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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inter-departmental information sharing in local government authorities (LGAs) : the case of the United Kingdom

Ziaee Bigdeli, Alinaghi January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on investigating inter-departmental Electronic Information Sharing (EIS) through Inter-organisational Systems (IOS) in the context of Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in England and Wales. There is an increasing demand to involve LGA departments in sharing information electronically in order to reduce the cost of storing and managing data, increase the level of data accuracy and timeliness and improve the accountability of the authority. During the last decades, several LGAs in the United Kingdom have started to employ IOSs to support information sharing and networked collaboration within their departments in order to meet a diverse range of citizen needs including housing services, social care services and education services. However, reaching a great level of crossdepartmental collaboration is not easy and requires additional time and effort. Normative literature proposed various models and frameworks that examine various issues and factors influencing the effort of EIS in the private and public domain. However, the applicability and validity of those models in the context of LGAs is arguable. Therefore, this research proposes and validates a novel conceptual framework that can be used as a tool for decision-making while sharing information electronically. The framework consists of four main levels: (a) investigation and presentation of factors influencing Electronic Information Sharing in LGAs based on external environment, organisational capacity, technology environment, EIS characteristics and inter-departmental environment, (b) investigation and presentation of the phases that departments adopt while participating in the EIS effort, (c) mapping of the influential factors onto the participation phases and (d) prioritisation of the factors influencing EIS in LGAs in relation to different phases. By validating the conceptual framework through using a qualitative, interpretive, multiple case study research strategy, this thesis attempts to contribute to the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of inter-departmental EIS. Despite the results of the cases cannot be generalised, yetthey can allow others to relate their views with the onesreported in this thesis.

Capital requirements and bank profitability : A comparison between the large Swedish banks and niche banks

Stovrag, Arijan January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the relation of changes in capital requirements on the profitability of Swedish banks. Method: A mixed model approach is used. The quantitative approach is con-ducted through the collection and analysis of statistics from Swe-dish banks and financial institutions. The qualitative research ap-proach is used to obtain further insights into the Swedish banking system and how banks are managing capital requirements. This is conducted through interviews with respondents from a large bank, a niche bank, and the Riksbank. Analysis: The analysis is made on yearly data from 1999 to 2015. Return on equity and net interest margin are individually used as dependent variables. The independent variables are various capital ratios which are defined by the Basel framework. The results from the quantitative analysis are in line with the findings from the qualita-tive interviews. Conclusion: On one hand, capital requirement ratios seem to have a negative and statistically significant correlation with the Return on Equity for both large banks and niche banks. On the other hand, capital re-quirement ratios seem to have a positive and statistically significant correlation with the Net Interest Margin for niche banks.

Standaardisasie van Suid-Afrikaanse name in bibliografiese databasisse

05 September 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / The need for an authority list for South African names has been expressed on various occasions. The general aim with this study was to determine the reasons for this need and propose an effective solution to the problem. At the hand of a comprehensive literature study an overview was given of what authority control is, why name authority control is necessary and the problems experienced during name authority control. This literature study was done for two reasons, namely to: Use the information obtained in this way, as a basis to analyse the South African situation in regard to the standardisation of South African names. To clear up the existing, ignorance in South Africa about the nature, aim and necessity for standardisation of names. In the light of the poor quality of records imported by participating libraries into the South African cooperative databases, it was concluded that the participating libraries are not really aware of the impact the standard of their work has on resource sharing and shared cataloguing. By providing this background information an attempt is made to make libraries and information services aware of the importance of. the standardisation of names on national and international levels. With the basic information on name authority control as starting point, the South African situation was investigated with regard to standardisation of South African names. Important roleplayers were interviewed in order to determine how they go about standardising South African names and to identify the problems experienced with the standardisation of names. In order to get a better understanding of the problems the roleplayers experience, a sample of names was taken from the name authority file of the South African National Bibliography (SANB). The sample of names was identified by random sampling. The minimum size of the sample was determined by using, s statistical formula. The sample of names was analysed regarding_ variations in names, the same name for different people as well as changes in corporate names. A critical analysis of the South African situation regarding the standardisation of South African names was done, using all the information gathered. In order to find a solution to all the problems experienced, two models were proposed, namely a traditional model and a model consisting of an alphanumeric code. The two models were compared to each other in order to determine which one of the two models would be the most effective for the standardisation of South African names. In the presentation of the one model a programme was developed in order to practically demonstrate the model and to test its viability. During the comparison of the two models the ordinal and interval scales of _ measurement were used. At the hand of the results of the measurements, the most effective model for the standardisation of South African names was proposed. Thus, an answer was provided to the original problem statement namely: How can a standardised list of South African names be compiled cost-effectively in order to make names available timeously for use by libraries and information services nationally and internationally?

