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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paprastojo kiečio (Artemisia vulgaris l.) biologinių savybių priklausomybė nuo augavietės edafinių ir klimatinių ypatumų / Artemisia vulgaris physiological-biochemical parameters depending on site edaphic and climatic factors

Vičkutė, Asta 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama paprastojo kiečio (Artemisia vulgaris L.) biologinių savybių priklausomybė nuo tyrimo vietos edafinių ir klimatinių ypatumų. Darbo objektas – paprastasis kietis (Artemisia vulgaris L.). Darbo tikslas – nustatyti įvairias paprastojo kiečio fiziologinias charakteristikas. Darbo metodai – Tyrimai atlikti LŽŪU aplinkotyros laboratorijoje. Azoto kiekis nustatytas Kjeldalio metodu. Dirvožemio sunkiųjų metalų analizė atlikta mėginius deginant „Multiwave 3000 Synthos 3000“ ir gauto ekstrakto elementų koncentracijos nustatytos pagal standartą LST ISO 11047 (Dirvožemio kokybė), naudojant liepsnos ir elektoterminės atominės absorbcijos spektrometrinius metodus. Flavonoidų kokybinė ir kiekybinė sudėtis nustatyta efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu. Epifitinių mikroorganizmų kiekis nustatytas naudojant sojos leptono ir Salsbūro agarą. Duomenys įvertinti, panaudojant Excel ir SPSS statistines programas. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus įvertintos paprastojo kiečio fiziologinės savybės ir gauti tokie rezultatai: dirvožemio geležies, cinko nikelio koncentracijos buvo didžiausios 2 km atstumu nuo AB “Achema” (prie geležinkelio), 0,5 km atstumu nuo AB „Achema“ – vidutinės, mažiausios – Kačerginės; dirvožemio ir paprastojo kiečio įvairių augalo dalių azoto koncentracija išsidėsto tokia tvarka: dirvožemio < šaknų < stiebų < žiedų < lapų; tarp visų tyrimo vietų reikšmingai skyrėsi paprastojo kiečio sausoji masė. Pagal stiebus ir žiedynus A. vulgaris L... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the diploma (Master degree in Ecology) was evaluation of Artemisia vulgaris L.) physiological-biochemical parameters depending on site edaphic and climatic factors. Research object - Artemisia vulgaris L. Purpose of the work – evaluation of various morphophysiological-biochemical parameters of Artemisia vulgaris L. in respect of the distance from the nitrogen fertilizer factory, ommiting ammonia also in respect of heavy metal concentrations in the soil. Methods. Analyses were performed at the laboratory of Environment of University of Agriculture of Lithuania. Concentration of nitrogen was determined by Kjeldal method. For the determination of the heavy metal concentration the samples of the soil were burned by „Multiwave 3000 Synthos 3000“ and obtained extracts were analysed following protocol for the soil quality (LST ISO 11047), using method of flame and electrothermal atomic absorbtion spectrometry. The amount of epiphytic microorganisms was determined bacteria on soya agar and fungi on Salsbur medium. Data were analysed using Excel and SPSS statistical packages. Results and discussion. Concentration of the nitrogen in the soil and leaves of Artemisia vulgaris, falls in the following order: site, located in 2 km distance from the factory < site located besides the factory < Kačerginė site located in 45 km distance from the factory (as a control, „relatively clean“ site). In the sampling sites of Artemisia vulgaris concentrations of heavy metal (Pb, Cr, Ni... [to full text]

Relação entre salmonelas isoladas de alimentos e extratos de plantas condimentares, na perspectiva de atividade antibacteriana e preditividade diagnóstica

