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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktion av bakteriell cellulose genom användning av det symbiotiska förhållandet mellan bakterier och jäst som används vid Kombuchatillverkning / Bacterial cellulose production using the symbiotic relationship of bacteria and yeast found in Kombucha production

Johansson, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Different factors such as growing environmental awareness due to the increasing negative impact of persistent plastic wastes, the uncontrollable price variations of the raw material and the rapid depletion of  reserves have increased the interest in research regarding polymers derived from renewable sources to replace petroleum-based materials. One of the earth’s most abundant macromolecules is cellulose. The production of cellulose from another resource replaces and reduces the demand from plants, the other resource being cellulose from a bacterial system. Bcaterial cellulose film were produced by fermenting apple waste (apple pomace) from cider production donated by Herrljunga Cider in Herrljunga, Sweden and expired fruit juice, produced by LoveJuice Indonesia, containing a mixture of fruits, mainly apple. As inoculum for the fermentations two different Kombucha cultures were used. To optimize the fermentation conditions, factors such as nitrogen source, sugar content, temperature, pH, surface area, sterilization of the substrate, culture condition and fermentation time was varied to obtain the desired result. The bacterial cellulose films were dried at 50-70 °C in an oven, air-dried or freeze-dried to evaluate the impact of drying technique on the final material. The behavior of the microorganism during fermentation was monitored by sampling and observation. The consumption rate of carbohydrates was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The properties of the obtained biofilms were analyzed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), tensile testing and determination of cellulose content in the obtained biofilms. Two different sugar concentrations (35 g/l and 70 g/l) and three different caffeine concentrations (0 g/l, 150 g/l and 225 g/l) as nitrogen source were investigated to determine the best condition. A control batch of conventional (black tea and 70 g/l table sugar) Kombucha was used as reference. The highest tensile strength (50 MPa) and thermal stability was observed in the biofilms with the highest yield that had been dried in oven. The biofilms obtained by fermenting apple pomace from the cider industry showed the highest tensile strength and highest thermal stability in comparison to fermenting expired fruit juice. The biofilm obtained by fermenting apple waste(sugar concentration 70 g/l) in combination with sterilizing the substrate without adding any nitrogen source, dried in an oven and purified using 0,1 M NaOH resulted in the highest tensile strength, highest thermal stability and the purest biofilm from a visual aspect. The highest yield was observed in the fermentation of apple pomace (sugar concentration 70 g/l) from the cider industry without sterilization of the initial media with an addition of nitrogen of approximately 450 mg/l). The optimal fermentation period was observed to be 14-15 days, at 25-28 °C under static conditions using a glass vessel with a diameter of 20 cm and an initial pH of 5,5.

Ispitivanje nutritivne vrednosti osušenog jabučnog tropa i mogućnosti njegove upotrebe u industrijskoj proizvodnji hrane za životinje / A study on the nutritive value of dried apple pomace and possibilities for using its utilization in the industrial production of animal feed

