Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda epidemic anda"" "subject:"anda epidemic ando""
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Dengue midiática: a construção da doença em um jornal regional da cidade portuária de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil / Dengue media: the construction of the disease in a regional newspaper of the port city of Santos, São Paulo state, BrazilLucio, Tais Vargas Freire Martins 19 May 2017 (has links)
A dengue é a arbovirose urbana mais importante em saúde pública atualmente. A forma mais eficaz de controlar a doença é combatendo o mosquito Aedes aegypti, o vetor do vírus, que, além da dengue, também transmite a febre amarela urbana, a febre chigungunya e o zika. O objetivo geral deste estudo é identificar e analisar as temáticas veiculadas na imprensa escrita sobre a doença dengue na cidade portuária de Santos, no litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. Principal município da Região da Baixada Santista, Santos também abriga o maior porto do país. O objetivo específico deste trabalho é verificar se existem no noticiário informações sobre o controle integrado do mosquito Aedes aegypti, principal forma de controle da doença. De caráter qualitativo, esta tese submeteu o noticiário veiculado pelo jornal A Tribuna, o principal da região, à análise de conteúdo, buscando identificar nas mensagens jornalísticas a abordagem sobre a dengue, no período de 2012 a 2015. A pesquisa se justifica por ser a dengue endêmica na Região da Baixada Santista e pelo fato de os veículos de comunicação de massa exercerem influência na formação de opinião e na disseminação do conhecimento científico de interesse público. Os resultados encontrados na análise quantitativa demonstram maior frequência para os temas relacionados à incidência e à letalidade da dengue. A análise qualitativa dos textos demonstrou que temas relacionados ao controle do mosquito Ae.aegypti foram encontrados, porém não se encontrou notícias sobre o controle biológico, o que indica que o controle integrado do vetor não é abordado pela mídia. Este estudo propõe uma reflexão sobre o papel da mídia como agente propagador de informação geral e em saúde, postulando que a informação sobre dengue deve atingir a população de forma que ela se mobilize e atue como agente cuidador de sua própria saúde e da saúde do ambiente em que vive, como forma de eliminação da doença na região / Dengue is the most importante urban arbovirus in Public Health today. The most effective way to control the disease is by fighting the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the vector of the virus, which in addition to dengue also transmits urban yellow fever, chikugunia fever and zika. The general objective of this study is to identify and analyze the themes presented in the written press about dengue disease in the port city of Santos, on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo. The main municipality of the Baixada Santista Region, Santos also houses the largest port of the country. The specific objective of this work is to verify if information on the integrated control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the main form of disease control, exists in the news. In a qualitative way, this thesis submitted the news story published by A Tribuna, the main newspaper in the region, to content analysis, seeking to identify in the journalistic messages the approach on dengue in the period from 2012 to 2015, The research is justified because it is the Endemic dengue fever in the Region of Baixada Santista and the fact that mass communication vehicles have exerted influence in the formation of opinion and in the dissemination of scientific knowledge of public interest. The results found in the quantitative analysis show that subjects related to the control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito were found, but no news was found about the biological control, wich indicates that the integrated control of the vector is not approached by the media. This study purposes a reflection on the role of the media as a propagating agent of general and health information, postulating that information about dengue should reach the population so that it can mobilize and act as caregiver for their own health and the health of the environment in which it lives, as a way of eliminating the disease on the area
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O Acordo TRIPS e suas repercussões sobre o acesso a medicamentos. O caso do HIV/AIDS no Brasil e no México: \"direito de patente\" vs. \"direito à vida\" / The TRIPS agreement and its repercussions on access to medicine. The case of HIV/AIDS in Brazil and Mexico: \"patent right\" vs. \"right to life\"Julio Cesar Acosta Navarro 11 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar retrospectivamente o significado da interseção de dois fenômenos sociomodernos. Em primeiro lugar, a epidemia de HIV/AIDS (Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida), com suas características históricas pouco usuais e alta letalidade; e, por outro lado, a intrusão de leis de propriedade intelectual na sociedade, como o Acordo TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Subjects), com amplas repercussões sobre a saúde pública assim como sobre o desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico dos países, sendo aqui tratados especificamente os casos de Brasil e México. Ambos os países modificaram suas leis de propiedade intelectual (LPI) para implementar o Acordo TRIPS (e, no caso do México, também o NAFTA) nas últimas duas décadas, levando a patamares mais elevados de proteção de propriedade intelectual no México, quando comparado ao Brasil. Estas mudanças, porém, podem ter contribuído, no caso do México, para um menor rendimento e eficácia do seu programa de combate à epidemia de AIDS/HIV já que, para dar uma cobertura mais adequada de tratamento com medicamentos antirretrovirais (ARVs) para sua população, teve que enfrentar maiores dificuldades para sua aquisição. / This work analyzed retrospectively the meaning of the intersection of two modern social phenomena. Firstly, the epidemic of HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), with its unusual historical characteristics and high lethality; and , on the other hand, the intrusion of intellectual property laws in society as the TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Subjects) Agreement, that has far-reaching consequences on public health as well as on the economic and technological development of countries, and here we treated specifically the cases of Brazil and Mexico. Both countries changed their intellectual property laws to implement the TRIPS Agreement (and in the case of Mexico also NAFTA) during the last two decades, leading to higher levels of intellectual property protection in Mexico compared to Brazil. However these changes may have contributed in the case of Mexico to a lower performance and effectiveness of its programme to combat the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, since to give a more adequate coverage of treatment with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for its population, had to face major difficulties for the purchase of these medicines.