Coupling Targeting and Community Land Trusts: A Comprehensive Strategy for Revitalizing the Oretha Castle Haley Corridor and Central City

Leventhal, Alexis 05 August 2010 (has links)
Since Hurricane Katrina, targeting redevelopment has become the dominant municipal strategy for neighborhood and city-wide revitalization. Since 2009, this strategy has been adopted and is currently being implemented by the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority in several New Orleans neighborhoods. One such area includes the commercial corridor of the Central City neighborhood, Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard (OC Haley). This thesis describes and assesses NORA‘s strategy for revitalizing OC Haley with regards to impacts on Central City‘s economic development and affordable housing—two of the area‘s greatest challenges. Although NORA‘s targeting strategy is proving effective in many respects, it is not without its limitations including creating a gentrifying environment. To address this foreseeable impact, this thesis recommends the incorporation of a Community Land Trust (CLT) into NORA‘s Central City Strategy to aid in effectively revitalizing the neighborhood without compromising affordability.

Myndighetsutövare eller medmänniska : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevda yrkesroll

Klimczak, Gina, Nagy, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Svenska socialförvaltningar styrs kommunalt och innebär olika arbetsmetoder i olika kommuner för de anställda socialsekreterarna. Vidare tillåter det ett brett tolkningsutrymme i deras arbete med hemlösa klienter. För att uppnå ett tillfredsställande resultat i de hjälpinsatser som kan erbjudas krävs det en individanpassad bedömning utifrån de resurser som finns och ett bemötande som skiljer sig för varje enskild individ. Den höga arbetsbelastningen som är ett problem idag beror på olika saker men sju av tio socialsekreterare kan tänka sig lämna socialtjänsten. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utreda vilka förväntningar som finns på yrket samt om det finns rollkonflikter. För att undersöka detta genomfördes intervjuer med åtta socialsekreterare anställda på socialförvaltningen i Skåne län. Det insamlade materialet analyserades inom ramarna av begreppet gräsrotsbyråkrater som definierar statligt anställda myndighetsutövare och begreppet rollkonflikter som beskriver hur individer påverkas av att behöva inta olika roller. Resultatet visade att förväntningarna av det sociala arbetet inte uppfylldes men att det skiljer sig mellan att arbeta inom bostad-först metoder och traditionella handläggande socialsekreterare. / The Swedish social authorities are governed communally and means that social workers in different counties have different working methods. That also means that they have a wide interpretation in their work with homeless clients. In order to achieve a satisfying result in their assistance it requires an individualized evaluation based on the available resources and a treatment which is different for each individual. Today’s problem for socialworkers is a high workload depending on various things but seven out of ten social workers would consider leaving the social services. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expectations of the profession and whether there are role conflicts emerging. To investigate this, interviews were conducted with eight social workers employed in Skåne county, Sweden. The collected material was analyzed within the framework of the concept of street-level bureaucrats that defines state employees exercising authority and the concept of role conflicts which describes how individuals are affected by having to assume different roles. The results showed that the expectations of social work were not met but that it differs between working in the housingfirst method and traditional work of social secretary.

