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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies On Automization And Sprays Of Plant Oil Biofuels Using Laser-Based Diagnostics

Deshmukh, Devendra 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Atomization characteristics of liquid fuel sprays control combustion efficiency and emissions in engines. The present work is motivated by the need to study the atomization and spray structure of vegetable oil biofuels for which no data in the literature exists. In this work, various laser-based diagnostic techniques such as laser shadowgraphy, Particle/Droplet Image Analysis (PDIA) and Laser Sheet Dropsizing (LSD) are applied for studying atomization characteristics, tip penetration, droplet size and liquid volume fraction of Pongamia vegetable oil (SVO) and its blends with diesel. A constant volume high pressure spray visualization chamber is designed and fabricated to study SVO sprays at high gas pressure and temperature conditions. This optical chamber can be used for gas pressures up to 60 bar and temperatures up to 600 K. Optical access inside the chamber is provided through four quartz windows to perform various optical spray diagnostic studies. A high pressure spray injection facility based on components of common rail diesel injection system is designed. This facility can provide an injection pressure of up to 1700 bar with independent control over injection duration and timing. A marked difference is observed between diesel and SVO spray structures under atmospheric gas pressure condition. A very interesting observation related to the behavior of 100% SVO fuel when sprayed into atmospheric pressure is the presence of an intact liquid core even at injection pressure as high as 1600 bar. The presence of liquid core at high injection pressures is attributed to the high viscosity of SVOs and the non-Newtonian behavior of these oils under high pressure and shear. The spray characterization of the oil and its blends at high gas pressure shows that although the atomization is dramatically different from that at atmospheric gas pressure, it is still incomplete even at very high injection pressures. For a gas pressure of 30 bar, it is observed that the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) for Pongamia oil is more than twice that of diesel. A new method of simultaneously obtaining two-dimensional droplet size and quantitative liquid volume fraction data in sprays has been developed. Measurements with this method reveal a higher liquid volume fraction at the central axis of spray for Pongamia oil compared to that of diesel indicating potentially poor air-fuel mixing. The experimental data obtained and the spray tip penetration correlations developed for the vegetable oils and blends serve as useful inputs for fuel injection and engine system designers.

Atomization Characteristics of Camelina and Jatropha-Derived Drop-in Aviation Biofuels

Vankeswaram, Sai Krishna January 2015 (has links)
Biofuels in civil aviation is actively studied in recent years to identify potential alternative jet fuels to meet stringent environmental regulations imposed to tackle degraded air quality caused by fossil fuel combustion. In this context, the aviation industry prefers to develop ‘drop-in’ fuels which may not require substantial modifications in existing jet engine technologies. The thesis aims at evaluating the atomization characteristics of camelina- and jatropha-derived drop-in biofuels discharging from simplex swirl atomizer used in aircraft gas turbine engines. The test fuels are characterized in detail and all fuels meet current ASTM D7566 specifications. The experiments are conducted by discharging fuel spray into quiescent atmospheric air in a fuel spray booth to obtain spray characteristics such as fuel discharge behaviour, spray cone angle, breakup behaviour of swirling fuel sheet and spray drop size distribution. The characteristics of sheet breakup are deduced from the captured images of biofuel sprays and the measurements of spray droplet size distribution are obtained using Spraytec (laser-diffraction instrument). A systematic comparison is made between the biofuel sprays and the 100% Jet A-1 (conventional aviation kerosene) sprays to evaluate the drop-in feature of the biofuels. All the measured spray characteristics of the biofuel sprays follow the Jet A-1 both in qualitative and quantitative terms which ensure the drop-in nature of the tested biofuels. The minor differences observed in the comparison of the quantitative spray measurements are attributed to the variation in the fuel properties. This claim is supported using the predictions obtained from the liquid film breakup model and the empirical correlation reported in the literature for the determination of sheet breakup characteristics and mean drop size for sprays discharging from simplex swirl atomizers.

Stanovení charakteristik spreje pomocí optických měřících metod / Measurement of spray characteristics using optical measurement methods

Ďurdina, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá měřením charakteristik sprejů dvou tlakových vířivých trysek pro spalovací komoru malého turbínového motoru na zkušebním stavu za studena pomocí metod Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) a fázové Dopplerovské anemometrie (PDA). Cílem měření bylo stanovit a porovnat charakteristiky sprejů obou trysek. Výsledky měření mají objasnit rozdílnost chování trysek za provozu a možný dopad na proces spalování. Úvodní teoretická část pojednává o základních fyzikálních principech atomizace kapalin, konstrukci a oblasti uplatnění tlakových vířivých trysek a o principech laserových diagnostických metod použitých při experimentálním měření. Nasledující část popisuje návrh a montáž zkušební trati a dalších zařízení navržených pro experimentální měření v této práci. Experimentální část se zabývá nastavením parametrů měřícího systému a zpracováním dat. Výsledky měření zahrnují vektorová rychlostní pole, axiální rychlostní profily a distribuce velikosti kapek pro různé provozní podmínky obou trysek.