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Optimisation des méthodes algorithmiques en inférence bayésienne. Modélisation dynamique de la transmission d'une infection au sein d'une population hétérogène / Optimization of algorithmic methods for Bayesian inference. Dynamic modeling of infectious disease transmission in heterogeneous populationGajda, Dorota 13 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se décompose en deux grandes parties, "Estimations répétées dans le cadre de la modélisation bayésienne" et "Modélisation de la transmission de maladies infectieuses dans une population. Estimation des paramètres.". Les techniques développées dans la première partie sont utilisées en fin de la seconde partie. La première partie est consacrée à des optimisations d'algorithmes stochastiques très souvent utilisés, notamment dans le contexte des modélisations Bayésiennes. Cette optimisation est particulièrement faite lors de l'étude empirique d'estimateurs des paramètres d'un modèle où les qualités des estimateurs sont évaluées sur un grand nombre de jeux de données simulées. Quand les lois a posteriori ne sont pas explicites, le recours à des algorithmes stochastiques itératifs (de la famille des algorithmes dits de Monte Carlo par Chaîne de Makov) pour approcher les lois a posteriori est alors très couteux en temps car doit être fait pour chaque jeu de données. Dans ce contexte, ce travail consiste en l'étude de solutions évitant un trop grand nombre d'appels à ces algorithmes mais permettant bien-sûr d'obtenir malgré tout des résultats précis. La principale technique étudiée dans cette partie est celle de l'échantillonnage préférentiel. La seconde partie est consacrée aux études de modèles épidémiques, en particulier le modèle compartimental dit SIS (Susceptible-Infecté-Susceptible) dans sa version stochastique. L'approche stochastique permet de prendre en compte l'hétérogénéité de l'évolution de la maladie dans la population. les approches par des processus Markoviens sont étudiés où la forme des probabilités de passage entre les états est non linéaire. La solution de l'équation différentielle en probabilité n'est alors en général pas explicite. Les principales techniques utilisées dans cette partie sont celles dites de développement de l'équation maîtresse ("master equation") appliquées au modèle SIS avec une taille de population constante. Les propriétés des estimateurs des paramètres sont étudiées dans le cadre fréquentiste et bayésien. Concernant l'approche Bayésienne, les solutions d'optimisation algorithmique de la première partie sont appliquées. / This work consists in two parts, "Repeated estimates in bayesian modelling " and " Modelling of the transmission of infectious diseases in a population. Estimation of the parameters". Techniques developed in the first part are used at the end of the second part.The first part deals with optimizations of very often used stochastic algorithms, in particular in the context of Bayesian modelling. This optimization is particularly made when empirical study of estimates based on numerous simulated data sets is done. When posterior distribution of parameters are not explicit, its approximation is obtained via iterative stochastic algorithms (of the family of Markov Chain Monte Carlo) which is computationally expensive because has to be done on each data set. In this context, solutions are proposed avoiding an excess large number of MCMC calls but nevertheless giving accurate results. The Importance Sampling method is used in combination with MCMC in Bayesian simulation study. The second part deals with epidemic models, in particular the compartimental model SIS (Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible) in its stochastic version. The stochastic approach allows to take into account the heterogeneousness of disease evolution in the population. Markov Process is particularly studied where transition probability between states is not linear, the solution of the differential equation in probability being then generally not explicit. The main techniques used in this part are the ones based on Master equation applied on SIS model with a constant population size. Empirical properties of parameters estimates are studied in frequentist and Bayesian context with algorithmic optimization presented in the first part.
