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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des hétérogénéités morphologiques et énergétiques superficielles des kaolinites par AFM et adsorption de gaz

Sayed Hassan, Malak 06 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de recherche des propriétés superficielles des solides divisés. Nous avons étudiés les hétérogénéités morphologiques et énergétiques superficielles des kaolinites en couplant deux approches l'adsorption d'argon basse pression et la microscopie à force atomique pour l'analyse 3D des particules. Les solides utilisés sont des phyllosilicates 1:1 : deux kaolinites de référence de la Clay Mineral Society Kga1 et Kga2, une kaolinite industrielle (High Gloss), une kaolinite de Decazeville. Après purification, les échantillons ont été échangés avec des cations monovalents Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+. La modélisation des isothermes dérivées par la méthode DIS montrent que la nature des cations influencent les phénomènes d'adsorption sur les faces basales et latérales. Sur les faces basales, des cations sont présents en très faible quantité, soit fortement associé à la surface (substitutions héterovalentes), soit physisorbés sur la surface sous forme d'espèces neutres. Sur les faces latérales, les cations échangeables sont associés aux surfaces en provoquant des points de nanorugosité. Le film d'argon adsorbé est hétérogène ou les particules d'argon s'organisent autours des microreliefs générés par les cations. De ce fait, l'estimation de la lamellarité de la kaolinite par adsorption d'argon doit être effectué en présence des cations monovalents de petite taille (Li+, Na+). Cette étude a montré que la microscopie à force atomique est une bonne méthode pour la détermination des propriétés morphologiques des minéraux dans le cas des échantillons homogènes et par analyse d'un grand nombre des particules.

Etude et validation de nouveaux nano-émetteurs destinés à la microscopie optique en champ proche : développement de pointées fonctionnalisées

Suarez, Miguel 17 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Un des problèmes majeurs et non encore résolu en microscopie optique champ proche est le choix de l'émetteur ou du capteur optimal. Parmi les techniques développées, l'utilisation de sondes métalliques a conduit aux résolutions les plus élevées. L'inconvénient de ces nano-sondes réalisées à partir de fil métallique, est leur opacité. Une solution hybride combinant un milieu transparent et une couche métallique, par exemple une fibre optique taillée en pointe et métallisée, présente l'intérêt à la fois du guidage de la lumière et de l'existence d'un certain confinement du champ lumineux. Toutefois ces nano-sondes, largement utilisées, présentent de nombreux inconvénients dont le principal est la faible quantité de lumière transmise ou captée. L'introduction du concept de pointe fonctionnalisée est envisagée dans ce travail afin de remédier à cette carence, en optimisant par segmentation adéquate de la couche métallique, le transfert électromagnétique de ou vers la pointe. Il s'agit ni plus ni moins de la transposition dans le domaine optique du principe de l'antenne segmentée. Ce travail constitue le début d'un vaste sujet de recherche portant sur la fonctionnalisation des sondes destinées à la microscopie champ proche. Nous avons réalisé dans cette étude le cas d'un anneau métallique nanométrique suivant deux approches, théorique et expérimentale, menées en parallèle. Pour l'approche théorique, nous nous sommes appuyés sur des simulations numériques à partir d'un code de calcul commercial basé sur des différences finies spatio-temporelles FDTD, et sur une approche analytique modale d'un cylindre métallique infini. Pour la partie expérimentale, nous avons mis en place des procédés de fabrication d'anneaux nanométriques assistée par lithographie électronique classique et nous proposons un procédé original qui combine la lithographie électronique et une attaque ionique argon, afin de surmonter les limites de résolution imposées par les performances de nos appareillages (MEB). Toutes ces techniques ont été réalisées au sein de la centrale de technologie MIMENTO de l'Institut FEMTO-ST.

