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Development of Shoulder Joint Protection Program for People with Shoulder Arthritis: A Synthesis of Evidence and Developing Joint Protection Program for Daily Activities / Shoulder Joint Protection ProgramLu, Ze (Steve) January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation aimed to develop a joint protection program for people with shoulder arthritis. The program was developed throughout a two-phase process.
The first stage in developing the Shoulder Joint Protection Program for patients with different stages of arthritis focused on comprehending existing research and understanding the factors that influence shoulder joint protection. We considered the priorities and preferences of both patients and therapists, integrating different types of evidence like systematic reviews, narrative and scoping reviews, and analysis of shoulder movement. This evidence guided the creation of a preliminary joint protection program.
The second stage assessed the content validity of this program, using cognitive interviews with patients and therapists. The findings from each phase were then presented in separate chapters, providing a complete view of the Shoulder Joint Protection Program (SJPP) for individuals with shoulder arthritis.
The evidence presented in Chapters 2 and 3 suggests that no single optimal program has been defined for patients undergoing total shoulder joint replacement surgery, including both anatomical and reversed types. Further high-quality RCTs are needed to provide more conclusive results. To assess outcomes, various patient-reported outcomes have been developed and validated. However, our study, as presented in Chapter 4, reveals inconsistencies and a lack of clarity in the conceptual frameworks of the identified PROMs. Our scoping review in Chapter 5 offers comprehensive research on shoulder biomechanics during various activities, and spotlights potential injury prevention strategies. These identified strategies can guide the creation of training programs, coaching practices, and rehabilitation strategies aimed at minimizing the risk of shoulder injuries and bolstering overall shoulder health. Results from Chapter 6 suggest that participants have the capacity to modify their movement patterns to implement joint protection strategies, potentially beneficial in post-surgery rehabilitation and enhancing shoulder function. The application of motion analysis software tools, such as MediaPipe, has yielded reliable results, indicating their potential for future kinematic studies.
The developed SJPP comprises two sections: general joint protection principles and specific protective strategies for daily activities. Both digital resources and a printed version were developed to increase the accessibility of the program. The study (Chapter 7) presents a substantial contribution to the resources for patients with shoulder arthritis. It was designed to enhance their quality of life and enable them to navigate everyday activities with greater ease and less discomfort. Further enhancements, such as the inclusion of content on sports and recreational activities, could make the program even more comprehensive and beneficial.
Overall, the study underscores the importance of evidence-based, user-friendly resources for patients with shoulder arthritis and provides potential directions for future research and enhancements, such as including content on sports and recreational activities. The SJPP's ultimate goal is to enhance patients' quality of life, allowing them to perform everyday activities with less discomfort. / Thesis / Doctor of Rehabilitation (RhD) / This Ph.D. research project set out to create a program to help people with shoulder arthritis protect their joints. The development process was broken down into two main stages.
In the first step, we looked at what we already know from research and figured out the main things that affect how well someone can protect their shoulder joint. We thought about what patients and therapists want and need. We looked at many different kinds of studies and even how people move their shoulders. All this helped us make a first version of our plan.
In the second step, we checked how good our plan was. We did this by talking with patients and therapists. We wrote about everything we found out in different chapters. This gave us a full picture of our Shoulder Joint Protection Program (SJPP) for people with shoulder arthritis.
Our final SJPP has two main parts: general rules to protect the joint and special tips for everyday activities. We made it available online and on paper so it's easy to get. Our study is a big help for patients with shoulder arthritis. It's meant to make their lives better and help them do everyday things with less pain. In the future, we might add more tips about sports and fun activities, which could make it even more helpful.
In conclusion, our research shows how important it is to have easy-to-use, research-based tools for patients with shoulder arthritis. We've also given some ideas for future research. The main goal of the SJPP is to make patients' lives better, helping them do everyday things with less pain.
