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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framtidens återvinningscentral : - utveckling ur besökares och anställdas perspektiv

Jonasson, Anna, Sjödin, Sofie January 2007 (has links)
Den ökade konsumtionen i samhället gör att vi producerar allt större mängder avfall. För att minska avfallets negativa effekter på hälsan och den omgivande miljön behövs en god avfallshantering. Ett steg mot ökade möjligheter att återanvända och återvinna material togs under 1980-talet, då befintliga soptippar började utvecklas till återvinningscentraler. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra utformningen och arbetsmiljön vid två nya återvinningscentraler, och även jämföra dem med tidigare studerade återvinningscentraler i Sverige. Dessutom ska ett förslag på utformning av framtidens återvinningscentral tas fram. Genom intervjuer och enkäter till besökare och anställda, samt observationer av besökare och av anläggningarna, kunde skillnader identifieras. I jämförelse med besökarna på de tidigare studerade återvinningscentralerna, så ansåg besökarna på de två nya att det var lättare att veta vilken container avfallet skulle placeras i. De ansåg även att det var lättare att lokalisera var på området den aktuella containern var placerad. Besökarna var mycket positiva till servicen och var mer intresserade av att få information om vilken nytta sorteringen har gett. De anställda på de nya återvinningscentralerna ansåg att den fysiska tröttheten var lägre efter en arbetsdag än de anställda på de tidigare studerade, och färre ansåg att hanteringen av farligt avfall utgjorde en skaderisk. Resultaten visar på att både besökare och anställda är mycket nöjda med de nya återvinningscentralerna, men samtidigt kan hela tiden förbättringar göras. Studiens resultat, tillsammans med ett arbete med idéframtagning, ledde till ett förslag på utformning av framtidens återvinningscentral. Förslaget fokuserar på att guida besökaren rätt med hjälp av en tydlig utformning som ger en bra överblick. Information i form av väl synlig skyltning och frågeterminaler ska ytterligare förenkla för besökaren att sortera rätt och på så sätt underlätta för de anställda. Hjälpmedel placeras synligt för att de ska användas och minska skaderisker vid lyft, och för att öka återanvändning ges även Myrornas container en tydlig placering.

Alkohol- och drogpolicy : Effektivt verktyg eller dammigt dokument i byrålådan?

Forsell, Jennie, Thim, Emelie January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom intervjuer med medarbetare i två olika organisationer undersöka om, och i sådana fall hur, olika delar i en organisation kan påverka arbetsgivare och arbetstagares förhållningssätt till frågor rörande alkohol och arbetet med drog- och alkoholpolicyn. Vidare har syftet varit att se vilken roll denna policy spelar i arbetet med dessa frågor. De frågeställningar vi har för avsikt att besvara är följande: • Hur förhåller sig medlemmar i organisationen till problem rörande alkohol? • Finns likheter eller skillnader mellan hur medlemmar förhåller sig till en organisations alkoholpolicy respektive hur de agerar i praktiken? • Vad är det som påverkar dessa förhållningssätt? De resultat vi har fått fram pekar på tydliga tendenser till att alkohol- och drogpolicyn inte används som ett verktyg i frågor rörande alkohol och droger i de undersökta organisationerna. Trots detta stämmer medarbetares tillvägagångssätt många gånger överens med det som står i respektive organisations policy. Detta beror till största del på dokumentens vaga utformning. Vi har hittat fyra faktorer som är avgörande för hur förhållningssättet till dessa frågor påverkas. Dessa är ansvar, ledarskap, kommunikation och medarbetarinflytande.

