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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enduring "lateness": biomedicalisation and the unfolding of reproductive life, sociality, and antenatal care

Ferreira, Nicole January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation examines how pregnant women seeking antenatal care at a state facility in the Southern Peninsula of Cape Town conceptualise and experience their pregnancies in relation to the biomedical model that informs state practices of care. I specifically explore the experiences that contribute to the state's definition of 'late' presentation at antenatal clinics (i.e. after the first trimester). The antenatal care model advises that pregnant women report "early", at 12 weeks, and have regular follow up visits up until 40 week period, yet recent public health research showed that women present "late" to the antenatal clinics, with only 40.2% of first antenatal visits occurring in the first trimester in South Africa. The women who were a part of the research were chosen in the clinic space, in waiting rooms, booking rooms and while waiting for ultrasounds. The women were selected based on age (17 upwards), and gestational age at first antenatal booking. I examine the ways biomedicine frames temporality, and the way that health policy enacts this through antenatal care. I contest the brackets of 'lateness' and biomedicalisation of pregnancy, and the state's version of the female reproductive body as I describe the unfolding experiences of a reproductive life, showing how pregnancy and health care seeking are enmeshed in social worlds. The discursive framings of antenatal attendance exhorts women to seek antennal care at 12 weeks gestation, to "be responsible" "good women" managing their sexual and reproductive lives with a mode surveillance that presumes a certain way of knowing and counting the body. I explore the other ways of experiencing, knowing, and counting, showing how pregnancy experiences and healthcare seeking behaviours are influenced by social, economic, political, and historical factors, and by the moral and religious values that shape daily life for women. My thesis is grounded in the growing literature on anthropology of reproduction and the biosocial. In doing so, I examine what it means to have and experience a reproductive body within the unfolding events of everyday life, where moments and 'quasievents' (such as structural inequalities, and the daily bouts of gang violence and domestic violence) become enmeshed, such that they influence temporality, differing perceptions of trust, distrust, risk and testing, and differing social values of testing. I further show how maternal kinship networks of support are valued, yet precarious as are intimate partnerships, which both influence experiences of care, neglect, abuse, punishment and shape antenatal attendance. In contesting temporal boundaries of biomedicine I show how women's bodily and relational experiences, their everyday lives and quasi-events within them are inseparable in shaping antenatal health seeking practices and how pregnancies are imagined.

Perception of Health Care Workers (HCWs) towards early antenatal booking in Fiji: A qualitative study

Maharaj, R., Mohammadnezhad, Masoud 04 December 2022 (has links)
Yes / Early booking or registration into Antenatal Care (ANC) can be defined as initiation of ANC before 12 weeks of gestation and is important for the best health outcome of the mother and the baby. Delayed initiation of ANC has been linked to increased rate of maternal and fetal mortality. There is international consensus that ANC should begin within first trimester yet pregnant women delay initiation of ANC. Health Care Workers (HCWs) understanding of reasons for this can improve patient provider relationship. Objectives: This study aims to explore the perception of the HCWs in Fiji towards early antenatal booking. Methods: A qualitative study was employed using four Focus-Group Discussions (FGDs)with the HCWs who provide health care service for pregnant women in Ba Mission Hospital (BMH) in 2020. Each group comprised of medical officers, mid-wives and registered nurse who were chosen purposively. A semi-structured open ended questionnaire was used to guide the discussion. Data was transcribed and analyzed manually using thematic content analysis using the following process: familiarization, coding, identifying themes, reviewing and refining, integration and interpretation. Results: There was a total of 18 HCWs for the FGDs. The mean age of the participants was 37.4±11.8years. The three themes identified were: knowledge of HCWs on early booking, their perceived barriers and perceived enabling factors to early antenatal booking. The FGDs identified that the HCWs had adequate knowledge on early initiation of ANC and that there were a range of barriers to early initiation of ANC. The HCWs also suggested factors that could enable women to book early. Conclusion: Based on the study it can be concluded that the HCWs have a positive perception of early antenatal booking, however, there are various factors that contribute to delayed antenatal booking. The barriers to early ANC are both an opportunity and a challenge to strengthen and review the maternal services offered. The enabling factors should be reinforced from an individual level to the health system and the general context. The implications of the barriers and enabling factors identified in this study is to implement evidence-based policies to improve early antenatal booking in Ba, Fiji.

