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Designing Genomic Solutions for Abiotic Traits in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)Khan, Nadeem 15 December 2022 (has links)
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is a self-pollinated crop widely cultivated for fiber and oil production. Flaxseed is renowned for its health attributes but the presence of compounds, such as the heavy metal cadmium (Cd), is undesirable. Genomic studies in flax have produced large amounts of data in the last 15 years, providing useful resources to improve the genetic of this crop using genomics-based technologies and strategies. The goal of this thesis is therefore to capitalize on these advances to address the Cd problem and to propose solutions to improve breeding efficiencies. To find genomic-based solutions to Cd content, to the currently low breeding efficiency and to abiotic stress resistance in flax, this study utilized four major strategies: (1) genomic cross prediction, (2) gene family identification, (3) genome-wide association study (GWAS) and (4) genomic selection (GS). Characterization of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter and heavy metal associated (HMA) gene families was performed using the flax genome sequence. A total of 198 ABC transporter and 12 HMA genes were identified in the flax genome, of which nine were orthologous to Cd-associated genes in Arabidopsis, rice and maize. A transcriptomic analysis of eight tissues provided some support towards the functional annotation of these genes and confirmed the expression of these ABC transporter and HMA genes in flax seeds and other tissues. A diversity panel of 168 flax accessions was grown in the field at multiple locations and years and the seed content of 24 heavy metals (HMs) was measured. The panel was also sequenced and a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) dataset of nearly 43,000 SNPs was defined. A GWAS was conducted using these genotypic and phenotypic data and a total of 355 non-redundant quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were identified for ten of the 24 metal contents. Overall, a total of 24 major and 331 minor effect QTNs were detected, including 11 that were pleiotropic. After allelic tests, 108 non-redundant QTNs were retained for eight of the ten metals and ranging from one for copper (Cu) to 70 for strontium (Sr). A total of 20 candidate genes for HM accumulation were identified at 12 of the 24 major QTN loci, of which five belonged to the ABC transporter family. Many of the metal contents, including Cd, appeared to be controlled by many genes of small effects; hence, GS is better suited than marker-assisted selection for application in breeding. To test this, predictive ability using ten GS statistical models was evaluated using trait-specific QTN and the random genome-wide 43K SNP datasets. Significantly higher predictive abilities were observed from the GS models built with the dataset made of QTNs associated with metal contents (70-80%) compared to that of the 43K dataset (10-25%).
This study showed the feasibility of using GS to improve the predictive ability of polygenic traits such as metal content in seeds. GS can be applied in early generation selection to accelerate the improvement of abiotic stress resistance and either select low-Cd lines or discard high-Cd lines. These findings validate the use of a QTL-based strategy as a highly effective method for improving the efficiency of predictive ability of GS for highly complex traits such as resistance or tolerance to HM accumulation. Identification of both large and minor effect QTNs and/or pleiotropic effects hold potential for flax breeding improvement. Candidate gene functional validation can be performed using methods such as genome editing or targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING).
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Genome-Wide Analyses for Partial Resistance to <i>Phytophthora sojae</i> Kaufmann and Gerdemann in Soybean (<i>Glycine max</i> L. Merr.) Populations from North America and the Republic of KoreaSchneider, Rhiannon N. 28 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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High-Performance Scientific Applications Using Mixed Precision and Low-Rank Approximation Powered by Task-based Runtime SystemsAlomairy, Rabab M. 20 July 2022 (has links)
To leverage the extreme parallelism of emerging architectures, so that scientific applications can fulfill their high fidelity and multi-physics potential while sustaining high efficiency relative to the limiting resource, numerical algorithms must be redesigned. Algorithmic redesign is capable of shifting the limiting resource, for example from memory or communication to arithmetic capacity. The benefit of algorithmic redesign expands greatly when introducing a tunable tradeoff between accuracy and resources. Scientific applications from diverse sources rely on dense matrix operations. These operations arise in: Schur complements, integral equations, covariances in spatial statistics, ridge regression, radial basis functions from unstructured meshes, and kernel matrices from machine learning, among others. This thesis demonstrates how to extend the problem sizes that may be treated and to reduce their execution time. Two “universes” of algorithmic innovations have emerged to improve computations by orders of magnitude in capacity and runtime. Each introduces a hierarchy, of rank or precision. Tile Low-Rank approximation replaces blocks of dense operator with those of low rank. Mixed precision approximation, increasingly well supported by contemporary hardware, replaces blocks of high with low precision. Herein, we design new high-performance direct solvers based on the synergism of TLR and mixed precision. Since adapting to data sparsity leads to heterogeneous workloads, we rely on task-based runtime systems to orchestrate the scheduling of fine-grained kernels onto computational resources. We first demonstrate how TLR permits to accelerate acoustic scattering and mesh deformation simulations. Our solvers outperform the state-of-art libraries by up to an order of magnitude. Then, we demonstrate the impact of enabling mixed precision in bioinformatics context. Mixed precision enhances the performance up to three-fold speedup. To facilitate the adoption of task-based runtime systems, we introduce the AL4SAN library to provide a common API for the expression and queueing of tasks across multiple dynamic runtime systems. This library handles a variety of workloads at a low overhead, while increasing user productivity. AL4SAN enables interoperability by switching runtimes at runtime, which permits to achieve a twofold speedup on a task-based generalized symmetric eigenvalue solver.