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O Acordo TRIPS e suas repercussões sobre o acesso a medicamentos. O caso do HIV/AIDS no Brasil e no México: \"direito de patente\" vs. \"direito à vida\" / The TRIPS agreement and its repercussions on access to medicine. The case of HIV/AIDS in Brazil and Mexico: \"patent right\" vs. \"right to life\"Navarro, Julio Cesar Acosta 11 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar retrospectivamente o significado da interseção de dois fenômenos sociomodernos. Em primeiro lugar, a epidemia de HIV/AIDS (Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida), com suas características históricas pouco usuais e alta letalidade; e, por outro lado, a intrusão de leis de propriedade intelectual na sociedade, como o Acordo TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Subjects), com amplas repercussões sobre a saúde pública assim como sobre o desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico dos países, sendo aqui tratados especificamente os casos de Brasil e México. Ambos os países modificaram suas leis de propiedade intelectual (LPI) para implementar o Acordo TRIPS (e, no caso do México, também o NAFTA) nas últimas duas décadas, levando a patamares mais elevados de proteção de propriedade intelectual no México, quando comparado ao Brasil. Estas mudanças, porém, podem ter contribuído, no caso do México, para um menor rendimento e eficácia do seu programa de combate à epidemia de AIDS/HIV já que, para dar uma cobertura mais adequada de tratamento com medicamentos antirretrovirais (ARVs) para sua população, teve que enfrentar maiores dificuldades para sua aquisição. / This work analyzed retrospectively the meaning of the intersection of two modern social phenomena. Firstly, the epidemic of HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), with its unusual historical characteristics and high lethality; and , on the other hand, the intrusion of intellectual property laws in society as the TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property Subjects) Agreement, that has far-reaching consequences on public health as well as on the economic and technological development of countries, and here we treated specifically the cases of Brazil and Mexico. Both countries changed their intellectual property laws to implement the TRIPS Agreement (and in the case of Mexico also NAFTA) during the last two decades, leading to higher levels of intellectual property protection in Mexico compared to Brazil. However these changes may have contributed in the case of Mexico to a lower performance and effectiveness of its programme to combat the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, since to give a more adequate coverage of treatment with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for its population, had to face major difficulties for the purchase of these medicines.
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Le dieu Rašap dans le monde ouest-sémitique. Étude d’une figure divine, de ses interprétations et de la diffusion de son culte / The god Rašap in the West Semitic World. Study of a Divine Figure, his Interpretations and the Propagation of his CultDaccache, Jimmy 18 December 2013 (has links)
L’analyse de la personnalité du dieu ouest-sémitique Rašap permet de suivre les étapes de l’évolution de sa figure divine. Son culte a connu une large diffusion dans tout le Levant et jusqu’en Égypte. Apparu au IIIe millénaire à Ebla, il s’éteint à la fin du Ier millénaire. La dernière attestation de son nom apparaît dans une inscription de l’an 6 av. J. C. à Palmyre. On tenait Rašap pour maître des activités militaires et responsable de la propagation des épidémies. Ce sont ces fonctions qui lui ont valu la pérennité qui lui est propre, entretenue par des guerres incessantes, entraînant fléaux et épidémies. Contrairement au sources textuelles égyptiennes, prolifiques, la littérature sémitique est plutôt avare d’informations et de descriptions relatives aux spécificités de Rašap. Toutefois, son rapprochement des différentes divinités connues, notamment de Nergal aux IIIe et IIe millénaires, dans le milieu syrien, et d’Apollon à l’époque classique chypriote, aide à mieux comprendre la personnalité de Rašap. Son nom est également mentionné dans la Bible hébraïque, accompagné de ceux d’autres êtres suprêmes : Bārād, Qeteb et Deber. Bien que les versets bibliques révèlent le côté guerrier et redoutable de celui qui est appelé en hébreu Rešep, l’aspect divin de ce dernier s’estompe graduellement, pour laisser place à un simple nom commun, dont la signification n’est pas toujours limpide, comme le prouve un certain passage du livre de Ben Sirah. Une riche iconographie rassemblée notamment à partir de documents proche orientaux et égyptiens (reliefs, statues, sceaux, amulettes) complète les données textuelles et confirme leur interprétation. / The analysis of the personality of the West Semitic god Rašap allows us to follow the evolution of its divine figure. His cult has known a large diffusion into the Levant and up to Egypt. It first appeared in the third millennium Ebla and extinguished at the end of the first millennium. The last occurrence of his name appears in a Palmyrene inscription dating from the year 6 B. C. Rašap was the master of military activities and responsible of widespread diseases. These particular qualities ensured his unbroken existence, without major disruption, maintained by conflicts between realms, thus causing contagious and epidemic diseases. Unlike plentiful textual Egyptian sources, Semitic documentation seems rather stingy with information and description of Rašap’s characteristics. Nevertheless, his relation with different deities, in particular Nergal at the 3rd and the 2nd Millennium in a Syrian context, and Apollo in Cyprus classical era, helps to define and outline Rašap’s personality. His name appears as well in the biblical texts, accompanied with other divine names, such as Bārād, Qeteb and Deber. Even if the biblical verses reveal the warrior and dreadful side of the so-called Rešep, his divine aspect fades away, to become afterwards a simple noun, as it is proved in the book of Ben Sirah. A rich Oriental and Egyptian iconographical documentation (reliefs, statues, seals, amulets) completes the textual sources and confirms their interpretation.
