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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barriers, facilitators and success criteria in the implementation of eHealth solutions in healthcare

Toledo, Estefania, Orejuela, Silvia January 2020 (has links)
As a response to the need for efficiency and innovation that modern society hasplaced over healthcare organizations, they are constantly looking for more efficientand innovative tools that facilitate the daily practices for providers. In this context,the use of digital solutions or eHealth arises as an alternative for healthcare.Despite the potential benefits of eHealth solutions, healthcare leaders experiencedifficulties implementing them. For that reason, health services researchersacknowledge the critical role of implementation science in the sector. Seeking tomotivate organizations to embrace eHealth solutions and their benefits, thisresearch identifies the barriers and facilitators experienced by project managersduring the implementation projects of innovations in healthcare. Moreover, itproposes the clarification of concrete criteria to assess success derived from theoutcomes of an implementation project. Starting with a literature review, followedby qualitative research and a data collection through a total of ten semi-structuredinterviews with project managers. Moreover, the data analysis is made based onthematic analysis. The results identify three main facilitators for innovation: 1)maintaining a balanced level of understanding for all stakeholders, 2) to have opencommunication, and 3) to have a high involvement of the top management with theproject. Moreover, the most relevant barrier faced by managers is the lack of skilledand competent people within the organization. Regarding the success ofimplementation projects, the most relevant criteria are: 1) delivering in the righttime, budget, scope and quality (reach the project goals), 2) maintaining thecustomer and user satisfaction, and 3) increase in work efficiency in the healthcareorganizations. To some extent, the mentioned factors contribute to facilitating theimplementation of innovations in healthcare. The role of managers inimplementation is highly valuable since they represent the bridge between topmanagement and front-line employees. This research summarizes the experienceof the managers -from a consultancy company- while working in theimplementation of digital tools in healthcare. Therefore, the research provides abetter understanding regarding the barriers, facilitators and success criteria forimplementation.

Formativ bedömning i teknikundervisning : En intervjustudie om användandet av formativ bedömning i grundskolan

Johansson, Terese January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att ta reda på lärares arbetsmetoder för den formativa bedömningen i teknikämnet i grundskolan, vilka möjligheter och svårigheter lärare finner med formativ bedömning samt att ta reda på hur lärare skapar och bibehåller teknikintresset hos eleverna i teknikutbildningen genom grundskolan. Metoden som användes var semi-strukturerade intervjuer med legitimerade lärare som undervisar i ämnet teknik i grundskolan. Huvudresultatet visar att lärarna använder sig av formativ bedömning i olika utsträckning inom teknikundervisningen. Det framkommer att tidsbrist och stora elevgrupper utgör ett hinder för att arbeta fullt ut med formativ bedömning på ett adekvat och önskvärt sätt. För att bibehålla intresset för teknikämnet hos eleverna behöver undervisningen hitta elevernas intresseområde och att arbeta mycket praktiskt samt att modernisera undervisningen. Studien visar att lärarna arbetar med delar utifrån de fem nyckelstrategierna som presenteras i bakgrundsavsnittet.

The Interconnectedness of Relationships for a Propulsion and Maneuvering System : A case study with a supplier network perspective in the maritime industry

Grönberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this case study is to understand how actors interact from a supplier perspective within the marine business, discuss what the findings are implying, and develop a marketing strategy for a propulsion and maneuvering system. Industrial marketing is an essential activity for companies to delivering and managing value to their stakeholders. The academic body of this research uses network theory and relationship marketing as a framework for understanding the social setting.  The research focuses on understanding and interprets how relationships are interconnected to actors and how the links for a relationship are formed. There are too few studies with a normative approach focusing on a product, which can have practical usefulness for managers, entrepreneurs, and organizations. This study applies a case study design for a supplier perspective in the marine business with an abductive method. The data collection uses a qualitative approach to get in-depth knowledge of how the participants perceive the world. In the iterative process for gathering data, the first phase uses unstructured interviews, and in the second phase, semi-structured interviews. The findings imply that information is an essential element for a relationship to create trust and commitment between actors. Information is further discussed for how it can influence decisions that play a significant part for the focal supplier and discussions concerning how marketing activities can be developed for the propulsions and maneuvering system.