Assessment of the barriers to the utilization of antenatal care services in Kazungula district, Zambia

Sakala, Morgan January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Globally, 1600 women and over 5000 newborn babies die daily of preventable causes and over 90% of these deaths occur in developing world. An estimated 358000 maternal deaths occurred worldwide in 2008 with developing countries accounting for 99%. In Zambia, maternal mortality ratio has been estimated to be 591 deaths per I 00,000 live births underscoring the great challenge posed by maternal and child health problems. At the same time, utilization of antenatal care services by pregnant women, supervision of deliveries by skilled person and postnatal care services is low in most regions of Zambia. Since professional attendance at delivery is assumed to reduce maternal and infant mortality, poor antenatal care (ANC) utilization may lead to increased infant and matern.al mortality and morbidity.This study sought to assess the barriers to utilization of antenatal care services in Kazungula district, Zambia. A qualitative exploratory study was used to uncover participants' experiences and perceptions on barriers to use of ANC.Focus group discussions were used to gather information from primegravidae and multigravidae not attending or irregularly attending ANC services and from traditional birth attendants. In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants namely the health centre in-charge and leader of safe motherhood support group.Data was analyzed through thematic content analysis. From the transcripts, patterns of experiences coming from direct quotes or through paraphrasing common ideas forming part of the themes were listed. Data from all the transcripts relating to the classified patterns were identified and placed under the relevant theme. Thereafter related patterns were combined and listed into sub-themes. The analysis involved drawing together and comparing discussions of similar themes and examining how these relate to the variations between individuals and groups that assisted in understanding the phenomenon of interests. The study revealed that utilization of ANC was impeded by multiple interrelated factors such as low socio economic and educational status of women, influence of the older generation, traditional and cultural practices. Previous negative experiences with health workers such as bad attitude of health workers and perceived poor quality of care were mentioned as factors that negatively affect utilization of ANC services. Other notable barriers were built in confidence resulting from previous safe deliveries, family size and competing priorities, fear of being tested for HJY and physical the accessibility.The study recommends that the district and its partners address the barriers if efforts in safe motherhood will yield meaningful impact. DHMT in the long term plan needs to train and deploy skilled personnel to rural health centres. They should have a deliberate policy on rural incentives to motivate trained staff to remote areas. More health posts need to be built as a way of taking health care services as close to the family as possible. In addition, for the short term plan there is need to provide inservice training for staff on safe motherhood and circulate guidelines. Orient staff on focused antenatal care (FANC).DHMT should ensure continuum of, care by supporting adequate supplies, equipment, drugs and transport to the health facilities.