Arbetsmotivation : Att arbeta i dagligvaruhandel

Gudmundsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Sammanfattning Motivation är ett mycket övergripande begrepp. Nästan allt som vi människor gör, hur vi uppför och beter oss tros var motiverande. Vårat beteende är en verkan av den motivation som vi känner eller upplever i en viss situation, dock är det allra vanligaste beteendet oftast reflexer som vi gör (Wagner, 2003). Abraham Maslow är ett förekommande namn när man talar om motivation och när vi pratar om vad människan olika behov och beteenden. Han var grundaren till modellen som visar en behovshierarki hos människan, också kallad Maslows behovstrappa. Maslow menar att vi alla känner olika behov och att vi agerar efter dessa. Arbetsmässig söker man sig till kollegor för att skapa relationer, som vidare kan leda till starkare och meningsfull vänskap. Som anställd vill man känna omtanke från och gemenskap med arbetskamrater och chefer. Herzbergs motivationsteori handlar om motivationsfaktorer och, som han kallar det, hygienfaktorer, vilket motsvarar de lägre nivåerna i Maslows hierarki, de grundläggande behoven, trygghetsbehoven och behov av samhörighet. Särskilt viktigt är relationen mellan chefer och anställda och samspelet mellan människor även om det inte har med arbetet att göra. I vidare studier anser teoretiker att vänskap på arbetsplatsen är en viktig del för de anställda men även för själva verksamheten. Det vill säga att det skapas samhörighet och samspel, vilket gör arbetet mer inspirerande. Till organisationens fördel blir de anställda mer engagerade i sitt arbete och känner tillfredsställelse för sina arbetsuppgifter (Sias och Cahill, 1998). Det är våra värderingar och möjligheter som styr den inre driftkraften att vilja arbeta, det är känslomässigt nödvändigt hos varje individ att arbeta (Maccoby, 1991). Denna undersökning är grundat på tidigare motivationsteorier där jag har läst mig till information ur tidigare forskning. Jag har också valt att undersöka närmare hur det förhåller sig i verkligheten genom att utföra en kvalitativ metod på ett företag inom dagligvaruhandel, för att få en bra och uttömmande undersökning. Några av nyckelorden i resultat är gemenskap, bra stämning, öppen och klar kommunikation och en bra ledning, vilket också är en slutsats i detta arbete. Det råder en mycket god arbetsgemenskap och stämning bland medarbetarna. De har ett gemensamt tankesätt för hur en bra arbetsplats ska vara och se ut när det handlar om att motivera sin personal. De anser att det är viktigt med en bra ledning som lyssnar och bryr sig och ger möjlighet till eget ansvarstagande. Likasinnade chefer som medarbetare är en stark bidragande del till bättre arbete och inspiration för ett bättre motiverat arbete vilket är en vinande egenskap som genomskådar denna verksamhet. Det råder alltså öppenhet och en bra relation mellan dessa två parter.

Ett HMI-verktyg med god användbarhet / A HMI with good usability

Jönsson, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
Den snabba generella eltekniska utvecklingen har även satt sina spår i pumpbranschen. Detta har lett till en mängd nya funktioner och med det ett nytt uppförande hos pumparna. Detta har lett till missförstånd mellan användare och pump. Användaren tror till exempel att pumpen är trasig då den egentligen är automatiskt stoppad, vilket får följden att pumpen skickas på service även då den inte är trasig. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla ett HMI med hög användbarhet som ser till att användaren inte missförstår pumpens nya agerande. Genom fältstudier erhölls kunskap om användaren, arbetsmiljön, arbetssättet och utrustningen. Detta lade grunden till hela arbetet. Informationen som samlades in analyserades ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv, och sammanställdes i en kravspecifikation och i Holtzblatts (1998) arbetsmodeller. Det slutgiltiga resultatet har arbetats fram genom konceptutveckling. Det som började som en idé har sedan genom vidareutveckling resulterat i sex koncept. Koncepten har sedan utvärderats ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv. Under utvärderingen är hänsyn inte tagen till varken ekonomi eller teknik. Det som koncepten har gemensamt är således att de alla har hög användbarhet. Utvärderingen visar också att det för 2600-serien finns en uppdelning användarna emellan. En typ av användare med specifika krav för de små pumparna och en annan typ av användare med andra specifika krav för de större pumparna. För användarna av de små pumparna önskas en enkel lösning, som endast visar om pumpen går eller inte. Här passar alltså en lösning med enkla dioder där en färgkodning visar pumpens status. För de större pumparna finns istället ett intresse för en mer sofistikerad lösning. Här önskas fjärrlarm och loggad data, vilket gör det mer lämpligt med digitala lösningar. / The fast development within electronic technology has given the pump a new appearance. This has led to misunderstandings between the user and the pump. For example, the user thinks the pump is broken when it is in an auto stop mode. The consequence of that is that the pump is sent for maintenance even though it is not broken. The purpose of the master thesis is to develop a HMI with good usability, where the HMI makes sure the user will not misunderstand the new appearance of the pump. Field studies were made to understand the users, their working environment, the way they work and also the equipment. The studies became the base on which the thesis relies on. The information that were collected in the field studies were carefully analyzed through a usability perspective. The results were presented as requirements of usability. The methodologies of concept development were used to create a number of HMI solutions. What once started as many ideas has now ended up as six concepts of a HMI with good usability. The concepts were all evaluated in usability. The work of this project does not cover the considerations of economy and technology. The evaluation shows that the users of the 2600 series can be divided in to two major groups; the user of the small pump and the user of the big pump. The users of the small pump prefer a simple solution that only shows whether the pump is running or not. Instead, the users of the big pump prefer a more sophisticated solution, with alarms, specified indicators and instruction of repairs.