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MicroRNA-21 is an important downstream component of BMP signalling in epidermal keratinocytesAhmed, Mohammed I., Mardaryev, Andrei N., Lewis, Christopher J., Sharov, A.A., Botchkareva, Natalia V. 17 June 2011 (has links)
Yes / Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play essential roles in the control of skin development, postnatal tissue remodelling and tumorigenesis. To explore whether some of the effects of BMP signalling are mediated by microRNAs, we performed genome-wide microRNA (miRNA) screening in primary mouse keratinocytes after BMP4 treatment. Microarray analysis revealed substantial BMP4-dependent changes in the expression of distinct miRNAs, including miR-21. Real-time PCR confirmed that BMP4 dramatically inhibits miR-21 expression in the keratinocytes. Consistently, significantly increased levels of miR-21 were observed in transgenic mice overexpressing the BMP antagonist noggin under control of the K14 promoter (K14-noggin). By in situ hybridization, miR-21 expression was observed in the epidermis and hair follicle epithelium in normal mouse skin. In K14-noggin skin, miR-21 was prominently expressed in the epidermis, as well as in the peripheral portion of trichofolliculoma-like hair follicle-derived tumours that contain proliferating and poorly differentiated cells. By transfecting keratinocytes with a miR-21 mimic, we identified the existence of two groups of the BMP target genes, which are differentially regulated by miR-21. These included selected BMP-dependent tumour-suppressor genes (Pten, Pdcd4, Timp3 and Tpm1) negatively regulated by miR-21, as well as miR-21-independent Id1, Id2, Id3 and Msx2 that predominantly mediate the effects of BMPs on cell differentiation. In primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells, miR-21 prevented the inhibitory effects of BMP4 on cell proliferation and migration. Thus, our study establishes a novel mechanism for the regulation of BMP-induced effects in the skin and suggests miRNAs are important modulators of the effects of growth factor signalling pathways on skin development and tumorigenesis.
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Germline determinants of 5-fluorouracil drug toxicity and patient survival in colorectal cancerRosmarin, Daniel Norris January 2013 (has links)
Despite a decade of publications investigating the effect of germline polymorphisms on both toxicity related to treatment with 5-fluorouracil-based (5-FU) chemotherapy and prognosis following diagnosis with colorectal cancer (CRC), few genetic biomarkers have been identified convincingly. For 5-FU toxicity and CRC prognosis, in four results chapters, this thesis aims to validate previously-reported genetic biomarkers, identify new markers, determine the mechanistic basis of associated polymorphisms, and expand upon methods in the field. The first three results chapters investigate genetic biomarkers for the prediction of toxicity caused by 5-FU-based treatment, particularly for the 5-FU prodrug capecitabine (Xeloda®, Roche). In the first, a systematic review and meta-analysis is performed for all variants that have been previously studied for an association with toxicity caused by any 5-FU-based drug regimen. 16 studies are analysed, including 36 previously-studied variants. Four variants show strong evidence of affecting a patient’s risk of global (any) 5-FU-related toxicity upon analysis of both the existing data and over 900 patients from the QUASAR2 trial of capecitabine +/- bevacizumab (Avastin®, Roche/Genentech): DPYD 2846, DPYD *2A, TYMS 5’VNTR and TYMS 3’UTR. Next, 1,456 polymorphisms in 25 genes involved in the activation, action or degradation of 5-FU are investigated in 1,046 patients from QUASAR2. At a Bonferroni-corrected p-value threshold of 3.43e-05, three novel associations with capecitabine-related toxicity are identified in DPYD (rs12132152, rs7548189, A551T) and the previously-identified TYMS 5’VNTR and 3’UTR toxicity polymorphisms are refined to a tagging SNP (rs2612091) downstream of TYMS and intronic to the adjacent ENOSF1, the latter of which appears to be functional. Finally, a genome-wide investigation of 4.77 million directly genotyped or imputed SNPs identifies one variant (rs2093152 on chr20) as significantly associated with capecitabine-related diarrhoea (p<5e-08), though no associations meet this threshold for global toxicity. In the study of CRC prognosis, a severe left truncation to the VICTOR trial is defined and shown to probably reduce statistical power but not bias effect estimates. Applying standard and novel genome-wide analysis approaches, a set of 43 SNPs are prioritised for future work. With over one million new CRC cases annually, this work helps define biomarkers that could become broadly applicable in the clinical setting.
