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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kimberlitic olivine

Brett, Richard Curtis 05 1900 (has links)
Kimberlite hosts two populations of olivine that are distinguished on the basis of grain size and morphology; the populations are commonly described genetically as xenocrysts and phenocrysts. Recent studies of zoning patterns in kimberlitic olivine phenocrysts have cast doubt on the actual origins of the smaller olivine crystals. Here, we elucidate the nature and origins of the textural and chemical zonation that characterize both populations of olivine. Specifically, we show that both olivine-I and olivine-II feature chemically distinct overgrowths resulting from magmatic crystallization on pre-existing olivine xenocrysts. These results suggest that the total volume of olivine crystallized during transport is substantially lower (≤5%) than commonly assumed (e.g. ~25%), and that crystallization is dominantly heterogeneous. This reduces estimates of the Mg# in primitive kimberlite melt to more closely reconcile with measured phenocryst compositions. Several additional textures are observed in olivine, and include: sealed cracks, healed cracks, phases trapping in cracks, rounded grains, overgrowths and phase trapping in overgrowths. These features record processes that operate in kimberlite during ascent, and from these features we create a summary model for kimberlite ascent: • Olivine is incorporated into kimberlitic melts at great depths as peridotitic mantle xenoliths. • Shortly after the incorporation of these xenocrysts the tensile strength of the crystals within xenoliths is reached at a minimum of 20 km from its source. Disaggregation of mantle xenoliths producing xenocrysts is facilitated by expansion of the minerals within the xenoliths. • The void space produced by the failure of the crystals is filled with melt and crystals consisting of primary carbonate (high-Sr), chromite and spinel crystals. The carbonate later crystallizes to produce sealed fractures. • Subsequent decompression causes cracks that are smaller than the sealed cracks and are preserved as healed cracks that crosscut sealed cracks. • Mechanical rounding of the xenocrysts post-dates, and/or occurs contemporaneously with decompression events that cause cracking. • Saturation of olivine produces rounded overgrowths on large xenocrysts, euhedral overgrowths on smaller xenocrysts, and a volumetrically minor population of olivine phenocrysts. Olivine growth traps fluid, solid and melt inclusions. Calculations based on these relationships suggest that the melt saturates with olivine at a maximum depth of 20 km and a minimum depth of 7 km.

The cultural adaptation of Japanese college students in a study abroad context : an ethnographic study

Segawa, Megumi 11 1900 (has links)
Using ethnographic methods, namely in-depth interviews and participant-observation, I examined the everyday experiences of fifteen female Japanese students during a nine-month study abroad. I attempted to investigate (1) the nature of cultural learning in the participants of this study during their sojourn and (2) how different social networks in the sojourn context affected the processes of their cultural learning and adaptation to the host environment. I employed models of cross-cultural adaptation based on a perspective of cultural learning / social skill acquisition as a theoretical framework. During the first few months in Canada, students without previous international sojourn experiences seemed to be physically and emotionally vulnerable. Some students experienced emotional upheaval which was consistent with previously published accounts of the characteristics of the sojourner adaptation process. A close association of the Japanese within their group throughout their sojourn resulted in the formation of an ethnic enclave in the dormitory community. This provided a support network for most of the Japanese students, but at the same time, caused interpersonal conflicts in the group. The strong group solidarity also negatively affected the relationship between the Japanese students and their Canadian peers in the dormitory. The Japanese students in this study not only had to adapt to the socio-cultural characteristics of the host environment, but also to the norms and values of their own group which reflected their cultural heritage. Although they encountered a number of challenges while in Canada, the process of overcoming difficulties and absorbing new experiences enabled them to grow personally and intellectually. Towards the end of their sojourn and after returning to Japan, the students recognised positive changes in their attitude and behaviour which they attributed to the different experiences they had through their study abroad. While several findings of the study indicated that the participants' adaptation to the new cultural setting reflected theoretical propositions in the cross-cultural adaptation literature, the study also showed how the unique nature of the students' sojourn environment had a significant impact on their adaptation process.

