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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-Criteria Decision Making for International Freight Transportation : A Hybrid Approach for Manufacturing Companies

Torrado López, Eva, Reinberg, Sina January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Psychosocial Support for People living with HIV : The design of a handbook for managing and mitigating the impact of an hiv diagnosis / Psykosocialt stöd för personer som lever med hiv : Utvecklingen av en handbok för att hantera och avdramatisera en hiv-diagnos

Ericsson, Sanna, Wiklander, Carl Jonas January 2024 (has links)
This report describes a masters’ thesis in Industrial Design Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, conducted for Venhälsan at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm, in collaboration with Sös Innovation. The purpose of the project was to contribute to improving the psychosocial well-being of people living with hiv, who are monitored by the Infektionsmottagning 2 at Södersjukhuset. The project followed a service design methodology, involving stakeholders at all stages using various human-centered methods. The work began with a literature study, examining previous research on hiv and stigma. This was followed by a pre-study involving researchers, patient organizations, and staff at Venhälsan to create an understanding of the healthcare context and the psychosocial support offered by different actors today. The main study involved people living with hiv and consisted of a series of in-depth interviews, which, after a variety of analysis methods, led to insights that formed the basis for the subsequent concept generation. The concept generation involved a workshop with Venhälsan staff, brainstorming, and feedback sessions with members of the patient group, using trigger materials. The project resulted in the development of an Hiv Handbook that patients receive in connection with their hiv diagnosis. The handbook contains six different themes: About hiv, Venhälsan, Knowledge, Recognition, Disclosure, and Acceptance, and aims to address and mitigate these topics for the patient, thereby helping a patient in a crisis situation. In addition to the handbook, all ideas and insights from the project were compiled and delivered to Venhälsan for potential future work. / Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete på masternivå i Teknisk Design vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm, utfört för Venhälsan på Södersjukhuset i samarbete med Sös Innovation. Syftet med projektet var att bidra till att öka det psykosociala välmåendet hos personer som lever med hiv, och som följs av Infektionsmottagning 2 på Södersjukhuset i Stockholm. Projektet följde en tjänstedesignmetodik, där aktörer involverades i alla stadier med hjälp av olika människocentrerade metoder. En litteraturstudie inledde arbetet, där tidigare forskning om hiv och stigma undersöktes. Det följdes av en förstudie som involverade forskare, patientorganisationer och arbetare på Venhälsan för att skapa en förståelse för vårdkontexten, och det psykosociala stödet som erbjuds av olika aktörer idag. Huvudstudien involverade personer som lever med hiv och bestod av en serie djupintervjuer, som efter en mängd analysmetoder ledde till insikter som låg till grund för det efterföljande idégenereringsarbetet. Idégenereringen bestod av en workshop med personal på Venhälsan, brainstorming och feedbacksessioner med personer från patientgruppen, där triggermaterial användes. Projektet resulterade i framtagningen av en Handbok i hiv som patienten får i samband med deras hiv-diagnos. Handboken innehåller sex olika teman: Om hiv, Venhälsan, Kunskap, Igenkänning, Berättande och Acceptans, och ämnar att behandla och avdramatisera dessa ämnen för patienten, och följaktligen hjälpa en patient i en krissituation. Utöver handboken sammanställdes alla idéer och insikter från projektet och levererades till Venhälsan för eventuellt framtida arbete.

Industriell etablering i Uppsala : En analys av utmaningar och framtida möjligheter / Industrial establishments in Uppsala

Hansson, Hannes, Husseini, Mustafa, Welldenberg, Philip January 2024 (has links)
The study investigates challenges and future opportunities for industrial establishments in Uppsala municipality, focusing on quotation readiness, value chains, technical infrastructure, competence supply, and energy provision. Despite the municipality’s strong academic foundation, maintaining a favorable business climate remains challenging. The study shows that the municipality struggles with inefficiencies in quotation readiness, fragile value chains, technical infrastructure limitations, outflow of highly educated talent and energy provision constraints. These factors all hinder industrial growth despite the municipality’s potential. For the study a qualitative approach was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from academia, business and local government. The findings highlight the need to reduce lead times within quotation readiness, implement strategies to retain talent, strengthen value chains, invest in technical infrastructure, and develop energy efficiency strategies. For future development, Uppsala's proximity to Stockholm offers significant opportunities for regional integration, leveraging Stockholm's global networks and infrastructure. Additionally, diversifying the industrial base by fostering growth in technology sectors can reduce reliance on life sciences and stimulate broader economic growth. Strategic regional cooperation, investment in technical education and support for startups are therefore essential for sustainable development. By implementing these strategies Uppsala can not only address current challenges, but also meet future industrial and societal needs.

