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Matrix Quantum Mechanics And Integrable SystemsPehlivan, Yamac 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we improve and extend an algebraic technique pioneered by M. Gaudin. The technique is based on an infinite dimensional Lie algebra and a related family of mutually commuting Hamiltonians. In order to find energy eigenvalues of such Hamiltonians one has to solve the equations of Bethe ansatz. However, in most cases analytical solutions are not available. In this study we examine a special case for which analytical solutions of Bethe ansatz equations are not needed. Instead, some special properties of these equations are utilized to evaluate the energy eigenvalues. We use this method to find exact expressions for the energy eigenvalues of a class of interacting boson models.
In addition to that, we also introduce a q-deformation of the algebra of Gaudin. This deformation leads us to another family of mutually commuting Hamiltonians which we diagonalize using algebraic Bethe ansatz technique. The motivation for this deformation comes from a relationship between Gaudin algebra and a spin extension of the integrable model of F. Calogero. Observing this relation, we then consider a well known periodic version of Calogero' / s model which is due to B. Sutherland. The search for a Gaudin-like algebraic structure which is in a similar relationship with the spin extension of Sutherland' / s model naturally leads to the above mentioned q-deformation of Gaudin algebra. The deformation parameter q and the periodicity d of the Sutherland model are related by the formula q=i{pi}/d.
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The Polarization Properties Of The Final State Particles In The Rare Radiative B-meson DecayYilmaz, Umit Oktay 01 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A general analysis of the photon and lepton polarizations in the rare Bs & / #8594 / & / #61543 / l+l- decay by using the most general model independent form of the effective Hamiltonian is presented. The total and the differential branching ratios for these decays, when photon is in the positive and negative helicity states, are studied. The sensitivity of " / photon polarization asymmetry" / and the longitudinal, transverse and normal polarization asymmetries of final state leptons, as well as lepton-antilepton combined asymmetries in Bs & / #8594 / & / #61543 / l+l- decay to the new Wilson coefficients are also investigated.
It is shown that all these physical observables are very sensitive to the existence of new physics beyond SM and their experimental measurements can give valuable information about it.
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Exact Supersymmteric Solutions Of The Quantum MechanicsFaridfathi, Gholamreza 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The supersymmetric solutions of PT-/non-PT symmetric and Hermitian/non-Hermitian
forms of quantum systems are obtained by solving the SchrÄ / odinger equation with the
deformed Morse, Hulth¶ / en, PÄ / oschl-Teller, Hyperbolic Kratzer-like, Screened Coulomb,
and Exponential-Cosine Screened Coulomb (ECSC) potentials. The Hamiltonian hi-
erarchy method is used to get the real energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave
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[pt] O campo da tecnologia nuclear tem sido predominantemente dominado por
homens, resultando na omissão ou exclusão das contribuições das mulheres e sua
participação integral nas atividades relacionadas. Apenas após a Guerra Fria (1947-
1991), o gênero ganhou relevância como categoria de análise nas Relações
Internacionais, o que levou a considerações sobre inclusão e participação de
mulheres nas políticas internacionais. Nesse contexto, a transversalização de gênero
das Nações Unidas tornou-se estratégia globalmente reconhecida na promoção da
igualdade de gênero. Esta dissertação discute criticamente a elaboração e a
implementação dessas estratégias no âmbito da Agência Internacional de Energia
Atômica (AIEA), entre 2009 e 2023. Interroga-se como a AIEA implementa a
transversalização de gênero como estratégia de transformação político-institucional
no setor nuclear. Diante desse questionamento, partir-se-á do seguinte argumento:
é possível verificar que a AIEA tem implementado gradativamente as políticas de
transversalização de gênero, especialmente quanto ao investimento na construção
de capacidades, seja por medidas voltadas para o treinamento e capacitação de
funcionárias ou investimento em novas gerações de mulheres por meio de
programas educacionais. Para responder a essas indagações, inicialmente foram