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Varus-Valgus Knee Laxity and Biomechanical Function in Patients with Severe Osteoarthritis and after Total Knee ArthroplastyFreisinger, Gregory Martin 29 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Häufigkeit unerwünschter Behandlungsfolgen bei Knie-TEP-Implantation - ein Vergleich von Studiendaten mit der externen QualitätssicherungSchmelter, Martin 12 December 2024 (has links)
Die Implantation von Knieendoprothesen ist ein orthopädisches Standardverfahren und bereits seit vielen Jahren etabliert. Sowohl in Deutschland als auch international nimmt sie einen hohen sozioökonomischen Stellenwert ein. Mögliche Komplikationen stellen daher eine persönliche Belastung für den Patienten, aber auch eine Belastung für das Gesundheitssystem dar. Um eine Nachverfolgung und Dokumentation deutschlandweit vorzunehmen wurde eine externe Qualitätssicherung etabliert. In dieser Arbeit werden Daten der externen Qualitätssicherung mit Studiendaten aus dem Orthopädisch-Unfallchirurgischen Zentrum der Universitätsklinik Dresden verglichen um der Fragestellung nachzugehen ob und wie viele unerwünschte Behandlungsfolgen über den stationären Aufenthalt bzw. die externe Qualitätssicherung hinaus auftreten.:1. Einleitung 6
1.1. Historische Entwicklung 6
1.2. Epidemiologie und heutiger Wissensstand 7
1.3. Entwicklung der Qualitätssicherung 14
1.4. Qualitätssicherung / Qualitätsmanagement in der Medizin 16
1.5. Fragestellung 18
• Hypothese: Es wird angenommen, dass in Studien nicht mehr unerwünschte Behandlungsfolgen im Rahmen des stationären Aufenthaltes erfasst werden als in der externen Qualitätssicherung. 19
• Weiterhin zu bearbeitende Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit sind: 19
2. Material und Methoden 20
2.1. Patientenkollektiv 20
2.2. Ethik 22
2.3. Datenerfassung 23
2.4. Komplikationen 23
2.5. Methoden der statistischen Auswertung 29
3. Ergebnisse 30
3.1. Patientencharakteristika der Studienpopulation 30
3.2. Auswertung der Fragestellungen 38
• 3.2.1. Zur Hypothese: Welche Daten wurden im Rahmen der Studien erfasst und welche Daten wurden über die externe Qualitätssicherung gemeldet? 38
• 3.2.2. Zu den weiterhin bearbeiteten Fragestellungen: 54
4. Diskussion 62
4.1. Zur Hypothese: Es wird angenommen, dass in Studien nicht mehr unerwünschte Behandlungsfolgen im Rahmen des stationären Aufenthaltes erfasst werden als in der externen Qualitätssicherung. 64
4.2. Zu den weiterhin bearbeiteten Fragestellungen: 66
4.3. Ausblick 72
4.4. Limitationen der Studie 74
5. Zusammenfassung 75
6. Summary 77
7. Literatur 79
8. Abbildungsverzeichnis 85
9. Tabellenverzeichnis 87
10. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 88
11. Anhang 92
11.1. Ethikvoten für die zugrundeliegenden Studien 92
11.2. Nachuntersuchungsdokumente der Studien 105
11.3. Danksagung 109
11.4. Anlagen 110 / The total knee arthroplasty is a standard orthopedic procedure which has been established for many years, both in Germany and internationally. Possible complications therefore represent a personal burden for the patient and also for the healthcare-system. In order to carry out tracking and documentation, an external quality assurance was established. In this thesis, data from external quality assurance are compared with study data from the Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery Centre of the University Hospital Dresden in order to investigate the question of whether and how many adverse events occur beyond the inpatient stay or external quality assurance.:1. Einleitung 6
