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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur lärare kan välja programmeringsverktyg för kursen Tillämpad Programmering : Rekommendationer framtagna för tillämpningsområdena spel, matematik, musik och konst / How teachers can choose programming tools for the course Applied Programming : Recommendations put forth for the areas of application games, math, music and art

Wejdenstolpe, Mollie January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet ämnar hjälpa lärare, som ska undervisa i kursen Tillämpad programmering, med deras val av programmeringsverktyg som ska användas i kursen. Kursen är en gymnasiekurs som infördes den 1:a augusti 2017 för att möjliggöra för elever att läsa programmering som är användbar för det gymnasieprogram de läser. Därmed väljs ett tillämpningsområde relevant för gymnasieprogrammet, som eleverna lär sig programmering relaterat till. I det här arbetet har tillämpningsområdena spel, matematik, musik och konst valts ut. För varje tillämpningsområde har rekommendationer för val av programmeringsspråk och programmeringsmiljö tagits fram, och även en rekommendation om huruvida man ska använda parprogrammering i undervisningen eller inte. Ett förslag på hur man som lärare kan tolka ämnesplanens syfte har också tagits fram. Dessa rekommendationer har tagits fram genom en fallstudie på en skola som erbjuder kursen med tillämpningen spel för elever på teknikprogrammet. Fallstudien bestod av en observation och två intervjuer med lärare. Utöver det har det gjorts en litteraturstudie runt valda tillämpningsområden, programmeringsspråk och parprogrammering. De programmeringsspråk som främst fokuserats på är Python, Alice och Javascript. De slutgiltiga rekommendationerna varierar mellan tillämpningsområdena runt val av programmeringsspråk, men parprogrammering är oberoende av tillämpningsområde rekommenderat att användas för att skapa ett samtal runt programmering. / This thesis aims to help teachers, who are to teach the course Applied Programming, with the choice of programming tools for the course. The course is a high school course introduced 1:st of August 2017 to make it possible for students to take programming which is useful for the high school program they are studying. Therefore an area of application, which is relevant for the high school program, is chosen for the students to learn programming in. In this work, the areas of application are games, mathematics, music and art. For each area of application recommendations regarding choice of programming language and programming environment have been constructed, as well as a recommendation regarding whether you should use pair programming or not. A suggestion of how to interpret the curriculum has also been constructed. These recommendations have been constructed from a case study done in a school offering the course with games as the area of application for students taking the technical program. The case study consisted of an observation and two interviews with teachers. Apart from this a literature study focused on the different areas of application, programming languages, programming environments and pair programming has been done. The programming languages which have mainly been focused on are Python, Alice and Javascript. The final recommendations vary between the areas of application considering the choice of programming language, but pair programming is, regardless of the area of application, recommended to use to create a conversation about programming.

Technology and functionality required to enable bidirectional charging / Teknik och funktionalitet som krävs för att möjliggöra dubbelriktad laddning

Bustamante, Andres January 2023 (has links)
This thesis consists of a comprehensive review of bidirectional charging technology, with focus on understanding the technical requirements and the challenges that has to be overcome to standardize this innovation. The thesis is based on three main objectives or goals that is needed to be able to answer the main review question which is: What does it take to standardize, develop and make bidirectional charging a reliable technology? The first objective is to review and explain how the technical bidirectional charging ecosystem works. It starts by explaining in detail how bidirectional charging works and looking closely at how the charging station, electric vehicle (EV), and the power grid connect and work together. The second objective consist of exploring the challenges and the benefits of bidirectional charging. The main challenges explored are social challenges, regulatory challenges, technical challenges and battery degradation. The main benefits explored in this thesis are: offloading the power grid, environmentally friendlier benefits, economic benefits and better management of renewable home systems. The third and final objective in this thesis covers a surveying of existing bidirectional charging products and solutions like Fords F-150 lightning V2G technology and CHAdeMO 2.0. Explaining what they are and their potential success in the European market. The thesis concludes by addressing and discussing the central researched question, which indicates that bidirectional charging is still a young technology that needs to overcome many challenges and improve in some areas before it can be widely used by consumers in a safe and effective way. The results show that the speed and success of the development of this technology depend on how well the actors and stakeholders cooperate with each other and how fast the regulations and standards evolve. EU and Swedish regulations need to keep developing standards for better interoperability. This will help create a legislation for independent market players and key stakeholders, making it easier for them to interact and make compatible products. Therefore, the research done in this thesis suggests that in order to standardize bidirectional charging, different actors, stakeholders and regulatory organizations need to work together better in the future to make V2X safe, standardized and interoperable. There are very few V2G solutions available for customers today, but with the cooperation of key actors, new ISO standards and EV manufacturers making more compatible cars, this technology has the potential to become more accessible in the upcoming years.