analisados relatórios da AIEA entre 1958 e 2021. A análise também se baseia em
pesquisas acadêmicas, interações e conversas online com funcionários de diversos
níveis hierárquicos da organização. A conjunção de tais análises permite concluir
que a AIEA norteou a política institucional para a educação, com a promoção de
bolsas de mestrado para mulheres, como meio de acesso à igualdade de gênero, em
longo prazo. / [en] The field of nuclear technology has been predominantly dominated by men,
resulting in the omission or exclusion of women s contributions and their full
participation in related activities. Only after the Cold War (1947–1991) did gender
gain relevance as a category of analysis in international relations, which led to
considerations about the inclusion and participation of women in international
politics. In this context, the United Nations gender mainstreaming has become a
globally recognized strategy for promoting gender equality. This dissertation
critically discusses the elaboration and implementation of these strategies within
the scope of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) between 2009 and
2023. It questions how the IAEA implements gender mainstreaming as a political-institutional transformation strategy in the nuclear sector. Faced with this question,
we will start with the following argument: it is possible to verify that the IAEA has
gradually implemented gender mainstreaming policies, especially regarding
investment in capacity building, whether through measures aimed at training and
qualifying female employees or investment in new generations of women through
educational programs. To answer these questions, IAEA reports between 1958 and
2021were initially analyzed. The analysis is also based on academic research,
interactions, and online conversations with employees from different hierarchical
levels of the organization. The combination of such analyses allows us to conclude
that the IAEA guided the institutional policy for education with the promotion of
master s scholarships for women as a means of accessing gender equality in the long
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Nuclear Bonds: Atoms for Peace in the Cold War and in the Non-Western WorldNelson, Craig Doyle 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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政策溝通行為之研究--以原能會為例 / The Research of Policy Communication Behavior: The Case of the Atomic Energy Council謝忠安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以原能會為個案,透過訪談17位原能會文官、記者以及社運團體,蒐集原能會在不同溝通場域中的溝通經驗作為歸納與分析的素材。經過經驗資料的堆砌與歸納,建構政策溝通系統用以解釋影響原能會組織溝通途徑的選擇及其文官個人溝通行為的因素。研究發現行政組織有趨於選擇單向溝通的傾向,及趨於偏好使用間接管道溝通的傾向,並提出環境、制度、組織與個人層面對於溝通途徑選擇及溝通行為的影響因素。最後,本研究提出幾項建議,首先,原能會未來應重視記者對於政策資訊的理解;其次,應避免跨途徑溝通;其三,應正視反核態度的民眾,提供適當的溝通途徑;最後,未來應以團隊為政策溝通的行動單位,團隊應涵蓋不同層級的成員,以面對各式樣的問題,進而避免溝通困境的產生。 / In recent years, government communication capacity has become important as political democratization and public issues have diversified. Policy failures are often attributed to the lack of policy communication and force the civil servant to communicate with the public directly. However, some of the communication behavior of civil service policy literature suffer from the lack of attention to the perspective of normative and empirical researches. This research intents to explore the communication context between civil servant and the public, and to find out the determinant factors which affect communication approaches and communication behavior.
This research uses the methods of in-depth interviews with key informants to investigate the key factors in the policy communication system that have substantial affected the choice of organizational communication approaches and communication behavior of civil service in Atomic Energy Council.
The result indicates that: First, the public sector still has a tendency to choosing one-way communication and using indirect channel to communicate. Second, this research offers critical factors from the level of environment, institution, organization and individual that affect the choice of communication approaches and communication behavior.
Finally, this research suggests that: First, Atomic Energy Council should pay more attention to understanding of policy information from reporters. Second, Atomic Energy Council should try to avoid cross-approaches communication. Third, Atomic Energy Council should face up to anti-nuclear groups and provide suitable communication approaches. Finally, Atomic Energy Council should design a policy communication team which concludes different levels of members, in order to build up an effective coordinating channels.