1.1. Historische Entwicklung 6
1.2. Epidemiologie und heutiger Wissensstand 7
1.3. Entwicklung der Qualitätssicherung 14
1.4. Qualitätssicherung / Qualitätsmanagement in der Medizin 16
1.5. Fragestellung 18
• Hypothese: Es wird angenommen, dass in Studien nicht mehr unerwünschte Behandlungsfolgen im Rahmen des stationären Aufenthaltes erfasst werden als in der externen Qualitätssicherung. 19
• Weiterhin zu bearbeitende Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit sind: 19
2. Material und Methoden 20
2.1. Patientenkollektiv 20
2.2. Ethik 22
2.3. Datenerfassung 23
2.4. Komplikationen 23
2.5. Methoden der statistischen Auswertung 29
3. Ergebnisse 30
3.1. Patientencharakteristika der Studienpopulation 30
3.2. Auswertung der Fragestellungen 38
• 3.2.1. Zur Hypothese: Welche Daten wurden im Rahmen der Studien erfasst und welche Daten wurden über die externe Qualitätssicherung gemeldet? 38
• 3.2.2. Zu den weiterhin bearbeiteten Fragestellungen: 54
4. Diskussion 62
4.1. Zur Hypothese: Es wird angenommen, dass in Studien nicht mehr unerwünschte Behandlungsfolgen im Rahmen des stationären Aufenthaltes erfasst werden als in der externen Qualitätssicherung. 64
4.2. Zu den weiterhin bearbeiteten Fragestellungen: 66
4.3. Ausblick 72
4.4. Limitationen der Studie 74
5. Zusammenfassung 75
6. Summary 77
7. Literatur 79
8. Abbildungsverzeichnis 85
9. Tabellenverzeichnis 87
10. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 88
11. Anhang 92
11.1. Ethikvoten für die zugrundeliegenden Studien 92
11.2. Nachuntersuchungsdokumente der Studien 105
11.3. Danksagung 109
11.4. Anlagen 110
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Mittelfristige funktionelle und radiologische Ergebnisse von Patient:innen mit einer Pfannenzementierung in eine fest verankerte Pfanne (Cup in Cup)Koch, Fiona 24 February 2025 (has links)
Hintergrund: Wird bei älteren Risikopatient:innen mit Hüft-Totalendoprothese ein Revisionseingriff erforderlich und ist die zementfreie Pfanne noch gut knöchern integriert, besteht die Möglichkeit zur Zementierung einer Dual Mobility Pfanne (DMC) nach Inlay-Entfernung. Neben der postoperativen Prävention einer erneuten Luxation ist ein Vorteil dieser Off-Label-Anwendung einer DMC, dass die alte Pfanne belassen und somit Knochensubstanz erhalten werden kann. Aus dieser Vorgehensweise resultiert auch eine geringere Operations (OP)-Dauer, was gerade für multimorbide Patientengruppen von Bedeutung ist.
Fragestellung: Da es bislang nur wenige Untersuchungen zu diesem Verfahren gibt, sollte ermittelt werden, ob die Zementierung einer DMC in eine fest knöchern verankerte Pfanne eine effektive Option für den Revisionseingriff bei Risikopatient:innen darstellt.
Methoden: In dieser retrospektive Kohortenstudie wurden 33 Fälle zwischen 2015 und 2020 eingeschlossen. Häufigste Indikationen waren Rezidivluxationen (42 %) und Periprothetische Femurfrakturen (PPF) (39 %). Weitere Indikationen waren Inlay-Verschleiß (9 %), (Pseudo- )Tumor (6 %) und Schaftlockerung (3 %). Das mittlere Patientenalter betrug 79 ± 7 Jahre, die mittlere Nachuntersuchungs (NU)-Zeit 28,5±17,3Monate. Zur NU waren 15Patient:innen verstorben und ein Patient Lost-to-Follow-Up. Die klinische Auswertung erfolgte für 17 und die radiologische Auswertung für 33 Patient:innen. Primärer Endpunkt war die Pfannenrevision aufgrund jedweder Ursache. Sekundärer Endpunkt war die Prothesenlockerung im Röntgenbild. Die Funktion des Hüftgelenks und die Lebensqualität der Patienten wurden als tertiärer Endpunkt zusammengefasst und mit Hilfe des HHS, WOMAC und UCLA erhoben.