Utformning och utvärdering av laborationsmoment för stimulering av datalogiskt tänkande bland gymnasieelever / Design and evaluation of laboratory sessions for stimulating computational thinking among high school students

Altayy, Yasmina, Antoun, Haidi January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie, som är ett samarbete med K-ULF, syftar till att utforma ett laborationsmoment för gymnasieelever som går kursen Programmering 1 (eller motsvarande kurser), med fokus på att stimulera datalogiskt tänkande. En litteraturöversikt genomfördes för att identifiera ett relevant ramverk för att utforma laborationsmomentet inom programmering. Det valda ramverket är resultatet från litteraturöversikten. Det går ut på att definiera datalogiskt tänkande, identifiera relaterade koncept, ge exempel på tekniker som representerar dessa begrepp och genomföra utvärdering. Studien är i form av en fallstudie, där laborationsmomentet genomfördes med en grupp på 20 elever. Två python-uppgifter, Uppgift A (utan chatGPT) och Uppgift B (med chatGPT), utformades för att stimulera datalogiskt tänkande färdigheter. Eleverna arbetade i par under laborationsmomentet för att lösa uppgifterna A och B och deras diskussioner spelades in. Både deras lösningar och ljudinspelningar av deras diskussioner utgjorde vår dataset och skulle senare analyseras. För att utföra analysen skulle både lösningarna och ljudinspelningarna granskas med hjälp av innehållsanalys och mönsterjämförelsemetoden. Resultaten visade att elever som löste uppgift A visat uppkomst av samtliga indikatorer (färdigheter) inom datalogiskt tänkande. Å andra sidan har elever som arbetade med uppgift B visat uppkomst av datalogiskt tänkande indikatorer främst genom sina inspelade ljuddiskussionermen inte i sina skriftliga lösningar. / This study, which is conducted in collaboration with K-ULF, designs and evaluates a laboratory exercise for high school students enrolled in the programming 1 course (or any similar courses), with a focus on stimulating acquisition of computational thinking concepts. A literature overview was performed to identify a relevant framework for designing the programming laboratory moment. The chosen framework, which is the result of the literature overview, emphasized the application of different steps, including defining computational thinking, identifying related concepts, providing examples of techniques representing these concepts, and conducting evaluation. The study is conducted in the form of a case study, wherein the laboratory was conducted with agroup of 20 students. Two Python tasks, Task A (without chatGPT) and Task B (with chatGPT) were designed to stimulate computational thinking concepts and were solved by the students inpairs. During the laboratory, the students' discussions were audio recorded, and they also provided written explanations of their problem-solving methods. The data, comprising audio recordings and written materials, were analyzed using specific techniques and patterns identified within the framework. The study employed a pattern matching method to draw conclusions based on the analyzed data. The results indicated that students solving Task A demonstrated emergence of all computational thinking concepts (indications). On the other hand, students who worked on task B showed emergence of computational thinking indicators mainly through their recorded audio discussions but not in their written solutions.

Svårigheter med att implementera programmering i matematikämnet på gymnasiet : En situationsöversikt och vägledning utifrån lärares självförmåga och Skolverkets stödarbete / Difficulties with Implementing Programming in Mathematics Education in Swedish Upper Secondary School : A Situational Overview and Guidance based on Teachers’ Self-efficacy and the Swedish National Agency for Education’s Teacher Support