Garsų susilpnėjimas tarnybiniuose žodeliuose vokiečių kalboje / Lautschwächungen in den Dienstwörtern des Deutschen

Kuznecova, Svetlana 01 June 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den vokalischen und konsonantischen Lautschwächungen in den Dienstwörtern des Deutschen. Die Aktualität solcher Arbeit besteht darin, dass diese Gruppe von Wörtern lautlich besonders stark abgeschwächt wird und zugleich das Typische eines Gesprächstextes darstellt, obwohl die Dienstwörter sehr wenig zur eigentlichen Sachverhaltsdarstellung beitragen, denn sie enthalten einen nur sehr geringen Informationsgehalt. Der theretische Teil erläutert das Wesen und Merkmale der Dienstwörter, ihre phonetischen Besonderheiten und Erscheinung der Lautschwächungen in der Wissenschaft, ihr Auftreten in den Dienstwörtern in der modernen deutschen Sprache. Im praktischen Teil wird es mit Hilfe von zwei Texten aus verschiedenen Stilen erforscht, wie sich die Vokal- und Konsonantenschwächungen in den Dienstwörtern in verschiedenen phonetischen Stilen äußern.

Northern periphery : long-term Inuit-European and -Euroamerican intersocietal interaction in the central Canadian Arctic

Johnson, Donald S. (Donald Steven), 1950- January 1999 (has links)
This study examines long-term Inuit-European and -Euroamerican intersocietal interaction in the central Canadian Arctic. This geographical area encompasses the traditional ranges of the contiguous Copper, Netsilik and Iglulik Inuit societies. Specifically, the study analyzes and discusses changes in intra- and intergroup material trade networks and social relations resulting from indirect and direct contact with the developing capitalist world-system. Through the application of world-system theory and methodology, it is shown that indirect contact in the form of the acquisition of material trade items was a gradual, though constant, process that had a considerable impact on the cultural development of these societies. Both indirect and direct contact were greatly accelerated during the 19th century, increasing the rate of cultural change, and, by the early 20th century, ultimately culminating in the articulation of the Copper, Netsilik and Iglulik Inuit societies within the modern capitalist world-system.

Inverse modelling to forecast enclosure fire dynamics

Jahn, Wolfram January 2010 (has links)
Despite advances in the understanding of fire dynamics over the past decades and despite the advances in computational capacity, our ability to predict the behaviour of fires in general and building fires in particular remains very limited. This thesis proposes and studies a method to use measurements of the real event in order to steer and accelerate fire simulations. This technology aims at providing forecasts of the fire development with a positive lead time, i.e. the forecast of future events is ready before those events take place. A simplified fire spread model is implemented, and sensor data are assimilated into the model in order to estimate the parameters that characterize the spread model and thus recover information lost by approximations. The assimilation process is posed as an inverse problem, which is solved minimizing a non linear cost function that measures the distance between sensor data and the forward model. In order to accelerate the optimization procedure, the ‘tangent linear model’ is implemented, i.e. the forward model is linearized around the initial guess of the governing parameters that are to be estimated, thus approximating the cost function by a quadratic function. The methodology was tested first with a simple two-zone forward model, and then with a coarse grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fire model as forward model. Observations for the inverse modelling were generated using a fine grid CFD simulation in order to illustrate the methodology. A test case with observations from a real scale fire test is presented at the end of this document. In the two-zone model approach the spread rate, entrainment coefficient and gas transport time are the governing invariant parameters that are estimated. The parameters could be estimated correctly and the temperature and the height of the hot layer were reproduced satisfactorily. Moreover, the heat release rate and growth rate were estimated correctly with a positive lead time of up to 30 s. The results showed that the simple mass and heat balances and plume correlation of the zone model were enough to satisfactorily forecast the main features of the fire, and that positive lead times are possible. With the CFD forward model the growth rate, fuel mass loss rate and other parameters of a fire were estimated by assimilating measurements from the fire into the model. It was shown that with a field type forward model it is possible to estimate the growth rates of several different spread rates simultaneously. A coarse grid CFD model with very short computation times was used to assimilate measurements and it was shown that spatially resolved forecasts can be obtained in reasonable time, when combined with observations from the fire. The assimilation of observations from a real scale fire test into a coarse grid CFD model showed that the estimation of a fire growth parameter is possible in complicated scenarios in reasonable time, and that the resulting forecasts at localized level present good levels of accuracy. The proposed methodology is still subject to ongoing research. The limited capability of the forward model to represent the true fire has to be addressed with more detail, and the additional information that has to be provided in order to run the simulations has to be investigated. When using a CFD type forward model, additional to the detailed geometry, it is necessary to establish the location of the fire origin and the potential fuel load before starting the assimilation cycle. While the fire origin can be located easily (as a first approximation the location of the highest temperature reading can be used), the fuel load is potentially very variable and its exact distribution might be impractical to continually keep track of. It was however shown that for relatively small compartments the exact fuel distribution is not essential in order to produce an adequate forecast, and the fuel load could for example be established based on a statistical analysis of typical compartment layouts.

