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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução estrutural da Sierra de Umango, Sierras Pampeanas Ocidentais, Noroeste da Argentina / Structural evolution of the Sierra de Umango, Western Sierras Pampeanas, Northwestern Argentina

Meira, Vinicius Tieppo 17 June 2010 (has links)
A Sierra de Umango está localizada na porção ocidental da Província de La Rioja, no noroeste argentino. Situa-se na região do \"Pampean Flat-slab\" dos Andes Centrais e conforma um conjunto de blocos do embasamento, soerguidos e rotacionados no Cenozóico, denominado de Sierras Pampeanas Ocidentais. As Sierras Pampeanas Ocidentais são caracterizadas por rochas meta-ígneas de idade mesoproterozóica grenvilliana e unidades metassedimentares metamorfisadas no Ordoviciano, e são interpretadas como parte do Terreno Composto Cuyania. As rochas metamórficas da região de Umango são limitadas a oeste por rochas sedimentares devonianas da Pré-Cordilheira, e a leste por rochas ígneas e sedimentares do Sistema Famatina. A descrição litológica e a análise estrutural das rochas da Sierra de Umango possibilitaram propor um modelo de evolução estrutural para a região. Seis unidades geológicas foram diferenciadas: i- unidade do embasamento de idade mesoproterozóica, Ortognaisses Juchi, ii- Unidades Metassedimentares Tambillo e iii- Tambillito, iv- Granito El Peñon, Ordoviciano sincolisional, v- Unidade de Rochas Metabásicas El Cordobés, vi- granitos tardi a póscolisionais Los Guandacolinos e Cerro Veladero. No evento tectônico colisional Ordoviciano, caracterizado por um sistema de nappes e zonas de cisalhamento, foram reconhecidas três fases deformacionais (D1, D2 e D3). A fase D1 corresponde provavelmente ao estágio do metamorfismo progressivo, D2 apresenta condições P-T próximas ao pico metamórfico e a fase D3, de dobras apertadas a recumbentes com foliação plano-axial S3, freqüentemente associada a falhas inversas, registra o estágio retrogressivo do metamorfismo. A estrutura metamórfica principal das rochas é uma foliação de transposição S2, ou uma foliação milonítica. Relíquias de foliação S1 são reconhecidas, principalmente, em núcleos de porfiroblastos intercinemáticos de granada e estaurolita, sugerindo a progressão contínua das fases D1 e D2. O metamorfismo ordoviciano alcançou condições de fácies anfibolito superior a granulito em regimes de média a alta pressão. A estrutura está caracterizada por klippen dos Ortognaisses Juchi sobre a Unidade Tambillo, transportadas para S-SW e limitada, a oeste, por uma zona de cisalhamento lateral dextral (Zona de Cisalhamento Cerro Cacho - Puntilla), como rampa lateral. Esse quadro estrutural está relacionado à colisão oblíqua do Terreno Cuyania, subductado sob a protomargem de Gondwana. O sentido de subducção para NE foi inferido com base na cinemática de extrusão sinmetamórfica, registrada nas nappes (topo para S-SW) e na Zona de Cisalhamento Cerro Cacho - Puntilla. Pelo menos dois eventos posteriores deformaram as estruturas pré-existentes. A fase deformacional D4 corresponde a um dobramento normal, com comprimento de onda na ordem de 10 km, orientado N-S. São dobras cilíndricas que deformaram a foliação S2 e associam-se a zonas de cisalhamento discretas. O padrão cilíndrico e os eixos subhorizontais das dobras D4 pressupõem a orientação horizontal a subhorizontal para as estruturas pré-existentes, principalmente S2. As dobras D4 são responsáveis pela preservação sinformal das klippen Juchi e Água La Falda. A foliação, em estado sólido, presente no Granito Los Guaundacolinos é paralela ao plano axial destas dobras. Essa