Blåvarg, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Från första juli 2021 gäller en ny ämnesplan för matematiken på gymnasiet som inkluderar förändringar av innehållet kopplat till programmering, som funnits som innehåll sedan 2018. Tidigare forskning visar att lärare känner sig oförberedda att undervisa om programmering i matematikämnet. Det här arbetet har undersökt implementeringen av programmering i matematikämnet på gymnasiet i syfte att skapa en bild av matematiklärares inställning till införandet av programmering i deras undervisning. Lärarnas uppfattningar ställs i relation till den nya ämnesplanen och Skolverkets arbete med att ta fram utbildningsmaterial som stöd för lärarna. Med avstamp i tidigare forskning har genomförts en enkätundersökning med 166 matematiklärare på svenska gymnasieskolor. En bild av lärarnas upplevda självförmåga att undervisa i programmering samt deras inställning till den nya ämnesplanen och Skolverkets utbildningsmaterial har tagits fram. Enkäten bestod av huvudsak påståenden som lärarna fick ta ställning till. Lärarnas egna kommentarer från enkäten har även tematiskt analyserats. Resultatet visar att matematiklärarnas övergripande uppfattning är att programmering inte hör hemma i matematikämnet. Enligt lärarna kommer tillägget medföra förvirring för eleverna och ta värdefull tid från undervisningen. Lärarna rapporter en upplevt låg självförmåga i att undervisa om programmering då de saknar både erfarenhet att undervisa i ämnet och relevant fortbildning. Lärarnas uppfattning om den nya ämnesplanen och Skolverkets utbildningsmaterial är vid första anblicken positiv, men de rapporterar i båda fall att innehållet misslyckas med att motivera programmeringens placering och roll i matematikundervisningen. Slutligen har det här arbetet tagit fram en vägledning för hur vidare arbete med införandet av programmering i skolan bör ske. Vägledningen är baserad på enkätundersökningens resultat samt en litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning inom ämnena programmering i matematiken samt i skolan. Den är uppdelad utifrån två olika perspektiv. Ur perspektivet att programmering införts för att stödja matematiken föreslås att (1) en eller flera programmeringsmiljöer bör utvecklas på ett sätt som inte avviker från matematiken utan fokuserar på elevernas matematiska förståelse och lärande, (2) resurser bör avsättas av huvudmän och Skolverket så att matematiklärare ges möjlighet att erhålla relevant fortbildning samt (3) att läroplanen bör formuleras för att tydliggöra och förklara de förändringar som tidigare åtgärder medför. Om programmering istället införts i matematiken för att istället introducera programmering till fler elever föreslås att Skolverket tar fram en egen allmänbildande kurs i ämnet. / Starting the first of July 2021, a new syllabus for mathematics takes effect in Swedish upper secondary school with some changes to content regarding programming, that has been partof the curriculum since 2018. Earlier research shows that teachers feel unprepared to teach programming in their math classes. This work has examined the implementation of programming in the subject of mathematics in upper secondary school in order to create a picture of mathematics teachers’ attitude towards the introduction of programming in their teaching practices. The teachers’ perceptions are set in relation to the new syllabus and the Swedish National Agency for Education’s work to produce educational material to support the teachers. Based on previous research, a survey has been conducted consisting of 166 mathematics teachers from Swedish upper secondary schools. This in an attempt to create an overview of the teachers’ perceived self-efficacy towards teaching programming and their attitude towards the new subject syllabus and the National Agency for Education’s educational material. The survey consistedmainly of statements that the teachers where asked to consider. The teachers’ own comments from the survey have also been thematically analysed. The results show that the mathematics teachers’ overall perception is that programming does not belong in the mathematics subject. According to the teachers, this change will only cause confusion for the students and require too much valuable teaching time. The teachers report a perceived low self-efficacy in teaching programming as they lack both experience and sufficient training. The teachers’ perception of the new subject syllabus and the National Agency for Education’s educational material is positive at first sight, but they report in both cases that the content fails to justify the placement and role of programming in mathematics teaching. A proposal has been developed for how to proceed with the introduction of programming in schools. The proposal is based on the results of the survey and study of relevant literature pertaining to programming in mathematics and in school in general. From the perspective that programming has been introduced in the subject of mathematics as a tool to support the subject, it is proposed that (1) specific programming environments should be developed in a way that does not deviate from mathematics content but focuses on the students’ mathematical understanding and learning, (2) resources should be allocated by principals and The Swedish National Agency for Education so that mathematics teachers are given opportunities to receive relevant in-service education and (3) that the curriculum should be formulated to clarify and explain the changes that previous measures entail. If programming has instead been implemented in mathematics to introduce more students to the subject, it is proposed that the National Agency for Education develop a separate more general course in programming.

Jag tror det är jag ser det... eller? : AI-genererade deepfakes och dess användning inom desinformation

Lundberg, Erik, Knutsson, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) har tagit världen med storm, men har samtidigt visat sig vara en av de största och svåraste utmaningarna vårt samhälle står inför. En av utmaningarna är användandet av AI-genererade deepfakes som ett desinformationverktyg. Vid granskning av tidigare forskning konstaterades att majoriteten av dem behandlar detektion och förebyggande åtgärder. Konsekvenserna av deepfakes undersöks i varierande omfattning men ingen har studerat konsekvenserna för just det svenska samhället på ett djupare sätt, en lucka detta arbete ämnar fylla. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka deepfakes påverkan på spridandet av desinformation, vilka konsekvenser denna teknik kan medföra för det svenska samhället och hur dessa kan hanteras, samt ta reda på hur deepfakes kan se ut och användas framöver. För att besvara arbetets frågeställningar genomfördes en litteraturöversikt i kombination med semistrukturerade intervjuer.   Resultatet av arbetet visar att deepfakes tack vare sin lättillgänglighet har stor påverkan på hur desinformation skapas och sprids. Desinformation med deepfakes kan medföra flera allvarliga konsekvenser, däribland ökade sociala splittringar och ett minskat förtroende till digital information. För att hantera dessa konsekvenser bör en kombination av filtrering, lagstiftning och källkritik tillämpas. Tekniken är under konstant utveckling och användandet av deepfakes som ett desinformationsverktyg kommer med stor sannolikhet att utnyttjas i ännu större omfattning framöver, vilket visar på behovet av fortsatt forskning inom området.