Girolometto, Giovani January 2014 (has links)
As bactérias do gênero Salmonella são, atualmente, uma grande preocupação pela alta incidência de casos registrados, e um sério problema de saúde pública, pela severidade do processo infeccioso. Em função disto os protocolos de controle e legislações em vigilância em saúde obrigam a ausência total de Salmonella em alimento. Para garantir a segurança do alimento, uma crescente demanda de produtos naturais vem sendo estudas para controlar os patógenos alimentares. As plantas condimentares historicamente vêm sendo usadas para conferir sensorialidade aos alimentos, porém muitos desses recursos naturais possuem propriedades antimicrobianas. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a interação que essas especiarias influem sobre esses patógenos. Este estudo foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, através de testes de diluição em sistemas de tubos múltiplos, determinou-se a Intensidade de Atividade e Inibição Bacteriana (IINIB) e a Intensidade de Atividade e Inativação Bacteriana (IINAB) de diferentes extratos de Artemisia dracunculus L. (“estragão”) e Origanum vulgare L. (“orégano”) frente a oito isolados de Salmonella spp. de sete surtos toxinfectivos alimentares ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul além de Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Foram testados também diferentes formas de extração e suas concentrações, bem como o tempo de contato das bactérias ao extrato. A quantidade de polifenois totais foram, relacionadas à forma de extração (etanólica e hidroetanólico) e ao tipo de extrato da planta. Os resultados foram apresentados como variáveis arbitrárias sendo 9 a atividade máxima e 1 a não atividade bacteriana. Entre as Salmonella spp. houve diferença significativa (p >0,05) em IINIB 7,99 mais resistente a 8,28 mais sensível e os resultado em IINAB 6,77 mais resistente 7,22 mais sensível. As bactérias foram significativamente mais sensíveis aos extratos de estragão do que o de orégano da mesma forma a concentração de 25 % foi mais efetiva que as outras assim como o tempo de contato dos extratos com a bactéria resultou em maior atividade no tempo de 144h. Quanto ao tipo de extração a forma etanólica recebeu maiores notas que a extração Hidroetanólica e quando relacionada a quantidade de fenóis totais foram mais elevadas na etanólica e a planta com maior quantidade de polifenois foi o estragão. Com esses dados pode se dizer que as duas plantas mostraram ação bactericida e bacteriostática frente às salmonelas. Na segunda parte do trabalho contaminou-se carne bovina moída com inóculo padrão final em 104 UFC/mL de salmonela em contato com extratos de Artemisia dracunculus à concentração de 40 % e 45%, o extrato etanólico de Origanum vulgare L. Foi testada a sensibilidade do teste diagnostico de identificação de salmonelas criando uma modificação à técnica padrão oficial do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) acrescentando desestressores que serviram de comparação (teste ouro). Para extrato de estragão observou-se uma sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas de 73,3% e em 24horas de 40% em quanto para orégano a sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas foi de 93,3% e em 24 horas de 6,6 %. Dessa forma o objetivo desse estudo foi trazer à discussão a necessidade de avaliar os processos de ativação das salmonelas originadas de alimentos contaminados, possibilitando uma qualificação dos resultados preditivos do teste oficial. / The Salmonella genus bacteria are currently a major concern because of the high incidence of reported cases, and a serious public health problem, due to the severity of the infectious process. Because of that, the control protocols and laws on health surveillance require a total absence of Salmonella in food. To ensure food security, there is a growing demand for natural products able to control food pathogens. The condiment plants have been historically used to flavor food, but many of these natural resources have antimicrobial properties. However, little is known about the action of the spices on those pathogens. This study was divided in two parts: The first, through dilution tests in a multiple tube testing system, we determined the Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inhibition (IINIB) and Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inactivation (IINAB) of different extracts of Artemisia dracunculus L. ("tarragon") and Origanum vulgare L. ("oregano"), compared to eight isolated types of Salmonella spp. from seven alimentary toxinfection outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul, as well as Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Different forms of extraction and their concentrations, as well as the contact time of the bacteria to the extracts were tested. The amount of total polyphenols were related to the form of extraction (ethanolic and hydroethanolic) and the type of the plant extract. The results were presented as arbitrary variables, showing 9 to the maximum activity and 1 to non-bacterial activity. Among Salmonella spp., there was significant difference (p> 0.05) in IINIB, 7.99 the most resistant to 8.28 the most sensitive, and results in IINAB 6.77the most resistant and 7.22 the most sensitive. The bacteria were remarkably more sensitive to tarragon extracts than oregano extracts. Similarly, the 25% concentration was more effective than the others, as well as the contact time of the extracts with the bacteria resulted in a higher activity within 144 h time. Regarding to the type of extraction, the ethanolic form showed higher scores than the hydroethanolic, and when related to the total amount phenols, these were higher in ethanolic extraction, and the highest amount of polyphenols was found in tarragon. With these data we can say that the two plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. These data show that the two studied plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. The second part of the study consisted in contacting contaminated ground meat with final standard inoculum 104 CFU / ml of Salmonella with extracts of Artemisia dracunculus in 40% and 45% concentration, and ethanol extract of Origanum vulgare. The responsiveness of the diagnosing test for identification of Salmonella was tested, creating a technical amendment to the official standard of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), adding de-stressors used as a comparison (gold standard). The tarragon extract showed responsiveness to the test within 8 hours at 73.3% and 24 hours at 40%, while for oregano the test responsiveness was within 8 hours at 93.3% and 24 hours at 6.6%. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discuss the need of evaluating the activation processes of the Salmonella originated from contaminated food, enabling a predictive qualification of the official test results.