Development of Unibap's demonstration system : Creating an application for Unibap's space computer solutions demonstration system

Leth, Agnes, Lodin, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the project is to develop a demo system for the satellite computer company Uni-bap. This demo system is used by the sales team at business fairs to showcase the potential andcapabilities of Unibap’s solutions. However, the current demo system lacks the visual appeal anduser-friendliness desired by the sales team. Our task is to address these shortcomings by devel-oping an application that is both educational and user-friendly. Additionally, the project involvesconstructing a demo box for the computer running our application to enhance its portability andensure efficient heat management.Through internal and external interviews with Unibap’s employees and other industry experts, weformulated the aims and goals of the project. The results included designing a Graphical UserInterface (GUI) for the demo system. Although we did not have time to implement all the plannedfeatures, the results were positive in terms of design and the implementations achieved so far. Theconstruction of the demo box was also successful, enhancing the system’s portability and heatmanagement. Further improvements are suggested to make the GUI even more user-friendly and educational.

Implementation & Sustainability of Returnable Packaging in the Global Manufacturing Industry : A case study at Volvo Trucks

Palmqvist, Carl, Karlsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Organizations across the world have seen increasing pressure to become more sustainable through their operations from governmental bodies and consumers. The study focused on the role of packaging within global manufacturing companies, as packaging has been seen to play a large role GHG emissions for global manufacturing supply chains and although returnable packaging is widely used in the industry, packaging for large & low volume goods continues to utilize single-use packaging. Volvo GTO IM has designed but not yet implemented a type of returnable packaging for truck cabs, named cab-skids, sent to international assembly plants. The study takes an inductive case-study approach, in which the supply chain factors impacting the implementation of returnable cab-skids were identified, along with a calculation framework for assessing the GHG impact of a potential implementation. A gap in academic knowledge has been identified regarding the GHG effects of primary heavy industrial returnable packaging for both implementation and calculation methods. The calculation framework includes methods for calculating the production emissions of the cab skids (Category 1), the upstream transportation & distribution activities (Category 4), and the downstream transportation & distribution activities (Category 9). The study identified 10 critical supply chain factors to consider when implementing heavy returnable packaging through 7 interviews, categorized into three main themes, applicability, availability, and variability. The calculation framework was based upon the Greenhouse Gas Protocol which provided calculation methods for category 1, category 4, and category 9 GHG emissions. The associated activities were identified through interviews with respective stakeholders. An analysis of the critical supply chain factors indicated direct and in-direct relationships between the major themes and subsequent sub-factors. An analysis of the calculation framework indicated that the emissions of returnable packaging would potentially be higher than the current state of single-use cab skids, as the category 1 & 4 emissions from single-use skids needed to be higher than the added category 9 emissions due to the reverse flow to emit less GHG than single-use packaging. A redistribution of emissions was identified from category 1 & 4 to category 9 in the case of returnable packaging. The study sheds light on the true sustainability of heavy returnable packaging across global industrial supply chains.

Påverkan av färgåtergivning på människors visuella upplevelse, prestation och komfort i en skolmiljö. / Influence of color rendering on people’s visual experience, performance and comfort in a school environment.