Lung hyaluronan and lung water in the perinatal period

Johnsson, Hans January 2001 (has links)
Hyaluronan is an important component of the lung extracellular matrix, with a high capacity for water immobilization, but information on perinatal changes in the lung hyaluronan concentration and their association with changes in the lung water content is limited. In this study, conducted both in rabbit pups and in human infants, we investigated changes in the hyaluronan concentration and distribution in the lung and in the lung water content after preterm or term birth, and changes produced by common antenatal and postnatal pathological conditions and treatments. In rabbit pups, we found a gradual decrease in lung hyaluronan concentration and in the intensity of alveolar hyaluronan staining with advancing gestational age at birth in late gestation, but no further changes during the first 7-9 days of life. The lung water content was uniformly high before birth, but decreased significantly after preterm delivery or at birth at term. Postnatal exposure of newborn preterm or term rabbit pups to hyperoxia for 4-9 days resulted in an increase in both lung hyaluronan concentration and lung water content. This was accompanied by more intense hyaluronan staining, mainly in the alveolar walls. Antenatal exposure of rabbit pups to betamethasone or terbutaline resulted in a lower lung hyaluronan concentration at preterm birth, associated with less intense hyaluronan staining in alveolar walls, without altering the lung water content. Betamethasone exposure had a maximal effect at 25 days of gestation (term = 31 days), decreasing thereafter with advancing gestation, while terbutaline exposure resulted in a gradually increasing effect during late gestation, with a maximum at 29 days. In deceased infants born at a gestational age of < 32 weeks, the lung hyaluronan concentration at death was most strongly associated with the gestational age at birth. It also covaried with sex, antenatal steroid administration, intrauterine bleeding, mode of delivery, birth weight, IRDS, and surfactant treatment. In infants born at a gestational age of > 33 weeks there was a weaker association between lung hyaluronan concentration and gestational age. In this group, the lung hyaluronan concentration was associated with administration of a high concentration of oxygen, and covaried with maximal ventilatory pressure, and lung water content.

Factors Associated With Maternal Mortality in Greater Accra Ghana 2016: Case-Control Study

Eghan, Edmund Sekyi 01 January 2019 (has links)
Maternal mortality is a critical area of concern globally, despite the availability of accessible preventive measures. The role of sociodemographic and service delivery factors in maternal mortality in the Accra Metropolitan Area of Ghana are important to examine. As part of the United Nations (UN) Millennium Campaign, the UN implemented 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); maternal mortality reduction by 75% between 1990 and 2015 was among the fundamental MDGs to be achieved by 2015. The purpose of this case-control study was to use secondary data to assess the relationships between sociodemographic variables, service delivery factors, and maternal mortality among 8,171 women of reproductive age (15-45 years) living in the Greater Accra metropolitan area in Ghana. The health belief model and social cognitive theory provided the theoretical framework to interpret the study findings. Particularly, income (p = .023), primary (p = .035) and secondary (p = .002) education, and health insurance (p = .008) were significantly associated with maternal-related mortality. However, for survival outcome, health insurance (p = .003), prenatal care (p = .001), and presence of a skilled attendant at delivery (p = .020) were significant factors. These study results provide support for the significant effects of sociodemographic and service delivery factors on maternal mortality and survivorship in the Greater Accra metropolitan area in Ghana. The results of this study could enhance educational and outreach programs designed to lower maternal mortality rate. Further research needs to be done to advance knowledge and practice in health delivery services and public health education with respect to the importance of sociodemographic and service delivery characteristics.

Risikovurdering for kromosomavvik : En kvalitativ studie om gravide kvinners tanker og erfaringer rundt denne problemstillingen / Risk assessment for chromosomal anomalies : A qualitative study of the thoughts and experiences of pregnant women regarding reaching a decision around this issue.