Relação entre salmonelas isoladas de alimentos e extratos de plantas condimentares, na perspectiva de atividade antibacteriana e preditividade diagnóstica

Girolometto, Giovani January 2014 (has links)
As bactérias do gênero Salmonella são, atualmente, uma grande preocupação pela alta incidência de casos registrados, e um sério problema de saúde pública, pela severidade do processo infeccioso. Em função disto os protocolos de controle e legislações em vigilância em saúde obrigam a ausência total de Salmonella em alimento. Para garantir a segurança do alimento, uma crescente demanda de produtos naturais vem sendo estudas para controlar os patógenos alimentares. As plantas condimentares historicamente vêm sendo usadas para conferir sensorialidade aos alimentos, porém muitos desses recursos naturais possuem propriedades antimicrobianas. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a interação que essas especiarias influem sobre esses patógenos. Este estudo foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, através de testes de diluição em sistemas de tubos múltiplos, determinou-se a Intensidade de Atividade e Inibição Bacteriana (IINIB) e a Intensidade de Atividade e Inativação Bacteriana (IINAB) de diferentes extratos de Artemisia dracunculus L. (“estragão”) e Origanum vulgare L. (“orégano”) frente a oito isolados de Salmonella spp. de sete surtos toxinfectivos alimentares ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul além de Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Foram testados também diferentes formas de extração e suas concentrações, bem como o tempo de contato das bactérias ao extrato. A quantidade de polifenois totais foram, relacionadas à forma de extração (etanólica e hidroetanólico) e ao tipo de extrato da planta. Os resultados foram apresentados como variáveis arbitrárias sendo 9 a atividade máxima e 1 a não atividade bacteriana. Entre as Salmonella spp. houve diferença significativa (p >0,05) em IINIB 7,99 mais resistente a 8,28 mais sensível e os resultado em IINAB 6,77 mais resistente 7,22 mais sensível. As bactérias foram significativamente mais sensíveis aos extratos de estragão do que o de orégano da mesma forma a concentração de 25 % foi mais efetiva que as outras assim como o tempo de contato dos extratos com a bactéria resultou em maior atividade no tempo de 144h. Quanto ao tipo de extração a forma etanólica recebeu maiores notas que a extração Hidroetanólica e quando relacionada a quantidade de fenóis totais foram mais elevadas na etanólica e a planta com maior quantidade de polifenois foi o estragão. Com esses dados pode se dizer que as duas plantas mostraram ação bactericida e bacteriostática frente às salmonelas. Na segunda parte do trabalho contaminou-se carne bovina moída com inóculo padrão final em 104 UFC/mL de salmonela em contato com extratos de Artemisia dracunculus à concentração de 40 % e 45%, o extrato etanólico de Origanum vulgare L. Foi testada a sensibilidade do teste diagnostico de identificação de salmonelas criando uma modificação à técnica padrão oficial do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) acrescentando desestressores que serviram de comparação (teste ouro). Para extrato de estragão observou-se uma sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas de 73,3% e em 24horas de 40% em quanto para orégano a sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas foi de 93,3% e em 24 horas de 6,6 %. Dessa forma o objetivo desse estudo foi trazer à discussão a necessidade de avaliar os processos de ativação das salmonelas originadas de alimentos contaminados, possibilitando uma