Ergebnisse: Der mittlere ASA-Score zum Zeitpunkt des Revisionseingriffs betrug 2,8 ± 0,6. Die mittlere OP-Dauer belief sich auf 124 ± 52 min. In zwei Fällen kam es zur Re-Luxation (6 %, Wechsel auf Constrained Liner). Es zeigte sich eine aseptische Lockerung der DMC (3 %) sowie eine Konusschädigung (3 %). Weitere Revisionen waren erforderlich wegen einer PPF (3 %, ORIF) sowie einer Wundheilungsstörung (3 %, Implantat-erhaltende Wundrevision). Die mittleren Punktwerte der einzelnen Scores zur NU lagen bei 59 ± 22 (HHS), 60 ± 26 (WOMAC) und 4 ± 2 (UCLA). Insgesamt ergaben sich nach Auswertung der Röntgenbilder – abgesehen von der erwähnten Revision bei Pfannenausbruch – keine weiteren Anzeichen für Lockerungen oder Veränderungen der DMC-Position, sodass die Überlebensraten nach einer mittleren NU von 28,5 Monaten bei 86,8 % (n = 33) für den primären Endpunkt und bei 92,3 % (n = 22) für den sekundären Endpunkt lag.
Schlussfolgerung: Die Off-Label-Zementierung einer DMC in eine fest verankerte Pfanne weist kurz- bis mittelfristig eine geringe Lockerungs- sowie Gesamtkomplikationsrate auf. Ob das Verfahren auch bei längerer Beobachtungszeit gute Ergebnisse zeigt, müssen weitergehende Untersuchungen klären. / Background: If a revision procedure is required in an elderly high-risk patient after a previous total hip arthroplasty and if the cementless acetabular cup is still well integrated in the bone, it is possible to insert a cemented Dual Mobility Cup (DMC) after removal of the inlay. In addition to the postoperative prevention of re-dislocation, this “off-label” application allows the old cup to be left in place. Therefore, bone substance can be preserved. It also usually results in a shorter Operation (OP) time, which is particularly important for this high-risk patient groups.
Objective: As there are only few studies on the success of this procedure so far, the aim is to determine whether cementing a DMC into a firmly anchored cup is an effective option for revision surgery in high-risk patients.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 33 patients between 2015 and 2020. The most common indications were recurrent dislocation (42 %) and periprosthetic fracture (39 %). Other indications were inlay wear (9 %), (pseudo-)tumour (6 %) and socket loosening (3 %). The mean patient age was 79 ± 7 years, and the mean follow-up (FU) time was 28.5 ± 17.3 months. At FU, 15 patients were deceased, and one patient was lost-to-follow-up. Data from 17 patients were available for the clinical evaluation and data from 33 patients for the radiological evaluation. The primary endpoint was revision of the inserted cup due to any cause. The secondary endpoint was prosthesis loosening as determined by the radiograph. The function of the hip joint and the quality of life of the patients were summarized as the tertiary endpoints and assessed using the HHS, WOMAC and UCLA.
Results: The mean ASA-score at the time of revision surgery was 2.8 ± 0.6 and the mean operative time was 124 ± 52 min. Re-dislocation occurred in two cases (6.1 %, conversion to a constrained liner). There was one aseptic loosening of the DMC construct (3.0 %) and one case of cone damage (3.0 %). Further revisions were required due to a periprosthetic fracture (3.0 %, open reduction with internal fixation) and a wound healing disorder (3.0 %, implant-preserving wound revision). The mean scores at FU were 59 ± 22 (HHS), 60 ± 26 (WOMAC) and 4 ± 2 (UCLA). Overall, after evaluation of the radiographs, there was no evidence of loosening or change in DMC position, apart from the aforementioned revision for acetabular loosening. Thus, the survival rate after the mean FU of 28.5 months was 86,8 % (n = 33) for the primary endpoint and 92,3 % (n = 22) for the secondary endpoint.
