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Scaphoid fractures : Studies on diagnosis and treatmentVinnars, Bertil January 2008 (has links)
<p>Scaphoid fracture is most common in young individuals of working age. Without adequate diagnosis and treatment, long-term results are poor. Operative treatment is being recommended increasingly often instead of a long time in cast, although there is no evidence-based support for its superiority.</p><p>The present thesis focuses on diagnostic problems and therapeutic consequences of acute scaphoid fractures and of scaphoid reconstruction when other treatments have failed.</p><p>Simultaneous plain radiographs and computed tomography were done in 97 injured wrists. Structural assessments of plain radiography images were highly predictive with respect to the risk of having a displaced or comminute fracture as diagnosed on computed tomography. Any finding of a gap or step-off > 0.5 mm, the presence of an intermediate fragment or a dorsal lunate tilt of ≥ 15° identified 81 % of fractures that were displaced or comminuted when investigated with computed tomography.</p><p>Eighty-three patients were randomly allocated to and received either nonoperative treatment in cast or operative treatment with the aim of assessing long-term outcome of the two treatment options. Fifty-two of the patients were occupationally active. From an occupational perspective with an early return to work, surgical treatment was superior in individuals with manual employment, and from a health economic perspective conservative treatment was superior in non-manual workers.</p><p>Patients treated for scaphoid fractures generally do well up to 13 years after the injury based on limb-specific outcome scores. No benefits were identified with operative treatment compared to non-operative treatment in cast. On the contrary, there was an increased risk for osteoarthritis in the scaphotrapezial joint in those who were operated.</p><p>The patient-rated long-term results of silicone implant arthroplasty were good, with pain relief and reasonable hand function in many patients up to 20 years after surgery.</p>
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Einfluss zweier Bandscheibenprothesen auf die Kinematik des C3/C4-Segmentes / Influence of two different types of total disc arthroplasty on the kinematic properties of C3/C4-segmentsWagner, Markus 17 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Évaluation clinique et biomécanique de deux différents types d’arthroplastie totale de genouRenaud, Alexandre 11 1900 (has links)
Différents dessins d’implants de prothèse totale de genou (PTG) sont utilisés en pratique clinique et chacun présente des caractéristiques biomécaniques spécifiques. Aucun implant n’a réussi à ce jour à reproduire parfaitement la biomécanique du genou naturel. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de comparer les résultats cliniques et biomécaniques tridimensionnels (3D) de deux types de PTG chez le même patient, puis de comparer la cinématique des PTG à celle d’un groupe de genoux asymptomatiques.
Une cohorte de quinze patients avec un implant traditionnel dans un genou et un implant de nouvelle génération permettant un pivot dans le genou contralatéral a été étudiée. Le groupe contrôle était composé de trente-cinq genoux asymptomatiques. L’analyse de la cinématique 3D a été réalisée avec l’outil KneeKG (Emovi Inc. Canada) lors de la marche sur tapis roulant. L’évaluation clinique comprenait l’amplitude de mouvement ainsi que les questionnaires de perception articulaire, KOOS, Womac et SF-12.
La comparaison de la cinématique des deux types de PTG a démontré quelques différences statistiquement significatives dans les plans sagittal et frontal alors que la comparaison des PTG et des genoux asymptomatiques a révélé plusieurs différences significatives dans les trois plans. Les scores cliniques des deux PTG ne comportaient pas de différence significative.
Dans notre cohorte de patients, le design de l’implant a eu peu d’influence sur les résultats biomécaniques et cliniques. Les PTG n’ont pas reproduit une cinématique normale de genou. Beaucoup de travail et de recherche dans le développement de nouveaux implants sont encore nécessaires afin d’améliorer les résultats cliniques et de mieux reproduire la cinématique du genou naturel. / Various implants of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are used in clinical practice and each presents specific biomechanical characteristics. No implant managed this day to reproduce perfectly the biomechanics of the natural knee.
The objectives of this study are to compare the clinical and tridimensional (3D) biomechanical data of two different designs of TKA on the same patients and to compare the resulting 3D biomechanical data with those of asymptomatic knees.
A cohort of fifteen patients with a traditional implant in one knee and an implant of new generation allowing a pivot in the contralateral knee was studied. The control group was composed of thirty-five asymptomatic knees. Assessment of 3D knee kinematics analysis was realized with the KneeKG (Emovi Inc. Canada) during treadmill gait. Clinical evaluation included range of motion as well as questionnaires of joint perception, KOOS, Womac and SF-12.