qualificação dos resultados preditivos do teste oficial. / The Salmonella genus bacteria are currently a major concern because of the high incidence of reported cases, and a serious public health problem, due to the severity of the infectious process. Because of that, the control protocols and laws on health surveillance require a total absence of Salmonella in food. To ensure food security, there is a growing demand for natural products able to control food pathogens. The condiment plants have been historically used to flavor food, but many of these natural resources have antimicrobial properties. However, little is known about the action of the spices on those pathogens. This study was divided in two parts: The first, through dilution tests in a multiple tube testing system, we determined the Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inhibition (IINIB) and Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inactivation (IINAB) of different extracts of Artemisia dracunculus L. ("tarragon") and Origanum vulgare L. ("oregano"), compared to eight isolated types of Salmonella spp. from seven alimentary toxinfection outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul, as well as Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Different forms of extraction and their concentrations, as well as the contact time of the bacteria to the extracts were tested. The amount of total polyphenols were related to the form of extraction (ethanolic and hydroethanolic) and the type of the plant extract. The results were presented as arbitrary variables, showing 9 to the maximum activity and 1 to non-bacterial activity. Among Salmonella spp., there was significant difference (p> 0.05) in IINIB, 7.99 the most resistant to 8.28 the most sensitive, and results in IINAB 6.77the most resistant and 7.22 the most sensitive. The bacteria were remarkably more sensitive to tarragon extracts than oregano extracts. Similarly, the 25% concentration was more effective than the others, as well as the contact time of the extracts with the bacteria resulted in a higher activity within 144 h time. Regarding to the type of extraction, the ethanolic form showed higher scores than the hydroethanolic, and when related to the total amount phenols, these were higher in ethanolic extraction, and the highest amount of polyphenols was found in tarragon. With these data we can say that the two plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. These data show that the two studied plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. The second part of the study consisted in contacting contaminated ground meat with final standard inoculum 104 CFU / ml of Salmonella with extracts of Artemisia dracunculus in 40% and 45% concentration, and ethanol extract of Origanum vulgare. The responsiveness of the diagnosing test for identification of Salmonella was tested, creating a technical amendment to the official standard of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), adding de-stressors used as a comparison (gold standard). The tarragon extract showed responsiveness to the test within 8 hours at 73.3% and 24 hours at 40%, while for oregano the test responsiveness was within 8 hours at 93.3% and 24 hours at 6.6%. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discuss the need of evaluating the activation processes of the Salmonella originated from contaminated food, enabling a predictive qualification of the official test results.

Relação entre salmonelas isoladas de alimentos e extratos de plantas condimentares, na perspectiva de atividade antibacteriana e preditividade diagnóstica

