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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A percepção da sociedade na gestão ambiental municipal / The perception of society in municipal environmental management

Mariana Lima Rodrigues 28 September 2010 (has links)
A incompatibilidade entre a produção em massa para atender ao capitalismo, altamente impulsionado pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico, e a capacidade de carga da natureza despertou o mundo para a importância de se discutir as questões ambientais. As nações colocam-se em uma postura de discussão integrada por meio da qual sejam estabelecidas diretrizes comuns aos países, porém passíveis de serem ajustadas para atender às particularidades de cada nação. A consolidação da Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente no Brasil apresenta-se como marco da internalização política das questões ambientais em uma proposta de ação integrada das esferas de poder - União, Estados e Municípios. A descentralização política que ocorreu no país não só revelou autonomia aos municípios como aproximou a população da arena política por entender que sua integração legitima as ações do poder público e confere uma divisão de responsabilidade na gestão do meio, que deve ser realizada de forma compartilhada. A percepção que a população apresenta acerca das ações implementadas pelo poder público pode ser entendida como uma forma de participação da sociedade na arena política por orientar os gestores quanto ao efetivo impacto das políticas públicas instauradas, referenciar ajustes necessários e consolidar uma relação de parceria na gestão do meio ambiente. Sendo assim, é Objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa analisar como o uso da percepção da sociedade pode ser relevante para a gestão ambiental municipal. A metodologia utilizada envolveu entrevistas exploratórias, pesquisa bibliográfica, levantamento documental e estudo de caso. O estudo de caso realizou-se no Distrito de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense pertencente ao Município de Santo André-SP por meio de entrevistas realizadas com 230 moradores abordados em seus domicílios, selecionados segundo critérios estatísticos. Os resultados permitiram identificar que a experiência obtida na pesquisa aplicada em Santo André indicou pontos positivos no uso da percepção da comunidade pela administração pública para a gestão do meio ambiente local, podendo ser internalizada como uma ferramenta de apoio aos instrumentos de gestão ambiental para subsidiar o ciclo político e para que lacunas inerentes ao processo de formulação e implementação de políticas públicas sejam corrigidas e as ações redirecionadas / The incompatibility between mass production to heed capitalism, highly driven by technological development, and carrying capacity of nature awakened the world to the importance to discuss the environmental issues. The nations put themselves in a position of integrated discussion by which are established common guidelines to the countries, but which can be adjusted to suit the particularities of each nation. The consolidation of the National Politic of Environment in Brazil is a landmark of political internalization of environmental issues in integrated action proposed of the spheres of power - federal, states and municipalities. Politic decentralization that has occurred in the country not only revealed municipalities autonomy as approach the population of politic arena because it understands that its integration legitimizes government actions and gives a shared responsibility in managing the environment, which should be in a shared. The population perception about the implemented actions by the government may be understood as a form of society participation in the politic arena to guide managers as to the effective impact of public policies implemented, referencing necessary adjustments and consolidate a partner relationship in environment management. Therefore this research aims analyze how the use of society perception may be relevant to the municipality environmental management. The methodology involves exploratory interviews, literature search, document survey and case study. The case study took place at the District of Paranapiacaba and Parque Andreense belonging to the municipality of Santo André-SP through interviews with 230 residents raised in their households, selected according to statistical criteria. The results showed that the experience in applied research in Santo André indicated positive points in the use of community perception by government to manage the local environment, being internalized as a tool to support environmental management tools to subsidize the policy cycle and what inherent shortcomings of formulating and implementing public policies process to be corrected and the actions redirected

Santo André: acausa toponímica na denominação de seus bairros / Santo André: the toponimic cause in the denomination of its quarters