Conculsion: The “off-label” cementation of a DMC into a firmly anchored acetabular cup has a low loosening rate and a low overall complication rate in the short to medium term. Whether the procedure also shows good results over a longer observation period must be clarified in further studies.
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Klinischer Stellenwert der Time of Flight FDG-PET/CT bei entzündungsspezifischen Fragestellungen / Clinical value of Time of Flight FDG-PET/CT in detecting of infection and inflammationBraune, Isabell 26 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploratory Analysis of Impact of Gabapentin on Incidence of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Undergoing Knee and Hip Arthroplasty With Neuraxial AnesthesiaTeeples, Allison J., Flynn, David, Denslow, Sheri, Hooper, Vallire 01 October 2020 (has links)
The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is unknown in neuraxial anesthesia for orthopedic surgery. The effect on PONV of adding gabapentin to an evidence-based antiemetic regimen as part of an opioid-sparing analgesic protocol is also unknown in this population. A retrospective analysis of all adults undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty and receiving neuraxial anesthesia in 2017 was conducted. The overall incidence of PONV was assessed. Additionally, PONV incidence was assessed for all combinations of gabapentin, dexamethasone, and/or ondansetron (in addition to propofol infusion) and compared with propofol alone. The PONV risk ratios were estimated, adjusting for age and PONV risk score. The overall incidence of PONV was 14.0%. The addition of gabapentin to propofol was associated with reduced PONV (multivariable risk ratio [mRR], 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4-1.0) vs propofol alone. Dexamethasone with propofol was associated with reduced PONV (mRR 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4-1.1) vs propofol alone, although not statistically significant. The addition of both gabapentin and dexamethasone to propofol was associated with stronger reduction in PONV (mRR 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1-0.7) vs propofol alone. Adding ondansetron to propofol showed little benefit. Gabapentin and dexamethasone are effective in reducing PONV in patients undergoing knee and hip arthroplasty with neuraxial anesthesia.
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Strength and Movement Biomechanics Two Years Following Total Knee Arthroplasty and ACL ReconstructionOkoye, Kenechukwu Michael January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Poređenje rezultata primarne i ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukrštene veze kolena / Comparison between the primary and the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionKovačev Nemanja 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Studija se sastojala od dva dela – eksperimentalnog i kliničkog. Eksperimentalni deo je sproveden na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu na Departmanu za mehanizaciju i konstrukciono mašinstvo. Trideset dve zglobne površine gornjeg okrajka golenjače sa pripojem prednje ukrštene veze je uzeto tokom totalne aloartroplastike kolena kod trideset dva pacijenta kod kojih je preoperativno načinjena AP i profilna radiografija sa standardnim uvećanjem u cilju merenja veličine kolena a uz prethodno potpisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Zatim je načinjeno trodimenzionalno skeniranje prostorne površine pripoja prednje ukrštene veze na golenjači u odnosu na ravan zglobne površine golenjače heptičkim uređajem „Phantom Omni®“ radi utvrđivanja korelacije između površine pripoja prednje ukrštene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. U eksperimentalni deo su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola metodom slučajnog izbora kod kojih je ugrađivana totalna proteza kolena a koji su prethodno potpisali informisani pristanak pacijenta na operativni zahvat na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Klinički deo studije je bio retrospektivno-prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatio je ukupno 60 pacijenata izabranih metodom slučajnog izbora od kojih je ispitivanu grupu činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je došlo do ponovne rupture prednje ukrštene veze levog ili desnog kolena nakon urađene primarne rekonstrukcije te je načinjena ponovna rekonstrukcija veze, i kontrolnu grupu koju je činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je zbog rupture prednje ukrštene veze načinjena primarna rekonstrukcija