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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diversidade genética e associação genômica ampla em banco de germoplasma de arroz (Oryza sativa) / Genetic diversity and genome-wide association in rice (Oryza sativa) germplasm bank

Rozzetto, Diane Simon 25 February 2019 (has links)
O Departamento de Genética da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" - ESALQ/USP possui um banco de germoplasma de arroz com aproximadamente 460 acessos, oriundos de diferentes instituições de pesquisa do Brasil e do mundo. Desses, cerca de 190 acessos pertenciam ao Japão, 142 são de origem Filipina e os demais são variedades crioulas e cultivares brasileiras. Tais acessos estão passando por uma extensa pesquisa científica afim de obter informações a respeito de sua origem, diversidade e estruturação genética. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade genética e fazer uma análise de associação genômica ampla (GWAS) de características diversas dos acessos, a fim de conhecer a diversidade e estrutura genética dos mesmos e as regiões genômicas responsáveis pelo controle de características que poderiam ser utilizadas em programas de melhoramento. A genotipagem foi realizada utilizando marcadores SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polimorfism) gerados por meio da tecnologia DArTseq (Diversity Arrays Sequence) de genotipagem por sequenciamento (GBS). A Diversidade genética da população foi analisada por meio do pacote \"hierfstat\", implementado no Software R, onde foram utilizados 269 acessos (os acessos de origem Filipina e Brasileira). Para as análises de associação foram utilizados os 142 acessos filipinos. A instalação dos experimentos de caracterização fenotípica foi realizada em áreas de cultivo de sequeiro, na área experimental do Departamento de Genética da ESALQ/USP em dois anos agrícolas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos aumentados, sendo realizados os tratos culturais recomendados para a cultura. Os acessos foram caracterizados de acordo com descritores indicados pelo IBPGR - IRRI (Rice Advisory Committee). Os caracteres avaliados foram: Número de dias para a emergência (NDE); Número de dias para o florescimento (NDF); Ciclo total da planta (CTP); Massa de cem sementes (MCS); Produtividade de grãos (PG); Comprimento do colmo (CC); Número de Perfilhos (NP); Comprimento e Largura da folha bandeira (CFB e LFB); Altura de planta na maturidade (APM); Comprimento da Panícula (CP); Comprimento e largura da espigueta (CE e LE); Número de ramificações por panícula (NRP). Os dados coletados foram analisados através do software R (R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM, 2018). O Banco de Germoplasma de arroz da ESALQ/USP é uma potencial e importante fonte de acessos que podem ser incorporados aos programas de melhoramento, haja vista, o número de acessos e a diversidade genética existente. Não foram identificadas duplicatas entre os acessos avaliados, sendo assim justificável manter-se todos eles na coleção nuclear do Banco. A Análise Discriminante dos Componentes Principais (DAPC) sugeriu a formação de 5 subgrupos genéticos principais na população de estudo de diversidade genética, já a população estudada para análise de associação pode ser subdividida em 3 grupos em função da análise de componentes principais e foram identificados 33 SNP´s associados a oito caracteres quantitativos avaliados nos acessos. A tecnologia de genotipagem por sequenciamento como a DarT-seq mostrou grande eficiência no estudo de diversidade genética e no estudo de associação genômica ampla nos genótipos de arroz testados. / The Department of Genetics of the \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture - ESALQ / USP has a rice germplasm bank with approximately 460 accessions, coming from different research institutions in Brazil and the world. Of these, about 190 accessions belonged to Japan, 142 are of Filipino origin and the others are Creole varieties and Brazilian cultivars. Such accesses are undergoing extensive scientific research in order to obtain information regarding their origin, diversity and genetic structuring. The objective of this work was to study genetic diversity and to perform an analysis of broad genomic association (GWAS) of different characteristics of the accessions, in order to know the diversity and genetic structure of the same and to know genomic regions responsible for the control of characteristics that could be used in breeding programs. Genotyping was performed using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated by sequencing genotyping (GBS) DArTseq (Diversity Arrays Sequence) technology. The genetic diversity of the population was analyzed through the \"hierfstat\" package, implemented in Software R, where 269 accessions (the accesses of Philippine and Brazilian origin) were used. For the analysis of association, the 142 Filipino accessions were used. The establishment of the phenotypic characterization experiments was carried out in rainfed areas, at the experimental farm of the Department of Genetics of ESALQ / USP, in two agricultural years. The experimental design was of increased blocks, being the cultural treatments recommended for the culture. The accesses were characterized according to descriptors indicated by IBPGR - IRRI (Rice Advisory Committee). The evaluated characters were: Number of days for the emergency (NDE); Number of days for flowering (NDF); Total plant cycle (CTP); One hundred seed mass (MCS); Grain yield (PG); Height of high (CC); Number of Profiles (NP); Length and width of the flag leaf (CFB and LFB); Height of plant at maturity (APM); Panicle Length (CP); Length and width of the spikelet (CE and LE); Number of branches per panicle (NRP). The collected data were analyzed through the software R (R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM, 2018). The Rice Germplasm Bank of ESALQ / USP is a potential and important source of access that can be incorporated into breeding programs, presence, number of hits and a possible genetic model. No duplicates were used between the accesses evaluated and thus justified. The Principal Components Discriminant Analysis (DAPC) suggested the formation of 5 major genetic subgroups in its genetic study series, already the population studied for analysis of association can be subdivided into 3 groups as a function of the analysis of main components and 33 SNP\'s associated to eight quantitative traits evaluated in the accessions were identified. Sequencing genotyping technology such as DarT-seq showed great efficiency in the study of genetic diversity and in the study of broad genomic association in the tested rice genotypes.

