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Adaptação cultural do Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) para o contexto da enfermagem brasileira / Cultural adaptation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) for the Brazilian Nursing contextVasconcelos, Rosane Maria Andrade 14 March 2018 (has links)
A Teoria da Liderança Autêntica baseia-se na filosofia e na psicologia, ao propor construir organizações mais autênticas, com líderes mais conscientes e relações mais transparentes e éticas. Este estudo, de delineamento metodológico, teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação cultural do Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) para a língua portuguesa no contexto da enfermagem brasileira. Esse instrumento, original em língua inglesa, possui duas versões, SELF e RATER, com o intuito de avaliar a autenticidade do líder e do liderado. O ALQ possui 16 itens distribuídos em quatro domínios: Transparência nos Relacionamentos; Perspectiva Moral e Ética; Processamento Equilibrado de Informações e Autoconsciência, com afirmações que são respondidas por uma escala Likert de zero a quatro pontos, sendo raramente/nunca (0 ponto), de vez em quando (1 ponto), às vezes (2 pontos), frequentemente (3 pontos) e muitas vezes, quase sempre (4 pontos). Assim, a pontuação varia de zero a sessenta e quatro, no qual os maiores valores refletem a maior a autenticidade do líder. O processo de adaptação seguiu todos os pressupostos necessários recomendados aos estudos metodológicos. As duas versões do questionário foram inicialmente traduzidas para o português, dando origem a duas outras versões que foram analisadas pelo comitê de juízes I, resultando na síntese da tradução de cada versão. As versões produzidas foram submetidas às retrotraduções e, posteriormente encaminhadas ao principal autor do ALQ. Ao serem acatadas as sugestões, foi realizada nova retrotradução das duas versões e, após sintetizadas, foram encaminhadas ao comitê de juízes II afim de garantir a equivalência cultural, conceitual e idiomática entre o instrumento original e o traduzido, o qual originou uma versão final para aplicação no pré-teste. Nesta etapa, foi verificada a validade de face e de conteúdo de todos os itens de ambas as versões do ALQ, por meio da aplicação da taxa de concordância de pelo menos 80% entre os participantes. Os membros do comitê de juízes I e II foram compostos por especialistas. O pré-teste foi realizado com 80 enfermeiros, sendo: 64 Assistenciais, 8 Supervisores e 7 Coordenadores de Enfermagem, atuantes em diversas clínicas de cinco hospitais de duas cidades da região Centro Oeste do país. Os dados foram coletados no período de junho a agosto de 2016. Posteriormente, um dos autores do instrumento atestou que ambas as versões foram devidamente traduzidas e adaptadas. Considerando que a validação de um instrumento é um processo acumulativo, o questionário, nas duas versões SELF e RATER, deverá ser submetido a novos estudos, no intuito de avaliar as propriedades psicométricas, a fim de disponibilizar um instrumento válido e confiável para os pesquisadores, que objetivem ter uma melhor compreensão no que se refere a autenticidade dos profissionais enfermeiros atuantes nas instituições brasileiras / The Theory of Authentic Leadership is based on philosophy and psychology as it proposes the establishment of more authentic organizations, with more conscious leaders and more transparent and ethical relations. The objective of this methodological study was to perform the cultural adaptation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) to Portuguese in the context of Brazilian Nursing. This instrument, originally written in English, has two versions, SELF and RATER: one assesses the authenticity of leaders and the other assesses the authenticity of those under leadership. ALQ has 16 items distributed into four domains: Relational Transparency; Moral Perspective and Ethics; Balanced Processing of Information; and Self-Awareness with statements answered on a four-point Likert scale: rarely/never (0 points), once in a while (1 point), sometimes (2 points), often (3 points), and very often, almost always (4 points). Hence, scores range from zero to 64; the higher the score, the more authentic a leader is. The adaptation process followed all the recommendations for methodological studies. Both versions (SELF and RATER) were initially translated to Portuguese and resulted in two other versions. An expert committee analyzed the versions and a synthesis of each version was obtained. These