Girolometto, Giovani January 2014 (has links)
As bactérias do gênero Salmonella são, atualmente, uma grande preocupação pela alta incidência de casos registrados, e um sério problema de saúde pública, pela severidade do processo infeccioso. Em função disto os protocolos de controle e legislações em vigilância em saúde obrigam a ausência total de Salmonella em alimento. Para garantir a segurança do alimento, uma crescente demanda de produtos naturais vem sendo estudas para controlar os patógenos alimentares. As plantas condimentares historicamente vêm sendo usadas para conferir sensorialidade aos alimentos, porém muitos desses recursos naturais possuem propriedades antimicrobianas. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a interação que essas especiarias influem sobre esses patógenos. Este estudo foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, através de testes de diluição em sistemas de tubos múltiplos, determinou-se a Intensidade de Atividade e Inibição Bacteriana (IINIB) e a Intensidade de Atividade e Inativação Bacteriana (IINAB) de diferentes extratos de Artemisia dracunculus L. (“estragão”) e Origanum vulgare L. (“orégano”) frente a oito isolados de Salmonella spp. de sete surtos toxinfectivos alimentares ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul além de Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Foram testados também diferentes formas de extração e suas concentrações, bem como o tempo de contato das bactérias ao extrato. A quantidade de polifenois totais foram, relacionadas à forma de extração (etanólica e hidroetanólico) e ao tipo de extrato da planta. Os resultados foram apresentados como variáveis arbitrárias sendo 9 a atividade máxima e 1 a não atividade bacteriana. Entre as Salmonella spp. houve diferença significativa (p >0,05) em IINIB 7,99 mais resistente a 8,28 mais sensível e os resultado em IINAB 6,77 mais resistente 7,22 mais sensível. As bactérias foram significativamente mais sensíveis aos extratos de estragão do que o de orégano da mesma forma a concentração de 25 % foi mais efetiva que as outras assim como o tempo de contato dos extratos com a bactéria resultou em maior atividade no tempo de 144h. Quanto ao tipo de extração a forma etanólica recebeu maiores notas que a extração Hidroetanólica e quando relacionada a quantidade de fenóis totais foram mais elevadas na etanólica e a planta com maior quantidade de polifenois foi o estragão. Com esses dados pode se dizer que as duas plantas mostraram ação bactericida e bacteriostática frente às salmonelas. Na segunda parte do trabalho contaminou-se carne bovina moída com inóculo padrão final em 104 UFC/mL de salmonela em contato com extratos de Artemisia dracunculus à concentração de 40 % e 45%, o extrato etanólico de Origanum vulgare L. Foi testada a sensibilidade do teste diagnostico de identificação de salmonelas criando uma modificação à técnica padrão oficial do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) acrescentando desestressores que serviram de comparação (teste ouro). Para extrato de estragão observou-se uma sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas de 73,3% e em 24horas de 40% em quanto para orégano a sensibilidade do teste em 8 horas foi de 93,3% e em 24 horas de 6,6 %. Dessa forma o objetivo desse estudo foi trazer à discussão a necessidade de avaliar os processos de ativação das salmonelas originadas de alimentos contaminados, possibilitando uma qualificação dos resultados preditivos do teste oficial. / The Salmonella genus bacteria are currently a major concern because of the high incidence of reported cases, and a serious public health problem, due to the severity of the infectious process. Because of that, the control protocols and laws on health surveillance require a total absence of Salmonella in food. To ensure food security, there is a growing demand for natural products able to control food pathogens. The condiment plants have been historically used to flavor food, but many of these natural resources have antimicrobial properties. However, little is known about the action of the spices on those pathogens. This study was divided in two parts: The first, through dilution tests in a multiple tube testing system, we determined the Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inhibition (IINIB) and Intensity of Activity and Bacterial Inactivation (IINAB) of different extracts of Artemisia dracunculus L. ("tarragon") and Origanum vulgare L. ("oregano"), compared to eight isolated types of Salmonella spp. from seven alimentary toxinfection outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul, as well as Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC (13076). Different forms of extraction and their concentrations, as well as the contact time of the bacteria to the extracts were tested. The amount of total polyphenols were related to the form of extraction (ethanolic and hydroethanolic) and the type of the plant extract. The results were presented as arbitrary variables, showing 9 to the maximum activity and 1 to non-bacterial activity. Among Salmonella spp., there was significant difference (p> 0.05) in IINIB, 7.99 the most resistant to 8.28 the most sensitive, and results in IINAB 6.77the most resistant and 7.22 the most sensitive. The bacteria were remarkably more sensitive to tarragon extracts than oregano extracts. Similarly, the 25% concentration was more effective than the others, as well as the contact time of the extracts with the bacteria resulted in a higher activity within 144 h time. Regarding to the type of extraction, the ethanolic form showed higher scores than the hydroethanolic, and when related to the total amount phenols, these were higher in ethanolic extraction, and the highest amount of polyphenols was found in tarragon. With these data we can say that the two plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. These data show that the two studied plants showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic action on the Salmonella. The second part of the study consisted in contacting contaminated ground meat with final standard inoculum 104 CFU / ml of Salmonella with extracts of Artemisia dracunculus in 40% and 45% concentration, and ethanol extract of Origanum vulgare. The responsiveness of the diagnosing test for identification of Salmonella was tested, creating a technical amendment to the official standard of the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), adding de-stressors used as a comparison (gold standard). The tarragon extract showed responsiveness to the test within 8 hours at 73.3% and 24 hours at 40%, while for oregano the test responsiveness was within 8 hours at 93.3% and 24 hours at 6.6%. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discuss the need of evaluating the activation processes of the Salmonella originated from contaminated food, enabling a predictive qualification of the official test results.

