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Studium vlivu směsné ochranné atmosféry při laserovém svařování austenitických korozivzdorných ocelí / Studying the effect of mixed shielding gas during laser welding of austenitic stainless steelsŽemlová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of laser welding in shielding gases. On the basis of theoretical knowledge in this thesis, was made welding an experiment of 10 samples of steel X5CrNi18-10 in two different shielding gases. Flow of shielding gases has been shown by schlieren method. On the samples of welding joints have been made mechanical tests (tensile test and hardness test). Welded joints were metallography evaluated and structure of them was confirmed by measurements on ferrite meter.
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Study of Argon Shrouding in Ingot Casting, with Focus on Improving the Operation at Scana Björneborg Steel PlantGhazian Tafrishi, Babak January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out as a development project at Scana Steel Björneborg with the purpose to study the influential parameters in argon shrouded ingot casting during the manufacturing of low-alloy steels. In the first stage, a literature study was conducted in order to investigate the theoretical background of the procedure and the importance of protecting the melt during ingot casting. Next, a computer model of the shield was designed using COMSOL Multiphysics® with regard to the process conditions at Scana Steel Björneborg. The effect of various parameters on the process was examined through simulations of the argon gas flow pattern, heat transfer between the gas and the melt stream, and the chemical species transport in the gas around the melt stream. Based on the simulation results, two different shapes of shield were proposed for the argon shrouding operation. A set of implementation tests was executed in order to check the installation and usage conditions of the two new shields. After deciding the proper shape of the shield, a full-scale ingot-casting test was performed with the selected shield to investigate the protection behavior. Moreover, the impact of the new casting-protection shield on the nitrogen and oxygen contents of steel was examined through sampling and analyzing the steel before and after casting. It was found that the use of the new shield during the uphill ingot casting is an effective way to reduce the final nitrogen and oxygen contents of the casted ingot. Therefore, the new design of the shield can be used as a developed substitute for the protection of the melt stream in the ingot casting operation.
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3D study of non-metallic inclusions by EEmethod and use of statistics for the estimationof largest size inclusions in tool steel.Safa, Meer January 2010 (has links)
The control of non-metallic inclusions is very important for the improvement of performance during the application of tool steel. This present study was performed to see the effect of changing of some process parameters during the vacuum degassing of the melt and how these changing parameters affects the characteristics of inclusions in tool steel. The main parameters that were changed during the vacuum degassing were the change of induction stirring, argon flow rate from both the plug 1 and 2 and different ladle ages for different heat. Electrolytic extraction method was used to observe the morphology and characteristics of inclusions as a 3 dimensional view in tool steel. Four lollipop samples from four different heats were used for the experiment and all the samples were after vacuum (AV) degassing. In this study four different types of inclusions were found and they are classified as type 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of them type 1 inclusion was the major one with mostly spherical shaped. This study shows that among the three parameters, induction stirring has the biggest effect for the total number of inclusions per volume in the sample than the other two parameters Heat 4A showed the lowest number of inclusions per volume comparing with the other heats. The main reason behind this can be said that the induction stirring was the lowest comparing with the other heats with moderate argon flow and ladle age of 12. Extreme value analysis was used in this study to predict the probability of getting largest size inclusions in a certain volume of the metal. For the prediction of the largest inclusion size, both the electrolytic extraction (3D) and cross-sectional (2D) method was used. Later in this study comparison was done to determine the accuracy of both the methods and it is concluded that for the type 1 inclusions electrolytic extraction method shows almost similar trend with cross-sectional method and electrolytic extraction method shows better accuracy for the prediction of largest size inclusions than the cross-sectional method. Electrolytic Extraction method is also applicable for the prediction of largest size inclusions for multiple types of inclusions.