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Investigating the role of potential genetic markers that can predict risk for steroid refractory inflammatory bowel diseaseKrupoves, Alfreda 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte - La variation interindividuelle de la réponse aux corticostéroïdes (CS) est un problème important chez les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires d’intestin. Ce problème est bien plus accentué chez les enfants avec la prévalence de la corticodépendance extrêmement (~40 %) élevée. La maladie réfractaire au CS a des répercussions sur le développement et le bien-être physique et psychologique des patients et impose des coûts médicaux élevés, particulièrement avec la maladie active comparativement à la maladie en rémission, le coût étant 2-3 fois plus élevé en ambulatoire et 20 fois plus élevé en hôpital. Il est ainsi primordial de déterminer les marqueurs prédictifs de la réponse aux CS. Les efforts précédents de découvrir les marqueurs cliniques et démographiques ont été équivoques, ce qui souligne davantage le besoin de marqueurs moléculaires. L'action des CS se base sur des processus complexes déterminés génétiquement. Deux gènes, le ABCB1, appartenant à la famille des transporteurs transmembraneaux, et le NR3C1, encodant le récepteur glucocorticoïde, sont des éléments importants des voies métaboliques. Nous avons postulé que les variations dans ces gènes ont un rôle dans la variabilité observée de la réponse aux CS et pourraient servir en tant que les marqueurs prédictifs.
Objectifs - Nous avons visé à: (1) examiner le fardeau de la maladie réfractaire aux CS chez les enfants avec la maladie de Crohn (MC) et le rôle des caractéristiques cliniques et démographiques potentiellement liés à la réponse; (2) étudier l'association entre les variantes d'ADN de gène ABCB1 et la réponse aux CS; (3) étudier les associations entre les variantes d'ADN de gène NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS.
Méthodes - Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons mené une étude de cohorte des patients recrutés dans deux cliniques pédiatriques tertiaires de gastroentérologie à l’Ottawa (CHEO) et à Montréal (HSJ). Les patients avec la MC ont été diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 18 ans selon les critères standard radiologiques, endoscopiques et histopathologiques. La corticorésistance et la corticodépendance ont été définies en adaptant les critères reconnus. L’ADN, acquise soit du sang ou de la salive, était génotypée pour des variations à travers de gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 sélectionnées à l’aide de la méthodologie de tag-SNP. La fréquence de la corticorésistance et la corticodépendance a été estimée assumant une distribution binomiale. Les associations entre les variables cliniques/démographiques et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique en ajustant pour des variables potentielles de confusion. Les associations entre variantes génétiques de ABCB1 et NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique assumant différents modèles de la transmission. Les associations multimarqueurs ont été examinées en utilisant l'analyse de haplotypes. Les variantes nongénotypées ont été imputées en utilisant les données de HAPMAP et les associations avec SNPs imputés ont été examinées en utilisant des méthodes standard.
Résultats - Parmi 645 patients avec la MC, 364 (56.2%) ont reçu CS. La majorité de patients étaient des hommes (54.9 %); présentaient la maladie de l’iléocôlon (51.7%) ou la maladie inflammatoire (84.6%) au diagnostic et étaient les Caucasiens (95.6 %). Huit pourcents de patients étaient corticorésistants et 40.9% - corticodépendants. Le plus bas âge au diagnostic (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), la maladie cœxistante de la région digestive supérieure (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) et l’usage simultané des immunomodulateurs (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) ont été associés avec la corticodépendance. Un total de 27 marqueurs génotypés à travers de ABCB1 (n=14) et NR3C1 (n=13) ont été en l'Équilibre de Hardy-Weinberg, à l’exception d’un dans le gène NR3C1 (rs258751, exclu).
Dans ABCB1, l'allèle rare de rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) et génotype hétérozygote (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95 p=0.035) ont été négativement associes avec la dépendance de CS. Un haplotype à 3 marqueurs, comprenant le SNP fonctionnel rs1045642 a été associé avec la dépendance de CS (p empirique=0.004). 24 SNPs imputés introniques et six haplotypes ont été significativement associés avec la dépendance de CS. Aucune de ces associations n'a cependant maintenu la signification après des corrections pour des comparaisons multiples. Dans NR3C1, trois SNPs: rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), et rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), ont été associés sous un modèle additif, tandis que rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) et rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) - sous un modèle récessif. Deux haplotypes incluant ces 5 SNPs (AAACA et GGGCG) ont été significativement (p=0.006 et 0.01 empiriques) associés avec la corticodépendance. 19 SNPs imputés ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Deux haplotypes multimarqueurs (p=0.001), incluant les SNPs génotypés et imputés, ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS.