Efeito de Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. combinado com extratos hidroalcoólicos de plantas em Aedes aegypti / Effect of Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. combined with hydroalcoholic extracts of plants in Aedes aegypti

Silva, Daniela Cristina da 09 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-03-31T10:25:55Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daniela Cristina da Silva - 2017.pdf: 3223777 bytes, checksum: 67c2832449d10a3a2590e8a834f55b10 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-31T10:44:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daniela Cristina da Silva - 2017.pdf: 3223777 bytes, checksum: 67c2832449d10a3a2590e8a834f55b10 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-31T10:44:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daniela Cristina da Silva - 2017.pdf: 3223777 bytes, checksum: 67c2832449d10a3a2590e8a834f55b10 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-09 / Entomopathogenic fungi combined with plant extracts may have their development in vitro and their insecticidal activity modified. There are many reports on the activity of entomopathogenic fungi and extracts in insects, but few studies on fungi combined with plant extracts. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of crude ethanol extracts of Artemisia annua, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma zedoaria, Ginkgo biloba and Rosmarinus officinalis on the Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. IP 46 by the diffusion disc test, to evaluate in vivo susceptibility of Aedes aegypti larvae to extracts by determination the cumulative emergence of adults, development and mortality of larvae for 15 days, then to select the extracts and combine them with IP 46 at 3.3 x 105 conidia.mL-1. There was no significant inhibition germination of IP 46. On the fifteenth day there was a significant effect on cumulative emergence of adults and development of larvae for A. annua at 10 ppm, 33 ppm and 1000 ppm and C. zedoaria at 100 ppm and 333 ppm. There was also a significant effect on accumulated mortality of larvae exposed to G. biloba at 10000 ppm.These extracts with in these concentrations were selected and combined with IP 46 at 3.3 x 105 conidia.mL-1, minus G. biloba which was combined at 5000 ppm after the LC50 and LC90 calculations. These combinations, except for A. annua at 1000 ppm, exhibited a significant increase in larval mortality and/ or showed an effect on development, indicating that combined methods may be more effective in controlling A. aegypti than isolated methods. / Fungos entomopatogênicos combinados a extratos de plantas podem ter o seu desenvolvimento in vitro e sua atividade inseticida in vivo modificada. Existem muitos relatos sobre a atividade de fungos entomopatogênicos e extratos em insetos, porém são poucos os estudos sobre fungos combinados a extratos de plantas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar in vitro o efeito de extratos brutos etanólicos de Artemisia annua, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma zedoaria, Ginkgo biloba e Rosmarinus officinalis em isolado de Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. IP 46 por meio do teste de disco difusão, avaliar in vivo a suscetibilidade de larvas de Aedes aegypti expostas a esses extratos por meio da avaliação da emergência acumulada de adultos, do desenvolvimento e da mortalidade de larvas, durante 15 dias, para então selecionar os extratos e combiná-los com IP 46 a 3,3 x 105 conídios.mL-1. Observou-se que não houve inibição significativa de IP 46 pelos extratos. No décimo quinto dia houve efeito significativo na emergência acumulada de adultos e no desenvolvimento de larvas expostas a A. annua a 10 ppm, 33 ppm e 1000 ppm e de C. zedoaria a 100ppm e 333 ppm. Também houve efeito significativo na mortalidade acumulada de larvas exposta a G. biloba a 10000 ppm. Esses extratos nessas concentrações foram selecionados e combinados com IP 46 a 3,3 x 105 conídios.mL-1, menos o de G. biloba que foi combinado a 5000 ppm após cálculos da CL50 e CL90. Essas combinações, exceto para A. annua a 1000 ppm, exibiram aumento significativo na mortalidade larval e/ou apresentararam efeito sobre o desenvolvimento, indicando que métodos combinados podem ser mais efetivos no controle de A. aegypti do que métodos isolados.

