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Člověk a pohyb: status pohybů lidské existence v myšlení Jana Patočky / Human being and a movement: Status of the movements of human existence in the thinking of Jan PatočkaNováková, Alžběta January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on the evolution of Patočka's conception of movements of the human existence throughout his thoughts. My aim is to show sources of this conception, its explicite expressions and their structure and finally the meaning of this conception for the human life and its status in Patočka's whole-life philosophical project, all this by the analysis of three metodologically defined periods of Patočka's work. The inevitable past of this kind of rethinking of Patočka's conception is dealing with the question of succesion of his two great teachers, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger,and showing, that his conception of movements of the human existence can't be explained simply from the polarity of uncritical bulilding on them, neither the complete refusing them. Also I would like to show the conceptional kinship with other thinkers of western philosophical tradition, whose selection is selective, but in my opinion meaningful. I also hope, that this rethinking of the conception of movements of the human existance will show the place, which belongs to Patočka's thougt in the western philosophical tradition and, first of all, it's meaning for human life. Key words Phenomenology, movement, existence, philosophy of history, authenticity
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Folklorní mejdlo: současný folklorismus v Praze / "Folklorní mejdlo": Contemporary Folklorism in PragueHrbáčková, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
Prague as space, inside of which music of various genres is being created and performed, linked to different values, being created on foundations of distinct concepts and serving as a medium of various strategies, is characterized by fluid and difficult to grasp soundscape (Shellemay 2006). This environment allows the creation and negotiation of traditions (Glassie 1995), moving into different directions. One of them, which have a recursive character and serves its actors as the construction of meaning and carrying out sociocultural change for its actors, is connected with the concept of folklore. The presented fieldwork examines this part of contemporary Prague soundscape in the field, framed by one of the music and dance events. The regular event, named by the organizers "Folklorní mejdlo", defines itself as a connection of the world of modernity, which is currently offered in the metropolis, and the world of traditions, authenticity and folklore. The fieldwork aims its focus on the way the concepts of authenticity and legitimacy are negotiated, its assigning to individual actors and objects and generally how the actors of the event undertake the construction of folklore and how the final product looks like. This work, with its approach to music as a social act (Turino 2008) endorses the...
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Česká hiphopová subkultura: konstrukce autenticity v českém rapu / Czech Hip Hop Subculture: Construction of Authenticity in Czech Rap MusicOravcová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam ORAVCOVÁ, Anna. Česká hiphopová subkultura: konstrukce autenticity v českém rapu. Praha, 2019. 171 s. Dizertační práce (Ph.D.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických studií. Katedra sociologie. Školitelka: PhDr. Marta Kolářová, Ph.D. Abstract The dissertation focuses on the construction of authenticity in Czech rap music. It seeks to explore attributes based on which one can define a certain rap expression as the "real" one. The theoretical part includes the definition of the term subculture, main attributes of hip hop (sub)culture, and the definition of authenticity, the key concept of the dissertation. In dialogue with the findings of the hip hop studies of Western countries, this dissertation looks at the authenticity claims expressed in Czech rap music and the context and situations in which the question of authenticity of Czech rappers becomes important. The empirical part of the dissertation is based on the perspective of the insider research using a combination of qualitative methods: (1) semi structured interviews with twenty rappers (one of them female); (2) qualitative content analysis of selected rap lyrics; and (3) participant observation at different hip hop events. The research took place between 2010 and 2016. The research shows that Czech...
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Fotografie a její autenticita v kontextu debaty o šíření dezinformací v online prostředí / Photography and its authenticity in the context of the debate about disseminating disinformation in the online environmentCengrová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The submitted thesis focuses on the photograph and its role in the process of disseminating disinformation in the online environment. The thesis deals with the opinion that, despite the fundamental changes in the understanding of photography and its credibility, which together with the transition from its analogue form to digital one, photography retains the status of an authentic medium. For this reason photography is becoming a very powerful tool for spreading misinformation. The thesis deals with the theoretical basis of objectivity of photography, its documentary value and expectation of authenticity. The role of the context, which is crucial for understanding the photographic message, will be emphasized. The thesis also defines the basic concepts related to the phenomenon of disinformation. The strategies used to spread disinformation via photography is also presented. In the practical part of the thesis particular disinformative photographic messages is analyzed. Ways to verify the authenticity of particular photographic images are presented. Keywords: photography, authenticity, disinformation, hoax, fake news, online environment, manipulation
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Utajená Objektivita: Autenticita v dílech Thomase Pynchona a Paula Austera / Objectivity Disguised: Ideas of Authenticity in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon and Paul AusterTorčík, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with six texts by two of the best-known contemporary American novelists, namely Paul Auster and Thomas Pynchon. The thesis analyzes three most recent novels by each writer: Invisible, Sunset Park and 4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster and Against the Day, Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon. All six novels explore various modes of authenticity - a notion which in each author's work adopts specific mechanisms of establishing ways of existing within the world that are directed towards a critique of the forms of society that try to limit individuals, confine them to prescribed objective categories. Chapters I to IV establish one by one the primary approaches to understanding how authenticity works within individual novels. First two chapters explore Paul Auster's works, and emphasize their portrayal of change as an organizing leitmotif. Chapters III and IV deal with selected works by Thomas Pynchon and analyze their use of entropy and information overload within individual narratives. The final chapter then combines all these notions and provides a comparative analysis and a critical interpretation of all six works against a theoretical and critical framework. The thesis explores the differences between Auster's and Pynchon's approach to authenticity, notions of the subjective or the...