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Etude de traitement par plasma froid de surfaces contaminés par biofilms / Bio-decontamination of biofilms on surfaces by cold plasmaŠipoldová, Zuzana 30 August 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les applications des plasmas à basse température à la pression atmosphérique sont discutées. En particulier, la bio-décontamination des bactéries planctoniques et biofilms bactériens sur des surfaces planes et complexe sont réalisées par des décharges corona de l'air et de plasma d'argon. Dans ce travail, nous caractérisons trois sources de plasma qui sont utilisées pour la décontamination d'Escherichia coli. CC corona décharges dans l'air - corona streamer positive et négative des impulsions Trichel ont été utilisés pour la décontamination des bactéries planctoniques et biofilms bactériens. Dans certaines expériences de l'eau a été électro-pulvérisée sur des échantillons de haute tension électrode. Bio-décontamination des biofilms bactériens a été réalisée sur des lames en verre, pendant 15 min le traitement de plasma a été rendu majorités des bactéries incultivables. Selon la microscopie confocale à balayage laser de biofilms colorées par kit de la viabilité, une partie de ces bactéries incultivables restait viables, seulement les couches les plus supérieures du biofilm ont été tuées. La deuxième source de plasma est corona décharge pulsée propagé à l'intérieur du tube de quartz longue et étroite où l'argon sec ou l'argon avec de la vapeur d'eau coulait à la pression atmosphérique. Ce type de décharge et a une application potentielle dans la décontamination des surfaces intérieures des cathéters ou d'autres dispositifs longs et tubulaires ou pourrait fournir un plasma à basse température sur des distances longues à l'intérieur du corps humain. Tout d'abord, cette source de plasma à basse température a été caractérisée par ses paramètres électriques, et ensuite, une spectroscopie d'émission optique identifiés l'émission de plasma UV-B de radical hydroxyle excité en particulier avec l'argon humide. L'effet de cette UV-B a été testé sur des bactéries planctoniques et a été découvert pour causer jusqu'à un dommage substantiel encore plus loin en aval du tube. La source de plasma d'argon dernière doit aller qui utilise l'argon saturé sec, humide ou de l'eau en tant que gaz de travail. Cette décharge a été principalement utilisée pour la décontamination biofilm, et nous avons reçu des résultats similaires comme décharges corona CC. / In this PhD thesis, applications of lowtemperature plasmas at atmospheric pressure are discussed. In particular, bio-decontamination of planktonic bacteria and bacterial biofilms on flat and complex surfaces by air corona discharges and argon plasma. In this work, we characterize three plasma sources which are used for decontamination of Escherichia coli. DC corona discharges in air - positive streamer corona and negative Trichel pulses were used for decontamination of planktonic bacteria and bacterial biofilms. In some experiments water was electrosprayed onto samples from high voltage electrode. Bio-decontamination of bacterial biofilms was carried out on glass cover slides, within 15 min plasma treatment most of the bacteria were rendered uncultivable. Part from these uncultivable bacteria remained viable only top layers of the biofilm were killed, according to confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms stained by live/dead viability kit. The secondplasma source was pulsed corona discharge propagated inside the long narrow quartz tube in which dry argon or argon with water vapor was flowing at atmospheric pressure. This type of discharge has a potential application in decontamination of inner surfaces of catheters or other long tubular devices or could able to deliver low-temperature plasma on longer distances inside the human body. Firstly, this low-temperature plasma source was characterized by its electrical parameters, then, an optical emission spectroscopy of plasma identified UV B emission form excited hydroxyl radical especially with humid argon working gas. The effect of this UV B was tested on planktonic bacteria and was found out to cause up to a substantial damage even further downstream the tube. The last plasma source has argon jet which used dry, humid or water saturated argon as a working gas. This discharge was predominantly used for biofilm decontamination, where we received similar results as with DC corona discharges.
