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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Time of Day on Decision Making and Risk Taking

Smith, Leisha J. January 2010 (has links)
Humans make a wide variety of decisions every day - from which route to take to the store to which job offer to accept. It has recently been proposed that two different systems, one affective and intuitive (System 1), the other logical and deliberative (System 2) interact to guide decision making. Neuroimaging research has supported this hypothesis, but other physiological indices of emotion regulation have been largely unexplored in the context of decision making. Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) is an index of cardiac vagal control, and has been shown to mediate emotion regulation, and vary under stress. Both impaired sleep and the phase of the sleep/wake circadian schedule also influence the expression and regulation of emotion. Sleep deprivation has been shown to lead to poor decision-making, but the relationship between sleep/wake circadian rhythms and decision making has been largely unexplored. Physiological indicators of emotion regulation (such as RSA) are likely to interact with sleep/wake circadian rhythms to influence the strategies used in decision making. The present study found that while time of day did not have an independent influence on decision making or risk taking, these functions appear to fluctuate with body temperature, a physiological index of circadian phase, with optimal performance occurring at higher body temperatures. Furthermore, while RSA appears to be unrelated to decision making and risk taking, circadian phase may influence physiological responses to stress (as measured by RSA) at different times of the day. In particular, morning-types may be more reactive to stress in the evening than during the day. Further research is needed to validate and clarify these findings.

Couplage excitation-métabolisme-contraction dans le coeur sain et insuffisant : mécanismes physiopathologiques, influence d'une pollution atmosphérique et stratégies préventives / Excitation-métabolism-contraction coupling in normal and failing hearts : physiopathological mechanisms, influence of atmospheric pollution and preventive strategies

André, Lucas 17 December 2010 (has links)
Bien que les progrès thérapeutiques aient permis de freiner la progression des maladies cardio-vasculaires (CV), mais surtout d'améliorer leur prévention et par conséquent de réduire la survenue d'accidents CV, ces maladies devraient rester les premières causes mondiales de décès dans les prochaines années. Cet état des lieux épidémiologique illustre donc des insuffisances concernant à la fois la prévention, mais également la prise en charge du risque CV. Ce travail de thèse s'est alors intéressé à la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques de l'insuffisance cardiaque ischémique (ICi), maladie CV la plus répandue, afin de proposer des stratégies préventives limitant le remodelage cardiaque délétère ; ainsi qu'à l'étude de la pollution atmosphérique comme potentiel facteur de risque CV. Le couplage excitation-métabolisme-contraction (E-M-C), qui sous-tend la fonction de la pompe cardiaque, s'adapte en réponse à différents stimuli par une modification des interrelations spatiales et temporelles complexes entre activités électriques, énergétiques et mécaniques. Ces modifications à différents niveaux peuvent initier un remodelage délétère évoluant vers une altération du fonctionnement, voire une défaillance chronique, du myocarde.Ce travail de thèse met en évidence un découplage entre les activités mitochondriales et contractiles, à l'origine d'un déséquilibre des homéostasies ioniques et redox, responsables des dysfonctions cardiaques étudiées dans des contextes d'ICi et d'exposition en milieu pollué au CO. Ainsi, une approche thérapeutique, visant à restaurer les fonctions mitochondriales et à rétablir le couplage E-M-C cardiaque, pourrait être considérée afin de préserver au mieux la fonction myocardique. Ce travail de thèse permet alors une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques de l'ICi, et identifie la pollution atmosphérique comme facteur de risque CV à considérer en clinique afin de mieux prévenir le risque CV. / Abstract non available.