Maslovarić Marijana 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Apple pomace is a by-product of the industrial production of apple juice, amounting to approximately 20-30% of freshly processed apples. Several million tonnes of apple pomace is produced in the world annually. Fresh apple pomace is characterised by high sugar and moisture content, which makes it susceptible to microbial contamination, uncontrolled fermentation and spoiling. Despite increasingly stricter legal regulations in managing biodegradable waste, large quantities of apple pomace are still being disposed of at landfills, posing a serious environmental issue. Since apple pomace has a certain nutritive value, it seems necessary to consider possibilities for using it as animal feed.<br />The main goal of this research was to examine the possibility for using dried apple pomace as animal feed, i.e., as a raw material in the industrial production of animal feed. Accordingly, the nutritive value of dried apple pomace was examined, along with the process of pelleting, since pelleting is one of the most common technological procedures in the industrial production of animal feed.<br />The testing of the chemical composition of dried apple pomace, used to determine its nutritive value, included the analyses of the content of raw proteins, raw fats, raw fibres, ash, neutral detergent fibres (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), lignin, total sugars, individual sugars &ndash; fructose, glucose and sucrose, essential amino-acids, vitamins and mineral elements. When compared with the majority of commonly used animal feeds, the dried apple pomace was found to contain large amounts of raw fibres and sugars and small amounts of proteins and fats.<br />In accordance with the determined nutritional composition of the dried apple pomace, concentrate mixtures for fattening pigs were prepared, after which a trial was performed to examine the effect of feeding the animals on the mixtures containing dried apple pomace in different concentrations on the production performance of the fattening pigs. The results of the feeding trial showed that adding 7% of dried apple pomace in the growing period and 10% in the finishing period had no negative effects on the animal health, production and meat yield.<br />In the next part of the research, the dried apple pomace was pressed into pellets, with three starting moisture contents in the unpelleted material &ndash; 10%, 13% and 16%. The examination of the produced pellets showed that they had very good physical quality in terms of the pellet durability index (PDI) and hardness. The value of PDI exceeded 99% for all three starting moisture contents. The bulk density of the pelleted dried apple pomace was nearly twice as large as it was before pelleting. Increasing the moisture content in the dried apple pomace from 13% to 16% resulted in lower temperatures and energy consumption in the process of pelleting.<br />The goal of the next part of the research was to examine the effect of adding apple pomace into the concentrate mixture models consisting of corn and sunflower meal on the physical quality of the obtained pellets, the specific electricity consumption of the pellet press and the temperature of the pellet press die. Three concentrate mixture models were prepared for the test, comprising 0%, 10% and 20% of dry apple pomace. The mixtures were conditioned by adding water to reach the moisture content of 13%, 15% and 17% and pelleted at three settings of the press die (8, 24 and 30 mm). Therefore, three parameters were varied at three levels, in a full factorial experimental design. The dependent variables (response variables) were: PDI, pellet hardness (H), dust content in the pellets, bulk density of the pellets, matrix temperature of the pellet press and the specific energy consumption of the pellet press. The results showed that adding dried apple pomace into the model concentrate mixtures led to a significant increase in pellet quality, especially in terms of increasing the PDI value and decreasing the dust content. The results of the analysis of standard scores (SS) showed that the optimum values for pellet quality, specific energy consumption and temperature of the press die were obtained for the model concentrate mixture containing 10% of dried apple pomace, using 30 mm press die and with 17% of the starting moisture content. Good results were also obtained for the model concentrate mixture containing 20% of dried apple pomace, using 24 mm press die and with 17% of the starting moisture content.<br />To define the effect of the concentration of dried apple pomace in the model mixtures, the press die thickness and the starting moisture content on the change of the response variables, the response surface methodology (RSM) was used. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the response models for each of the analysed quality parameters and pelleting processes, showed which of the process parameters (percentage of apple pomace in the concentrate model mixtures, press die thickness and starting moisture content) had statistically the biggest effect on creating the mathematical response models, presented in the form of the second order polynomial (SOP). The results of this research showed that the increase in the percentage of dried apple pomace, press die thickness and starting moisture content led to an increase in PDI value, hardness (H) and bulk density of the pellets and a decrease in the content of dust in the pellets. The increase in the share of apple pomace in the model mixtures and in the die thickness of the pellet press led to an increase in the specific energy consumption and die temperature. On the other hand, the increase in the starting moisture content led to a decrease in the specific energy consumption and die temperature.<br />In the last part of the research, on the basis of the determined nutritive value of the dried apple pomace the author made a calculation, in terms of optimising the concentrate mixtures containing dried apple pomace in the optimum amount for feeding particular species and categories of farm animals. The results suggest the way of practical utilization of dried apple pomace in feeding farm animals as well as in the industrial production of animal feed.</p>

