Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda resilience"" "subject:"ando resilience""
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The Relationship of Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Social Support to Psychological Well-being in NCAA Female Athletes during COVID-19Mikesell, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
When COVID-19 hit the United States in spring of 2020, collegiate student-athletes, who had sport seasons canceled and were forced to move off-campus, were uniquely and significantly impacted. Psychosocial resources, such as social support, self-compassion, and resilience, may have been used to help athletes cope with the stress of COVID-19. I used structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship of resilience, self-compassion, and social support to collegiate female athlete's (n = 3,924) psychological well-being at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, the more supported, self-compassionate, and resilient the athletes reported being, the less psychological distress they said they were experiencing (resilience to psychological distress (β = -.215, p < .001), self-compassion to psychological distress (β = -.533, p < .001), and social support to psychological distress (β = -.187, p < .001)). Further, self-compassion and social support were related indirectly (and inversely) to psychological distress, to the extent that they contributed to the athletes perceiving themselves as more resilient (Self Compassion X Resilience X Psychological Distress: β = -.106, 90% CI [-.148, -.069]; Social Support X Resilience Psychological Distress: β = -.065, 90% CI [-.099, -.041]). The total effect of social support, which included the direct and indirect effects, also was significant (β = -.253, 90% CI -.307, -.196]), as was the total effect of self-compassion (β = -.639, 90% CI [-.679, -.597]). Although I collected my data in the context of this pandemic, the supported relationships have application beyond it and can guide how sports medicine professionals intervene with athletes and their general mental health concerns.
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The Impact of the 2004 Tsunami on Coastal Thai Communities: Assessing Adaptive CapacityPaton, Douglas, Gregg, Chris E., Houghton, Bruce F., Lachman, Roy, Lachman, Janet, Johnston, David M., Wongbusarakum, Supin 01 March 2008 (has links)
The suddenness and scale of the 26 December 2004 tsunami and the challenges posed to affected communities highlighted the benefits of their members having a capacity to confront and adapt to the consequences of such a disaster. 2 Research into adaptive capacity or resilience has been conducted almost exclusively with Western populations. This paper describes an exploratory study of the potential of a measure of collective efficacy developed for Western populations to predict the capacity of members of a collective society, Thai citizens affected by the 2004 tsunami, to confront effectively the recovery demands associated with this disaster. Following a demonstration that this measure could predict adaptive capacity, the role of religious affiliation, ethnicity and place of residence in sustaining collective efficacy is discussed. The implications of the findings for future research on, and intervention to develop, adaptive capacity among Thai citizens in particular and collectivist societies in general are discussed.
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Filipino Americans and the Rise of Anti-Asian Hate: Exploring Identity, Resilience, and Responses to Racism Among Older Filipino AmericansTittmann, Halina January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Eve Spangler / The recent rise in anti-Asian hate amidst the COVID-19 pandemic provides a novel circumstance within which to investigate Filipino American ethnic and racial identity development. Existing literature on this topic highlights the impact of colonization on present-day Filipinos, regarding their ethnic identification, panethnic consciousness, and responses to discrimination. Most of this research focuses on college-aged and second-generation Filipino Americans. However, victims of the rise in anti-Asian hate include older Asian Americans. Therefore, this study explores Filipino American identity and experiences with racism through 10 interviews with first-generation Filipino Americans, aged 65 and above. The study finds that, although Filipino Americans experience racial discrimination, many are resilient. However, their resilience may reflect internalizations of Filipino cultural values, the colonial mentality, and the model minority myth, as well as the search for a positive identity. Additionally, this study has an unexpected finding that Filipino Americans may collectively construct their identities, with many of their ethnic/racial identities reflecting that of their spouse. Ultimately, the lives and identities of Filipino American involve a dynamic process that adapts and reflects shifting political, social, and cultural contexts. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Sociology.
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Kris på förskolan - En kvalitativ analysstudie om krisarbete på förskolanDalin, Paula, Borglin, Jeanette January 2020 (has links)
Vårt syfte med undersökningen är att granska pedagogers pågående och efter krisarbete i förskolan samt hur pedagoger stötar och möter barn i en krissituation. Vi vill bidra med kunskap om resiliens och hur pedagoger kan arbeta med resiliens för att förhindra psykiska problem i framtiden. Vi valde att skicka ut förfrågan till pedagoger i förskolan. Vår idé var att få information från olika pedagoger från olika förskolor om hur man arbetar med krissituationer. När vi samlat in material från pedagogerna kopplar vi deras svar till våra teorier och tidigare forskning. Vår undersökning ger pedagoger tillgång till hur en välutvecklad krishandlingsplan kan stödja barn i kris. Det framkom i svaren från vår undersökning att de flesta förskolor använder en krishandlingsplan och pedagoger anser att de var väl förberedda för en kris. Det fanns dock ingen krishandlingsplan i utbrottet av pandemier. Pedagogerna beskrev att de saknar information om COVID-19-pandemin och ville ha en krishandlingsplan med tydliga riktlinjer att följa för att kunna agera snabbare i ett pandemiutbrott. / Our purpose with the examination is to review pedagogues’ ongoing and post-crisis work in preschool as well as how pedagogue support and meet children in a crisis situation. We want to contribute with knowledge of resilience and how a pedagogue can work with resilience to prevent psychological problems in the future. We chose to send out inquiry to pedagogues in preschool. Our idea was to get information from different pedagogues from different preschools on how to work with crisis situations. When we collect material from the pedagogues, we link their responses to our theories and previous research. Our examination gives pedagogues access to how a well-developed crisis action plan can support children in crisis. It emerged in the responses from the inquiry that most preschools use a crisis action plan and the pedagogues consider that they were well prepared for a crisis. However, there was no crisis action plan in the outbreak of pandemics. The pedagogues described that they now lack information on the COVID-19 pandemic and wanted a crisis action plan with clear restrictions to follow in order to be able to act faster in a pandemic outbreak.