Results showed some statistically significant differences in knee 3D kinematics of both TKAs in sagittal and frontal planes while comparison between TKAs and asymptomatic knees revealed several significant differences in all three planes. Clinical scores of both TKAs did not have significant difference.
In our cohort of patients, TKA implant design had few measurable influences on kinematics during gait and on clinical results. TKA with these implants did not reproduce natural knee kinematics during gait. Significant research and development in new TKA designs are needed to improve clinical scores and reproduce natural knee kinematics.
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Uticaj traneksamične kiseline na krvarenje u perioperativnom periodu kod ugradnje totalneproteze kolena / Tranexamic acid effect on perioperative bleeding in total knee arthoplastyJovanović Gordana 20 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod Napredak hirurških i anestezioloških tehnika učinio je hiruršku intervenciju ugradnje totalne proteze kolena uspešnom i bezbednom. Međutim, pošto spada u opsežne ortopedske intervencije, praćena je značajnim gubicima krvnog volumena, kao i značajnom potrošnjom krvi i krvnih derivata. Trendovi u savremenoj medicini idu u pravcu restrikcije upotrebe krvi i krvnih derivata i čine se veliki napori u istraživanju i razvijanju metoda i tehnika koje mogu biti alternative alogenoj transfuziji krvi. Traneksamična kiselina koja ima antifibrinolitičko dejstvo, može dovesti do značajnog smanjenja perioperativnog krvarenja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili utvrđivanje uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativno krvarenje kod operacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena, kao i utvrđivanje postojanja uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativnu upotrebu alogene krvi kod operaacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena. Matrijal i metode u studiju je bilo uključeno 96 bolesnika oba pola, starijih od 18 godina, kojima je bila ugrađivana primarna elektivna totalna proteza kolena. Oni su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, 48 u ispitivanoj grupi kod kojih je primenjivana traneksamična kiselina i 48 bolesnika koji su bili kontrolna grupa. Svi bolesnici su bili u spinalnoj anesteziji i primenjivana je pneumatska poveska na ekstremitetu koji se operisao. Ispitivana grupa je dobijala traneksamičnu kiselinu u dva navrata u dozi od 15 mg /kg i 10 mg/kg u vidu kontinuirane i.v. infuzije u trajanju od 15 minuta. Prvo davanje leka je bilo neposredno nakon uvoda u anesteziju. Drugo davanje leka je bilo 15 minuta pre otpuštanja pneumatske poveske. Kontrolna grupa je dobijala istu količinu 0.9% fiziološkog rastvora koji je primenjivan na isti način. Intraoperativni gubitak krvi je beležen i meren kao gubitak u aspiratoru i gubitak na gazama. Postoperativn gubitak krvi se merio nakon 6, 12 sati i nakon 24 sata, kao gubitak na drenove Beležio se i broj primenjenih jedinica krvi i broj ukupno dobijenih mililitara krvi i ostalih krvnih produkata, kao i vreme njihove primene. Rezultati Postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosečnom intraoperativnom krvarenju između grupa (Z = -7,281; p = 000). Prosečno intraoperativno krvarenje u ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 100 ± 92,690 ml, a u kontrolnoj 447 ± 299,282 ml. U kontrolnoj grupi bolesnici imaju statistički značajno veće ukupno postoperativno krvarenje od bolesnika iz ispitivane grupe (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01) ( ispitivana grupa 309,78± 143,612 ml, kontrolna grupa 455,42 ± 201,177 ml). Razlika je bila statistički značajna nakon 6 sati (p < 001) i nakon 12 sati u korist ispitivane grupe (p<0,05). Postji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju među grupama i traneksamična kiselina je statistički značajno (p<0,000) smanjila ukupno krvarenje од 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) na 405, 32 ml (95% IP 353, 407-457, 231). Ukupno perioperativno krvarenje je u proseku iznosilo 662, 34 ml i kretalo se u intervalu od 100 do 1700 ml. U ispitivanoj grupi je samo 5 (10,4%) ispitanika primilo transfuziju, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi 39 (81,3%), što je statistički značajna razlika (2=45,692; p=0,000). Prosečna količina date alogene krvi u ispitivanoj grupi je 33,33 ± 99,2 ml, dok je prosečna količina date alogene krvi u kontrolnoj grupi bila skoro deset puta veća i iznosila je 319,2 ± 230 ml, što je statistički značajno veće (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperativne vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita bile su statistički značajno veće u isptivanoj grupi. Bolesnici iz ispitivane grupe su statistički značajno ranije postoperativno uzimali prvi obrok, sedeli i ustajali od bolesnika u kontrolnoj grupi. Zaključci Iz dobijenih rezultata o intraoperativnom, postoperativnom i ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju može se zaključiti da je traneksamična kiselina veoma efikasan lek i da statistički značajno smanjuje krvarenje vezano za ugradnju totalne proteze kolena i da smanjuje upotrebu transfuzije alogene krvi za 66,7%. Traneksamična kiselina je uticajem na smanjenje perioperativnog krvarenja dovela do očuvanja vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita. Bolesnici koji su dobijali traneksamičnu kiselinu su takođe imali brži i kvalitetniji neposredni postoperativni oporavak.