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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knock-Knock Door Lock : Unlocking your door with a secret knock sequence / Knack-Knack Öppna Tack

ANDERSSON, FILIP, BERGLING, DAVID January 2020 (has links)
The door lock - a key function in every modern home, as well as a product which is today undergoing drastic change. The digital revolution has not left the door lock untouched, and there is today a wide variety of digital door locks utilizing technologies ranging from touch displays to fingerprint readers. The premises of the project was to try a different approach to the digital door lock and implement it schoolyard-style using a secret knock sequence, set by the user. The secret sequence would consist of two elements, both a rhythmical and a positional pattern. To unlock the door, the user would therefore need to simultaneously knock the correct rhythm and knock at the correct positions. To record and analyze the knock vibrations, piezo electric sensors connected to an Arduino Uno were used. To unlock the door, a small servo motor, two gears and a timing belt were used to turn the lock turning knob . Despite a short time frame and hardships due to the limitations caused by the coronavirus outbreak, a fully functional prototype which fulfilled both reliability and consistency was achieved. It could with good consistency recognize the test sequence, which was the intro rhythm to ”We Will Rock You” knocked in a square pattern. But even with flawless functionality, the conclusion would have been the same. The security of the system may be exceptional from a technical perspective, but it falls flat when the human factor is taken into account. The ability for a potential burglar to simply watch as one executes the secret knock is too much of a security hazard for the system to ever be considered as a competitor to other alternatives. The usage of the system is therefore better suited for applications where the thrill of using the product is more important than the actual security of it. / Dörrlåset - en grundläggande funktion i varje modernt hem, och samtidigt en produkt som idag genomgår drastisk förändring. Som resultat av den digitala revolutionen finns det idag en uppsjö av olika digitala dörrlås som utnyttjar allt från touchskärmar till fingeravtrycksläsare. Syftet med projektet var att testa en annorlunda tappning på det digitala dörrlåset, och förverkliga något många hade drömt om i barndomen - ett dörrlås aktiverat genom ett eget hemligt knackningsmönster. Det hemliga knackningsmönstret skulle då bestå av både ett rytmiskt och ett positionellt mönster. Därmed skulle den som ville öppna dörren behöva knacka både rätt rytm, och på rätt ställen på dörren. För att spela in och analysera vibrationerna från knackningarna användes piezoelektriska sensorer kopplade till en Arduino Uno. Mekanismen som styrde själva upplåsningen bestod av en liten servomotor, två kugghjul och en kuggrem som kopplade samman det hela. Trots en begränsad tidsram och motgångar orsakade av coronaviruset lyckades en fullt fungerande prototyp med hög pålitlighet färdigställas. Den kunde med hög tillförlitlighet känns igen testsekvensen, som var introrytmen till ”We Will Rock You” knackat i mönstret av en kvadrat. Men även med felfri prestanda hade slutsatsen varit densamma. Säkerheten för systemet må vara exeptionell ur ett rent tekniskt perspektiv, men den faller platt när den mänskliga faktorn tas med i beräkningen. Risken att en potentiell inbrottstjuv helt enkelt tittar på när någon knackar det hemliga mönstret är för stor för att systemet någonsin skulle kunna betraktas som en seriös konkurrent till andra digitala dörrlås. Produkten är därmed bäst lämpad för användningsområden där nöjet av att använda den är av högre prioritet än själva säkerheten.

Návrh a realizace wattmetru s komunikací v síti IoT / Design and realization of the power meter with IoT connectivity

Zagrapan, Ivan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing and creating working prototype of IoT Wattmeter with option to switching relay. This device can be control remotely with option to read measured values. To reach my goals, I am using open-source designing board, different sensors and modules. I tis possible to communicate with device through Wi-Fi module ESP 8266 and to test LPWAN network I am using SIGFOX, module. To measure current, it´s used simple Hall-effect sensor and all available information’s are displayed on OLED display. To switch the circuit off or on solid state relay was used. In theoretical part of the work, I am trying to explain working principles of every module and source code, which I am using to control these modules. In practical part I created scheme, using CADSoft EAGLE and created functional wattmeter. Whole work is programmed in C++ language using Arduino IDE.