Corrélations chronologiques et géochimiques des formations volcaniques du sud de la basse terre de Guadeloupe (petites Antilles) : début du cycle récent

Blanc, Françoise 25 November 1983 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude, effectuée dans le cadre des Observatoires Volcanologiques de l'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris et des programmes de recherche du CNRS sur l'Histoire des volcans actifs, contribue à la chronologie des événements récents du Sud de la Basse- Terre de Guadeloupe (Petites Antilles) pour laquelle des lacunes importantes subsistaient du fait de mauvaises conditions d 'affleurements. Les méthodes employées sont : - le potassium-argon (CFR ,Gif) , - la thermoluminescence (CFR , Gif) et - la géochimie des majeurs et des traces utilisée en tant que critère de corrélation des différents dépôts (Grenoble,Saclay) . 1) la méthode du potassium- argon, dans son adaptation aux périodes récentes (inférieure à 1 Ma), a permis d'obtenir l 'âge des coulées de laves massives basaltiques à andésitiques, appartenant au cycle Pitons de Bouillante - Sans- Toucher, aux Monts Caraïbes et à la phase initiale du cycle récent Madeleine-Soufrière . 2) la méthode de thermoluminescence sur quartz a été utilisée pour la datation de certains niveaux ponceux dacitiques à quartz appartenant à la Chaîne andésitique de Bouillante et au cycle récent Madeleine- Soufrière. 3) les éléments majeurs, incompatibles (La, Th) et de transition (Sc, Co) des niveaux ponceux et les analyses des phases minérales à la microsonde ont permis d'établir ou de préciser des corrélations jusqu'ici rendues aléatoires par les conditions de terrain, de regrouper dans un même cycle des niveaux attribués à des cycles différents, et de déceler des indices de mélanges magmatiques. Les résultats obtenus modifient la chronologie de la Basse-Terre comme suit: - la fin du cycle des Pitons de Bouillante - - Sans-Toucher est aux environs de 600 000 ans, - celle de la Chaîne andésitique de Bouillante est proche de 244 000 ans, - et le début de l'activité des Monts Caraïbes se situe aux environs de 500 000 ans . Le résultat le plus important concerne le début du cycle récent Madeleine- Soufrière pour lequel une phase Carmichaël est datée entre 150 000 et 100 000 ans; son activité débute par un épisode explosif (ponces à quartz de l'anse des Pères et ponces andésitiques de Pintade) et se poursuit par un épisode effusif de grande importance (coulées de Trois Rivières, groupes nord et sud). Entre la fin de la phase Carmichaël et le début de la phase Madeleine, une période d'accalmie est mise en évidence; sa durée est voisine de 70 000 ans .

Investigation Of Ramp/Cowl Shock Interaction Processes Near A Generic Scramjet Inlet At Hypersonic Mach Number