nakon koje nije došlo do ponovne rupture. Kod svih pacijenata je rekonstrukcija prednje ukrštene veze kolena rađena kalemom kost-tetiva-kost. Ishod rekonstrukcije je procenjivan na osnovu Tegner bodovne skale, Lysholm i IKDC bodovne skale za koleno, artrometrijskog merenja Lachman testa, Pivot shift testa, poloţaja kalema i urađeno je poređenje dobijenih rezultata u ispitivanoj (revizionoj) i kontrolnoj grupi. U klinički deo istraţivanja su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola, ţivotne dobi od 18 do 40 godina koji su operisani na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu a koji su dali informisani pristanak za uključivanje. Kriterijumi za isključivanje pacijenata iz kliničkog dela istraživanja su bili životna dob manja od 18 i veća od 40 godina, pojava težih opšte-hirurških komplikacija i prestanak želje pacijenta da dalje učestvuje u ovom istraživanju. Nakon sveobuhvatne analize dobijenih rezultata istraţivanja, zaključeno je da postoji korelacija između površine pripoja prednje ukrštene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. Formula, načinjena matematičko-statističkim metodama za ovo istraživanje, adekvatna je i praktično primenljiva za predikciju površine pripoja prednje ukrštene veze na golenjači u velikom procentu slučajeva a na osnovu samo dva radiografska parametra izmerenih preoperativno – prednje-zadnjeg i unutrašnje-spoljašnjeg dijametra platoa golenjače. Korišćenje ove formule može da doprinese poboljšanju rezultata hirurškog lečenja pacijenata sa pokidanom prednjom ukrštenom vezom kolena. Takođe, zaključeno je da je uzrok neuspeha primarne rekonstrukcije multifaktorijalan kao i da nema statistički značajne razlike u ishodu između ispitanika sa dobrom i ispitanika sa lošom pozicijom kalema. Potvrđena je pretpostavka da je ishod ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukrštene veze kolena slabiji u odnosu na ishod primarne.</p> / <p>This study consisted of two parts – experimental and clinical. Experimental part was conducted at the Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering of The Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Thirty two proximal tibial articular surfaces together with the anterior cruciate ligament insertion of thirty two patients were harvested during total knee arthroplasty. All patients had standard preoperative AP and profile radiographs with standard magnification in order to acquire the knee measurements. All patients previously signed the informed consent. The harvested proximal tibial articular surfaces were 3D scanned by a haptic device called „Phantom Omni®“ in order to determine the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau. Thirty two randomly chosen patients of both sexes which had a knee arthroplasty were included in the experimental part of this study. All of the patients signed the informed consent at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. The clinical part was a retrospective-prospective study. This part included 60 randomly chosen patients divided into two groups. The test group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone a revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The control group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone only primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A bone-tendon-bone graft was used for the reconstruction in all cases. The outcome was assessed by using Tegner activity scale, Lysholm knee scoring scale, IKDC score, arthrometric evaluation, Pivot shift test and the position of the graft. The results were compared between the test group and the control group. The clinical part of the study included 60 patients of both sexes, age 18-40 which were operated at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. All of the patients signed the informed consent for participation in this study. The exclusion criteria were age under 18 and above 40, occurrence of severe general surgical complications and a patient wish to be excluded from further investigation. After a thorough analysis of the results, we concluded that the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau exists. Formula which was created for this study by using mathematical and statistical methods, is adequate and practically applicable for the prediction of size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site in the majority of cases based on just two preoperative radiographic parameters – AP and profile diameter of the tibial plateau. The use of this formula may improve the outcome of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. We also concluded that the cause of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure is multifactorial as well as that there is no statistically significant difference between the patients with good and the patients with poor graft position. We confirmed the assumption that the outcome of the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is poorer than the outcome of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.</p>