Valorizacija nutritivnog profila keksa proizvedenog sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije / Valorization of the nutritional profile of cookies produced with the addition of food industry by-products

Petrović Jovana 22 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Zadatak ove teze je da se ispita uticaj zamene dela p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na ekstrudiranim snek proizvodima obogaćenim dodatkom p&scaron;enične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke na svojstva testa (boja, fizička, reolo&scaron;ka) kao i na karakteristike čajnog peciva (fizičke, senzorske, nutritivne, trajnost, mikrobiolo&scaron;ke). U toku preliminarnih ispitivanja (prva faza eksperimentalnog rada) ispitan je uticaj obezma&scaron;ćene p&scaron;enične klice na kvalitet testa i čajnog peciva u cilju definisanja optimalnog nivoa zamene p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na ekstrudatima kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i optimalnog sadržaja vlage testa. P&scaron;enično bra&scaron;no je u količini od 5, 10 i 15 % zamenjeno obezma&scaron;ćenom p&scaron;eničnom klicom. Pored uticaja nivoa zamene p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na p&scaron;eničnom klicom, ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestica p&scaron;enične klice (&lt;150 &mu;m, 150-1000 &mu;m i 800-2000 &mu;m), kao i vlage testa pri zamesu (20, 22 i 24 %). U toku druge faze eksperimentalnog rada ove doktorske disertacije, pripremljeni su ekstrudati kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i to: p&scaron;enične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke u udelima 15, 30 i 45 % (odnos kukuruzna krupica:sporedni proizvod bio je 85:15, 70:30 i 55:45). Dobijeni ekstrudati su samleveni i prosejani na sitima u cilju dobijanja tri frakcije sa različitim veličinama čestica (&lt; 250 &mu;m, 250 - 1000 &mu;m i 1000 - 2000 &mu;m). Izvr&scaron;ena je karakterizacija ekstrudata u smislu određivanja hemijskog sastava, raspodele veličine čestica, boje i mikrobiolo&scaron;ke analize. Ovako dobijeni ekstrudati su zatim kori&scaron;ćeni u proizvodnji čajnog peciva kao zamena p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na u količinama od 5, 10 i 15 % računato na masu bra&scaron;na. Za procenu uticaja veličine čestica ekstrudata, udela sporednog proizvoda u ekstrudatu i udela ekstrudata u čajnom pecivu na osobine testa i čajnog peciva takođe je kori&scaron;ćen Box-Behnken eksperimentalni dizajn. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguća proizvodnja funkcionalnog čajnog peciva sa dodatkom ekstrudata kukuruzne krupice obogaćene sporednim proizvodima prehrambene industrije, pri čemu se pobolj&scaron;ava nutritivni profil čajnog peciva, bez negativnih efekata na fizičke i senzorske karakteristike gotovog proizvoda.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing a portion of wheat flour with extruded snack products enriched with the addition of wheat germ, brewer&#39;s spent grain and apple pomace on the rheological and textural properties of dough and on characteristics of cookies (physical, sensory, nutritive, microbiological). During the preliminary analysis (the first phase of the experimental work), the influence of defatted wheat germ particle size, wheat germ content and dough moisture content on the quality of the dough and the cookies was investigated using the Box-Behnken experimental design. During the second phase of the experimental work, the extruded corn meal with the addition of by-products of the food industry (wheat germ, brewer&#39;s spent grain and apple pomace) were prepared (the ratio of corn meal: by-product was 85:15, 70:30 and 55:45). The obtained snack products are milled and sieved to obtain 3 fractions with different particle sizes (&lt;250 &mu;m, 250-1000 &mu;m and 1000-2000 &mu;m). Characterization of the extrudates in terms of determining the chemical composition, particle size distribution, color and microbiological analysis was performed. The obtained extrudates were then used in the production of cookies for the replacement of wheat flour in quantities of 5, 10 and 15%. The Box-Behnken experimental design was used to evaluate the influence of the extrudate particle size, the share of the by-product in the extrudate, and the share of extrudates in the cookies, on the dough properties and cookies characteristics.<br />The results showed that the corn snack products enriched with food industry by-products (brewer&#39;s spent grain, wheat germ and apple pomace) can be used for production of functional cookies. These additives in an amount up to 15% improving the nutritional profile of the cookies, without adverse effects on the physical and sensory characteristics of the final product.</p>