Mahapatra, Debabrata 09 1900 (has links)
One of the major technological innovations that are necessary for faster and cheaper access-to-space will be the commercial realization of supersonic combustion jet engines (SCRAMJET). The establishment of the flow through the inlet is one the prime requirement for the success of a SCRAMJET engine. The flow through a SCRAMJET inlet is dominated by inviscid /viscous coupling, transition, shock-shock interaction, shock boundary layer interaction, blunt leading edge effects and flow profile effects. Although the literature is exhaustive on various aspects of flow features associated with SCRAMJET engines, very little is known on the fundamental gasdynamic features dictating the flow establishment in the SCRAMJET inlet. On one hand we need the reduction of flight Mach number to manageable supersonic values inside the SCRAMJET combustor, but on the other hand we have to achieve this with minimum total pressure loss. Hence the dynamics of ramp/cowl shock interaction process ahead of the inlet has a direct bearing on the quality and type of flow inside the SCRAMJET engine. There is virtually no data base in the open literature focusing specifically on the cowl/ramp shock interactions at hypersonic Mach numbers. Hence in this backdrop, the main aim of the present investigation is to systematically understand the ramp/cowl shock interaction processes in front of a generic inlet model. Since we are primarily concerned with the shock interaction process ahead of the cowl all the investigations are carried out without any fuel injection. Variable geometry is necessary if we want to operate the inlet for a wide range of Mach numbers in actual flight. The investigation mainly comprises of three variable geometry configurations; namely, variation of contraction ratios at 00 cowl (CR 8.4, 5.0 and 4.3), variation of cowl length for a given chamber height (four lengths of cowls at 10 mm chamber height) and variation of cowl angle (three angles cowl each for two chamber heights). The change in cowl configuration results in different ramp/cowl shock interaction processes affecting the performance of the inlet. Experiments are performed in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST 2 (test time ~ 1 ms) at two nominal Mach numbers 8.0 and 5.74 for design and off-design testing conditions. Exhaustive numerical simulations are also performed to compliment the experiments. Further the effect of concentrated energy deposition on forebody /cowl shock interactions has also been investigated. A 2D, planar, single ramp scramjet inlet model has been designed and fabricated along with various cowl geometries and tested in a hypersonic shock tunnel to characterize the forebody/cowl shock interaction process for different inlet configurations. Further a DC plasma power unit and a plasma torch have been designed, developed and fabricated to serve as energy source for conducting flow-alteration experiments in the inlet model. The V-I characteristics of the plasma torch is studied and an estimation of plasma temperature is also performed as a part of characterizing the plasma flame. Initial standardization experiments of blunt body flow field alteration using the plasma torch and hence its drag reduction, are performed to check the torch’s suitability to be used as a flow-altering device in a shock tunnel. The plasma torch is integrated successfully with the inlet model in a shock tunnel to perform experiments with plasma jet as the energy source. The above experiments are first of its kind to be conducted in a shock tunnel. They are performed at various pressure ratios and supply currents. Time resolved schlieren flow visualization using Phantom 7.1 (Ms Vision Research USA) high speed camera, surface static pressure measurements inside a generic inlet using miniature kulite transducer and surface convective heat transfer rate measurements inside a generic inlet using platinum thin film sensors deposited on Macor substrate are some of the shock tunnel flow diagnostics that have been used in this study. Some of the important conclusions from the study are: • Experiments performed at different contraction ratios show different shock patterns. At CR 8.4, the SOL condition is satisfied, but the flow gets choked due to over contraction and flow through inlet is not established. For CR 5.0, formation of a small Mach stem before the chamber is observed with the reflection point on the cowl and the weak reflected shock entering inside the chamber. The Mach stem grows with time. For CR 4.3, the forebody/cowl shock interference created an Edney’s Type II shock interaction pattern. However, at off-design conditions, for CR 5 the shock reflection is regular and at CR 4.3, the Edney’s Type II pattern lasts for a short time. • For all lengths of cowl tested, 131mm and 141mm showed Edney’s Type II shock interference where as 151mm showed Edney’s Type I pattern at design condition. In all cases the flow is choked for high contraction ratio. At off-design condition these shock patterns do not last for the entire test time but rather it becomes a lambda pattern with the normal shock before the inlet. • For inlet configurations with cowl angle other than 00, the flow is found to be established for all cases at designed condition and except for 100 cowl at off-design condition. • For CR 8.4 the peak value of pressure (~1.7x104 Pa) occurs at a location of 151mm, where as for CR 5.0 and 4.3 they occur at 188mm and 206mm having values ~1.6x104 Pa and ~1.4x104 Pa respectively. These locations indicate the likely locations of shock impingements inside the chamber. • For cowl angle of 00 for a 10 mm chamber the maximum pressure value recorded is ~1.7x104 Pa whereas for 100 and 200 cowl it is ~1.1x104 Pa and 1.2 x104 Pa respectively. This is because in the first case the inlet is choked because of over contraction whereas in the other two cases the CR is less and flow is established inside the inlet. • The average heat transfer rates of last four heat transfer gauges (180 mm, 190 mm, 200 mm and 210 mm from the forebody tip) for all lengths of cowls tested are found to be almost same (~ 20 W/cm2). This is because the flow is choked in all these cases. The numerical simulation also shows uniform distribution here, consistent with the experimental findings. • The locations of heat transfer peaks for 100 cowl at design condition can be observed to be occurring at 170 mm and 200 mm from the forebody tip having values ~44 W/cm2 and ~39 W/cm2 respectively. For a 200 cowl they seem to be occurring at 170 mm and 180 mm from the forebody tip having values ~50 W/cm2 and ~30 W/cm2. These locations indicate the likely locations of shock impingements inside the chamber. With the evolution of concept of upstream fuel injection in recent times these may the most appropriate locations for fuel injection. • At higher jet pressure ratios the plasma jet/ramp shock interaction results in a lambda shock pattern with the triple point forming vertically above the cowl level. This means the normal shock stands in front of the inlet making a part of the flow entering the inlet subsonic. The reflected shock from the triple point also separates the ramp boundary layer. • At lower jet pressure ratios the triple point is formed below the cowl level and the flow entering inside the inlet is supersonic. The reflected shock interacts with the cowl shock and a weak separation shock is seen. • Experiments are performed with concentrated DC electric discharge as energy source. Even though the amount of energy dumped here is less than 0.25% of the total energy it creates a perceptible disturbance in the flow. • Experiments are also performed to see the effect of electric discharge as energy source on height of Mach stem for a given inlet configuration. Deposition of energy in the present location does not seem to alter the Mach stem height. However more experiments need to be performed by varying the energy location to see its effect. Non-intrusive energy sources like microwave and lasers can be thought of as options for depositing energy to study its effect on Mach stem height. Since they provide more flexibility on varying the location of energy the optimum location of energy can be found out for highest reduction of Mach stem height.