Självkörande bil / Self-driving car

Malekighalehabdolreza, Ahmad January 2022 (has links)
Göteborgs Tekniska College valde att starta en ny kurs våren 2018 inom Teknik specialisering. Kursen skulle inkludera ett större projekt där deltagarna får bygga en självkörande bil i en ”uppkopplad stadsmiljö” med målet att utveckla och tillämpa färdigheter inom programmering, elektronik och projektutförande. Inom dessa ramar syftar examensarbetet att ta fram teoretiskt och praktiskt material för att framställa en prototyp för en automatiserad bil och kursens genomförande. Teorimaterialet innehåller kunskap som krävs utav elever för att kunna bygga en självkörande bil (autonom bil). Den praktiska delen innebär att bygga en fungerande självkörande bil så att den kan navigera sig fram inom ett avgränsat område utan att kollidera med något föremål. Kursupplägget skall genomföras på ett pedagogiskt sätt i syfte att deltagarna senare, med hjälp av sina kunskaper, kan genomföra projektet kring den självkörande bilen. Utifrån detta syfte har följande problemställningar formulerats: (i) Designa en billig och enkel autonom bil som ska kunna följa vägmarkeringar på marken, förflytta sig självständigt mellan två punkter och undvika hinder. (ii) Utarbeta ett kursupplägg för en projektbaserad kurs som ska uppfylla vissa kursmål. För att kunna uppfylla syftet har tidigare forskning om autonoma bilar studerats för att få en helhetsinsikt i byggnation och styrning samt vad man behöver tänka på vid implementering av autonoma bilar. När det gäller kursupplägg har teorier om teknikinlärning via projekt legat till grund för planering och genomförandet. Resultatet blev en fungerande autonom bil som var uppbyggd av de valda komponenterna. Under laborationstillfällena har deltagarna utvecklat kunskaper om funktion och egenskaper hos analoga och digitala elektronikkomponenter. Undervisningsmetoden projektbaserat lärande skapade förutsättningar för deltagarna att utveckla förmågor i problemlösning, samarbete och planering, vilket i sin tur ledde till en fullständig projektprocess och en fungerande slutprodukt. / In the spring of 2018, Gothenburg’s Technical College decided to start a new course in technology specialization. The course would include a larger project where participants build a self-driving car with the goal of developing and applying skills in programming, electronics, and project execution. Within this framework, the thesis aims to prepare theoretical and practical material to produce a prototype for an automated car as well as for the implementation of the course. The theoretical material contains knowledge required of students to be able to build a self-driving car (autonomous). The practical element involves building a functioning self-driving car so that it can navigate within a specified area without colliding with objects. The course should be carried out in a pedagogical way with the aim that the participants can later, with the help of their knowledge, carry out the project of the self-driving car. Based on this aim, the following problems have been formulated: (i) Design a cheap and simple autonomous car that should be able to follow road markings, navigate independently between two points and avoid obstacles. (ii) Develop a course design for a project-based course that must meet certain course goals. To fulfill this aim, previous research on autonomous cars has been studied to gain an overall insight into construction and control as well as what needs to be considered when implementing autonomous cars. In terms of course design, literature on project-based technology learning has been the basis for course implementation. The result was a functioning autonomous car, built by the selected components. During the laboratory sessions, the participants developed knowledge of the function and properties of analog and digital electronic components. The teaching method project-based learning created conditions for the participants to develop abilities in problem solving, collaboration and planning, which in turn led to a complete project process and a functioning final product.