versions were then back translated and sent to the main author of the original ALQ. Changes were implemented according to the author\'s suggestion and the two versions were back translated once again. The syntheses were submitted to a second expert committee in order to ensure cultural, conceptual and idiomatic equivalences, resulting in the final version that was used in a pre-test. Face and content validity of all items of both versions was verified at this point by employing an inter-rater agreement of at least 80%. Both committees were composed of experts. The pre-test was applied to 80 nurses: 64 clinical nurses, eight supervisors, and seven nursing coordinators, who worked in various clinics of five hospitals located in two cities in the Midwest region of Brazil. Data were collected from June to August 2016. Afterwards, one of the instrument\'s authors certified that both versions were properly translated and adapted. Considering that the validation of an instrument is a cumulative process, the questionnaire in its two versions, SELF and RATER, should be submitted to new investigations in order to assess its psychometric properties and make available a valid and reliable instrument for researchers intending to acquire a better understanding in terms of authenticity of nurses working in Brazilian institutions
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Hur Engelskalärare använder autentiskt material under Engelsklektioner i årskurs nio / How English teachers use authentic material in the English classroom in year nineLarsson, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
BAKGRUND:Jag har skrivit om användandet av olika typer av autentiskt material som lärare i engelskaanvänder sig av i sin undervisning i årskurs nio. Detta användande av autentiskt material harjag sedan kopplat till Whole Language-teorin samt aktuell forskning om autentiskt material.SYFTE:Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka vilka autentiska material som används av aktiva lärareoch hur dessa används. Ett vidare syfte är att på en hemsida samla de tips och råd som jagerhållit för att vidarebefordra till lärare som använder autentiskt material i sinengelskundervisning.METOD:Jag har använt mig av ostrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer för att samla in data.RESULTAT:Lärarna som jag intervjuat, vilka alla var positiva till att använda autentiskt material, visadepå att en stor variation av aktiviteter med olika typer av material som användes. Gemensamtvar att autentiskt material användes för att göra undervisning mer omväxlande och roligt,vilket stämmer bra överens med huvudtankarna i Whole Language-teorin.
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Nuu-chah-nulth traditional pedagogy: shining light on authentic contemporary assessment practiceJohnsen, Kelly 05 April 2019 (has links)
Historically, the Nuu-chah-nulth People of Vancouver Island passed down knowledge and skills utilizing methods analogous with traditional Indigenous pedagogies around the world. These traditional teaching and assessment methods of the Nuu-chah-nulth have ensured the successful transfer of important physical, mental, cultural and spiritual knowledge over thousands of years. Within these pedagogies, assessment and evaluation is integral and inclusive, achieved through authentic and holistic means. Conversely, contemporary assessment in the post-secondary realm, despite endeavours to integrate formative assessment more frequently, tends toward a summative end result. The historical traditional assessment methods of the Nuu-chah-nulth exemplify holistic values and are illustrated through the concept of heshook-ish-tsawalk, or ‘everything is connected’. This dissertation argues that there are insights to be gleaned from identifying these assessment and evaluation methods, and in bringing them forward into contemporary pedagogy.
Through a series of in-depth interviews, the researcher examined the learning and teaching understandings and experiences of several Nuu-chah-nulth Elders and cultural experts. Interviews took place within the homes of the Elders, and care was taken to ensure representation across a wide range of Nuu-chah-nulth territory. Augmenting these interviews, the researcher examined translated recordings of past Nuu-chah-nulth Elders while reflecting on her personal experiences as a Nuu-chah-nulth person. These personal experiences were analyzed through a self-study style examination of her own journey through education, and her recollections of traditional and contemporary assessment practice.