The perception of Nuclear powerin Sweden : How engineering students view it

Abdallah, Ali January 2017 (has links)
Nuclear power has been an important part of the electricity generatingin Sweden in almost half a century. However, the use of nuclear powerraises many complex issues such as economy, accident risks, andradioactive waste management and storage. Nuclear power has thereforebeen debated intensively in Sweden as in many other countries since the1970s. Several countries have changed their nuclear policy and starteddecommissioning programs following the nuclear accident in Fukushimaback in 2011. Citizens' support for nuclear power has declined worldwidein last few years, including in Sweden. This study aims to investigatethe perception of nuclear power among engineering students and showsthat the majority of engineering students, who generally are positivetowards technology, have been affected by their surrounding and areagainst nuclear power. Engineering students in general, both supportersand opponents of nuclear power, agree that Sweden should gradually phaseout nuclear power and replace it by renewable energy sources.

Competitive evaluation method of antibodies

Råsander, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Environmental adjustments of the mobile preschools in Uppsala

Jernlund, Anna, Pedersen, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
The mobile preschools of Uppsala are buses that are provided as a complement for stationary preschools. The buses are connected to one stationary preschool that provides the necessities such as food and a place for the children to be before and after the daily trips. In Uppsala, there are five mobile preschool buses and they have been operated since 2009. For the bus to provide heat, warm food and energy for activities on the bus, there is a generator installed that runs on biodiesel. The emissions from the generator, in combination with the loud noises that it emits, are of concern for both the children and educators on the bus as well as the people around it. This has caused for alternative ways to deliver electricity to the bus. This study examines three scenarios for delivering electricity and tries to evaluate what the best option could be from different Points of view. The three scenarios are replacing the generator with either a battery, replacing the generator with electricity poles and to replace the generator with a more efficient and quieter one. When evaluating the different scenarios from an economical point of view, the study found that the electricity poles would be the best option. When evaluating the best option with respect to the children and educators, the study found that the battery would be the best option. The negative consequences for continuing to use a generator to supply electricity would be a health hazard for the children and a limitation for the educators in the freedom of choosing location for the bus to visit.

Managing Platform-Mediated Ecosystems : Investigating ecosystem interdependencies and strategic choices