Three essays on the economics of image motivation / Trois essais en économie de l'image de soi

Butera, Luigi 01 July 2013 (has links)
Le premier essai utilise une expérience neuro-économique pour comparer l’effet de l’exposition sociale sur deux types de comportements pro-sociaux : faire le bien et éviter de faire le mal. Nous constatons que les gains d’image découlant des actes visibles de générosité sont calculés comme des récompenses dans les deux cas. Les décisions égoïstes sans conséquences d’images négatives sont calculées différemment : ne pas faire le bien (et économiser ainsi de l’argent) est corrélé avec les régions du cerveau liées à la récompense, alors que faire le mal (et donc gagner de l’argent) est corrélé avec les régions du cerveau liées à l’anticipation de la punition et au dégoût moral.Le deuxième essai étudie comment l’information sur la véritable efficacité des organismes de bienfaisance (et sa visibilité sociale) affecte les contributions des petits donateurs. Nous constatons que les individus ignorent les mauvaises performances des organismes de bienfaisance quand le don est couvert par l ?anonymat mais augmentent leurs contributions aux organismes de bienfaisance qui sont plus performants que prévu. Toutefois, lorsque le montant donné et l’efficacité du destinataire sont de notoriété publique, les donateurs motivés par des préoccupations d’image sociale traitent la quantité et la qualité de leurs dons comme des substituts.Le troisième essai étudie les effets du contrôle dans les relations de principal agent où les intérêts monétaires sont alignés. En comparant le contrôle direct avec des règles impersonnelles générales, nous montrons que le contrôle direct génère plus de coûts cachés du côté de l’agent que les règles impersonnelles. En même temps, les directeurs ont tendance à moins exercer leur autorité lorsque les règles sont impersonnelles, car cela les obligent à signaler leur cupidité même lorsque ce n' est pas nécessaire. / This thesis contains two essays that assess the role of social image concerns in charitable giving decisions and one essay that explores the role of authority in hierarchical relationships characterized by aligned monetary interests.The first essay uses a neuro-economic experiment to compare the effect of social exposure on two types of pro-social behaviors: doing good and avoiding doing bad. We find that image gains deriving from visible acts of generosity are computed by the brain as rewards for both decisions. Differently, selfish decisions with no negative image consequences are computed differently: not doing good (and thus saving money) correlates with reward-related regions, while doing bad (and thus earning money) correlates with regions related to punishment’s anticipation and moral disgust.The second essay studies how information about real charities’ efficiency (and its social visibility) affects small donors contributions. We find that individuals disregard bad news about their own charities when giving happens under full anonymity, but do increase their contributions to charities that perform better than expected. Differently, when both the amount donated and the efficiency of the recipient are public knowledge, donors motivated by social image concerns treat the quantity and the quality of their donations as substitutes.The third investigates the effects of control in principal-agents’ relationships where monetary interests are aligned. By comparing direct control and general impersonal rules, we show that direct monitoring generates significantly more hidden costs of control from the agent side than impersonal rules.At the same time however, principals tend to exercise their authority less when restrictions are impersonal, as these force them to signal their greed also when unnecessary.

Řízení po linii odpovědnostích středisek a jeho informační podpora / Controls after line responsibility centres and its information support

Fajtová, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
Subject of thesis is theoretical description of sphere responsibility controls and its subsequent aplication in information system Business Navigation. The first part is focused on organizational premises of qualitative responsibility controls, next instrumental and informative premises. The result of the thesis is to find out how Business Navigation System fills premises for efficient responsibility controls and to find eventual deficiencies of system.

O mundo moderno e a educação: uma reflexão acerca das contribuições de Hannah Arendt / The modern world and the education: a reflection on Hannah Arendt\'s contributions

