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Identifying soils with potential of expanding sulfate mineral formation using electromagnetic inductionFox, Miranda Lynn 15 November 2004 (has links)
Sulfate-bearing soils are a problem in highway construction as they combine with materials used for lime stabilization to form minerals, particularly ettringite, that expand and induce heave in the stabilized soil. This research involves quantifying sulfate in soils that may be potentially used in highway construction using electromagnetic induction. The objectives are to: 1) document electrical conductivity (EC) variability within selected sites that contain sulfate-bearing materials, and 2) determine if electromagnetic induction has potential for locating hazardous levels of sulfate-bearing materials.
The 0.43 ha study area is located in the Blackland Prairies and is a Vertisol known to contain gypsum at the time of site selection. Apparent EC using a model EM38 electromagnetic induction instrument was measured at 200 locations in July and November 2003, using a sampling grid with 5-m spacings. Representative rows and columns were selected from the map of apparent electrical conductivity, and soil cores taken to a depth of 1.5 m at 29 points. Soil samples were obtained by dividing cores into depth increments of 0 to 25 cm, 25 to 75 cm, and 75 to 150 cm. Laboratory analyses were run for each sample and included moisture content, EC and soluble cations and anions of the saturated paste extract, and percent gypsum. Elevation measurements were made to determine if changes in elevation related to EC measurements.
Apparent EC proved to be more successful at detecting soluble salts during the dry sampling period (July) when the effect of soil moisture content was less. For July data, EC and gypsum were significantly correlated in the deepest samples (r2 = 0.51 and 0.15, respectively) to apparent EC. Further, soluble sulfate was significantly correlated to apparent EC (r2 = 0.30) at a depth of 25 to 75 cm. Results suggest that the EM38 can be used successfully to map variability of soil salinity across a field, but although correlation exists between apparent EC and sulfate-bearing materials, it is not sufficiently strong to serve as a good predictor for conditions surrounding lime-induced heave in soil.
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Nutritive evaluation of two native north Texas legumes (Strophostyles) for goatsFoster, Jamie Lee 15 November 2004 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine effects of supplementing coastal bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon; CBG) hay with Strophostyles helvula (98 g kg-1 crude protein (CP), 476 g kg-1 neutral detergent fiber (NDF)), S. leiosperma (117 g kg-1 CP, 497 g kg-1 NDF), or cottonseed meal (506 g kg-1 CP, 352 g kg-1 NDF; CSM) upon intake of CBG hay (127 g kg-1 CP, 691 g kg-1 NDF) and apparent digestibility of dietary organic matter (OM), NDF, and true digestibility of CP. Six Boer-Spanish goats (46.22 +- 3.99 Kg) were fed CBG plus S. helvula, S. leiosperma, or CSM at 0.34 and 0.68% of BW in a 6*6 Latin square with 3*2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The CBG was fed ad libitum, and the legumes/CSM were fed in two equal daily feedings during a 7-d adjustment period and 7-d collection period in metabolism crates. Feces were collected every 24-h, and CBG, legumes/CSM, and fecal samples were analyzed for OM, NDF, and CP. There were no supplement type*amount interactions (P > 0.05). Supplement type did not affect OM digestibility (P = 0.21), but OM digestibility increased 6.4% (P = 0.05) at the 0.68% versus 0.34% level of supplementation with the legumes or CSM. Supplementation with CSM and S. leiosperma improved NDF digestibility 7% versus
supplementation with S. helvula (P = 0.02); and as supplement amount increased NDF digestibility by 5.5% (P = 0.02). The diet supplemented with CSM had the greatest CP digestibility, and S. helvula CP was 6% less digestible than S. leiosperma (P = 0.02). As supplement amount increased, CP digestibility increased 7% (P = 0.01). Intake of DM, OM, and NDF of CBG was unaffected (P = 0.56) by supplementation with CSM, S. helvula, and S. leiosperma, but total diet NDF intake of diets supplemented with CSM and S. helvula was 10.5% less than diet supplemented with S. leiosperma (P = 0.01). Considering digestibility and intake, CSM and S. leiosperma were the best supplements fed in this experiment. Strophostyles leiosperma is recommended as use for diet supplementation for goats when CBG hay basal diet is fed.
