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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The canine connection : an anthropologically grounded philosophical perspective on caring for dogs

Baggot, Siobhan M. 06 April 2004 (has links)
Most philosophical discussions of moral consideration for animals focus on animals as a single category, neglecting to differentiate them by type or role (such as wild, domestic, laboratory, or companion). Moreover, the importance of the individual animal in terms of relationship to humans is de-emphasised. Animals should not be discussed as a monolithic group. In this thesis the dog is utilized as the paradigmatic animal to demonstrate that philosophical discourse on the ethics of consideration for animals must reflect the diversity present within the group labeled "animals". The major philosophical theories advocating moral consideration of animals are summarized, noting that all animals are discussed as one category. Anthropological evidence is provided to demonstrate the historical nature of the human-dog bond. The ethics of care provides the foundation for the claim that dogs have relational value and thus persons have the moral obligation to care for them. / Graduation date: 2004

Time to Get Real: A Food Assessment of Dining at Pomona College

Meyer, Samantha 01 May 2010 (has links)
Pomona College is an institution deeply committed to sustainability and student well being; however these commitments are not reflected in the College’s food purchases. Before this study, an assessment of purchasing had not been conducted at Pomona College. Using the Real Food Calculator – a metric designed to evaluate food purchasing at academic institutions – I tracked all food purchased by one of the College’s dining halls over the course of one month. Each food item was assessed based on the potential health concerns of its ingredients and whether the item was locally produced, ecologically sound and/or humane to determine whether it should be considered Real. The assessment metric also lists ingredients with potential health concerns (including trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and others), which if present in the food item mean it cannot be considered Real. Of the over $150,000 worth of food purchases made during the study, 8.9% qualified as Real Food. Each food that qualified as Real Food met the standards for at least one of the attributes (local, ecologically sound, or humane). A total of 2.1% of all food purchases qualified for two attributes. Of the foods assessed, over one third contained ingredients considered harmful to human health. If Pomona is serious about its commitments to sustainability and student well being, it is time to include food purchasing in these discussions. The study concludes with a series of recommendations to improve food purchasing at Pomona College.

Variation of Feeding Regimes: Effects on Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Behavior

Sandhaus, Estelle Ann 03 December 2004 (has links)
Giant pandas in captivity are typically fed discrete amounts of highly concentrated food on a fixed time schedule, in addition to limited amounts of fresh bamboo throughout the day. In response to informal observations that these animals engage in a number of undesirable behaviors just prior to the predictable feeding of concentrated meals, we examined the existing feeding regime at the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu, Peoples Republic of China. We sought to determine whether undesirable behaviors were occurring more frequently before the delivery of meals than at other times of day and whether modified feeding regimes would result in a more species-appropriate activity budget overall. As predicted, female giant pandas spent significantly more time engaged in door-directed/human-oriented behavior, stereotypic behavior, and non-stereotypic locomotion in the 30-minute periods prior to the feeding of concentrated meals. When placed on a modified feeding schedule in which frequency of bamboo provisioning was increased (total amount was held constant), significant differences were not found between study phases for the above-mentioned behaviors of interest, though a visual trend towards a decline in stereotypic behavior during the experimental phase was noted. Male pandas, when placed on a less predictable feeding schedule, did not exhibit significant behavioral differences in behaviors of interest between experimental phases or observation periods. These findings may be attributable in part to the low power inherent in the small sample size. However, visual trends that may be indicative of feeding anticipatory activity (FAA) were apparent. It appears that giant pandas, like many other animal species cited in the literature, are sensitive to periodic feeding regimes, though it is less clear as to which regime modifications will prove most beneficial.

Le statut de l'animal en droit civil : questions choisies de droits réels et droit successoral /

Poret, Ombline de, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Fribourg, 2006. / Literaturverz. S. XXX - LVI.

