsläpp i olika led. Inledningsvis identifierades och kvantifierades direkta och indirekta utsläpp. Verksamheten delades därför in i olika sektorer för att underlätta arbetet. Dessa sektorer valdes utifrån de utgifter som Ihus redovisar och delades upp i fem utgiftsposter. Dessa var renovering, säkerhet, fastighetsskötsel, konsult och avfallshantering. Företag vars verksamhet liknar den hos Ihus entreprenörer valdes ut för varje sektor. Genom att sedan undersöka deras utsläpp och omsättning beräknades sektorns utsläppsintensitet. Ihus utgiftsposter multiplicerades med motsvarande sektor och utsläppen från Ihus kunde bestämmas.  Kvantifieringen av Ihus utsläpp resulterade i en åtgärdsplan med konkreta åtgärder presenterade i en tidplan. Tidplanen bestod av tre milstolpar med fyra års mellanrum fram till 2030 då Ihus vill ha uppnått sitt mål med att bli klimatneutrala. Inom de fyra första åren bör Ihus fokusera på åtgärder som är relativt enkla att utföra samt åtgärder som lägger en grund för ett långsiktigt miljöarbete. Dessa inkluderar resurseffektivisering, specificerad fakturering, redovisning av entreprenörers transporter samt uppföljningsmetod för upphandling. Fram till milstolpe 2 rekommenderas Ihus att utföra LCA på relevanta delar av verksamheten, så som renovering, samt kräva att entreprenörer redovisar direkta utsläpp i samband med upphandling. Cirkulär resurshantering bör även införas. Fram till milstolpe 3 kommer Ihus med hjälp av en rad åtgärder enligt en åtgärdsplan att minska sina utsläpp. De utsläpp som kvarstår efter år 2030 rekommenderas Ihus att kompensera. Även krav på att entreprenörer ska redovisa indirekta utsläpp bör ställas fram till milstolpe 3.

Analýza služeb neziskových organizací ve vybraných okresech / Analysis of Non-Profit Organizations in selected Districts

Fuková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analysis of the services of NGOs in selected districts, which are Tabor and Pisek. The theoretical and methodological part, we discuss the role of non-profit sector in the national economy structure and functions of the nonprofit sector. It describes a selection of legal forms of nonprofit organizations, methods and forms of financing and their scope. The subject is a survey of the practical range of services offered by non-profit sector in selected districts. The survey focuses on the following legal forms of organizations: foundations, endowment funds, associations of legal persons, representing the diakonia of charity and religious organizations, educational, legal entities, charitable organizations, political parties, political movements and associations (union, association, club, etc.) and contributory organizations.

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