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Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids utilization in growing pigs fed flaxseed containing diets / Utilización de acidos grasos poliinsaturados omega 3 en dietas para cerdos en crecimiento alimentados con linazaMartínez Ramírez, Héctor Ramón 15 September 2011 (has links)
Experiments were conducted to assess the effect of feeding diets containing ground flaxseed (FS); as a source of α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3), on whole body retention efficiency (RE) and disappearance (indirect measure of oxidation) of 18:3n-3, and apparent conversion (AC) of 18:3n-3 to n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in growing female pigs, using the mass balance approach (serial slaughter). Oxidation of 18:3n-3 was determined directly based on feeding U-13C-18:3n-3 and appearance of 13C in expired breath.
Growth performance, composition of growth, body composition, and carcass and loin meat characteristics were not affected by feeding FS containing diets (P > 0.10). In selective pork cuts and the whole body, feeding FS increased (P < 0.10) the contents of 18:3n-3, eicosatrienoic acid (20:3n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), and docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-3) but not docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3; P > 0.10). Expressed as a proportion of intake, RE of 18:3n-3 declined with duration of feeding FS (d 0 to 15 vs. d 15 to 30; P = 0.098; 68.4 vs. 52.8%). Similarly, the AC of 18:3n-3 to 20:3n-3 (8.87 vs. 5.53%) and 22:6n-3 (1.27 vs. 0.54%) was reduced over time (P < 0.05), whereas disappearance of 18:3n-3 increased over time (P = 0.074; 2.12 vs. 23.7%). At similar cumulative intake of 18:3n-3, stage of growth (25 to 50 vs. 85 to 110 kg BW) did not impact (P > 0.10) RE of 18:3n-3 and the sum of all n-3 polyunsaturated (PUFA; 95 vs. 110%), AC of 18:3n-3 to n-3 HUFA (19 vs. 22%), and oxidation of 18:3n-3 (7.0 vs. 5.6%); these parameters were influenced by dietary 18:3n-3 level. Pigs fed low dietary 18:3n-3 (0.8 g/kg) yielded both higher RE and AC of 18:3n-3 to n-3 HUFA than pigs on high dietary 18:3n-3 intake (15 g/kg). Oxidation of 18:3n-3 tended to increase with dietary 18:3n-3 level (P = 0.077; 7.97 vs. 4.67% for pigs on high and low dietary 18:3n-3, respectively) and was not affected by previous 18:3n-3 intake (P > 0.10). Feeding modest amounts of FS leads to a substantial and predictable enrichment of n-3 PUFA in pork without compromising carcass and meat quality. The content of n-3 PUFA appears to be independent of timing of feeding n-3 PUFA, providing flexibility as to when n-3 PUFA can be fed for generating n-3 PUFA enriched, value added pork. / Ontario Pork, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Agricultural and Agri-Food Canada, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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A Novel Approach For the Simulation of Multiple Flow Mechanisms and Porosities in Shale Gas ReservoirsYan, Bicheng 16 December 2013 (has links)
The state of the art of modeling fluid flow in shale gas reservoirs is dominated by dual porosity models that divide the reservoirs into matrix blocks that significantly contribute to fluid storage and fracture networks which principally control flow capacity. However, recent extensive microscopic studies reveal that there exist massive micro- and nano- pore systems in shale matrices. Because of this, the actual flow mechanisms in shale reservoirs are considerably more complex than can be simulated by the conventional dual porosity models and Darcy’s Law. Therefore, a model capturing multiple pore scales and flow can provide a better understanding of complex flow mechanisms occurring in these reservoirs.