deformação corresponde à tectônica Chanica, na interface entre o Devoniano e o Carbonífero. Dobras D5, de eixo com orientação E-W, deformam o conjunto das estruturas e podem estar vinculadas ao soerguimento durante o Ciclo Andino. / The Sierra de Umango is located at the occidental portion of La Rioja Province, northwestern Argentina. It is part of basement blocks, uplifted and rotated in the Cenozoic times, called Western Sierras Pampeanas. This region is situated in the Pampean Flat-slab of the Central Andes. Meta-igneous rocks of grenvillian mesoproterozoic age and metasedimentary units metamorphosed in the Ordovician times, characterize the Western Sierras Pampeanas. These rocks are interpreted as a part of Cuyania Composite Terrane. In the region of the Sierra de Umango, the Western Sierras Pampeanas are limited on the west by Devonian sedimentary rocks of Precordillera, and by igneous and sedimentary rocks of Famatina System on the east. The lithological description and structural analysis of rocks from Sierra de Umango enable to propose a structural evolution model for the region. Six geological units were distinguished: i- the basement unit Juchi Ortogneisses of mesoproterozoic age, iimetasedimentary units Tambillo and iii- Tambillito, iv- Ordovician sin-collisional El Peñon Granite, v- El Cordobés metamafic rocks unit; vi- late to post-collisional Los Guandacolinos and Cerro Veladero granites. The Ordovician collisional event is characterized by a nappe system and shear zones, and the rocks affected by this event show three deformational phases (D1, D2 and D3). D1 phase corresponds probably to the progressive metamorphic stage; D2 exhibits P-T conditions close to metamorphic peak; and D3 phase, of tight to recumbent folds with S3 axial plane foliation which is often related to thrust faults, records the retrogressive metamorphic stage. The main metamorphic structure of Umango´s rocks is a transposition foliation S2 or a mylonitic foliation. The relics of S1 are recognized, mainly, in cores of interkinematics porphyroblasts of garnet and staurolite, suggesting a continuous progression from D1 to D2. The Ordovician metamorphism reached granulite to upper amphibolite facies conditions in a medium to high pressure regime. The general structure is characterized by Juchi Ortogneisses klippen which was overthrust onto Tambillo Unit, in a S-SW sense, and it is limited, on west, by a right lateral shear zone (Cerro Cacho - Puntilla Shear Zone), as a lateral ramp. This structural pattern is related to the oblique collision of Cuyania Terrane, subducted underneath to the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. The subduction sense to NE was inferred from the sin-metamorphic extrusion, registered on the nappes (top to S-SW) and on the Cerro Cacho - Puntilla Shear Zone. At least two latest events deformed the earlier structures. The D4 deformacional phase corresponds to a normal folding, with wavelenght at about 10 km, with N-S orientation. They are cylindrical folds which modified de S2 surface and are associated to discrete shear zones. The cylindrical pattern and the subhorizontal axes of the D4 folds presuppose that S2 were, originally, flat-lying surfaces. D4 folds are responsible for preserving the sinformal Juchi and Água La Falda klippen. The solid state foliation described in the Los Guandacolinos Granite is parallel to the D4 axial planes. This deformation corresponds to the Chanica Tectonic, on the interval between Devonian and Carboniferous times. D5 folds, with E-W oriented axes, deform the structures set and could be associated with the uplifting during the Andean Cycle.