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Fluid Flow Through Carbon Nanotubes: A New Modeling and Simulation ApproachAvon, Michael A. 05 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Исследование влияния донной продувки в промежуточном ковше на качество транспортных марок стали : магистерская диссертация / Investigation of the influence of bottom blowing in the intermediate bucket on the quality of transport steel gradesВласов, М. А., Vlasov, M. A. January 2021 (has links)
Целью работы является изучение влияния донной продувки в промежуточном ковше на содержание неметаллических включений в транспортном металле и пути повышения качества данных марок стали. В качестве решения проблемы рассмотрена гипотеза о зависимости содержания неметаллических включений в стали от состава шлака на установке «печь-ковш»; создана физическая модель МНЛЗ; предложена схема расположения аргонных блоков в промежуточном ковше, что позволит создать оптимальные потоки металла для флотации неметаллических включений. / The aim of the work is to study the effect of bottom blowing in the intermediate bucket on the content of non-metallic inclusions in the transport metal and ways to improve the quality of these steel grades. As a solution to the problem, the hypothesis of the dependence of the content of non-metallic inclusions in steel on the composition of the slag at the furnace-ladle installation is considered; a physical model of the CCM is created; a scheme for the arrangement of argon blocks in the intermediate ladle is proposed, which will create optimal metal flows for flotation of non-metallic inclusions.
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Complexities in Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Small Molecular AnionsOpoku-Agyeman, Bernice 24 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of a trans-rotational temperature diagnostic for vibrationally-excited carbon monoxide using single-photon laser-induced fluorescenceLeiweke, Robert John 30 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Simulation Studies of Convolutional Neural Networks for the Real-Time Energy Reconstruction of ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Signals at the High-Luminosity LHCBerthold, Anne-Sophie 06 June 2024 (has links)
Im Jahr 2026 beginnt im Rahmen der Phase-II Erweiterung der Ausbau des Large Hadron Colliders, damit dieser zukünftig mit dem bis zu 7.5-fachen seiner nominellen Luminosität betrieben werden kann. Der Beginn der Datenaufnahme für den sogenannten High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider ist für 2029 vorgesehen. Durch die Erweiterung wird eine wesentliche Zunahme der Kollisionsrate und damit der Kollisionsdaten erwartet, welche die heutige Auffassung von Theorien jenseits des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik verbessern wird. Zusammen mit der Steigerung interessanter Ereignisse werden jedoch auch Proton-Proton-Kollisionen mit meist niederenergetischen hadronischen Teilchen im Endzustand und damit Signalüberlappungen zunehmen. Am ATLAS-Experiment führt dies zu höheren Anforderungen an die Detektorelektronik und die Echtzeit-Datenverarbeitung. Für die Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeter ist ein Austausch der gesamten Elektronik vorgesehen. Studien konnten zeigen, dass der Optimalfilter, der derzeit zur Energierekonstruktion eingesetzt wird, einen erheblichen Leistungsabfall verzeichnen wird. Eine zuverlässige Energieinformation ist jedoch essentiell, insbesondere auch für das Triggersystem.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden sogenannte Faltungsnetzwerke für die Rekonstruktion von Energiedepositionen in Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimeterzellen entwickelt. Da diese auf Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) mit strengen Ressourcenbeschränkungen implementiert werden sollen, müssen diese nicht nur eine hohe Rekonstruktionsgenauigkeit zeigen, sondern auch einen geringen Ressourcenverbrauch haben. Eine Hyperparametersuche wird präsentiert, die das Bestimmen geeigneter Netzwerkarchitekturen ermöglicht. Für das Trainieren und Testen von Faltungsnetzwerken wurden Daten mit realistischen Signalszenarien anhand der AREUS-Simulationssoftware generiert. Die verschiedenartigen Signalbedingungen und Leistungsanforderungen machen eine umfassende Untersuchung des Energierekonstruktionsalgorithmus erforderlich. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Trainingsergebnisse der Faltungsnetzwerke stellt eine weitere Anwendungsvoraussetzung dar. Infolgedessen beschreibt diese Arbeit ein umfangreiches Qualifizierungsprozedere, welches für jedweden Energierekonstruktionsalgorithmus angewandt werden kann.