As formulações da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung e Durcharbeitung) no pensamento freudiano: dos estudos sobre a histeria aos artigos técnicos / The formulations of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung and Durcharbeitung) in Freud\'s thought: the Studies on Hysteria to Technical Articles

Abrantes, Thiago da Silva 13 May 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende fazer uma discussão sobre o desenvolvimento da clínica freudiana e dos impasses que surgiram no percurso de Freud que o levaram a desenvolver diferentes formulações da elaboração psíquica, Verarbeitung e Ducharbeitung. Temos como objetivo circunscrever as condições históricas, teóricas e técnicas que conduziram à emergência e desdobramentos de duas formulações da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung e Durcharbeitung) na obra freudiana até 1918, apontar as relações destas com o manejo da transferência e da resistência na clínica psicanalítica a partir discussão dos casos clínicos freudianos Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth Von R., Dora e Homem dos Ratos e apresentar a relação entre a perlaboração e a elaboração associativa, demonstrando que a superação de resistências leva à admissão afetiva. Realizamos uma leitura e análise histórico-conceitual dos textos freudianos, baseadas nas orientações laplanchianas. Na Comunicação Preliminar (1893), texto escrito por Breuer e Freud, encontramos a primeira formulação da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung). Ela é apresentada como o trabalho que o aparelho psíquico realiza com o intuito de integrar as excitações que chegam até ele, estabelecendo entre elas elos associativos. A partir dos casos freudianos Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina e Elisabeth Von R., apontamos que a definição e o objetivo da elaboração associativa não mudaram no pensamento freudiano, mas para fazer com que ela aconteça, Freud promoveu importantes alterações técnicas em sua clínica. A elaboração associativa (Verarbeitung) é um trabalho fundamentalmente intrapsíquico e está relacionada, no decorrer do desenvolvimento da obra freudiana, com a função de transmitir e ligar a energia oriunda da pulsão. Esta é um processo intrapsíquico de remoção do excesso de investimentos, promovendo o encadeamento representacional pela admissão de afetos conflituosos.A partir dos impasses transferenciais que Freud enfrentou com Dora, uma consequência dupla incidiu sobre a constituição de qualquer situação analítica: o próprio espaço clínico pode impor dificuldades nas associações e recordações do sujeito e será na maneira do analista intervir transferencialmente que a superação das resistências acontece e a rememoração de experiências traumáticas se torna possível. Já no caso do Homem dos Ratos, a transferência tornou-se o principal fator de uma análise, sendo ela o ponto de partida para qualquer intervenção do analista, buscando fazer com que o próprio sujeito supere suas resistências. A perlaboração (Durcharbeitung) surgiu no pensamento freudiano como o trabalho e o esforço que o sujeito precisa realizar para vencer as resistências, ela é um meio pelo qual é possível remeter as repetições em análise à recordação, estabelecendo possibilidades de integrar as excitações do psiquismo devido à dinâmica conflituosa oriunda do afeto. Por fim, discutimos que a elaboração associativa relaciona-se a um processo intrapsíquico e associativo. Já a perlaboração relaciona-se com a superação das resistências, sendo um processo transferencial e interpsíquico. Nossa hipótese é que a perlaboração leva a elaboração associativa, uma vez que é pela superação das resistências que a admissão de uma representação recalcada se torna possível / This master thesis intends to make a discussion of the development of Freud\'s clinical and impasses that have arisen in the course of Freud that led him to develop different formulations of psychic elaboration, Verarbeitung and Ducharbeitung. We aim to circumscribe the historical, theoretical and technical conditions that led to the emergence and developments of the two formulations of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung and Durcharbeitung) in Freud\'s work until 1918, point their relations with the management of transference and resistance in the psychoanalytical clinic from discussion of Freudians clinical cases Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth von R., Dora and the Rat Man and present the relationship between working-through and associative elaboration, demonstrating that overcoming resistance leads to affective admission. We performed a reading historical and conceptual analysis of the Freudian texts, based on laplanchians guidelines. In the \"Preliminary Communication\" (1893), text written by Breuer and Freud, we find the first formulation of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung). It is presented as the work that the psychic apparatus performs in order to integrate the excitations coming to him, establishing associative links between them. From the Freudian cases Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth von R., we pointed out that the definition and purpose of associative elaboration have not changed in the Freudian thought, but to make this happen, Freud promoted important technical changes in his clinic. Associative elaboration (Verarbeitung) is a fundamentally intrapsychic work and is related, in the course of the development of Freud\'s work, with the function of transmitting and turn the energy from the drive. This is an intrapsychic process of overinvestment removal, promoting representational chaining through admission of conflicting affects. From the transference impasses that Freud faced with Dora, a double result focused on the establishment of any analytic situation: any clinical space can impose difficulties in the associations and in the subject\'s memories and will be in the way the analyst intervene transferentially that overcoming resistance happens and recall of traumatic experiences becomes possible. In the case of the Rat Man, the transfer became the main factor of an analysis, it is the starting point for any intervention by the analyst, seeking to make the subject himself overcome their resistance. The working-through (Durcharbeitung) appeared in Freudian thought as the work and effort that the subject must perform to overcome resistance, it is a means by which to refer the repetitions in question to recall, establishing possibilities for integrating the excitations of the psyche due the conflictual dynamics coming from the affect. Finally, we discuss the associative elaboration relates to an intrapsychic and associative process. Already working-through relates to overcoming resistance and is a transferencial and interpsychic process. Our hypothesis is that working-through leads associative elaboration, since it is by overcoming the resistance that the admission of a repressed representation is possible