Representación de la naturaleza y el espacio en la pintura andina de los siglos XVII y XVIII

Ferrero, Sebastian 02 1900 (has links)
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée des documents visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. / Pendant la période coloniale, le grand sujet de la nature fut différemment instrumentalisé selon les intérêts particuliers des secteurs distincts de la société coloniale péruvienne. Fondamentale comme outil d'évangélisation, mais surtout comme espace de canalisation de la religiosité et de la spiritualité coloniale, la nature a su se manifester de manière diverse dans la production artistique de la vice-royauté du Pérou. Dans cette thèse, nous nous penchons sur le phénomène de la représentation de la nature dans la peinture andine coloniale, en nous concentrant en particulier sur la région occupée actuellement par le Pérou et la Bolivie, et sur une périodisation qui comprend principalement les XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Ce travail cherche à approfondir une problématique qui a été majoritairement oubliée ou sous-estimée par le discours critique de l’histoire de l’art de la période coloniale. Nous aborderons cette problématique à partir de différentes perspectives. Cependant, l'aspect religieux semble l’élément fondamental pour expliquer les principaux enjeux derrière ce geste pictural. La peinture de la nature et de l'espace fut représentative des valeurs et des fondements spirituels de la religiosité coloniale. Les andins ont pensé la nature comme un moyen de visualiser des expériences métaphysiques profondes, de repenser les identités religieuses et d’accorder aux images des pouvoirs magico-religieux qui s’avéraient essentiels pour le bien-être de différentes communautés. Bien que l’étude des rapports religieux soit indispensable pour élucider cette structure symbolique complexe, tant pour la peinture de paysage (comme unité organique), que pour la représentation des éléments individuels, la représentation de la nature a révélé, dans bien d'autres cas, des préoccupations concrètes directement liées aux circonstances, autant politique qu’ historique, de la société coloniale, en s’adaptant aux changements constants d’un espace et d’une société en transformation. Loin d'être uniquement soumis à l'exercice décoratif, ou dans le cas de la peinture religieuse, de remplir la fonction de contexte pictural, les peintres coloniaux ont valorisé cet élément en l'abordant comme un objet individuel, chargé de pouvoir symbolique et capable de transmettre des messages et de produire des discours, toujours en lien avec les préoccupations des différents secteurs de la société coloniale. / In the colonial period, the great subject matter of nature was instrumentalized by different sectors of Peruvian vice regal society. Essentially as an evangelization tool, but also as a space where colonial religiosity was manifested, the representation of nature was interpreted in different ways by artists and consumers of vice regal paintings. In this dissertation, we analyze the representation of nature in colonial Andean painting, focusing especially on the Central Andean region (currently covered by Peru and Bolivia) in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This work seeks to move forward on an issue that has been largely underestimated by critical discourse of art history regarding the Latin American colonial period. We will discuss this problem from different perspectives. However, the religious aspect seems to be above all a fundamental element to explain the key issues behind this pictorial manner. The representation of nature was consistent with spiritual values that forged colonial religiosity. Andean people considered nature as a way to visualize deep metaphysical experiences by rethinking religious identities and granting to the images magical-religious powers essential for the well-being of communities. Beyond the religious aspect, we focus on the analysis of other consequences and interests that are related to the different forms of representation of territories and elements of nature, allowing different social groups to assert their ideological, political and cultural positions. The representation of nature and space in colonial painting was never a simple decorative object, nor, in the case of religious painting, did it fulfil the role of scenographic framework and background to pictorial stories. The colonial painters treated this element with particular concern, conceding it special value and narrative powers, according to different preoccupations in colonial society.

Le volcanisme ignimbritique des canyons Ocoña - Cotahuasi (Sud du Pérou) : chronostratigraphie, sources et liens avec la surrection andine