Untersuchungen zur Todeskontrolle von Schlachtschweinen nach Elektrobetäubung - Einsatz eines automatisierten Heißwasser-Reiz-Verfahrens und Bewertung von Spontanbewegungen auf der Nachentblutestrecke / Studies on ascertaining death of slaughter pigs following electrical stunning – use of an automated hot-water-stimulation-process and evaluation of spontaneous movements along the debleeding line

Arnold, Sophie 24 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Moderne Schlachtsysteme tragen ein Risiko lebende Tiere weiterzuverarbeiten (SCHÜTTE und BOSTELMANN 2001, TROEGER 2005 und TROEGER und MEILER 2006). Gründe für dieses ernst zu nehmende tierschutzrelevante Problem sind eine ineffiziente Betäubung und/oder der Mangel an einer ausreichenden und schnellen Entblutung der Schweine. Die europäische Kommission hat 2009 die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1099/2009 über den Schutz von Tieren zum Zeitpunkt der Tötung implementiert (ANON. 2009). Die Studie schafft Grundlagen um eine automatisierte Methode zu entwickeln, welche die Abwesenheit von Lebenszeichen von Schlachtschweinen verifiziert. Die Hypothese hierbei ist die Annahme, dass Schweine, die auf einen schmerzhaften Reiz wie heißes Wasser mehrere Minuten nach der Entblutung reagieren mit dem Risiko eines zumindest teilweise funktionierenden Gehirns behaftet sind. Die Studie fand an drei kommerziellen Schlachthöfen in Deutschland statt, die verschiedene elektrische Betäubungs- (Kopf-zu-Herz-Durchströmung) und Stechverfahren verwendeten. Insgesamt wurden am Schlachtband 5.301 Mastschweine im Hauptversuch untersucht und mittels Videokameras aufgezeichnet. Um die Abwesenheit von Lebenszeichen am Ende der Nachentblutestrecke, das heißt vier bis fünf Minuten nach Entblutestich, zu überprüfen wurde ein Heißwasser-Reiz mit 65 °C verwendet. Die Dauer der Reizapplikation betrug fünf bzw. 15 Sekunden. Eine automatisierte Reizapplikations-Anlage, erbaut von der Firma BANSS Schlacht- und Fördertechnik GmbH (Biedenkopf), induzierte den Stimulus vor allem im Bereich des Gesichts der Schweine. Als Referenz zu den Beobachtungen der Bewegungen während der Reiz-Applikation wurden Gehirnnerven-Reflexe (Corneal- und Lidschlussreflexe) und Reaktionen auf einen Kniff in die Nasenscheidewand klinisch untersucht. Schweine mit positiven Befunden wurden mittels Bolzenschuss nachbetäubt bzw. getötet. Die Sensitivität des Heißwasser-Tests lag bei 99 %. Eines von 75 Tieren wies positive Corneal- und Lidschlussreflexe auf, obwohl dieses Schwein auf den Heißwasser-Reiz nicht reagiert hatte. Jedoch konnten deutlich erkennbare Spontanbewegungen jenes Tieres bereits vorher beobachtet werden. Die Spezifität des Heißwasser-Tests lag bei 98 %. Beinah jedes Schwein mit negativen Gehirnnerven-Befunden blieb während der Reizapplikation unauffällig. 3,8 % (n = 199) der untersuchten Schweine zeigten eine Reaktion auf den Heißwasser-Reiz. Es war kein Unterschied zwischen dem fünf bzw. 15 Sekunden anhaltendem Reiz zu ermitteln. Neben einer ineffizienten Entblutung kann die reversible Betäubung als ein weiterer möglicher Grund für dieses Ergebnis genannt werden. Die Elektrische Betäubung ist reversibel, solange kein Herzkammerflimmern sicher ausgelöst wird (HOENDERKEN et al. 1980 und VOGEL et al. 2010). Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die elektrische Kopf-zu-Herz-Durchströmung, die in den hier dargestellten Schlachtbetrieben verwendet wurde, nicht immer zum Herzkammerflimmern geführt hatte. Die Anzahl der Reaktionen der Schweine auf das heiße Wasser war begrenzt. 