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Vulnerability, resilience and conservation strategies for Thailand’s coral reef marine protected areas in a changing climateManopawitr, Petch 02 January 2020 (has links)
In 2010, Thailand’s Andaman Sea experienced unprecedented mass coral bleaching. Between 50% to 90% of corals suffered bleaching along the Andaman coast both inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This dissertation examines the implications of climate change for these coral reef ecosystems in MPAs. The study explores the potential and effectiveness of conservation management strategies using MPAs and resilience building to address this global challenge in the context of Thailand.
This dissertation examines how resilience-based management can be enhanced in Thailand’s MPAs on the Andaman coast in the face of climate change. In particular, the research: 1) Identifies resilient reefs in the Andaman bioregion, 2) Assesses coral reef resilience in a specific MPA to identify management interventions, 3) Examines current MPA coverage and suggests strategies to improve coverage, and 4) Illustrates the potential of social media to enhance coral reef resilience in Thailand.
The study employs a mixed methods approach consisting of literature review, a review of available secondary data, workshops, field surveys and social media data tracking. Twenty-two resilience indicators were selected and used to assess reefs at 62 survey stations across the eastern Andaman bioregion. A review of existing Andaman MPA coverage, spacing and design was conducted to determine the gaps and opportunities for expanding the MPA network. A science communication campaign focused on the importance of parrotfish in saving coral reefs using online social media was launched and monitored.
The study sites were classified into high (28), moderate (23) and low (11) resilience based on resilience scores. The results provide the first comprehensive resilience assessment of coral reefs in the Andaman sea. The identified resilient reef areas serve as cornerstones in developing a more resilient MPA network and provide a conservation-based platform for long-term marine spatial planning in the eastern Andaman region.
Resilience scores for Mu Ko Surin National Park were analyzed in more detail to provide an example of the process for undertaking a finer scaled analysis with a localized weighting system. Management interventions were developed accordingly including strict protection areas and recovery zone designations aiming to improve coral resilience.
Expanding MPA coverage and developing MPA networks is an urgent priority for Thailand to reach the CBD target of at least 10% of marine and coastal habitat protected by 2020. This study suggests three important areas for consideration: 1) Expanding MPAs by prioritizing resilient areas and incorporating other types of conservation areas; 2) A ‘bottom-up’ approach that incorporates adaptive and flexible governance; and 3) Implement biological corridors to address key shortcomings of current MPAs.
The findings from the parrotfish campaign highlighted the importance of science communication and the usefulness of social networks for conservation. The campaign demonstrated that social media, when used properly and effectively, is powerful for public engagement and helps create an enabling environment for change in public policy and practice for marine conservation.
This dissertation offers insights into opportunities to improve the management of large tropical marine ecosystem and how coral reef resilience can be enhanced by developing MPA networks in the face of climate change. / Graduate
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Resilience in Indian families in which a member has diedHarakraj, Nirvana January 2005 (has links)
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a degree of Masters of Arts in the Department of Counselling Psychology at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2005. / The present study aimed to identify those resiliency factors that enabled Indian families to transform and adapt after the loss of a family member. Using a convenience sampling method, thirty families were identified. Open-ended questions and the following measurement scales were completed by the parent and an adolescent of each selected family: a biographical questionnaire, Social Support Index, Relative and Friend Support Index, Family Problem Solving Communication Index, Family Hardiness Index, The family Attachment and Changeability Index 8, and Family Time and Routine Index. Results show that open communication between family members, religion, support of relatives and friends, problem solving communication, family hardiness, mobilization of the family to get help, redefinition of the problem, family time and routine were the resiliency factors identified in this study.