Through the use of a unique simulator, this research work establishes a micro-scale multiple-porosity model for fluid flow in shale reservoirs by capturing the dynamics occurring in three separate porosity systems: organic matter (mainly kerogen); inorganic matter; and natural fractures. Inorganic and organic portions of shale matrix are treated as sub-blocks with different attributes, such as wettability and pore structures. In the organic matter or kerogen, gas desorption and diffusion are the dominant physics. Since the flow regimes are sensitive to pore size, the effects of smaller pores (mainly nanopores and picopores) and larger pores (mainly micropores and nanopores) in kerogen are incorporated in the simulator. The separate inorganic sub-blocks mainly contribute to the ability to better model dynamic water behavior. The multiple porosity model is built upon a unique tool for simulating general multiple porosity systems in which several porosity systems may be tied to each other through arbitrary transfer functions and connectivities. This new model will allow us to better understand complex flow mechanisms and in turn to extend simulation to the reservoir scale including hydraulic fractures through upscaling techniques
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Analysis of death bed experiences in the light of ScriptureLicata, Thomas Andrew. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Div.)--Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [68-72]).
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Analysis of death bed experiences in the light of ScriptureLicata, Thomas Andrew. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Div.)--Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [68-72]).
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Caracterização anatômica e física - por densitometria de raios X - de colmos de Dendrocalamus asper Backer, Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro e Guadua angustifolia Kunth / Anatomical and physical characterization - by X-ray densitometry - of culms of Dendrocalamus asper Backer, Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro and Guadua angustifolia KunthPriscila Garcia Geroto 23 May 2014 (has links)
A viabilidade da produção, do manejo e da utilização dos colmos de bambu no Brasil, em relação às árvores de espécies florestais de eucaliptos e pinus, entre outras, foi a principal motivadora do presente trabalho. Com esse objetivo foram caracterizados os colmos de 3 espécies de bambu, consideradas prioritárias pelo INBAR, a saber Dendrocalamus asper, D. latiflorus e Guadua angustifolia da Coleção de Bambus da Área Experimental Agrícola do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Campus da UNESP, Bauru, SP. Amostras dos colmos das 3 espécies, coletadas através de método não destrutivo, foram caracterizadas em relação à estrutura anatômica macro e microscópica. Por meio da técnica de densitometria de raios X , a densidade aparente ao longo da espessura dos colmos foi determinada, e os perfis de densidade radial foram plotados em gráficos. Os resultados das análises laboratoriais evidenciaram que (i) as 3 espécies apresentam uma estrutura anatômica macro e microscópica que permite a sua identificação taxonômica e caracterização tecnológica, em relação aos tecidos de parênquima, feixes vasculares e bainha de fibras; (ii) a variação da estrutura anatômica e da densidade aparente ao longo da espessura dos colmos, relacionadas com a porcentagem e dimensões dos 3 elementos anatômicos, possibilita a sua caracterização em 3 camadas, sendo que as camadas interna e intermediária mostraram maiores diferenças em relação à externa; (iii) o modelo de variação das dimensões das fibras e da densidade aparente indicou um aumento dos dois parâmetros no sentido da camada interna para a externa dos colmos; (iv) não foi observado, para nenhuma das 3 espécies, um padrão de distinção entre a dimensão de fibras de colmos mais jovens e adultos; (v) os tipos dos feixes vasculares dos colmos das 3 espécies de bambu corresponderam aos descritos na literatura e, ainda, (vi) não foram encontradas referências da aplicação da densitometria de raios X na caracterização dos perfis de densidade aparente dos colmos de bambu e sua relação com a sua estrutura anatômica. O presente trabalho discute a aplicação dos seus resultados em relação a (i) influência das variações climáticas do ano de formação na espessura e anatomia dos colmos e (ii) aplicação tecnológica dos colmos pela análise dos perfis de densidade aparente e composição anatômica. / The feasibility of the production, management and utilization of bamboo culms in Brazil, in relation to forest species like eucalyptus, and pine trees , was the main motivator of the present work. Considering this purpose, culms of 3 bamboo species, considered priorities by INBAR, were characterized; namely Dendrocalamus asper, D. latiflorus Guadua angustifolia, all from the \"Collection of Bamboos\" owned by the Agricultural Experimental Area of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, from UNESP, Bauru Campus, SP. Samples from the 3 species stems, acquired through a non-destructive method, were characterized as for macroscopic and microscopic anatomical structure. Through the technique of X-ray densitometry, the apparent density along the stems\' thickness was determined, and the radial density profiles were plotted on. The laboratory tests results showed that (i) 3 species have macro and microscopic anatomical structures that allows its taxonomic identification and technological characterization, regarding parenchyma tissues, vascular bundles and fibers sheath; (ii) the variation of the anatomical structure and apparent density across the culm\'s cross plane, related with percentage and dimensions of the 3 anatomical elements, enables its characterization in three layers, of which the inner and intermediate layers showed major differences relative to the external one; (iii) the variation model of fiber dimensions and apparent density indicated an inner-outer layer oriented increase of these parameters; (iv) Was not observed, for any of the 3 species, a pattern of distinction between the culms fibers size regarding younger, or older individuals; (v) the bamboo vascular bundles types of the 3 species corresponded to those described in the literature and, moreover, (vi) there were no references found on the application of X-ray densitometry in the characterization of bamboo stems apparent density profiles and its relation to its anatomical structure. This study discusses the application of it\'s results in relation to (i) the growth year climatic variations influence on the thickness and anatomy of culms and (ii) the technological application of the stems by means of the apparent density and anatomical composition analysis.