Dokumentation av matavfall med hjälp av röstinmatning : En studie om röstinmatning skulle kunna ersätta papper och penna som mätmetod för matsvinn

Chen, Elisabeth, Stenhav, Hîvron January 2020 (has links)
The first part of the report reads up on food waste and makes account for how to reduce food waste in households by documenting it. The goal of this project is to examine how a measure of method consisting of voice commands is working as compared to a classic method of measurement with paper and pen. Food waste is a big issue and to decrease food waste, it is important to document this waste in several ways. Since food waste can include different kinds of food depending on how it’s phrased, the concept of food waste is described as both food that could have been eaten but also food that could not be eaten. In studies of food waste, taking notes is a common method of measurement – but it has couple of flaws. In example subjects often forget to take notes when this is required. In this study we are investigating how voice control could be a new alternative to log food waste. The problem statement is based on whether households find easier to log something with the help of voice commands rather than writing it down with paper and pen. We have built a system that will be tested on five subjects. The subjects of the study will use voice commands with a Google Home Mini. In this study they will use voice commands while documenting food waste in each subject’s household, this will be going on in single households. To analyse the data there will be a trashcan prototype created which counts each time something is thrown in the bin. With the help of the counter there will be a possibility to examine if more food waste is thrown than being logged. Furthermore, every interaction with the voice control that is related to food waste will be saved in a spreadsheet. In the method section, an analysis of how the five subjects will be tested is done. The first week the subjects will log food waste by voice commands and will only be using the prototype that was created as the designated food waste bin. The second week, subjects will log on to paper and pen instead. Finally, the prototypes are collected to analyse the data on the microcontroller as well as the logged data collected in a spreadsheet. Qualitative data is gathered through a survey. The result indicated that the majority preferred voice control as a measurement method once it worked, deficiencies such as communication problems were a major reason why this method was not the most optimal. One subject preferred the measurement method with paper and pen over voice control. Several test subjects thought it was difficult to keep track of paper and pencil but appreciated that it was a safe method of measurement in which they could see what was on the paper. This study is of interest to systems where voice control is used in, for example smart homes but also a contribution to the development of measurement methods. One conclusion in the study is that voice control is a possible measurement method but that more studies are needed in the subject. / Matsvinn är ett stort problem och för att minska matsvinn är det viktigt att öka medvetenhet och kunskap om vad som slängs och varför. Eftersom matsvinn kan omfatta olika typer av livsmedel definieras begreppen matsvinn som mat som hade kunnat ätas och matavfall definieras som matsvinn samt oundvikligt matavfall. Vid forskning om matsvinn är anteckningar en vanlig datainsamlingsmetod, men den lider av brister där exempelvis testpersoner glömmer bort att anteckna. I denna studie undersöker vi möjligheterna att använda röststyrning som ett nytt alternativ till att logga matsvinn. Problemformuleringen grundar sig i att undersöka om hushåll anser att det är enklare att logga något med hjälp av röstkommandon jämfört med att skriva ned det med papper och penna. Vi har byggt ett system som testas på fem testpersoner. För att använda sig av röststyrning blev testpersonerna i studien tilldelade varsin Google Home Mini. I denna studie appliceras denna mätmetod på att mäta matsvinn i singelhushåll. För att analysera datan byggde varsin kompostpåsehållare som räknar varje gång svinn slängs i papperskorgen. Genom räknaren kan det undersökas om det slängs mer än det antecknas. Dessutom loggas allt testpersonerna säger till röstassistenten som har med matsvinn att göra. Första veckan under undersökningen loggades deltagarna allt de slängde med röstkommandon samt använder sig enbart av den givna prototypen för att slänga matsvinn. Andra veckan loggade deltagarna istället på papper och penna. Slutligen samlades prototyperna för att analysera datan på mikrokontrollern samt den loggade datan som samlades i ett kalkylark. Kvalitativ data samlades genom en enkät. Resultatet tyder på att majoriteten föredrog röststyrning som mätmetod när det väl fungerade, brister som kommunikationsproblem med röstassistenten var en stor anledning till varför denna metod inte var den mest optimala. En testperson föredrog mätmetoden med papper och penna framför röststyrning. Flera testpersoner tyckte att det var jobbigt att ha koll på papper och penna men uppskattade att det var en säker mätmetod då de kunde se vad som stod på pappret. Studien är av intresse för system där röststyrning används i exempelvis smarta hem men även ett bidrag till utveckling av mätmetoder. En slutsats i studien är att röststyrning är en möjlig mätmetod men att fler studier behövs göras i ämnet.