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Résilience et vulnérabilité : biomarqueurs en IRM cérébrale dans des groupes à risque d'addiction / Resilience and Vulnerability : MRI Biomarkers in Groups at Risk of AddictionFilippi, Irina 22 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude des bases neurobiologiques de la résilience et de la vulnérabilité dans des groupes d’adolescents et de jeunes adultes à risque d'addiction qui sont au cœur des campagnes de prévention des conduites addictives. Même si la recherche en addictologie a permis des avancées majeures dans la compréhension des bases cérébrales de l'addiction, très peu de recherches se sont portées sur ceux qui arrivent à arrêter ou à résister en dépit de la présence de facteurs de risque et de vulnérabilité. L'objectif était de rechercher des modifications de la structure cérébrale associées à l'interruption spontanée de la poly-consommation ainsi que des modifications anatomo-fonctionnelles associées à une histoire familiale d'alcoolodépendance. A l'aide de logiciels de traitement d'images acquises en imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) anatomique, de diffusion, et fonctionnelle sollicitant le circuit de la récompense, nous avons mis en évidence des variations anatomiques et fonctionnelles discrètes en particulier dans le gyrus cingulaire, région clé du cerveau qui relie les structures frontales et sous-corticales impliquées dans le circuit de la récompense. La découverte de facteurs cérébraux sous-jacents à l’expression de la résilience et de la vulnérabilité pourrait alimenter de nouveaux modèles de recherche et thérapeutiques ciblant la réhabilitation des fonctions cingulaires chez les individus à risque. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the neurobiological bases of resilience and vulnerability in groups of adolescents and young adults at risk of addiction who are at the heart of prevention campaigns of addictive behaviours. Although addiction research has led to major advances in the understanding of the bases of addiction, very little research has been conducted on those who are able to stop or resist despite the presence of risk and vulnerability factors. The main objective was to investigate changes in brain structure associated with spontaneous recovery from multiple-substance use as well as structural and functional changes associated with a family history of alcohol-dependence. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) were acquired using sequences of anatomical, diffusion, and functional that solicits the reward system. We have demonstrated discreet anatomical and functional variations, particularly in the cingulate gyrus, a key brain region that connects the frontal and subcortical structures involved in the reward system. These advances regarding the neurobiological underpinnings of resilience and vulnerability could fuel new research and therapeutic models targeting the rehabilitation of cingulate functions in at-risk individuals.
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A Phenomenological Exploration into the Resiliency of Prostate Cancer SurvivorsLacourt, Luis Eduardo 01 January 2018 (has links)
Scholarly articles related to the physical and emotional effects of prostate cancer treatment and survivorship are abundant. However, few researchers have explored resiliency of prostate cancer survivors through their recovery and survivorship experience. There is a gap in the literature regarding resilience through the lived experiences of prostate cancer survivors. Counselor educators could be better prepared to teach counselors to promote the resilience needs of prostate cancer survivors. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of prostate cancer survivors. Coding analysis of data collected from interviews of 7 participants generated 3 major themes and 30 subthemes of experiences. Themes included experiences and feelings surrounding the cancer diagnosis, descriptions of resilience, and the personal growth the participants gained from their experiences. The results of this study give voice to their challenges and offer insight into how prostate cancer survivors find meaning while adapting constructively to adversity and resilience. A clearer understanding of these experiences may promote understanding of the prostate cancer experience for men, offer insight for promoting resilience among prostate cancer survivors, and give clues to the experiences of other populations responding to cancer.
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Bullying and Resilience in Elementary School Children and Mitigating Pro-Social BehaviorsBean, Suzette A 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between bullying behaviors, as measured by the Personal Experiences Checklist (PECK), and resilience, as measured by the Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scales (SEARS), as well as whether the prosocial behaviors of controling anger, solving problems, and cooperating with others during activities mitigated the effects of bullying behaviors. A relationship between bullying behaviors and resiliency in children has been shown in past research. The theoretical framework for this study was social learning theory. The foundation of social learning theory is that children learned behaviors by imitating the behaviors of others. A sample of 8- to 11-year-old students from local primary schools in Bermuda completed the PECK and the SEARS. Simple regression, multiple regression, and ANOVA were used to analytically examine the relationship between variables. The findings of this study built on existing research, which suggested that children who were more resilient and exhibited more prosocial behaviors, experienced less victimization through bullying. In this study, it was found that the more children were bullied, the less resilient they were. The results of this study have the potential for positive social change through being used for the development and implementation of appropriate social and emotional learning programs. The long-term results of such programs include the reduction of bullying behavior during childhood, adolescent, and adult years, with children having more control over their behaviors, reducing their involvement with the justice system both in their childhood and adult years.
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The Use of Family and Consumer Sciences County Extension Faculty to Provide Emergency Preparedness Education in the Western Region of the United StatesBeck, Sara A. 01 May 2013 (has links)
As the number of people affected by natural and man-made disasters increases, so does the need for emergency preparedness education. Previous research has indicated that education and training can have an impact on the resiliency of individuals, families, and communities. The use of Extension professionals in regional and county offices across each state is an effective means for education. In this study, family and consumer sciences (FCS) county Extension faculty in the Western Region of the United States were surveyed to determine the best practices used and perceptions of the importance and their ability to educate individuals, families, and communities on emergency preparedness. Many respondents agreed on effective strategies to recruit individuals to Extension programming. Overall, FCS county Extension faculty indicated that emergency preparedness being offered was important; however, they did not think they had adequate knowledge or ability to educate on many emergency preparedness topics.
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