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EKONOMIE DOPINGU: Vliv růstu odměn sportovců na míru dopingu ve sportu / Economics of Doping: The Social Influence on the Level of Dosing Athletes.Bartas, Jan January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis we examined the influence of the institutional changes and the implication of the financial evaluation of athletes (level and structure) on the level of dosing athletes. The most important moments in the history of the anti-doping fight were founding of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and the acceptance of the law against doping. Hypothesis 1 examined, if the founding of WADA (standardization of the anti-doping fight among countries) have had an influence on the decrease of the level of dosing athletes in these countries. According to the regression analysis we can say that the foundation of WADA had have the influence on the level of dosing athletes, but not in the direction we supposed. Some countries adopted the anti-doping law, which led us to formulate the Hypothesis 2: the level of doping athletes has been decreasing since the acceptance of this law. Due to econometric analysis we cannot support this hypothesis. We stated two more hypotheses in the chapter dedicated to the financial evaluation of athletes. Hypothesis 3, that the sport with a lot of supporters (in consequence lot of sponsors) is less prone to doping, we can support. Last hypothesis of this thesis is Hypothesis 4 and states that the level of the doping is influenced by the structure of the athlete evaluation. We cannot accept this hypothesis after the consideration of the available data set.
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Attachement anionique en spectrométrie de masse électrospray négative : étude de la régiosélectivité et application à l'amélioration de la détection des stéroïdes en matrice urinaire pour le contrôle antidopage dans le sport. / Anion attachment negative electrospray mass spectrometry : regioselectivity study and application for improvement of steroids detection in urine matrice for antidoping in sports.Dumont, Quentin 18 November 2015 (has links)
Les stéroïdes anabolisants androgènes peu acides ou basiques ne permettent pas d’obtenir des signaux importants lors de leur analyse par spectrométrie de masse électrospray (ESI-MS), rendant ainsi leur détection compliquée par l’utilisation de cette technique. Bien que certains stéroïdes puissent être analysés de manière adéquate avec des méthodes d’analyse antidopage classiques comme la chromatographie en phase gazeuse (GC) couplée à la MS avec une source d’ionisation électronique (EI), il reste un besoin pour le développement d’une méthode qui soit capable de détecter efficacement les composés plus difficiles, c’est-à-dire ceux qui sont moins susceptibles de s’ioniser en ESI. Pour résoudre ce problème l’approche envisagée se base sur l’addition d’anions (sous forme de sel d’ammonium) à des stéroïdes anabolisants comme principe pour le développement d’une méthode analytique de détection de ces composés. Il a été confirmé que les limites de détection instrumentales obtenues avec ces anions sont plus basses qu’en comparaison des mêmes analyses sans additif en ESI positif ou négatif. Les étapes de développement de cette méthode basée sur la chromatographie en phase liquide (LC) couplée à la MS en tandem sont également présentées. Les résultats obtenus sur des échantillons en matrice urinaire démontrent que l’attachement anionique apporte une nouvelle approche prometteuse pour la détection des stéroïdes en contrôle antidopage. De plus, des expériences sur des stéroïdes bifonctionnels comme la 5-α-pregnan-3α,20β-diol ou la d4-17,21,21,21-pregnenolone réduite ont permis de mieux appréhender les facteurs qui permettent que l’attachement préférentiel d’un anion donné puisse se faire sur une région spécifique de la molécule, i.e. que l’attachement anionique soit « régiosélectif ». La fragmentation des adduits anioniques de stéroïdes bifonctionnels en MS en tandem a montré des voies de décomposition produisant des ions produits caractéristiques de chaque anion. La détermination d’acidités en phase gazeuse obtenues par des calculs de chimie théorique a également permis d’apporter une nouvelle lumière sur le comportement des adduits anion-stéroïde. / Androgenic anabolic steroids that are neither acidic or basic do not provide strong signals for their analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), making their detection difficult with the use of this technique. Although some steroids can be adequately analysed by standard antidoping analytical methods, such as gas-phase chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with an electron ionization source (EI), there is nonetheless a need for the development of the method that could efficiently detect more difficult compounds, i.e. the least likely to ionize by ESI. In order to solve this problem, the chosen approach is based on addition of anions (found as ammonium salts) to anabolic steroids as principle for the development of an analytical method for the detection of those compounds. It was confirmed that the instrumental limits of detection obtained with the anions were lower compared to the same analyses without additive in positive or negative ESI. The steps for this method development based on liquid-phase chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) are also presented. The results obtained on samples in urine matrice have shown that anion attachment brings a new promising approach for steroid detection in antidoping control. Furthermore, experiments on bifonctionnal steroids such as 5-α-pregnan-3α,20β-diol or reducted d4-17,21,21,21-pregnenolone have brought light on the factors that dictate preferential attachment of a given anion.
