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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freeing The Resource Curse; The Economics of Natural Resource and Black Gold in sub-Saharan Africa

Quarshie, Gregory January 2014 (has links)
It is gradually becoming common knowledge that, natural resources have not been able to make positive impact on economic growth of countries. In that, countries rich in natural resources grow at a slower pace than the resource-poor countries. This occurrence is one of the reasons behind many defections and militant groups against state authority in many resource-rich countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. Using panel data from 1980 to 2010 on 34 sub- Saharan African countries, this paper examines whether institutionalised authority, which is a proxy for state authority, can change the negative relationship between natural resources and economic growth. The key finding is that, institutionalised authority can alter the negative relationship that exists between natural resources and economic growth. JEL Classification C33, O43, Q28, Q33, Q43, Keywords Natural Resources, Economic growth, Institutionalised Authority, Dutch Disease, sub-Saharan Africa

Organisation et communication interne : le cas d'un journal interne "en train de se faire" / Organization and internal communication : elaboration process of an in-house journal

Ivanov, Ivan 08 July 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d’étudier le journal interne comme discours stratégique et agent textuel en train de se faire. Elle se focalise sur son élaboration quotidienne par une multitude d’agents organisationnels et analyse les stratégies personnelles de ceux qui y contribuent. L'analyse est fondée sur une observation participante effectuée pendant deux ans au sein du service Communication d’une organisation nommée Préventika. Les données recueillies ont donné lieu à une analyse mixte (thématique et longitudinale) des onze numéros du journal interne depuis sa création. Cette recherche contribue ainsi à poursuivre les travaux scientifiques sur l’agentivité textuelle initiés par les chercheurs de l'École de Montréal dans lesquels les textes du journal interne sont vus comme des agents organisationnels capables d’agir et de faire agir, à savoir d’agir sur l’organisation qui les produit et de faire agir l’organisation et ses membres. / This research aims to better understand how organizational communication texts contribute to the setting of a strategic discourse and a textual agency by focusing on the process of elaboration of an in-house journal. Our main topics of interest are the personal strategies of those who contribute to the preparation of the in-house journal, the reasons for their day-to-day involvement and the change it brings to the working practice. Our approach is structured around participant observation within the Communication department of Préventika. Based on the data collected for a period of two years, we conduct a mixed methods analysis (thematic and longitudinal) of eleven editions of the in-house journal since its creation. This research contributes to the textual agency approach developed by The Montréal School of Organizational Communication in which the in-house journal texts are seen as agents able to act on and to make act on the organization and its members.

Réseaux d’autorité, islam, institutions politiques : Les « hommes forts » jawara de Banten (Indonésie) / Networks of authority, Islam, political institutions : The "strong men" jawara of Banten (Indonesia)

Facal, Gabriel 26 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les rapports entre réseaux d'autorité et institutions politiques dans la province de Banten en Indonésie. L'auteur examine particulièrement la position qu'occupent les « hommes forts » jawara et les chefs religieux kiai au sein de ces rapports. L'étude a pour axe de comparaison le village de Rancalame, réputé pour son école de penca, lequel se présente comme une initiation rituelle comprenant des techniques de combat et est ancré sous des formes diverses en Insulinde. Les règles ancestrales de l'école de Rancalame stipulent que les initiés doivent œuvrer pour développer l'école tout en maintenant pérennes les valeurs qui leur sont associées et forment un éthos du « jawarisme ». Les activités du village et de l'école, ainsi que les ramifications qui ont été créées à partir des années 1970 sont décrites en première partie. Cette comparaison porte sur les dynamiques internes des écoles, leur organisation en réseau, ainsi que les rapports différenciés qu'elles entretiennent avec les structures politiques. Celles-ci comprennent les institutions politiques d'État ainsi que des « groupes d'influence » situés à l'interface entre ces dernières et les réseaux d'autorité décrits précédemment. Pour comprendre les glissements repérés dans les écoles de penca, la seconde partie de la thèse est centrée sur l'évolution historique des réseaux de jawara au niveau régional. Ceci permet de cadrer leur inclusion dans les dynamiques supra-locales et de spécifier leur rôle depuis l'époque coloniale jusqu'à aujourd'hui, en passant par la période du centralisme d'État suhartoïste. / The thesis concerns the relationship between authority networks and political institutions in the province of Banten in Indonesia. The author examines particularly the position that the "strong men" jawara and the religious leaders kiai occupy within these relationships. The study has for axis of comparison the village of Rancalame, renowned for its school of penca, which appears as a ritual initiation including fighting techniques and is present in diverse forms in the Malay world. The ancestral rules of the school of Rancalame stipulate that the initiated have to work at developing the school while maintaining the values which are associated with them and form a "jawarism" ethos. The activities of the village and the school, as well as the ramifications which were created from the 1970s are described in the first part. This comparison concerns the internal dynamics of the schools, their organization in network, as well as differentiated relationships that they maintain with the political structures. These include the political State institutions as well as “groups of influence” situated in the interface between these last ones and the networks of authority described previously. To understand the transformations spotted in the schools of penca, the second part of the thesis is focused on the historic evolution of the networks of jawara at the regional level. This allows to measure their inclusion in the above local dynamics and to specify their role since the colonial period until today, going through the period of the suhartoïst centralized State.