Neuronové sítě v inerciálních navigačních systémech / Neural Networks in Inertial Navigation Systems

Tejmlová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Disertační práce je zaměřena na oblast inerciálních navigačních systémů a systémů, které pro odhad polohy používají pouze výpočty. Důležitým faktem v dané problematice je vysoká nepřesnost určení polohy při střednědobém a dlouhodobém využívání takového systému díky kumulativní chybě za předpokladu, že inerciální systém není podpořen žádným dalším přídavným systémem. V disertační práci jsou uvedeny možné přístupy k této problematice a návrh na zvýšení přesnosti určování polohy pouze na základě inerciálních senzorů. Základem inerciální měřicí jednotky je systém s 9 stupni volnosti, který umožňuje snímat celkové zrychlení, rychlost rotace a sílu magnetického pole, jednotlivě ve třech osách. Klíčovou myšlenkou je zařazení umělých neuronových sítí do navigačního systému tak, že jsou schopny rozpoznat charakteristické rysy pohybů, a tím zvýšit přesnost určení polohy. Popis navrhovaných metod zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Neuronové sítě jsou navrhovány v prostředí MATLABTM a jsou používány k určení stavu inerciální jednotky. Díky implementaci neuronových sítí lze určit pozici jednotky s řádově vyšší přesností. Aby byl inerciální polohovací systém s možností využití neuronových sítí demonstrativní, byla vyvinuta aplikace v prostředí Qt. Navržený systém a neuronové sítě byly použity při vyhodnocování reálných dat měřených senzory.

Human-Robot Interaction : An Arm Gesture-Based Approach

Venturi, Sai Siri Sree, Bojja, Poorna Teja January 2023 (has links)
Industrial robotic arms have transformed the manufacturing environment by providing efficient and precise automation solutions. These sophisticated machines, powered by innovative technology, are capable of performing difficult tasks with speed and accuracy. The project described here is related to industrial robotics because it focuses on the creation of a gesture-controlled robotic arm. This project aims to build a robotic arm that can be controlled by gestures utilising MPU6050 sensors and flex sensors. By interpreting gestures acquired by strategically placed sensors, the robotic arm is designed to emulate human arm movements. The MPU6050 sensors are placed on the hand, near the elbow, and near the shoulder, allowing the system to capture the arm’s orientation and movement in real time. The gripper mechanism of the robotic arm is controlled by a flex sensor on the index finger. The central control unit is the Arduino UNO Rev3 SMD microcontroller, which is in charge of analyzing sensor input and translating it into matching robotic arm movements. The suggested system intends to provide a user-friendly and intuitive method for robotic arm control, with possible applications in a variety of domains such as industrial automation, medical support, and prosthetics.

Kolorimetr pro medicínské aplikace s NFC připojením / Colorimeter for Medical Applications with NFC Connections

Šobich, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with assembling of a colorimeter using NFC technology. The theoretical part introduces the principles of colorimetric measurement, calibration curve, and important physical quantities. Further, the principle of NFC technology, its architecture, and division of NFC devices are described. The goal of the practical part is to propose a structural design and software solution of a colorimeter. Particular emphasis is placed on the selection of the RGB sensor that is being tested and its results are being analyzed. The construction of electrical circuit and microprocessor control are being solved. The manuscript deals with the implementation of an application for the Android operating system, which serves as the user interface of the colorimeter. Obtaining data from the sensor and storing it in a memory of the NFC tag is provided by the Arduino platform. Issues that were encountered during the work are analyzed in the discussion.