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Representações sociais sobre dengue na mídia impressa: informação epidemiológica, educativa ou política? / Social representations of dengue in printed media: epidemiological, educational or political information?Villela, Edlaine Faria de Moura 27 September 2012 (has links)
Introducao - Ha reduzido conhecimento no campo da Saude Publica sobre a funcao social da midia em saude e, particularmente, sobre a relacao entre a midia e o contexto de uma epidemia associada a vetores biologicos, como a dengue. Diante desse quadro, optou-se por estudar a primeira epidemia de dengue em Ribeirao Preto, a qual ocorreu entre novembro de 1990 e marco de 1991. O fato dessa epidemia, assim como as demais, ter sido estudada apenas em seu aspecto biologico, desconsiderando o aspecto social, justifica a realizacao deste estudo. Objetivo - Investigar como se deu a construcao midiatica da primeira epidemia de dengue no municipio de Ribeirao Preto, de novembro de 1990 a marco de 1991, para os leitores dos jornais e revistas veiculadas na epoca. Metodo O material de pesquisa foram reportagens de jornais e revistas confeccionadas na regiao de Ribeirao Preto e na capital do Estado de Sao Paulo - as de grande circulacao na epoca da primeira epidemia de dengue em Ribeirao Preto, de novembro de 1990 a marco de 1991. O metodo adotado foi o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representacoes Sociais. Resultados Foram resgatadas as representacoes sociais veiculadas pela midia e o poder de difusao dessas representacoes no processo de divulgacao cientifica para o publico em geral durante a primeira epidemia de dengue. A analise do conteudo midiatico permitiu apresentar os principais assuntos veiculados no noticiario por meio da elaboracao dos discursos. Conclusoes Foi possivel entender como se deu a construcao dos sentidos acerca da dengue: o jornal fez existir uma realidade epidemica. Comprovou-se a defasagem na informacao disponibilizada nos meios de comunicacao e observou-se vies politico nas reportagens veiculadas, desviando a atencao que deveria ser direcionada para educacao e promocao da saude. Salientou-se a importancia de formacao de profissionais que transitem na interface Saude Publica e Comunicacao para que questoes politicas nao prevalecam sobre questoes prioritarias de saude na midia impressa / Introduction There is limited knowledge in the field of Public Health about the social role of media in health and particularly on the relationship between the media and the context of an epidemic associated with biological vectors such as dengue. So, it was decided to study the first epidemic of dengue at Ribeirao Preto, which occurred between November 1990 and March 1991. This epidemic, like the others, was studied only in its biological aspect, ignoring the social aspect, which justifies this study. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate how was the media construction of the first epidemic of dengue in Ribeirao Preto, from November 1990 to March 1991 for the readers of newspapers and magazines circulating at the time. Method The research material were reports of newspapers and magazines made at Ribeirao Preto and at the capital of the State of Sao Paulo - the large circulation - at the time of the first dengue epidemic at Ribeirao Preto, from November 1990 to March 1991. The method adopted was the Collective Subject Discourse, which is based on the Social Representations Theory. Results Social representations in the media were rescued in the media and also the power of diffusion of these representations in the process of scientific diffusion to the general public during the first dengue epidemic. The analysis of media content allowed to present the main issues in the newspapers and magazines through the speeches elaboration. Conclusions In this research, it could be understood how was the construction of meanings about dengue: the newspaper created a reality epidemic. The lag of information provided by mass media was proven and there was political bias in the news published, diverting the attention that should be directed towards education and health promotion. A professional transiting the interface Public Health and Communication is important so that political issues do not prevail on priority issues of health in printed media
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Controvérsias em torno das práticas e terapias de cura: a epidemia de cólera-morbus em Pernambuco (1855) / Controversies regarding practices and healing therapies: the epidemic of cholera-morbus in Pernambuco (1855)Luciana dos Santos 22 March 2013 (has links)
O trabalho focaliza as controvérsias que se seguem ao evento da epidemia de cóleramorbus deflagrada na província de Pernambuco no ano de 1855, em torno de práticas e terapias que foram mobilizadas no combate à moléstia. O fio condutor da análise são os embates que se estabeleceram entre a medicina acadêmica e outras formas terapêuticas - particularmente de homeopatas, leigos, negros e índios. Adicionalmente, o trabalho procura pontos de intersecção entre a emergência de um projeto moderno de medicina e a religião, acompanhando a reflexão e a prática produzidas pelos missionários capuchinhos italianos sobre a epidemia. / The work focuses on the controversy following the event of the epidemic of choleramorbus triggered in the province of Pernambuco in the year 1855, around practices and therapies that have been mobilized to fight the disease. The guiding thread of the analysis are the shocks that have been established between academic medicine and other therapeutic methods - particularly of homeopaths, lay people, blacks and indians. Additionally, the work searches points of intersection between the emergence of a modern project of medicine and religion, accompanying the reflection and practice produced by italian capuchin missionaries on the epidemic.