Analyse des effets acoustiques à haute fréquence/haute intensité sur l'injection coaxiale : application aux moteurs-fusées / Analysis of high-frequency/high-amplitude acoustic field effects on coaxial injection : application to liquid rocket engines

Ficuciello, Antonio 08 June 2017 (has links)
Le contexte de ce travail repose sur l'étude des instabilités de combustion au sein des moteurs-fusées à propergols liquides. Cette étude se concentre sur les effets des champs acoustiques transverses de haute amplitude sur l'injection coaxiale en conditions non-réactives. La réponse acoustique du système d'injection est dépendante des propriétés locales du champ acoustique dans la cavité d'injection. La modification du processus d'atomisation, induit par le champ acoustique, a été analysée dans des configurations simples et multiinjection. Des expériences ont été menées pour des régimes d'atomisation de faibles et hauts nombres de Weber. Trois phénomènes ont été observés: un aplatissement du jet, une amélioration du processus d'atomisation et la déviation du système liquide. La combinaison de ces trois phénomènes en configuration multi-injection résulte en un phénomène de regroupement de gouttes. En présence de combustion, un tel regroupement pourraitmener à un dégagement de chaleur non-uniforme susceptible de déclencher ou d'entretenir des instabilités de combustion. Un modèle théorique basé sur les équations d'acoustique non-linéaire a été développé pour donner les expressions générales de pression de radiation et de forces de radiations résultantes appliqué aux objets sphériques et cylindriques en champ stationnaire ou progressif. Le modèle a été utilisé pour interpréter et quantifier les observations expérimentales en configurations liquide/gaz, trans-critique/super-critique et gaz/gaz, et a permis de montrer que le nombre de Helmholtz qui caractérise le champ acoustique, et le rapport de densité qui caractérise les deux milieux, sont deux paramètres cruciaux. Les principales conclusions montrent que le phénomène observé peut être interprété comme résultant de l'acoustique non-linéaire, dont le paramètre clé étant le ratio de densité. Cela exige que la couche séparant les deux milieux, vue comme une interface, ne doive pas être réduite uniquement à une interface liquide/gaz. / The context of this work relies to high frequency combustion instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines (LRE). The present research focuses on the effects of high amplitude transverse acoustic fields on non-reactive coaxial injection. The acoustic response of injection domes is found to be dependent on the local properties of the acoustic field in the injection cavity. The modification of the atomization process, induced by the acoustic field, has been analyzed in single and multi-injection configurations. Experiments were performed from low to high Weber number atomization regimes. Three phenomena are observed: jet flattening, improvement of the atomization process and deviation. The combination of these phenomena in multi-injection configurations leads to a droplet clustering phenomenon. In the presence of combustion, such a clustering could lead to non-uniform heat release rate which can trigger or sustain combustion instabilities. A theoretical model based on non-linear acoustics has been developed, providing general expressions of radiation pressure and resulting radiation force, for spherical and cylindrical objects in standing and progressive wave field. The model has been successfully used to interpret and quantify experimental observations in liquid/gas, trans-critical/super-critical and gas/gas configurations and showed that the Helmholtz number α characterizing the acoustic field and the density ratio η characterizing the two media are two parameters of importance. The major conclusions are that the observed phenomena can be interpreted as resulting from non-linear acoustics, the key feature being the density ratio. It is claimed that the layer separating the two media, seen as an interface, does not need to be restricted only to a liquid/gas interface.