Significant themes emerged from the collected data, including the overarching importance of time, relationships, echoing, and demonstration in historical Nuu-chah-nulth assessment. These themes fit naturally within a circular medicine wheel framework, which effectively illuminates the holistic and connected nature of an Indigenous pedagogy. This study concludes that these themes hold significant importance for contemporary assessment practice. / Graduate
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Assessing understanding of complex learning outcomes and real-world skills using an authentic software tool: a study from biomedical sciencesDermo, John M.S., Boyne, James R. January 2014 (has links)
No / We describe a study conducted during 2009-12 into innovative assessment practice, evaluating an assessed coursework task on a final year Medical Genetics module for Biomedical Science undergraduates. An authentic e-assessment coursework task was developed, integrating objectively marked online questions with an online DNA sequence analysis tool (BLAST), routinely used by NHS and research professionals. The aim was to combine the assessment of understanding of complex module learning outcomes with real-world authentic skills highly valued in the work place. This approach challenges the oft-heard accusation that online computer-marked tests can lack validity and authenticity in higher education. The study demonstrates the content and construct validity of this form of e-assessment, showing that careful question design, allied with integration with the real life BLAST tool, enables instructors to assess complex higher order understanding, and requires students to demonstrate skills relevant for the work place. A study of three years of test results and measures of internal consistency data also show the reliability of this assessment. In addition, the results of surveys of student opinion and positive feedback from student module feedback questionnaires suggest that it is effective in terms of face validity.
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Professional Development and Its Influence on Teacher Practice and Student AchievementPayne, Jettie Pearl 01 July 2018 (has links)
This paper examines the characteristics of effective professional development (PD). It discusses the change process in a system and how it applies to an educational setting, including teacher practice and student achievement. This study uses a survey, interviews, and student benchmark assessment data to assess the influence of PD on a district. Four main themes surfaced from the research in this study: past experiences mold beliefs and practices, coherence throughout a system clarifies expectations, individualized professional learning leads to authentic change in practice, and professional development influences the entire system.
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Review of Using Authentic Assessment in Information Literacy Programs: Tools, Techniques, StrategiesTolley, Rebecca 03 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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"It's like learning in 3D" : online project-based learning in NSW schools.Harriman, Susan Heather January 2007 (has links)
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Education. / Education in NSW reflects world-wide trends that promise changed practices through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), to assist students attain capabilities expected of an educated population in contemporary society. Most recently, the use of the Internet has become a major priority for NSW government schools, with the expectation that students will increasingly participate in online learning activities. As educators grapple to find evidence of changed practices and extended or enhanced learning experiences for students, attention has turned to new forms of activity that have emerged within the online environment. This thesis explores the implementation of online projects as one such emergent form. The study focuses on the experiences of students and the practices of classes, with a view to asking how the online projects reconstruct the learning environments and activities of classes, how they contribute to the learning achievement of students and to the effective use of Internet technologies in K-12 school settings. A collective case study approach was used to reveal multiple views of online projects implemented in five NSW schools. Particular value is attached to the viewpoints of students and to professional dialogues with teachers that contributed insights into what was occurring in the classes and what was achieved as a result. Meanings have been drawn from each case to build a better understanding of the phenomenon of online projects as a whole. The study draws on social constructivist and project-based theoretical perspectives, with their widely accepted claims to benefits for students of authentic, learner-centred, participatory learning. The thesis argues that online projects can stimulate and support learning activities that produce these known benefits, while recognising constraints that exist in every-day classes. The online projects present a disruptive force within classes, changing the nature of activities and forcing a shift in the roles of both teachers and students, and of the technology itself, making it subservient to the learning intentions. Findings for students relate both to participation and learning effects. Strength of student engagement and the value of authentic learning activities emerged as notable features of the online project experience. Rather than accepting these claims as sufficient outcome of the projects, this thesis identifies attributes that promote student engagement. It examines what constitutes authentic activity for school students, especially younger ones, and how a sense of authenticity is established in learning tasks. It particularly explores the contribution of online presentation of the projects to the benefits and constraints identified. The study has significant implications for education systems and teachers, and for the design and implementation of online projects as part an effective online learning provision for schools. In the highly conflicted area of investment in ICT and the search for purposeful learning uses of the Internet, online projects present a teaching and learning approach that can deliver some of the much-acclaimed potential – primarily because they promote changes in practice that are concerned with much more than just the use of the technology.
