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Inkommen orosanmälan från grundskolan : En vinjettstudie om hur socialsekreterare resonerar kring sina beslut i förhandsbedömningar / Recieved notifications of concern from elementary schools : A vinjett study of how social workers make their decisions in pre-evaluationsAmedi, Fares January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Demokrati i läroplanerna / Democracy in the cirrculumKadfors, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Demokratisk fostran har enda sedan demokratin fick sitt stora genombrott som ledande politiska styre i västvärlden efter andra världskriget. Hur denna fostran ser ut skiljer sig en del från land till land, men gemensamt brukar vara att skola och utbildning har stor betydelse. I Sverige har demokratisk fostran av elever till välfungerande medborgare funnits med som en central del i skolan styrdokument under en längre tid. Inom ramen för den här uppsatsen studeras sex stycken läroplaner från 1955-2011 för att se hur uppdraget kring demokratisk fostran har sett ut och förändrats över åren. Man kan tydligt se att detta har varit en viktig del i alla dessa läroplaner även om betoning och vikt varierat en del. En annan central del för den här studien har varit att studera samhällskunskapens betydelse för den demokratiska fostran av medborgare i den svenska skolan. Genom att studera kursplanerna för samhällskunskap och jämföra dessa mot andra liknande ämnen för att se skillnader och likheter i hur det behandlar ämnet demokrati ska vi kunna se om samhällskunskapen haft en större roll i den demokratiska fostran än de övriga. Även här visar resultatet att det är tydligt att samhällskunskap har en betydande roll att spela när det gäller att föra över våra demokratiska värderingar till kommande generationer.
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Högutbildad men utestängd : En kvalitativ studie av högutbildade invandrare på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / Highly educated but excludedGöthager, Adam, Khalaf, Maysoon January 2019 (has links)
This qualitative interview-based study investigated the current situation on the Swedish labour market for highly educated immigrants having acquired their education from their respective home countries. The aim was to capture the immigrants’ experiences on the Swedish labour market regarding the challenges in finding a job that is on par with their level of education. The study aimed to identify what immigrants viewed as the main obstacles and possibilities in doing so. Interviews were conducted with eight immigrants currently living in Sweden, most of whom had immigrated from countries in Asia. The main obstacles according to the immigrants were language barriers, lack of an adequate social network, ethnic discrimination and difficulties in having their foreign education verified by Swedish authorities. There was a sense of hopelessness regarding possibilities, but most of the interviewees wanted to be given the possibility to show their expertise via internships. Some of them felt that a move to yet another country was their only and last resort.
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Före detta fängelseintagnas återanpassning till samhälletChamoun, Charbel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Textilslöjd - en väg mot hållbar utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om textillärares arbeteLundh, Anne-Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how textile teachers are experiencing and describing their work towards a sustainable society. Since our consumption of clothes is constantly increasing which generates mountains of textile waste, this study seeks to increase the understanding of the problem. The society signals that we must change our ways towards a sustainable society, through among other things change our consumption behaviour. But, how are we supposed to do? How do we teach our students about sustainable behaviour in textile handicraft classes? The European Union adopted a strategy to reduce waste that it’ s members are encouraged to follow. The first step is to minimize, to shop less. The next step is to recycle, to give away things we don’t longer need to others rather than throwing it away. The third step is to repurpose, which is something we often work with in textile handicraft. To sew something new from the old and worn. Through questions in a qualitative interview, I’ve wanted to shed a light on how teachers everyday life is affected and how they go about their work in regards to a sustainable development. Are they doing anything else besides common repurposing in their textile handicraft classes? The result shows that the teachers are facing very different conditions to carry out this work. The unequal situation is rooted in the teachers own education that either did or didn’t have elements about sustainable behaviour. The situation also depends on the teacher´s further education, and if that featured any elements regarding sustainability. On top of that, all classrooms are equipped differently. Keywords Textile repurposing, sustainable development, minimizing, recycling, repurposing. consumption behavior, the conditions of textile teachers.