Test re-test repeatability of the strain index

Stephens, John-Paul 30 September 2004 (has links)
The Strain Index (SI) has repeatedly shown high levels of validity for differentiating between safe and hazardous tasks for the distal upper extremity (DUE). One limitation of the SI is the lack of reliability data. This study was designed to evaluate the test-retest repeatability of the SI. Fifteen raters, divided into five teams of three, were asked to use the SI to analyze 73 video AVI files of different job tasks; initially as individuals and then as teams. Several months later, raters were asked to repeat individual and team job task assessments. Raters were instructed to analyze tasks using five of six SI task variables, while the sixth was held constant. For three of these task variables, additional data was collected such as peak force and duration of job cycle. Test-retest repeatability was measured using Pearson's R, Spearman's rho, and tetrachoric correlation according to the nature of the variable. Spearman's rho values for individual and team task variable ratings ranged from 0.68 to 0.96 (0.88 average). Pearson's R for task variable data ranged from 0.76 to 0.99 for both teams and individuals with an average of 0.91. The Strain Index's rho values for individuals and teams were 0.70 and 0.84, respectively. For hazard classification, the tetrachoric correlation for individuals was 0.81 and 0.88 for teams. Results of this study support the conclusion that the Strain Index is repeatable when used by teams as well as individuals.

Determining the Effects of Force Intensity, Postural and Force Direction Constraints on Off-Axis Force Production during Static Unilateral Pushing and Pulling Manual Exertions

Borgs, Stephanie Pamela January 2013 (has links)
Proactive ergonomics is generally considered to be a more efficient and cost effective way of designing working environments than reactive ergonomics. It often requires preemptively selecting working postures and forces to reduce potential injury risk. One major issue with proactive ergonomic design is correctly identifying the true manual forces that will be required of a worker to complete defined tasks. Typically, these forces are represented as in direct opposition to the forces required by a particular task. However, this is likely an oversimplification as forces often act in different directions than the task-required direction to increase required force level, enhance balance and reduce joint moments, depending on specific experimental conditions. This study aims to quantify these off-axis forces as they change with different required on-axis force intensities. This thesis evaluated the effects of force intensity on the presence of off-axis forces across four conditions, which included free and constrained postures, and with and without off-axis force. Eighteen female subjects performed static, unilateral, manual pushing and pulling exertions while seated and were limited to force contributions from the right upper extremity. Hand forces and location of bony landmarks were collected from each subject and force intensity consisted of both maximal and submaximal levels (5% to 50% of the maximum producible on-axis force in increments of 5%). All principle direction forces were scaled to the on-axis force level and anatomically relevant joint moments scaled to the maximum capacity joint moment. The main objective of this study was to analyze off-axis force production as force intensity was increased under various constraint conditions. The highest maximum on-axis force was in the fully free condition (off-axis force allowed and posture unconstrained) and as conditions became more constrained for both pushing and pulling exertions, maximum on-axis force production decreased (p=<0.0001). For submaximal exertions in the free posture, participants used off-axis forces to target the shoulder flexion-extension moment by pushing increasingly upwards (p=0.0122) and to the left by 5.6% on-axis (p=0.0025), and by pulling 12.6% on-axis downward (p=<0.0001) and 4.7% on-axis rightward (p=0.0024) compared to when off-axis force was not allowed. When comparing the free to the constrained posture while allowing off-axis force, participants pushed downwards instead of upwards by a difference of 12.9% on-axis (p=0.0002) and pulled less downward (becoming slightly upward) by an increasing difference (p=0.0002) and from decreasing to increasing rightward (p=0.0006). These changes in off-axis force showed a unifying strategy of using less shoulder flexion-extension strength by targeting wrist and elbow moments for pushing and pulling exertions. When in the constrained posture allowing and not allowing off-axis force resulted in more internal elbow flexion (p=0.0003) moment during pushing, and less internal shoulder flexion (p=0.0092), more internal shoulder adduction (p=0.0252), more to less internal elbow supination (p=0.0415), and increasingly less internal wrist flexion (p=0.0296) moments during pulling, which verified previously observed strategies. Finally, for both maximal and submaximal exertions, pulling was more sensitive to changes in off-axis forces compared to pushing which was more sensitive to postural flexibility. In conclusion, the underlying principles as to how and why off-axis forces change provides valuable knowledge to ergonomists so that they can more accurately predict force production in workplace design, ultimately reducing the potential for injury.