Conclusion - Nos études suggèrent que le fardeau de la corticodépendance est élevé parmi les enfants avec le CD. Les enfants plus jeunes au diagnostic et ceux avec la maladie coexistante de la région supérieure ainsi que ceux avec des variations dans les gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 étaient plus susceptibles de devenir corticodépendants. / Background - Inter-individual variation in response to treatment by corticosteroids (CS) is an important problem in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient’s. This problem is even more prominent in children, the prevalence of steroid dependence (~40%) in whom is extremely high. Steroid refractoriness has a considerable impact on the physical and psychological development of these children, also imposing high medical costs related to treatment. Active disease, as opposed to quiescent, increases medical costs 2-3 times in ambulatory patients and 20 times in hospitalized cases. Identifying markers that could predict steroid response is therefore a high clinical priority. Previous attempts to investigate potential clinical and demographic markers have been equivocal, highlighting the need for further investigations of other predictive markers. It is well known that the action of CS entails complex processes controlled by genetic factors. Two genes, the ABCB1 gene, which belongs to the family of trans-membrane transporters, and the NR3C1 gene, coding for the glucocorticoid receptor, are major elements of the pathway. We postulated that inter-individual variations in these genes may play a role in the observed variability of the response to CS and could serve as potential predictors.
Objectives - We aimed to: (1) examine the burden of steroid refractoriness in children diagnosed with CD and explore the potential clinical/demographic factors related to CS response; (2) study the association between DNA variants in the ABCB1 gene and CS response; (3) investigate the associations between DNA variants in the NR3C1 gene and CS response.
Methods - We investigated these objectives in a cohort of CD patients recruited from two tertiary paediatric gastroenterology clinics from Ottawa (CHEO) and Montreal (HSJ). CD patients diagnosed prior to age 18 using standard clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histopathological criteria were included. Published criteria were adapted to define CS-resistance and dependence. DNA acquired from blood and/or saliva was genotyped for variations across the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes selected using the tag-SNP methodology. The frequencies of steroid resistance and dependence were estimated assuming a binomial distribution. Associations between clinical/demographic variables and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression modeling after accounting for potential confounding variables. Associations between ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes’ variants and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression assuming different models of inheritance. Multi-marker associations were examined via haplotype analysis. Un-genotyped variants in the genes were imputed using HAPMAP data as the reference panel and associations with imputed SNPs examined using standard methods.
Results - Among 645 CD patients diagnosed at the study centers, 364 (56.2%) received corticosteroids during the first year since diagnosis. The majority of patients were male (54.9%), had inflammatory (84.6%), ileo-colonic (51.7%) disease phenotypes at diagnosis and were Caucasians (95.6%). Eight percent of patients developed CS-resistance and 40.9% became CS-dependent. Younger age at diagnosis (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), coexisting upper digestive tract involvement (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) and concomitant immunomodulators use (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) were significantly associated with CS-dependency in multivariate analysis. From among the 27 markers genotyped across the ABCB1 (n=14) and NR3C1 genes (n=13), all except one in NR3C1 gene (rs258751, excluded) were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. For ABCB1, the rare allele of rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) and heterozygous genotype (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95, p=0.035) conferred protection from CS dependency. A 3-marker haplotype including the functional SNP rs1045642 was associated with CS-dependence (empiric p-value=0.004). On imputation 24 intronic SNPs and six haplotypes were statistically significantly associated with CS dependence. None of these associations however maintained significance after corrections for multiple comparisons.
For the NR3C1 gene 3 SNPs, rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), and rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), showed associations under an additive model whereas rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) and rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) showed associations under a recessive model. Two haplotypes encompassing these 5 SNPs (AAACA and GGGCG) were significantly (empirical p=0.006 and 0.01 respectively) were associated with CS-dependence. On imputation 19 SNPs were associated with CS-dependence. Two multi-marker haplotypes (p-values=0.001 each) including genotyped and imputed SNPs conferred susceptibility for CS-dependency. Conclusions - Our studies suggest that the burden of steroid dependence is high among children with CD. Children diagnosed at a younger age, those with co-existent upper tract disease and with variations in the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes were more likely to become CS dependent.
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Identification of Genomic Variants Associated with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) in French-Canadian PopulationTang, Qi Lin 12 1900 (has links)
La scoliose idiopathique est une déformation tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertébrale dont la pathogenèse reste obscure. Cette maladie affecte 2-4% des adolescents de 10-18 ans parmi les garçons et les filles. Il est à noter que les filles sont plus sévèrement affectées et ce en plus grand nombre que les garçons. Les études de jumeaux ont montré que les facteurs génétiques jouent un rôle important dans la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent (SIA).