Acute cardiovascular responses to slow and deep breathing

Fernandes Vargas, Pedro Miguel January 2017 (has links)
Slow and deep breathing (SDB) has long been regarded as a nonpharmacological method for dealing with several physiological and emotional imbalances, and widely used for relaxation purposes. There is, however, limited understanding of the putative mechanisms by which SDB acutely impacts the cardiovascular and autonomic systems to elicit chronic adaptations. The present thesis explored how the manipulation of breathing pattern and intrathoracic pressure during SDB could further the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms that underpin the acute cardiovascular response to SDB. This thesis makes an original contribution to the existing knowledge by reporting a previously undescribed inversion of normal within-breath (inspiration vs. expiration) left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV) pattern for breathing frequencies < 8 breaths∙min-1. This finding might reflect the influence of a lag between enhanced right atrial filling and right ventricular stroke volume during inspiration, and its expression in left ventricular stroke volume; this lag results from the time required for blood to transit the pulmonary circulation. Furthermore, blood pressure variability (BPV) was reduced significantly at the lowest breathing frequencies, likely due to the involvement of baroreflex mediated responses. The pattern of responses was consistent with the buffering of respiratory-driven fluctuations in left ventricular cardiac output (Q̇) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) by within breath fluctuations in heart rate (fc), i.e., respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 demonstrated that magnifying negative intrathoracic pressure with inspiratory loading during SDB increased inspiratory pressure-driven fluctuations in LVSV and fc, and enhanced Q̇, independently of changes in VT and fR. The data support an important contribution to the amplification of RSA, during SDB, of previously underappreciated reflex, and/or 'myogenic', cardiac response mechanisms. The findings in Chapter 6 confirmed that inspiratory loading during SDB amplified the effects observed with un-loaded SDB (reported in chapter 5). In contrast, expiratory loading increased ABP and attenuated RSA, LVSV and Q̇ during SDB. A lower RSA for higher ABP, supports the presence of a formerly underappreciated contribution of sinoatrial node stretch to RSA, and throws into question the clinical benefits of expiratory resisted SDB, particularly in hypertensive populations. In conclusion, the findings of the present thesis provide novel information regarding the mechanisms contributing to acute cardiovascular response to SDB. These new insights may contribute to the development of more effective SDB interventions, geared towards maximising the perturbation to the cardiovascular control systems.

Sex and Regional Differences in L-type Calcium Current Distribution in Adult Rabbit Right Ventricle: Influence Action Potential Duration and the Propensity for Cardiac Arrhythmia

Doinoff, Cassandra 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Can optical recordings of membrane potential be used to screen for drug-induced action potential prolongation in single cardiac myocytes?

Hardy, Matthew E., Lawrence, C.L., Standen, N.B., Rodrigo, G.C. January 2006 (has links)
No / Introduction: Potential-sensitive dyes have primarily been used to optically record action potentials (APs) in whole heart tissue. Using these dyes to record drug-induced changes in AP morphology of isolated cardiac myocytes could provide an opportunity to develop medium throughout assays for the pharmaceutical industry. Ideally, this requires that the dye has a consistent and rapid response to membrane potential, is insensitive to movement, and does not itself affect AP morphology. Materials and methods: We recorded the AP from isolated adult guinea-pig ventricular myocytes optically using di-8-ANEPPS in a single-excitation dual-emission ratiometric system, either separately in electrically field stimulated myocytes, or simultaneously with an electrical AP recorded with a patch electrode in the whole-cell bridge mode. The ratio of di-8-ANEPPS fluorescence signal was calibrated against membrane potential using a switch-clamp to voltage clamp the myocyte. Results: Our data show that the ratio of the optical signals emitted at 560/620 nm is linearly related to voltage over the voltage range of an AP, producing a change in ratio of 7.5% per 100mV, is unaffected by cell movement and is identical to the AP recorded simultaneously with a patch electrode. However, the APD90 recorded optically in myocytes loaded with di-8-ANEPPS was significantly longer than in unloaded myocytes recorded with a patch electrode (355.6 ± 13.5 vs. 296.2 ± 16.2ms; p< 0.01). Despite this effect, the apparent IC50 for cisapride, which prolongs the AP by blocking IKr, was not significantly different whether determined optically or with a patch electrode (91 ± 46 vs. 81 ± 20 nM). Discussion: These data show that the optical AP recorded ratiometrically using di-8- ANEPPS from a single ventricular myocyte accurately follows the action potential morphology. This technique can be used to estimate the AP prolonging effects of a compound, although di-8-ANEPPS itself prolongs APD90. Optical dyes require less technical skills and are less invasive than conventional electrophysiological techniques and, when coupled to ventricular myocytes, decreases animal usage and facilitates higher throughput assays.