La Rupelle, Aude de 27 September 2013 (has links)
La Cordillère des Andes, issue de la subduction de la plaque Pacifique sous le continent Sud-Américain, est un système orogénique propice à la formation de grands systèmes volcaniques acides, dans lesquels coexistent des produits d’éruptions volcaniques explosives de grandes magnitudes et des laves et dômes, associés à des calderas mono- ou polygéniques. Ce mémoire de thèse apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur certains systèmes volcaniques acides du Sud du Pérou, dont les produits affleurent dans les canyons d’Ocoña-Cotahuasi-Maran (OCM). Ces canyons, les plus profonds des Andes (3 à 3,5 km), résultent de la combinaison des processus de soulèvement tectonique, d’incision, et d’érosion depuis 15 Ma. Les imposantes séries ignimbritiques exposées dans cette région (env. 10000 km²), témoignent de l’existence d’un volcanisme explosif de grande ampleur, associé à des systèmes acides peu connus d’après les études antérieures. Cette étude vise tout d’abord à obtenir une chrono-stratigraphie améliorée des événements ignimbritiques (groupes, unités) dans la région OCM pour mieux connaître les récurrences des super-éruptions dans cette région au cours des derniers 25 Ma. Ensuite, nous cherchons à localiser les sources des grandes unités et à identifier les éventuelles structures d’effondrement associées (calderas). Pour ce faire, nous avons combiné diverses techniques, associant l’étude de la stratigraphie et de la lithologie des dépôts volcaniques, les datations par la méthode 40Ar-39Ar des principales unités ignimbritiques et coulées de lave, l’imagerie satellitaire (Landsat, SPOT) et la pétrologie (assemblages minéralogiques, étude des textures et des compositions chimiques) et enfin, les mesures de densité et d’anisotropie de susceptibilité magnétique des ignimbrites (ASM) pour analyser les directions d’écoulement et tenter de localiser leurs sources. Ainsi, les résultats nous ont permis d’identifier huit événements ignimbritiques, dont six majeurs, datés entre ~24 Ma et ~2 Ma. Les âges des grandes unités (Nazca, Alpabamba, Huaylillas, Caraveli, Sencca inférieure et supérieure) montrent une récurrence moyenne de l’ordre de 4-5 Ma depuis 25 Ma. Les lithologies sont assez semblables, bien que les degrés de soudure varient beaucoup, allant de produits meubles jusqu’aux faciès eutaxitiques. L’étude pétrologique révèle des assemblages de minéraux assez homogènes, les paragenèses étant dominées par le quartz, le feldspath, la biotite, l’amphibole et des oxydes. Les volumes bruts des unités principales que nous avons déterminés se situent entre ~40 et ~500-800 km3. Cependant, il ne s’agit que de valeurs minimales, puisque nous considérons que les volumes initiaux sont au moins le double ou le triple, probablement dans la gamme ~100 à ~2400 km3. La distribution des unités ignimbritiques d’OCM et les résultats des analyses ASM désignent plusieurs zones sources. L’unité de Caraveli provient de la caldera de Trapiche, qui contient le lac Parinacochas. Cette structure que nous identifions, d'un diamètre de ~22 km, est située dans un bassin tectonique allongé selon la direction N-S. Elle est occupée dans sa partie ouest par un dôme résurgent de 800 m de haut, le Cerro Trompo Orjo. Les unités Huaylillas et Alpabamba, ainsi que les groupes Sencca (inférieure et supérieure) seraient issus d’une source entièrement recouverte par le massif volcanique quaternaire du Nevado Coropuna. Des estimations de volumes éruptifs suggèrent une atténuation significative du volcanisme ignimbritique depuis 9 Ma, peut-être liée à la maturation orogénique de l’Altiplano-Puna. En profondeur, le magmatisme a probablement contribué à l’épaississement crustal par adjonction de grands volumes de magma. (...) / The Andes, resulting from the subduction of Pacific plate under South-America continental plate, is an orogenic system suitable for large acidic volcanic systems formation. These structures display at the same time volcanic products from high magnitude explosive eruptions, lavas and domes, and mono- or polygenetic calderas. This manuscript brings a new expertise on some of the acidic volcanic systems in South Peru, which products outcrop in the Ocoña - Cotahuasi - Maran canyons (OCM). This canyons system, one of the deepest worldwide (up to 3.5 km), was created by combined tectonic uplift, incision and erosion processes since 15 Ma. Voluminous ignimbritic series widespread in this region (around 10000 km2) are evidences for a past high amplitude explosive volcanic activity related to little-known acidic systems. The topic of this study is to obtain an enhanced chrono-stratigraphy of the OCM region ignimbritic succession (groups and units). This would provide a better knowledge on the regional super-eruptions recurrence since the last 25 Ma. Then, we focus on localizing the largest ignimbrites sources and identify the possible related collapse structures (calderas). For that purpose we combine several studies, from stratigraphy, deposits lithology to 40Ar-39Ar dating of the main ignimbritic units and lava flows. We also use satellite imagery (Landsat, SPOT) and petrology (mineralogical assemblage, textures and geochemical composition). Finally, we measure the ignimbrites density and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) to determine their flowing directions and estimate their sources locations. Thus, the results let us identify eight ignimbritic events among which, six happened between ~24 Ma and ~2 Ma. The main units ages (Nazca, Alpabamba, Huaylillas, Caraveli, lower and upper Sencca) show an average recurrence of 4-5 Ma since 25 Ma. Lithologies are similar even if welding degrees ranges are spread from loose deposits to eutaxitic facies. Petrological study show quite homogeneous mineralogical assemblages since quartz, feldspar, biotite, amphibole and oxydes dominate the paragenesis. Our estimations of the main units bulk volumes range from ~ 40 to ~ 500-800 km3. However, these are only minimum values since we consider that initial volumes as twice or three times higher, probably in the range of ~100 to ~2400 km3. The OCM ignimbrite flow units distribution and the AMS study results indicate several regions as sources for these units. Caraveli unit flowed from Trapiche caldera in which the Parinacochas lake rests. This structure is estimated to be ~22 km of diameter and lays in a N-S orientated tectonic basin. Its western part is occupied with a 800 m high resurgent dome, named Cerro Trompo Orjo. Alpabamba and Huaylillas units, as Sencca units (lower and upper) would come from a source presently entirely covered with the quaternary massif of Nevado Coropuna. Estimations of eruptive volumes recall an important decrease of ignimbritic volcanism since 9 Ma, which might be related to simultaneous Altiplano-Puna orogenic growing. It is supported that deep magmatism have probably contributed to crustal thickening thanks to the addition of large volumes of magma. These results also involve that canyons erosion and incision would have taken place at a rate ranging from 150 to 500 m/Ma during the last 13 Ma. Given that the large-volume acidic system studied in this work is considerable, further research are necessary to improve these results.