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Dopingförebyggande arbete inom100% Ren Hårdträning : Med fokus på informationsspridning till medlemmar på certifierade gymLarsson, Emma, Levin, Tove January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dopingklassade preparat är förbjudna både via idrottens regelverk och svensk lagstiftning. Trots detta har det identifierats ett ökat användande av dopingklassade och förbjudna preparat bland gymbesökare i Sverige vilket skulle kunna medföra negativa konsekvenser för folkhälsan. Inom gymbranschen bedrivs olika insatser och dopingförebyggande projekt för att motverka doping, ett av dessa är 100% Ren Hårdträning som verkar för att sprida information om doping till gymmets medlemmar. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa utfallet av informationsinsatser inom det dopingförebyggande programmet 100% Ren Hårdträning ur gymmedlemmars perspektiv. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte användes en digital enkät där 57 personer över 18 år deltog. Insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik och belyste huruvida informationen har nått medlemmarna på gymmet utifrån projektets direktiv. Resultat: Informationen om gymmets antidopingpolicy, var information om förbjudna preparat och dess effekter finns att hämta, samt medlemmarnas rättigheter och skyldigheter mot gymmet menas nått fram till majoriteten av respondenterna. Det mest framgångsrika sättet för att sprida denna information menas vara via affischer, broschyrer och/eller dataskärmar. Önskan kring framtida kommunikationsvägar för dopingrelaterade frågor var gymmets sociala medier och hemsida samt via muntlig kommunikation och föreläsningar. Slutsats: De gym som idag är certifierade av 100% Ren Hårdträning når ut med informationen i programmet till en stor del av medlemmarna och majoriteten känner till gymmets antidopingpolicy. Den information som förmedlas via medlemsavtal kan utvecklas för bättre träffsäkerhet då majoriteten av respondenterna inte kunde redogöra för om de fått informationen eller inte. Det bästa sättet att nå ut till medlemmarna tycks vara via affischer, broschyrer och infoskärmar. För att lyckas bättre med detta kan kommunikationskanaler som sociala medier, gymmets hemsidor och mail användas.
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ReiKi jako legální doping ve sportu / ReiKi as a Legal Doping in SportsFaltus, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Title: ReiKi as a Legal Doping in Sports Problem specification: In professional sport performance is a variable, which influences almost everything. The sportsmen are aware of that and they feel under the pressure. That is why many of them use the illegal doping. But is it really the only way? We have already learned to train the corporeal part and later even the psychical part. Is not logical to pay the same attention to the spiritual part? Is it possible, that for example influence of a spiritual energy (ReiKi and familiar methods) could affect the sport performance? Objectives: To proof or disprove a hypothesis about accepting the spiritual energy and its influence on sport performance and alternatively suggest particular application of this factor in sport practice. To offer an alternative way to accomplish better performance without using unhealthy drugs to sportsmen is the general objective of this work. Methods: The work was solved in a form of studying the cases using some couples of monozygotic twins. The basic idea lay in placement one of the sibling to the program of regular ReiKi therapies. The twins did the same kind of sports, in which was observed their performance. To get more complex point of view there were placed even regular sportsmen to the research. These sportsmen went...
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Etická, sociální a politická dimenze dopingu / Ethical, Social, and Political Dimension of Doping in the Field of SportSchwarz, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Title: Ethical, Social and Political Dimension of Doping in the Field of Sport Objectives: To work up the issue of doping, a brief overview of doping agents and methods, history of doping and antidoping (doping organization, doping control and sanctions). Assess the issue of doping in sport from the perspective of ethical, social and political. Mapping anchoring doping issues in documents or legislation of the Czech Republic and the EU, to reveal the causes and consequences of doping and the prevention and repression as an integral part of the antidoping activities and also to the education of athletes. Methods: The dissertation has a theoretic character, uses qualitative methods: compares, analyse and interprets texts from publications and sources. It draws own conclusions from these bases. Results: This dissertation clears up the issue of doping in the dimensions of ethical, social and political. Collected and interprets virtually all relevant documents, on global scale. Emphasizes the need to combine prevention and repression in the fight against doping and the importance of education in the spirit of sport and the Olympic ideas. Keywords: Antidoping documents - Doping - Ethics in Sport - Evil in Sports - Gamesmanship - Sportsmanship
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Control de qualitat en mètodes d'anàlisi qualitatius i la seva aplicació al control antidopatgeJiménez Otero, Cintia 12 January 2007 (has links)
L'anàlisi qualitatiu ha estat sempre molt important en el control antidopatge i constitueix cada cop més una part molt significativa de l'activitat diària d'altres tipus de laboratoris. Tanmateix, no existeixen guies o documents específics per ajudar els laboratoris a implantar sistemes de qualitat quan es disposa d'aquest tipus de mètodes. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi ha estat el desenvolupament de les eines necessàries per assegurar la qualitat i fiabilitat dels resultats produïts per mètodes d'anàlisi qualitatius, treballant en tres aspectes fonamentals per a l'assegurament de la qualitat dels resultats als laboratoris d'anàlisi: la validació de mètodes, el control intern de la qualitat, i els exercicis d'intercomparació.S'ha elaborat un protocol de validació, s'ha implantat un sistema de control intern de la qualitat per a mètodes d'anàlisi qualitatius i, finalment, s'han elaborat protocols per a la preparació de mostres que seran utilitzades com a materials d'assaig en exercicis d'intercomparació o com a materials de referència, i per realitzar estudis d'homogeneïtat i d'estabilitat, que han estat aplicats a l'estudi de l'estabilitat de substàncies d'interès en control antidopatge. / Qualitative analysis has been very important in antidoping control and its becoming a significant part of the daily activity of other type of laboratories. However, there is a lack of guidance or specific documents to help laboratories to implement quality assurance systems when using these type of methods. The aim of this thesis has been the development of the necessary tools to ensure the quality and reliability of results released by qualitative analytical methods, working in the three main aspects of quality assurance in the analytical laboratory: method validation, internal quality control and intercomparison exercises.A protocol for method validation has been proposed and an internal quality control system for qualitative methodologies has been established. Finally, protocols for the preparation of samples to be used in intercomparison exercises or as reference materials, including homogeneity and stability studies, have been prepared. These protocols have been applied to study the stability of substances with especial interest in antiodoping control.
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