Conserving water in mixers through nudging : Searching for changes in behaviour, not experience

Axols, Hampus January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

5G Technological Innovation: Advantages and potential consequences in developing Smart City

Uddin, Md Munsur January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to study the advantages of 5G technological innovation in the development of smart cities, i.e., to find out in what way this technology plays the main driving force of other relevant technologies essential to developing smart cities. In addition, this study explores the potential consequences of developing smart cities using 5G technology. Main Research Question How does 5G technological innovation influence the development of smart cities?  Sub-Research Questions 1.1 What are the advantages of smart city development using 5G technology?  1.2 What are the hindrances to smart city development using 5G technology? The methodology of this study includes bibliometric data analysis and a systematic literature review. The journal databases have been searched with appropriate keywords to get published articles on 5G technological innovation, its advantages, and potential consequences on the development of smart cities, technological hindrances, and sustainability threats to the development of smart cities. The relevant literature was then analyzed precisely. In the development of smart cities, the 5G technological innovation is to act as the backbone of smart cities. There are different types of technologies contributing to the development of smart cities. Among them, the Internet of Things, Information and Communication Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Sensors, Geospatial Technology, Blockchain, Robotics, and Industry 4.0 are fundamental technologies. 5G technological innovations are strategic. Therefore, whether this innovation has a strategic impact has been found in this analysis.  Recommendations We must welcome and utilize the advantages of new technological innovation. We still need more practical studies of using 5G in smart cities. Telecom operators, relevant service providers, and vendors can collaborate with public health and environmental researchers to clearly disclose the 5G advantages and potential consequences.  Further research is required to finalize the unknown facts of EMF pollution, and other controversial areas like privacy, safety, and security could be studied to determine whether the 5G wireless technology is secure and adds real value for the users.

An essay on the discursive state of Sustainable Food Transitions : A discourse analysis of an experimental food company’s marketing material, the “Liberation of Protein Production”

Ljung, Alex January 2022 (has links)
The thesis' purpose is to investigate the discursive state of sustainable food transitions by examining how Industry, as exemplified by an experimental food company namely Solar Foods at the forefront of the field, communicate and add to this discourse, as observed in their marketing video series Liberators of Protein Production, as well as how it reflects hegemonic discourses, chiefly seen to the amalgamated actors Government and Populace. Discourse theory is used and established as an admittedly austere methodological apparatus as well as analytical framework to collect data and map the discursive landscape, meaning what discourses are communicated and their relations to each other as well as said hegemonic discourses. The thesis' contribution is chiefly said apparatus and framework which may be used to efficiently develop understandings of this (or other) discourse(s) and what futures they ultimately promote. Findings center around three observed themes, rather marketing objectives as they are presented, in the discourse: Demonization of current, "the old and bad", agriculture; Idolization of the new cellular agriculture, by means of Solar Foods' technology; Accommodation of this technology's new product in today's world.  Summarily, the "Food Revolution" presented is essentially yet another season of Creative Destruction: as climate collapse and consumer guilt devalues the current agricultural food market, Solar Foods' merely position to usurp demand, replacing one product with another, albeit more climate friendly, like product under the same flag of an inherently schizophrenic monetary formula. Thus, I argue, they scarcely refurbish the current, unsustainable market logic while forfeiting a tangible opportunity to inaugurate a new, needed Food-narrative in any adequate way.