</p> / <p>Uvod Napredak hirurških i anestezioloških tehnika učinio je hiruršku intervenciju ugradnje totalne proteze kolena uspešnom i bezbednom. Međutim, pošto spada u opsežne ortopedske intervencije, praćena je značajnim gubicima krvnog volumena, kao i značajnom potrošnjom krvi i krvnih derivata. Trendovi u savremenoj medicini idu u pravcu restrikcije upotrebe krvi i krvnih derivata i čine se veliki napori u istraživanju i razvijanju metoda i tehnika koje mogu biti alternative alogenoj transfuziji krvi. Traneksamična kiselina koja ima antifibrinolitičko dejstvo, može dovesti do značajnog smanjenja perioperativnog krvarenja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili utvrđivanje uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativno krvarenje kod operacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena, kao i utvrđivanje postojanja uticaja traneksamične kiseline na perioperativnu upotrebu alogene krvi kod operaacija ugradnje totalne proteze kolena. Matrijal i metode u studiju je bilo uključeno 96 bolesnika oba pola, starijih od 18 godina, kojima je bila ugrađivana primarna elektivna totalna proteza kolena. Oni su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, 48 u ispitivanoj grupi kod kojih je primenjivana traneksamična kiselina i 48 bolesnika koji su bili kontrolna grupa. Svi bolesnici su bili u spinalnoj anesteziji i primenjivana je pneumatska poveska na ekstremitetu koji se operisao. Ispitivana grupa je dobijala traneksamičnu kiselinu u dva navrata u dozi od 15 mg /kg i 10 mg/kg u vidu kontinuirane i.v. infuzije u trajanju od 15 minuta. Prvo davanje leka je bilo neposredno nakon uvoda u anesteziju. Drugo davanje leka je bilo 15 minuta pre otpuštanja pneumatske poveske. Kontrolna grupa je dobijala istu količinu 0.9% fiziološkog rastvora koji je primenjivan na isti način. Intraoperativni gubitak krvi je beležen i meren kao gubitak u aspiratoru i gubitak na gazama. Postoperativn gubitak krvi se merio nakon 6, 12 sati i nakon 24 sata, kao gubitak na drenove Beležio se i broj primenjenih jedinica krvi i broj ukupno dobijenih mililitara krvi i ostalih krvnih produkata, kao i vreme njihove primene. Rezultati Postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosečnom intraoperativnom krvarenju između grupa (Z = -7,281; p = 000). Prosečno intraoperativno krvarenje u ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 100 ± 92,690 ml, a u kontrolnoj 447 ± 299,282 ml. U kontrolnoj grupi bolesnici imaju statistički značajno veće ukupno postoperativno krvarenje od bolesnika iz ispitivane grupe (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01) ( ispitivana grupa 309,78± 143,612 ml, kontrolna grupa 455,42 ± 201,177 ml). Razlika je bila statistički značajna nakon 6 sati (p < 001) i nakon 12 sati u korist ispitivane grupe (p<0,05). Postji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju među grupama i traneksamična kiselina je statistički značajno (p<0,000) smanjila ukupno krvarenje od 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) na 405, 32 ml (95% IP 353, 407-457, 231). Ukupno perioperativno krvarenje je u proseku iznosilo 662, 34 ml i kretalo se u intervalu od 100 do 1700 ml. U ispitivanoj grupi je samo 5 (10,4%) ispitanika primilo transfuziju, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi 39 (81,3%), što je statistički značajna razlika (2=45,692; p=0,000). Prosečna količina date alogene krvi u ispitivanoj grupi je 33,33 ± 99,2 ml, dok je prosečna količina date alogene krvi u kontrolnoj grupi bila skoro deset puta veća i iznosila je 319,2 ± 230 ml, što je statistički značajno veće (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperativne vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita bile su statistički značajno veće u isptivanoj grupi. Bolesnici iz ispitivane grupe su statistički značajno ranije postoperativno uzimali prvi obrok, sedeli i ustajali od bolesnika u kontrolnoj grupi. Zaključci Iz dobijenih rezultata o intraoperativnom, postoperativnom i ukupnom perioperativnom krvarenju može se zaključiti da je traneksamična kiselina veoma efikasan lek i da statistički značajno smanjuje krvarenje vezano za ugradnju totalne proteze kolena i da smanjuje upotrebu transfuzije alogene krvi za 66,7%. Traneksamična kiselina je uticajem na smanjenje perioperativnog krvarenja dovela do očuvanja vrednosti hemoglobina, hematokrita i trombocita. Bolesnici koji su dobijali traneksamičnu kiselinu su takođe imali brži i kvalitetniji neposredni postoperativni oporavak.