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Effects of Reed Sedge Peat on Lambs at Weaning with Regard to Stress and Apparent Nutrient DigestibilityPrice, Rhianwedd O 03 May 2019 (has links)
For this study 14 lambs were obtained, which were split into two groups; a control group (CON) and a group that was supplemented Reed Sedge Peat (RSP). We wanted to test whether RSP could decrease stress at weaning, increase immune response and also increase digestibility of the animal. Lambs were subjected to an ACTH challenge 48 hours post weaning. After weaning (d 28 of study) 10 of the lambs (5 CON; 5 RSP) also underwent a digestibility challenge. We found that there was no difference (P = 0.8764) within cortisol concentration during the weaning portion of the study between the two treatment groups. During the ACTH challenger there was a difference between RSP group and CON, where RSP had a decrease in cortisol concentration (P = 0.0892). There was no difference in blood cell parameters, except for SEG, % (P = 0.0890) where RSP had greater % of SEG than CON group. Within the digestibility trail there was a decrease in digestibility within the RSP group compared to CON, within DM, OM, NDF and ADF (P = 0.0458; P = 0.0430; P = 0.0509; P = 0.0786; respectively).
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Which way did I go?: Motion correspondence with a Ternus display projected into three-dimensionsJaffee, Samuel D. 15 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Measured Spectral, Directional Radiative Behavior of Corrugated SurfacesMeaker, Kyle S. 14 July 2022 (has links)
Spacecraft thermal control is entirely reliant upon radiative heat transfer for temperature regulation. Current methods are often static in nature and do not provide dynamic control of radiative heat transfer. As a result, modern spacecraft thermal control systems are typically 'cold-biased' with radiators that are larger than necessary for many operating conditions. Deploying a variable radiator as a thermal control technique in which the projected surface area can be adjusted to provide the appropriate heat loss for a given condition can reduce unnecessary heat rejection and reduce power requirements. However, the radiative behavior of the apparent surface representing the expanding/collapsing radiator changes in addition to the projected surface area size. This work experimentally quantifies the spectral, directional emissivity of an apparent surface comprised of a series of V-grooves (e.g. corrugated surface), as a function of angle and highlights its emission characteristics that trend toward black behavior. The experimental setup for quantifying this apparent radiative surface behavior is described and utilized to show the influence of surface geometry, direction and wavelength. The experimental design is validated and demonstrated using fully oxidized, nearly diffuse, copper, corrugated test samples. The results presented in this work demonstrate, for the corrugated oxidized copper surfaces tested, that (1) higher emissivity values correspond to higher wavelengths in the spectral range of 2.5 to 15.4 μm (2) apparent emissivity values increase with decreasing V-groove angle resulting in less spectral variation in emissivity and greater blackbody like behavior, (3) azimuth dependence can be relatively small despite the obvious pattern associated with a corrugated surface, (4) as the V-groove angle decreases, higher emissivity values are associated with θ→0° and ϕ→90°. Results provide a foundation for future radiator design, improved spacecraft thermal control methods, and improved emissivity testing methods for patterned or angular surfaces.
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