Caractérisation des jets à hautes pressions : étude expérimentale d'injections continues sub-, trans- et super-critiques / Characterization of high pressure jets : experimental study of sub-, trans- and super-critical continuous injections

Vallée, Nathalie 21 June 2018 (has links)
L'étude de l'injection d'un fluide dans des conditions de hautes pressions reste encore aujourd'hui un challenge. Lorsque la pression critique des fluides est dépassée, l'état supercritique est atteint, faisant disparaître la distinction entre liquide et gaz. Pour ces conditions extrêmes, les données expérimentales sont peu nombreuses et nécessitent d'être consolidées. Dans cette étude, un nouveau banc d'essai a été réalisé au laboratoire CORIA dans le but d'étudier des injections non-réactives d'éthane et de propane dans une atmosphère sub- et supercritique d'azote ou d'hélium. Les données ont été collectées à partir de quatre diagnostics optiques : l'ombroscopie, la DBI, la radiographie et la CBOS. Des informations qualitatives sur la topologie des jets et de leur couche de mélange sont apportées. Des mesures quantitatives de longueur de cœur dense, d'angle d'ouverture et de densité sont complétées par une étude phénoménologique à l'aide de la théorie des mélanges binaires. / Studying a fluid flow under high-pressure conditions through reliable experiments is still nowadays a challenge. When the chamber pressure exceeds the critical pressure of working fluids the supercritical state of matter is reached and the distinction between gas and liquid becomes blurred. For such special conditions, experimental data are scarce and need to be consolidated. In the present study, a new test bench has been designed at CORIA Lab to study the non-reactive injection of ethane and propane into nitrogen or helium under sub- and supercritical conditions. Experimental data are collected from four image-based techniques : shadowgraphy, diffused backlight illumination (DBI), radiography and color background oriented schlieren (CBOS). Qualitative information on topology of the jets and their mixing layer are provided. Quantitative measurements of dense core length, jet spreading angle and density field are supported by a phenomenological study based on binary mixing theory.

Etude expérimentale de l'atomisation de structures ligamentaires viscoélastiques. / Experimental study of atomization of viscoelastic ligamentary structures

Tirel, Christophe 02 April 2019 (has links)
Ce travail traite de l’atomisation des structures ligamentaires. Cette étude est focalisée sur les ligaments produits par des jets libres de solutions viscoélastiques diluées. La description multi-échelles est utilisée pour étudier les dynamiques d’amincissement de ces ligaments. La description multi-échelles d’un système liquide est initialement présentée : elle décrit le système à travers sa distribution d’échelles. Cette description est appliquée à des ensembles théoriques ainsi qu’à des systèmes modélisant les ligaments étudiés, améliorant la compréhension de cet outil de description. De nouvelles méthodes sont utilisées pour mesurer les distributions d’échelles : méthode de segmentation d’images sub-pixels et méthode de Monte-Carlo. Leur combinaison apporte une amélioration notable aux petites échelles et permettent une mesure des distributions d’échelles 3D. Ce résultat incite à revisiter les études antérieures où la description multi-échelles a été utilisée. A notre connaissance, c’est la première fois qu’une étude sur les jets libres de solutions viscoélastiques diluées est réalisée de manière statistique. L’influence de trois paramètres est étudiée : la concentration en polymère de la solution, les dimensions de la buse d’injection et le débit d’injection. Basé sur les résultats donnés par la description multi-échelles, un protocole d’identification des régimes d’amincissement des ligaments est présenté. Les caractéristiques de ces régimes sont mesurées, en particulier le temps de relaxation de la solution. Les temps mesurés sont compris entre 24 μs et 6,3 ms, ce qui est en accord avec les temps de relaxation mesurés dans la littérature pour les jets. L’approche multi-échelles confirme ici sa pertinence pour l’étude des processus d’atomisation. Les temps de relaxation mesurés présentent une forte corrélation vis-à-vis du taux de déformation subit par la solution durant l’injection. Ce résultat indique que la solution a subi une dégradation mécanique. Il convient de tenir compte de l’étape d’injection lorsque l’on souhaite atomiser de telles solutions viscoélastiques diluées. / This work concern the atomization of ligament structures. This study focuses on ligaments produced by free jets of dilute viscoelastic solutions. The multi-scale description is used to study the thinning dynamics of these ligaments. The multi-scale description of a liquid system is initially presented: it describes the system through its scale distribution. This description is applied to theoretical systems as well as to systems modelling the ligaments studied, improving the understanding of this description tool. New methods are used to measure the scale distributions: sub-pixel image segmentation method and Monte-Carlo method. Their combination provides a significant improvement at small scales and allows a measurement of 3D scale distributions. This result prompts us to revisit previous studies where the multi-scale description was used. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a study on free jets of dilute viscoelastic solutions has been carried out statistically. The influence of three parameters is studied: the polymer concentration of the solution, the dimensions of the injection nozzle and the injection flow rate. Based on the results of the multi-scale description, a protocol for identifying ligament thinning regimes is presented. The characteristics of these regimes are measured, in particular the relaxation time of the solution. The measured times are between 24 μs and 6.3 ms, which is in accordance with the relaxation times measured in the literature for jets. The multi-scale approach here confirms its relevance for the study of atomization processes. The measured relaxation times show a strong correlation with the deformation rate of the solution during injection. This result indicates that the solution has undergone mechanical degradation. The injection step should be taken into account when atomizing such dilute viscoelastic solutions.