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Impact de l’anémie postopératoire sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie après une arthroplastie de la hanche ou du genouVuille-Lessard, Élise 10 1900 (has links)
Les transfusions sanguines sont fréquemment employées pour corriger l’anémie secondaire à une arthroplastie de la hanche ou du genou. Il n’y a cependant pas consensus sur les indications de transfuser. La tendance actuelle est d’utiliser une stratégie
transfusionnelle restrictive (soit un seuil de 75-80 g/L d’hémoglobine) mais les conséquences d’une telle pratique sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie des patients sont mal connues. Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé la pratique transfusionnelle au Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). Notre hypothèse était que, devant l’imprécision des recommandations, la pratique transfusionnelle serait variable. Une étude rétrospective de 701 dossiers de patients ayant subi une arthroplastie de la hanche ou du genou a été réalisée. Nous avons observé que les transfusions étaient utilisées de la même façon dans les trois hôpitaux et que les médecins basaient leur décision de transfuser principalement sur un seul chiffre, la concentration d’hémoglobine, adoptant une stratégie restrictive. Soixante-six pourcent des patients avaient une concentration d’hémoglobine inférieure à 100 g/L au départ de l’hôpital. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons évalué l’impact de cette anémie postopératoire sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie des patients. Notre hypothèse était qu’il existe
une concentration d’hémoglobine en dessous de laquelle celles-ci sont atteintes. Une étude
de cohorte prospective et observationnelle a été menée chez 305 patients regroupés selon
leur concentration d’hémoglobine postopératoire. Les groupes d’hémoglobine (≤ 80, 81-90, 91-100 et > 100 g/L) étaient similaires dans l’évolution de la distance de marche en six minutes, de l’évaluation de l’effort fourni, de la force de préhension et des scores de qualité de vie. L’anémie modérée n’est donc pas associée à une atteinte de la récupération fonctionnelle et de la qualité de vie à court terme. D’autres études devront déterminer les conséquences à long terme d’une stratégie transfusionnelle restrictive sur ces patients. / Red blood cell transfusions are frequently used to treat anemia after total hip or
knee arthroplasties. The indications for transfusions remain unclear despite published
guidelines. Clinicians have adopted a restrictive transfusion threshold (75-80 g/L) but the consequences of such a strategy on functional outcome and quality of life are not known. First, we characterized the transfusion practice inside the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). Our hypothesis was that transfusion practice varies inside the CHUM due to uncertainty. A retrospective study of 701 charts of patients operated for a hip
or knee arthroplasty was conducted. We observed that there was no difference among
hospitals regarding the way transfusions are used and that physicians mainly based their
decision to transfuse on a single variable, the hemoglobin concentration, adopting a
restrictive transfusion strategy. Sixty-six percent of patients had a hemoglobin
concentration under 100 g/L after surgery. Second, we evaluated the impact of this
postoperative anemia on functional outcome and quality of life. We hypothesized that a
threshold hemoglobin concentration exists below which these become impaired. A
prospective, observational cohort study was conducted in 305 patients categorized in
groups according to their postoperative hemoglobin concentration. Hemoglobin groups (≤ 80, 81-90, 91-100 and > 100 g/L) were similar in the evolution of the distance walked in six minutes, perception of effort, maximal dominant hand strength and quality of life scores. Thus, moderate anemia is not associated with an impaired functional recovery or quality of life early after hip and knee arthroplasties. Further studies will be required to determine the long-term consequences of a restrictive transfusion strategy in these patients.