92 % der Schweine, die den Kopf während der Reizapplikation geschüttelt hatten und 78 % derer, die eine aufrichtende Bewegung gezeigt hatten, wiesen mindestens einen positiven Gehirnnerven-Befund auf. Auffälligkeiten in den Vordergliedmaßen korrelierten zu 59 % und das Muster “Maul öffnen” zu 52 % mit positiven Gehirnnerven-Befunden. Bewegungen aus dem Becken bzw. den Hintergliedmaße heraus waren nur zu 21 % mit positiven Gehirnnerven-Befunden verbunden. Bei der Betrachtung der Bewegungsmusterkombinationen stellte die Autorin fest, dass nahezu keine Reaktion missachtet werden sollte. Lediglich das Muster „ausschließliche Bewegungen Becken/Hintergliedmaße“ korrelierte in keinem der 59 Fälle mit positiven Gehirnnerven-Befunden. Dieses Ergebnis deckt sich mit den Aussagen von GRANDIN (2013) und den Mitarbeitern des bsi Schwarzenbek (ANON. 2013a), die darauf hinwiesen, dass der caudale Körperabschnitt elektrisch betäubter Schlachtschweine zur Einschätzung ihres möglicherweise vorhandenen Bewusstseins keine Relevanz besitzt. Während der Untersuchungen wurden außerdem Spontanbewegungen der Schlachtschweine zwischen dem Stechen und dem Heißwasser-Test analysiert. Jedes Tier, das eine Reaktion auf die Heißwasser-Reiz-Applikation zeigte und mindestens einen positiven Befund in der Gehirnnerven-Untersuchung aufwies, hatte vorher das Spontanbewegungsmuster „Maul öffnen“ durchgeführt. Um dem Überwachungs- und Schlachthofpersonal zu vermitteln, welche Spontan-bewegungsmuster bzw. reizinduzierten Reaktionen bei der Beobachtung der Nachentblutestrecke entscheidend sind, wurden entsprechende Arbeitsanweisungen entwickelt. Bereits vorhandene Literatur wurde hierbei mit eingearbeitet (ANIL 1991, ATKINSON et al. 2012 und EFSA 2013). Als eine wirksame Lösung um den sicheren Tod von Schweinen vor weiteren Schlachtarbeiten sicherzustellen, scheint es sinnvoll entsprechende Spontanbewegungen zu beachten und die Implementierung einer abschließenden Untersuchung mittels eines Heißwasser-Reiz-Tests am Ende der Nachentblutestrecke zu verwirklichen. Selbstverständlich sollten weiterhin die Betäubung und Entblutung der Tiere möglichst sicher kontrolliert werden. Für die Nachbetäubung bzw. Tötung der betroffenen Schweine wird der Einsatz eines Bolzenschussgerätes von der EFSA (2004), dem bsi Schwarzenbek und dem Max Rubner-Institut empfohlen. / Modern slaughter regimes carry a risk of live animals being further processed (SCHÜTTE and BOSTELMANN 2001, TROEGER 2005 and TROEGER and MEILER 2006). This serious animal welfare problem may result from inefficient stunning and/or lack of complete and fast exsanguination of the pigs. In 2009, the European Commission implemented Council Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing (ANON. 2009). The study lays groundwork for developing an automated method to verify the absence of signs of life in slaughter pigs. The hypothesis is that pigs that react to a painful stimulus, like hot water, several minutes after debleeding have the risk of a partly functional brains. The study took place at three commercial abattoirs in Germany using different electrical stunning (head-to-body) and bleeding methods. In the main part of the study a total of 5,301 finishing pigs was examined and videotaped on line. As a stimulus to check the absence of signs of life right before further processing, namely four to five minutes after sticking, a hot-water-stimulus at 65 °C was utilized. The residence time of the stimulus amounted either five or 15 seconds. An automated construction, built