Depuis 2010, les études d'association pan génomiques ont été multipliées dans les recherches, visant à trouver des gènes candidats impliqués dans la SIA à travers des examens des polymorphismes nucléotidiques (SNPs). Un test génétique nommé "ScoliScore" a été publié pour essayer de prédire la progression de courbure dans la population caucasienne. Cependant, l'association n'a pas été reproduite dans une grande étude japonaise, soulignant l'importance d'une étude de réplication dans une population caucasienne indépendante.
Dans ce contexte, mon projet de maîtrise a permis de génotyper plus de 1,4 millions de SNPs dans une cohorte canadienne-française dans le but: 1) de valider l'association de ScoliScoreTM; et 2) d’identifier les variants génomiques associées à la SIA dans la population québécoise.
Notre étude a montré qu’aucun des variants constituant le test ScoliScoreTM n’était associé à la SIA. Ceci suggère que l'absence d'association dans une cohorte japonaise n'est pas due à l'appartenance ethnique. Aussi, nous avons identifié des variants génomiques associés significativement à l’initiation et/ou la progression de SIA dans la population québécoise, suggérant des gènes candidats impliqués dans la pathogenèse de SIA. / Idiopathic scoliosis is a common spinal deformation occurring without clear reason. This disease affects 2-4% adolescents aging from 10-18 years old in both genders. Of note, girls are more affected in number and severity than boys. Twin studies demonstrated that genetic factors play an important role in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
Since 2010, Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been multiplied in AIS researches, aiming to find out candidate genes involved in the disease by an examination of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the entire genome. A genetic test named “ScoliScore” was released for the prediction of curvature progression in Caucasian AIS population using 53 SNPs. However, such association was not replicated in a larger Japanese-population study. Such a discrepancy could be explained by ethnicity, raising the importance of a replication study in an independent Caucasian population of European descent.
In that context, we genotyped over 1.4 million SNPs in a French-Canadian cohort: 1) to validate the association in ScoliScoreTM test; and 2) to identify genomic variants associated with AIS in the population of Quebec.
As a result, the association of ScoliScoreTM genomic markers could not be reproduced in French-Canadian AIS patients, suggesting that the lack of association of these SNPs in a Japanese cohort is not due to ethnicity. Meanwhile, we identified genome-wide significant variants associated with spinal curve initiation and/or progression in French-Canadian population, suggesting candidate genes involved in AIS pathogenesis.
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Epidémiologie et génétique humaine de l’ulcère de Buruli / Epidemiology and human genetics of Buruli ulcerVincent, Quentin 28 November 2014 (has links)
L'ulcère de Buruli (UB), infection à Mycobacterium ulcerans, troisième mycobactériose mondiale, connait une émergence rapide depuis 1980, essentiellement dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne. Jusqu’ici, les connaissances épidémiologiques sur l’UB étaient fondées sur des séries de cas cliniques non confirmés par laboratoire. Nous avons constitué la plus grande cohorte de cas confirmés à ce jour rassemblant plus de 1200 patients traités au CDTUB de Pobè au Bénin entre 2005 et 2011, afin de décrire l'épidémiologie clinique de la maladie et d'explorer l’architecture génétique de la susceptibilité à cette maladie. Les patients atteints d’UB sont des enfants (âge médian au diagnostic de 12 ans), présentant une lésion unique (96%), large (plus de 15 cm, 36%), ulcérative (66%) du membre inférieur (60%). Nous rapportons une présentation clinique atypique de l’UB, dans laquelle les patients présentent exclusivement une ostéomyélite à M. ulcerans. Le sex-ratio varie avec l’âge : les garçons sont majoritaires parmi les enfants (57% de patients masculins chez les moins de 15 ans), et les femmes parmi les adultes (33% de patients masculins). La présentation clinique dépend de l’âge et du sexe. 9% des patients masculins ont présenté une ostéomyélite contre 4% des patients féminins. Un an après la fin du traitement, 22% des patients présentent des séquelles fonctionnelles fixées. Une présentation clinique comportant une lésion oedémateuse, osseuse, de grande taille ou plusieurs lésions est significativement associée avec le développement de séquelles fonctionnelles (OR 7.64, IC95% [5.29-11.31]). Les patients coinfectés par le VIH ont un risque significativement plus élevé de développer un UB sévère (OR 2.77, IC95% [1.32-6.33]). Nous avons exploré l’architecture génétique de la susceptibilité à l’UB dans une perspective mendélienne et une perspective complexe. Le cas le plus sévère de la maladie observé dans ce centre appartient à une famille consanguine dans laquelle la ségrégation du phénotype suggère un défaut génétique mendélien récessif. Une analyse de liaison génétique par cartographie d'homozygotie suggère l’implication du locus des béta-défensines sur le chromosome 8 dans la pathogénèse de l'UB, et mène à l’identification