Traditions céramiques et occupation précolombienne du piémont oriental des Andes équatoriennes : le cas de la vallée du fleuve Cuyes / Ceramic traditions and pre-Columbian occupation of the eastern foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes : the case of the Cuyes river valley

Lara, Catherine 23 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, les imposantes structures fortifiées de la vallée du fleuve Cuyes, -située au sud de l'Équateur, à la frontière entre les Andes et l’Amazonie correspondant à la province de Morona Santiago-, ont attiré l'attention des anthropologues et archéologues : ces constructions ont-elles été bâties et occupées par des populations andines ? amazoniennes ? à quelle époque et dans quel contexte ? La thèse vise à alimenter la discussion grâce à l’application d'une méthodologie d’analyse de la céramique ancienne tout à fait novatrice pour l’archéologie de la région, basée sur le concept de chaîne opératoire et une lecture anthropologique du matériel. / Since the 1970’s, the impressive fortified structures of the Cuyes river valley -located in the south of Ecuador, at the border between the Andes and the Amazonian lowlands-, have caught the interest of anthropologists and archaeologists: were these structures built and inhabited by Andean populations? Amazonian? when and in what kind of context? The dissertation aims at bringing new data to the debate through the use of a methodology of analysis of ancient ceramics totally new for the archaeology of the region, based on the concept of “chaîne opératoire” and on an anthropological interpretation of the material.

Understanding Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies of Andean People

21 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This publication summarizes the main results of the INCAProject during 2011/2012 and the contributions to the according INCA-Summer-School, which took place from September 19th – September 27th 2012 at the Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, Professorship of Tropical Forestry in Tharandt, Germany.