Mechanismus atomizace vybraných hydridotvorných prvků ve vyhřívaném křemenném atomizátoru a plazmovém atomizátoru s dielektrickou bariérou / Mechanism of atomization of selected hydride forming elements in an externally heated quartz tube atomizer and a dielectric barrier discharge atomizer

Juhászová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Atomization conditions for tin hydride in the planar dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma atomizer were optimized with detection by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The effects of apparatus arrangement such as the shape of a waveform function of the high voltage power supply source, DBD atomizer design as well as presence of a dryer tube filled with NaOH pellets to prevent residual aerosol and moisture transport into the DBD were investigated in detail. The optimal experimental setup consisted of a square wave high voltage power supply source coupled to a DBD with vapor-deposited electrodes in the presence of NaOH dryer upstream the DBD atomizer. Argon was found as the best discharge gas under a flow rate of 120 mL min-1 while the DBD optimum high voltage supply rate was 7 kV. A sensitivity of 0.05 s ng-1 Sn and a limit of detection of 1.1 ng mL-1 Sn were reached under optimized conditions. Optimization of the whole experimental setup resulted in 7-fold improvement of sensitivity compared to the original arrangement consisting of a sinusoidal source coupled to a DBD atomizer with glued electrodes in absence of the dryer. Keywords atomic absorption spectrometry, hydride generation, hydride atomization, quart tube atomizer, dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)

Amélioration de la solubilité de principes actifs BCS classe 2 par obtention de dispersions solides / Solubility enhancement of poorly soluble API by solid dispersion

Nadaud, Camille 05 April 2016 (has links)
En raison de leur complexité croissante, la solubilité des nouvelles entités chimiques en milieu aqueux est de plus en plus faible. Ainsi, le développement de beaucoup de principes actifs échoue à cause d’une hydrosolubilité insuffisante. De nombreuses technologies existent pour améliorer la solubilité et/ou solubilisation de tels composés. Cette thèse est ciblée sur la formulation de dispersions solides amorphes par extrusion à chaud. En particulier, un principe actif d’intérêt industriel sera formulé en utilisant une extrudeuse bi-vis disponible sur la plateforme Gala®. Cette technologie autorise l’utilisation d’un grand nombre de matrices, ce qui peut nécessiter un grand nombre d’essais expérimentaux. Une attention particulière est donc portée à l’utilisation de méthodes prédictives de la miscibilité entre les composants qui peuvent ainsi permettre une première sélection des matrices. Sur la base de ces résultats, une étude sur le procédé de hot melt extrusion a ensuite été réalisée. / The aqueous solubility of new chemical entities is increasingly weak, due to their complex structure, and many API fail in development due to insufficient solubility. Many technologies exist to enhance the solubility and / or dissolution of such compounds in aqueous media. Among all of these methods, this thesis is focused on the formulation of amorphous solid dispersions by hot melt extrusion. A lot of matrix can be used to formulate with this technology, so few methods to estimate miscibility between API and matrices will also be presented in this thesis. Finally, a study about the hot melt extrusion process will also be presented.

Analytical and Numerical Validation of Nozzle Spray Measurement Data Obtained from a Newly Developed Production System

Seidu, Iddrisu 30 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Modification of Liquid Steel Viscosity and Surface Tension for Inert Gas Atomization of Metal Powder

Korobeinikov, Iurii, Perminov, Anton, Dubberstein, Tobias, Volkova, Olena 08 July 2024 (has links)
Inert gas atomization is one of the main sources for production of metal powder forpowder metallurgy and additive manufacturing. The obtained final powder size distribution iscontrolled by various technological parameters: gas flow rate and pressure, liquid metal flowrate, gas type, temperature of spraying, configuration of nozzles, etc. This work explores anotherdimension of the atomization process control: modifications of the liquid metal properties andtheir effect on the obtained powder size. Series of double-alloyed Cr-Mn-Ni steels with sulfur andphosphorus were atomized with argon at 1600◦C. The results indicate that surface tension andviscosity modifications lead to yielding finer powder fractions. The obtained correlation is comparedwith the individual modification of surface tension with S and Se and modification of viscosity withphosphorus. Discrepancy of the results is discussed. Additives of surfactants and viscosity modifierscan be a useful measure for powder fractions control.

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