Recherche de technicouleur avec l'expérience ATLAS. Développement d'outils et étude des performances du calorimètre à argon liquide

Helary, Louis 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
En 2011, le LHC a fourni près de 5 fb−1 de données aux expériences. Ces données ont été utilisées pour comprendre plus avant les détecteurs, leurs performances et effectuer des analyses de physique. Cette thèse est organisée en cinq chapitres. Le premier est une introduction théorique au Modèle Standard et à une de ses extensions possible : la TechniCouleur. Le deuxième chapitre donne un bref aperçu de l'accélérateur LHC et de l'expérience ATLAS. Dans le troisième chapitre, l'un des principaux sous-système de l'expérience ATLAS est présenté : le calorimètre à argon liquide. L'algorithme de contrôle de l'acquisition et de la qualité des données que j'ai développé au cours de ma thèse est également présenté. Le quatrième chapitre présente une étude des performances de la reconstruction des jets basée sur l'ensemble des données acquises en 2010. Cette étude a montré qu'en 2010, la résolution en énergie des jets dans le Monte-Carlo a été sous-estimée d'un facteur relatif d'environ 10% par rapport aux données. Cette étude a été ensuite reconduite pour évaluer l'impact de la réduction de la HV dans des zones du calorimètre sur la résolution en énergie des jets. Cet impact a été jugée négligeable. Pour des jets produits avec une rapidité |y| < 0.8, l'augmentation de la résolution en énergie due à la réduction de la HV, est évaluée à moins de 3 % pour un jet de pT = 30 GeV jet, et moins de 0,1 % pour un jet de pT = 500 GeV. Enfin, le dernier chapitre de cette thèse présente une étude de l'état final Wgamma. La contribution des différents processus du MS participant à cet état final a été estimée à partir du Monte Carlo et des données. Une recherche de résonances étroites a ensuite été effectuée en utilisant la distribution M(W,gamma) dans un intervalle [220,440] GeV, mais aucun écart significatif des prédictions du MS n'a été observé. Cette étude a permis de fixer des limites sur la production de particules TC correspondant à M(a_{T}) > 265 GeV ou M(\rho_{T}) > 243 GeV.

Simulation studies of molecular transport across the liquid-gas interface

Somasundaram, Theepaharan January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling Of Helically Applied Current To The Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Plasma Torch In Two Dimensions