d’une délétion homozygote ségrégeant parfaitement avec la maladie. Dans une perspective complexe, une étude d’association pangénomique a été réalisée après génotypage d’une cohorte de 400 cas et 400 témoins exposés sur plus de 2 millions de SNPs par la puce Illumina Omni2.5 et a permis l’identification de nombreux signaux d’intérêt. L’étude de réplication est en cours. La compréhension de la physiopathologie de l'infection à M. ulcerans est cruciale pour générer de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques et vaccinales. La dissection du contrôle génétique de l'infection par l'hôte est en ce sens indispensable. / Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, is the third most frequent mycobacteriosis worldwide. It has been rapidly emerging in sub-Saharan African countries since 1980. Until now, knowledge of BU epidemiology relied on series of non laboratory-confirmed clinical cases. From 2005-2011, we recruited the current largest cohort of laboratory-confirmed cases (more than 1,200 patients) at the Pobe CDTUB, Benin, to describe the clinical epidemiology of the disease and to explore the genetic architecture of human susceptibility to BU. Typically, patients with BU were children (median age at diagnosis 12 years) presenting with a unique (96%) large (≥15 cm, 36%) ulcerative (66%) lesion of the lower limb (60%). Atypical clinical presentation of BU included osteomyelitis with no identifiable present or past BU skin lesions. The sex ratio of BU widely varied with age, with male patients accounting for 57% of patients aged 15 years and younger, but only 33% of those older than 15 years. Clinical presentation of BU was significantly dependent on age and sex. 9% male patients had BU osteomyelitis, whereas only 4% of female patients did. 1 year after treatment, 22% of patients with follow-up information presented with permanent functional sequelae. Presentation with oedema, osteomyelitis, or large (≥15 cm in diameter), or multifocal lesions was significantly associated with occurrence of permanent functional sequelae (OR 7•64, 95% CI 5•29–11•31) and operationally defines severe BU. When coinfected with HIV, patients had a significantly higher risk to develop severe BU (OR 2.77, IC95% [1.32-6.33]). We explored the genetic architecture of susceptibility to BU in both mendelian and complex genetic frameworks. The most severe case of the disease to have been treated at the Pobe CDTUB belonged to a consanguineous family in which the segregation of the phenotype was indicative of a recessive mendelian genetic defect. Genetic linkage analysis by homozygosity mapping suggested the implication of the beta-defensin locus on chromosome 8 in BU pathogenesis and lead to the identification of a homozygous deletion, which co-segregated perfectly with the disease in the family. In a complex genetics approach, we undertook a genome-wide association study, which involved the genotyping of more than 2 million SNPs (Illumina Omni2.5) in a cohort of 400 cases and 400 exposed controls. We identified many signals of interest. The replication study is ongoing. Understanding BU physiopathology is crucial to the development of efficient vaccines and drugs. Dissection of the genetic control of the infection by M. ulcerans by its human host therefore constitutes an indispensable step.
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Investigating the role of potential genetic markers that can predict risk for steroid refractory inflammatory bowel diseaseKrupoves, Alfreda 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte - La variation interindividuelle de la réponse aux corticostéroïdes (CS) est un problème important chez les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires d’intestin. Ce problème est bien plus accentué chez les enfants avec la prévalence de la corticodépendance extrêmement (~40 %) élevée. La maladie réfractaire au CS a des répercussions sur le développement et le bien-être physique et psychologique des patients et impose des coûts médicaux élevés, particulièrement avec la maladie active comparativement à la maladie en rémission, le coût étant 2-3 fois plus élevé en ambulatoire et 20 fois plus élevé en hôpital. Il est ainsi primordial de déterminer les marqueurs prédictifs de la réponse aux CS. Les efforts précédents de découvrir les marqueurs cliniques et démographiques ont été équivoques, ce qui souligne davantage le besoin de marqueurs moléculaires. L'action des CS se base sur des processus complexes déterminés génétiquement. Deux gènes, le ABCB1, appartenant à la famille des transporteurs transmembraneaux, et le NR3C1, encodant le récepteur glucocorticoïde, sont des éléments importants des voies métaboliques. Nous avons postulé que les variations dans ces gènes ont un rôle dans la variabilité observée de la réponse aux CS et pourraient servir en tant que les marqueurs prédictifs.
Objectifs - Nous avons visé à: (1) examiner le fardeau de la maladie réfractaire aux CS chez les enfants avec la maladie de Crohn (MC) et le rôle des caractéristiques cliniques et démographiques potentiellement liés à la réponse; (2) étudier l'association entre les variantes d'ADN de gène ABCB1 et la réponse aux CS; (3) étudier les associations entre les variantes d'ADN de gène NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS.