The influence of phosphorous, copper, zinc and arbuscular mycorrhiza on growth, photosynthetic processes and financial viability of artemisia afra grown in a simulated marginial soil of the Western Cape

Koehorst, Robin Russell January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Horticulture))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013. / This study evaluated the effects of supplementary phosphorus, copper and zinc alone and in conjunction with arbuscular mycorrhiza on Artemisia afra grown in a simulated soil medium. The treatments consisted two groups. Group A had no mycorrhizal inoculation and 1) no supplementary fertilization, 2) supplementary zinc application, 3) supplementary copper 4) supplementary phosphorus 5) supplementary zinc and copper, 6) supplementary zinc and phosphorus, 7) supplementary copper and phosphorus, 8) supplementary zinc, copper, and phosphorus. Group B had mycorrhizal inoculation in combination with 9) no supplementary fertilization, 10) supplementary zinc application, 11) supplementary copper 12) supplementary phosphorus 13) supplementary zinc and copper, 14) supplementary zinc and phosphorus, 15) supplementary copper and phosphorus, 16) supplementary zinc, copper, and phosphorus. There was also a pilot study into the pH range most suitable for the cultivation of A. afra in a hydroponic system, which was used to refine the mycorrhizal investigation, as pH has influences with regards to nutrient uptake of plants.

Effects of inoculum density, carbon concentration, and feeding scheme on the growth of transformed roots of Artemisia annua in a modified nutrient mist bioreactor

Towler, Melissa J. 05 May 2005 (has links)
Previous work has shown that despite the lack of oxygen limitation, transformed roots of Artemisia annua had lower biomass productivity in a nutrient mist bioreactor than in a liquid-phase bubble column reactor where the roots demonstrated metabolic signs of oxygen stress. Mathematical modeling suggested that the roots were too sparsely packed to capture mist particles efficiently and to achieve high growth rates. In this study, higher packing fractions were tested, and the growth rate increased significantly. Similarly, higher sucrose concentrations increased the growth rate. Growth kinetics for 2, 4, and 6 days showed an unexpected decrease or stationary growth rate after only 4 days for both 3% and 5% sucrose feeds. Residual media analyses indicated that carbon was not exhausted, nor were other major nutrients including phosphate. Increasing the misting frequency such that the total amount of carbon delivered from a 3% sucrose feed was equivalent to that delivered in a 5% sucrose feed showed that growth was affected by the modified cycle. These studies showed that both the concentration of carbon source and alteration of misting frequency can significantly increase growth rates of hairy roots in mist reactors.

Screening of Plants for Antibacterial Properties: Growth Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus by Artemisia Tridentata