Aune, Ingvald January 2008 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er å fordype kunnskapen om hvordan gravide kvinner opplever en tidlig ultralydundersøkelse med risikovurdering for kromosomavvik, og hvordan de resonnerer omkring resultatet. Nytteverdien blir å løfte frem denne kunnskapen, og ta den med i den videre debatten omkring dette tema. Metode: Det ble gjort en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse med ti gravide kvinner som skulle få utført en risikovurdering for kromosomavvik. Kvinnene ble intervjuet både før og etter undersøkelsen. Grounded theory ble benyttet som analysemetode. Resultater: I studien ble det ble generert en kjernekategori; Jeg vil ha valget, men ikke ta det, og fem hovedkategorier: Eksistensielle valg, Trygghetsfølelse, Engstelse, Skyldfølelse og Veiledning / Ivaretakelse. Kjernekategorien beskriver kvinnenes konflikt mellom å ville ha muligheten til denne undersøkelsen, og samtidig ha vanskeligheter med å ta de påfølgende valgene. Noen av faktorene som gjorde valgene så vanskelige var engstelse, tap av kontroll / mestring, tilknytning til fosteret, skyldfølelse og sosialt press. Siden kvinnene ønsket selvstendige valg uten påvirkning fra andre, følte de også en større ansvarlighet for de valg som ble tatt. Forståelsen av den kalkulerte risikoen varierte mellom kvinnene, og de benyttet ulike metoder for å lette vurderingen og valget. Gravide kvinner har et stort informasjonsbehov når det gjelder prenatal diagnostikk, og de ønsker en lett tilgjengelighet til spesialisthelsetjenesten. For å få tid til refleksjon over egne verdier og holdninger, er det viktig at informasjonen blir gitt på et så tidlig tidspunkt i svangerskapet som mulig. Konklusjon: Studien viser kompleksiteten av følelser som gravide kvinner kan oppleve i forbindelse med en tidlig ultralydundersøkelse og risikovurdering for kromosomavvik. Disse stressrelaterte følelsene kan sammen med beslutninger på komplisert risikoinformasjon, og på et sterkt ansvarlig og moralsk område vanskeliggjøre beslutningsprosessen. En bedre informasjonsformidling og kontakt med helsevesenet er nødvendig for at kvinnene skal ta informerte valg, som er i tråd med deres verdier og holdninger. / Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to increase understanding of how pregnant women experience early ultrasound examination that includes risk assessment for chromosomal anomalies. Moreover, this study examined how such women rationalize test results. Method: I conducted pre- and post-examination interviews of ten pregnant women undergoing risk assessment for chromosomal anomolies, and used grounded theory to analyze the results. Results: The study generated a core category (I want a choice, but I don’t want to decide) and five main categories (existential choices, feeling of safety, anxiety, guilt, and counselling and care). Factors contributing to choice difficulty included anxiety, loss of control or coping, emotional connection to the fetus, feelings of guilt, and social pressures. The core category describes the conflict between choice and decision. Since the women sought independent choices without external influence, they also felt greater responsibility. The women’s understanding of actual risk varied, and they used different logic and methods to evaluate risk and reach a decision. Conclusion: Pregnant women need for prenatal diagnostic information and want easy access to specialty services. This study shows the complex feelings pregnant women experience regarding early ultrasound examination that includes risk assessment for chromosomal defects. Stress, non-transparent information about actual and perceived risks, and personal moral judgments further complicate the decision-making process. Therefore, improved distribution of information and frequent contact with health professionals will help women to make informed choices in accordance with their values and beliefs. / <p>ISBN 978-91-5-85721-47-4</p>