Pressurized Liquid Extraction Of Phenolic Compounds From Fruit Pomaces

Hasbay Adil, Incinur 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, extraction of phenolic compounds from sour cherry, peach and apple pomaces using high pressure extraction (HPE) and subcritical CO2 extraction (SCE) was investigated considering total phenolic content (TPC) and antiradical efficiency (AE). Different combinations of pressure (50, 125, 200 MPa), temperature (20, 40, 60&amp / #61616 / C), solid/solvent ratio (0.05, 0.15, 0.25 g/ml) and extraction time (10, 25, 40 min) were used for HPE according to the Box-Behnken experimental design. The variables used for SCE were pressure (20, 40, 60 MPa), temperature (40, 50, 60&amp / #61616 / C), ethanol concentration (14, 17, 20 wt%) and extraction time (10, 25, 40 min). For HPE, TPC and AE at the optimum conditions were 3.80 mg gae/g sample and 22 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for sour cherry pomace, 0.93 mg gae/g sample and 6.40 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for peach pomace and 2.08 mg gae/g sample and 10.80 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for apple pomace, respectively. For SCE, TPC and AE at the optimum conditions were 0.60 mg gae/g sample and 2.30 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for sour cherry pomace, 0.26 mg gae/g sample and 1.50 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for peach pomace and 0.47 mg gae/g sample and 3.30 mg DPPH&amp / #729 / /g sample for apple pomace, respectively. Efficiency of HPE and SCE methods was compared with solvent extraction (SE). TPC and AE of the extracts obtained by HPE were close to those obtained by SE but the efficiency of SCE was low compared to HPE and SE. SCE was a better extraction method for apple and peach pomaces compared to sour cherry pomace.

Stoffliche Nutzung industrieller Abprodukte in Biogasanlagen am Beispiel Apfeltrester / Utilization of industrial waste products like apple pomace in biogas production plants

Bedrich, Karl 03 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die folgende Arbeit beschreibt Potentiale und Risiken der Nutzung industrieller Abprodukte am Beispiel des Apfeltrester – einem Pressrückstand der Apfelsaftgewinnung. Dieser spielt aus finanzieller und ökologischer Sicht als Abprodukt eine steigende Rolle bei der Biogassynthese. Dabei werden die Ergebnisse des vorangegangenen Fachpraktikums vorgestellt und diskutiert. Darauf aufbauend wurden Thesen erstellt und anhand ermittelter Messwerte sowie der Literatur verifiziert. Schlussendlich werden in einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung Kosten von Bezug, Lagerung und Beschickung den Gewinnen aus der Einspeisevergütung gegenüber gestellt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Apfeltrester unter Laborbedingungen nicht die befürchtete Übersäuerung des anaeroben Abbauprozesses zur Folge hatte, sondern unter vergleichbaren Erträgen mit leicht höherer Sicherheit zur Maissilage bis zu einem gewissen Anteil zu Maissilage und Stallgülle zugesetzt werden kann. / Due to the increasing ecological and financial importance of industrial waste products in the recovery of biogas the following thesis describes potentials and risks of the usage of one of these products using apple pomace – the filter cake of the apple juice production. Thereby the issues of the three-month practical course in the LHL Eichhof, a laboratory in middle Germany, are shown and discussed. As conclusion several theses are given and verified with help of the taken measurements and scientific literature. At the end an economical calculation compares the present costs of purchase, storage and processing with the proceeds of the reimbursement by the german renewable energy sources act (EEG). Against the misgiving that apple pomace could decrease the pH-value to an unacceptable level for the anaerobic decomposition process the fermentation of this product gets a comparable output even with a little more reliability compared to corn silage when added up to a defined level to corn silage and slurry.