Canturk, Mehmet 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The electrodeless plasma discharge is typically driven by radio frequency (RF) power supply within the range (0.2 &iexcl / 40 MHz). The applied power is coupled into the plasma inductively called inductively coupled plasma (ICP). RF ICP technique has achieved significance importance in a diversity of research and industrial applications for over the last threes decades. It is still required to undertake both theoretical and experimental research. In this work, RF ICP technique is applied on the torch modeling in 2D. Based on extended electromagnetic vector potential representation, an axisymmetric model in 2D is proposed for the calculations of the electromagnetic fields in an RF ICP torch. The influence of axial vector potential is included to the vector potential formulations. This is achieved by imposing a helical current carrying wire configuration. The corresponding governing equations are solved numerically by applying finite element method (FEM) using commercial partial differential equation solver (Flex PDE3). Based on this model, the plasma behavior and properties are examined in terms of plasma parameters. Besides, a comparative iii analysis is made between proposed model called helical configuration and the one currently available in the literature called circular configuration. This study shows relatively little difference between temperature fields predicted by two models. However, significant difference is observed between corresponding flows and electromagnetic fields. Especially, tangential flow which is observed in helical configuration vanishes in circular configuration. The proposed model offers an effective means of accounting for the variations of the helical coil geometry on the flow and temperature fields and achieving a better representation of the electromagnetic fields in the discharge. Finally, it is concluded that minimum number of turns (n = 2) yields significant difference between two models whereas, maximum allowable number of turns yield no distinctions on the results of two models in terms of azimuthally applied current. However, axial effect of current still exists but very small with respect to the result obtained with minimum number of turns.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema de irradiação para produção de radioisótopos gasosos aplicados em processos industriais / Development of a irradiation system for production of gaseous radioisotopes applied in industrial processes

Cardozo, Nelson X. 02 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-05-02T11:34:44Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-02T11:34:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dentre as diversas aplicações dos radioisótopos, a utilização dos radiotraçadores é considerada uma das mais importantes, no diagnóstico de funcionamento dos equipamentos de processos, em plantas de indústrias químicas e petroquímicas. Os radiotraçadores são utilizados em procedimentos analíticos para obtenção de dados qualitativos e quantitativos de sistemas, em estudos de transferências físicas e físico-químicas. Na produção de radioisótopos gasosos utilizados como traçadores em processos industriais, destacam-se o 41Ar e 79Kr, gases nobres (inertes) que possuem baixa reatividade com os demais elementos químicos. O 41Ar é um emissor gama de alta energia (1,29 MeV) e apresenta elevada porcentagem de transformações com essa energia, o que resulta em quantidades relativamente pequenas necessárias em relação a outras para uma detecção eficaz, mesmo em componentes com grandes espessuras. Atualmente, a produção de radioisótopos gasosos em reatores nucleares de pesquisa é realizada em pequenas quantidades (bateladas), por meio de ampolas de quartzo contendo o gás natural 40Ar ou 78Kr. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse estudo é desenvolver um sistema de irradiação capaz de produzir em escala contínua, o radioisótopo gasoso 41Ar, dentre outros, com atividade de 7,4x1011 Bq (20 Ci) por ciclo de irradiação, por meio do Reator IEA-R1 de 4,5 MW, fluxo de nêutrons térmicos médio de 4,71 x 1013 ncm-2s-1, para suprir uma demanda existente em empresas de END e inspeções, e pelo próprio Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações, no IPEN/CNEN-SP. O sistema de irradiação (SI) é constituído por uma cápsula de irradiação em alumínio, linhas de transferência, válvulas agulhas, conexões anilhadas, conectores rápidos, manovacuômetro, sistema de vácuo, dewar de liquefação, blindagem em chumbo, cilindros de armazenamento e transporte (CAT), dentre outros. O SI foi aprovado nos testes de estanqueidade e estabilidade (testes de formação de bolhas, pressurização, evacuação e com equipamento leak detector SPECTRON 600 T). Na produção experimental para obtenção de 1,07x1011 Bq (2,9 Ci) de 41Ar, distribuíram-se dosímetros de alanina em diversos componentes e dispositivos do SI. Além disso, determinaram-se as taxas de exposição na parede da blindagem em chumbo, ao concentrar o gás radioativo liquefeito e no CAT, após a transferência do 41Ar, pelo medidor de radiação portátil Teletector ® Probe 6150 AD-t/H. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

\"Avaliação da resistência flexural, microinfiltração e grau de conversão de uma resina composta fotoativada com luz halógena e laser de argônio\" / Evaluation of the flexural strenght, microleakage and degree of convertion of a composite resin photocured with argon laser and halogen lamp.