SADLER, ERIN 18 August 2010 (has links)
The objectives of the present body of work were 1) to evaluate the Personal Lift-Assist Device (PLAD) in terms of its effect on lifting technique, interjoint coordination, and whether sex modulates these effects and 2) to explore the use of principal component analysis (PCA) as a method to investigate lifting waveforms. Thirty participants (15M, 15F) completed a freestyle, symmetrical lifting protocol during which three-dimensional kinematics of the ankle, knee, hip, and lumbar and thoracic spine were collected using a two-camera Optotrak 3020 system. There were four testing conditions: a) with and b) without wearing the PLAD; and c) 0% load and d) 10% of maximum back strength load. All data were evaluated using PCA. In the first analysis, the relationship between the PLAD and lifting technique under a loaded condition was explored. Results showed that 8 PCs were significantly different between the PLAD/No PLAD conditions yet there were no significant effects of sex on any of the PCs. It was concluded that wearing the PLAD encourages a lifting technique that is reflective of a squat lift, independent of sex. In the second analysis, the PLAD’s effect on interjoint coordination patterns under both loaded and unloaded conditions was examined using the relative phase angle (RPA). It was found that there were no significant differences between device, sex, or load conditions on any of the PCs retained in the model. A novel approach to enhance interpretability of PCs was developed during this study. Finally, when the PLAD was not worn, male and female differences were further investigated under loaded and unloaded conditions. It was determined that when the load is individualized to personal strength characteristics, sex differences in lifting technique are negligible. This is a contradictory finding from previous research. Overall, the major contributions of this research are: support for the use of the PLAD in industry; the recommendation that load be selected based on individual strength characteristics for lifting research experimental design; the use of PCA as a method to effectively evaluate lifting waveforms; and the development of a novel approach to aid in the interpretation of principal components. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2010-08-18 09:35:19.142

Development of a novel link-segment model for estimating lower back loading in paramedics

Work conducted as part of this thesis evaluated the lifting techniques of paramedics using a novel link-segment model that was validated against a commercially available software package, 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP). Twenty-five paramedics visited the Biomechanics Lab at Queen’s University to participate in testing sessions mimicking the daily lifting and carrying tasks performed by paramedics on the job. Participants were outfitted with the Xsens Motion Tracking System and asked to lift and carry bags ranging from 5-20kg. Output from the Xsens system was used in a 3D-inverse dynamic model to estimate loading at the L5/S1 joint. The compressive and shear force estimates at this joint are of particular interest given their correlation with low back pain and injury. Across all conditions the greatest compressive forces were seen during bag pickup and bag release. Additionally, reaching forward 50 cm at pickup increased peak spinal compressive loads by nearly 300N and 500N for a 5kg and 10kg handbag respectively. Not surprisingly, at bag release greater trunk lean values were correlated with higher compressive force estimates. Single-shoulder backpack carries showed similar loading characteristics when compared to double-shoulder backpack carries. Shear force estimates remained well below acceptable levels across all conditions. Based on paramedic feedback, a supplementary testing session was performed with a single participant to evaluate multi-bag carries and stair climbing. The results of this testing session showed that loading was reduced at pickup and release when the load was distributed across two bags. This research led to the development of four recommendations that have been presented to the Association of Municipal Emergency Medical Services of Ontario. 1. Paramedics should not lift single bags or a combination of bags that exceed 20kg. 2. Prior to lifting, bags should be located as close to the paramedic as possible. 3. When placing bags on the ground and when picking bags up off of the ground, paramedics should use a squat lift technique to prevent forward and side bending. 4. When multiple bags are carried the load should be evenly distributed within bags and across sides of the body. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2011-09-30 19:26:18.28