Méthodes - Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons mené une étude de cohorte des patients recrutés dans deux cliniques pédiatriques tertiaires de gastroentérologie à l’Ottawa (CHEO) et à Montréal (HSJ). Les patients avec la MC ont été diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 18 ans selon les critères standard radiologiques, endoscopiques et histopathologiques. La corticorésistance et la corticodépendance ont été définies en adaptant les critères reconnus. L’ADN, acquise soit du sang ou de la salive, était génotypée pour des variations à travers de gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 sélectionnées à l’aide de la méthodologie de tag-SNP. La fréquence de la corticorésistance et la corticodépendance a été estimée assumant une distribution binomiale. Les associations entre les variables cliniques/démographiques et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique en ajustant pour des variables potentielles de confusion. Les associations entre variantes génétiques de ABCB1 et NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique assumant différents modèles de la transmission. Les associations multimarqueurs ont été examinées en utilisant l'analyse de haplotypes. Les variantes nongénotypées ont été imputées en utilisant les données de HAPMAP et les associations avec SNPs imputés ont été examinées en utilisant des méthodes standard.
Résultats - Parmi 645 patients avec la MC, 364 (56.2%) ont reçu CS. La majorité de patients étaient des hommes (54.9 %); présentaient la maladie de l’iléocôlon (51.7%) ou la maladie inflammatoire (84.6%) au diagnostic et étaient les Caucasiens (95.6 %). Huit pourcents de patients étaient corticorésistants et 40.9% - corticodépendants. Le plus bas âge au diagnostic (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), la maladie cœxistante de la région digestive supérieure (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) et l’usage simultané des immunomodulateurs (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) ont été associés avec la corticodépendance. Un total de 27 marqueurs génotypés à travers de ABCB1 (n=14) et NR3C1 (n=13) ont été en l'Équilibre de Hardy-Weinberg, à l’exception d’un dans le gène NR3C1 (rs258751, exclu).
Dans ABCB1, l'allèle rare de rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) et génotype hétérozygote (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95 p=0.035) ont été négativement associes avec la dépendance de CS. Un haplotype à 3 marqueurs, comprenant le SNP fonctionnel rs1045642 a été associé avec la dépendance de CS (p empirique=0.004). 24 SNPs imputés introniques et six haplotypes ont été significativement associés avec la dépendance de CS. Aucune de ces associations n'a cependant maintenu la signification après des corrections pour des comparaisons multiples. Dans NR3C1, trois SNPs: rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), et rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), ont été associés sous un modèle additif, tandis que rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) et rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) - sous un modèle récessif. Deux haplotypes incluant ces 5 SNPs (AAACA et GGGCG) ont été significativement (p=0.006 et 0.01 empiriques) associés avec la corticodépendance. 19 SNPs imputés ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Deux haplotypes multimarqueurs (p=0.001), incluant les SNPs génotypés et imputés, ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS.
Conclusion - Nos études suggèrent que le fardeau de la corticodépendance est élevé parmi les enfants avec le CD. Les enfants plus jeunes au diagnostic et ceux avec la maladie coexistante de la région supérieure ainsi que ceux avec des variations dans les gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 étaient plus susceptibles de devenir corticodépendants. / Background - Inter-individual variation in response to treatment by corticosteroids (CS) is an important problem in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient’s. This problem is even more prominent in children, the prevalence of steroid dependence (~40%) in whom is extremely high. Steroid refractoriness has a considerable impact on the physical and psychological development of these children, also imposing high medical costs related to treatment. Active disease, as opposed to quiescent, increases medical costs 2-3 times in ambulatory patients and 20 times in hospitalized cases. Identifying markers that could predict steroid response is therefore a high clinical priority. Previous attempts to investigate potential clinical and demographic markers have been equivocal, highlighting the need for further investigations of other predictive markers. It is well known that the action of CS entails complex processes controlled by genetic factors. Two genes, the ABCB1 gene, which belongs to the family of trans-membrane transporters, and the NR3C1 gene, coding for the glucocorticoid receptor, are major elements of the pathway. We postulated that inter-individual variations in these genes may play a role in the observed variability of the response to CS and could serve as potential predictors.
Objectives - We aimed to: (1) examine the burden of steroid refractoriness in children diagnosed with CD and explore the potential clinical/demographic factors related to CS response; (2) study the association between DNA variants in the ABCB1 gene and CS response; (3) investigate the associations between DNA variants in the NR3C1 gene and CS response.
Methods - We investigated these objectives in a cohort of CD patients recruited from two tertiary paediatric gastroenterology clinics from Ottawa (CHEO) and Montreal (HSJ). CD patients diagnosed prior to age 18 using standard clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histopathological criteria were included. Published criteria were adapted to define CS-resistance and dependence. DNA acquired from blood and/or saliva was genotyped for variations across the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes selected using the tag-SNP methodology. The frequencies of steroid resistance and dependence were estimated assuming a binomial distribution. Associations between clinical/demographic variables and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression modeling after accounting for potential confounding variables. Associations between ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes’ variants and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression assuming different models of inheritance. Multi-marker associations were examined via haplotype analysis. Un-genotyped variants in the genes were imputed using HAPMAP data as the reference panel and associations with imputed SNPs examined using standard methods.