by the company BANSS Schlacht- und Fördertechnik GmbH (Biedenkopf/Germany), implemented the stimulus mainly within the faces of the pigs. As a reference to the observation of movements during the stimulation, brain stem reflexes (corneal and palpebral) and reactions to a nasal septum pinch were clinically examined. Pigs with any positive result were restunned or killed using a captive bolt device. The sensitivity of the hot-water-test was determined at 99 %. One out of 75 animals exhibited positive corneal- and palpebral-reflexes although this one pig did not show any reaction to the hot water stimulation. However, obvious spontaneous movements of this animal could be observed beforehand. The specificity of the hot-water-test was determined at 98 %. Almost every pig with negative brain stem results remained motionless during the stimulation. A share of 3.8 % (n = 199) of pigs showed movements during the hot water exposure. Es war kein Unterschied zwischen dem fünf bzw. 15 Sekunden anhaltendem Reiz zu ermitteln. No difference was estimated between the residence times of five versus 15 seconds. Besides inefficient bleeding one possible reason for this result is reversible stunning. Electrical stunning is reversible, unless effective cardiac arrest is caused (HOENDERKEN et al. 1980 and VOGEL et al. 2010). It may be assumed that after head-to-body electrical stunning used by the abattoirs displayed in this study cardiac arrest was not always achieved. The number of individual responses was limited. 92 % of pigs that shook their heads during the stimulation and 78 % that showed a righting reflex exhibited at least one positive brain stem result. Noticeable front leg activity correlated to 59 % and the movement “opening of the mouth” to 52 % with positive brain stem results. Hips or hind leg movements were only associated with positive brain stem results in 21 % of the cases. By looking at the combinations of movements the author found that nearly no reaction should be ignored. Merely exclusive hips or hind leg movements in none of the 59 cases correlated with brain stem results. This finding is supported by the statements made by GRANDIN (2013) and the staff of the bsi Schwarzenbek (ANON. 2013a), pointing out that the caudal body part of electrically stunned slaughter pigs possesses no relevance to evaluating possible consciousness. During the study additionally spontaneous movements of the slaughter pigs were analyzed between sticking and the hot water device. Every animal that eventually showed a reaction to the hot water stimulation and exhibited at least one positive result during the brain stem examination had shown spontaneous mouth opening. Appropriate working instructions for the monitoring personnel and the slaughter staff, in order for them to realize which spontaneous movements or stimulus induced reactions during the observations of the debleeding line are relevant, were designed. For this available expertise has additionally been taken into account (ANIL 1991, ATKINSON et al. 2012 and EFSA 2013). As a suitable solution for ascertaining death before further processing, the idea of paying attention to slaughter pigs that obviously show signs of recovery and the implementation of a “last check” by using a hot water test right before further processing seems reasonable. Of course the stunning and exsanguination should still be safely monitored. The use of a captive bolt device to restun or kill “suspicious” pigs is recommended by the EFSA (2004), the bsi Schwarzenbek and the Max Rubner-Institute.