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Stochastic Approach To Fusion DynamicsYilmaz, Bulent 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This doctoral study consists of two parts. In the first part, the quantum statistical effects on the formation process of the heavy ion fusion reactions have been investigated by using the c-number quantum Langevin equation approach. It has been shown that the quantum effects enhance the over-passing probability at low temperatures. In the second part, we have developed a simulation technique for the quantum noises which can be approximated by two-term exponential colored noise.
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Pseudospin Symmetry And Its ApplicationsAydogdu, Oktay 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The pseudospin symmetry concept is investigated by solving the Dirac equation for the exactly solvable potentials such as pseudoharmonic potential, Mie-type potential, Woods-Saxon potential and Hulthé / n plus ring-shaped potential with any spin-orbit coupling term $kappa$. Nikiforov-Uvarov Method, Asymptotic Iteration Method and functional analysis method are used in the calculations. The energy eigenvalue equations of the Dirac particles are found and the corresponding
radial wave functions are presented in terms of special functions. We look for the contribution of the ring-shaped potential to the energy spectra of the Dirac particles. Particular cases of the potentials are also discussed. By considering some particular cases, our results are reduced to the well-known ones presented in the literature.
In addition, by taking equal mixture of scalar and vector
potentials together with tensor potential, solutions of the Dirac equation are found and then the energy splitting between the two states in the pseudospin doublets is investigated. We indicate that degeneracy between members of pseudospin doublet is removed by tensor interactions. Effects of the potential parameters on the pseudospin doublet splitting are also studied. Radial nodes structure of the Dirac spinor are presented.
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The Effects Of Rho-omega Mixing In Radiative Vector Meson DecaysKucukarslan, Ayse 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The radiative & / #969 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / 0& / #960 / 0& / #947 / , & / #961 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / 0& / #960 / 0& / #947 / , & / #969 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / +& / #960 / & / #8722 / & / #947 / and & / #961 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / +& / #960 / & / #8722 / & / #947 / decays
are studied by adding the effect of vector meson mixing to the amplitude of
these decays. For the above decays we consider only & / #961 / & / #8722 / & / #969 / mixing. In addition
to the & / #961 / & / #8722 / & / #969 / mixing, we also analyse the contributions coming from different
intermediate states to examine the decay mechanism of these decays in a phenomenological
framework. For & / #969 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / 0& / #960 / 0& / #947 / decay, we consider the contributions
of the & / #961 / -meson and & / #963 / -meson intermediate states and of the kaon-loop, and for
the & / #961 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / 0& / #960 / 0& / #947 / decay we calculate the amplitude using the contributions of the
& / #969 / -meson and & / #963 / -meson intermediate states and pion-loop. Moreover, the radiative
& / #969 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / +& / #960 / & / #8722 / & / #947 / decay is studied by considering the contributions of & / #963 / -meson
and & / #961 / -meson intermediate states and the decay & / #961 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / +& / #960 / & / #8722 / & / #947 / is investigated by
taking into account the contributions of bremmsstrahlung, pion-loop and & / #963 / -
meson intermediate state amplitude. We also estimate the coupling constant
g& / #969 / & / #963 / & / #947 / utilizing the latest experimental value of the branching ratio & / #969 / & / #8594 / & / #960 / 0& / #960 / 0& / #947 / .