The Impact of Stressful Postures on the Physical Workload in Nursing

Freitag, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
Nursing staff have an elevated risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders, in particular in the lower back area. Statistics produced by leading industrial nations show that back problems are the world’s number one work-related health problem, and that healthcare workers suffer from a greater occurrence of such problems than workers in other professions. In this context, many studies have examined manual patient handling activities, which was thought to be the main cause of musculoskeletal disorders of the lower back. But nurses have many other types of work to perform and several reviews have concluded that approaches which only focus on manual patient handling activities do not sufficiently reduce back problems in nursing professions. Other risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders of the lower back discussed in the literature included repeated bending and the high proportion of static trunk postures. The main aim of this doctoral thesis was therefore to examine the influence of stressful trunk postures on the physical workload of nursing staff in hospitals and nursing homes. It focuses on the type, number and extent of stressful postures and on identifying activities that encourage their occurrence. We used our findings to derive strategies for reducing stressful postures in nursing, and examined whether nursing staff regard such a reduction as actually relieving their physical workload. A secondary aim was to consider the older people potentially in need of care. The background to this is that, due to steadily rising costs, many older people are unable to afford care in a nursing home, and additionally that the forecast severe shortage of nursing staff in future gives reason to look for solutions that can reduce the demand for nursing staff. Among older people who still look after themselves, we therefore examined which stressful postures they adopt when carrying out domestic tasks such as cooking and washing laundry. From the results, we provided some examples of a better design of the domestic environment, which reduces stressful postures, when performing these tasks and helps older people to be able to look after themselves in their own homes for longer. / <p>QC 20140324</p>

Towards inclusive design through constraint modelling and computer aided ergonomics

Goonetilleke, Thanuja Shiromie January 2003 (has links)
Inclusive Design is a concept that aims to design mainstream products, workplaces, services and facilities that can accommodate or `include' a maximum percentage of the user population disregarding their age and/or disabilities. The main idea behind Inclusive Design is to design products or workplaces that can be used by all including older, disabled and able-bodied people rather than having two streams of products. There are many social and economic benefits in achieving inclusivity in design such as improving the life of the elderly and disabled people and reaping the profits from the market that extend because of the increased number of consumers. Origins of Inclusive Design go back several decades and are due mainly to the demographic, legislative, and social as well as economic changes that occurred during this period. This research was conducted to study methods of implementation of Inclusive Design. The research has shown that although there are many advantages of designing for the whole population, designers are reluctant to do this mainly because of the enormity of the task which can take up a huge amount of time and man-power. One solution to this can be found in design tools, which provide the designers with a means to achieve inclusivity relatively quickly and with less effort. Therefore this research has developed a new methodology and a computer tool to assist designers to implement Inclusive Design with ease. The methodology discussed in this thesis incorporates the physical characteristics of the users of products and workplaces in the design process in order to search for better configurations for designs. It is shown here that by considering the physical aspects of the individual users such as their anthropometry, joint constraints, capabilities etc in a design optimisation process, the percentage user accommodation of a product can be maximised. In order to achieve this, ergonomics analysis methods and mathematical methods were used to interpret user characteristics in terms of design variables and then constraint modelling was used to model the whole design problem and search for better solutions within the constraints of the design. To implement this method a software tool called SHIELDS was created. This tool utilises the capabilities of four other pieces of software to accomplish the design synthesis. These are HADRIAN and SAMMIE for ergonomics evaluation and MATHEMATICA for mathematical functions fitting and SWORDS constraint modeller to find best solutions. Two case studies were performed to test the functionality of the software and the validity of the methodology developed.

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