Association Rule Based Classification

Palanisamy, Senthil Kumar 03 May 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, we focused on the construction of classification models based on association rules. Although association rules have been predominantly used for data exploration and description, the interest in using them for prediction has rapidly increased in the data mining community. In order to mine only rules that can be used for classification, we modified the well known association rule mining algorithm Apriori to handle user-defined input constraints. We considered constraints that require the presence/absence of particular items, or that limit the number of items, in the antecedents and/or the consequents of the rules. We developed a characterization of those itemsets that will potentially form rules that satisfy the given constraints. This characterization allows us to prune during itemset construction itemsets such that neither they nor any of their supersets will form valid rules. This improves the time performance of itemset construction. Using this characterization, we implemented a classification system based on association rules and compared the performance of several model construction methods, including CBA, and several model deployment modes to make predictions. Although the data mining community has dealt only with the classification of single-valued attributes, there are several domains in which the classification target is set-valued. Hence, we enhanced our classification system with a novel approach to handle the prediction of set-valued class attributes. Since the traditional classification accuracy measure is inappropriate in this context, we developed an evaluation method for set-valued classification based on the E-Measure. Furthermore, we enhanced our algorithm by not relying on the typical support/confidence framework, and instead mining for the best possible rules above a user-defined minimum confidence and within a desired range for the number of rules. This avoids long mining times that might produce large collections of rules with low predictive power. For this purpose, we developed a heuristic function to determine an initial minimum support and then adjusted it using a binary search strategy until a number of rules within the given range was obtained. We implemented all of our techniques described above in WEKA, an open source suite of machine learning algorithms. We used several datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository to test and evaluate our techniques.

A garbage-collecting associative memory for database systems

Ross, Richard Alan January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Bibliography: leaves 64-66. / by Richard Alan Ross. / M.S.