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Von der Kernenergie- zur Strahlenbildung: Darstellungen von Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan seit 1945Jawinski, Felix 15 May 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung von Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan und betrachtet dabei den Zeitraum zwischen den Atombombenabwürfen auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki und heute. Audiovisuelle Lehrmedien werden in dieser Arbeit als diskursive Aussagen im Diskurs des Atomaren verstanden. Der Diskurs des Atomaren ist wiederum eine Teilmenge von dem, was in dieser Arbeit als Dispositiv des Atomaren beschrieben wurde. Vom Atomaren ist deshalb die Rede, weil die Möglichkeiten und Gefahren der Atomkraft seit ihrer Entdeckung bis heute in vielfältigen Anwendungsgebieten diskutiert werden. Während die unterschiedlichen Bereiche in der Medizin, der Agrarwissenschaft, im Transportwesen, in der Medizin oder auch im Militär lange gemeinsam diskutiert wurden, war der Diskurs spätestens nach der „Atoms for Peace“-Rede von Präsident Eisenhower am 8. Dezember 1953 in die beiden Teilbereiche der „friedlichen“ und der „militärischen“ Nutzung gespalten. Und dies obwohl diese Sachverhalte in der Realität bis heute eng miteinander verbunden sind. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, das Feld der audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan zum Themenbereich der Kernenergie zu erfassen und es systematisch aufzuarbeiten, um so anhand von detaillierten Filmbeschreibungen und -analysen die diskursiven Verschiebungen, aber auch Kontinuitäten herauszuarbeiten. Es galt, einen Teil der Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, weshalb es in Japan seit Jahrzehnten möglich ist, die „friedliche“ Nutzung der Kernenergie auf- und auszubauen und das, obwohl die Bevölkerung zwei Atombombenkatastrophen erlebte und Mitte der 1950er Jahre eine dritte Strahlenexpositionskatastrophe durch US-amerikanische Atombombentest miterleben musste und folglich eher zu vermuten gewesen wäre, dass die Anti-AKW-Bewegung ausreichend Argumente und diskursive Macht hätte etablieren können, um die „friedliche“ Nutzung der Kernenergie in Japan zu verhindern. Die in der Feldforschung gefundenen, gesehenen und analysierten Filme finden sich ausführlich beschrieben in der Dissertation wieder. Ohne die Filme gesehen zu haben, soll dem/der Leser*in so die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, die aus diesem Material abgeleiteten Periodisierungen, aber auch Themen und Darstellungen des Atomaren im Laufe der Zeit nachzuvollziehen.:1. Einleitung 1
2. Forschungsfrage, Forschungsprozess und erste Forschungserlebnisse sowie -ergebnisse 6
2.1 Forschungsprojekt und Forschungsfrage 6
2.2 Forschungsprozess 11
2.2.1 Die Stadtbibliothek Tōkyō 15
2.2.2 Bibliothek für lebenslanges Lernen in der Stadt Okazaki 22
2.2.3 Fukui Prefectural Wakasa Library and Learning Center 22
2.2.4 Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum ‘At Home’ (Genshiryoku no kagakukan attohōmu in Tsuruga) 23
2.3 Zusammenfassende Gedanken 53
3. Forschungsstand: „Kernenergie und Medien“, und „Kernenergie und Bildung“ 56
3.1 Kernenergie und Medien 59
3.1.1 Die medienübergreifende Betrachtung der Kernenergie 59
3.1.2 Die medienspezifische Betrachtung der Kernenergie 63
3.1.3 CIE/USIS-Filme 64
3.1.4 Fernsehen 68
3.1.5 Dokumentarfilme im Fernsehen 71