Oliveira, Larissa Patrício Campos de 19 March 2019 (has links)
A presente dissertação visa a pesquisar o sentido atribuído pela filósofa judia de origem alemã Hannah Arendt à educação no contexto por ela analisado da crise do mundo moderno, intencionando identificar e aprofundar os conceitos centrais que embasam a autora em suas reflexões. Mergulhando na vasta produção bibliográfica de Arendt, bem como em sua própria biografia e no devastador panorama histórico do século XX ocidental que emoldura a produção de suas obras, buscamos compreender qual o significado da educação para a filósofa e os motivos pelos quais ela afirma estar esta esfera pré-política tão cara e essencial à manutenção do mundo público e comum em uma crise profunda na modernidade. A recusa dos representantes do mundo adulto, pais e professores, em assumir a sua responsabilidade face à natalidade, ao nascimento de novos seres que devem ser introduzidos e apresentados ao tesouro do conhecimento humano produzido pelas gerações anteriores e a nós legado pela tradição, leva, na perspectiva arendtiana, a um deflacionamento desastroso da espessura simbólica que outrora revestia a fala dos docentes nas salas de aula. Com a quebra da tradição na época moderna, fruto dos eventos catastróficos do século passado, e a ascensão no cotidiano escolar de modernas teorias pedagógicas pautadas na psicologia, vemos a autoridade professoral, elemento sine qua non para o ensino e para a aprendizagem, naufragar a olhos vistos. / This dissertation aims at investigating the meaning given by German-born Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt to education in the context of the modern world crisis which she analyzed, and intends to identify and further the key concepts that underpin her ideas. Poring over her vast bibliographical output as well as her personal biography, and the devastating historical scenario of the 20th century in the Western world, which frame her work, the study seeks to understand the meaning of education for the philosopher and the reasons why she states that such pre-political instance, so dear and crucial for the maintenance of the public and shared world, is in such a deep crisis in the modern world. The refusal of members of the adult world, parents and teachers, to assume their responsibility in the face of nativity, the birth of young beings that must be introduced and presented to the treasure of human knowledge produced by previous generations and which we have traditionally inherited, leads, in the authors perspective, to a disastrous deflation of the symbolic layers that once were associated with teachers discourse in the classroom. After the collapse of tradition in modern days, result of catastrophic events in the 20th century, and the rise of modern pedagogical theories based on psychology, it is noticeable that the teachers authority, a sine qua non element for teaching and learning, is rapidly disappearing.

The politics of headmanship in the Mokhokhong Valley

Devitt, Paul 08 December 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Arts, 1969.

The effectiveness of the Mining Qualifications Authority’s monitoring and evaluation system

Gamakulu, Sitembiso January 2016 (has links)
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Management (in the field of Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation) to the Faculty of Commerce, Law, and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / The South African Government set up the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) in 1996 under the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29 of 1996 to train mineworkers on health and safety issues to minimise injuries and deaths. Later the then Minister of labour reestablished the Authority as a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) in 2000 when SETAs were set up to replace the old Industry Training Boards (ITBs) (Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998). The mandate of SETAs includes providing for learnerships, internships, undergraduate bursaries, graduate development programmes, and apprenticeships. These Authorities have several challenges. These include poor governance, lack of accountability, Lack of and poor quality data, inadequate information management, and absent or ineffective monitoring and evaluation arrangements (Ministerial Task Team on Performance of SETAs, 2013). These challenges have not spared the MQA and has led to declining performance for two consecutive financial years; namely, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (MQA Annual Reports, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. However, only effective monitoring and evaluation arrangements can track and assess reliably how the Authority is performing and why. Therefore, we need to examine the Authority’s monitoring and evaluation system. To undertake this examination, the study posed two questions. To understand our research context, we reviewed literature relating to the history and description of the Authority and the establishment of the SETAs in general. We further undertook a research problem analysis to understand the history and description of monitoring and evaluation in the South African public sector. To do this, we reviewed briefly monitoring and evaluation systems of other developed and developing countries globally. From the reviewed literature, we developed a conceptual framework to guide our research in collecting, processing, and analysing of results. Relatedly, we developed an explanatory framework that helped us in interpreting our findings. Some of our findings pointed to the weaknesses of the MQA’s monitoring and evaluation system in such areas of monitoring and evaluation organisational capacity and documented monitoring and evaluation reporting processes and system. We concluded by providing some recommendations to strengthen the MQA’s monitoring and evaluation system / XL2018

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