Die präsentierten Faltungsnetzwerke erfüllen die FPGA Ressourcenbeschränkungen und zeigen darüber hinaus essentielle Leistungsverbesserungen gegenüber dem Optimalfilter. Das Faltungsnetz mit der besten Leistung besteht aus zwei Schichten und nutzt Dilatation, um den einfließenden Signalbereich auszudehnen. Dies erlaubt dem Netzwerk, mehr Informationen von vergangenen Signalereignissen zu erhalten, während gleichzeitig die Zahl der Netzwerkparameter niedrig gehalten wird. Es wird gezeigt, dass das zweischichtige Faltungsnetzwerk Verbesserungen hinsichtlich Signaleffizienz und Energieauflösung, insbesondere für überlappende Signale, liefert. Des Weiteren wird die Robustheit gegenüber variierenden Signalankunftszeiten und sich verändernden Untergrundbedingungen vorgestellt, sowie die Erfüllung der Trainingsreproduzierbarkeit demonstriert.
Zusammengefasst beschreibt diese Arbeit die systematische Entwicklung und Erprobung von Faltungsnetzwerken für die Energierekonstruktion von Flüssig-Argon-Kalorimetersignalen am ATLAS-Detektor. In diesem Rahmen wurden allgemeine Qualifizierungskriterien erarbeitet, die das Potential der Faltungsnetzwerke gegenüber der aktuellen Methode, dem Optimalfilter, aufzeigen. / In 2026, the expansion of the Large Hadron Collider will begin as part of the Phase II extension so that it can be operated at up to 7.5 times its nominal luminosity in future. The start of data acquisition for the so-called High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider is scheduled for 2029. The expansion is expected to significantly increase the collision rate and thus the collision data, which will improve the current understanding of theories beyond the standard model of particle physics. However, together with the increase in interesting events, proton-proton collisions with mostly low-energy hadronic particles in the final state and thus signal overlaps will also increase. At the ATLAS experiment, this will lead to higher demands on the detector electronics and real-time data processing. The entire electronics for the liquid argon calorimeters will be replaced. Studies have shown that the optimal filter, which is currently used for energy reconstruction, will experience a considerable drop in performance. However, reliable energy information is essential, especially for the trigger system.
As part of this work, so-called convolutional networks were developed for the reconstruction of energy depositions in liquid argon calorimeter cells. Since these are to be implemented on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with strict resource constraints, they must not only show a high reconstruction accuracy but also have a low resource consumption. A hyperparameter search is presented, which enables the determination of suitable network architectures. For the training and testing of convolutional networks, data with realistic signal scenarios were generated using the AREUS simulation software. The different signal conditions and performance requirements necessitate a comprehensive investigation of the energy reconstruction algorithm. The reproducibility of the training results of the convolutional networks is a further application requirement. Consequently, this thesis describes a comprehensive qualification procedure that can be applied to any energy reconstruction algorithm.