Cascade Valorization of Apple Pomace into Polyphenols and Pectins by Green Extraction Processes / Utvinning av Äpplepress till Polyfenoliska Ämne och Pektin genom Gröna Extraktionsprocesser

Gál, Teodóra January 2020 (has links)
I det här projektet extraherades värdefulla komponenter från äpple-pomace som är en restprodukt från cidertillverkning. Restprodukten var tillhandahållen av en svensk cidertillverkare. Extraktionen fokuserades mot pektin och fenolföreningar som uppvisar antioxiderande aktivitet. Extraktionsprocessen designades ur ett miljövänligt perspektiv, inga skadliga kemikalier användes. Fenolära substanser extraherades initialt från pomacen med en vattenlösning innehållande 50% etanol. Därefter studerades kompositionen och den antioxiderande aktiviteten i dessa extrakt. Fokuseringen i projektet låg främst på pektin. Pektin extraherades med subkritiskt vatten vid tre olika pH (3,5 och 7) samt vid två skilda temperaturer (120°C och 140°C) i antingen 5, 10 och 15 minuters sekvenser. Pektinet karakteriserades med avseende på extraktionsutvinningsgrad, sockerkomposition, molekylvikt och antioxiderande aktivitet. Resultaten jämfördes för att undersöka effekten av pH, temperatur och extraktionstid. Gelningsegenskapen hos olika pektin studerades som ett bevis på koncept i ett empiriskt experiment där hög-viskösa vätskor bestående av 5% pektin och 60% sackaros framställdes. Extraherade fenolföreningar har potential att fungera som naturligt utvunna antioxidanter i kosmetiska produkter och pektin kan tänkas användas som reologimodifierare i vattenbaserade formuleringar med låga pH-värden utan behov av kemiska modifieringar. / In this project, apple pomace from a Swedish cider making factory as a by-product was used as a raw material to extract valuable compounds. The extraction was focused on pectin and phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. For the extraction procedures environmentally friendly processes were chosen without using any harsh chemicals. Phenolic compounds wereinitially extracted from the pomace using 50% aqueous ethanol and then the composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were studied in these extracts. The main focus was on pectins, which were extracted by subcritical water at three different pH conditions (pH 3, 5 and 7) and two different temperatures (120°C and 140°C) in 5-, 10- and 15 minute sequences. Then the pectins were characterized in terms of extraction yield, sugar composition, molecular weight and antioxidant activity and the results were compared in terms of the effect of pH, temperatur eand extraction time. The gelling properties of the different pectins were also studied as a proof of concept in an empirical experiment, where highly viscous liquids were obtained at 5% pectinand 60% sucrose content. In summary, the extracted phenolic compounds have potential to function as naturally derived antioxidants in cosmetics and the pectin may be used as a rheology modifier in water-based formulations of low pH without any additional chemical modifications.