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"Man får en ganska rejäl ... reality check!" : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares erfarenheter från sina första två år som yrkesverksammaMalmjärn, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka några nyblivna socionomers erfarenheter av sina första två år som yrkesverksamma. Fokus har legat på respondenternas reflektioner kring sin arbetsmiljö, förutsättningar och handlingsutrymme i yrkesrollen samt vilken roll utbildningen har haft som förberedelse till yrkeslivet. Jag har använt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att genomföra en intervjustudie med sju socionomer. Resultatet visar att av sju respondenter arbetar endast en kvar på samma arbetsplats som efter examen. Fyra av sju har under sina första två år erfarit någon form av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa och har varit sjukskrivna till följd av det. Dessa resultat ligger i linje med såväl nationell som internationell forskning. De flesta respondenter anser att de har ett relativt stort handlingsutrymme i sin yrkesroll men att detta i hög utsträckning beror på organisatoriska omständigheter som exempelvis hur ledarskapet fungerar på arbetsplatsen. Alla respondenter påtalar även resursbristen som en central faktor i deras upplevelse av arbetsmiljön och hur de lyckas med att utföra sitt värv som socialarbetare. En annan faktor som spelar stor roll för hur respondenterna trivs med sitt yrke är om de har funnit en bra balans mellan arbete och fritid samt om arbetet i sig rymmer en balans mellan krav, kontroll och stöd. Ytterligare ett område som påverkar trivsel och tillfredsställelse med arbetet är om respondenterna upplever att det finns utrymme för personlig och professionell utveckling exempelvis genom fortbildning. Flera respondenter anser att den verksamhetsförlagda delen av socionomutbildningen har lagt en bra grund inför att senare komma ut i yrkeslivet men vissa tyckte att det borde vara två perioder med praktik. Det många av respondenterna saknar från utbildningen är mer praktisk undervisning i samtalsmetodik, exempelvis i motiverande samtal (MI), och överlag mer praktiknära moment. / Abstract The aim of this study has been to investigate how a few newly graduated social workers have experienced their first two years as professionals. The main focus has been on how they view their work environment, how they reflect on discretion and agency in practicing social work and how the participants perceive the role of the social work programme in preparing them for their professional life. I have used a qualitative method doing semi- structured interviews with seven social workers. The result of this study shows that out of seven participants, only one remains at the same work place as after graduating. Four out of seven have experienced work-related health issues like stress and fatigue syndrome which have led to sick leave some time during their first two years as qualified social workers. That result corresponds to other findings, both national and international. Most respondents feel that they have a rather large area of discretion in their profession but that the level of agency is largely related to organisational issues, for example how well the leadership at the work place functions. All respondents claim resource shortage as a central factor in how they view their work environment and how well they manage to perform their work duties. Another area that affects satisfaction in the work situation is whether the respondents feel that they have found ways to create a healthy balance between work and private life and also if the workplace itself offers a balance between demand, control and support. Furthermore, another important factor that affects job satisfaction is whether there is room for personal and professional development at the workplace. Several of the respondents view social work practice during the studies as very valuable in giving them a good ground for future work experience. Some believed the placement period should be extended or occur twice during the social work programme. Many respondents say that they would have liked to have more practical training in communication methods like motivational interviewing (MI).
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"Det är väldigt bra anpassat. Det är väl det som är det bästa." : Hur elever med rörelsehinder upplever sin skolgång i särskild undervisningsgruppUlrén Svensson, Ann, Eng, Jörgen January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Lustfyllda horor och älskande kvinnor : En diskursanalys av nätprostituerade kvinnors identitetDierauer, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract. </strong>The trade in prostitution/sexual services is regarded as a major social problem in Sweden. The prostitutes are seen as a group of passive, neglected and exploited victims, subject to repeated and forced outrage. However, there exists a network of sexworkers who claim their free will in selling sex as a trademark. They describe themselves as active subjects with a business of selling sex out of free will. The purpose of this study is to shed light over the way these women create and put forward their identity. The study applies a discourse analysis in order to reveal the rhetoric used by them in describing their identity. Four sexselling women were subject to interviews. The focus is on the interpretation of the repertoire of the expressions used by these women. The results reveal the sexworkers own discourse regarding their roles, attitudes and identities. Their discourse is in glaring contrast to the common discourse as we know it in Sweden. The women expressed views of free will and independence, as well as desire and love. This study gives a theoretical and philosophical background to the complexity in the analysis of how a marginalised subgroup creates an identity in describing themselves in their own words.</p>
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Vi ser att det funkar! : - en kvalitativ studie av validations- och reminiscensmetodernas effektersett ur ett personalperspektiv.Pettersson, Regina, Tidblom, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to examine how health care staff, in dementia care, feel that their work situation is affected by using two methods which are specifically designed for use in work with elderly persons suffering from dementia: validation and reminiscense.</p><p>To examine this, we used a qualitative research method in the form of semistructured interviews with 6 assistant nurses/nurses. These nurses work in a living with dementia targeting which have recently applied the above two methods. Of the results reveals that nursing staff feel positive effects in their work through the use of validation and reminiscense. Examples of these positive effects are greater inclusiveness and strengthen relations in the staff group, strengthen relations between staff and residents, reduced medication of soothing medicine and improved communication with the persons suffering from dementia. The results show that nursing staff feel that it can be difficult to absorb the working methods, the importance of sufficient time and continuous guidance in the exercise of the methods and the need for a genuine interest for them to generate positive effects. To seek answers to our study questions, the results were analyzed based on the theories of validation- reminiscense- and communication.</p><p><em> </em></p>
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Socialarbetare - Stålman eller människa? : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares medvetna och omedvetna strategier vid svåra situationer gällande barn och ungdomarTimuska Ahlskog, Cecilia, Hansen, Petra January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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