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What’s on your mind? Understanding the Influence of Social Media on Authentic Leadership Dimensions and Education from the Millennials’ PerspectiveBertoncini, Guia Tina, Schmalz, Maria Teresa January 2013 (has links)
Social media has paved a new way for communication and interacting with others. ’What’s on your mind?’, ’How are you feeling today?’, ’Where are you?’, ’Who are you with?’. These allusions lead back to status update questions of the largest social network to date. This thesis seeks to primarily understand, to which extent and if, social media usage influences authentic leadership dimensions and education from the millennials’ perpective. Additionally, it portrays results of an online based questionnaire conducted among students and alumni within the millennial generation.
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A close-up on closedowns : An analysis of how authentic and transformational leadership can improve employee experiences of plant closuresBoman, Anna, Sofipour, Shillan, Toremark, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Problem: The well-being and health of workers can decrease substantially when their place of work is closed down. A smooth transition and well-managed closedown process, however, has shown to ease these effects. Despite this, very little research has been conducted on how leaders can manage a closedown process well. The purpose of this thesis, therefore, was to examine whether the ‘authentic’ and ‘transformational’ forms of leadership could ease the negative experiences of employees during organisational closedowns. Method: Employee accounts of closedown processes were obtained by conducting semi-structured interviews. These were then analysed against the existing body of research on closedown processes, employee reactions to such processes and authentic and transformational leadership. Causal relationships were sought between the actions and behaviour of leaders and the reactions and experiences of employees. Findings: This study found features of authentic and/or transformational leadership in all of the employee accounts that were examined. From this data, it can be deduced that the leadership features that were found, at least partly, eased the negative experiences of employees during closedown processes. In particular, the following eight authentic and transformational leadership characteristics were shown to have eased employee perceptions of closedowns: self-awareness, relational transparency, individualised consideration, inspirational motivation, idealised influence, encouraging the heart, inspiring a shared vision and meaning through communication. Conclusion: When weighing the evidence, it can be concluded that certain aspects of the authentic and transformational leadership constructs can ease the negative experiences of employees during closedown processes. Authentic leadership features related to high relational transparency and high self-awareness were mentioned most frequently by the former employees interviewed, and can therefore be considered most important when seeking to ease employee experiences of closedown situations. With this being said, the many transformational leadership features mentioned by the interview respondents should not be disregarded. Although individual features attributable to transformational leadership were not mentioned as frequently, a greater range of such features was communicated by the respondents. It is argued, therefore, that a combination of the two concepts would be most effective when seeking to improve employee experiences and leadership during closedowns.
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Comparative study of authentic scientific research versus guided inquiry in affecting middle school students' abilities to know and do geneticsScallon, Jane Metty 16 August 2006 (has links)
This exploratory mixed methods study addressed the types of gains students made
when engaged in one of two forms of inquiry. Gains were measured on three levels:
conceptual understanding, the process of scientific investigation, and use of practical
reasoning skills. One hundred-thirty 8th grade students from a rural public school in East
Texas participated in this study. Classes of students were randomly assigned to one of
two treatment groups: guided inquiry or authentic student research learning. Non
parametric statistical analysis and constant comparative qualitative analysis were used to
triangulate pre-tests and post-tests, student journals, and student drawings to address the
research questions. Findings support greater gains in conceptual understanding of
domain specific content in a highly scaffolded guided inquiry. Further authentic
scientific research learning was more effective for developing understanding of scientific
investigation as a process and application of knowledge through practical reasoning
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