Animal welfare and the law : towards legal regulation of the welfare of laboratory animals in South Africa / Chereé Lombard

Lombard, Chereé January 2012 (has links)
The current legal framework pertaining to animals does not sufficiently address the welfare of animals. The Animal Protection Act 71 of 1962 does not specifically regulate the welfare of animals contained in research laboratories. Animals utilized for experimental research purposes endure tremendous “unnecessary suffering” due to legislative inaptitude. Experimental animals suffer inherent abuses associated with experimental research because of the methods, procedures and processes relevant to the experiments. The most controversial method of experimental research is vivisection. The method of vivisection is not only invasive but also causes “unnecessary suffering” to animals. The non-inherent abuses animals suffer during confinement in a laboratory solely relates to uncontrolled and unregulated conduct of staff. Continuing the application of the current legislative framework may also be detrimental to the health and well-being of humans. Animals are specifically utilized as objects of science in research laboratories. The data obtained from research experiments conducted on animals are for the benefit of humankind rather than the animals. Scientific research concluded that not only are invasive methods of research conducted on live animals generally regarded as useless but extrapolating data from animals to humans can also be misleading, unnecessary and dangerous. False results and questionable methodologies are some of the other problems that seem to require urgent attention. Ethically, neither human nor animal should be utilized at the expense of the other and therefore it would be reasonable to recommend that legislative reform takes place. The human perception of animals in terms of the relationship we have with them is the reason why legislative inaptitude in terms of animal welfare exists. The current approach followed is the philosophy of Utilitarianism. Utilitarians believe that neither humans nor animals have rights but interests. Utilitarianism focuses on the permissibility of an act (the use of animals) by weighing the benefits of such an act to the costs suffered because of such act. If the benefits outweigh the costs suffered, the act is permissible. The application of Utilitarianism seems to be the crux of our legislative inaptitude. The human perception and view of animals must therefore be re-directed to develop a sufficient legal framework in terms of animal welfare. A solution offered is to apply an alternative interpretation to the concept of “dignity” (capabilities approach) and progressive realisation. In terms of this solution a species capabilities in terms of its value, capabilities and worth are considered. Inherent to its value, capabilities and worth, is its “dignity”. Once the alternative interpretation of “dignity” is acknowledged, the progressive realisation of its interests can be achieved. / Thesis (LLM)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Animal welfare and the law : towards legal regulation of the welfare of laboratory animals in South Africa / Chereé Lombard

Lombard, Chereé January 2012 (has links)
The current legal framework pertaining to animals does not sufficiently address the welfare of animals. The Animal Protection Act 71 of 1962 does not specifically regulate the welfare of animals contained in research laboratories. Animals utilized for experimental research purposes endure tremendous “unnecessary suffering” due to legislative inaptitude. Experimental animals suffer inherent abuses associated with experimental research because of the methods, procedures and processes relevant to the experiments. The most controversial method of experimental research is vivisection. The method of vivisection is not only invasive but also causes “unnecessary suffering” to animals. The non-inherent abuses animals suffer during confinement in a laboratory solely relates to uncontrolled and unregulated conduct of staff. Continuing the application of the current legislative framework may also be detrimental to the health and well-being of humans. Animals are specifically utilized as objects of science in research laboratories. The data obtained from research experiments conducted on animals are for the benefit of humankind rather than the animals. Scientific research concluded that not only are invasive methods of research conducted on live animals generally regarded as useless but extrapolating data from animals to humans can also be misleading, unnecessary and dangerous. False results and questionable methodologies are some of the other problems that seem to require urgent attention. Ethically, neither human nor animal should be utilized at the expense of the other and therefore it would be reasonable to recommend that legislative reform takes place. The human perception of animals in terms of the relationship we have with them is the reason why legislative inaptitude in terms of animal welfare exists. The current approach followed is the philosophy of Utilitarianism. Utilitarians believe that neither humans nor animals have rights but interests. Utilitarianism focuses on the permissibility of an act (the use of animals) by weighing the benefits of such an act to the costs suffered because of such act. If the benefits outweigh the costs suffered, the act is permissible. The application of Utilitarianism seems to be the crux of our legislative inaptitude. The human perception and view of animals must therefore be re-directed to develop a sufficient legal framework in terms of animal welfare. A solution offered is to apply an alternative interpretation to the concept of “dignity” (capabilities approach) and progressive realisation. In terms of this solution a species capabilities in terms of its value, capabilities and worth are considered. Inherent to its value, capabilities and worth, is its “dignity”. Once the alternative interpretation of “dignity” is acknowledged, the progressive realisation of its interests can be achieved. / Thesis (LLM)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Djuromsorg och djurmisshandel 1860-1925 : synen på lantbrukets djur och djurplågeri i övergången mellan bonde- och industrisamhälle /

Cserhalmi, Niklas, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2004.