Results - Among 645 CD patients diagnosed at the study centers, 364 (56.2%) received corticosteroids during the first year since diagnosis. The majority of patients were male (54.9%), had inflammatory (84.6%), ileo-colonic (51.7%) disease phenotypes at diagnosis and were Caucasians (95.6%). Eight percent of patients developed CS-resistance and 40.9% became CS-dependent. Younger age at diagnosis (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), coexisting upper digestive tract involvement (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) and concomitant immunomodulators use (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) were significantly associated with CS-dependency in multivariate analysis. From among the 27 markers genotyped across the ABCB1 (n=14) and NR3C1 genes (n=13), all except one in NR3C1 gene (rs258751, excluded) were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. For ABCB1, the rare allele of rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) and heterozygous genotype (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95, p=0.035) conferred protection from CS dependency. A 3-marker haplotype including the functional SNP rs1045642 was associated with CS-dependence (empiric p-value=0.004). On imputation 24 intronic SNPs and six haplotypes were statistically significantly associated with CS dependence. None of these associations however maintained significance after corrections for multiple comparisons.
For the NR3C1 gene 3 SNPs, rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), and rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), showed associations under an additive model whereas rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) and rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) showed associations under a recessive model. Two haplotypes encompassing these 5 SNPs (AAACA and GGGCG) were significantly (empirical p=0.006 and 0.01 respectively) were associated with CS-dependence. On imputation 19 SNPs were associated with CS-dependence. Two multi-marker haplotypes (p-values=0.001 each) including genotyped and imputed SNPs conferred susceptibility for CS-dependency. Conclusions - Our studies suggest that the burden of steroid dependence is high among children with CD. Children diagnosed at a younger age, those with co-existent upper tract disease and with variations in the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes were more likely to become CS dependent.
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The International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen): An Initiative by the NIMH and IGSLI to Study the Genetic Basis of Response to Lithium TreatmentSchulze, Thomas G., Alda, Martin, Adli, Mazda, Akula, Nirmala, Ardau, Raffaella, Bui, Elise T., Chillotti, Caterina, Cichon, Sven, Czerski, Piotr, Del Zompo, Maria, Detera-Wadleigh, Sevilla D., Grof, Paul, Gruber, Oliver, Hashimoto, Ryota, Hauser, Joanna, Hoban, Rebecca, Iwata, Nakao, Kassem, Layla, Kato, Tadafumi, Kittel-Schneider, Sarah, Kliwicki, Sebastian, Kelsoe, John R., Kusumi, Ichiro, Laje, Gonzalo, Leckband, Susan G., Manchia, Mirko, MacQueen, Glenda, Masui, Takuya, Ozaki, Norio, Perlis, Roy H., Pfennig, Andrea, Piccardi, Paola, Richardson, Sara, Rouleau, Guy, Reif, Andreas, Rybakowski, Janusz K., Sasse, Johanna, Schumacher, Johannes, Severino, Giovanni, Smoller, Jordan W., Squassina, Alessio, Turecki, Gustavo, Young, L. Trevor, Yoshikawa, Takeo, Bauer, Michael, McMahon, Francis J. January 2010 (has links)
For more than half a decade, lithium has been successfully used to treat bipolar disorder. Worldwide, it is considered the first-line mood stabilizer. Apart from its proven antimanic and prophylactic effects, considerable evidence also suggests an antisuicidal effect in affective disorders. Lithium is also effectively used to augment antidepressant drugs in the treatment of refractory major depressive episodes and prevent relapses in recurrent unipolar depression. In contrast to many psychiatric drugs, lithium has outlasted various pharmacotherapeutic ‘fashions’, and remains an indispensable element in contemporary psychopharmacology. Nevertheless, data from pharmacogenetic studies of lithium are comparatively sparse, and these studies are generally characterized by small sample sizes and varying definitions of response. Here, we present an international effort to elucidate the genetic underpinnings of lithium response in bipolar disorder. Following an initiative by the International Group for the Study of Lithium-Treated Patients (www.IGSLI.org) and the Unit on the Genetic Basis of Mood and Anxiety Disorders at the National Institute of Mental Health,lithium researchers from around the world have formed the Consortium on Lithium Genetics (www.ConLiGen.org) to establish the largest sample to date for genome-wide studies of lithium response in bipolar disorder, currently comprising more than 1,200 patients characterized for response to lithium treatment. A stringent phenotype definition of response is one of the hallmarks of this collaboration. ConLiGen invites all lithium researchers to join its efforts. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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