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Relargage d’ions métalliques après l’arthroplastie de la hanche à grand diamètre avec couple de frottement métal sur métalAmzica, Traian 08 1900 (has links)
La dégénérescence articulaire sévère de la hanche est une pathologie fréquente et son traitement ultime est le remplacement prothétique. L’arthroplastie la plus répandue au monde est la prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) avec un couple de frottement métal-sur-polyéthylène (MPE). Cependant ce type d’intervention présente une longévité limitée à cause de l’usure de PE et ne convient pas aux patients actifs souffrant de coxarthrose sévère tôt dans leur vie. Afin de palier à ce problème, une nouvelle génération de surfaces de frottement métal-sur-métal (MM) est actuellement employée. Ces surfaces de frottement sont utilisées en PTH avec tête de 28 mm, en resurfaçage (RH) et avec la PTH à tête de grand diamètre. Alors qu’il y a beaucoup d’évidence à l’égard du bon fonctionnement des implants PTH 28 mm et du RH, les données quant aux performances in vivo des PTH MM à grand diamètre manquent. Malgré cela, ces implants sont utilisés à grande échelle.
Dans un premier temps, l’objectif de ce travail de recherche était d’évaluer l’effet et de comparer les taux d’ions chrome (Cr) et cobalt (Co) chez des sujets porteurs de PTH MM à grand diamètre à ceux de 64 porteurs de RH, tous deux possédant des surfaces de frottement aux propriétés tribologiques identiques.
Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons comparé les taux ioniques (Cr, Co et titane (Ti)) entre quatre PTH MM à grand diamètre provenant de fabricants différents (Zimmer, DePuy, Smith & Nephew et Biomet).
Les mesures d’ions étaient effectuées dans le sang entier dans un laboratoire indépendant par la technique de spectrophotométrie de masse à haute résolution HR-ICP-MS, pour l’ensemble de ce travail de recherche.
Les deux comparaisons ont démontré le rôle crucial joué par la modularité au niveau de la jonction tête-col des PTH MM à grand diamètre. En effet, des écarts considérables dans les concentrations ioniques de Co ont été retrouvés entre les RH et PTH Durom ayant un couple de frottement identique, ainsi qu’entre les 4 différents designs de PTH MM à grand diamètre comparés entre eux. La PTH MM à grand diamètre Durom était la moins favorable alors que celle de Biomet était la plus performante.
Nos observations démontrent que des sources inattendues comme la jonction tête-col de certains implants PTH MM à grand diamètre peuvent contribuer au relargage ionique systémique. Une meilleure compréhension de ce phénomène est indispensable avant l’utilisation clinque de nouveaux implants de ce type. / The treatment for advanced degenerative hip disease consists in replacing the native joint with artificial implants. This is a very common procedure and the type of arthroplasty most practiced worldwide is metal-on-polyethylene (MOPE) total hip replacement (THR). However, this type of bearing has limited lifespan and is not adapted for active patients struggling with hip osteoarthritis early in their lives. In order to increase implant longevity, new generation, metal-on–metal (MOM) bearing surfaces is used nowadays in this particular population. These MOM bearings are used in 28 mm THR, in resurfacing hip arthroplasty (RH) and in large diameter head THR. Although consistent results have been obtained with the 28 mm THR and RH, large diameter head THR are increasingly used despite lack of scientific data about their performances.
The main purpose of our first paper was to compare chromium (Cr) and cobalt (Co) concentrations among patients implanted with large diameter head THR and with RH. In this case, both bearing surfaces presented identical tribological properties.
In the second paper, we compared performances in terms of ion release (Cr, Co and titanium (Ti)) from four different manufacturers of large diameter head THR systems (Zimmer, DePuy, Smith & Nephew and Biomet).
Whole blood was used for all samples and ion measurements were conducted by an independent laboratory in a blinded fashion, using high-resolution inductive coupled plasma mass spectrophotometry (HR-ICP-MS).
Both papers have emphasized the crucial role played by modularity at the head-neck junction in metal ion release from large diameter THR MOM bearings. In fact, significant differences were found in Co ion concentration between large head THR and HRA as well as among the different designs of large head THRs. Briefly, the Durom large head THR system was the least favorable implant while the Biomet large head THR system showed the best results.
Our results prove that systemic ion release might origin from surprising sources such as modularity at the head-neck junction in patients implanted with certain large head MOM THR systems. A better comprehension of head-neck junction biomechanics is necessary before clinical use of such new devices.
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