Strand, Joel, Grundin Johansson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Obaji, Emmanuel Innocent, Thayalan Jebakumar, Jeffrey January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Calculation and Analysis of Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) : A study on battery manufacturing industry

Sahu, Asheem, Kumar, Akshay January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Människans uppfattning om färgtemperatur : Utvärdering av varma och kalla färgtemperaturer vid olika badrumsaktiviteter / Human perciption of color temperature

Malmquist Håkansson, Johanna, Portocarrero Linares, Beika January 2019 (has links)
Studien är ett samarbete med badrumsföretaget SVEDBERGS. Syftet med denna studie är att ge rekommendationer till SVEDBERGS kunder avseende färgtemperatur som är lämpligast i badrummet. I badrummet sker det olika aktiviteter som sminkning/rakning eller bad, därför är det viktigt att kunna anpassa belysningen för att bidra med en bra komfort till användarna. Med LED-ljuskällan finns det möjlighet att reglera färgtemperaturer i detalj. Denna studie kommer därför att undersöka vilken färgtemperatur som är lämpligast till olika badrumsaktiviteter. Tidigare studier tyder på att kalla färgtemperaturer från 4000 Kelvin (K) och uppåt är mera lämpliga som arbetsljus medan varma färgtemperaturer från 2700K till 4000K är mera lämpliga som avslappningsljus. Mer specifikt är studiens frågeställningar: ”Vilken färgtemperatur från 2700K till 6400K är lämpligast till sminkning/rakning?” och ”Vilken färgtemperatur från 2700K till 6400K är lämpligast till bad?” Studien genomfördes genom ett experiment med 25 stycken försökspersoner varav 15 stycken kvinnor och 10 stycken män och medelåldern var i åldersspannet 40–49år. Under experimentets gång fick försökspersonerna utvärdera belysningens inställning med fokus på färgtemperatur. Experimentet utfördes som två aktiviteter (sminkning/rakning och bad) och bestod av tre scenarios av färgtemperatur (2500K; 4000K; 6400K) som hade två olika ordningsföljder (dvs. 2700K/4000K/6400K och 6400K/2700K/4000K). Ordningsföljden bestämdes systematiskt i experimentet. Ett fjärde scenario i experimentet användes då försökspersonerna själva valde vilken färgtemperatur de föredrog utan att veta vilket exakt metriskt värde denna hade. Experimentet använde både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder som innefattade enkätfrågor i skalnivåer för de två aktiviteterna och de tre scenarios, samt en fråga med öppet svarsalternativ där försökspersonerna hade möjlighet att utveckla sina svar. Utifrån resultaten i denna studie rekommenderas en belysning där både färgtemperatur och intensitet kan regleras. Resultaten visar att vid aktiviteten sminkning/rakning rekommenderas en färgtemperatur på 4000K–4700K och vid aktiviteten bad rekommenderas en färgtemperatur på 2500K–3000K. Badrumsbelysning som kan regleras utifrån brukarnas aktiviteter och behov har den största potentialen att vara socialt hållbar för SVEDBERGS slutkunder eftersom den möjliggör att brukarna själva kan välja lämplig färgtemperatur.

Managing Organizational Adoption of IoT : Revisiting Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Gomes, Rafael, Osman, Sema Seyfi January 2019 (has links)
As a disruptive innovation, IoT has been creating a high impact over organizations’ current strategies and business models. This continuous process of change will have an increasing influence on how organizations and industries as a whole conduct their businesses, and is set to have an active role towards the development of entirely new business models and markets. With the development of IoT technologies, and its predicted exponential spread across all sectors of society, one can conclude that the future holds many opportunities for organizations looking to explore new ways of capturing and creating value, but at the same time there are also plenty of challenges to be addressed. While the diffusion and adoption process of IoT has been an ongoing phenomenon over the past decade, there is still not much certitude as to how organizations ought to adjust in order to successfully integrate IoT technologies in their structure and operations. In parallel fashion, there have also been many difficulties in ensuring that different smart, connected devices and ecosystems are able to effectively communicate between each other, as achieving interoperability has become one of the major concerns associated with IoT. The main focus of this study is to analyze the process of how organizations are currently integrating IoT within their businesses, while also investigating causes that hinder interoperability, and evaluating the future potential deployment of the Open IoT ecosystems in companies. For our research we have followed a case-study approach where we conducted semi-structured interviews with managers and project leaders from two organizations conducting pilot studies on Green IoT and Open IoT, and where one has been adopting IoT technologies in its business. Theoretically, we draw on a framework by combining Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations theory and Christensen’s theory of Disruptive Innovations in order to analyze the integration of IoT into businesses’ core structure. The research goes through a functional framework that outlines the process of IoT adoption while also presenting the present challenges that are faced by the actors in the industry and the key enablers for successful IoT integration.

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