Cenamor, Javier January 2015 (has links)
The rapid and ubiquitous spread of information technologies (IT) is creating unprecedented effects that challenge traditional fundamentals of the business world. Platform-mediated ecosystems are increasingly attracting the attention of practitioners from diverse industries, from telecommunications to video consoles, as well as academics from different fields ranging from management to economics, and information systems (IS) and innovation management. A platform-mediated ecosystem can be defined broadly as an industrial architecture with an infrastructure in the center that facilitates value co-creation among different agents (platform owners, and providers and users of complementary products) and a set of rules governing their interdependencies. The speed and the magnitude at which platforms diffuse are inspiring numerous analyses from diverse perspectives, mainly focused on drivers of success and ecosystem interdependencies in different contexts. This thesis highlights the importance of detangling the different interdependencies within platform-mediated ecosystems, while building a comprehensive approach based on the ecosystem as a whole. The wide range of platform types and their rapid evolution makes it difficult to establish a consensual categorization of platforms. A common aspect among most of them is that platform-mediated ecosystems usually present network effects that is the value of products depend on the number of peers within the ecosystem. In this sense, the number of adopters, known also as the size of the installed base, in a market has traditionally had a central importance in the literature. The platform-mediated ecosystems, however, are becoming more and more complex due to rising competition. Thus, there is a need for advancing understanding of the fundamentals of platform-mediated ecosystems and the management alternatives inherent in designing such systems which would enable a comprehensive platform approach to be built. Consequently, the main purpose of this thesis is to advance the understanding of the strategic management of platform-mediated ecosystems. Specifically, this thesis aims to unravel the ecosystem interdependencies and to identify strategic choices as a source of competitive advantage. To achieve this aim, different methodologies are applied in this thesis. Specifically, Paper I was based on a structured literature review of relevant papers in platform-mediated ecosystems for the period 2000 through 2014. The empirical analyses conducted in Papers II, III, and IV use different secondary samples from the video console ecosystem. Finally, the results in Paper V were based on a qualitative, multiple case study of global manufacturing firms implementing product-service systems (PSS) through a platform architecture. Overall, the findings within this thesis present the following main theoretical contributions. First, the thesis presents a comprehensive approach toward platform mediated ecosystems covering new ways of value creation and value capture, new governance regimes, and new agents making interdependent choices. Precisely, platform ecosystems offer unprecedented efficiencies and innovation enhancements, and the possibility of establishing rules for new role participation and interaction. Thus, the findings shed light on the fundamentals and future trends in the platform approach. Second, different ecosystem interdependencies may increase the platform adoption and performance. Specifically, the thesis highlights the importance of the positive effects from different agents in the complementary product markets. Accordingly, the findings contribute on unraveling the interdependencies within platform ecosystems. Third, platform performance can be enhanced by exploiting complementarities among strategies and regions. Precisely, the findings show significant complementarities from the joint management of different activities related to the complementary products and the platform, and from the presence in several countries. Consequently, the findings provide strategic choices as a source of competitive advantage. Finally, transformation toward global PSS may be guided by a platform approach, which may be helpful to explain the origins in building a platform ecosystem. In this respect, the findings shed light on how platform-mediated ecosystems are created. In sum, these findings have important implications for researchers in strategic management, economics, and information systems as well as managers from highly innovative industries and traditional sectors under structural transformation. This thesis concludes with the limitations that should be considered when interpreting the findings and some suggestions for future researchers. / Godkänd; 2015; 20150917 (javcen); Nedanstående person kommer att disputera för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen. Namn: Javier Cenamor Gómez Ämne: Entreprenörskap och innovation/Entrepreneurship and Innovation Avhandling: Managing Platform-Mediated Ecosystems: Investigating Ecosystem Interdependencies and strategic Choises Opponent: Biträdande professor Andreas Larsson, Institutionen för maskinteknik, Blekinge tekniska högskola, Karlskrona. Ordförande: Biträdande professor Vinit Parida, Avd för innovation och design, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, Luleå tekniska universitet, Luleå. Tid: Tisdag 10 november, 2015 kl 13.00

Bordningssäkerhet : En studie om lotsars och båtmäns upplevelser vid bordningsmomentet

Engström, Alf, Fröberg, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Abstrakt   När ett fartyg ska anlöpa eller avgå en hamn måste det vanligtvis anlita en lots som kommer ombord för att vägleda fartyget. I Sverige genomförs ungefär 33 000 lotsningar varje år och vid majoriteten av dessa har lotsen kommit ombord fartyget genom att klättra på en lotslejdare som riggas utmed fartygssidan. Studien genomfördes i syfte att undersöka de riskfaktorer som påverkar säkerheten för lotsar och båtmän under bordningsmomentet. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att svenska lotsar och båtmän upplever bordningsmomentet som riskfyllt, framförallt vid sämre väderförhållanden. Lotsarna och båtmännen upplever att det är mer riskabelt för lotsen att debarkera än att embarkera eftersom lotsen har svårare att hålla koll på sin omgivning vid detta moment. Resultatet visar också att fler fartyg behöver bli bättre på att följa de riktlinjer som finns gällande bordningsarrangemang för att bordningsmomentet ska upplevas säkert bland lotsar och båtmän. / Abstract   When a vessel is to enter or leave a port, it usually needs to hire a pilot to guide the vessel. In Sweden approximately 33,000 pilotages are carried out every year, in the majority of these the pilots have boarded the ship by climbing on a pilot-ladder which have been rigged alongside the vessel's side. The study was conducted to investigate the risk factors that affect the safety of pilots and boatmen during the pilot transfer. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach in interview format. Interviews were conducted using an interview template based from previous literature in the subject. The study has been limited to Swedish pilots and boatmen. In the study, ten pilots and four boatmen participated in three Swedish pilot stations, which mainly handle different ship types and vessel sizes. In the study, the result shows that Swedish pilots and boatmen experience the pilot transfer operation as risky, especially in poorer weather conditions. The pilots and boatmen find it more risky for the pilot to disembark than to embark a vessel, as the pilots have more difficulty keeping track of their surroundings during this moment. The study shows that more vessels need to establish the international guidelines concerning pilot transfers and boarding arrangements, to ensure safe pilot transfers.

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