Queji, Mary Dias 05 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary Dias Queji.pdf: 909281 bytes, checksum: 0364cd27c13b09019850a0944168a898 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-05 / The agro industry of the apple generates, during the processing, the pomace which is considered the main by-product. Studies show that of the total amount of fruit that is processed to obtain the apple juice, 20 to 40 correspond to this by-product, which, is usually destined as a complement in animal feed or delivered onto the soil as organic fertilizer. The chemical composition, in moist base, is constituted by moisture (80), fibers (5) and soluble solids (14) represented, mainly, by fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as, by organic acids, represented, in the most part by malic acid. The apple pomace also presents phenolic compounds that are target nutrients of great sensory and nutritional importance. Therefore, the quantification of its constituents represents an important source of data in the characterization of apple pomace for biotechnological purposes, seeking to attribute an appropriate use for this by-product. The conventional methodologies used for the quantification of sugars, organic acids and total phenols, although being part of the routine analyses in the quality control laboratories, are onerous, time consuming and generate residues. The aim of this study was to develop a fast, versatile analytical technique, of low cost and no pollutant, using the diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) allied to methods of multivariate calibration (PLSR). For the construction of the multivariate models, the averages of the concentrations of the simple sugars, malic acid and total phenols were used, obtained by the conventional methodologies, as well as the data in the medium infrared spectroscopy (MID) and near (NIR), obtained in duplicate, and of the 52 spectra obtained for the samples of apple pomace, 47 made part of the set calibration and 5 of the set validation. The regression models for the prediction of the concentration of fructose, sucrose, total phenols and malic acid obtained better results in MID, with averages of relative standard errors of 3.9 (with 5 Latents Variable), 6.6 (with 5 Latents Variable), 6.4 (with 4 Latents Variable) and 5.9 (with 5 Latents Variable), respectively. Already the best capacity prediction for glucose concentration was obtained by NIR, in which the average of relative standard error was 7.4 (with 6 Latents Variable). The obtained results demonstrate the good capacity of prediction of the multivariate models based in infrared spectroscopy and characteristic advantages of the association DRIFTPLSR. / A agroindústria da maçã gera, durante o processamento, o bagaço que é considerado o principal subproduto deste setor. Levantamentos mostram que da quantidade total de fruta que é processada para a obtenção do suco de maçã, 20 a 40 correspondem a este subproduto, que, normalmente, é destinado como complemento na alimentação animal ou dispensado no solo como adubo orgânico. Sua composição química, em base úmida, é constituída por umidade (80), fibras (5) e sólidos solúveis (14), estes últimos representados, principalmente, por frutose, glucose e sacarose, bem como, ácidos orgânicos, representados, majoritariamente pelo ácido málico. O bagaço da maçã também apresenta compostos fenólicos, que são fito-nutrientes de grande importância sensorial e nutricional. Portanto, a quantificação desses constituintes representa uma importante fonte de dados na caracterização do bagaço de maçã para finalidades biotecnológicas, visando atribuir um fim mais nobre a este subproduto. As metodologias convencionais empregadas para a quantificação de açúcares, ácidos orgânicos e fenóis totais, embora façam parte das análises de rotina nos laboratórios de controle de qualidade, são onerosas, demoradas e geram resíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma técnica analítica rápida, versátil, de baixo custo e não poluente. Para tal, utilizou-se a espectroscopia no infravermelho por refletância difusa (DRIFTS) aliada a métodos de calibração multivariada (Regressão de Mínimos Quadrados Parciais - PLSR). Para a construção dos modelos multivariados, foram utilizadas as médias das concentrações dos açúcares simples, ácido málico e fenóis totais, obtidas pelas metodologias convencionais, bem como, os dados de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio (MID) e próximo (NIR). Os espectros foram obtidos em duplicata, sendo que dos 52 espectros das amostras de bagaço de maçã, 47 fizeram parte do conjunto de calibração e 5 do conjunto de validação externa. Os modelos de regressão para a previsão da concentração de frutose, sacarose, fenóis totais e ácido málico obtiveram melhores resultados no MID, com médias de erro padrão relativo de 3.9 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), 6.6 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), 6.4 (com 4 Variáveis Latentes) e 5.9 (com 5 Variáveis Latentes), respectivamente. Já a melhor capacidade de previsão para a concentração de glucose foi obtida pelo NIR, na qual a média de erro padrão relativo foi de 7.4 (com 6 Variáveis Latentes). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a boa capacidade de previsão dos modelos multivariados fundamentados em espectroscopia no infravermelho e vantagens características da associação DRIFT-PLSR.

Valorisation des fruits et des sous-produits de l'industrie de transformation des fruits par extraction des composés bioactifs / Valorisation of fruits and by-products from fruits industry by bioactive compounds extraction

Grigoraş, Cristina-Gabriela 24 September 2012 (has links)
Les fruits et les sous-produits de l’industrie de transformation des fruits sont obtenus chaque année en quantités importantes partout dans le monde. Les cerises et les résidus de pommes sont parmi les sources végétales les plus riches en composés bioactifs qui sont reconnus pour leurs effets bénéfiques sur l’organisme humain. Des méthodes appropriées d’extraction (macération, extraction par solvant pressurisé, extraction assistée par ultrasons, extraction assistée par microondes), d’analyse (HPTLC, HPLC-UV-DEDL, HPLC-MS, SFC) et de fractionnement (CPC, HPLC semi-préparative, extraction liquide-liquide) ont été mises au point pour la récupération, l’identification et la purification des composés bioactifs de cerises (Prunus avium) et de résidus de différentes variétés de pommes (Royal Gala, Golden, Granny Smith, Pink Lady). Les résultats obtenus au cours des travaux de recherches indiquent le fait que ces sources végétales contiennent des composés phénoliques (cerises, résidus de pommes) et des composés triterpéniques (résidus de pommes) qui peuvent être valorisés par incorporation dans différentes formulations alimentaires, pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques etc. / Fruits and by-products of fruit processing industry are produced annually in large quantities worldwide. Cherries and apple pomace are among the richest plant sources in bioactive compounds that are recognized for their beneficial effects on the human body. Appropriated methods of extraction (maceration, pressurized solvent extraction, ultrasoundassisted extraction, microwave assisted extraction), analysis (HPTLC, HPLC-UV-ELSD, HPLC-MS, SFC) and fractionation (CPC, HPLC semipreparative, liquid-liquid extraction) have been developed in order to extract, to identify and to purify bioactive compounds of cherry (Prunus avium) and pomaces of different apple varieties (Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady). The results obtained during the research work indicate that these plant sources contain phenolic compounds (cherry, apple pomace) and triterpenic compounds (apple pomace) that can be used as ingredients for various food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic formulations etc.