Applications of Adjoint Modelling in Chemical Composition: Studies of Tropospheric Ozone at Middle and High Northern Latitudes

Walker, Thomas 01 September 2014 (has links)
Ozone is integral to tropospheric chemistry, and understanding the processes controlling its distribution is important in climate and air pollution contexts. The GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model and its adjoint are used to interpret the impacts of midlatitude precursor emissions and atmospheric transport on the tropospheric ozone distribution at middle and high northern latitudes. In the Arctic, the model reproduces seasonal cycles of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and ozone measured at the surface, and observed ozone abundances in the summer free troposphere. Source attribution analysis suggests that local photochemical production, ≤ 0.25 ppbv/day, driven by PAN decomposition accounts for more than 50% of ozone in the summertime Arctic boundary layer. In the mid-troposphere, photochemical production accounts for 30-40% of ozone, while ozone transported from midlatitudes contributes 25-35%. Adjoint sensitivity studies link summertime ozone production to anthropogenic, biomass burning, soil, and lightning emissions between 50N-70N. Over Alert, Nunavut, the sensitivity of mid-tropospheric ozone to lightning emissions sometimes exceeds that to anthropogenic emissions. Over the eastern U.S., numerous models overestimate ozone in the summertime boundary layer. An inversion analysis, using the GEOS-Chem four-dimensional variational data assimilation system, optimizes emissions of NOx and isoprene. Inversion results suggest the model bias cannot be explained by discrepancies in these precursor emissions. A separate inversion optimizes rates of key chemical reactions including ozone deposition rates, which are parameterized and particularly uncertain. The inversion suggests a factor of 2-3 increase in deposition rates in the northeastern U.S., decreasing the ozone bias from 17.5 ppbv to 6.0 ppbv. This analysis, however, is sensitive to the model boundary layer mixing scheme. Several inversion analyses are conducted to estimate lightning NOx emissions over North America in August 2006, using ozonesonde data. The high-resolution nested version of GEOS-Chem is used to better capture variability in the ozonesonde data. The analyses suggest North American lightning NOx totals between 0.076-0.204 Tg N. A major challenge is that the vertical distribution of the lightning source is not optimized, but the results suggest a bias in the vertical distribution. Reliably optimizing the three-dimensional distribution of lightning NOx emissions requires more information than the ozonesonde dataset contains.

Muslimsk identitet och assimilation i det sekulära Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av det religiösa självförverkligandet utifrån jungiansk teori

Söderberg, Per-Erik January 2014 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte är att utifrån jungiansk teori bilda en förståelse för hur assimilation påverkar muslimsk identitet och självförverkligande i en sekulär kontext. Detta genom en fenomenografisk analys av det empiriska materialet, vilket består av kvalitativa intervjuer med troende muslimer. Utöver detta problematiseras Jungs analytiska psykologi i och med hur väl applicerbara dessa teorier är på muslimskt identitetsskapande idag. Undersökningen visar att det svenska sekulära samhället skapar ett assimilationstryck som upplevs av respondenterna i olika grader. Dessa påtryckningar innebär dock inga märkbara negativa tendenser i religionsutövandet bland de medverkande i den utsträckningen att den muslimska identiteten drabbas. Däremot tvingas respondenterna hantera utsatthet baserat på okunskap, rädsla och hat som på intet sätt bör försummas. Slutligen visar sig jungiansk psykologi fungera relativt oproblematiskt i en analys av den här typen. Jungs teorier är dock i behov av viss modernisering för att bättre passa samtida religionsvetenskap.