O comportamento diurno e o bem-estar de vacas em sistema de confinamento compost barn / The diurnal behavior and welfare of cows in compost bedded pack barns system

Pilatti, Jaqueline Agnes 23 February 2017 (has links)
CAPES / Objetivou-se, por meio desta pesquisa, avaliar os aspectos de ambiência, o comportamento e o bem-estar de vacas leiteiras em sistema compost barn nas diferentes estações do ano. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em um compost barn de propriedade particular, no interior do município de Dois Vizinhos, Paraná. A pesquisa foi realizada em dois períodos distintos nos quais foram registradas as mesmas variáveis. Os meses quentes (setembro 2015 a fevereiro 2016) correspondem ao capítulo I e os meses frios (abril a junho de 2016) ao capítulo II. Foram utilizadas vacas mestiças (holandês x Jersey) em lactação, distribuídas em dois tratamentos de acordo com a ordem de lactação: primíparas e multíparas. Foram aferidas as seguintes variáveis microclimáticas: temperaturas do ar, superficial da cama e do interior da cama, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do vento. Para avaliar a termorregulação das vacas, aferiu-se a temperatura superficial (TMS) e a frequência respiratória (FR). As variáveis microclimáticas e a termorregulação animal foram avaliadas em faixas de horários. O comportamento diurno foi avaliado entre os horários das ordenhas a partir de um etograma composto por comportamentos distintos. O bem-estar animal foi avaliado por meio de escores de higiene e claudicação. No que se referem à análise estatística, os dados microclimáticos foram analisados descritivamente. Para as variáveis termorregulatórias, ajustou-se um modelo misto e, posteriormente, foram submetidas à análise de variância e teste de Tukey ao nível de significância de 5%. O comportamento animal foi analisado por meio de inferência bayesiana, com modelo de efeitos mistos. Para análise dos dados do bem-estar animal utilizou-se o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. O processamento de dados e as análises estatísticas foram realizados por meio do software estatístico R. A temperatura do ar no ambiente no compost barn apresentou valores acima do ambiente externo em todas as estações. A temperatura interna da cama variou de 36 a 36,7 °C nos meses quentes e 23,6 a 25 °C nos meses frios. Nos meses quentes houve diferença entre as faixas de horário e tratamentos, em relação à FR e TMS. A FR foi de 54 e 58 mov./min., para primíparas e multíparas, respectivamente. O comportamento foi influenciado pelo manejo da propriedade, horas do dia e condições climáticas em todas as estações do ano. Nos meses quentes, os comportamentos de ofego e cabeçada diferiram entre os tratamentos e nos meses frios apenas o comportamento de andar. Os escores de higiene e claudicação apresentaram frequência absoluta mais elevada para os escores 1 e 2, para todas as estações. Os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa indicam os aspectos de ambiência relacionados com o conforto térmico ficaram acima da zona de conforto de bovinos no período da tarde nos meses quentes e nos meses frios permaneceram dentro da zona de conforto. O comportamento das vacas primíparas e multíparas foi semelhante, apresentando diferença apenas na atividade ofego e empurrar, e andar. O compost barn proporcionou condições de conforto em relação aos aspectos da cama, possibilitando que as vacas demonstrassem um elevado nível de bem-estar animal. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the environment aspects, behavior and welfare of dairy cows in the compost bedded pack barns system in different seasons of the year. The research was conducted in a compost barn private property, at Dois Vizinhos city, Paraná state, Brazil. The research was carried out in two different periods in which the same variables were recorded. The warm months (September 2015 to February 2016) correspond to Chapter I and the cold months (April to June 2016), Chapter II. Crossbreed (Holstein x Jersey) and lactating cows were distributed into two treatments according to the order of lactation: primiparous and multiparous. The following microclimatic variables were measured: air, bed surface and bed interior temperature, air relative humidity and wind speed. To evaluate the thermoregulation of cows, the mean surface temperature (MST) and the respiratory rate (RR) were measured. The microclimatic variables and the animal thermoregulation were evaluated in specific hours. The diurnal behavior was evaluated between milking schedules from an etogram composed of different behaviors. Animal welfare was analyzed by means of hygiene scores and claudication. Regarding the statistical analysis, the microclimatic data were analyzed descriptively. For the thermoregulatory variables, a mixed model was fitted and, afterwards, they were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey's test at a significance level of 5%. Animal behavior was analyzed using Bayesian inference, with a mixed effects model. Wilcoxon's non-parametric test was used to analyze the animal welfare data. Data processing and statistical analyzes were performed using statistical software R. The ambient air temperature in the compost bedded pack barns presented values above the external environment in all seasons. The internal temperature of bed varied from 36 to 36,7 °C during hot months and 23,6 to 25 °C in cold months. Regarding hot months there was a difference between hours and treatments, in relation to the RR and MST. The RR was 54 and 58 mov./min. for primiparous and multiparous, respectively. The behavior was influenced by property management, times of day and climatic conditions in all seasons. In hot months, breathing and butt behaviors differed between treatments and in cold months only walking behavior. The hygiene scores and claudication presented higher absolute frequency for scores 1 and 2, for all seasons. The results found in this research indicate the environment aspects related to thermal comfort were above the comfort zone of cattle in the afternoon in hot months and in cold months remained within the comfort zone. The behavior of the primiparous and multiparous cows was similar, presenting only difference in the activity of breath and push, and gait. Compost bedded pack barns system provided comfort conditions in relation to the aspects of the bed, allowing the cows to demonstrate a high level of animal welfare.