Tizio, Ibere Luiz Di 26 March 2009 (has links)
No início do desenvolvimento de Santo André, as terras do bairro da Estação, atual centro de Santo André, tinham valor baixo por ser um local sem interesse comercial, distante dos povoados já estabelecidos. Este fator motivou a São Paulo Railway (SPR) na sua escolha para a instalação da estação da Vila de São Bernardo em 1867. Ao mesmo tempo, este local interligava três pólos em incipiente crescimento na época São Bernardo, Mogi das Cruzes e a região a sul da atual zona leste de São Paulo. Isso incentivou indústrias a adquirirem terras para a construção de suas fábricas, o que gerou a necessidade de prover local para a residência dos operários. Coube aos proprietários o loteamento de parte de suas terras para abrigar os recém-chegados nas proximidades destas fábricas. Além das dificuldades próprias à incipiente industrialização nos últimos anos do século XIX e primeiros do XX, a resistência de proprietários rurais da região em vender suas propriedades ou parte delas, retardou a abertura de bairros. Um número significativo de loteamentos passa a ser aberto na década de 1920, inclusive para a formação de bairros de alto padrão. A demanda por áreas residenciais com a chegada de outras indústrias a Santo André pressionou o estabelecimento de loteamentos. Técnicas para o convencimento dos proprietários foram utilizadas por empresas loteadoras: perpetuar o nome dos donos das terras nos topônimos criados. A homenagem aos proprietários e aos loteadores ou a membros de suas famílias manteve-se como tendência até meados do século XX. Neste período, verificam-se mudanças no perfil dos novos moradores da região, especialmente composto por migrantes provenientes de outras cidades do ABC e cidades brasileiras, e a especulação imobiliária impondo novas tendências de engendramento de topônimos em paralelo a homenagens de familiares. Na presente Tese, apresentaremos e analisaremos os nomes destes loteamentos que deram origem a oitenta e oito bairros de Santo André, agrupando-os a partir das causas toponímicas. / At the beginning of the development do Santo André the lands of the quarter of the Station had low value for being a place without commercial interest, distant of the established towns. This motivated São Paulo Railway (SPR) in its choice for the installation of the station of Vila de São Bernardo in 1867. At the same time, this place connected three growing regions at that time São Bernardo, Mogi das Cruzes and the south side of the current east place of São Paulo. That stimulated industries to acquire lands to construct its plants, which generated the need to provide place for the residence of the laborers. The land division had to be done by the proprietors, so the just-fond ones had a place to live near the plants. Beyond the difficulties of the incipient industrialization in the late years of the XIX century and the early XX, the resistance of agricultural proprietors of the region in selling their properties or part of them, delayed the opening of the quarters. A significant number of land divisions begins to be opened in the 1920s, including the high standard quarters. The demand for residential areas with the arrival of other industries to Santo André pressured the establishment of land divisions. Techniques for the persuation of the proprietors had been used by the land division companies: to perpetuate the name of the owners of lands on the place names raised. The homage to the proprietors and the land divisors or their family members was a trend until middle of XX century. In this period, changes in the profile of the new inhabitants of the region, especially compose by migrants from other cities of the ABC and Brazilian cities, and the speculation imposing new trends of formation of place names whith homages of familiar. In the present Thesis, we will present and analyze the names of these land divisions that had given to origin the eighty and eight quarters of Saint Andres, having grouped them from the toponimic causes.

Pour une nouvelle approche de la perversion dans l'oeuvre d'André Gide / For a new approach to perversion in André's Gide Work

Legrand, Justine 09 March 2011 (has links)
En nous invitant à considérer son œuvre d’un point de vue esthétique, André Gide souhaite dépasser les considérations morales et psychanalytiques plaçant un pan de la sexualité en dehors de la norme. L’auteur s’attache à présenter les défauts de tout ce qui est défini a priori comme étant la normale. Ainsi, le paraître auquel ont recours certains personnages de L’Immoraliste, des Caves du Vatican ou des Faux-monnayeurs permet de repenser le modèle représenté par la famille bourgeoise. Il ne convient plus de traiter certaines perversions comme de simples déviances. En jouant avec les apparences, les personnages oscillent entre le monde du spectacle et le travestissement. Tous ces jeux rhétoriques et esthétiques incitent à une redéfinition de la perversion. Ajoutons enfin que cette volonté de dépasser l’idée selon laquelle l’homosexuel se trouve en dehors de la normale permet à Gide de proposer une véritable réflexion sur l’homosexualité et la place de l’homosexuel dans notre société. C’est notamment grâce à cette réflexion que va émerger dans les pays anglo-saxons et plus tardivement en France une nouvelle approche de la sexualité appelée : Gender Studies / By asking to look at his work from an aesthetical point of view, André Gide wishes to go beyond the moral and psychological standards which tend to consider some parts of sexuality outside of the norm. Gide shows all the flaws of what is considered normal. In doing so, the family has to face its own flaws. The appearance that is shown by some characters of L'Immoraliste, Les Caves du Vatican or Les Faux-monnayeurs, gives the author the opportunity to reconsider the model that embodies the bourgeois family. Hence, it appears that the principles on which are based the norm and what is normal aren’t enough to claim that some perversions are just deviances. Playing with appearances, the characters range from simple acting to complete disguise; therefore, no one can rely on what they have shown. Through rhetorical and aesthetical games, Gide invites us to redefine perversion. Moving the boundaries that place the homosexual outside of the norm, Gide goes in depth about homosexuality and its standing in our society. Thanks to this new definition, it will emerge first in Anglo-Saxon countries and later in France a new approach to sexuality called "Gender Studies".