As formulações da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung e Durcharbeitung) no pensamento freudiano: dos estudos sobre a histeria aos artigos técnicos / The formulations of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung and Durcharbeitung) in Freud\'s thought: the Studies on Hysteria to Technical Articles

Thiago da Silva Abrantes 13 May 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende fazer uma discussão sobre o desenvolvimento da clínica freudiana e dos impasses que surgiram no percurso de Freud que o levaram a desenvolver diferentes formulações da elaboração psíquica, Verarbeitung e Ducharbeitung. Temos como objetivo circunscrever as condições históricas, teóricas e técnicas que conduziram à emergência e desdobramentos de duas formulações da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung e Durcharbeitung) na obra freudiana até 1918, apontar as relações destas com o manejo da transferência e da resistência na clínica psicanalítica a partir discussão dos casos clínicos freudianos Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth Von R., Dora e Homem dos Ratos e apresentar a relação entre a perlaboração e a elaboração associativa, demonstrando que a superação de resistências leva à admissão afetiva. Realizamos uma leitura e análise histórico-conceitual dos textos freudianos, baseadas nas orientações laplanchianas. Na Comunicação Preliminar (1893), texto escrito por Breuer e Freud, encontramos a primeira formulação da elaboração psíquica (Verarbeitung). Ela é apresentada como o trabalho que o aparelho psíquico realiza com o intuito de integrar as excitações que chegam até ele, estabelecendo entre elas elos associativos. A partir dos casos freudianos Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina e Elisabeth Von R., apontamos que a definição e o objetivo da elaboração associativa não mudaram no pensamento freudiano, mas para fazer com que ela aconteça, Freud promoveu importantes alterações técnicas em sua clínica. A elaboração associativa (Verarbeitung) é um trabalho fundamentalmente intrapsíquico e está relacionada, no decorrer do desenvolvimento da obra freudiana, com a função de transmitir e ligar a energia oriunda da pulsão. Esta é um processo intrapsíquico de remoção do excesso de investimentos, promovendo o encadeamento representacional pela admissão de afetos conflituosos.A partir dos impasses transferenciais que Freud enfrentou com Dora, uma consequência dupla incidiu sobre a constituição de qualquer situação analítica: o próprio espaço clínico pode impor dificuldades nas associações e recordações do sujeito e será na maneira do analista intervir transferencialmente que a superação das resistências acontece e a rememoração de experiências traumáticas se torna possível. Já no caso do Homem dos Ratos, a transferência tornou-se o principal fator de uma análise, sendo ela o ponto de partida para qualquer intervenção do analista, buscando fazer com que o próprio sujeito supere suas resistências. A perlaboração (Durcharbeitung) surgiu no pensamento freudiano como o trabalho e o esforço que o sujeito precisa realizar para vencer as resistências, ela é um meio pelo qual é possível remeter as repetições em análise à recordação, estabelecendo possibilidades de integrar as excitações do psiquismo devido à dinâmica conflituosa oriunda do afeto. Por fim, discutimos que a elaboração associativa relaciona-se a um processo intrapsíquico e associativo. Já a perlaboração relaciona-se com a superação das resistências, sendo um processo transferencial e interpsíquico. Nossa hipótese é que a perlaboração leva a elaboração associativa, uma vez que é pela superação das resistências que a admissão de uma representação recalcada se torna possível / This master thesis intends to make a discussion of the development of Freud\'s clinical and impasses that have arisen in the course of Freud that led him to develop different formulations of psychic elaboration, Verarbeitung and Ducharbeitung. We aim to circumscribe the historical, theoretical and technical conditions that led to the emergence and developments of the two formulations of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung and Durcharbeitung) in Freud\'s work until 1918, point their relations with the management of transference and resistance in the psychoanalytical clinic from discussion of Freudians clinical cases Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth von R., Dora and the Rat Man and present the relationship between working-through and associative elaboration, demonstrating that overcoming resistance leads to affective admission. We performed a reading historical and conceptual analysis of the Freudian texts, based on laplanchians guidelines. In the \"Preliminary Communication\" (1893), text written by Breuer and Freud, we find the first formulation of psychic elaboration (Verarbeitung). It is presented as the work that the psychic apparatus performs in order to integrate the excitations coming to him, establishing associative links between them. From the Freudian cases Emmy, Miss Lucy, Katharina, Elisabeth von R., we pointed out that the definition and purpose of associative elaboration have not changed in the Freudian thought, but to make this happen, Freud promoted important technical changes in his clinic. Associative elaboration (Verarbeitung) is a fundamentally intrapsychic work and is related, in the course of the development of Freud\'s work, with the function of transmitting and turn the energy from the drive. This is an intrapsychic process of overinvestment removal, promoting representational chaining through admission of conflicting affects. From the transference impasses that Freud faced with Dora, a double result focused on the establishment of any analytic situation: any clinical space can impose difficulties in the associations and in the subject\'s memories and will be in the way the analyst intervene transferentially that overcoming resistance happens and recall of traumatic experiences becomes possible. In the case of the Rat Man, the transfer became the main factor of an analysis, it is the starting point for any intervention by the analyst, seeking to make the subject himself overcome their resistance. The working-through (Durcharbeitung) appeared in Freudian thought as the work and effort that the subject must perform to overcome resistance, it is a means by which to refer the repetitions in question to recall, establishing possibilities for integrating the excitations of the psyche due the conflictual dynamics coming from the affect. Finally, we discuss the associative elaboration relates to an intrapsychic and associative process. Already working-through relates to overcoming resistance and is a transferencial and interpsychic process. Our hypothesis is that working-through leads associative elaboration, since it is by overcoming the resistance that the admission of a repressed representation is possible