Icke farmakologiska behandlingsmetoder vid depression under graviditet : En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Johnsson, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING  Bakgrund  Depression är vanligt bland unga kvinnor i fertil ålder vilket innebär att barnafödande infaller under en del av livet då många kvinnor är psykisk sårbara. Cirka 10 till 20 procent av alla gravida kvinnor drabbas av depression av varierande grad under den antenatala perioden. Depression ökar risken för tillväxthämning hos fostret, prematur förlossning och postpartum-depression samt försvårar anknytningen mellan mor och barn. Den rådande uppfattningen är att kvinnor som medicinerat med antidepressiva läkemedel innan graviditet bör fortsätta medicinera samt att insättning bör göras när behov finns. Många kvinnor vill dock inte använda antidepressiva läkemedel under graviditet av rädsla för negativ påverkan på fostret och för dessa kvinnor behövs alternativ. I barnmorskans arbete ingår att stödja och vårda kvinnor under graviditet varför kunskap om behandlingsalternativ är vikt för yrkesgruppen.  Syfte Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka icke-farmakologiska behandlingar som finns för depression under graviditet samt dess för- och nackdelar. Metod  En systematisk litteraturstudie har gjorts där 28 artiklar inkluderades av totalt 659 granskade titlar, 110 granskade abstracts och 44 artiklar granskade i sin helhet. De inkluderade artiklarna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys och kvalitetsgranskades i enlighet med Willman, Stoltz och Bahtsevani, (2016). Resultat  Analysen av studiernas resultat visade attmånga former av ickefarmakologisk behandling kan ha mildrande eller botande effekt vid depression under graviditet. Det framkommer att behandling med yoga, behandling med mind-body terapi, behandling given till par, behandling given digitalt, behandling given i grupp samt behandling med psykoterapi eller samtalsstöd har positiv effekt om än i olika grad.Resultatet ger stöd för att komplement till basprogrammet vid sedvanlig mödrahälsovård är eftersträvansvärt och hjälper kvinnor med antenatal depression och att den positiva effekten ofta kvarstår efter förlossningen. Slutsats  Detta examensarbete visade att många icke-farmakologiska behandlingsmetoder kan hjälpa kvinnor med antenatal depression. Tilltron till behandlingsmetoderna var oftast hög och få negativa effekter framkom. Kvinnor kan utifrån detta informeras om att forskning visat att utöver antidepressiv medicinering finns icke-farmakologiska behandlingsmetoder med god effekt på depression under graviditet. Vidare forskning får visa om behandlingsformerna skulle kunna erbjudas inom ramen för mödrahälsovårdens basprogram, samt om det är möjligt att genom dessa alternativa terapier minska graviditetskomplikationer orsakade av depression. NYCKELORD  Antenatal depression, behandling, depression, graviditet, moderskap, perinatal terapi / ABSTRACT  Background  Depression is common among young women of childbearing age, which means that childbirth occurs during a part of life when many women are mentally vulnerable. About 10 to 20 percent of all pregnant women suffer from depression of varying degree during the antenatal period. Depression increases the risk of growth retardation in the fetus, premature birth and postpartum depression and complicates the bonding between mother and child. The current perception is that women who are taking antidepressants before pregnancy should continue to medicate and that insertation should be made when needed. However, many women do not want to use antidepressant drugs during pregnancy out of fear of adverse affects on the fetus, and for these women more options are needed. Midwifery includes supporting and nursing women during pregnancy, why knowledge about treatment options is important to the occupational group. Purpose  The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the non-pharmacological treatments available in pregnancy depression and their advantages and disadvantages. Method  A systematic review has been made where 28 articles were included in a total of 659 reviewed titles, 110 reviewed abstracts and 44 articles reviewed in full text. The included articles were analyzed with qualitative content analysis and quality assayed according to Willman, Stoltz and Bahtsevani, (2016). Results  The analysis of the results showed that many forms of non-pharmacological treatments may have mitigating or curing effects in the event of depression during pregnancy. It appears that treatment with yoga, treatment with mind-body therapy, treatment given to couples, treatment given digitally, treatment given in a group and treatment with psychotherapy or counseling  has a positive effect, albeit to a different extent. The result provides support for complementing the basic program of customized maternity care, which is desirable and helps women with antenatal depression and that the positive effect often persists after childbirth. Conclusion  This degree project showed that many non-pharmacological treatment methods can help women with antenatal depression. Access to treatment methods was usually high and few negative effects were observed. Women can from this be informed that research has shown that in addition to antidepressant medication there are non-pharmacological treatment methods that have a good effect on depression during pregnancy. Further research can show whether treatment options could be offered within the framework of maternal health care programs, and whether it is possible to reduce pregnancy complications caused by depression through these alternative therapies. KEYWORDS Antenatal depression, depression, maternity, perinatal depression, pregnancy, therapy, treatment

The effect of involving the private practioners on the quality of antenatal care of the indigent population of Tembisa