3.2 Kernenergie und Bildung 75
3.2.1 Kritische Betrachtung „von außen“ 76
3.2.2 Kritische Betrachtung „von innen“ 80
4. Der Kurzfilm in Japan: kyōiku eiga, sangyō eiga und kagaku eiga 108
4.1 Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 15-jährigen Krieges 109
4.2 Der Kurzfilm in der japanischen Nachkriegszeit 113
4.2.1 Audiovisuelle Lehrfilme – kyōiku eiga 113
4.2.2 Industriefilme und Werbefilme – sangyō eiga und PR-eiga 123
4.2.3 Wissenschaftsfilme – kagaku eiga 134
5. Repräsentationen des Themas der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien 146
5.1 Das „Atomdorf“ (genshiryoku mura) 147
5.2 Audiovisuelle Lehrmedien und deren Akteure 158
5.2.1 Staatliche Auftraggeber*innen 159
5.2.2 Die Nationale Behörde für Wissenschaft und Technik (NBWT, Kagaku gijutsuchō 科学技術庁) 159
5.2.3 Amt für Rohstoffe und Energie (ARE, Shigen enerugī-chō 資源エンルギー庁) 197
5.2.4 Nuclear Power Engineering Center (NUPEC, Genshiryoku hatsuden gijutsu kikō 原子力発電技術機構) 209
5.2.5 Das Japanische Zentrum für Wirtschaftsbildung (JZW, Nihon keizai kyōiku sentā 日本経済教育センター ) 212
5.2.6 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Kagaku gijutsu shinkō kikō 科学技術振興機構) 241
5.2.7 Ressort für Feuer und Katastrophenschutz in der Abteilung für Leben in der Präfekturverwaltung Fukui (Fukui-ken kenmin seikatsu-bu shōbō bōsai-ka 福井県県民生活部消防防災課) 254
5.2.8 Regionalbüro Hokuriku des MITI-Chūbu (Chūbu tsūsangyō-kyoku hokuriku-shibu 中部通産業局北陸支部) 260
5.2.9 Das Japanische Kernforschungsinstitut (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, JAERI, Nihon genshiryoku kenkyūsho 日本原子力研究所) und das Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC, Kakunenryō saikuru kaihatsu kikō 核燃料サイクル開発機構) 267
5.2.10 Halbstaatliche Auftraggeber*innen 280
5.2.11 Japanisches Zentrum für audiovisuelle Lehrmittel (JZAL, Nihon shichōkaku kyōzai sentā 日本視聴覚教材センター) 280
5.2.12 Fukui Atomic Information Center (FAIC, Fukui genshiryoku sentā 福井原子力センター) 282
5.2.13 Chubu Science and Technology Center (Chūbu kagaku gijutsu sentā 中部科学技術センター), Ōsaka Science and Technology Center (Ōsaka kagaku gijutsu sentā 大阪科学技術センター) und das Kernkraftforum Kansai (Kansai genshiryoku kondankai 関西原子力懇談会) 303
5.2.14 Privatwirtschaftlich-initiierte Auftraggeber*innen 319
5.2.15 Zentrum für Wirtschaftswerbung (ZWW, Keizai kōhō sentā 経済広報センター) 319
5.2.16 Die Vereinigung der Stromversorgungsunternehmen Japans (Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, FEPC, Denki jigyō renkgōkai 電気事業連合会) 327
5.2.17 Stiftung zur Förderung einer Kernenergiekultur (Nihon genshiryoku bunka shinkō zaidan 日本原子力文化振興財団) 353
5.2.18 Social and Economic Congress of Japan (SECJ, Shakai keizai kokumin kaigi 社会経済国民会議) 361
5.2.19 Privatwirtschaftliche Auftraggeber*innen 367
6. Der Diskurs des Atomaren im Wandel der Zeit 391
6.1 Audiovisuelle Lehrfilme: ja oder nein? 391
6.2 Historische Einordnungen 393
6.2.1 Von der Entdeckung der Radioaktivität (1896/97) bis 1953 398
6.2.2 Von Eisenhowers Rede (1953) bis zu den Ölpreiskrisen (1973 und 1979) 400
6.2.3 Ölpreiskrise, AKW-Bauboom, Bekanntwerden der Nachteile und Erstarken der Anti-AKW-Bewegung (End-1970er bis Anfang 1980er) 401
6.2.4 Hervorhebung der Kernenergie gegenüber Kohle/Öl (Mitte der 1980er Jahre) 402
6.2.5 Post-Tschernobyl 403
6.2.6 Post-Fukushima 404
6.2.7 Die Anpassungsfähigkeit des atomaren Diskurses 405
7. Zusammenfassung und Desiderata 413
7.1 Zusammenfassung 413
7.2 Desiderata 418
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