Nedostatky postupu zadavatelů z pohledu rozhodovací praxe Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže / Deficiencies in the conduct of contracting entities from the perspective of case-law of the Office for the Protection of Competition

Černý, Lubor January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the most common and the most severe deficiencies in the conduct of the contracting authorities in the case law of the Office for the Protection of Competition and based on the data about numbers of these deficiencies in the past years and by taking into consideration the proposed legislative changes forecast the future development in the numbers and severity of the deficiencies in the conduct of the contracting authorities. In case of an adverse forecast correct aim of future legislative changes will be suggested so that the principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination would be protected and more efficient use of public funds would be ensured. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the deficiencies of the contracting authorities. Chapter One is introductory. Chapter Two describes how the case law of the Office for the Protection of Competition was researched and used in this thesis. Chapter Three briefly describes the history of the Office for the Protection of Competition as the body which supervises the adherence to the Act on Public Procurement and as such provides the main source of case law and information for this thesis. Chapter Four is divided into five parts, each devoted to on...

Daňová kontrola / Tax audit

Václavík, Petr January 2011 (has links)
59 Tax Search - English summary The aim of this work is to describe the basics of tax search of Czech tax authorities in view of new tax procedure act, and jurisdiction. In 2011 a new Tax Procedure Act has come into operation. It affects all tax procedures including tax search. It has established new principles of tax procedures, and has also included some jurisdiction. However, it has also established some new questions, that must be sold by new jurisdiction. Tax search is a specific procedure how government, using its special agencies - usually Tax Authority Offices, monitors declared taxes. Sometime tax authorities think their work is so important that there is no limitation in used tools. Then a court must say there is a limitation not only in act but also in principles of good administration. Some of these opinions were included into the new act, some were left intact since government does not agree with them. Tax search must have its goal. According to Constitutional Court a tax authority cannot start arbitrarily but there must be some suspicions, and a prove of it. Tax search alone can be separated into 3 parts - beginning, process, and conclusion. All these parts have their guidelines. Especially at the beginning tax authority can start tax search in given time of 3 years, and whole tax search must...

DNS library for a high-performance DNS server / DNS library for a high-performance DNS server

Slovák, Ľuboš January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I design and implement a high-performance library for developing authoritative name server software. The library supports all basic as well as several advanced features of the DNS protocol, such as EDNS0, DNSSEC or zone transfers. It is designed to be modular, extensible and easy to use. The library was integrated into an experimental server implementation used for testing and benchmarking. Its performance is evaluated and proved to be superior to prevalent implementations in most cases. The thesis also provides theoretic background and a deep analysis of the task together with detailed description of the implemented solutions.

Povinné zveřejňování informací / Obligatory publication of information

Michálek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Duty to Publish Information (Abstract) I chose as my topic the obligation to publish official records, its legal grounds and connections with other areas. The analysis includes practical aspects and takes into account rapid changes in technology and the much slower development of ad- ministrative law institutes. In this frame I wanted to develop a procedural plan to make the public authority fulfill its duty to publish information, using legal means. I chose as my topic the duty to publish records, since I believe it to be the easist, most economical and effective way to make public records available to the citizens. This is currently a hot political topic, since new legislatation is being prepared in this area both in the Czech Republic and in the European Union, which is a response to the rapid technological progress. Nevertheless, the jurisprudence has devoted much less attention to the obligation to publish information than to disclosing the records upon a request to an individual. The thesis is divided to introduction, theoretical part, practical part and conclusion. The theoretical part deals with both the general regulation and with selected spe- cial cases of disclosure in domestic, EU and international regulation. I analyze and structure the legal regulation of mandatory publishing of records under...