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Etude de l'Influence de la vapeur d'eau sur l'oxydation à haute température d'un alliage chromino-formeur à base de nickel / Study of water vapor influence in high temperature oxidation for a chromia forming nickel base alloyRolland, Raphaël 14 March 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans un cadre de recherche qui a pour objectif essentiel l’étude de l’influence de la vapeur d’eau sur l’oxydation à haute température d’un alliage formeur de Cr2O3 à base de nickel. L’alliage étudié pour cette étude est le SY 625. L’originalité de cette étude repose sur l’utilisation d’un montage expérimental, mis en oeuvre au laboratoire. Ce montage appelé « montage vapeur d’eau » permet de réaliser l’oxydation du SY 625 à haute température (900-1100°C) en présence de vapeur d’eau (7,5 et 33% de vapeur d’eau) avec différents gaz vecteurs (oxygène, air, argon et azote) en conditions isotherme ou cyclique. Les résultats cinétiques obtenus sous air, ne montrent pas de différences notables que l’oxydation soit réalisée en conditions sèche ou humide (quelque soit le taux de vapeur d’eau). Les résultats n’ont pas montré de breakaway pour les durées d’oxydation allant jusqu’à 48 heures. Ceci est attribué au fait qu’il n’y a pas formation d’oxydes de fer sachant que l’alliage contient seulement 0,23% en masse de fer. Les résultats de DRX montrent la formation des mêmes phases quel-que-soit le gaz vecteur utilisé (en atmosphère sèche ou humide). A 900 et 1000°C, l’oxyde Cr2O3 est détecté ainsi que deux composés intermétalliques : Ni3Mo et NbNi4. En revanche à 1100°C, l’oxyde Cr2O3 est toujours présent mais les composés intermétalliques sont oxydés pour donner un oxyde mixte CrNbO4. L’oxydation du molybdène au dessus de 1000°C conduit à la formation de MoO3 qui est un oxyde volatil. Les analyses morphologiques, ont montré la présence de couches de chromine plus plastiques avec une porosité répartie sur toute l’épaisseur de la couche pour les essais réalisés en présence de vapeur d’eau. Les couches d’oxyde sont alors plus adhérentes. Ceci a été confirmé par des essais d’oxydation en conditions cycliques, qui ont montré notamment à 1100°C, une meilleure tenue mécanique de la couche d’oxyde en présence de vapeur d’eau. Les tests d’oxydation en présence d’un marquage à l’or a aussi permis de mettre en évidence un mécanisme d’oxydation mixte pour les oxydations réalisées en atmosphères riche en oxygène que l’on soit sous atmosphère sèche ou humide. En revanche, le marquage à l’or a montré la présence d’un mécanisme d’oxydation interne pour les atmosphères pauvres en oxygène, avec des couches d’oxydes présentant une adhérence parfaite. Le fait d’ajouter de la vapeur d’eau à ces atmosphères pauvres en oxygène, entraine la réapparition d’un mécanisme de diffusion mixte. / This work is a part of a research project which has for essential objective the study of water vapor influence in high temperature oxidation for a chromia forming nickel base alloy. Alloy studied for this study is the SY 625. Originality of this study is based on an experimental assembly use, create in the laboratory. This assembly called “water vapor assembly” is used for realized SY 625 high temperature oxidation (900-1100°C) in presence of water vapor (7,5 and 33 vol. % water vapor) with various carriers gas (oxygen, air, argon and nitrogen) in isothermal and cyclic conditions. The kinetic results obtained under air, do not show considerable differences that the oxidation is realized in dry or wet conditions (with the various water vapor rate). The results do not show breakaway for the oxidation durations going to 48 hours. This is attributed to the fact that there is no formation of oxides iron knowing that the alloy contains only 0,23 mass % of iron. The XRD results show the formation of the same phases which is the carrier gas used (in dry or wet atmosphere). At 900 and 1000°C, the Cr2O3oxide is detected with two intermetallic compounds : Ni3Mo and NbNi4. On the other hand at 1100°C, the oxide Cr2O3 is always present but the intermetallic compounds are oxidized to give a mixed oxide CrNbO4. The oxidation of the molybdenum above 1000°C leads to the formation of MoO3 which is a volatile oxide. The morphological analyses, showed the presence of more plastic chromia layers with a distributed porosity on all the thickness of the layer for the test realized in water vapor presence. The oxide layers are then more adherents. This was confirmed by oxidation test in cyclic conditions, which showed in particular at 1100°C, a better mechanical behavior of oxide layer in water vapor presence. The oxidation tests with gold marker experiments are also showed a mixed oxidation mechanism for the oxidations realized in rich oxygen atmospheres under dry or wet atmosphere. On the other hand, gold marker experiments showed the presence of a internal oxidation mechanism for poor oxygen atmospheres, with oxides layers showing a perfect adhesion. The fact of adding water vapor to these poor oxygen atmospheres, lead to the reappearance of a mixed diffusion mechanism.
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