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Kan insikter om existentiellt engagemang ge utsikter om varumärkens värde i sammanhang? : En explorativ studie om existentiellt engagemangs påverkan på konsumenters upplevda värde av varumärken under Covid-19.Kumlin, Peter, Berglind, Edward, Holmgren, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställning: På vilket sätt kan existentiellt engagemang påverka konsumenters upplevelse av varumärkens värde? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bygga vidare på tidigare forskning om konsumenters interaktioner med varumärken. Uppsatsen ämnar implementera existentiellt engagemang som en faktor i analysen av konsumentbeteede genom att kvantifiera och operationalisera grundläggande koncept av existentialism i syfte att ge bidrag till den teoretiska utvecklingen av konsumentbeteende. Slutligen är syftet med undersökningen att explorativt generera indikativa insikter av vilken påverkan existentiellt engagemang har på konsumenters upplevda värde av varumärken. Metod: Kandidatuppsatsen är explorativ och bygger på en deduktiv forskningsansats med kvantitativ forskningsstrategi. Empiriska data har insamlats med hjälp av webbenkät via Google formulär. Slutsats: Uppsatsen genererar ett bidrag till forskningen genom att explorativt kvantifiera och operationalisera grundläggande koncept av existentialism. Spiritualitet och autenticitet har i undersökningen använts för att mäta existentiellt engagemang och de operationaliserade påståendena har visat reliabilitet. Resultatet ger indikativa svar att existentiellt engagemang positivt påverkar målorienterat värde i störst utsträckning, följt av socialorienterat värde och sedan självorienterat värde.
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Hur synen på kärlek påverkas av digital mediaForsberg, Elin, Johansson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Studiens avsikt har varit att studera en ny, indirekt, inriktning av forskningsfältet upplevelseekonomi (experience economy) som inte tidigare behandlats, till skillnad från fältets klassiska, direkta inriktning. Studien har avgränsats mot dokusåpor, då det idag kan anses vara en del av den “nya”, indirekta upplevelseekonomin i dagens post-moderna samhälle. Fältet har tidigare avsett ett direkt värdeskapande som kommit till följd av produkter och tjänster, men idag avser upplevelser även indirekta sinnesintryck som skapas av andra, exempelvis genom att titta på dokusåpor där vi upplever genom att titta på deltagarnas känslor och miljöer. Studien har försökt att studera hur denna indirekta inriktning kan påverka vår uppfattning av äkthet, det vill säga verklighets-uppfattning, när det gäller att särskilja simulationer från verklighet, även kallat hyperverklighet. Vidare har studien avsett att undersöka millennier, (de som är födda mellan år 2000 och 2010, och har haft tillgång till teknik och sociala medier allt sedan uppväxten), och hur deras uppfattningar och känslor kring kärleksrelationer påverkats av de sinnesintrycken från dokusåpornas innehåll som många gånger fokuserar på drama för att skapa underhållning (exempelvis Paradise Hotel, Love Island, Bonde söker fru, Middag med mitt ex etc.). Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen från studien är att millenniers uppfattning av kärleksrelationen kan påverkas till följd av de sinnesintryck som uppkommer vid konsumtion av dokusåpor. Studien tyder också på att tillit och externa faktorer som ekonomi och politik idag spelar lika stor roll, om inte större roll, i kärleksrelationer, än kärleken i sig. / The purpose with this study has been to examine a new, indirect alignment in the field of experience economy. The field has not previously been studied, unlike the more classical, direct approach of the field. The study has been delimited, and thus only reviews the recent phenomenon, reality shows - a phenomenon which in recent times has seemed to increase significantly and is an example of the “new”, indirect experience economy in today’s postmodern society. Previously, the field of research put its main focus on the development of products and services, but as for today experiences are created in new ways, by a different kind of stimuli. such as sensory expressions given by other people in our surroundings. The study examines how this indirect alignment can affect our perception of what is fake and what is original (authenticity), also called hyperreality. Furthermore, the study reviews how millennials’ (those who were born between 2000 – 2010, and furthermore have had access to the digital technology and social media all their life) feelings and perceptions of relationships (of love) are influenced by the consumption of reality shows whose content mostly depicts drama (for example Paradise Hotel, Love Island, Bonde söker fru and Middag med mitt ex). The main conclusion of this study is that millennials’ expectations of relationships (of love) can be affected by the sensory impressions received from other people or from the experiences received by consuming reality shows in a frequent manner. The study also indicates that trust and other external factors, such as economics or politics, as for today play a bigger role in the development of long-lasting relationships (of love). Love (expressed in feelings) itself tends to be secondary and not nearly as important.