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Modeling spreading processes in complex networks / Modelagem de processos de propagação em redes complexasArruda, Guilherme Ferraz de 19 December 2017 (has links)
Mathematical modeling of spreading processes have been largely studied in the literature, and its presented a boom in the past few years. This is a fundamental task on the understanding and prediction of real spreading processes on top of a population and are subject to many structural and dynamical constraints. Aiming at a better understanding of this processes, we focused in two task: the modeling and the analysis of both dynamical and structural aspects of these processes. Initially, we proposed a new and general model that unifies epidemic and rumor spreading. Besides, regarding the analysis of these processes, we extended the classical formalism to multilayer networks, in which the theory was lacking. Interestingly, this study opened up new challenges concerning the understanding of multilayer networks. More specifically, regarding their spectral properties. In this thesis, we analyzed such processes on top of single and multilayer networks. Thus, throughout our analysis, we followed three complementary approaches: (i) analytical, (ii) numerical and (iii) simulations, mainly Monte Carlo simulations. Our main results are: (i) a new unifying model, enabling us to model and understand spreading processes on large systems, (ii) characterization of new phenomena on multilayer networks, such as layer-wise localization and the barrier effect and (iii) an spectral analysis of multilayer systems, suggesting a universal parameter and proposing a new analytical tool for its analysis. Our contributions enable further research on modeling of spreading processes, also emphasizing the importance of considering the complete multilayer structure instead of any coarse-graining. Additionally, it can be directly applied on the prediction and modeling real processes. Thus, aside from the theoretical interest and its mathematical implications, it also presents important social impact. / A modelagem matemática dos processos de disseminação tem sido amplamente estudada na literatura, sendo que o seu estudo apresentou um boom nos últimos anos. Esta é uma tarefa fundamental na compreensão e previsão de epidemias reais e propagação de rumores numa população, ademais, estas estão sujeitas a muitas restrições estruturais e dinâmicas. Com o objetivo de entender melhor esses processos, nos concentramos em duas tarefas: a de modelagem e a de análise de aspectos dinâmicos e estruturais. No primeiro, propomos um modelo novo e geral que une a epidemia e propagação de rumores. Também, no que diz respeito à análise desses processos, estendemos o formalismo clássico às redes multicamadas, onde tal teoria era inexistente. Curiosamente, este estudo abriu novos desafios relacionados à compreensão de redes multicamadas, mais especificamente em relação às suas propriedades espectrais. Nessa tese, analisamos esses processos em redes de uma e múltiplas camadas. Ao longo de nossas análises seguimos três abordagens complementares: (i) análises analíticas, (ii) experimentos numéricos e (iii) simulações de Monte Carlo. Assim, nossos principais resultados são: (i) um novo modelo que unifica as dinâmicas de rumor e epidemias, nos permitindo modelar e entender tais processos em grandes sistemas, (ii) caracterização de novos fenômenos em redes multicamadas, como a localização em camadas e o efeito barreira e (iii) uma análise espectral de sistemas multicamadas, sugerindo um parâmetro de escala universal e propondo uma nova ferramenta analítica para sua análise. Nossas contribuições permitem que novas pesquisas sobre modelagem de processos de propagação, enfatizando também a importância de se considerar a estrutura multicamada. Dessa forma, as nossas contribuições podem ser diretamente aplicadas à predição e modelagem de processos reais. Além do interesse teórico e matemático, nosso trabalho também apresenta implicações sociais importantes.
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The Science of Safety: Pharmacists and the Opioid CrisisHagemeier, Nicholas E. 16 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Methadone for the Treatment of Opioid Use DisordersHagemeier, Nicholas E., White, L. 07 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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