Macagnan, Fernanda Teixeira 22 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The passion fruit peel (CM), apple pomace (BM) and orange bagasse (BL) are by-products generated in large quantities and usually wasted by brazilian industries of juices processing. However have nutritional qualities important for health, as relevant levels of dietary fiber. In this context, the study aimed to characterize the flour of these by-products, study potential nutritional as alternative sources of fiber in diets drawn up for rats, and test the nutritional and sensory quality of honey breads enriched with these flours. In step characterization, it was verified a high content of dietary fiber, which varied 54.82 to 76.84% in dry matter (DM), highlighting the soluble fraction (18.97% to 25.17% in DM), mainly composed of pectin (49.19% to 91.25% of the soluble fiber). Phenolic compounds were also elevated in the samples analyzed (479.71 to 862.11 mg% in DM). The BM stood out for higher fiber content, pectin, condensed tannins and greatest copper binding capacity. The CM presented a high mineral content, very small percentage of fat, high hydration capacity and greater fat binding capacity. The BL was the by-product with higher levels of soluble fiber and phenolic content. In biological assay, conducted for 40 days, it was used 32 male Wistar rats, with 21 days old, randomly distributed (eight animals / treatment) between the following experimental treatments: TC, control treatment with cellulose as a fiber source; TBM; treatment with apple pomace as fiber source; TBL, treatment with orange bagasse as a source of fiber; TCM; treatment with passion fruit peel as a source of fiber.The different sources of fiber did not affect the average consumption, weight gain, feed conversion, gastrointestinal transit time, and neither exerted influence on the weight of the intestine empty, kidney, liver and epididymal fat of animals. There was also not significant difference in the levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, albumin, total protein and lipids in the liver. However, it was found that the addition of these by-products has enabled significant reductions in serum triglycerides and hepatic cholesterol, and also promote changes in important parameters for gut health (pH, nitrogen and fecal moisture) and play important roles in the control of postprandial glycemia. The fiber derived from BM showed greater potential to reduce the absorption and metabolization of fat for its increased excretion in feces, but it was the only one that did not exercise significant influence on fasting glucose. The fiber from the CM had higher apparent digestibility and the animals fed with BL showed the better postprandial glycemic response. The replacement of 15% of wheat flour standard formulation of honey bread by flours fruit by-products of allowed the reduction of caloric value and the increase in dietary fiber content (from 6.62 to 9.61% in DM to the formulations added BL and BM, respectively) and your soluble fraction. Sensory evaluation of honey breads enriched with flour by-products indicated good acceptability average for all parameters evaluated (color, aroma, flavor, texture, overall acceptability) and favorable purchase intent of these products. Is founded, thus, the rational utilization of these by-products of processing fruits as alternative sources of fiber with potential nutritional and technological to be used in human food. / A casca de maracujá (CM), o bagaço de maçã (BM) e o bagaço de laranja (BL) são subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade e geralmente desperdiçados pelas indústrias brasileiras de processamento de sucos. Contudo possuem qualidades nutricionais importantes, como teores relevantes de fibra alimentar. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetivou caracterizar as farinhas desses subprodutos, estudar o potencial nutricional como fontes alternativas de fibra em dietas elaboradas para ratos e testar a qualidade nutricional e sensorial de pães de mel enriquecidos com essas farinhas. Na etapa de caracterização, constatou-se alto teor de fibra alimentar, que variou de 54,82 a 76,84% na matéria seca (MS), destacando-se a fração solúvel (18,97% a 25,17% na MS), composta principalmente por pectina. Os compostos fenólicos também foram elevados nas amostras analisadas (479,71 a 862,11 mg % na MS). O BM destacou-se pelo maior teor de fibra, pectina, taninos condensados e superior capacidade de ligação ao cobre. A CM apresentou alto teor de minerais, baixo percentual de gordura, elevada capacidade de hidratação e maior capacidade de ligação à gordura. O BL foi o subproduto com maior teor de fibra solúvel e conteúdo de fenóis. No ensaio biológico, conduzido por 40 dias, utilizou-se 32 ratos Wistar machos, com 21 dias de idade e distribuídos aleatoriamente (oito animais/tratamento) entre os seguintes tratamentos experimentais: TC, tratamento controle com celulose como fonte de fibra; TBM; tratamento com bagaço de maçã como fonte de fibra; TBL, tratamento com bagaço de laranja como fonte de fibra; TCM; tratamento com casca de maracujá como fonte de fibra. As diferentes fontes de fibras não afetaram o consumo médio, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, tempo de trânsito gastrointestinal e nem exerceram influência no peso do intestino vazio, do rim, do fígado e da gordura epididimal dos animais. Também não foi observada diferença significativa nos níveis de colesterol total, colesterol HDL, albumina, proteínas totais e lipídeos no fígado. Contudo, constatou-se que adição desses subprodutos possibilitou reduções significativas nos níveis de triglicerídeos séricos e de colesterol hepático, além de promover modificações em parâmetros importantes para a saúde do intestino (pH, nitrogênio e umidade fecal) e desempenhar importante ação no controle da glicemia pós-prandial. A fibra oriunda do BM mostrou maior potencial em reduzir a absorção e a metabolização da gordura pela sua excreção aumentada nas fezes, mas foi a única que não exerceu influência significativa na glicemia de jejum. A fibra advinda da CM apresentou maior digestibilidade aparente e os animais alimentados com BL mostraram a melhor resposta glicêmica pós-prandial. A substituição de 15% da farinha de trigo da formulação padrão de pão de mel pelas farinhas dos subprodutos de frutas possibilitou a redução do valor calórico e o incremento no teor de fibra alimentar (6,62 a 9,61% na MS para as formulações adicionadas de BL e BM, respectivamente) e de sua fração solúvel. A avaliação sensorial dos pães de mel enriquecidos com as farinhas dos subprodutos indicou boa média de aceitabilidade para todos os parâmetros avaliados (cor, aroma, sabor, textura, aceitação global) e favorável intenção de compra desses produtos. Fundamenta-se, assim, a utilização racional desses subprodutos do processamento de frutas como fontes alternativas de fibras, que têm potencial nutricional e tecnológico para serem utilizadas na alimentação humana.