Educa??o e produ??o agr?cola em sociedades tradicionais: uma perspectiva de associativismo na comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida - Coari-AM / Education and agricultural production in traditional societies: a perspective of associativism in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida - Coari-AM community

SANTOS, Valclides Kid Fernandes dos 29 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-31T17:45:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Valclides Kid Fernandes dos Santos.pdf: 3439969 bytes, checksum: e14580b689195aeb9a722073e7f6e554 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-31T17:45:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Valclides Kid Fernandes dos Santos.pdf: 3439969 bytes, checksum: e14580b689195aeb9a722073e7f6e554 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-29 / The research of this work was developed within the framework of a traditional riverside community, of a people that lives under the transhumance of the water regime and its natural habitat is the lowland, because part of the year, in the dry season, one works in and with the earth and the other part the earth is hidden by the waters of the Solim?es river, flood season. The community of Nossa Senhora Aparecida works for the production of family agriculture and performs its actions in the form of agroforestry systems (SAFs), which are composed by the sub-systems of fields, backyard, rivers and lakes obeying the periods of flood, drought of the river Solim?es, and intrinsic to this system has management with a focus on associativism, which is one of the reasons this community serves as a reference for people from middle Solim?es. The Community Association of Rural Producers of the Community Nossa Senhora Aparecida (APRODUCIDA) seeks partnerships, activities that strengthen the quality of life of community members with participatory actions both in decisions that are better for the community and in the execution of tasks. In this study, the objective was to understand the functioning of a traditional community with its agriculture and management through its Association, with the participation of students of the technical course in administration in order to improve the level of knowledge involving teaching-learning under the perspective and interaction of theory with practice, and to make it happen, a field class was held, which was called a technical visit by us and, as a conclusive phase of this action, the students presented, in the form of a seminar, studies, perceptions and analogies from the reality of the community with the disciplines taught in the classroom. As a result, we obtained excellent results of the investigated aspects, since in this work they are presented as theoretical reference, concepts and theories spread by several scholars from the Amazon and with the education bias, which can be considered as a complex phenomenon of human existence, focusing in different places and traditional communities life style. From the point of view of education with teaching-learning thinking, the participation of the students was very important in order to have an evaluative notion of what was being taught in the classroom, the critical and perceptive look of the directive, work form and vision of this student about the Nossa Senhora Aparecida community, so the evaluations were extremely satisfactory with the understanding and explanation of the issues raised in that school environment. / A pesquisa deste trabalho desenvolveu-se no ?mbito de uma comunidade tradicional ribeirinha, de um povo que vive sob a transum?ncia do regime das ?guas e o seu habitat natural ? a terra de v?rzea, pois parte do ano, no per?odo de seca, se trabalha na e com a terra e a outra parte a terra fica encoberta pelas ?guas do rio Solim?es, per?odo de cheia. A comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida trabalha voltada ? produ??o de agricultura familiar e realiza suas a??es na forma de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs), os quais s?o compostos pelos subsistemas de ro?a, quintal, rios e lagos obedecendo os per?odos de cheia, a seca do rio Solim?es, e intr?nseca a esse sistema possui gest?o com o olhar voltado ao associativismo, que ? um dos motivos desta comunidade servir como refer?ncia para o povo do m?dio Solim?es. Pois a Associa??o Comunit?ria dos Produtores Rurais da Comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida (APRODUCIDA)busca parcerias, atividades que fortalecem a qualidade de vida dos comunit?rios com a??es participativas tanto nas decis?es do que ? melhor para a comunidade quanto na execu??o das tarefas. Neste estudo, objetivou-se entender o funcionamento de uma comunidade tradicional com sua agricultura e o gerenciamento por interm?dio de sua Associa??o havendo ainda a participa??o de alunos do curso t?cnico em administra??o no sentido de melhorar o n?vel de conhecimento envolvendo o ensino-aprendizagem sob a perspectiva e intera??o da teoria com a pr?tica, e para que isso acontecesse foi realizada uma aula de campo, que por n?s foi denominada como visita t?cnica e tendo como fase conclusiva desta a??o, os alunos apresentaram sob forma de semin?rio estudos, percep??es e analogias da realidade da comunidade com as disciplinas ministradas em sala de aula.Como resultado, foram obtidos ?timos resultados dos aspectos investigados, pois neste trabalho s?o apresentados como referencial te?rico,conceitos e teorias difundidas por diversos estudiosos da Amaz?nia e com o vi?s para a educa??o, a qual pode ser considerada como fen?meno complexo da exist?ncia humana, incidindo nos mais diversos lugares e maneiras de vida das comunidades tradicionais. Sob o prisma da educa??o com o pensamento no ensino-aprendizagem, a participa??o dos alunos foi deveras importante para se ter no??o avaliativa do que estava sendo ministrado em sala de aula, o olhar cr?tico e perceptivo da forma diretiva, de trabalho e a vis?o deste aluno sobre a comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida, assim as avalia??es foram extremamente satisfat?rias com o entendimento e explana??o dos assuntos exarados naquele ambiente escolar.