</p> / <p>Introduction: Total knee arthroplasty today is efficient and safe surgical procedure. Being extensive orthopaedic surgical procedure poses a risk from substantial perioperative bleeding and consecutive usage of blood products. Trends in modern medicine and surgery are in favor of restrictive usage of blood products and there are paramount efforts in researching and developing new techniques and methods of allogenic blood transfusion alternatives. Tranexamic acid as fibrinolytic agent is good example of substance that can be used to reduce preoperative bleeding in orthopaedic surgery. Aims of the study: We wanted to explore effects of tranexamic acid on perioperative bleeding reduction in total knee arthroplasty, and it’s effect on reduction of blood product usage in this surgical population. Маterial and methods: We conducted double blind, randomized controlled trial with 96 adult patient (older than 18 years) in the study, 48 in two groups. All patients had elective, unilateral total knee arthroplasty. First group got tranexamic acid(TA), and second (control) group got normal saline. Surgery was performed in spinal anaesthesia with usage of pneumatic tourniquet in all patients. First group got tranexamic acid 15mg /kg/ bw и 10 mg/kg/bw as continuous intravenous infusion in duration of 15 min. Control group got same amount of normal saline. First dose of TA was given at the beginning of the operation and second dose 15 min before release of the tourniquet. Control group got normal saline at the same way. Intraoperative blood loss was measured as blood loss in suction bottle and blood loss on the surgical sponges. Postoperative blood loss was measured as blood loss in surgical wound drains after 6, 12, and 24 hours. Number of blood units and total amount of blood and blood products in milliliters were also recorded. Results There are statistically significant difference in average intraoperative bleeding between groups in favor tranexamic acid group (Z = -7,281; p = 000).Average intraoperative bleeding in TA group is 100 ± 92,690 mil, vs 447 ± 299,282 mil in control group. Patient in TA group has statistically significant less total postoperative bleeding (T test, t=4,024, p<0,01)( TA group 309,78± 143,612 mil vs,420 ± 201,177 mil). Blood loss was statistically significant less after 6 (p < 001) and 12 hrs (p <0,05). in TA group. Total perioperative bleeding was statistically significant less (p< 0,000) in TA group and TA decreased total blood loss from 919,36 ml (95%IP 822,083-1016,640) to 405,32 ml (95%IP 353,407-457,231).Average total blood loss was 662,34 ml with interval from 100 to 1700 ml. In TA group only 5 (10,4%) patients received vs control group where 39 (81,3%) patients received allogenic blood transfusion and that is statistically significant (2=45,692; p=0,000).Average blood usage in TA group was 33,33 ± 99,2 ml vs 319,2 ± 230 ml in the control group (Z = -6,625; p = 000). Postoperative hemoglobin, haematocrit and platelets count values were statistically significant less in control group. Patient in TA group had earlier first postoperative meal, sitting and standing earlier than patient in the control group. Concliusions Data from this study clearly shows that intraoperative, postoperative and total perioperative blood loss in total knee arthroplasty are reduced with usage of tranexamic acid. Tranexamic acid is effective in reducing perioperative blood loss and usage of allogenic blood transfusion, which dropped for 66,7%.This reduced blood loss led to higher postoperative hemoglobin levels. Patients from TA group showed faster postoperative functional recover.</p>
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Contrôle postural et patron locomoteur à la suite d'une arthroplastie de la hanche : effet du type de prothèseNantel, Julie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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A Novel Method For Determining Acetabular OrientationHiggins, Sean 01 August 2012 (has links)
Enhanced knowledge of the acetabulum is of paramount importance in the diagnostic, planning, and execution stages of procedures and treatments targeting the hip joint. The convoluted and highly variable morphology of the structures comprising the bony pelvis make ascertaining measures of the acetabulum challenging. Furthermore, current methods for determining acetabular orientation assume symmetry between the separate halves of the pelvis by utilizing a coordinate system based on bilateral landmarks. The purpose of this study was to determine the three-dimensional orientation of the entire acetabulum. For this research, an improved programmatic method was developed for determining acetabular orientation using three-dimensional data. Accurate measures of commonly used acetabular orientation were ascertained from a large population of normal subjects. In addition, unilateral-based measures were performed using a new “hemi-pelvis coordinate system”. Significant differences between genders were observed in both the overall orientation of the acetabulum and the structural arrangement of the innominate bone.