Patricia Ramos Lloret 13 February 2007 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foi avaliado a resistência flexural, a microinfiltração e o grau de conversão de uma resina composta micro-híbrida fotoativada por laser de argônio e luz halógena. Para o teste de resistência flexural e grau de conversão foram preparadas cinco amostras de 25 X 2 X 2mm de acordo com a norma ISO 4049. Os parâmetros de fotoativação utilizados em todas as etapas do trabalho foram: luz halógena (500mW/cm2) por 20 segudos, laser de argônio (250mW) por 10 e 20 segundos. As amostras foram lixadas com a seqüência de granulações 500, 800, 1000, 1200, 2500 e 4000. Os espécimes eram armazenados em água destilada, em recipiente escuro, em estufa a 37ºC por 24 horas e eram submetidos ao ensaio de resistência flexural (Máquina de Ensaios Mecânicos - Modelo 4411 ? Instron) em velocidade de 1mm/min. Para o estudo da microinfiltração foram utilizados dentes incisivos bovinos (n=20), As cavidades eram preparadas com brocas Carbide #330 com 4mm (altura) X 3mm (largura) X 2mm (profundidade). Os dentes eram então restaurados, e recebiam acabamento e polimento e em seguida eram armazenados em água destilada, em estufa a 37ºC por 24 horas. As amostras foram submetidas ao processo de termociclagem (500 ciclos de 30 segundos - 6ºC e 60ºC). Após a termociclagem, os ápices dos dentes eram selados com IRM e adesivo a base de cianoacrilato e imersos em fucsina básica a 0,5% por 24 horas, em estufa a 37ºC. A análise do grau de conversão foi feita com o Espectrômetro FT-Raman RFS 100/S (Bruker). Para o teste de resistência flexural foi realizado o teste de análise de variância, que mostrou não haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre as fontes fotoativadoras estudadas (p>0,05). A microinfiltração das margens oclusais (em esmalte) e gengivais (em dentina) dos três grupos foram analisadas separadamente por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante ao nível de 5% entre esmalte e dentina, sendo que em todos os grupos a microinfiltração em dentina foi maior que em esmalte. O teste nãoparamétrico Kruskall-Wallis foi utilizado separadamente nas comparações entre as fontes para as análises do grau de microinfiltração em esmalte e dentina. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em ambas as comparações, sendo o valor de H= 0,1283 para esmalte e de H=2,3083 para em dentina. Para a análise do grau de conversão foi realizada a análise de variância (ANOVA) entre os grupos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as fontes. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que o laser de argônio apresentou qualidade de fotoativação semelhante à da luz halógena e que nenhuma fonte ativadora estudada foi capaz de evitar a microinfiltração. / In the research was evaluated the flexural strength, the microleakage and the degree of conversion of a micro-hybrid composite resin photocured with argon laser and halogen lamp. For both flexural test and degree of conversion analysis five bar samples of composite resin (25 X 2 X 2mm) were prepared and polymerized following the ISO 4049. The light cured unit halogen was used with 500mW/cm2 for 20 seconds and the argon laser with 250mW for 10 and 20 seconds. After curing, samples were removed from the molds, polished using silicon carbide paper up to 4000 grit-number and stored in distilled water in dark environment at 37oC for 24 hours. The flexural property was quantified by a three-point loading test (Model 4411, Instron Corp., Canton, MA) with a cross-head speed of 1,0mm/min. To microleakage test sixty bovine incisors were used to prepare standardized class V cavities that were restored and polished. The specimens were stored in water for 24 hours at 37oC and thermocycled 500 times between water baths kept at 5 oC and 55 oC. After thermocycling, specimens were immersed in a aqueous solution of basic fuchsin for 24 hours. Longitudinal sections of each restoration were obtained and examined with a stereomicroscope for qualitive evaluation of microleakage. FTRaman RFS 100/S spectrometer (Bruker) was used to analyse the degree of conversion. The ANOVA test showed that there were no statistically significant difference of the flexural setrength between the photo-activation types evaluated in the flexural study. Microleakage data was statistically analysed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis tests. Enamel margins resulted in statistical lower degree of leakage than dentin margins. There was no statistically significant difference between the three types of photo-curing studied. The ANOVA test also showed that there were no statistically significant difference of the degree of conversion between the studied groups. According to the methodology used in this research it was concluded that the argon laser is a posible alternative for photocuring, providing the same quality of polymerization as do the halogen lamp. None of the photocured units tested in this study completely eliminated microleakage.