Eichelbaum, Steven Ross 04 November 2016 (has links)
Drug-resistant pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria are increasing in occurrence and prevalence, and pose a dangerous threat to human health. In the search for novel antibiotics with which to combat this threat, plants, specifically those used in traditional medicine with ascribed antibacterial properties, offer a promising and potentially vast source of such therapeutic compounds. The purpose of this study was therefore to screen chemical extracts created from various plant species for antibacterial properties versus pathogenic bacterial species. In the course of these antibacterial assays, we successfully identified a methanol extract derived from Artemisia tridentata tridentata plant material as capable of inhibiting the growth of the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Three sub-fractions were created using hexane, ethyl acetate and water solvents. Each of these extracts displayed significant antibacterial activity versus a wild-type strain over a period of six hours, at concentrations as low as 62.5 µg/ml. The extracts also demonstrated an enhancement of antibiotic effects when combined with ampicillin, G418 sulfate or amikacin, for a period of up to twelve hours. Though the efficacy of the extracts was lessened when tested against an ampicillin-resistant strain, significant enhancement of the efficacy of this antibiotic was still observed. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of these three extracts revealed the sesquiterpene lactone achillin as present in each. Column chromatography of the hexane extract resulted in a fraction retaining its antibacterial activity, and still containing this compound, further implicating it as responsible for the antibacterial activity of this plant. The results of serial dilution and plating of extract-treated samples, along with those of ethidium bromide assays and transmission electron microscopy analysis, indicated a bacteriostatic mechanism of action involving disruption of the bacterial membrane, which is in agreement with the literature on the antibacterial properties of this plant, and those of sesquiterpene lactones, respectively. We therefore conclude that achillin, likely produced as a secondary metabolite by Artemisia tridentata tridentata, possesses growth inhibitory properties versus Staphylococcus aureus, and should be isolated and studied further for the purposes of evaluating its potential use, either as a stand-alone antibiotic, or as an adjunctive therapeutic, in the treatment of drug-resistant bacterial pathogens.

Reproductive Ecology of Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia Tridentata SSP. Wyomingensis) : Effects of Herbivory and Competition

Decker, Richard T. 01 May 1990 (has links)
Herbivory and plant competition affect sexual reproduction of plants in various ways. Exclusion of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and cattle, removal of plant competition (both inter- and intraspecific), and all combinations of the above treatments were used to examine the individual and combined affects on Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis (Wyoming big sagebrush) reproduction. Reproduction of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis was divided into hierarchical levels of the number of: (1) modules per current-year ' s growth (CYG), (2) nodes per module, (3) inflorescence heads per node, (4) achenes per inflorescence head and (5) percent viable achenes. Counts at hierarchical levels were made to determine the level affected by the treatments. Deer herbivory significantly reduced reproduction at the reproductive-module-per-CYG-vegetative-biomass hierarchical level, while plant competition (both inter- and intraspecific) significantly reduced reproduction at the nodes-per-reproductive-module level and at the inflorescence-heads-per-node level. Cattle presence had neither a beneficial nor detrimental influence on reproduction during this two-year study. The combined effects of release from deer herbivory and from plant competition on reproduction was more than additive because these biotic interactions affected nested hierarchical levels.

Temporal and spatial partitioning of the soil water resource between two Agropyron bunchgrasses and Artemisia tridentata

Thorgeirsson, Halldor 01 May 1985 (has links)
Dynamics of soil water use by two cool-season Agropyron bunchgrasses during the warm season depletion of soil water reserves were monitored for two years in experimental plots in the field. Agropyron desertorum, an introduced, competitive species from Eurasia, extracted more water from the deeper ( > 50 cm) soil layers than the native, less competitive Agropyron spicatum. Agropyron desertorum both extracts this water earlier and to lower soil water potentials than Agropyron spicatum. From the water extraction dynamics of the grasses in monocultures and in their two-way (50:50) mixtures with a shrub they commonly co-occur with, Artemisia tridentata, partitioning of the soil water resource between the grasses and the shrub was inferred. This indicated that Artemisia tridentata and Agropyron desertorum partitioned the soil water resource fairly evenly, while considerable quantities of water in the deeper soil layers under Agropyron spicatum seemed to be available to the shrub without direct competition. The implications of this difference in water resource partitioning for competition of the grasses with Artemisia tridentata are discussed. Predawn and midday xylem pressure potentials were not different between the two grasses in spite of different fluxes through the plants. Agropyron desertorum initiated new adventitious roots in fall and early spring while Agropyron spicatum did so only during spring. Observations from a root observation chamber indicated essentially parallel pattern of lateral root elongation during the depletion phase through top 200 cm of the profile. In both species the number of active tips, and the rate of elongation of active tips, decreased as the soil dried out. Root tips at all depths were inactive by the middle of September. Agropyron desertorum maintained root elongation at 50-110 cm for two weeks longer than A. spicatum.

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