Langworthy, Annissa R. 05 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

"Cardiomiopatia hipertrófica: importância dos eventos arrítmicos em pacientes com risco de morte súbita" / Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: sudden cardiac death in high risk patients and the role of arrhythmias

Medeiros, Paulo de Tarso Jorge 10 December 2004 (has links)
Vinte e seis pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e fatores de risco de morte súbita, foram submetidos a implante de cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável de dupla-câmara, com seguimento médio de 19 meses. Observou-se quatro choques em arritmias letais, 4 pacientes apresentaram TVNS e 5 taquiarritmias supraventriculares. Ocorreu um óbito.Conclusões: Observamos: TPSV em 19,2%; TVNS em 15,4% e TVS/FV em 15,4%. Nenhuma variável clínica ou demográfica, discriminou o comportamento clínico ou funcional pós-implante de CDI; a recorrência de síncope pós implante de CDI, não se associou à presença de eventos arrítmicos e a hipertrofia maior que 30 mm se associou à choque precoce do CDI (p=0,003). / During 19 months of average follow-up period, we followed 26 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and high risk for sudden death, all treated by dual chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. 4 patients had received appropriate ICD discharge, 4 patients with NSVT and 5 supraventricular arrhythmias. One death had occurred. Conclusions: we observed: supraventricular arrhythmias in 19,2%; NSVT in 15,4% and VT/VF in 15,4%. The clinical or demographic outcomes did not suggest any clinical or functional results after ICD implantation; syncope may occur after ICD implantation and no arrhythmias recordered by intracardiac electrograms and left-ventricular-wall thickness greater than 30 mm is associated with early ICD shocks (p=0,003).

"Cardiomiopatia hipertrófica: importância dos eventos arrítmicos em pacientes com risco de morte súbita" / Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: sudden cardiac death in high risk patients and the role of arrhythmias

Paulo de Tarso Jorge Medeiros 10 December 2004 (has links)
Vinte e seis pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e fatores de risco de morte súbita, foram submetidos a implante de cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável de dupla-câmara, com seguimento médio de 19 meses. Observou-se quatro choques em arritmias letais, 4 pacientes apresentaram TVNS e 5 taquiarritmias supraventriculares. Ocorreu um óbito.Conclusões: Observamos: TPSV em 19,2%; TVNS em 15,4% e TVS/FV em 15,4%. Nenhuma variável clínica ou demográfica, discriminou o comportamento clínico ou funcional pós-implante de CDI; a recorrência de síncope pós implante de CDI, não se associou à presença de eventos arrítmicos e a hipertrofia maior que 30 mm se associou à choque precoce do CDI (p=0,003). / During 19 months of average follow-up period, we followed 26 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and high risk for sudden death, all treated by dual chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. 4 patients had received appropriate ICD discharge, 4 patients with NSVT and 5 supraventricular arrhythmias. One death had occurred. Conclusions: we observed: supraventricular arrhythmias in 19,2%; NSVT in 15,4% and VT/VF in 15,4%. The clinical or demographic outcomes did not suggest any clinical or functional results after ICD implantation; syncope may occur after ICD implantation and no arrhythmias recordered by intracardiac electrograms and left-ventricular-wall thickness greater than 30 mm is associated with early ICD shocks (p=0,003).

Mind the rhythm : associations between cardiac electrophysiology and cognition in healthy older adults and patients with atrial fibrillation