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L’effet de la prothèse totale du genou sur la cinématique 3D : vers le développement de biomarqueurs mécaniques de la douleurLarose, Gabriel 06 1900 (has links)
La prothèse totale du genou (PTG) est une chirurgie couramment pratiquée pour traiter les patients souffrant d’arthrose sévère du genou. Bien que cette technique chirurgicale soit efficace pour diminuer la douleur, améliorer la fonction du genou et rentable d’un point de vue socio-économique, un pourcentage non négligeable de patients n’est pas satisfait suite à la chirurgie, principalement due à une douleur persistante ou due à une perception d’avoir une mauvaise fonction articulaire, sans cause identifiée. Cependant, l’impact de cette chirurgie sur la cinématique tridimensionnelle (3D) du genou demeure mal compris.
Dans le but de mieux comprendre pourquoi certains patients ressentent toujours de la douleur suite à cette chirurgie, cette étude analysera, dans un premier temps, l’effet prospectif de la chirurgie sur la cinématique 3D du genou. Puis dans un second temps, comparera la cinématique 3D de sujet souffrant de douleur à celle de sujets asymptomatiques suite à la prothèse.
Pour parvenir à ces deux objectifs, deux études distinctes ont été entreprises. Une première étude prospective a porté sur l’évolution de la cinématique 3D du genou d’un groupe de 19 sujets, recrutés sur la liste d’attente pour prothèse totale du genou de deux chirurgiens du CHUM, hôpital Notre-Dame, puis la cinématique a été comparée avec un groupe contrôle de 17 sujets avec des genoux sains. Une seconde étude a comparé la cinématique 3D de 20 sujets souffrant de douleur post-PTG avec 20 sujets avec des genoux asymptomatiques suite à leur chirurgie.
La première étude a permis de montrer que la cinématique dans le plan frontal suite à la prothèse totale du genou était corrigée vers celle des sujets sains. Contrairement à celle mesurée dans les autres plans (sagittal et axial) qui, malgré de petites corrections, demeure différente de la cinématique des sujets sains. La seconde étude a permis d’identifier un marqueur biomécanique de la douleur chez les sujets souffrant de douleur post-PTG. Effectivement, contrairement aux sujets asymptomatiques, suite à leur chirurgie, les patients souffrants de douleur marchent avec une contracture en flexion plus importante tout au long de la phase d’appui.
Les résultats de ces deux études tendent à montrer que la prothèse totale du genou modifie la cinématique 3D du genou, sans toutefois redevenir semblable à celle d’un genou normal. De plus, certains marqueurs biomécaniques peuvent être associés à de la douleur suite à la chirurgie. Une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de la PTG sur la cinématique 3D du genou permettra d’offrir de meilleurs traitements en préparation et après la chirurgie et pourrait mener à de nouveaux designs de prothèses. / The total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a common procedure in patients with severe knee osteoarthritis. This surgery has been proved to reduce pain, to improve knee function, and to be cost-effective. However, an important proportion of patients report insatisfaction, pain, and low articular function following the surgery. Moreover, even with this problem, the impact of the TKA on the tridimensional (3D) kinematics is not well understood.
Therefore, two studies have been undertaken with the purpose of using the 3D kinematics to understand the post-TKA pain syndrome. During the first study, 19 subjects, recruited on a TKA waiting list of two surgeons of the CHUM, Hôpital Notre-Dame, were prospectively followed to measure the evolution of their 3D knee kinematics. A control group of 17 subjects with normal knees has also been recruited. The second study has compared 20 subjects with knee pain post-TKA with 20 subjects without pain post-TKA.
The results of the first study tend to show an improvement in the frontal plan kinematics after the TKA toward the control group. However, the kinematics in the others plans still different of the control group. When the 3D kinematics of a group with pain is compared to a group without pain (second study), a biomechanical marker associated with pain was identified. The group with pain walk with a higher flexion contracture during the stance phase than the group without pain.