Solorio, Rigoberto 01 March 2015 (has links)
In general, server rooms have restricted access requiring that staff possess access codes, keys, etc. Normally, only administrators are provided access to protect the physical hardware and the data stored in the servers. Servers also have firewalls to restrict outsiders from accessing them via the Internet. Servers also cost a lot of money. For this reason, server rooms also need to be protected against overheating. This will prolong the lifecycle of the units and can prevent data loss from hardware failure. The California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB), Specifically the College of Arts and Letters server room has faced power failures that affected the Air Conditioning Unit (AC) and as a result the room became overheated for a long time, causing hardware failure to server units. This is why this project is important for the College and needs to be implemented as soon as possible. The administrator’s old method of controlling server room temperature was by manually adjusting the temperature box inside of the server room. Now it can be controlled and monitored using remote access. The purpose of A Web-Based Temperature Monitoring System for the College of Arts and Letters proposed in this project is to allow users to monitor the server room temperature through a website by using any computer or mobile device that has Internet access. Also, this system notifies users when the room attains a critical temperature by sending an email/text to the server room administrator. A Web-Based Temperature Monitoring System for the College of Arts and Letters project is for the exclusive use of the College of Arts & Letters (CAL) server room. The administrator is the only person that can grant access to others by creating a proper account. For this project three prototypes will be implemented, first to measure the current server room temperature, the second to show the temperature history of the room, and third to use the built-in search system to locate times that given temperatures were attained.

Snow depth measurements and predictions : Reducing environmental impact for artificial grass pitches at snowfall

Forsblom, Findlay, Ulvatne, Lars Petter January 2020 (has links)
Rubber granulates, used at artificial grass pitches, pose a threat to the environment when leaking into the nature. As the granulates leak to the environment through rain water and snow clearances, they can be transported by rivers and later on end up in the marine life. Therefore, reducing the snow clearances to its minimum is of importance. If the snow clearance problem is minimized or even eliminated, this will have a positive impact on the surrounding nature. The object of this project is to propose a method for deciding when to remove snow and automate the information dispersing upon clearing or closing a pitch. This includes finding low powered sensors to measure snow depth, find a machine learning model to predict upcoming snow levels and create an application with a clear and easy-to-use interface to present weather information and disperse information to the responsible persons. Controlled experiments is used to find the models and sensors that are suitable to solve this problem. The sensors are tested on a single snow quality, where ultrasonic and infrared sensors are found suitable. However, fabricated tests for newly fallen snow questioned the possibility of measuring snow depth using the ultrasonic sensor in the general case. Random Forest is presented as the machine learning model that predicts future snow levels with the highest accuracy. From a survey, indications is found that the web application fulfills the intended functionalities, with some improvements suggested.


Ashley S Dale (8771429) 02 May 2020 (has links)
Improved fabrication of poly(vinylindenefluoride)-hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-HFP) thin films is of particular interest due to the high electric coercivity found in the beta-phase structure of the thin film. We show that it is possible to obtain high-quality, beta-phase dominant PVDF-HFP thin films using a direct approach to Langmuir-Blodgett deposition without the use of annealing or additives. To improve sample quality, an automated Langmuir-Blodgett thin film deposition system was developed; a custom dipping trough was fabricated, a sample dipping mechanism was designed and constructed, and the system was automated using custom LabVIEW software. Samples were fabricated in the form of ferroelectric capacitors on substrates of glass and silicon, and implement a unique step design with a bottom electrode of copper with an aluminum wetting layer and a top electrode of gold with an aluminum wetting layer. Samples were then characterized using a custom ferroelectric measurement program implemented in LabVIEW with a Keithley picoammeter/voltage supply to confirm electric coercivity properties. Further characterization using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy confirmed the improvement in thin film fabrication over previous methods.

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