A Critical Case Study of Selected United States History Textbooks from a Tribal Critical Race Theory Perspective

Padgett, Gary 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the portrayal of American Indians in U.S. textbooks selected for review in Hillsborough County, Florida's 2012 textbook adoption. The study identified which of the textbooks under consideration contained the greatest amount of information dedicated to American Indians. The study then analyzed how that information was portrayed. The exploratory questions that guided this study were, how are American Indians portrayed in five selected U.S. history textbooks? It also addresses the question, under what conditions can Tribal Critical Race Theory help illuminate how American Indians are portrayed in textbooks? The methodology used is a critical case study (Rubin and Rubin, 2005; Janesick, 2004). The Five Great Values, as developed by Sanchez (2007), were used in the organization, coding, and analysis of the data. The theoretical framework that guides this study is Tribal Critical Race Theory (Brayboy, 2005), created in order to address issues from an indigenous perspective. This study found that while overt racism has declined, colonialism and assimilation were still used as models when American Indians were depicted in the five selected textbooks. It also discovered the portrayal of American Indian women to be particularly influenced by the models of colonialism and assimilation. Colonization and assimilation can been seen in the depiction of American Indians as a part of nature, the homogenization of American Indian religion, the portrayal of elders as unnecessary, the exclusion of American Indian role models, and the use of Western socioeconomic models rather than indigenous ones.

Sambandet mellan ökat deltagande på arbetsmarknaden och ett mindre segregerat boende : En studie om boendesegregationens utveckling för flyktingar från forna Jugoslavien i Gävle kommun

Königsson, Ludvig January 2015 (has links)
Under första halvan av 1990-talet pågick den dödligaste konflikten i Europa sedan Andra världskriget. Som en direkt följd av Jugoslaviens upplösning tog Sverige under kort tid emot över 70000 flyktingar från konfliktområdet. I skenet av dagens flyktingströmmar från konfliktdrabbade områden i Mellanöstern rapporterade Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet 2013 om ett lyckat inträde på arbetsmarknaden för denna grupp jugoslaver. I bakgrund till detta är syftet med denna uppsats att genom statistisk analys undersöka sambanden mellan ett högt deltagande på arbetsmarknaden och en minskad grad boendesegregation. Området för studien är begränsat till Gävle kommun. Genom att studera segregationsnivåer i en mellanstor svensk stad ämnas studien samtidigt att bidra till ett fält som saknar bredd inom forskningen. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av två teorier med bred förankring inom segregationsforskningen – spatial assimilation och place stratification. Teorierna betonar humanekologiska respektive strukturella faktorer bakom bildandet och upprätthållandet av boendesegregation. Spatial assimilationär främst applicerbar på den studerade gruppen jugoslaver genom att de uppvisar en relativt konsekvent trend mot både ökat deltagande på arbetsmarknaden och sjunkande segregationsnivåer på bostadsmarknaden. När resultatet kompletteras med jämförelser med andra befolkningsgrupper framstår istället place stratification som en högst relevant förklaringsmodell till de strukturella mönster som föregående teori misslyckas att förklara.

The highland community in Glasgow in the nineteenth century : a study of non-assimilation

MacKenzie, Joan January 1987 (has links)
In recent years a growing body of economic and social research has been directed towards studies of migration, the problem of the assimilation of immigrants and the persistence of cultural traditions in new environmental circumstances. The present study is an attempt to contribute towards this work by looking at the evolution of the Glasgow Highland community in the nineteenth century. Though the Highlanders in their homeland and overseas have attracted much attention, the study of their reaction to urban, industrial life has been subjected to less scrutiny. The work already done on this area has tended to argue that a speedy process of assimilation to the dominant cultural pattern took place. The present study looks at a wide variety of indicators, such as residential, employment and household patterns, as well as the question of cultural traditions, and argues, on the contrary, that a definite Glasgow Highland community existed,with its own institutions and patterns of social relationships, within the wider Glasgow society. In contrast to assimilation models, the Glasgow Gaels showed a preference for distinct settlement areas, as well as a predilection to "clustering" in certain employment opportunities. In addition, they demonstrated a loyalty to specific Highland institutions of a cultural and religious nature which marked them off from the non-Gael. These features in turn encouraged strong intra-group social and domestic relationships.

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