Avaliação da aplicação clínica da coagulação com plasma de argônio na ablação do esôfago de Barrett / A clinical evaluation of argon plasma coagulation in Barrett´s esophagus mucosal ablation therapy

Horus Antony Brasil 28 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicação clínica e a efetividade da coagulação com plasma de argônio(CPA) usada para realizar a ablação do esôfago de Barrett. A presença desta moléstia é considerada uma condição pré maligna com potencial para o desenvolvimento do adenocarcinoma de esôfago. Um estudo clínico prospectivo foi realizado com um grupo de 30 pacientes portadores de esôfago de Barrett, diagnosticado por meio de endoscopia digestiva alta e histologia. 25 pacientes eram do sexo masculino com idade variando entre 12 e 72 anos (média = 47,1) e 5 pacientes eram do sexo feminino cuja idade variou entre 45 e 60( média=49.9). Os pacientes eram submetidos à cirurgia antirefluxo e depois encaminhados para o tratamento com a CPA. O tratamento era realizado sob sedação em regime ambulatorial. Os pacientes eram submetidos a sessões com intervalos de 30 dias até obter o desaparecimento completo da lesão à endoscopia. Após três meses eram realizadas biópsias para o controle de cura. O tamanho médio da área aplicada mostrou correlação com a sintomatologia e o aparecimento de complicações.Uma área maior que quatro cm correlacionou-se positivamente com estas variáveis. O número médio de sessões foi de 1 a 6 (média=2,1). O tempo médio de seguimento variou entre 29 dias a 4 anos com média de 1 ano e 4 meses. Em dois casos houve presença de epitélio de Barrett sob o neo revestimento que foi tratado novamente com bom resultado. As complicações ocorreram em 2 casos (6,6%) de estenose de esôfago e um caso(3,3%) de pneumo mediastino todas tratadas com bons resultados. O índice de sucesso com ablação total foi de 93,4%. Não houve mortalidade neste estudo. / The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) in ablation therapy of specialized columnar epithelium in Barrett´s esophagus. The presence of Barrett´s epithelium is considered a premalignant condition with potential development of adenocarcinoma. The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma has been rising for the past 3 decades A prospective study performed with a group of 30 patients(25 men/5 women) with 47 years mean age (range 12 to72) for the men and 49,9 years mean age ( range 45 to 60) for the women presented with Barrett´s esophagus demonstrated by endoscopy and histology.They were referred to us after antireflux surgery and were assimptomatic at the beginning of the study. Application of APC was carried out under sedation (midazolan and meperidine) with a gas flow of 2,5 l/min & 70 w. The Barrett\'s epithelium was coagulated from the most proximal to the gastrointestinal junction to the most distal limit. The maximum size treated each time was 4 cm long. Special care was taken on coagulation of the visible small islands of remaining intestinal metaplasia tissue. The treatment performed in large areas, bigger than 4 cm led to the increasing rate of complications and transient symptoms. The patients returned monthly to new session until complete ablation of the Barrett´s esophagus was showed by endoscopy. Then, 3 months later after that, a extensive random biopsies were taken to histology search for Barrett\'s. The mean number of APC sessions was 2,1 (range 1 to 6). In two cases, endoscopy showed absence of intestinal metaplasia but histology shows small islands of intestinal metaplasia under the neosquamous epithelium. Two(6,6%) esophageal stenosis and one (3,3%) pneumomediastin case have been occurred. The follow up ranged to 27days to 4 years (mean one year and four months). Reepitelialization with squamous epithelium indistinguishable of the esophageal mucosa was demonstrated by endoscopy in 93,4%. There has been no relapse or evidence of the development of dysplasia. No deaths or major complication occurred in this study.

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