La Voix dans l’œuvre d’André du Bouchet / The Voice in the works of André du Bouchet

Collet, Amélie 09 December 2013 (has links)
Fondatrice et résultante du corps textuel, origine et horizon du poème, la Voix, dans l’œuvre d’André du Bouchet, dépend de cet espace exigu qui se situe simultanément en dehors du sens et du non-sens. Dépassant la dichotomie écriture/oralité propre à la métaphysique traditionnelle occidentale, le poète l’apparente à une sorte de balancement entre l'exprimé et l'imprimé, entre un « vouloir-dire » et un « faire-silence ». La Voix est ce « signe » du bruit ou du mutisme, clair de toute signification préétablie et irréductible, dans le temps où il est perçu à l’ordre de la langue, qu’il habite cependant. Le sens des mots ne se constitue que dans la disposition élocutoire qui les porte à la parole et qui englobe l’ensemble de la corporéité et de la spatialité. Retentissante dans un espace qui est ouvert sur le dehors, la Voix est la manifestation d’un « espace-temps-lieu-monde » singulier par l'écoute qui, seule, peut entendre dans les mots l'émergence d'un existant. Véritable ouverture potentielle et permissive à un toujours vouloir-dire, la Voix perd son statut d’épiphénomène (simple expression sonore d’une pensée primitive) pour acquérir celui d’événement. Elle est cette parole pour ne rien dire, dont force est de prendre acte sans conclure. / The Voice in the works of André du Bouchet, is at the foundation and the result of the text corpus, the origin and horizon of the poem. It is dependent on the exiguous space lying simultaneously beyond meaning and lack of meaning. Transcending the writing/oral expression dichotomy characterizing Western traditional metaphysics, the poet identifies it as swaying somehow from the expressed to the imprinted, from a “meaning to say” to a “keeping under silence”. The Voice is the “sign” of noise or silence. It is void of all pre-established and irreducible meaning at the very moment it comes to be perceived in the language order, yet it inhabits it. The meaning of words only constitutes itself in the delivery phase that brings them into speech and encompasses physicality and spatiality as a whole. Resounding in a space looking outward, the Voice is the expression of a peculiar “space-time-place-world” when it is listened to. It is only this listening that makes it possible to hear the emergence of existing elements in words. As a true potential and permissive opening to a permanent “meaning to say”, the Voice loses its status of epiphenomenon (a simple sound expression of primitive thought) to gain that of event. It is this speech that says nothing that we are forced to acknowledge without reaching a conclusion.

Les personnages féminins dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'André Gide /

Van den Berkhof van Kockenger, Christine. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Lumière de nuit ; et, La ligne de fissure : la construction des personnages dans Les faux-monnayeurs d'André Gide / Ligne de fissure

Egli, Irina January 2005 (has links)
Lumiere de nuit (Creative Works). The five short stories selected in Lumiere de nuit are linked by a central theme that can be described as a venturesome and initiatory quest in the larger story of Reality. The glorification of both the flesh and the spirit is recurrent and validated by the experience of existence. A disturbed atmosphere is imprinted in the inmost being of the characters who are compelled to undergo extremes experiences. The world that is given to them, or that they depict, is divided, the rhythm of life is syncopated as in jazz melodies. Their neurosis translates to the reader in short sentences that have the effect of mental short circuits. Lumiere de nuit, Quadrille, La femme violette, La tasse de the, and Le matin. Avec Beatrice surge at the frontier between Eros and Thanatos, in the tensive state that binds love and hatred, imagination and reality, uniqueness and doubleness. / The Rift: The development of the characters in Andre Gide's Les Faux-Monnayeurs (Critical Essay). Since it is both the witness and the subject of the novel, the protagonist is the most reliable barometer of the reversals that occur within. At the crossroad of times and literary trends, the gidian character, in its fruitful singularity, is a constant source of amazement. Haunted by doubt and fundamental interrogations, this protagonist exists only in imagining life, feels only in imagining feelings, and talks only behind different masks, names and destinies. All of which are the product of its imagination, of course. I intend to analyse the construction of this character, as difficult to seize and define as is Gide, in the author's most accomplished novel, Les Faux-Monnayeurs.

André Gide, traducteur d'anglais littéraire

Sims, Nicholas January 1981 (has links)
This thesis contains eight chapters. The first deals with Gide's knowledge of English, the second with his ideas on translation. The remaining six examine his versions of the following: Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore, parts of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, The Post Office by Tagore, Typhoon by Joseph Conrad, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake and the preface of The Old Wive's Tale by Arnold Bennett. The principal conclusions reached are that his English was alarmingly weak, that he must have depended a good deal on the help of others, that his theory of translation was extremely subjective, and that the translations examined, although original, concise and elegant (indeed more elegant than the English text in the case of the two works by Tagore), are too free as well as being simply erroneous in many places.

André Gide et les beaux-arts

Petcoff, Christine. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

André Malraux, ou, La métamorphose de l'autobiographie / La métamorphose de l'autobiographie.

Clermont, Mado. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Signification et portée du personnage de Ménalque chez Gide

Sciannamblo, Ralph. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

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