Les acteurs associatifs et la lutte contre le sida au Bénin : de la professionnalisation au gouvernement des corps / Associative Actors and HIV/AIDS in Benin : from Professionalization to Government of Bodies

Soriat, Clément 26 May 2014 (has links)
Dans la plupart des pays francophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, les politiques de lutte contre le sida semblent davantage avoir été suscitées par des financeurs internationaux qu’elles ne sont le fruit de mobilisations collectives. Le Bénin est sur ce point emblématique. Les conditions d’émergence des acteurs associatifs béninois conduisent à leur implication dans l’action publique de lutte contre le sida selon une logique de « professionnalisation ». L’idée développée est que ce processus résulte d’une adaptation aux contraintes imposées par les bailleurs et qu’il n’est pas neutre. Il a des effets politiques et contribue à la redéfinition de relations de pouvoir, tant au sein de l’espace de la lutte contre le sida que dans les arènes locales dans lesquelles les acteurs associatifs sont implantés. Ces effets sont masqués par un phénomène de neutralisation politique entretenu par la focalisation des acteurs sur des enjeux techniques. Ils sont pourtant bien réels. Les mobilisations collectives sont mises à distance. Des groupes sociaux favorisés (les akowé), en investissant les ONG et les associations locales, acquièrent de nouvelles positions de pouvoir. Leur maîtrise des instruments promus par les bailleurs, indicateur majeur de leur professionnalisation, participe grandement à la construction de leur légitimité à occuper ces positions. Enfin, l’usage des instruments en question peut avoir des effets en termes de gouvernement des corps, les acteurs associatifs renforçant alors leur contrôle sur les séropositifs et participant à la construction de la population comme objet de connaissance et de gestion à distance. / In most of West and Central African French speaking countries, HIV/AIDS policies seem to have been generated more by international donors than as the result of collective mobilizations. On this matter, Benin is representative. The conditions for the emergence of the Beninese associative actors lead to their involvement in HIV/AIDS public action following a professionalization process. The central idea is that this process is non-neutral and that it results from an adaptation to the donors demands. It has political impacts and it contributes to redefine the relations of power both in the “HIV/AIDS space” and in the local arenas in which the associative actors are established. Despite their reality, those political impacts are hidden by a political neutralization effect maintained by the actors’ focusing on technical issues. Collective mobilizations are distanced. Favored social groups (the akowé) gain new positions of power by involving themselves in local NGOs and associations. The knowledge of the tools promoted by the donors, a major indicator of their professionalization, seriously helps to forge their legitimacy to occupy these positions. Eventually, the use of these former tools can have an impact in terms of government of bodies. The associative actors strengthen here their control over HIV-positive people and are part of the establishment of the population as a subject of knowledge and of remote management.