Those results show that the total knee arthroplasty has an impact on the 3D kinematics; however, this impact is not necessarily toward the control group. Moreover, some biomechanical markers can be associated with the knee pain following the TKA. This show that we still doesn’t really understand the impact of the TKA on the kinematics, and that a better understanding of this impact could allow the surgeons to improve their care to their patients before and after the surgery.
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Biomateriais com aplicabilidade na ortopedia: avanços e desafios na área da infectologia / Biomaterials with applicability in orthopedics: advances and challenges in the infectology areaMarques, Daniella Maia 05 July 2018 (has links)
O controle na formação do biofilme em implantes e próteses ortopédicas continua sendo um dos grandes desafios acerca da infeção relacionada aos dispositivos na área da saúde. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar biomateriais com aplicabilidade na ortopedia, visando os avanços e enfrentamentos dos desafios na área da infectologia. Uma revisão integrativa foi realizada a respeito da formação de biofilme em biomateriais de próteses de quadril com a finalidade de contribuir com as medidas de prevenção e controle aos agravos infecciosos. Além disso, a formação in vitro do biofilme em função dos biomateriais (titânio e titânio revestido com biovidro F18), microrganismos (Staphylococcus epidermidis e Candida albicans) e tempos de incubação (2, 4 e 8 horas) foi avaliada por microscopia de fluorescência. A revisão integrativa foi realizada no portal PubMed da National Library of Medicine, bem como nas bases Cochrane, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL e LILACS com a inclusão de estudos primários sobre a temática, publicados online até novembro de 2017, em português, inglês e espanhol. Na fase experimental / laboratorial, biofilmes de S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228) e C. albicans (ATCC 90028) foram formados em corpos de prova de titânio e titânio revestido com biovidro F18 após 2, 4 e 8 horas de incubação a 37?C sob agitação orbital. As áreas das imagens dos corpos de prova, em porcentagem, recobertas com biofilme (células vivas) foram avaliadas por microscopia de fluorescência. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística empregando-se os testes de normalidade Shapiro Wilk, U de Mann-Whitney e t de Student por meio do software IBM SPSS Statistics (versão 25) e nível de significância ?=5%. Na revisão integrativa, os resultados demonstraram que dos 16 estudos primários, 81,25% eram pesquisas experimentais in vitro e que novos biomateriais foram desenvolvidos para prevenir a formação de biofilme. Com relação à fase experimental / laboratorial, houve menor formação de biofilme por S. epidermidis e C. albicans (p<0,001) no titânio revestido com biovidro F18 do que no titânio, após 8 horas de incubação. Entretanto, houve maior formação de biofilme por S. epidermidis e C. albicans após 8 horas do que em 2 horas de incubação, tanto no titânio quanto no titânio revestido com biovidro F18 (p<0,05). Em suma, a revista da literatura mencionou o desenvolvimento de biomateriais novos para prevenir a formação de biofilme. Na fase laboratorial / experimental, o titânio revestido com biovidro F18 apresentou atividade antibiofilme em comparação com o titânio, e os tempos de incubação de 2 para 8 horas aumentaram a formação de biofilme em ambos os biomateriais. Ainda, pesquisas futuras acerca do biovidro F18 fundamentadas nos aspectos físicoquímicos, bioquímicos e microbiológicos são importantes para a elucidação dos mecanismos de ação relacionados ao controle dos biofilmes / The control of biofilm formation on implants and orthopedic prostheses still is one of the major challenges concerning infection related to devices in the health field. The objective of this research was to investigate biomaterials with applicability in orthopedics, aiming for advances and facing challenges in the infectology area. An integrative review was performed regarding biofilm formation on hip prosthesis biomaterials in order to contribute to the preventive and infection control measures. Moreover, the in vitro biofilm formation according to biomaterials (titanium and titanium coated with F18 bioglass), microorganisms (Staphylococcus epidermidis and Candida albicans) and incubation times (2, 4 and 8 hours) was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. The integrative review was performed on PubMed portal from National Library of Medicine as well as on Cochrane, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL and LILACS databases with the inclusion of primary studies about the topic, published online up until November 2017, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In the experimental / laboratory step, S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228) and C. albicans (ATCC 90028) biofilms were formed on proof bodies of titanium and titanium coated with F18 bioglass after 2, 4 and 8 hours of incubation at 37?C under orbital shaking. The image areas of proof bodies, in percentage, coated with biofilm (living cells) were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. The data collected were submitted to statistical analysis using normality tests Shapiro Wilk, U from Mann-Whitney and t from Student through IBM SPSS Statistics (version 25) software and significance level ?