Mokhondo, Kgabiso Rachel 22 June 2011 (has links)
INTRODUCTION. The perinatal mortality rate is of concern worldwide. In South Africa at the time of the study, 2000, it was estimated to be of the order of 40/1000 live births. However in the setting in which this study took place, namely Tembisa, (Ekhuruleni, Gauteng, South Africa) it was said to be 50/1000 live births. One of the patient- related avoidable factors that has been found to be associated with perinatal and to a lesser extent maternal mortality, is either no, or late initiation of antenatal care. It has been found in an area which, is in many respects similar to Tembisa that 50% of women go the private general practitioner (PGP) for confirmation of pregnancy but, due of lack of funds, do not continue care with the private practitioner but, initiate care in the public sector and in a proportion of these women, this is at an advanced gestational age, making it difficult to prevent or intervene if there are problems in the pregnancy. As (PGP’s) are well placed in the district to render antenatal care, it was decided to perform a study looking at the effect of involving them in the antenatal care of women who presented to them for confirmation of pregnancy. METHODS Sixteen general practitioners agreed to be part of the study. The women who confirmed their pregnancy and who were going to deliver in Tembisa hospital were included in the study after giving written informed consent. They comprised the intervention group, the first antenatal visit was performed, the findings were recorded on the antenatal card which is used in the public sector and which was introduced to the private practitioner at 2 workshops held by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Pretoria prior to the study. The woman was then to attend antenatal care with the private practitioner until delivery. The private general practitioners waived the costs normally associated with this care for the period of the study. The control group consisted of the women who confirmed their pregnancies in the public health care sector known as the public service health care workers group (PSHCWG). Data collection took place in the postnatal ward of Tembisa hospital over the period of 3 months. By means of systematic sampling, 100 cards from the PGPG and 100 cards from the PSHCWG were obtained. The 2 groups were compared with respect to gestational age at initiation of care and a modified version of the Quality Check for Antenatal Records Score (MQCARS), an audit score which, when applied to the antenatal card, gives a measure of the effectiveness of record keeping, and whether problems in the antenatal period are detected and appropriately managed. RESULTS. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of gestational age at initiation of care [PGPG mean gestational age -19.96 (5.86), PSHCW 25.96(5.98,) p<0.0001]. The majority of women in the PGPG initiated care in the 2nd trimester (79%) while the majority of the women in the PSHCWG (53%) confirmed their pregnancies in the third trimester. Six per cent of PGPG confirmed their pregnancies in the first trimester compared to the PSHCWG (3%). The two groups differ significantly with respect to the total MQCARS with the PGPG group performing better [(8.16 (1.55) vs. 16.34(2.58), p<0.0001]. The associated sub- scores are statistically different [History score 5.99 (0.10) vs.7 (0.96), Examination score 9.59(1.29) vs.8.03 (1.85) Interpretation Score 2.55(0.50) vs.2.80 (0.49)]. CONCLUSION Despite the limitations of the study it is felt that if private general practitioners in Tembisa are involved in the antenatal care of those women who confirm their pregnancies with them, there is a reduction in the gestational age at initiation of care. There is a small difference between the two groups in record keeping, detection and management of problems. / Dissertation (MCur)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Nursing Science / unrestricted

Internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi mot depression under graviditeten : En kvantitativ utvärdering av en IKBT-behandling anpassad för antenatal depression / Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression during pregnancy : A quantitative evaluation of an ICBT-treatment adapted for antenatal depression