Comment aménager les cages de poules pondeuses afin d'enrichir leur comportement, tout en préservant les performances zootechniques et l'hygiène de la cage : étude focalisée sur la taille de groupe et les solutions pour aménager l'aire de grattage et le nid / How to set up laying hen cages to enrich hen behavior whilst ensuring zootechnical performance and cage hygiene : a study focusing on group size and solutions to provide pecking and scratching area and nest

Guinebretière, Maryse 06 February 2017 (has links)
Depuis 2012, les cages doivent permettent aux poules d’exprimer leur répertoire comportemental (directive 1999/74/CE). Des difficultés d’aménagements ralentissent l’appropriation de cette directive par les éleveurs. Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier les effets de l’augmentation de la taille de groupe en cage et de chercher les aménagements de cages les plus efficaces pour enrichir le répertoire comportemental des poules, en préservant les performances zootechniques, l’état de santé des poules et l’hygiène de la cage et des oeufs. Dans nos modèles de cages testés, la taille de 60 poules par cage est préférable à celle de 20 ou 40 poules. Bien que non optimal, un tapis de gazon artificiel est préférable aux autres revêtements testés. L’apport de substrat friable en cages favorise les comportements de picotage, grattage et dans une certaine mesure de bains de poussière. Le son peut être proposé à la place de l’aliment en tant que substrat. Mais certains points restent problématiques. Des panneaux durs à gratter et picoter devraient permettre l’adéquation entre les besoins des poules et les contraintes de l’élevage. / How to set up laying hen cages to enrich hen behavior whilst ensuring zootechnical performance and cage hygiene. A study focusing on group size and solutions to provide pecking and scratching area and nest. As of 2012, cages must enable hens to express their full behavioral repertoire (directive 1999/74/CE). Difficulties in setting up cages tend to hinder adoption of the directive by farmers. The aim of this work was: first, to study the effect of increasing the number of hens per cage ; and second, to find out which cage set-ups were the most efficient for enriching the laying hens’ behavioral repertoire whilst also ensuring zootechnical performance, animal health and egg and cage hygiene. In the cage models we tested, 60-hen cages were found to be preferable to 20- or 40-hen cages. Although not ideal, artificial turf mat was preferable to the other mats tested. The provision of friable substrate in cages improved pecking and scratching behaviors, as well as dustbathing behaviors, but to a lesser extent. Wheat bran can be spread over the cage floors as a friable substrate instead of feed. However, certain issues have not yet been resolved. The installation of hard panels on the floors of the cages to promote scratching and pecking behaviors should ensure an optimal balance between the hens’ needs and farming constraints.

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