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Wanda, Gould, and Sting: sounding, othering, and hearing early musicKjar, David Niels 18 November 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the creative work of harpsichordist Wanda Landowska, pianist Glenn Gould, and singer/songwriter Sting to address aesthetic and revivalist notions of early-music performance practice in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I accomplish this by viewing their early-music recordings through two different but interrelated lenses: sound and otherness. By closely comparing Landowska's performances to those of Gould not just in terms of choice of instruments but, more importantly, of rhythmic projection, structural articulation, and other fundamental musical choices, a definable early-music "sound" emerges that transcends the movement’s traditional borders. Early music becomes a sonically identifiable phenomenon transmitted by performers of various training, affiliations, and epochs, rather than a loosely connected politicized movement precariously perched on claims of historical (authenticity) and timbrel (period instruments) grounds. I further illuminate this sound within the context of a performed "exoticism," signified by exotic instruments, style, and attitude. In these terms, I focus on Landowska's reception in the early twentieth century, comparing it to the reception of Gould's individualized twentieth-century Bach recordings and, as a twenty-first century venture into early music, the reception of Sting's 2006 recording of Elizabethan lute songs by John Dowland. By repositioning "Early" as "Other," a more relevant framework emerges for discussing how early-music performances over time construct and reflect a sense of authenticity in the movement and, conversely, how that construct affects its performers and its public.
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On the uses and advantages of poetry for life. Reading between Heidegger and EliotGriffiths, Dominic Heath 28 February 2007 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the ontological significance of poetry in the thought of Martin Heidegger (1889 – 1976). It gives an account of both his earlier and later thinking. The central argument of the dissertation is that poetry, as conceptualised by Heidegger, is beneficial and necessary for the living of an authentic life. The poetry of T. S Eliot (1888 – 1965) features as a sustaining voice throughout the dissertation to validate Heidegger’s ideas and also to demonstrate the uncanny similarity characterising the work of the two men. Chapter one demonstrates how effectively certain concepts from Heidegger’s Being and Time can be applied in an analysis of T.S. Eliot’s celebrated poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. The reading involves concepts such as angst, authenticity, inauthenticty, the they and idle talk as they appear in Being and Time and then relates these to aspects of T.S Eliot’s poem. The chapter also enables the reader to perceive the meaning of authenticity and what the authentic life is for Heidegger. Chapter two is an exegesis of Heidegger’s essay The Origin of the Work of Art in order to understand the meaning of poetry as he describes it. The essay centres on the interpretation of a painting by Vincent van Gogh, and what the experience of the painting reveals to someone authentically engaging with the artwork. Heidegger attempts to establish what the essence of a ‘thing’ is (the artwork is a thing), for the origin of the artwork resides in its thingliness. He creates an important distinction between equipment and the artwork as well as earth and the world in order to justify the unique, originary position that the artwork occupies. This leads Heidegger to create a new understanding of poetry (which is expanded to encompass all art forms) and to emphasise the importance of the human agent in both the creation and preservation of the artwork. Chapter three is an exploration of language in both the Heidegger of Being and Time and the later Heidegger’s thought. The aim is to explore the ontological effect that Heidegger’s conception of language has for our existence. He places language within a primordial role in that it is no longer we who speak language, but language that speaks us. This conception has important consequences for our relationship with Being, and the way in which we understand our existence. Another important component of this chapter is the discussion centred on what Heidegger refers to as ‘technological enframing’ (Gestell) and how this adversely restricts the possibilities of language. Language and thought are inextricable phenomena and if their potentiality and possibility are impaired then this will have a detrimental affect on our existence. The final chapter deals with all the themes discussed and serves to unify the various elements of the dissertation into a cohesive argument. The chapter begins with a discussion on the meaning of our existence following the later Heidegger. This is nothing less than the guardianship of Being which can only be understood in its relation to our dwelling within the ‘fourfold’. The terms dwelling, the fourfold, possibility, authenticity (the context of this term has altered somewhat from its initial conception in chapter one) and measure are given special attention, and these terms are unified through Heidegger’s ‘poetic dwelling’ which comes to the fore and serves as the key concept for the chapter. Thus, it is through the measure of the language of poetry that we can realise the possibility of authentic dwelling. / Dissertation (Magister Artium (Philosophy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Philosophy / unrestricted
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The War Within: Mental Health Rhetoric in NF’s Rap LyricsArmstrong, Heidi 01 December 2019 (has links)
More celebrities have been opening up about the mental illness (MI) journey, despite its stigmatized status in society. This shift has become popular with some rap artists, including Kanye West, Logic, and NF. However, little research exists on mental health rhetoric in the rap industry. In this project, I contributed to filling this gap by looking at the lyrics of American rapper, NF. Because his music is rising popularity and heavily focused on MI experience, NF was a worthy rhetor to study. I used Fantasy Theme Analysis to discover the fantasy themes present in NF’s album The Search. These fantasy themes present bind together to create a rhetorical vision of how NF experiences an internal war because of his MI. NF’s experiences may be shared by his listeners that also deal with the complexities of MI and its associated stigma. By talking about his MI experiences openly and honestly, NF and other celebrities can use their public platform to increase feelings of belongingness and reduce feelings of self-stigma.
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