Sedimentary, structural, and provenance record of the Cianzo basin, Puna plateau-Eastern Cordillera boundary, NW Argentina

Siks, Benjamin Charles 15 July 2011 (has links)
The fault-bounded Cianzo basin represents a Cenozoic intermontane depocenter between the Puna plateau and Eastern Cordillera of the central Andean fold-thrust belt in northern Argentina. New characterizations of fold-thrust structure, nonmarine sedimentation, and sediment provenance for the shortening-induced Cianzo basin at 23°S help constrain the origin, interconnectedness, and subsequent uplift and exhumation of the basin, which may serve as an analogue for other intermontane hinterland basins in the Andes. Structural mapping of the Cianzo basin reveals SW and NE-plunging synclines within the >6000 m-thick, upsection coarsening Cenozoic clastic succession in the shared footwall of the N-striking, E-directed Cianzo thrust fault and transverse, NE-striking Hornocal fault. Growth stratal relationships within upper Miocene levels of the succession indicate syncontractional sedimentation directly adjacent to the Hornocal fault. Measured stratigraphic sections and clastic sedimentary lithofacies of Cenozoic basin-fill deposits show upsection changes from (1) a distal fluvial system recorded by vi fine-grained, paleosol-rich, heavily bioturbated sandstones and mudstones (Paleocene‒Eocene Santa Bárbara Subgroup, ~400 m), to (2) a braided fluvial system represented by cross-stratified sandstones and interbedded mudstones with 0.3 to 8 m upsection-fining sequences (Upper Eocene–Oligocene Casa Grande Formation, ~1400 m), to (3) a distributary fluvial system in the distal sectors of a distributary fluvial megafan represented by structureless sheetflood sandstones, stratified pebble conglomerates and sandstones, and interbedded overbank mudstones (Miocene Río Grande Formation, ~3300 m), to (4) a proximal alluvial fan system with thick conglomerates interbedded with thin discontinuous sandstone lenses (upper Miocene Pisungo Formation, ~1600 m). New 40Ar/39Ar geochronological results for five interbedded volcanic tuffs indicate distributary fluvial deposition of the uppermost Río Grande Formation from 16.31 ± 0.6 Ma to 9.69 ± 0.05 Ma. Sandstone petrographic results show distinct upsection trends in lithic and feldspar content in the Casa Grande, Río Grande, and Pisungo formations, potentially distinguishing western magmatic arc (Western Cordillera) sediment sources from evolving eastern thrust-belt sources (Puna‒Eastern Cordillera). In addition to growth stratal relationships and 40Ar/39Ar constraints, conglomerate clast compositions reflect distinct lithologic differences, constraining the activation of the Cianzo thrust and coeval movement on the reactivated Hornocal fault. Finally, U-Pb geochronological analyses of sandstone detrital zircon populations in conjunction with paleocurrent data and depositional facies patterns help distinguish localized sources from more distal sources west of the basin, revealing a systematic eastward advance of Eocene to Miocene fold-thrust deformation in the central Andes of northern Argentina. / text

Darstellung magmatischer Prozesse über die U-Th Ungleichgewichts-Methode. Vergleich von zwei andinen magmatichen Systemen: Vulkan El Misti (Südperu) versus des Taapaca Vulkankomplexes (Nordchile). / Magmatic processes by U-Th disequilibria method.Comparison of two Andean systems:El Misti Volcano (S. Peru) and Taapaca Volcanic Center (N. Chile).

Kiebala, Aneta 03 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

An ethnolinguistic study of the Yanesha’ (Amuesha) language and speech community in Peru’s Andean Amazon, and the traditional role of Ponapnora, a female rite of passage

Daigneault, Anna Luisa 09 1900 (has links)
La langue Yanesha’ est parlée sur la frontière de deux mondes, les Andes et l’Amazonie, au Pérou central. Un travail de terrain ethnolinguistique parmi le peuple Yanesha’ a été effectué en mai-août 2008 pour étudier cette langue et les facteurs menant possiblement à sa disparition. Ce mémoire porte sur les traits caractéristiques de la langue Yanesha’ et sa place à l’intérieur de la famille linguistique Arawak. L’auteure discute aussi à propos de ponapnora, un rituel de puberté qui joue un rôle important dans la préservation d’héritage musical et linguistique auprès des femmes Yanesha’. / The Yanesha’ language is spoken on the edges of two worlds, the Andes and the Amazon, in southcentral Peru. Ethnolinguistic fieldwork was carried out among the Yanesha’ people in May-August 2008 to learn about their language and the possible factors leading to its endangerment. This thesis examines the unique linguistic features of Yanesha and its place within the Arawak language family. It also discusses a puberty ritual that plays an important role in preserving musical and linguistic heritage among Yanesha’ women: the ponapnora female initiation ritual. / Thesis written in co-mentorship with Richard Chase Smith Ph.D, of El Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC) in Peru. The attached file is a pdf created in Word. The pdf file serves to preserve the accuracy of the many linguistic symbols found in the text.