Prognostisering av inkommande samtal till ett nödsamtalcallcenter : En fallstudie hos SOS Alarm

Söderlind, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Forecasting of incoming calls to emergency call center / Prognostisering av inkommande samtal till nödsamtalcallcenter

Involvering av kunder i en organisation : Hur SJ AB kan utveckla sin verksamhet medhjälp av sina resenärer / Involvement of customers in an organization : How SJ AB can involve their travellers in developingtheir business

Johansson Hjort, Kim, Pedersen Bergli, Clara January 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies the involvement of customers in a complex line of business. More specifically how SJ AB can let their travellers reportfaults regarding comfort on the trains. The aim of the study is to study how the process of reporting errors is working today and how it preferably should be working in the future. In addition to this it will also be studied what value this process can add to the company. To best be able to answer the posed questions a qualitative study with elements of a quantitative one has been used. Employees from different divisions of the company were involved in the development of the proposal of how the process should work in the future. The results show that the process today has some flaws and that it is desirable to have as much of an automated and simple process as possible in the future. To overcome the gaps between the two processes SJ AB should focus on different measures. Some of these include developing different digitalaids, define what a fault regarding comfort is and further investigation of overcoming other gaps. Through analysis of the results in relation to the theoretical framework this process may result in avariety of values. These include an improved customer relationship, better and more detailed statistics, more efficient business and higher vehicle status.

Mathmatics with graphical programming

Wahlström, Olle January 2017 (has links)
With society’s progress into the information age it is important to keep school and education up to date. A motion has been put forward from the National Agency for Education in Sweden that programming should be taught, as part of mathematics and technology subjects, from first year of elementary school. If this were to become reality it demands new ways of thinking for teachers and students as they are now forced into teaching and learning programming, something that has never been demanded before. An application has been produced which gives students and teachers a good tool for getting into program- ming at an early age with a graphical programming language. With this language combined with a three dimensional graphics engine it is possible for young students to get into programming with graphical feedback combined with learning the properties of certain shapes and more advanced mathematical functions. The application aims to be as creative as possible which is an important aspect of programming. The project was also evaluated by young students who showed that they are indeed ready for a step towards programming. Without any or little previous experience with programming all students who did the assignments completed at least half of what was asked within a very limited time window. This shows that learning programming this way with this platform to start with, can be a great asset for teachers in the years to come.

Programmering i Excel : framtagning av analysverktyg för kundbearbetning

Jeppsson, Matilda, Dufbäck, Emma, Wright, Katarina, Werkmäster, Ottilia, Tejde, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Triple Bottom Line är ett brett begrepp som definierar hållbar utveckling, och är ett ramverk som företag kan arbeta utifrån i sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Enligt Triple Bottom Line finns det tre aspekter av hållbarhet: ekonomisk, ekologisk och social. I detta projekt har företaget Office Recycling efterfrågat ett excelverktyg som kan hjälpa dem i hållbarhetsarbetet utifrån ett ekologiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Under projektet har ett excelverktyg skapats som säljavdelningen på Office Recycling kan använda vid kundbearbetning och kundanalys. Verktyget, kallat Rädda Sven, har tagits fram med hjälp av Visual Basic Editor (VBE) i programmeringsspråket Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) som används i programmet Excel. Verktyget är uppbyggt av tre koder vilka är kopplade till tre knappar: Återvinning, Prisbild samt Kundanalys. Verktyget består således av tre delar. Återvinning och Prisbild rangordnar kunderna efter hur väl de överensstämmer jämfört med en optimal kund som tagits fram som referens. I rangordningen hamnar de kunder som avviker mest från referensen högst upp i den genererade resultatlistan och säljavdelningen får på så sätt en bra överblick över vilka kunder de ska marknadsföra sig mot. När säljavdelningen identifierat en kund de vill titta närmare på kan Kundanalys användas för att få en kundspecifik profil för den aktuella kunden. Med hjälp av Rädda Sven gjordes en analys av 10 % av Office Recyclings avtal. Ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv visar resultatet att priserna varierar mellan olika kunder samt att priserna i många fall avviker från den referens som användes i analysen. Resultatet visar även vilka fraktioner som är vanligast att kunderna återvinner samt att de flesta kunderna återvinner få fraktioner, det vill säga få olika material. 80 % av kunderna återvinner mindre än tre olika material vilket inte är lönsamt, varken ekonomiskt eller ekologiskt.

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