=5%. In the integrative review, the results showed that among 16 primary studies, 81.25% were in vitro experimental studies and that new biomaterials were developed to prevent biofilm formation. Regarding experimental / laboratory step, there was less biofilm formation by S. epidermidis and C. albicans (p<0.001) on titanium coated with F18 bioglass than on titanium, after 8 hours of incubation. However, there was more biofilm formation by S. epidermidis and C. albicans after 8 hours than in 2 hours of incubation, both on titanium and on titanium coated with F18 bioglass (p<0.05). In sum, the literature review mentioned the development of new biomaterials to prevent biofilm formation. In laboratory / experimental step, titanium coated with F18 bioglass presented antibiofilm activity in comparison with titanium, and the incubation times of 2 to 8 hours increased biofilm formation on both materials. Besides, future studies about F18 bioglass based on physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological aspects are important for the elucidation of action mechanisms related to biofilms control
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Avaliação clínica e radiográfia da artroplastia total do quadril sem cimento na osteoartrose secundária à doença de Legg-Calvé-Perthes / Clinical and radiographic evaluation of cementless total hip arthroplasty in cases of osteoarthrosis secondary to Legg-Calvé-Perthes diseaseSansanovicz, Dennis 20 February 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: a doença de Legg-Calvé-Perthes (DLCP) é a causa da osteoartrose de quadril em menos de 5% dos casos com indicação de artroplastia total do quadril (ATQ). Por isso, poucos estudos descrevem os resultados clínicos e radiológicos da ATQ nessa situação, em que deformidades no fêmur proximal e no acetábulo tornam a cirurgia um desafio técnico. MÉTODO: neste estudo tipo caso-controle, foram revisados os prontuários de pacientes admitidos num hospital público universitário de referência para serem submetidos à ATQ por osteoartrose primária ou secundária à DLCP entre 2008 e 2015, utilizando um determinado modelo de prótese não cimentada de um mesmo fabricante. Os pacientes foram convocados para análise clínica e radiográfica. Indivíduos com ATQ por osteoartrose secundária à DLCP foram comparados a um grupo controle de pacientes com osteoartrose primária quanto a dor e função por meio do questionário de Lequesne. Foram também avaliadas as seguintes variáveis radiográficas: inclinação lateral do componente acetabular em relação à pelve, offset femoral e posicionamento do componente femoral em relação ao canal femoral. As avaliações radiográficas no pós-operatório imediato e na última consulta de seguimento foram comparadas. O tempo cirúrgico, o tamanho dos componentes protéticos utilizados e as complicações decorrentes do ato cirúrgico foram comparados nos dois grupos. RESULTADOS: no período do estudo, foram analisados 22 pacientes no grupo estudo (25 quadris) e 22 pacientes (25 quadris) do grupo controle, que foram comparados. Os dois grupos eram homogêneos quanto a lateralidade, sexo, tempo de cirurgia, tempo de seguimento e tamanho dos componentes utilizados. Os pacientes do grupo controle, com osteoartrose primária, tinham idade superior aos do grupo estudo. Ocorreram quatro fraturas periprotéticas femorais intraoperatórias no grupo com sequela da DLCP e nenhuma no grupo com osteoartrose primária (p = 0,050). A avaliação clínica e funcional mostrou maior comprometimento no grupo de pacientes com sequela da DLCP (p = 0,002). As medidas angulares de inclinação lateral acetabular foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos. Tanto no pós-operatório imediato quanto no final do seguimento, os componentes femorais estavam posicionados significativamente mais em valgo para o grupo com sequela da DLCP quando comparados ao grupo controle (com p = 0,008 no pós-operatório imediato e p = 0,002 no seguimento final). A medida do offset femoral lateral não teve diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Em nenhum dos casos dos grupos estudados houve infecção, luxação ou lesão neurológica decorrentes do ato cirúrgico. Não foi indicada ou realizada nenhuma cirurgia de revisão em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: há risco aumentado de fratura femoral periprotética intraoperatória e resultados clínico-funcionais piores em pacientes com osteoartrose secundária à sequela da DLCP submetidos a ATQ sem cimento convencional do que em pacientes com osteoartrose primária do quadril. Os componentes femorais da ATQ sem cimento convencional tendem a ser implantados mais em valgo no canal femoral nos casos motivados por osteoartrose secundária à sequela da DLCP comparados aos casos motivados por osteoartrose primária do quadril / INTRODUCTION: Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) is the cause of hip osteoarthrosis in less than 5% of cases with an indication of total hip arthroplasty (THA). For that reason, few studies describe the clinical and radiological results of THA in this situation, in which proximal femur and acetabulum deformities make surgery a technical challenge. METHODS: In this case-control study, the medical records of patients