On Modelling Nonlinear Variation in Discrete Appearances of Objects

Wehrmann, Felix January 2004 (has links)
<p>Mathematical models of classes of objects can significantly contribute to the analysis of digital images. A major problem in modelling is to establish suitable descriptions that cover not only a single object but also the variation that is usually present within a class of objects.</p><p>The objective of this thesis is to develop more general modelling strategies than commonly used today. In particular, the impact of the human factor in the model creation process should be minimised. It is presumed that the human ability of abstraction imposes undesired constraints on the description. In comparison, common approaches are discussed from the viewpoint of generality.</p><p>The technique considered introduces <i>appearance space </i>as a common framework to represent both shapes and images. In appearance space, an object is represented by a single point in a high-dimensional vector space. Accordingly, objects subject to variation appear as <i>nonlinear manifolds</i> in appearance space. These manifolds are often characterised by only a few intrinsic dimensions. A model of a class of objects is therefore considered equal to the mathematical description of this manifold.</p><p>The presence of nonlinearity motivates the use of artificial auto-associative neural networks in the modelling process. The network extracts nonlinear modes of variation from a number of training examples. The procedure is evaluated on both synthetic and natural data of shapes and images and shows promising results as a general approach to object modelling.</p>

Associative classification, linguistic entity relationship extraction, and description-logic representation of biomedical knowledge applied to MEDLINE

Rak, Rafal 11 1900 (has links)
MEDLINE, a large and constantly increasing collection of biomedical article references, has been the source of numerous investigations related to textual information retrieval and knowledge capture, including article categorization, bibliometric analysis, semantic query answering, and biological concept recognition and relationship extraction. This dissertation discusses the design and development of novel methods that contribute to the tasks of document categorization and relationship extraction. The two investigations result in a fast tool for building descriptive models capable of categorizing documents to multiple labels and a highly effective method able to extract broad range of relationships between entities embedded in text. Additionally, an application that aims at representing the extracted knowledge in a strictly defined but highly expressive structure of ontology is presented. The classification of documents is based on an idea of building association rules that consist of frequent patterns of words appearing in documents and classes these patterns are likely to be assigned to. The process of building the models is based on a tree enumeration technique and dataset projection. The resulting algorithm offers two different tree traversing strategies, breadth-first and depth-first. The classification scenario involves the use of two alternative thresholding strategies based on either the document-independent confidence of the rules or a similarity measure between a rule and a document. The presented classification tool is shown to perform faster than other methods and is the first associative-classification solution to incorporate multiple classes and the information about recurrence of words in documents. The extraction of relations between entities embedded in text involves the utilization of the output of a constituent parser and a set of manually developed tree-like patterns. Both serve as the input of a novel algorithm that solves the newly formulated problem of constrained constituent tree inclusion with regular expression matching. The proposed relation extraction method is demonstrated to be parser-independent and outperforms in terms of effectiveness dependency-parser-based and machine-learning-based solutions. The extracted knowledge is further embedded in an existing ontology, which together with the structure-driven modification of the ontology results in a comprehensible, inference-consistent knowledge base constituting a tangible representation of knowledge and a potential component of applications such as semantically enhanced query answering systems.

On Modelling Nonlinear Variation in Discrete Appearances of Objects

Wehrmann, Felix January 2004 (has links)
Mathematical models of classes of objects can significantly contribute to the analysis of digital images. A major problem in modelling is to establish suitable descriptions that cover not only a single object but also the variation that is usually present within a class of objects. The objective of this thesis is to develop more general modelling strategies than commonly used today. In particular, the impact of the human factor in the model creation process should be minimised. It is presumed that the human ability of abstraction imposes undesired constraints on the description. In comparison, common approaches are discussed from the viewpoint of generality. The technique considered introduces appearance space as a common framework to represent both shapes and images. In appearance space, an object is represented by a single point in a high-dimensional vector space. Accordingly, objects subject to variation appear as nonlinear manifolds in appearance space. These manifolds are often characterised by only a few intrinsic dimensions. A model of a class of objects is therefore considered equal to the mathematical description of this manifold. The presence of nonlinearity motivates the use of artificial auto-associative neural networks in the modelling process. The network extracts nonlinear modes of variation from a number of training examples. The procedure is evaluated on both synthetic and natural data of shapes and images and shows promising results as a general approach to object modelling.

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