Vrinceanu, Tudor 08 1900 (has links)
Il existe une association étroite entre la santé cardiovasculaire et la santé cognitive au cours du vieillissement. Bien que la recherche dans le domaine de la santé cardiovasculaire soit vaste, le lien entre l'électrophysiologie cardiaque et la cognition est peu étudié. La présente thèse met en évidence les liens entre l'électrophysiologie cardiaque et la cognition en examinant la régulation autonomique chez les individus sains et des marqueurs de maladie chez les patients souffrant de fibrillation auriculaire (FA ; maladie du rythme cardiaque la plus prévalente). Les résultats présentés dans le chapitre 2 démontrent pour une première fois qu'un marqueur de repolarisation cardiaque, le QTcD, est lié aux performances cognitives (fonctions globales et exécutives) chez des personnes âgées sédentaires en bonne santé. Ces observations étaient plus évidentes chez les personnes présentant des valeurs élevées de QTcD, suggérant que des altérations plus importantes du rythme cardiaque pourraient avoir une association plus forte avec les performances cognitives. Les résultats présentés au chapitre 3 montrent que chez les patients souffrant de FA, une plus grande morbidité (mesurée par le sous-type de FA) serait associée à une performance cognitive plus faible (fonctions globales et exécutives). Cette même étude démontre que le volume de l'oreillette gauche agît comme facteur modérateur de l’association entre le sous-type de FA et la performance cognitive. Ceci suggère que plus l'arythmie est sévère, plus le déficit cognitif observé est important. Le chapitre 4 présente les résultats d'une étude pilote portant sur les changements dans les performances cognitives et l'oxygénation régionale du tissu cérébral chez les patients souffrant de FA qui subissent une cardioversion électrique (une procédure visant à rétablir du rythme sinusal). Les résultats de cette étude pilote montrent qu'un tel devis est effectivement réalisable et pourrait permettre de détecter des changements cognitifs dans cet échantillon. Bien que la modification de l'oxygénation du tissu cérébral en lien avec la cardioversion n’ait pas été démontrée pour le moment, des changements au niveau de la cognition ont été observé, ce qui pourrait être partiellement expliqué par la réduction des symptômes liés à la FA post-cardioversion. Parmi toutes les capacités cognitives, la flexibilité (mesurée par le Trail-Making Test) semble être plus sensible aux détériorations du rythme cardiaque, tant chez les individus sains que chez les patients souffrant de FA, dans toutes les études présentées. Les résultats sont discutés dans le contexte d'un continuum cœur-cerveau dans lequel les détériorations du cœur ou du cerveau peuvent avoir des impacts bidirectionnels et altérer davantage le fonctionnement de cet axe. Les orientations futures porteront sur les avantages potentiels de la prévention cognitive par l'exercice et la stimulation cognitive chez les personnes présentant des détériorations électrophysiologiques cardiaques. / There is a close association between cardiovascular and cognitive health in aging. While the cardiovascular health domain is vast, the link between cardiac electrophysiology and cognition is understudied. The present thesis will bring evidence linking cardiac electrophysiology and cognition by looking at autonomic regulation in healthy older individuals and disease markers in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF; most prevalent disease of heart rhythm). Chapter 2 shows for the first time that a cardiac repolarization marker, QTcD, is linked to cognitive performance (global and executive functions) in healthy sedentary older individuals. This relationship was more evident in individuals with elevated QTcD values suggesting that higher impairments in cardiac rhythm might have stronger association with cognitive performance. Results presented in Chapter 3 show that among patients with AF, higher disease burden (as measured by the subtype of AF) was associated with lower cognitive performance (global and executive functions). The study also found that the left atrial volume was a moderator of this association between AF subtype and cognitive performance. This shows that the more severe the condition is the higher the cognitive deficit observed. Chapter 4 shows the results of a pilot study investigating the changes in cognitive performance and regional cerebral tissue oxygenation in AF patients undergoing electrical cardioversion (a sinus rhythm restoration procedure). The pilot results show that such a study is indeed feasible and could detect cognitive changes in this sample. While the change in cerebral tissue oxygenation is unconclusive at this moment, the recorded change in cognition could partially be explained by the reduction in AF related symptoms. Among all cognitive abilities, switching (as measured with the Trail-Making Test) appears to be more sensitive to deteriorations in heart rhythm both in healthy individuals and patients with AF across all studies presented. The results are discussed in the context of a heart-brain continuum in which deteriorations from either the heart or the brain can have bidirectional impacts and further impair the functioning of this axis. Future directions will address the potential benefit of cognitive prevention through exercise and cognitive stimulation in older individuals with cardiac electrophysiological deteriorations.

Adaptation of a Commercially Available Galvanic Skin Response Sensor to Measure Respiration Across the Chest for Heart Rate Variability Monitoring

Dobal, Breno C 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a naturally occurring cardiovascular phenomenon referring to the changing timing between consecutive heartbeats. The connection between HRV and overall cardiovascular health and autonomic nervous system function has been well established through prior research and well documented in existing literature. The existing studies, however, included shorter HRV subject recording session, using traditional HRV monitoring methods that do not typically combine electrocardiogram (ECG), seismocardiogram (SCG) and galvanic skin response (GSR) respiration monitoring. The inclusion of longer HRV subject recording may allow for further insight on the possible effects of given observable biological phenomenon on HRV. The current technology for the collection and storage of analog voltage HRV signals exists as separate ECG, SCG and GSR data collection units; all of which are required to make meaningful conclusions about HRV. These individual units work independently from one another, are not portable, must be connected to a power grid at all times, require attachments to the subject at specific body surface locations to ensure data accuracy and require technical expertise to operate efficiently and interpret the obtained data. The study proposes a long-term simultaneous recording device capable of tracking these signals which will allow more detailed inter-signal analysis that can provide more insight into cardiac activity in the presence of changing observable biological phenomena over time.

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