L’abbé de Cîteaux et la direction de l’ordre cistercien (1584-1651) / The Abbey of Cîteaux and the Leadership of the Cistercian Order (1584-1651)

Marceau, Bertrand 22 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte des chocs de la première modernité et de la Réforme catholique qui suit le concile de Trente (1545-1563), Cîteaux, qui est à la fois une abbaye et un chef-d'ordre, a été exemptée de la commende. Cette exemption conserve les abbés réguliers et leur permet de diriger et de réformer l'ordre en adaptant ses institutions aux exigences réformatrices. Au centre de la direction se place donc le problème complexe des rapports entre l'abbé de Cîteaux, le chapitre général, les quatre premiers pères, les abbayes-filles, et les différents pouvoirs extérieurs, à la fois religieux et politiques. L'abbé général doit diriger un ordre troublé par l'autonomie croissante des congrégations nationales et la formation de l'étroite observance. En effet, l'ordre cistercien conserve des abbayes dans toute l'Europe demeurée catholique. La crainte d'un schisme interne à l'ordre aboutit à la redéfinition des pouvoir institutionnels au profit des vicaires généraux et des présidents de congrégations. L'étude du rôle de l'abbé de Cîteaux se fait au double point de vue du pouvoir, celui de la direction et celui de la réforme de l'ordre. Le problème posé est celui de l'évolution du gouvernement abbatial, et ne se réduit pas à un prisme biographique. Métaphore de l'unité de l'ordre, l'abbé réunit en lui une autorité fonctionnelle et personnelle. Malgré les déchirements, le souhait du maintien de l'unité repose au XVIIe siècle sur la notion du bien commun à tous les fragments monastiques cisterciens : la famille autour du Novum monasterium de Cîteaux et de son père-abbé. / In the context of the clashes of the first modernity and of the Catholic Reformation after the Council of Trent (1545-1563), Cîteaux, which is both an Abbey and a chief of Order, is exempt from being hold in commendam, allowing the regular abbots to govern and reform the order while adapting its institutions to the reformative demands. Hence, at the heart of the leadership lies the complex problem of the relationship between the abbot of Cîteaux, the General Chapter, the four first fathers, the daughter-abbeys, and the various different external powers, both political and religious. The general abbot is confronted to controlling an order that is disturbed by the growing autonomy of the national Congregations and the formation of the Strict Observance. Indeed, the Cistercian Order maintains a number of abbeys throughout all parts of Europe that have remained catholic. The fear of an internal schism within the order leads to a redefinition of the institutional powers for the benefit of vicar-generals and congregation presidents. My study of the role of the abbot of Cîteaux is conducted from the dual point of view of power, that of the leadership and that of the reformation of the order. The problem that I raise is that of the evolution of the abbatial government and it cannot be restricted to a biographical prism. As a metaphor for the order's unity, the abbot gathers both a functional and a personal authority. In spite of the various rifts, the wish for maintaining unity persists in the 17th century around the notion of a common good shared by all the Cistercian monastic fragments : the family gathered around the Novum monasterium of Cîteaux and its father abbot.

Vybrané aspekty profilu zadavatele / Selected aspects of the profile of a contracting authority

Křesálek, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is an analysis of some aspects of the contracting entity profile, which we include in public procurement law. The first part is devoted to the development of the contracting authority profile from a historical perspective, from legislation Czechoslovak Republic until a valid and effective legislation, which is Act no. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, as well as an analysis of the concept contracting authority profile, it emerges from its legal definition. The second part, which can be described as its core, contains a progressive analysis of the various aspects of the contracting authority profile and its use as a legal institute in theory and practice. The thesis contains partial conclusions, references to the decisions and also the recommendations or proposals for legislation de lege ferenda.

An exploration of the impact of gifted and talented policies on inner city schools in England : a case study

Brady, Margaret January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of various ‘gifted and talented’ initiatives, brought in by successive governments in the UK since 1999. The research employs the Case Study method in an inner-city London primary school. Data gathered from semi-structured interviews with teachers, teaching assistants, pupils, parents and senior managers was analysed, using a thematic method. Documents including the School Development Plan, Ofsted reports and internal policies were also analysed, as well as lesson observations. A literature review encompassing both the history of ‘gifted and talented’ policy development and research on identifying and providing for ‘gifted and talented’ pupils revealed a notable lack of empirical research evidence as a basis for the policies. The emphasis on identifying ‘gifted and talented’ pupils in the policies, with less guidance about provision, possibly led practitioners to unfruitful and inaccurate directions. The research was contextualised by a review of the role of the Local Authority, in which the school was located, in implementing ‘gifted and talented’ policies. The importance of this diminishing role was confirmed. The challenge now is how to disseminate future initiatives, with no clear way to communicate with school leaders. The subsequent Case Study identified the strengths of the policies as raising awareness of the needs of this group of pupils, as well as finding a need for more professional development for teachers, which is unlikely to be met, since the policy was disbanded in 2011. Other findings showed that, whilst teachers have become more accepting of ‘gifted and talented’ policy, the lack of guidance about provision led to them using self-theories and professional experience to ensure ‘gifted and talented’ pupils have opportunities for challenge, with mixed success. More information, based on evidence-based research, needs to be made available to teachers to ensure they can provide effectively for this group of learners.

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