admitted to a public university reference hospital to undergo THA due to primary osteoarthrosis or to LCPD sequelae between 2008 and 2015, using a cementless prosthesis from the same manufacturer, were reviewed. Patients were recruited for clinical and radiographic analysis. Individuals with osteoarthrosis secondary to LCPD were compared to a control group of patients with primary osteoarthrosis regarding pain and function using the Lequesne questionnaire. The following radiographic variables were also evaluated: acetabular component inclination in relation to the pelvis, femoral offset, and femoral component position in relation to the femoral canal. Evaluations in the immediate postoperative period and at the last follow-up visit were compared. The surgical time, the size of the prosthetic components used and the complications resulting from the surgical procedure were studied and compared between groups. RESULTS: During the study period, 22 patients in the study group (25 hips) were compared to 22 patients (25 hips) in the control group. The two groups were homogeneous regarding the laterality, sex, surgery time, follow-up time and size of the prosthetic components used. Patients in the control group, with primary osteoarthrosis, were older than those in the study group. There were four intraoperative femoral periprosthetic fractures in the group with LCPD sequelae and none in the primary osteoarthrosis group (p = 0.050). The clinical and functional evaluation showed greater impairment in the group of patients with LCPD sequelae (p = 0.002). Angular measures of acetabular inclination were similar between the two groups. Both in the immediate postoperative period and at the end of the follow-up, the femoral components were positioned significantly more in valgus for the LCPD sequelae group when compared to the control group (p = 0.008 in the immediate postoperative period and 0.002 in the final follow-up). The measurement of the lateral femoral offset was similar between the groups. In none of the cases of the studied groups, there was infection, dislocation or neurological injury resulting from the surgical act. No revision surgery was indicated or performed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: There is an increased risk of intraoperative periprosthetic femoral fracture and worse clinical-functional results in patients with osteoarthrosis secondary to LCPD sequelae undergoing conventional cementless THA than in patients with primary hip osteoarthrosis. The femoral components of the cementless THA tend to be implanted more in valgus in the femoral canal in the cases of osteoarthrosis secondary to the sequelae of the LCPD compared to cases of primary hip osteoarthrosis
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Etude du comportement mécanique de la glène pour la mise au point d'un nouvel implant scapulaire à fixation sans ciment / Study of the mechanical properties and behaviour of glenoid cancellous bone for the development of a new glenoid implant with cementless fixationKalouche, Ibrahim 19 September 2011 (has links)
Les prothèses totales d’épaule ont une survie limitée due essentiellement au descellement de l’implant scapulaire. Le but de ce travail de recherche est la contribution à la mise au point d’un nouvel implant scapulaire à fixation sans ciment.Une première partie a concerné la caractérisation de l’anisotropie et des hétérogénéités de l’os spongieux de la glène par une expérimentation en compression, cette partie a abouti à l’élaboration d’une loi de comportement de l’os spongieux de la glène. La seconde partie de ce travail s’est focalisée sur la modélisation par éléments finis des contraintes aux points d’ancrage de l’implant.Les résultats des tests de simulation montrent l’incapacité du spongieux à assurer un effet press-fit dans le plan transversal, car on observe le dépassement des contraintes maximales pour un déplacement minime. Ce résultat met en question les modes de fixation primaire utilisés ce jour dans les prothèses sans ciment. Nos résultats montrent que la modification de la direction de chargement serait susceptible d’améliorer la fixation primaire ce qui ouvre des perspectives nouvelles pour le dessin d’une prothèse sans ciment. / Total shoulder prostheses have a limited survival due mainly to the loosening of the glenoid implant. The purpose of this research is the contribution to the development of a new glenoid implant with cementless fixation.The first part concerned the characterization of the anisotropy and heterogeneity of cancellous bone of the glenoid by a compression experimental tests, this part has led to the drafting of a law of behavior of cancellous bone of the glenoid . The second part of this work has focused on finite element modeling of stress around the anchors of the glenoid implant.Simulation test results show the inability of the transversal plane of the glenoid to ensure effective press-fit fixation with stresses above strength properties of the cancellous bone with a minimal displacement. This calls into question the current modes of primary fixation of cementless implant. However, it appears that a change in the direction of loading would be beneficial for the primary fixation, which opens new perspectives for the design of a cementless prosthesis.
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