Stoffliche Nutzung industrieller Abprodukte in Biogasanlagen am Beispiel Apfeltrester

Bedrich, Karl 30 March 2011 (has links)
Die folgende Arbeit beschreibt Potentiale und Risiken der Nutzung industrieller Abprodukte am Beispiel des Apfeltrester – einem Pressrückstand der Apfelsaftgewinnung. Dieser spielt aus finanzieller und ökologischer Sicht als Abprodukt eine steigende Rolle bei der Biogassynthese. Dabei werden die Ergebnisse des vorangegangenen Fachpraktikums vorgestellt und diskutiert. Darauf aufbauend wurden Thesen erstellt und anhand ermittelter Messwerte sowie der Literatur verifiziert. Schlussendlich werden in einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung Kosten von Bezug, Lagerung und Beschickung den Gewinnen aus der Einspeisevergütung gegenüber gestellt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Apfeltrester unter Laborbedingungen nicht die befürchtete Übersäuerung des anaeroben Abbauprozesses zur Folge hatte, sondern unter vergleichbaren Erträgen mit leicht höherer Sicherheit zur Maissilage bis zu einem gewissen Anteil zu Maissilage und Stallgülle zugesetzt werden kann.:Abstract 4 Zusammenfassung 4 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 1 Literaturrecherche 6 1.1 Grundlagen zur Biogassynthese 6 1.1.1. Übersicht des anaeroben Abbaus organischer Substanzen 6 1.1.1 Abgrenzung zum aeroben Abbau 6 1.1.2 Ausgangsprodukte 7 1.2 Phasen der Biogasbildung 11 1.2.1 Hydrolyse 11 1.2.2 Acidogenese 12 1.2.3 Acedogenese 12 1.2.4 Methanogenese 13 1.3 Einflussfaktoren des Biogasprozesses 14 1.3.1 Temperatur 14 1.3.2 pH-Wert und Gehalt an Fettsäuren 15 1.3.3 Nährstoffversorgung und Hemmstoffe 16 1.4 Verfahrenstechnische Betriebsparameter 18 1.4.1 Faulraumbelastung 18 1.4.2 Hydraulische Verweilzeit 18 2 Material und Methoden 20 2.1 Ausgangsmaterialien 20 2.1.1 Apfeltrester der Kelterei „Sachsenobst“ 20 2.1.2 Maissilage des „LLH Eichhof“ 24 2.1.3 Stallgülle des „LLH Eichhof“ 25 2.1.4 Fermentergülle des „LLH Eichhof“ 26 2.2 Diskontinuierlicher Gärtest (Batch-Versuch) 27 2.2.1 Apparativer Aufbau 27 2.2.2 Versuchsdurchführung 29 2.3 Kontinuierlicher Gärversuch 30 2.3.1 Apparativer Aufbau 30 2.3.2 Versuchsdurchführung 31 3 Ergebnisse 38 3.1 Biogasertragsermittlung 38 3.1.1 Variante „Null“ 39 3.1.2 Cellulose als Referenz 39 3.1.3 Apfeltrester 40 3.1.4 Maissilage 41 3.2 Kontinuierlicher Versuch 42 3.2.1 Erläuterung der dargestellten Diagramme 42 3.2.2 Variante „Null“ 45 3.2.3 Variante „Mais“ 48 3.2.4 Variante „Mix“ 53 3.2.5 Variante „Trester“ 57 4 Diskussion 62 4.1 Fehlerrechnung und -diskussion 62 4.1.1 Systematische Fehler der Laborversuche 62 4.1.2 Zufällige Fehler der Laborversuche 64 4.1.3 Fehlerrahmen und Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse 65 4.2 Thesen 67 4.2.1 Die Vergärung von Apfeltrester als Co-Fermentat hat nur wenig Einfluss auf Ertrag und Stabilität des Gärprozesses unter Einsatzbedingungen 67 4.2.2 Die Zugabe von Apfeltrester verdünnt das Fermentat 72 4.2.3 Weder Lagerdauer noch Konservierung des Apfeltresters beeinflussen messbar den Methanertrag 75 5 Einsatz von Apfeltrester als Co-Fermentat in BGA 76 5.1 Politische und wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen 76 5.2 Technische und wirtschaftliche Annahmen 81 5.3 Vorstellung der Vergleichsfälle 86 5.3.1 Optimierung hinsichtlich diskreter Parameter des Transports 86 5.3.2 Optimierung hinsichtlich der Verteilung des Tresters 87 5.3.3 Verwertung des Gärrestes 90 6 Fazit 93 Literaturverzeichnis 95 Abbildungsverzeichnis 100 Tabellenverzeichnis 103 Eidesstattliche Erklärung 105 Anhang 106 / Due to the increasing ecological and financial importance of industrial waste products in the recovery of biogas the following thesis describes potentials and risks of the usage of one of these products using apple pomace – the filter cake of the apple juice production. Thereby the issues of the three-month practical course in the LHL Eichhof, a laboratory in middle Germany, are shown and discussed. As conclusion several theses are given and verified with help of the taken measurements and scientific literature. At the end an economical calculation compares the present costs of purchase, storage and processing with the proceeds of the reimbursement by the german renewable energy sources act (EEG). Against the misgiving that apple pomace could decrease the pH-value to an unacceptable level for the anaerobic decomposition process the fermentation of this product gets a comparable output even with a little more reliability compared to corn silage when added up to a defined level to corn silage and slurry.:Abstract 4 Zusammenfassung 4 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5 1 Literaturrecherche 6 1.1 Grundlagen zur Biogassynthese 6 1.1.1. Übersicht des anaeroben Abbaus organischer Substanzen 6 1.1.1 Abgrenzung zum aeroben Abbau 6 1.1.2 Ausgangsprodukte 7 1.2 Phasen der Biogasbildung 11 1.2.1 Hydrolyse 11 1.2.2 Acidogenese 12 1.2.3 Acedogenese 12 1.2.4 Methanogenese 13 1.3 Einflussfaktoren des Biogasprozesses 14 1.3.1 Temperatur 14 1.3.2 pH-Wert und Gehalt an Fettsäuren 15 1.3.3 Nährstoffversorgung und Hemmstoffe 16 1.4 Verfahrenstechnische Betriebsparameter 18 1.4.1 Faulraumbelastung 18 1.4.2 Hydraulische Verweilzeit 18 2 Material und Methoden 20 2.1 Ausgangsmaterialien 20 2.1.1 Apfeltrester der Kelterei „Sachsenobst“ 20 2.1.2 Maissilage des „LLH Eichhof“ 24 2.1.3 Stallgülle des „LLH Eichhof“ 25 2.1.4 Fermentergülle des „LLH Eichhof“ 26 2.2 Diskontinuierlicher Gärtest (Batch-Versuch) 27 2.2.1 Apparativer Aufbau 27 2.2.2 Versuchsdurchführung 29 2.3 Kontinuierlicher Gärversuch 30 2.3.1 Apparativer Aufbau 30 2.3.2 Versuchsdurchführung 31 3 Ergebnisse 38 3.1 Biogasertragsermittlung 38 3.1.1 Variante „Null“ 39 3.1.2 Cellulose als Referenz 39 3.1.3 Apfeltrester 40 3.1.4 Maissilage 41 3.2 Kontinuierlicher Versuch 42 3.2.1 Erläuterung der dargestellten Diagramme 42 3.2.2 Variante „Null“ 45 3.2.3 Variante „Mais“ 48 3.2.4 Variante „Mix“ 53 3.2.5 Variante „Trester“ 57 4 Diskussion 62 4.1 Fehlerrechnung und -diskussion 62 4.1.1 Systematische Fehler der Laborversuche 62 4.1.2 Zufällige Fehler der Laborversuche 64 4.1.3 Fehlerrahmen und Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse 65 4.2 Thesen 67 4.2.1 Die Vergärung von Apfeltrester als Co-Fermentat hat nur wenig Einfluss auf Ertrag und Stabilität des Gärprozesses unter Einsatzbedingungen 67 4.2.2 Die Zugabe von Apfeltrester verdünnt das Fermentat 72 4.2.3 Weder Lagerdauer noch Konservierung des Apfeltresters beeinflussen messbar den Methanertrag 75 5 Einsatz von Apfeltrester als Co-Fermentat in BGA 76 5.1 Politische und wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen 76 5.2 Technische und wirtschaftliche Annahmen 81 5.3 Vorstellung der Vergleichsfälle 86 5.3.1 Optimierung hinsichtlich diskreter Parameter des Transports 86 5.3.2 Optimierung hinsichtlich der Verteilung des Tresters 87 5.3.3 Verwertung des Gärrestes 90 6 Fazit 93 Literaturverzeichnis 95 Abbildungsverzeichnis 100 Tabellenverzeichnis 103 Eidesstattliche Erklärung 105 Anhang 106

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