Axelsson, Matilda, Olsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Depression i samband med graviditet förekommer hos ungefär 10% av gravida och medför risker för den gravida och barnet. Många erhåller inte behandling. IKBT kan öka behandlingstillgängligheten och har visat sig effektivt jämfört med sedvanlig mödravård. Utvärderingens syfte var att undersöka skillnader i depressionssymtom före och efter fyra veckor i en IKBT-behandling mot antenatal depression och att jämföra skillnaderna med en tidigare RCT på en snarlik behandling. Huvudfrågeställningen var huruvida depressionssymtom minskar hos patienter med antenatal depression efter fyra veckor i en IKBT-behandling. 26 personer deltog i behandlingen. Förmätning jämfördes med senast kända mätningen efter fyra veckor. Dessa och de veckovisa mätningarna fram till vecka fyra, jämfördes med två icke-randomiserade kontrollgrupper. Skillnad mellan förmätning och senaste mätningen avseende grad av depressionssymtom var signifikant i genomfört t-test och symtomreduktionen tycks vara i nivå med resultat från den tidigare RCT-studien. IKBT skulle således kunna utgöra ett behandlingsalternativ för gravida med depression. Slutsatser bör dras med försiktighet. Framtida forskning inom fältet är av vikt för att validera resultat och för att ge underlag till utvecklingen av behandling vid antenatal depression. / Pregnancy related depression exists in approximately 10% of pregnant people and adds risks for the pregnant individual and the baby. Many are not treated. ICBT may increase the treatment availability and appears to be more effective than conventional maternal health care. The purpose of this evaluation was to examine differences in symptoms of depression before and after four weeks of ICBT-treatment for antenatal depression and to compare the differences with a prior RCT of a similar treatment. The main research question was whether symptom of depression decreases in patients with antenatal depression after four weeks when being treated with an ICBT-treatment. 26 persons participated in the treatment. Pre-measures was compared to the most recent measurement after four weeks. These, and the weekly done measurements up to week four, was compared with two non-randomized control groups. The difference between pre-measures and the most recent measurement regarding degree of depressive symptoms was significant in completed t-test and the reduction of symptoms appears to be on a par with results from the prior RCT. ICBT could be a treatment alternative for pregnant people with depression. Conclusions should be done with caution. Further studies in this field are of importance for validating results and to provide knowledge for the development of treatment for antenatal depression.

The impact of the antenatal class "Baby World" on the caregiver-infant relationship : a pilot study

Casale, Laura Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
Research suggests that the relationship between caregivers and their infants has a significant effect on development and well-being across the lifespan. There is a significant body of research into psychological interventions which focus on this relationship. However, there is only limited research into the impact of antenatal interventions which aim to promote the caregiver-foetus relationship, thus preventing later difficulties in the caregiver-infant relationship. Findings so far suggest that such interventions could be effective, and recommendations have been made for further studies exploring the effect antenatal interventions on the caregiver-foetus relationship. This pilot study explored the impact of a newly developed psychoeducational intervention entitled “Baby World” on the caregiver-foetal relationship. Seventy-nine females and 26 males who were expecting their first child were recruited from an NHS midwife service in London. They were randomly allocated to experimental or control groups. All participants completed questionnaires measuring antenatal attachment, mental health and childhood experiences of caregiving at baseline. Those in the experimental group then attended the Baby World class. All participants then completed the questionnaires for a second time, and then attended the standard antenatal classes. Following attendance at these classes, participants completed the questionnaires for a third time and gave anonymous responses to qualitative questions. Statistical analyses of the quantitative data indicated that the intervention did not have an impact on antenatal attachment. Results did show that antenatal attachment increased over time, whilst anxiety decreased. A significant correlation was found between recollections of maternal caring and antenatal attachment. Qualitative analysis suggested that the intervention did have an impact on aspects of the relationship. In the qualitative responses, the majority of participants wrote that the class had been a positive experience for them, and that it had increased their confidence about being a caregiver. Many of the responses indicated that the class had positively affected their skills in reflective functioning, caregiver sensitivity and attunement, and changed their perspective on how to interact with their infant. The results add to the literature regarding the impact of antenatal interventions on the caregiver-foetus relationship. Further research is needed to explore the impact of the intervention on the relationship more closely, in particular to understand which aspects of the relationship may be affected. There are several limitations of the study, in particular the small sample size and the limited number of expectant fathers who participated. Reasons for these limitations are discussed.

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