Représentations du Soi espagnol et de l’Autre inca dans le discours de Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa

Drouin-Gagné, Marie-Eve 01 1900 (has links)
Comprendre les présupposés qui fondent les rapports au monde des individus selon leur appartenance civilisationnelle nécessite des outils et une méthode permettant de répondre à trois questions principales. D’abord, comment aborder le rapport que des individus et leurs collectivités entretiennent avec le monde et avec l’Autre selon leur propre système d’interprétations et d’explications de ces réalités? Ensuite, comment penser la diversité des collectivités humaines qui établissent de tels rapports? Finalement, comment aborder les dimensions collectives à travers les discours limités d’individus? Deux outils m’ont permis de prendre du recul face à ma subjectivité et d’accéder à un certain niveau de réalité et de validité quant aux faits rapportés et aux résultats atteints. Dans un premier temps, le réseau notionnel articulant les conceptions du monde (Ikenga-Metuh, 1987) comme phénomènes de civilisations (Mauss, 1929) accessibles par l’analyse des représentations sociales (Jodelet, 1997) permet de définir et d’étudier l’interface entre l’individuel et le collectif. Dans un deuxième temps, l’opérationnalisation de la recherche permet de cerner le XVIe siècle comme moment de rencontre propice à l’étude des civilisations andines et occidentales à travers les représentations du Soi espagnol et de l’Autre inca du chroniqueur Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. Finalement, la méthode d’analyse de discours (Sabourin, 2009) lève le voile sur une grammaire sociale polarisante entre le Soi et l’Autre, laquelle traverse les trois univers de sens (religieux, intellectuel et politique) observés dans le discours de Sarmiento. La mise à jour des positions théologiques, intellectuelles et politiques de l’auteur ouvre à son tour sur les récits et discours collectifs propres aux civilisations occidentales et andines de son époque, et permet un questionnement nouveau : cette polarisation est-elle unique à la localisation sociale de Sarmiento ou constitue-t-elle un phénomène civilisationnel proprement occidental ? / Understanding the assumptions underlying the relationships between individuals and the world according to their civilizational affiliation requires tools and a method to address three main questions. First, how to approach the relationship individuals and their collectivities maintain with the world and with the Other according to their own set of interpretations and meanings of these realities? Second, how to envision the diversity of human collectivities which establish such relations? Finally, how to approach the collective dimensions through limited individual discourse? Two tools enabled me to distance myself from my own subjectiveness and to attain a certain degree of reality and validity as to the stated facts and the achieved results. First, the notional network linking worldviews (Ikenga-Metuh, 1987) as a civilizational phenomenon (Mauss, 1929) accessible through the analysis of social representations (Jodelet, 1997), enables the identification of an interface which can be studied between the individual and the collective. Secondly, research operationalization makes it possible to identify the sixteenth century as a significant crossroad for the study of Western and Andean civilizations through Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa’s representations of the Spanish Self and the Inca Other. Finally, discourse analysis (Sabourin, 2009) unveils a polarizing social grammar between the Self and the Other which involves the three realms of meaning (religious, intellectual and political) observed in Sarmiento’s discourse. The author’s theological, intellectual and political positions thus revealed lead, in turn, to the collective stories and discourses which prevailed in Western and Andean civilizations at the time, and invites a further question: Is this polarization unique to Sarmiento’s social location or does it constitute a truly Western civilizational phenomenon?

Análisis del discurso metalingüístico sobre las variantes del expañol en los Andes

Fernandez, Victor January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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